dhs (47)

At the TSA...Your Safety is Job NONE!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

tsa-1.jpg?width=267Well now…don’t we all just feel REAL safe when we go to the airport and board a flight to somewhere?

Over the past few days, we have learned that the TSA…the Transportation Safety Administration for technical identification purposes…Touchin’ Feelin’ and Squeezin’ for reality’s sake…has FAILED on 95% of airport security tests conducted by its parent bacterial infestation…the DHS…a governmental agency that has spent tens of BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to accomplish what, exactly?

Oh, that’s right…according to the official congressional report…absolutely nothing.

And we should be surprised by the TSA’s failure in this regard?

Try sneaking too much shampoo onto your flight or get caught with something as dangerous as a nail clippers in your carry-on bag and YOU just might find yourself on the NO FLY list but…smuggle fake explosives, guns, ammo and other contraband  past airport screeners…

Excuse me sir…


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Open Letter to Congress and Media

21 April 2015

Open Letter to Congress and Media

Gentlemen, Ladies,

To whom it may concern;

Enough is really enough.

In 2013 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) posted solicitations on the government website fbo.gov for 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition.....

When Congressional members were inundated by calls and emails from Constituents – questions started being asked by Congress – but Congress accepted the excuse from DHS that this was a multi-year purchase order (which used to be illegal in government budgeting – which runs on a fiscal year) and no physical inventory of DHS was accomplished – no one ever took a look at what they had or did-not-have....

A week ago we discovered another solicitation on fbo.gov from DHS for 62 million rounds of M-16 ammunition – and today we discover ANOTHER solicitation for 95,000 rounds of hollow point Pistol ammunition!!!

Enough IS enough Gentlemen.

Someone desperately needs to defund DHS and put a stop to this. The lies have grown monstrous.

At this point they have at least enough ammunition (numbers based on US Military requirements for Iraq and Afghanistan combined) for a 30 year shooting war...

Either Congress realizes “it can't happen here” is the wrong answer – because it clearly appears to be happening here – or we all go down in flames.

This corrupt, lawless “administration” clearly does not have the best interests of the American People in mind – and appears to be readying itself for a Domestic Conflict...

What other purpose would government agencies like DHS be stocking up on ammunition is such VAST quantities?

I will accept any rational answer – I have yet to discover one...

Please keep firmly in mind – over the past few years Mr. Obama has armed every federal agency with fully automatic weapons... to include the USDA.

A couple of years ago he hired 15,000 new IRS Agents - and they were issued M-16 Rifles.

Again; there is NO rational excuse for any of this.

Gentlemen – this has gone far beyond a simple “concern” - this appears to be something else.

Something called treason. I pray you address this swiftly – because if you “wait and see” - it will be too late to stop it once it starts.


SFC (USA Retired) Aubrey Mason

San Antonio, Texas

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"DHS to intensify attacks on

freedom oriented citizens"

October 6, 2014 8:23 PM MST       
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testifies before Congress.Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testifies before Congress.Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Within the last two weeks several tips came into the Examiner indicating pending dangers to certain groups of citizens. These tips led to a source who, speaking on condition of anonymity, alleges that just after the election a major initiative will be launched against citizens whose values are diametrically opposite to that of Barack Obama and the current Washington elitist leadership in Congress. According to the source, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will greatly intensify its attacks on freedom oriented citizens.

The source indicated that the those within DHS and the rest of the Obama Administration who support a massive crackdown on the liberties of citizens are ready to make a dramatic move once the midterm elections in November are over. These particular government employees, particularly those at the top levels, believe that Christians, Tea Party participants, and those who support the Constitution and oppose Obama and his "progressive" agenda are dangerous and need to be subjected to a purge.

This purge would be in the form of prosecution through the courts. The objective would be to silence their voices and remove them from society by tossing them into prison where they could spend years and a ton of money attempting to get out of jail and defend their reputations. The "progressives" in the administration and Congress believe that the lame duck period just after the November midterm elections is the time to move swiftly to get these things done. Obama doesn't have to face reelection. And if the internal polling being done by both Democrats and Republicans is true, the Democrats will be forced into minority status in the Senate in addition to the House. Thus, in the two months after the election prior to the time when the new Congress is sworn in in January of 2015, a golden opportunity exists for the "progressive" elitist tyrants to make their move. After all, they have nothing to lose.

Although the tip concerning this information came within the last two weeks, the publication of it was on hold until more verification could be received. That verification came today in an article written by colleague David Codrea, who is the National Gun Rights Examiner.

Shortly after the election of Barack Obama, it became all too clear that DHS intended to lay the foundation for a massive purge of Christians and liberty oriented citizens. Internal memos were discovered that referred to these citizens as "potential homegrown terrorists." The objective was to crank up the propaganda machine in an effort to malign, demonize, and ruin the reputations of otherwise good citizens so that eventually it would be easier to persecute and prosecute them without running too far afield of public opinion.

In 2012 the Examiner received at least one document from DHS that listed the various categories of citizens that would be deemed as "potential homegrown terrorists." This document is one of the most important, but as you will see, it has been revised to include an apologetic to counteract the heavy criticism the report received. DHS used this report to compile its policy on "potential homegrown terrorists."

But not once was Islamic extremists mentioned. Those whom DHS mentioned specifically is very telling -- Ron Paul supporters, gun owners and gun rights activists, those who promote the Constitution as the final rule of law, U.S. war veterans returning home from overseas, those who support the right of Israel to exist, evangelical Christians and others who are pro-life and who believe the Bible and take it seriously, Tea Party activists, conservative voters who take to the streets to march or to demonstrate in opposition to high taxes, runaway government spending, Obamacare, and other programs of the "progressives" in the current administration. Michelle Malkin provided this report on the issue at the time.

So controversial were these DHS pronouncements that angry citizens began calling their elected representatives. When it became clear that this mindset at DHS may become a political liability for Democrats seeking election or reelection, the agency backed off its public statements concerning "potential homegrown terrorists." It did not help matters for the elitists that a series of high profile terrorist actions, conducted by Islamic extremists, made the news and only confirmed in the minds of most Americans that DHS had its eye on all of the wrong people. While they were watching us "conservative Christians clinging to our guns and Bibles," the Islamo-fascists were busy at work behind the scenes planning a resurgence. And now, at least half of what our men and women in the military fought for, and gave their lives for, have fallen back into the hands of Islamic extremists who behead their opposition. Not only does this denote a failed Obama foreign policy but it clearly demonstrates that the current administration does not care about the spread of extremist Islam. They had rather go after ordinary citizens who disagree with their warped view of the world.

Against that backdrop, David Codrea reports that DHS issued a report Friday that once again places the spotlight on an odd group of people to be tracking -- ordinary U.S. citizens who once again are being tarred and feathered verbally as "potential homegrown terrorists." This time, however, their specific target is U.S. gun owners, 99 percent of whom never use their firearms to commit crimes.

DHS tipped its hand when it cited as a basis for its report the discredited and dangerous Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which never saw a gun owner it did not hate nor a conservative Christian it did not view as deranged. This organization is a million times worse than anything Joe McCarthy did in the Senate in the 1950s when he warned that Communists had infiltrated the U.S. government. They had. And his charges were confirmed when the old KGB was forced to open its books after the demise of the old Soviet Union, and the new Russian president Boris Yeltsin ordered that those secret records be made public. It turns out that McCarthy was 95 percent correct. But the SPLC can claim no such accuracy. They have maligned and falsely charged a plethora of individuals as "racists" or "anti-government extremists" with absolutely no basis upon which to issue such a charge.

Codrea notes that one of the incidents that SPLC is now using to malign gun owners is the standoff at the Bundy Ranch. Not only did SPLC get many of its facts wrong but it claims that supporters of Bundy prove that they are dangerous homegrown extremists who wish to attack the government. Many gun owners went to the Bundy Ranch to provide protection for Bundy as dozens of government snipers took aim at the Bundy family, ready to blow them all away. Thus, they were there to protect a fellow citizen from government snipers who apparently were ready to initiate another Ruby Ridge or Waco.

Apparently SPLC is oblivious to the possibility that citizens can support the right of a fellow citizen to keep and bear arms and have control over his property without supporting all of that citizen's political views. Bundy's views may be problematic for many gun owners, but that does not prevent us from protecting his right to be on that property and to keep and bear arms.

In spite of its dubious agenda, SPLC was used as an important source for Friday's report issued by DHS. This does not bode well for the next step. If the anonymous source mentioned above is correct, this is all a precursor to massive government action to silence all of the administration's most effective critics.

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Friday Fume

By Craig Andresen on July 25, 2014 at 5:14 am

fume-11.jpg?width=300In a week that just defies common sense and DEFINES liberal nonsense…We find THIS little gem.


According to Yale University…an asylum of higher indoctrination… ‘Robots Helping Kids,’ will ultimately “deploy” robots into homes and schools to teach English as a second language, and encourage kids to exercise.

Says nerd Brian Scassellati of the asylum, “What we want to do is move these robots out of the laboratory and into schools and homes and clinics, places where we can directly help children on a day-to-day basis. Just like a good personal trainer, we want the robots to be able to guide the child toward a behavior that we desire.”

So…it takes a village to raise a child huh? Now it’s gonna take ROBOTS to raise a VILLAGE of IDIOTS but that’s exactly what liberals want, and as if dumbing down kids wasn’t bad enough…NOW they’re going to start turning out MIND-NUMBED CHILDREN by letting MIND-NUMBED ROBOTS TEACH THEM HOW TO BEHAVE!!!

Patriots and friends…It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

When it comes to border security…do you think that maybe…JUST MAYBE…the Obama regime has their priorities a little SCREWED UP???

Just MAYBE???

While tens of THOUSANDS of ILLEGAL ALIEN minors…INCLUDING GANG MEMBERS…pour across our southern border and get everything from FREE TRANSPORTATION to states and cities from sea to shining sea to A FREE EDUCATION without so much as a second glance…

A troop of two dozen BOY SCOUTS from IOWA had a somewhat DIFFERENT experience last week as they traveled from Canada into ALASKA!!!

That’s when one of the Scouts took a photo of the border station upon which…


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By Craig Andresen on July 15, 2014 at 4:31 am

If you are planning to board a plane anytime soon, for vacation or business, to fly to any U.S. destination, there is something very important youtsa-5.jpg?width=325 should be aware of and I mean…VERY important.

There is a good chance that there will be passengers on your flight who boarded without any identification whatsoever.

These are people granted immunity from the TSA goon squads at any U.S. airport and their free pass has been authorized by none other than the Obama regime.

While YOU, as an American citizen are NOT allowed to board WITHOUT proper indentification…OTHERS are and they are NOT U.S. citizens.

According to NBPC (National Border Protection Council) Local 2455 Spokesman Hector Garza, “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms.”

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, ILLEGAL ALIENS who have set foot in OUR country having NO documentation OR ID are being allowed to board ANY commercial flight to ANYWHERE in the country by simply showing their ‘Notice to Appear’ form at the gate.

We all know that along with Mexican and Central American ILLEGAL INVADERS we have members of Mexican drug cartels pouring across our now non existent borders. We also know that gang members from Mexico and Central American countries are escorting many of the illegal invader unaccompanied children across the border as well.

Folks…we are well aware as well that terrorists, sent from Islamic organizations are in the border crossing mix.

NONE of them are illegally INVADING our nation with ID’s or documentation.

NONE of them and yet, all they must show to board our planes at our airports is show their ‘Notice to Appear’ form. All that means is they have been ordered to appear at a deportation hearing. That’s all. And most of them will simply disperse across our nation, from sea to shining sea and take up a below the radar existence in our cities and towns.

It gets worse…


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By Craig Andresen on July 1, 2014 at 4:51 am


Someone needs to tell it like it is…may as well be me.

Yesterday, after spending the last five days being repeatedly slapped in the face with a wet Supreme Court of the United States fish, the Dictator stepped up to a Rose Garden microphone with GRUMPY the ASS CLOWN, Joe Biden, standing behind him in the lamest attempt I’ve even seen at adding some absurd sense of gravitas to his wilting poll numbers.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…pass a bill.”

That’s what the occupier of our oval office said yesterday regarding immigration reform. That is exactly what he said.

Now, let’s look to that statement without the ass hat filter and using our double top secret liberal ideology decoder ring, we can discern the real meaning of his words.

“If house Republicans are really concerned about me, taking too many executive actions…just let me have my way…officially…by passing amnesty and allowing my party to register as many illegal aliens as is humanly possible.”

Oh, he tried to spin his pleading and whining as some sort of humanitarian effort and something which would solve every problem we, as a borderless nation face…amnesty would solve unemployment…cut the national debt and I THOUGHT I heard something between the blah, blah, blah and the yada, yada, yada about how allowing our country to be overrun by law breaking pillagers would cure athletes foot too but in reality, it was little more than a pity party.

What little more it was had to do with his taking more executive actions.

Where’s that particular wet fish again…the one the SCOTUS whacked him with a few days ago? Apparently, somebody needs to take another swing and this time, with meaningful intentions.

Apparently, Boehner’s pending lawsuit holds all the impact of a trout.

The real question here is…


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By Craig Andresen on June 8, 2014 at 8:32 pm

distractor-1.jpg?width=317 Obama and his regime continue to attempt to distract us from the myriad of swirling scandals by making statements regarding the trade of terrorists for a deserter…like John Kerry’s absolutely inane utterance yesterday about the fact that putting those five terrorists back in business will put renewed targets on our military personnel’s backs; “I just think that’s a lot of baloney because, to whatever degree it may be true, they will wind up putting themselves at the mercy of those people who are very effective (at) who are there, who will deal with those guys.”

“I am not telling you that they don’t have some ability at some point to go back and get involved, but they also have an ability to get killed if they do that.”

If that’s not meant as a distraction, I don’t know what is as not even John Kerry, our defacto Sectary of State is so bone-crushingly dumb not to know that the GITMO 5 are the Taliban  equivalent to our Joint Chiefs of Staff. They’re the terrorists who strategize, plot and plan the attacks…not the terrorists who carry them out and as is always true for terrorists leaders…they don’t care who gets killed as long as it’s not them. Battlefield terrorists are nothing more than martyr fodder and the GITMO 5 are not battlefield terrorists.

We have many fish to fry when it comes to this regime and their lawlessness. Not necessarily bigger fish…just other fish.

Case in point…


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AT News Director Ed Lasky has chronicled the shameful problems with Obama administration inspector generals for years, including the political pressures put on IG's in almost every department of the administration.

A perfect illustration of this is former DHS IG Charles Edwards, who deliberately slowed investigations into wrongdoing at DHS, including the shredding of dozens of emails - an act that might send him to jail for obstruction of justice.

Washington Examiner:

The Senate subcommittee began its investigation into Edwards last year when it started looking into complaints that his investigation into the U.S. Secret Service's hiring of prostitutes during a presidential advance trip in Cartagena, Colombia, was tainted.

The subcommittee uncovered numerous allegations against Edwards — some that pertained to his Secret Service probe and many others that were completely unrelated.

The panel found strong evidence that Edwards was altering and delaying investigations and reports to please political appointees at DHS who were in a position to influence President Obama to permanently elevate him to the top post. At the time, Edwards was serving as the acting inspector general.

According to the Senate report, Edwards put three of his staff on administrative leave after they balked when he directed them to delete parts of the office's investigation into Secret Service misconduct in Colombia -- evidence that would have cast the Secret Service in a more negative light, as well as implicate a White House staffer.

A senior DHS inspector general office aide also said that Edwards ordered alterations to a March 2012 report looking into complaints that senior DHS officials intentionally misled Congress and the public about an Immigration and Customs Enforcement program called Secure Communities aimed at identifying illegal immigrants.

Throughout the Senate investigation last year, Edwards was allowed to remain as acting DHS inspector general. It was only when the Senate Homeland Security committee was set to hold a hearing on the Edwards matter in December that DHS transferred him to another division with the agency.

Beyond politicized IG's, there is also the matter of Obama's failure to name and get confirmed permanent Inspector Generals. Nine major departments. including State, do not have permanent IG's. There is also the war on inspector generals that the administration continues to wage.

The case of Gerald Walpin, IG for Americorps, is instructive:

At the time, ABC News reported that a “source familiar with the president’s thinking” said that Mr. Obama wanted to replace Mr. Walpin with “someone who could effectively provide the kind of independent oversight that the president values.” The best way to assure “independent oversight” is to remind all inspectors general that they will be axed if they embarrass the White House. A joint House-Senate investigation concluded that firing Mr. Walpin“undermines the Inspectors General Act.”

In the same month Mr. Walpin was fired, the administrationunsuccessfully sought to obliterate the independence of the special inspector general for TARP, Neil Barofsky. Some IGs who have not been fired have instead come under withering pressure. Russell George, the IG who exposed the IRS’ targeting of conservative nonprofit groups, has been hammered by Mr. Obama’s congressional allies for almost a year. The special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, John Sopko, has been harshly criticized by bureaucrats and political appointees for his forthright reports on Afghan debacles.

Read more at:  http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/05/government_ethics_attorneys_say_obamas_ig_system_is_broken.html

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Wanted to take the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently forwarded to our NM Governor Susana Martinez regarding a Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles:

Letter To Governor Martinez:

“March 29, 2014

Dear Governor Martinez,

I would be remiss if I didn’t share the following letter that I recently forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”:

Letter To Senator Heinrich:

“March 29, 2014

The Honorable Martin Heinrich

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Heinrich,

On or about March 23, 2014, I sent the following letter to you regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”:

“March 23, 2014

Dear Senator Heinrich,


Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles

As a patriotic citizen, with unwavering faith in our Creator, Whose divine hand guided our founding fathers in composing the United States Constitution, I acknowledge that many in current leadership are willfully violating their Constitutional obligations or are complicit in the actions of others infringing the Rights of the People, including, but not limited to, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, free and fair elections, right to counsel and due process of law.

Under the rights implicit in our People, as stipulated in the First Amendment, I hereby demand immediate Restoration of our Government under its intended Constitutional Principles, rule of law, freedom and personal liberty, and a return to government "of the people, for the people, by the people", free of despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.

To begin the recovery of our Rightful Government, we demand immediate, lawful, and orderly replacement of the following office holders: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder according to the process allowed and stipulated in our Constitution.


Mr. Jake Martinez”

For your information, I also sent a similar letter to NM U.S. Senator Udall and NM U.S. Representative Lujan-Grisham.

On or about March 28, 2014, I received the following letter from your office in response to my letter above:

“March 28, 2014

Dear Mr. Martinez,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the government.  I appreciate knowing your thoughts and concerns on this important issue.

To solve the problems facing our nation, I believe we must put aside our partisan bickering and focus on what matters to New Mexicans: growing the economy and making sure they get a fair shake at getting ahead.  There is a lot we need to do to build and grow the economy and restore the middle class.  But to achieve this we must find areas where Republicans and Democrats can work together for the American people.

Opposition and obstructionism, rather than deliberation and accountability, have become far too common in Congress.  Since I was sworn in as your Senator in 2013, I have witnessed unique and successful opportunities for members of the Senate to engage with one another in a significant way and to push aside partisan differences to overcome a problem.

I will continue looking for opportunities to strengthen relationships with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and to work with them to help address the issues that impact New Mexicans.

Again, thank you for contacting me.  I hope you will continue keeping me informed of the issues important to you because thoughtful, respectful discourse is the only way we can address the challenges our country faces.

Sign-up to receive email updates for the latest news on issues important to you.



United States Senator”

Senator Heinrich, although I do appreciate your speedy response to my letter, I am still extremely concerned about the direction that our country is headed, which I believe is further and further away from our “Constitutional Principles,” along with the corruption that seems to be prevalent amongst most members of Congress.  As a means of making my point I am taking the liberty of sharing the following recent articles and/or blogs and video because I believe that they meticulously lay out my concerns:

The first article and/or blog, reveals the corruption by members of Congress (both Democrat and Republican):

4063860302?profile=originalFOLLOW-UP ON OUR CORRUPT U. S. CONGRESS!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Frosty Wooldridge-On March 28, 2014:

At this time, our U.S. Congress rates a nine percent approval rating. It means nine percent of the American public registers “brain-dead.”

Those 535 members over the past 40 years deformed our nation from the largest creditor country in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world. We enjoyed less than $1 trillion in national debt to our current $18 trillion debt. That same Congress forced our young men and women into four hopeless, futile and asinine wars that killed tens of thousands of them and sent millions home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, drugs and alcoholism. Not to mention dismembered limbs.

That Congress danced to the Military Industrial Complex’s tune of contrived wars benefiting the bankers and corporations that outfitted and fed those young soldiers. Those executives made millions while our kids came home in coffins or missing arms and legs and their minds.

That same Congress turned our nation from a rich manufacturing country into a multi-trillion dollar deficit nation where we import everything we once manufactured, to today where we buy everything from China to make their citizens rich. So rich, in fact, that we owe them $1.4 trillion in trade deficits. Ironically, China now owns many U.S. corporations and buys land for its own beachhead here in America, not to mention Vancouver, BC, Canada where it displaced most of the Canadians in the past 30 years. Chinese now dominates the language in once-English speaking Vancouver, BC.

That bunch of hot shot Congressional Critters took our vibrant economy and turned it into 15 million unemployed and 48 million food stamp users. Those same reps allowed 20 million illegal alien migrants to come into our country and work for crooked employers like Chipotle’s, Marriot Hotels, Holiday Inns, McDonald’s, Hormel, Tyson Chicken, Swift, painting, landscape and construction firms at minimum wages. They and the presidents that headed this country refused to enforce our laws. That’s why you MUST press “1” for Spanish and “2” for English.

Today, we face enormous consequences from their actions. Yet, U.S. voters return 96 percent of incumbents—such as Harry Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, Hatch, McCain, Kyle, Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Levin, Udall, Bennet, Rangel, Jackson, DeGette and hundreds of other failed Congressional Critters.

So are they stupid or are they corrupt?

One reader named Brad said, “They are not necessarily stupid. It’s just that most of these psychopaths are bought. The wealthy buy their services and they get remuneration by jobs when they leave “service”, by getting to indulge in insider trading (again - was cut out, but quietly reinstated) etc.

“Just allowing insider trading makes EVERY decision with any economic consequence suspect, as they will have a vested personal income interest in helping corporations increase profits by any means. Thus the repeal of clean air and water regulations. They allow oil fracking to use 2 million gallons of water per well, pour over 530 toxic chemicals into the aquifer to poison and ruin it, and remain exempt from EPA oversight.

“Some may not be bought. Some not all the time. The sad fact is that enough ARE compromised that essentially the damages get done consistently.

“Most in office are so stupid (such as California’s Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who is also corrupt in the league with former Congressman Tom Delay of Texas) that they accept stupid, flawed societal paradigms like “what’s good for business is good for America” and we can see how well that’s working out.

“The parasitic wealthy class is stealing record profits in some of the worst working economy in history - why? Because they have the true entitlement society in which they get tax breaks, tax exemptions, no bid contracts, inflated government costs, subsidizations and most likely a ton of things we never hear about. Simply by allowing industry execs into the alphabet organizations like FDA, USDA, etc., allows them to regulate competition to a ridiculously low level, and to leverage their income, influence, and profits at everyone else’s expense.”

The greatest flaw facing all U.S. citizens remains “career politicians” that create a “good-old boy” network of cronyism and corruption.

If we citizens fail to press for a maximum of 12-year term limits, we face a downward spiral into poverty and failed government not seen since the 1930s. The majority of Congress remains corrupt. That’s why things in the USA don’t get better, but continue on the downward path.

Remember: power corrupts; long term power corrupts absolutely.

Source Link:


The second article and/or blog, reveals how ObamaCare will eventually destroy America as we know it:

4063860312?profile=originalOBAMACARE IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF A TOTAL TAKE OVER OF AMERICA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Dr. Laurie Roth-On March 28, 2014:

America must not and will not become the seduced German people in 1933. We will not stand by and watch Obama turn our country into Frankenstein’s laboratory, shredding our constitution, bill of rights and freedom as Hitler did with his country.

Tyrants and Dictators are predictably similar in how they take over. They ride in as the savior of change and hope. They offer health care, jobs for all, a refreshed national identity and protection from danger and harm….that is danger and harm they usually create to blame on enemies…..you know those groups who didn’t vote for them. The rope circles around the seduced neck of the people only after the dictator bribes his way in or gets voted in.

One thing is for sure looking at recent history. Once a socialist/communist dictator gets into power, like terminal cancer he and his administration smother and take control of every aspect of the economy, educational system, health care system and military. They shred and control media, entertainment and religion.

In 1919, Lennon wrote after his take over of Russia that the way to control a country is to first take over the industry, the land, and the banks. Lennon tricked and inspired millions and so did Hitler. These dictators didn’t come in, appearing like monsters. They were the messiahs of change and hope. Their exhaustive plans involved developing a huge and seduced ‘fan’ base at first while aggressively and quickly finding and destroying anyone against them.

Kitty Werthmann was living in Austria when Hitler took over Germany next door. She recalls how deeply depressed Austria was in 1938. Nearly one-third of their workforce was unemployed. They had 25% inflation and 25% interest rates on bank loans.

People were begging for food and bankruptcies were happening daily. Austria was in a mess so they were thrilled when Hitler promised big things and was elected in. There was no talk of persecuting or attacking the Jews. The Austrians were promised jobs, healthcare, protection and recovery.

Kitty said that after the election was over there was instantly law and order. German officials were appointed everywhere and there was dancing in the streets. Though Austria was largely a Catholic country, suddenly in schools everywhere, all Catholic symbols and crosses were taken down and pictures of Hitler were put up everywhere.

Hitler targeted and controlled education and stopped religious instruction for kids in schools. The new church for the children of Austria and Germany was still every Sunday but it now was forced attendance at the National Youth Day. The first two hours was political indoctrination every Sunday, then the rest of the day they played all kinds of sports. Naturally the equipment was free. Children went home thrilled each Sunday and were getting brainwashed. Parents had no choice but to send their children each Sunday or else be fined or taken to jail.

Hitler immediately introduced socialist health care. People were going to the hospital for everything now, lines were huge and doctors were paid a salary by the Government. The Austrians soon paid 80% of their income in taxes. Government gave loans for the newly married, and took care of everything from day care needs are to paying all College tuition.

As the noose tightened around education, religion, healthcare and enforcement, the ‘mercy killings’ started in. Kitty, then student teacher in a small village in the Alps, described 15 mentally retarded adults who were known in the community and did good manual work. One day they were rounded up and taken to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade and various skills. Their families where forced to sign papers saying that they wouldn’t visit them for 6 months. They were told that any visits could cause homesickness and disrupt the program.

The letters started arriving back to the parents after several months saying these people had died natural deaths. Of course, they all knew 15 completely healthy adults could not 6 months later have all died natural deaths. They knew they were killed. Euthanasia started to become more common as Hitler’s real world view of perfection started to come out.

Hitler’s final control step of the Germans and Austrians was Gun laws and control. He started with gun registration. Once that was done, he said that guns were causing too much crime and that it was best for all to turn in their guns. They knew that authorities already knew who owned what so they complied.

When you look at Hitler, Saul Alinsky, Stalin, Lennon, Chavez, Castro and others you see huge similarities with the strategy and world view of Obama. It is the same, promise of health care, jobs and opportunities. There is always a contrived crises or two the big Government has to magically solve, while blaming the enemies they want to create.

Obama is on the same control and dictatorship path as Hitler. First we saw the massive seduction over 15 months, now the controls and intimidation grow with his administration.

This Health care bill might as well have been Hitler’s Enabling Act of March 23rd 1933. It also shreds our constitution and forces socialized health care on the people, rationing care for the unwanted and expensive seniors as they age and forcing us all to pay for the Government slaughter of babies, abortion. This bill, run by the IRS might as well be the Nazi party, as it encourages euthanasia, abortion and rationed care as Hitler did early on in Austria and Germany.

Rep. Burgess stated the obvious about this nightmare bill when asked about the use of the ‘Commerce clause’ excusing forced mandates by the Government. In a www.CNSNews.com interview Rep. Burgess, a doctor, stated, “No, I personally do not, and I think that is exactly right. Never before in the history of this country have we had the ability to coerce American citizens to purchase something and then invoke the Commerce clause after we coerce that purchase.” He went on…..”It just flies in the face of what a free society should be, so I’m perfectly comfortable with the attorneys general bringing suit against this bill,” Yes, law suits are flying by Attorney Generals and other groups. We must stand no matter how awkward, inconvenient or expensive it is. Our freedom and country is at stake.

Obama isn’t stopping with forced Health care and the controls attached to that. He is going to manipulate votes by pushing amnesty for illegal aliens, controlling American businesses through cap and trade, then he will find a manipulative, back door way to come for our guns….most likely with a UN Treaty he is already working toward.

Obama continues to mock anyone who disagrees with him and is now, according to the Wall Street Journal, stepping up Confrontation. Obama must be voted out. I don’t see any tin helmet on my head and yes…..Obama comes from the same essence and evil as Hitler.

Source Link:


Additionally, the following recent video reveals who President Obama’s real enemy is: the military, veterans, the National Guard, and those who eschew his brand of democratic socialism. It also reveals a shocking 160-page Top Secret document that clearly describes drills that are currently going on dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group, whose stated ideology happens to match exactly with that of the Tea Party, wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami:

4063860734?profile=originalVideo: SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 26, 2014:


And finally, what follows is a link to my recent blog, which I believe will provide you with numerous other sources and/or information that further support my concerns:


I again would truly be interested in and would greatly appreciate getting your take and/or feedback regarding the extremely disturbing/shocking information that was revealed in the above articles and/or blogs and video, along with my recent blog.  

Please feel free to contact me at my email and/or home address.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding these extremely disturbing and time sensitive issues.

Thank you for your continued service to our state and our country.


Jake Martinez


Response received from Senator Heinrich’s Office regarding my above letter:

Thank You

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Please follow me on Twitter and visit myFacebook page for updates on my daily activities in the Senate and travels across New Mexico.”

End of Letter To Senator Heinrich.

Governor Martinez, I again would truly be interested in and would greatly appreciate getting your take and/or feedback regarding the extremely disturbing/shocking information that was revealed in my above letter to Senator Heinrich.

Please feel free to contact me at my email and/or home address.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding these extremely disturbing and time sensitive issues.

Thank you for your continued service to our state.


Jake Martinez

Response received from Governor Martinez regarding my above letter:

“Thank you for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with my office. A constituent service representative will be in contact with you regarding your issue.


Susana Martinez

End of Letter To Governor Martinez.

For your information, I will inform you should I happen to get a response from Governor Martinez, which I really don’t expect, but miracles do happen.

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, videos and websites relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Another top military official calls for “Second American Revolution”!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 6, 2014:

Citizens won’t leave Washington until change is made

(Tea Party) – Veterans, truckers and bikers all rallied in DC, taking a stand to restore America but after they departed the Washington establishment continued running the nation amok. According to one man he hopes an mass rally in the works for this spring will be different.

Retired US Army Col. Harry G. Riley, who runs the Patriots for America website, doesn’t have an organized sponsor for the rally. Instead, he’s calling on individual Americans. He wants them to assemble and demand America be restored to her former glory.


Riley has pledged that they will not leave Washington until they see change.

“One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office,” explained Riley in an email regarding his plan.

Riley continued:

“The senior Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives will become Speaker of the House and the U.S. House of Representatives will elect a temporary president and vice president of the United States. The U.S. Senate will take action to elect a new majority and minority leader.”

“As required, the U.S. Congress will execute appropriate legislation to convene new elections or U.S. states will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.”

With more than 34 years in the US military and multiple tours of duty worldwide, Riley received numerous honors and medals including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal and Army Achievement Medal among other honors.

Having been successful in a variety of efforts, including the 2007 Gathering of Eagles, Riley has not gone without his share of attacks from the left.

Of the upcoming spring march, Riley says:

“There is not much time and the only planning necessary is to select a starting date, which we have done, and then show up in Washington, D.C., on that date, and plan to stay for the duration. The goal is restoring the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, removing the lawless leadership.”

“Will this be a cake-walk? No, it will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured. If that’s what it will take to save our nation, do we have any choice? Freedom loving Americans will say there is no choice, we must begin the second American Revolution. Not with guns, but with millions of Americans demanding a return to constitutional government and the resignation of Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Holder as a start…then the constitutional restoration process can begin.”

Riley is urging “all organizations, groups, particularly veterans and military retirees, [to] begin planning to visit Washington, D.C., beginning May 16, 2014.”

Another military leaders, Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely has also called on millions of Americans to “stand up” to a government that is “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws.”

Vallely is also calling on Americans to march, urging a legislative “no confidence” vote in President Obama as well as Congress in addition to citizen arrests.  It was the 33 million Egyptians who rose up against their government and removed Muslim Brotherhood officials from office that gave him the inspiration.

Vallely claims that his call for a new American uprising struck a note with millions of modern tea partiers—those looking for unifying leadership.

It’s been all over Facebook, a number of websites, radio shows calling me for interviews,” Vallely said. “And the response I’ve received has been 99-percent positive.”

“I think the biggest thing is that someone is finally standing up to lead.” “We need someone to lead; we need a new George Washington,” said Vallely.

Riley expanded on his philosophy:

“Similar to our Founding Fathers, citizens and patriots in America now find themselves increasingly denied freedom and liberty from a government leadership (A new crown) that is focused on self-serving, power hungry, deception, and betrayal motivations…the ultimate goal of U.S. Constitutional destruction,” he writes. “While our Founding Fathers endured pain and suffering from the British Crown, there came a time when they declared ‘enough is enough.’ Thus, the Declaration of Independence was drafted. We should read our Declaration of Independence and note the grievances that led to the decision of ‘independence or death.’ America is under the heel of a new ‘crown,’ enduring grievances of which are not far removed from conditions our Founding Fathers experienced. The Founders moved to action. Now is the time for American patriots to move to action.”

“Underlying the plan is the invitation to “patriots” to help restore the constitutional government, rule of law, freedom and liberty” from what is described as a “despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.”

Step one is for millions of Americans to assemble peaceably and physically unarmed, showing their loyalty to the US Constitution.  The next step is for a large number of those who assemble to stay in Washington until changes that are “consistent with the Constitution” are made.

Riley said he’s never seen so much interest in such a move. “This has to be done,” he said.

“We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter, to call for a non-violent American Spring May 16, 2014, in Washington D.C. We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington, D.C., to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It’s now or never. God help us.”

He went on to say, “The Congress and the administration are just totally oblivious to the American people. They go their own way. The administration makes its own laws. They have their own Congress in the president’s staff.”

Riley’s inspiration was Georgetown University’s Jonathan Turley and his recent Congressional testimony. Turley represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war as well as workers at the top-secret Area 51 military base. He’s also served at counsel on national security cases. Turley is now saying that Obama is a danger to the US Constitution.

During a House Judiciary Committee meeting on December 4, Turley was asked by Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R. VA., “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”

Turley’s response: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”

“The Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration,” said Turley.

“There are two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress,” he said. “One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.”

Watch Vallely call for millions of Americans to march on Washington during this radio interview:


Vallely is a huge favorite among the tea party organizations seeking to bring Rule of Law back to Washington. The tea party has cited Obamacare and the more than 15 times that Obama has changed the law without Congressional involvement.

Vallely sees a vote of “no confidence” as the solution.

The founder of Stand Up America, an organization dedicated to providing education resources based on the values of the Founding Fathers said: “Clearly America has lost confidence and no longer trusts those in power at a most critical time in our history. … It is true that not all who ply the halls of power fit under that broad brush, but most of them are guilty of many egregious acts, and we say it is time to hold a vote of no confidence. It’s time for a ‘recall.’”

There are members of Congress addressing Obama’s violations of the Constitution. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-SC., has said that Obama’s actions have reached unprecedented levels and that we must do something about it.


“Assume that a statute said you had to provide two forms of ID to vote. Can the president require three forms? Can the president require one form? Can you suspend all requirements? If not, why not?” he said. “If you can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?”

Gowdy cited several instances of Obama’s usurping of power including Obama’s decision to ignore immigration law despite Congress not approving the changes. In addition, Gowdy cited the arbitrary changes to Obamacare as well as “recess appointments” of judges even though the Senate was not in recess.

Gowdy is proposing that Congress take the White House to court over Obama’s actions. A resolution that has been proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-GA., would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. Currently, the resolution has 30 co-sponsors backing it.

Because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president,” said Rice.

“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” Rice said.

Gowdy was asked by a Fox News interviewer if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.

“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”

Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute said that there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”

“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” said Cannon.

“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”

Cannon continued, saying it is “very dangerous” for President Obama to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”


Larry Klayman, former Reagan Justice Department lawyer, hopes that November 19th will rank with the 4th of July someday. Klayman called the day the start of “The Second American Revolution.”  November 19th was the day that Klayman organized a rally by “The Reclaim America Now” coalition at Lafayette Park across from the White House.

The “Reclaim America Now” coalition is composed of approximately three dozen conservative groups, including Freedom Watch, Gun Owners of America, Tea Party Patriots, 2 Million Bikers to D.C., Jihad Watch, and the Western Center for Journalism among others.

Two hundred or so people gathered at the rally where speakers called for two things: The renewal of America and the resignation of Obama.

Klayman accused Obama of tyranny while calling for peaceful change, declaring: “We the People have had enough of the corrupt and incompetent ways of the Obama administration and its bipartisan political enablers. It is time for action, not words.”

It is the hope of Riley, Vallely and many others that this coming May 16th will bring millions upon millions of Americans to DC for an American revolution that will change the course of history back to the one our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Source Link:



A Constitutional Patriot Launches Operation American Spring!-Posted on The Post & Email-BySharon Rondeau-On January 5, 2014:






MARXISM AND REDISTRIBUTION ARE HIGH TREASON!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Andrew C. Wallace
-On March 31, 2014:



OAS Weekly News: United We Stand-Divided We Fall!-Posted on Patriots for America-By Texas Rose-On March 30, 2014:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On April 6, 2014:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-HEY WE GET A PLUG IN THIS ONE!-Posted on OAS-By Pinkorchid, Senior Member-On April 6, 2014:



Operation American Spring’s Call To Action – Petition Congress for a Redress of Grievances:

It's all laid out for you folks.  Click on the below link and make our voices heard.  This is being transmitted across the nation, and only you can make it happen.  Put the link on FB, Twitter, Blogs, everywhere........we need a gigantic/massive support of this petition.

The petition will be used in conjunction with our Boots on the Ground evidence to convince Congress our right under the 1st Amendment for a response to our Demands/Grievances is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

Click on the below link and take action now.  Do it several time per day if you can...your entire family....as often as possible.

Harry Riley


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063758287?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 22)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 28, 2014:


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:



Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?



Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!



The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!



Rules of Engagement Killing Marines and U.S. Soldiers!



Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)



Request For Congressional Investigation Into Mysterious Downing of Chinook Helicopter in Afghanistan!



Price for Justice: One of many Benghazis!



Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse? (Part 5)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 27, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!



American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063862404?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


Wanted to take the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich regarding a Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles:

Letter To Senator Heinrich:

“March 29, 2014

The Honorable Martin Heinrich

United States Senate

110 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-3101

Dear Senator Heinrich,

On or about March 23, 2014, I sent the following letter to you regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”:

“March 23, 2014

Dear Senator Heinrich,


Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles

As a patriotic citizen, with unwavering faith in our Creator, Whose divine hand guided our founding fathers in composing the United States Constitution, I acknowledge that many in current leadership are willfully violating their Constitutional obligations or are complicit in the actions of others infringing the Rights of the People, including, but not limited to, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, free and fair elections, right to counsel and due process of law.

Under the rights implicit in our People, as stipulated in the First Amendment, I hereby demand immediate Restoration of our Government under its intended Constitutional Principles, rule of law, freedom and personal liberty, and a return to government "of the people, for the people, by the people", free of despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.

To begin the recovery of our Rightful Government, we demand immediate, lawful, and orderly replacement of the following office holders: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder according to the process allowed and stipulated in our Constitution.


Mr. Jake Martinez”

For your information, I also sent a similar letter to NM U.S. Senator Udall and NM U.S. Representative Lujan-Grisham.

On or about March 28, 2014, I received the following letter from your office in response to my letter above:

“March 28, 2014

Dear Mr. Martinez,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the government.  I appreciate knowing your thoughts and concerns on this important issue.

To solve the problems facing our nation, I believe we must put aside our partisan bickering and focus on what matters to New Mexicans: growing the economy and making sure they get a fair shake at getting ahead.  There is a lot we need to do to build and grow the economy and restore the middle class.  But to achieve this we must find areas where Republicans and Democrats can work together for the American people.

Opposition and obstructionism, rather than deliberation and accountability, have become far too common in Congress.  Since I was sworn in as your Senator in 2013, I have witnessed unique and successful opportunities for members of the Senate to engage with one another in a significant way and to push aside partisan differences to overcome a problem.

I will continue looking for opportunities to strengthen relationships with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and to work with them to help address the issues that impact New Mexicans.

Again, thank you for contacting me.  I hope you will continue keeping me informed of the issues important to you because thoughtful, respectful discourse is the only way we can address the challenges our country faces.

Sign-up to receive email updates for the latest news on issues important to you.



United States Senator”

Senator Heinrich, although I do appreciate your speedy response to my letter, I am still extremely concerned about the direction that our country is headed, which I believe is further and further away from our “Constitutional Principles,” along with the corruption that seems to be prevalent amongst most members of Congress.  As a means of making my point I am taking the liberty of sharing the following recent articles and/or blogs and video because I believe that they meticulously lay out my concerns:

The first article and/or blog, reveals the corruption by members of Congress (both Democrat and Republican):

4063860302?profile=originalFOLLOW-UP ON OUR CORRUPT U. S. CONGRESS!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Frosty Wooldridge-On March 28, 2014:

At this time, our U.S. Congress rates a nine percent approval rating. It means nine percent of the American public registers “brain-dead.”

Those 535 members over the past 40 years deformed our nation from the largest creditor country in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world. We enjoyed less than $1 trillion in national debt to our current $18 trillion debt. That same Congress forced our young men and women into four hopeless, futile and asinine wars that killed tens of thousands of them and sent millions home with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, drugs and alcoholism. Not to mention dismembered limbs.

That Congress danced to the Military Industrial Complex’s tune of contrived wars benefiting the bankers and corporations that outfitted and fed those young soldiers. Those executives made millions while our kids came home in coffins or missing arms and legs and their minds.

That same Congress turned our nation from a rich manufacturing country into a multi-trillion dollar deficit nation where we import everything we once manufactured, to today where we buy everything from China to make their citizens rich. So rich, in fact, that we owe them $1.4 trillion in trade deficits. Ironically, China now owns many U.S. corporations and buys land for its own beachhead here in America, not to mention Vancouver, BC, Canada where it displaced most of the Canadians in the past 30 years. Chinese now dominates the language in once-English speaking Vancouver, BC.

That bunch of hot shot Congressional Critters took our vibrant economy and turned it into 15 million unemployed and 48 million food stamp users. Those same reps allowed 20 million illegal alien migrants to come into our country and work for crooked employers like Chipotle’s, Marriot Hotels, Holiday Inns, McDonald’s, Hormel, Tyson Chicken, Swift, painting, landscape and construction firms at minimum wages. They and the presidents that headed this country refused to enforce our laws. That’s why you MUST press “1” for Spanish and “2” for English.

Today, we face enormous consequences from their actions. Yet, U.S. voters return 96 percent of incumbents—such as Harry Reid, Boxer, Feinstein, Hatch, McCain, Kyle, Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Levin, Udall, Bennet, Rangel, Jackson, DeGette and hundreds of other failed Congressional Critters.

So are they stupid or are they corrupt?

One reader named Brad said, “They are not necessarily stupid. It’s just that most of these psychopaths are bought. The wealthy buy their services and they get remuneration by jobs when they leave “service”, by getting to indulge in insider trading (again - was cut out, but quietly reinstated) etc.

“Just allowing insider trading makes EVERY decision with any economic consequence suspect, as they will have a vested personal income interest in helping corporations increase profits by any means. Thus the repeal of clean air and water regulations. They allow oil fracking to use 2 million gallons of water per well, pour over 530 toxic chemicals into the aquifer to poison and ruin it, and remain exempt from EPA oversight.

“Some may not be bought. Some not all the time. The sad fact is that enough ARE compromised that essentially the damages get done consistently.

“Most in office are so stupid (such as California’s Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who is also corrupt in the league with former Congressman Tom Delay of Texas) that they accept stupid, flawed societal paradigms like “what’s good for business is good for America” and we can see how well that’s working out.

“The parasitic wealthy class is stealing record profits in some of the worst working economy in history - why? Because they have the true entitlement society in which they get tax breaks, tax exemptions, no bid contracts, inflated government costs, subsidizations and most likely a ton of things we never hear about. Simply by allowing industry execs into the alphabet organizations like FDA, USDA, etc., allows them to regulate competition to a ridiculously low level, and to leverage their income, influence, and profits at everyone else’s expense.”

The greatest flaw facing all U.S. citizens remains “career politicians” that create a “good-old boy” network of cronyism and corruption.

If we citizens fail to press for a maximum of 12-year term limits, we face a downward spiral into poverty and failed government not seen since the 1930s. The majority of Congress remains corrupt. That’s why things in the USA don’t get better, but continue on the downward path.

Remember: power corrupts; long term power corrupts absolutely.

Source Link:


The second article and/or blog, reveals how ObamaCare will eventually destroy America as we know it:

4063860312?profile=originalOBAMACARE IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF A TOTAL TAKE OVER OF AMERICA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Dr. Laurie Roth-On March 28, 2014:

America must not and will not become the seduced German people in 1933. We will not stand by and watch Obama turn our country into Frankenstein’s laboratory, shredding our constitution, bill of rights and freedom as Hitler did with his country.

Tyrants and Dictators are predictably similar in how they take over. They ride in as the savior of change and hope. They offer health care, jobs for all, a refreshed national identity and protection from danger and harm….that is danger and harm they usually create to blame on enemies…..you know those groups who didn’t vote for them. The rope circles around the seduced neck of the people only after the dictator bribes his way in or gets voted in.

One thing is for sure looking at recent history. Once a socialist/communist dictator gets into power, like terminal cancer he and his administration smother and take control of every aspect of the economy, educational system, health care system and military. They shred and control media, entertainment and religion.

In 1919, Lennon wrote after his take over of Russia that the way to control a country is to first take over the industry, the land, and the banks. Lennon tricked and inspired millions and so did Hitler. These dictators didn’t come in, appearing like monsters. They were the messiahs of change and hope. Their exhaustive plans involved developing a huge and seduced ‘fan’ base at first while aggressively and quickly finding and destroying anyone against them.

Kitty Werthmann was living in Austria when Hitler took over Germany next door. She recalls how deeply depressed Austria was in 1938. Nearly one-third of their workforce was unemployed. They had 25% inflation and 25% interest rates on bank loans.

People were begging for food and bankruptcies were happening daily. Austria was in a mess so they were thrilled when Hitler promised big things and was elected in. There was no talk of persecuting or attacking the Jews. The Austrians were promised jobs, healthcare, protection and recovery.

Kitty said that after the election was over there was instantly law and order. German officials were appointed everywhere and there was dancing in the streets. Though Austria was largely a Catholic country, suddenly in schools everywhere, all Catholic symbols and crosses were taken down and pictures of Hitler were put up everywhere.

Hitler targeted and controlled education and stopped religious instruction for kids in schools. The new church for the children of Austria and Germany was still every Sunday but it now was forced attendance at the National Youth Day. The first two hours was political indoctrination every Sunday, then the rest of the day they played all kinds of sports. Naturally the equipment was free. Children went home thrilled each Sunday and were getting brainwashed. Parents had no choice but to send their children each Sunday or else be fined or taken to jail.

Hitler immediately introduced socialist health care. People were going to the hospital for everything now, lines were huge and doctors were paid a salary by the Government. The Austrians soon paid 80% of their income in taxes. Government gave loans for the newly married, and took care of everything from day care needs are to paying all College tuition.

As the noose tightened around education, religion, healthcare and enforcement, the ‘mercy killings’ started in. Kitty, then student teacher in a small village in the Alps, described 15 mentally retarded adults who were known in the community and did good manual work. One day they were rounded up and taken to an institution where the State Health Department would teach them a trade and various skills. Their families where forced to sign papers saying that they wouldn’t visit them for 6 months. They were told that any visits could cause homesickness and disrupt the program.

The letters started arriving back to the parents after several months saying these people had died natural deaths. Of course, they all knew 15 completely healthy adults could not 6 months later have all died natural deaths. They knew they were killed. Euthanasia started to become more common as Hitler’s real world view of perfection started to come out.

Hitler’s final control step of the Germans and Austrians was Gun laws and control. He started with gun registration. Once that was done, he said that guns were causing too much crime and that it was best for all to turn in their guns. They knew that authorities already knew who owned what so they complied.

When you look at Hitler, Saul Alinsky, Stalin, Lennon, Chavez, Castro and others you see huge similarities with the strategy and world view of Obama. It is the same, promise of health care, jobs and opportunities. There is always a contrived crises or two the big Government has to magically solve, while blaming the enemies they want to create.

Obama is on the same control and dictatorship path as Hitler. First we saw the massive seduction over 15 months, now the controls and intimidation grow with his administration.

This Health care bill might as well have been Hitler’s Enabling Act of March 23rd 1933. It also shreds our constitution and forces socialized health care on the people, rationing care for the unwanted and expensive seniors as they age and forcing us all to pay for the Government slaughter of babies, abortion. This bill, run by the IRS might as well be the Nazi party, as it encourages euthanasia, abortion and rationed care as Hitler did early on in Austria and Germany.

Rep. Burgess stated the obvious about this nightmare bill when asked about the use of the ‘Commerce clause’ excusing forced mandates by the Government. In a www.CNSNews.com interview Rep. Burgess, a doctor, stated, “No, I personally do not, and I think that is exactly right. Never before in the history of this country have we had the ability to coerce American citizens to purchase something and then invoke the Commerce clause after we coerce that purchase.” He went on…..”It just flies in the face of what a free society should be, so I’m perfectly comfortable with the attorneys general bringing suit against this bill,” Yes, law suits are flying by Attorney Generals and other groups. We must stand no matter how awkward, inconvenient or expensive it is. Our freedom and country is at stake.

Obama isn’t stopping with forced Health care and the controls attached to that. He is going to manipulate votes by pushing amnesty for illegal aliens, controlling American businesses through cap and trade, then he will find a manipulative, back door way to come for our guns….most likely with a UN Treaty he is already working toward.

Obama continues to mock anyone who disagrees with him and is now, according to the Wall Street Journal, stepping up Confrontation. Obama must be voted out. I don’t see any tin helmet on my head and yes…..Obama comes from the same essence and evil as Hitler.

Source Link:


Additionally, the following recent video reveals who President Obama’s real enemy is: the military, veterans, the National Guard, and those who eschew his brand of democratic socialism. It also reveals a shocking 160-page Top Secret document that clearly describes drills that are currently going on dubbed “Capstone Exercise 2014: Scenario Ground Truth,” whereby a fictitious anti-government group, whose stated ideology happens to match exactly with that of the Tea Party, wages a cyber attack against the U.S. government after martial law has been declared in the wake of a massive earthquake and tsunami:

4063860734?profile=originalVideo: SHOCKING Leaked DHS Drill: Military, Veterans, Capitalists Are The Enemy!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On March 26, 2014:


And finally, what follows is a link to my recent blog, which I believe will provide you with numerous other sources and/or information that further support my concerns:


I again would truly be interested in and would greatly appreciate getting your take and/or feedback regarding the extremely disturbing/shocking information that was revealed in the above articles and/or blogs and video, along with my recent blog.  

Please feel free to contact me at my email and/or home address.

I look forward to hearing from you regarding these extremely disturbing and time sensitive issues.

Thank you for your continued service to our state and our country.


Jake Martinez


Response received from Senator Heinrich’s Office regarding my above letter:

Thank You

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Please follow me on Twitter and visit my Facebook page for updates on my daily activities in the Senate and travels across New Mexico.”

End of Letter To Senator Heinrich.

For your information, I will inform you should I happen to get a response from Senator Heinrich, which I really don’t expect, but miracles do happen.

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, videos and websites relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Another top military official calls for “Second American Revolution”!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On January 6, 2014:

Citizens won’t leave Washington until change is made

(Tea Party) – Veterans, truckers and bikers all rallied in DC, taking a stand to restore America but after they departed the Washington establishment continued running the nation amok. According to one man he hopes an mass rally in the works for this spring will be different.

Retired US Army Col. Harry G. Riley, who runs the Patriots for America website, doesn’t have an organized sponsor for the rally. Instead, he’s calling on individual Americans. He wants them to assemble and demand America be restored to her former glory.


Riley has pledged that they will not leave Washington until they see change.

“One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office,” explained Riley in an email regarding his plan.

Riley continued:

“The senior Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives will become Speaker of the House and the U.S. House of Representatives will elect a temporary president and vice president of the United States. The U.S. Senate will take action to elect a new majority and minority leader.”

“As required, the U.S. Congress will execute appropriate legislation to convene new elections or U.S. states will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.”

With more than 34 years in the US military and multiple tours of duty worldwide, Riley received numerous honors and medals including the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal and Army Achievement Medal among other honors.

Having been successful in a variety of efforts, including the 2007 Gathering of Eagles, Riley has not gone without his share of attacks from the left.

Of the upcoming spring march, Riley says:

“There is not much time and the only planning necessary is to select a starting date, which we have done, and then show up in Washington, D.C., on that date, and plan to stay for the duration. The goal is restoring the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, removing the lawless leadership.”

“Will this be a cake-walk? No, it will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured. If that’s what it will take to save our nation, do we have any choice? Freedom loving Americans will say there is no choice, we must begin the second American Revolution. Not with guns, but with millions of Americans demanding a return to constitutional government and the resignation of Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Holder as a start…then the constitutional restoration process can begin.”

Riley is urging “all organizations, groups, particularly veterans and military retirees, [to] begin planning to visit Washington, D.C., beginning May 16, 2014.”

Another military leaders, Retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely has also called on millions of Americans to “stand up” to a government that is “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws.”

Vallely is also calling on Americans to march, urging a legislative “no confidence” vote in President Obama as well as Congress in addition to citizen arrests.  It was the 33 million Egyptians who rose up against their government and removed Muslim Brotherhood officials from office that gave him the inspiration.

Vallely claims that his call for a new American uprising struck a note with millions of modern tea partiers—those looking for unifying leadership.

It’s been all over Facebook, a number of websites, radio shows calling me for interviews,” Vallely said. “And the response I’ve received has been 99-percent positive.”

“I think the biggest thing is that someone is finally standing up to lead.” “We need someone to lead; we need a new George Washington,” said Vallely.

Riley expanded on his philosophy:

“Similar to our Founding Fathers, citizens and patriots in America now find themselves increasingly denied freedom and liberty from a government leadership (A new crown) that is focused on self-serving, power hungry, deception, and betrayal motivations…the ultimate goal of U.S. Constitutional destruction,” he writes. “While our Founding Fathers endured pain and suffering from the British Crown, there came a time when they declared ‘enough is enough.’ Thus, the Declaration of Independence was drafted. We should read our Declaration of Independence and note the grievances that led to the decision of ‘independence or death.’ America is under the heel of a new ‘crown,’ enduring grievances of which are not far removed from conditions our Founding Fathers experienced. The Founders moved to action. Now is the time for American patriots to move to action.”

“Underlying the plan is the invitation to “patriots” to help restore the constitutional government, rule of law, freedom and liberty” from what is described as a “despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.”

Step one is for millions of Americans to assemble peaceably and physically unarmed, showing their loyalty to the US Constitution.  The next step is for a large number of those who assemble to stay in Washington until changes that are “consistent with the Constitution” are made.

Riley said he’s never seen so much interest in such a move. “This has to be done,” he said.

“We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter, to call for a non-violent American Spring May 16, 2014, in Washington D.C. We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington, D.C., to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It’s now or never. God help us.”

He went on to say, “The Congress and the administration are just totally oblivious to the American people. They go their own way. The administration makes its own laws. They have their own Congress in the president’s staff.”

Riley’s inspiration was Georgetown University’s Jonathan Turley and his recent Congressional testimony. Turley represented members of Congress in a lawsuit over the Libyan war as well as workers at the top-secret Area 51 military base. He’s also served at counsel on national security cases. Turley is now saying that Obama is a danger to the US Constitution.

During a House Judiciary Committee meeting on December 4, Turley was asked by Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R. VA., “Professor Turley, the Constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It’s about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president’s unilateral modification of act[s] of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?”

Turley’s response: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power.”

“The Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration,” said Turley.

“There are two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress,” he said. “One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.”

Watch Vallely call for millions of Americans to march on Washington during this radio interview:


Vallely is a huge favorite among the tea party organizations seeking to bring Rule of Law back to Washington. The tea party has cited Obamacare and the more than 15 times that Obama has changed the law without Congressional involvement.

Vallely sees a vote of “no confidence” as the solution.

The founder of Stand Up America, an organization dedicated to providing education resources based on the values of the Founding Fathers said: “Clearly America has lost confidence and no longer trusts those in power at a most critical time in our history. … It is true that not all who ply the halls of power fit under that broad brush, but most of them are guilty of many egregious acts, and we say it is time to hold a vote of no confidence. It’s time for a ‘recall.’”

There are members of Congress addressing Obama’s violations of the Constitution. Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-SC., has said that Obama’s actions have reached unprecedented levels and that we must do something about it.


“Assume that a statute said you had to provide two forms of ID to vote. Can the president require three forms? Can the president require one form? Can you suspend all requirements? If not, why not?” he said. “If you can turn off certain categories of law, do you not also have the power to turn off all categories of law?”

Gowdy cited several instances of Obama’s usurping of power including Obama’s decision to ignore immigration law despite Congress not approving the changes. In addition, Gowdy cited the arbitrary changes to Obamacare as well as “recess appointments” of judges even though the Senate was not in recess.

Gowdy is proposing that Congress take the White House to court over Obama’s actions. A resolution that has been proposed by Rep. Tom Rice, R-GA., would authorize the House to sue the Obama administration. Currently, the resolution has 30 co-sponsors backing it.

Because of “this disregard of our country’s checks and balances, many of you have asked me to bring legal action against the president,” said Rice.

“After carefully researching the standing the House of Representatives has and what action we can take, I have introduced a resolution to stop the president’s clear overreach,” Rice said.

Gowdy was asked by a Fox News interviewer if Obama could refuse to enforce election laws.

“Why not?” asked Gowdy, “If you can turn off immigration laws, if you can turn off the mandatory minimum in our drug statutes, if you can turn off the so-called Affordable Care Act – why not election laws?”

Michael Cannon, director of Health Policy Studies for the Cato Institute said that there is “one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the Constitution places of the government.”

“Abraham Lincoln talked about our right to alter our government or our revolutionary right to overthrow it,” said Cannon.

“That is certainly something that no one wants to contemplate. If the people come to believe that the government is no longer constrained by the laws, then they will conclude that neither are they.”

Cannon continued, saying it is “very dangerous” for President Obama to “wantonly ignore the laws, to try to impose obligations upon people that the legislature did not approve.”


Larry Klayman, former Reagan Justice Department lawyer, hopes that November 19th will rank with the 4th of July someday. Klayman called the day the start of “The Second American Revolution.”  November 19th was the day that Klayman organized a rally by “The Reclaim America Now” coalition at Lafayette Park across from the White House.

The “Reclaim America Now” coalition is composed of approximately three dozen conservative groups, including Freedom Watch, Gun Owners of America, Tea Party Patriots, 2 Million Bikers to D.C., Jihad Watch, and the Western Center for Journalism among others.

Two hundred or so people gathered at the rally where speakers called for two things: The renewal of America and the resignation of Obama.

Klayman accused Obama of tyranny while calling for peaceful change, declaring: “We the People have had enough of the corrupt and incompetent ways of the Obama administration and its bipartisan political enablers. It is time for action, not words.”

It is the hope of Riley, Vallely and many others that this coming May 16th will bring millions upon millions of Americans to DC for an American revolution that will change the course of history back to the one our Founding Fathers envisioned.

Source Link:



A Constitutional Patriot Launches Operation American Spring!-Posted on The Post & Email-BySharon Rondeau-On January 5, 2014:






MARXISM AND REDISTRIBUTION ARE HIGH TREASON!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Andrew C. Wallace
-On March 31, 2014:



OAS Weekly News: United We Stand-Divided We Fall!-Posted on Patriots for America-By Texas Rose-On March 30, 2014:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On April 6, 2014:



Regime Change America – Propaganda Or Truth?-HEY WE GET A PLUG IN THIS ONE!-Posted on OAS-By Pinkorchid, Senior Member-On April 6, 2014:



Operation American Spring’s Call To Action – Petition Congress for a Redress of Grievances:

It's all laid out for you folks.  Click on the below link and make our voices heard.  This is being transmitted across the nation, and only you can make it happen.  Put the link on FB, Twitter, Blogs, everywhere........we need a gigantic/massive support of this petition.

The petition will be used in conjunction with our Boots on the Ground evidence to convince Congress our right under the 1st Amendment for a response to our Demands/Grievances is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

Click on the below link and take action now.  Do it several time per day if you can...your entire family....as often as possible.

Harry Riley


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063784434?profile=originalLetter to our NM Governor Martinez regarding a “Petition for Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 29, 2014:


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 22)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 28, 2014:


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:



Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?



Veterans and members of our Armed Forces under attack!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!



The Military Pays the Price for Obama’s Agenda!



Rules of Engagement Killing Marines and U.S. Soldiers!



Is the Obama Regime Targeting Veterans? (Part 1)



Request For Congressional Investigation Into Mysterious Downing of Chinook Helicopter in Afghanistan!



Price for Justice: One of many Benghazis!



Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse? (Part 5)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 27, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063422809?profile=originalIt’s Getting Very Serious Now!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2014:



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!



American Flag Clothing Sparks New Protest!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?



Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063862026?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


Could this be the economic collapse and war that were not bred out of incompetence, but by design?-You Decide:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 4 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 4)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 16, 2014:


Economic Collapse By Design:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


39th banker dead in 13 months, third this year!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Shepard Ambellas-On January 28, 2015:


4063858757?profile=originalDead Deutsche Bank-er Explains Why He Committed Suicide!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On March 26, 2014:

(Before It’s News)

As the title of this story clearly shows with its grammatical and temporal errors, the Deutsche Bank is now attempting to ‘explain’ why one of its top bankers has taken his own life in, ‘sort of’, his own words. With many Americans speculating that these dead bankers were victims of murder or their own consciences, we learn here that maybe these ‘suicide bankers’ may have had consciences after all. The video report below shares Douglas Hagmann’s own inside info on the rapidly growing trail of dead bankers.

The WSJ reports we now know why this poor man felt compelled to take his own life: he was “anxious about various authorities investigating areas of the bank where he worked”.

Via WSJ,

While a Deutsche Bank spokeswoman said Tuesday that “Bill was not under suspicion of wrongdoing in any matter,” according to statements read at a coroner’s inquest in London, the former senior executive at Deutsche Bank, who committed suicide in late January, was concerned about investigations into the German bank.

William Broeksmit, an executive who worked in the bank’s risk function and advised the firm’s senior leadership, was “anxious about various authorities investigating areas of the bank where he worked,” according to written evidence from his psychologist, given Tuesday at an inquest at London’s Royal Courts of Justice.

A close colleague of Deutsche Bank co-Chief Executive Anshu Jain, Mr. Broeksmit was expected to be appointed the bank’s chief risk officer in 2012, but the move was vetoed by BaFin, the German financial regulator, because of a lack of suitable experience, people familiar with the matter said at the time.

Ms. Wilcox, citing written medical evidence from Mr. Broeksmit’s doctor and psychologist, said the executive was sleeping badly during the summer of 2013, and his “self-esteem had been greatly undermined.” He was also trying to stop smoking cigars and his alcohol intake was high, according to a medical report.


Video: Dead Bankers by Doug Hagmann!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Patrick Murphy-On March 17, 2014:


Source Link:



Video: Another One Bites The Dust! 13th Official Banker Death Reported, JPMorgan Attorney!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On March 27, 2014:



Video: Steve Quayle And ‘V’ – ‘Desperate People Do Stupid Things’ – Ukraine, End Of The Dollar, Kingdom Of Lies And Scripted Events!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On March 25, 2014:

(Before It’s News)

Monday’s Hagmann and Hagmann show with guests Steve Quayle and “V” The Guerrilla Economist is perhaps the most important piece of work done to date in connecting the dots regarding the scripted current events we are seeing play out on the world stage today. From the mysterious amount of banker “suicides” to Ukraine, all circling back to the death of the dollar.


There is much, much more and in order to grasp the enormity of the situation, of what we are all watching in these scripted events, listen to the whole show below.


Video: Steve Quayle and V on Hagmann. Kingdom of Lies. End of the Dollar!


-   Susan Duclos owns/writes Wake up America

Source Link:



Video: Steve Quayle and V on Hagmann Banker Suicides Major Sign We are Close to the End!-Posted on YouTube.com-By csrivers-On February 18, 2014:



Insider Selling Reaches 25-year High as Smart Money Dumps Stocks Before The Coming Crash!-Posted on NewsWatch-On March 18, 2014:



Is the NSA manipulating the stock market?-Posted on Jon Rappoport’s Blog-By Jon Rappoport-On March 20, 2014:


4063748294?profile=originalEPA Using Satellites, Drones to Fine, Bankrupt Citizens!-Posted on Big Government-By ROBERT WILDE-On March 22, 2014:



OBAMA SECRETLY NEGOTIATING AWAY U.S. SOVEREIGNTY: ‘2-pronged assault on economy, consumer rights, domestic law’!-Posted on WND.com-By AARON KLEIN-On March 25, 2014:



The Real Vampires: An Insider’s View of Banks!-Posted on VT News-By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall-On March 26, 2014:



IMF Bailout for Ukraine and a New World Currency!-Posted on The New American-By Alex Newman-On May 7, 2014:



China And Putin May Have Just Screwed America’s Future, And Your Retirement With It!-Posted on Western Journalism-By L. Todd Wood-On May 22, 2014:


War By Design:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063858851?profile=originalNEO – Ukraine: International Law for the Lawless!-Posted on VT News-By Jim W. Dean-On March 23, 2014:

[ Editor’s note:  Seth Ferris gives us a breath-catching look back on some of the Ukraine events with a long needed look at the chaos of legal versus illegal claims being made in the 21rst century, despite all of the international organizations, treaties and case law we have behind us.

Are opposing powers taking advantage of loop holes left in past agreements to give themselves the wiggle room needed to join with them in the first place? And if so, what the hell good are they to the rest of us?

And if one of the signers who has a lot of military power decides they want to reinterpret what the agreements mean... what options do we have in terms of putting their feet to the fire for gaming the system?

Israel comes to mind as one glaring example of ignoring any international jurisprudence whatsoever, even though it has used courts around the world to extort WWII reparations from innocent contemporary victims while refusing to admit themselves as the new primo victimizer. Are the Zios not the “gold standard” for that peculiarity?

We know they rent out their Congressional whores to cash paying customers to get anything they want done on Capitol Hill. Is that not what the US and EU have done to Ukraine, with what has turned into a three ring circus of pathological lying without a diplomatic suicide to date over the embarrassment to the rest of us?

If our top elected leaderships cannot be trusted to present to their own publics what their real intentions and methods will be for pursuing objectives, simply classifying them to remove any public scrutiny, then how long are we going to wait to reinvent new governmental systems, which the last ten years have taught us we so desperately need? ...Jim W. Dean ]

-  First published  March 20, 2014  -

“The doctrine of justifiable war assumes a presumption against war —war should not be launched unless all the criteria are met (jus ad bellum), the war will be fought in a moral way (jus in bello), and it will be ended in a moral way (jus post bellum).”

New Reality on Global Stage

In the post-George W. Bush period, wars no longer meet the three criteria set out above. Too often they serve private interests and not public ones. Already 300 US-paid mercenaries from the former Blackwater/XE/Greystone Limited, a subsidiary of Vehicle Services Company LLC, are in Ukraine providing illegal “non-state” military support to the thousands of mercenaries already in the country. 

The arms they are using are also supplied by arms dealers who are significant contributors to US domestic political campaigns.

What is happening in Ukraine is not right against wrong, good versus evil, cops versus robbers. It is therefore little wonder that Russia views the overthrow of President Yanukovych’s democratically elected government as having been masterminded by the West and led by the US.

But as usual, the West is not talking about the mercenaries and arms dealers and what their agendas are. It is seeking to claim the moral high ground in its actions, justifying everything by grand principle, rather than any of the other things which lie behind any action, taken by anyone, in any area of life.

This battle for moral advantage, and the claims that every action the West takes in Ukraine is justified, and any opponents’ actions are illegal, will only hinder resolution of the conflict, as bombs and bullets kill no matter who uses them and why. Therefore it is important to examine the assumptions which lie behind the Western position, in order to see what is really happening on our TV screens every day.

The Situation on the Ground

It is now being widely reported that radical Jew-bashing is taking place in Ukraine and ultra-nationalist anti-Semitic groups have seized control of the government. Nearly 100 people have been killed in Kiev, and among more recent attacks a 22-year-old man was stabbed to death in clashes in Donetsk between pro-Russian protesters and a crowd favoring European integration and denouncing Russian forces in supporting Crimea.

While such problems are not unknown in civil conflict situations, they are being justified in the West as an acceptable price to pay for removing the elected government and replacing it with one more in line with Western thinking.

After all, Ukrainians are too obtuse to have democratic rights, in the eyes of the West. After supporting the Orange Revolution, ostensibly a popular uprising against Yanukovych, they resoundingly rejected the government installed then and turned to Yanukovych at the polls. If a few hundred have to die now to correct the people’s stupidity, so be it, the West is arguing.

But it is being strung up by its own argument. Anatol Lieven, expert on the Chechen War and author of “Ukraine and Russia: A Fraternal Rivalry” explains:

“Western governments, too, have put themselves in an extremely dangerous position. They have acquiesced to the overthrow of an elected government by ultra-nationalist militias, which have also chased away a large part of the elected parliament.

The West has stood by in silence while the rump parliament in Kiev has voted to abolish the official status of Russian and other minority languages and members of the new government threatened publicly to ban the main parties which supported Yanukovych – who was democratically elected – an effort which would effectively disenfranchise around a third of the population.”

In the light of all this, we may well ask if what the principles the Ukraine conflict is supposed to be about – self-determination, democracy, human rights – are actually anything to do with it. The answer is more sinister than anything implied by the question.

Right to Protect Doctrine

The West has no position without basis in moral authority. However, their claim to have it does not wash in this particular case.

For example, a fuss is being made of Russia’s Right to Protect doctrine. Western commentaries imply that this is a uniquely Russian phenomenon. However, all countries have the same doctrine in one form or another, and recognize a duty to protect their own nationals wherever they may be.

This is one of the reasons countries have embassies and consulates, and a Russian Embassy in Ukraine would hardly be able to help its citizens in the present situation without military support, even if it were allowed to do so.

The military intervention aspect to Russia’s Right to Protect Doctrine is criticized as being threatening or unnecessary. If misapplied, it is, but so is any other such doctrine. Most countries have some equivalent principle embedded in theirs. For example, France has recently invaded Mali because 400 of its citizens are under a perceived threat, whilst saying that Russia cannot protect millions of its citizens on the same basis.

Angela Merkel told the Bundestag (German parliament), “In Kosovo, we had years when the international community had no power to intervene while Slobodan Milosevic carried out his ethnic cleansing. NATO then decided to act alone because Russia continuously blocked any UN mandate on Serbia.

That situation is in no way similar to what is happening today in Ukraine.” She added, “… it is shameful to compare Crimea to Kosovo. And even if there had been other breaches of international law, Kosovo not being one of them, Russia’s actions in Ukraine are still a breach of international law.”

All this ignores one main fact, among many others: the legal government of Ukraine asked Russia, in writing, to send its troops in. It had the legal power to do so and Russia had the legal power to accept. We may agree with this action, we may not. But no one ever asked the EU to intervene in Kosovo, nor did the EU give the Serbs and others living there any right to self-determination – quite apart from the issue of the EU arming the demilitarized zones, a more obvious breach of international law.

What goes around comes around

President Vladimir Putin has kept careful notes on the track record of the US and its use of “power over principle” in foreign policy. The US has long paraded around the world as a self-appointed policeman, invading countries and toppling legal governments under flimsy excuses, on the basis that its values must ipso facto be better than those of anyone who disagrees with it. Yet others are not allowed the same right, as only America has positive values, in its own eyes.

The US’ sordid interventions, even those conducted with its NATO partners under the guise of international law, are better described as wars of aggression – and invariably are, sooner or later, by the people who live in the countries the US maintains it is liberating. The countries take the US at its word and then see what it actually does.

In Iraq, Afghanistan, and even Mussolini’s Italy, the people who begged for US-led change soon turned against the forces which brought it. Compare this to the reverence with which Imperial Russia is still held in the Slavic states of the Balkans, for whose liberation and independence they fought, and even Soviet repression, which has no support now, has not been forgotten.

Even before the referendum Russia already had a military presence in Crimea under treaties freely-signed, long ago, by both Russia and Ukraine. It has every right, under the terms of these treaties, to beef up its military presence there, and has a moral obligation to prevent the new government in Kiev from taking revenge on the citizens of that ethnic enclave and strategic naval base.

But therein lies the problem for the West. If you think your values are better than anyone else’s, only you can have a moral obligation, and only the actions you like can have a moral basis. If others are also moral you have to accept that you should not allow your less-than-moral actions, which you justify by the moral ones, to occur, because morality is not your exclusive preserve.

Choosing Your Friends

The idea that only the West is moral is taking some extreme forms — Chancellor Angelia Merkel has advocated unconditional support for the new Ukrainian regime, thinking that as neither side likes Yanukovych, both are morally right. However Gregor Gysi, who is admittedly head of The Left, the successor to the East German Communist Party, has highlighted that the Chancellor of Germany, of all people, should know better than to be seen supporting rulers who have made the statements the new ones in Ukraine acknowledge having made.

“With fascists in power in Ukraine, Germany and the West are standing by and doing nothing. The Svoboda party has tight contacts with the NPD and other Nazi parties in Europe. The leader of this party, Oleg Tyagnibok, has said exactly this,” Gysi told the Bundestag, reading a direct quote from Tyahnybok:

“Grab the guns, fight the Russian pigs, the Germans, the Jewish pigs and others.”

The whole basis of the post-World War II German state is threatened if it supports rulers who make statements no different to those of Adolf Hitler, even if they welcome the overthrow of Yanukovych. This action is no different to anyone saying that the collapse of the USSR was a tragedy. One action is widely condemned, the other not.

But Germany can keep Tyahnybok’s words up its sleeve for its own purposes. They constitute a threat to German citizens, and will be kept out of public discourse until he offends the West, which will then grant itself the right to do exactly what Russia has done.

What is Really Happening

Read More:



Video: Obama Kerry State Dept BUSTED Starting WW3 With Russia!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Thomas Couch-On March 9, 2014:



Video: The Road to World War 3: Ukraine, Russia and American Imperialism!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Stefan Molyneux-On February 22, 2014:



NEO- Leaked documents show US Embassy in Ukraine is Staging False Flag!-Posted on VT News-By Gordon Duff-On March 16, 2014:



Crimean False Flag Attack?-Posted on VT News-By Stephen Lendman-On March 20, 2014:



NEO – Ukrine Boomerang – Serious Repreccussions Now for the West!-Post On VT News-By Jim W. Dean-On March 19, 2014:



NEO – Birds of a European Feather Flocking Together-Posted on VT News-By Jim W. Dean-On March 18, 2014:



What The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About Obama’s “Sanctions”: ‘You’ll be surprised to learn who they really help’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 20, 2014:



Mapping Europe’s Mutually Assured Economic Destruction As EU Plans More Sanctions!-Posted on Zero Hedge-By Tyler Durden-On March 20, 2014:



See Russia’s Big Threat to the United States as Tensions Rise!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jonathon M. Seidl-On March 20, 2014:



West Using Crimea to Hide Real Intentions!-Posted onVT News-By Jim W. Dean-On March 21, 2014:



Soros and Lagarde’s IMF vs Putin’s Russia – The Ukraine Coup and The War for the World!-Posted on The Ulsterman Report-By Ulsterman-On March 23, 2014:



Ted Cruz and Rand Paul unite to block Ukraine aid package over IMF changes!-Posted on The Washington Examiner-By JOEL GEHRKE-On March 22, 2014:



Did Team Obama Blunder or Conspire in Ukraine?-Posted on The New American-By Sheldon Richman-On March 23, 2014:



PUTIN NOW THREATENS NUCLEAR ATTACK!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Cliff Kincaid-On March 22, 2014:



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Take These Steps Today To Survive An International Crisis!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Brandon Smith at Alt-Maket.com-On March 22, 2014:



Venezuela Blames America for a Conflict It Knows Nothing About and Has Nothing to Do With!-Posted on National Journal-By Matt Vasilogambros-On March 20, 2014:



Venezuela Deals Blow to Bankster Facists-Posted on VT News-By Dean Henderson-On March 18, 2013:






Ukraine pulls out troops in Crimea as Group of Eight boots Russia!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Dave Boyer, The Washington Times-On March 24, 2014:



Video: Ukrainian ‘Right Sector’ Leader Assassinated!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Mort Amsel (Reporter)-On March 25, 2014:



Obama pledges $1 billion to Ukraine in violation of Foreign Assistance Act of 1961!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By StMA-On March 24, 2014:



Video: Flight MH370 Is At Diego Garcia – Here’s The Proof!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On March 24, 2014:



MH370 CIA Cover-Up: Military Tells Malaysia To Say Maldives Lied About Plane Sightings!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Deborah Dupre (Reporter)-On March 19, 2014:



Flight 370 The CIA Hoax!-Posted on VT News-By Gordon Duff-On March 27, 2014:



Video: Ukraine Crisis: What You’re Not Being Told By the Corporate Media!-Posted on Infowars.com-On March 25, 2014:



Video: Obama: Russia Not A Security Threat To U.S.: Is Obama out of his mind?-Posted on Western Journalism-By TOM HINCHEY-On March 26, 2014:



Obama So Concerned About New York Getting Nuked, He Cut Funds for Detecting Nukes in New York!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On March 26, 2014:



EU ‘HAS BLOOD ON ITS HANDS’ OVER UKRAINE!-Posted on Breitbart London-By ANDRE WALKER-On March 27, 2014:



Obama and Putin: Two Totalitarians, One Game!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On March 27, 2014:



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4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blogs relate to these extremely disturbing issues-You Decide:

4063859527?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Articles of Impeachment and Impeachment Proceedings)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 12, 2014:


4063734602?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:


4063559463?profile=originalMy Opinion of How and Who Controls the People!


4063547843?profile=originalPowerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!


4063670658?profile=originalIt has begun: Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design!



Bank “hacks” perpetrated at “nation-state” level!



Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!


4063692851?profile=originalIsrael Helps Its Al-Qaeda Ally With Attack on Syria: Tel Aviv emboldens western-backed jihadists (Part 1)!


4063371464?profile=originalBlowing a whistle on Benghazi: There’s no hiding four murders!


4063692791?profile=originalObama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 21)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 8, 2014:


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?


4063859824?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


4063493143?profile=originalWhat we haven’t been told about the President’s background!


4063784582?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1)


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063758956?profile=originalCommunists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


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4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063859780?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


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4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello-When Are Americans Going To Wake Up?-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…

New Evidence in The JFK Assassination!

4063591162?profile=originalWanted to share the following disturbing, but not surprising information regarding the assassination of JFK and how it relates to “Who Controls The People” and “America’s Long War Against Humanity”-You Decide:

New Evidence in The JFK Assassination:  ‘Newly Unclassified Documents Prove High Level CIA Involvement’!-Posted on VT News-By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall-On March 18, 2014:

A Farewell to Justice is an exhaustive review of the only arrest and trial stemming from the 1963 murder of President John F Kennedy. The late New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison describes the 1967 grand jury investigation and prosecution of long time CIA officer Clay Shaw in his 1988 bestseller On the Trail of the Assassins. In 1992, the public outcry prompted by JFK, Oliver Stone’s screen version, led Congress to pass the JFK Records Collection Act. A Farewell to Justice uses classified documents released under this Act to update Garrison’s original case against Shaw and other CIA co-conspirators.

A revised version of the 2005 edition, the new 647 page A Farewell to Justice is a virtual encyclopedia of the JFK assassination. The book leaves no doubt that high level CIA officials authorized the murder and provides a complete list of the cast of characters who played roles in the assassination and/or cover up.

The new edition makes use of documents Mellen obtained via her 2011 Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit and personal  interviews with surviving assassination witnesses. The most startling new evidence relates to Robert Kennedy’s systematic efforts to obstruct both the Warren Commission investigation and Jim Garrison’s efforts to identify the real culprits behind his brother’s murder.

Oswald’s FBI Pay Slips

According to Mellen, it was Warren Commission member Hale Boggs who first encouraged Garrison to investigate the assassination. Boggs himself first became concerned about government involvement in the conspiracy when the Warren Commission examined Oswald’s FBI pay slips in January 1964.

As well as providing a detailed outline of the entire grand jury investigation, Mellen also explores the role the FBI, CIA and Robert Kennedy played in sabotaging it. In addition to murdering and threatening assassination witnesses, the FBI/CIA wiretapped Garrison’s office, infiltrated his investigation team, stole files, fabricated witness statements, blocked subpoenas and the extradition of witnesses from other states and used CIA moles at the TV networks and major newspapers and magazines to portray Garrison as a self-centered, publicity mad lunatic.

Garrison initially intended to try Dave Ferrie, who he believed recruited Oswald to US intelligence as a high school student when he belonged to Ferrie’s Civil Air Patrol squadron. Garrison had witness testimony linking Ferrie, a known CIA pilot, to both Oswald and anti-Castro Cubans the CIA was training at a secret camp north of Lake Pontchartrain. Many of the same Cubans, training for roles in a CIA plot to assassinate Fidel Castro, would play parallel roles in Kennedy’s murder. When Ferrie suddenly turned up dead, Garrison moved to arrest Clay Shaw, based on witness statements linking Shaw to Oswald, Ferrie and the secret training facility.

Jurors Believe Government Played Some Role

Although Shaw was ultimately acquitted, Garrison succeeded in convincing the jury that the government played some role in the assassination. As they later told assassination researcher Mark Lane, without proof Shaw worked for the CIA, they felt there was reasonable doubt that he participated. His CIA personnel records wouldn’t be released until the mid-seventies.

Garrison would continue investigating the JFK assassination until his death. He made his findings available to the Church Committee (which concluded in 1976 that Oswald was a CIA operative engaged in counterintelligence) and the 1978 House Select Committee on Assassinations (which concluded there was more than one shooter and that Shaw was one of the high level planners).

According to Mellen, the CIA decided in the early 1970s to sacrifice Shaw (who would die in 1974 of lung cancer) as a limited hangout* by releasing his CIA employment records to HSCA. They reveal that Shaw worked for both the Domestic Operations Division and Clandestine Services between 1949 and 1972 and had strong links to PERMINDEX a shadowy CIA front that financed assassination attempts against French president Charles De Gaulle, as well as Kennedy.

Why Robert Kennedy Obstructed the Investigation

The classified documents released in Mellen’s FOIA suit establish that Attorney General Robert Kennedy was personally running the CIA operation to assassinate Castro and well aware of Oswald’s links to the operation. In 1961 Kennedy was directly responsible for the demotion, harassment and persecution of a State Department security officer named Otto Otepka for investigating Oswald’s potential security risk as a former Soviet defector. Kennedy also ordered Oswald’s release following his arrest for firing shots at General Edwin Walker in April 1963.

In the summer of 1963 several Cuban exiles, who were deeply devoted to Bobby, informed him of Oswald’s involvement in a plot to assassinate his brother. According to Mellen, who interviewed one of them, Kennedy claimed that Oswald wasn’t a threat because he was on the payroll of the New Orleans FBI field office and they were monitoring him.

According to Mellen, the younger Kennedy played a direct role in sabotaging Kennedy’s autopsy, the Warren Commission investigation, Garrison’s investigation and the 1978 HSCA investigation. Mellen’s hypothesizes that Bobby’s interest and intervention on behalf of Oswald indirectly implicated him in the assassination conspiracy. It would have destroyed his political career for any of his prior links to Oswald to become public.

*Limited hangout is intelligence jargon for a form of propaganda in which a selected portion of a criminal conspiracy is revealed to protect the main perpetrators.

Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and video relate to and/or support the above article regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Lee Harvey Oswald: Career CIA Operative!-Posted on VT News-By Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall-On November 12, 2013:

JFK: The Second Plot

Matthew Smith (1992)

Book Review

The first account of Lee Harvey Oswald’s CIA connections appeared in a 1968 book originally published by French intelligence entitled Farewell America. French president Charles DeGaulle had a keen interest in identifying the conspirators behind Kennedy’s assassination, as the same group had also made three assassination attempts against DeGaulle. Farewell America reveals how the CIA recruited Oswald when he was stationed at Atsugi Marine Air Base in Japan and sent him to the Soviet Union. These historical details were corroborated by testimony a former CIA officer provided the House Committee on Assassinations in 1978.

The Soviets, recognizing Oswald as a likely double agent, never fully trusted him, and in 1961 the CIA returned him to the US. According to government archives, his handlers went on to give him assignments intended to create a kooky leftist alter ego, which would later be used to frame him for Kennedy’s murder. Given that Oswald had foreknowledge of Kennedy’s assassination, the obvious question is why he allowed himself to be set up. The answer Smith offers seems totally plausible: Oswald believed the CIA was returning him to the Soviet Union (via Cuba) to become a double agent. His handlers, in turn, intended to use his flight to Cuba to blame the President’s assassination on Fidel Castro.

Oswald’s Visit to Red Bird Airport

Smith first got the idea for his book after obtaining FBI documents under the Freedom of Information Act revealing that Oswald, together with two other federal agents, paid a visit to the American Aviation Company (AAC) at Red Bird Airport trying to charter an aircraft for November 22, 1963. Smith subsequently interviewed Wayne January, the AAC employee they dealt with, and discovered the FBI had falsified the date. The FBI gives the date of their encounter as July, 1963, while it was actually November 20, only two days before the assassination.

Smith also answers puzzling questions about Officer J.D. Tippitt’s role in the assassination conspiracy. Smith believes that an ex-CIA friend named Roscoe White asked Tippitt to transport Oswald to the Red Bird Airport to catch a charter flight to Cuba. When they rendezvoused, Tippitt became suspicious after hearing Oswald’s description broadcast over the police radio. When he got out to question him, a man matching White’s description rushed out of the bushes and shot Tippitt. Following Tippitt’s murder, the plan to spirit Oswald off to Cuba had to be abandoned.

The Main-Tier Plot

Smith organizes his book into two halves. Book One is called “The Main-Tier Plot,” involving the assemblage of a group of snipers to ambush President Kennedy as his motorcade traveled through Dallas. Book Two is devoted to “The Second Plot,” a scheme to enable the true shooters and co-conspirators to escape prosecution by shifting the blame to a kooky leftist Castro-sympathizer.

Smith’s expose of the main-tier plot begins with official Warren Commission (WC) version of the assassination. He devotes an chapter to irregularities in gathering and recording WC testimony that would never be allowed in a court of law. Many of the witnesses reported seeing more than one gunmen and complained bitterly about their evidence being omitted or misreported. Smith is particularly critical of the WC for failing to investigate Officer Tippit’s background or obtain ballistic evidence linking Oswald’s handgun to his murder.

Smith also summarizes the detailed physical evidence pointing to the presence of three or four shooters in Dealey Plaza. He goes on to discuss the intelligence connections of a handful of suspects arrested in the Dal Tex building and elsewhere in Dealey Plaza. All were released after President Lyndon Johnson ordered the Dallas police to discontinue their investigation. Smith devotes an entire chapter to the photographic evidence, including the amateur film made by businessman Abraham Zapruder, which was altered to make the fatal shot appear to come came from the Book Depository behind the motorcade. Finally he discusses the acoustic recordings which led the House Assassinations Committee to make the determination that more than one shooter was involved in Kennedy’s murder.

The Second Plot

The second half of the book offers an in-depth portrait of Oswald’s early history and personality. It details his posting to the Atsugi Marine Air Base in Japan, where he held a “secret” level security clearance, and assisted in monitoring overflights of the Top Secret U2 Spy plane. Smith goes on to describe Oswald’s activities in the Soviet Union in exhaustive detail, as well as the assignments he was given on his return to the US. In one of his first jobs, he processed photos of a Soviet military facility, which again required a security clearance. Other assignments involved infiltrating leftist and pro-Castro groups as an informant. The fabrication of Oswald’s unstable loner persona was facilitated by an Oswald double, a second agent who created major public disturbances while posing as Oswald.

Smith believes that at the time of his arrest, Oswald had been given a new assignment – to attempt to return to the Soviet Union via Cuba. Strong evidence suggests there were plans to airlift him to Cuba the afternoon of November 22, 1963. The plans were suddenly disrupted when Officer J.D. Tippitt was shot and killed. Tippitt’s murder forced the plan to spirit Oswald away to Cuba to be abandoned. His subsequent arrest necessitated his murder by Jack Ruby, another minor co-conspirator. Allowing Oswald’s intelligence connections to come out at trial would have seriously endangered high level officials in the Kennedy administration who participated in the conspiracy.

The Conspirators Had Names

The book’s final chapter “The Conspirators Had Names” is disappointing because it offers no firm conclusions about the real culprits in the JFK assassination. Although Smith refers to New Orleans District Attorney’s Jim Garrison’s unsuccessful prosecution of one of the co-conspirators, he makes no mention whatsoever of the Swiss corporation Pemindex that financed the assassination. It was Clay Shaw’s membership in Permindex that formed the basis of Garrison’s case against him. Nor does it mention the shadowy Defense Industrial Security Command and the 50 or so intelligence and defense contractors with clearly established links to both the DISC and the assassination. The evidence linking Permindex and DISC to the JFK assassination is outlined most clearly in a 1970 book by William Torbitt called Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal or Torbitt Document

Posted in honor of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F Kennedy

Source Link:


4063854697?profile=originalOswald’s spy colleague girlfriend: “Lee was innocent…and stop trying to kill me!”-Posted on VT News-By Kevin Barrett-On November 17, 2012:

In a recent radio interview, JFK assassination whistleblower Judyth Vary Baker describes how she has been dodging assassination attempts since 1999, when she came forward with evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was not only innocent – he was an ONI-CIA-FBI spy who was actually working to stop the assassination plot against the president!

(In 1999, after first going public) Dr. Fetzer was courageous enough to interview me …one of the first researchers to do it…it’s interesting that he got his first death threat right after interviewing me.

My friend Martha Rose Crow at the same time had placed on her blogs – she had 105 blogs, which is a lot of blogs – and she had placed the book Me and Lee on her blogs, and said “Judyth Vary Baker is my best friend.” And right after she did that, not only did Dr. Fetzer get his death threat, but she got one and I got one.

And I have to say that it wasn’t very long after that that Martha was suddenly writing people and saying ‘look, we’re being attacked – the minute I started endorsing Judyth’s book, a whole lot of bad things started to happen, and to Judy too – we feel like we’re fighting to the brink on this. We’re being attacked.” And the next day, Martha, one of my very best friends, was dead.

She had collapsed while shopping at a market. She was taken to a hospital. There we found out she received overdoses of epinephine and we don’t know what else.

They say she died of a heart attack there at the hospital.

Her family was in America – she was in the Netherlands when this occurred, and had been living there for quite some time – and they were flying over, but before they got there, they cremated Martha’s body.

And so (the family) started a police investigation to see if they could find arsenic, which they thought might have been the cause of poisoning in her case, and to see if they could justify what the hospital had done. But all they had were some bones and ashes, and of course they couldn’t find anything.

So they had to close the investigation.

That was my best friend. It really hit me hard. Jim Fetzer knows what happened at that time; he was very courageous to come forward and do what he did. He said, “Let them do what they please, I’m not afraid to tell them the truth.” I said, “You can take the interview off, Jim, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

4063854773?profile=originalI’ve lived in exile. And only now I’ve come forth, because enough people have expressed interest in helping to protect me so I can tell the story in the United States.

I’d planned originally to go to Dallas. This was just a couple of months ago. I’d rented a hotel room, I was going to speak in Dallas, I felt I’d be safe there. And then I got a phone call, I don’t know how they got the number, because this was a friend’s number in Sweden. I go live in Sweden, and other countries as well. And don’t you know that I got a phone call: “If you go to Dallas, you’ll pay!” And they hung up, like that. And it just sends chills down your – across your body.

And so what I did next, was I told everybody on my Facebook page. And I hope I get some more people to understand what we’re up against here. Because the next thing I knew, my bank account was hacked! And the charges were in Houston and Dallas – gas stations, things like that.

So the message was (obvious). I mean, of all the places charges could be made!

So I canceled the hotel in Dallas. But it’s not like they won. Because I talked to my publisher, Kris Millegan – this man is so courageous – he’s the only publisher I’ve trusted with the story. So we decided we’re going to go to the cities of America, up and down the West Coast, and we’re going to tell this story. (Tour information here.) And then I’ll be returning to undisclosed places back in Europe.

Listen to the entire interview:


4063854808?profile=originalConfession, Jury Verdict Prove CIA Killed JFK!-Posted on VT News-By Kevin Barrett-On November 21, 2013:

As the 50th anniversary of the John F. Kennedy (JFK) assassination approaches, the American people and the American media are living in two different worlds.

The corporate media is still pushing the myth that JFK was killed by a communist lone nut named Lee Harvey Oswald. But most of the American people are not buying it. Since the early 1990s, a strong majority of Americans has believed that JFK was killed by a conspiracy, and that the CIA had a hand in it.

The American people are right.

Overwhelming evidence confirms that the JFK assassination, like the assassinations and overthrows of so many of the world’s best leaders, was a CIA operation. But the American media – including the foundation-funded pseudo-alternative media – is reluctant to report the evidence.

I encountered the media’s distaste for JFK truth when I was a journalism student at the University of Wisconsin in 1980. Shortly before the 17th anniversary of the assassination, I wrote an article assembling the evidence that the CIA killed JFK, and submitted it to several media outlets. The only one that responded was The Progressive, a leading American left-wing magazine, edited by the normally courageous Erwin Knoll. Erwin told me he liked my article, and that if it were on any other subject he would have published it. But he had vowed to never publish any JFK conspiracy article unless it answered more questions than it raised. My article, he said, raised more questions than it answered.

Erwin’s response made no sense. My article answered the question “who killed JFK” with three simple letters: C-I-A. I gently spelled that out for him. Erwin’s response was evasive. I realized that no amount of evidence would ever convince him that the CIA had killed JFK. Like so many other Americans, Erwin Knoll had a psychological block preventing him from facing the fact that the “democracy” he lived in was actually a thinly-disguised police state.

Shortly after submitting my JFK article to several media outlets, I was visited by a person who claimed to be a mind-controlled slave of the CIA. She said that the CIA had planted a chip in her brain, and regularly used her to select targets for CIA assassination. After investigating her background, I learned that she had disrupted other local activist movements by infiltrating them and later announcing that she was part of a CIA assassination effort against their leaders.

My favorite Journalism teacher, a certain Professor McNulty, explained, “They’re just f***ing with you.”

At least fifty people have been murdered to cover up the CIA’s assassination of JFK, as explained in the book Hit List by Richard Belzer and David Wayne. A few of them, including Dorothy Kilgallen and Mary Meyer, were journalists or writers who were poised to blow the case wide open. But in the US stealth police state, unlike overt police states, psychological rather than physical means are usually employed to silence serious opposition.

The CIA has covered up the JFK assassination by brainwashing the public into believing “we’ll never really know the truth.” To that end, it has spread vast amounts of disinformation, including ludicrous theories that JFK’s wife Jackie, or limousine driver William Greer, fired the fatal shots.

The CIA’s Operation Mockingbird program, which infiltrates the corporate media and uses it as a brainwashing tool, pushed the term “conspiracy theorist” into widespread circulation to discredit anyone who told the truth about the JFK assassination. The purpose was to frighten people into a psychological state of denial, in which they would say “we’ll never know who killed JFK,” rather than facing the simple and obvious fact that the CIA killed JFK.

The media mockingbirds endlessly repeat the mantra, “But surely, in a conspiracy as large and complex as you’re suggesting, someone would have talked!” They hope the public will not bother to learn that a great many whistleblowers HAVE talked – including some who paid with their lives.

Several people involved in the CIA’s assassination of JFK have confessed, including Chauncey Holt, David Sanchez Morales, and even Lyndon Johnson. But the star witness among the confessed JFK assassins is CIA officer E. Howard Hunt, who, on February 6th, 1985, was legally found by a jury to have participated in the CIA’s assassination of JFK.

Hunt resented having been “thrown to the wolves” by the CIA during the Watergate scandal; and he must have deeply resented the way the CIA murdered his wife, and implicitly threatened to keep murdering his other family members, if he refused to take the fall for Watergate. Additionally, Hunt did not appreciate being singled out as a JFK assassin in the public mind, when other CIA personnel had played even more active roles in the assassination than he did. So during the final years of his life, Hunt opened up to his son St. John and told him something approaching the full story of his participation in the CIA’s assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Hunt explained to his son that he first learned of the CIA assassination plot against Kennedy at the JM Wave CIA station in Miami, Florida. Several CIA personnel there, including William “Wild Bill” Harvey, asked Hunt to help them develop and perfect the logistics of the assassination operation. After at first expressing reluctance to kill his own Commander-in-Chief, Hunt finally acquiesced and applied his considerable skills as an assassination-orchestrator and overthrower-of-governments to the CIA plot against the President. On November 22nd, 1963, Hunt was in Dallas; his role included paying one of the gunmen.

Why did the CIA kill JFK? As Hunt explained, everyone in the CIA loathed President Kennedy, who had left over 1400 CIA mercenaries to be slaughtered or captured during the Bay of Pigs debacle, and who was pushing “treasonous” plans for peace with Cuba, Vietnam, and even the Soviet Union. Additionally, Kennedy was going all out to shut down Israel’s nuclear weapons program, trying to end the Federal Reserve’s private currency monopoly, and threatening oilmen’s profits by ending the depletion allowance. Though the American people loved JFK, America’s corrupt elite hated him.

Hunt’s confessions, including his handwritten and tape-recorded summaries of his involvement, are supported by a great many independent sources, including Brad Ayers, a CIA man stationed at the Miami JM Wave station prior to the assassination. In his book ‘The Zenith Secret’, Ayers describes the CIA plot against JFK, and names the same names as Hunt.

The confessions of E. Howard Hunt are just one of the dozens if not hundreds of “smoking guns” proving beyond all possible doubt that the CIA was at the center of the coup d’état against JFK. For more details about Hunt’s confessions, you can listen to my interviews with St. John Hunt, which are available on-line at No Lies Radio.

As long as the American people imagine that there is still some small shred of doubt about the JFK case, they will never rise up and overthrow the military-industrial-intelligence complex (including the mainstream media brainwashing apparatus) that has stolen their democracy.

So everyone, repeat after me, “CIA killed JFK.”

Let us finish the job that JFK started when he said, “I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”

Source Link:


4063854790?profile=originalThe Mistake The Killers of JFK Made!-Posted on VT News-By Bob Johnson-On November 21, 2013:

Murderers more often than not make at least one mistake when they commit their crime. The murderers of President John F. Kennedy made a huge mistake – they did not take technology into account.

They overlooked the possibility that someone would be there filming President Kennedy and his motorcade. That person was Abraham Zapruder. His now famous home-movie of that tragic, devastating and heart-breaking event is memorialized by Mr. Zapruder’s film. Anyone who watches it clearly sees the kill shot hit President Kennedy in the right side of his head and it appears from the way the President is thrown back and to his left that the shot came not directly from John Kennedy’s right side, but more in front of him which would place the assassin in the area of the fence at the top of the now famous grassy knoll.

The Zapruder film had to be addressed by those involved and complicit in this terrible and treasonous crime. The answer was Lyndon Johnson’s creation of the Warren Commission. On the Warren Commission was one of President Kennedy’s biggest enemies, Allen Dulles who President Kennedy had fired from his position as Director of the CIA after his foul-up with the Bay of Pigs fiasco. The Warren Commission also had the bumbling idiot Gerald Ford as a member. The Warren Commission came to the prepackaged conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman who killed President Kennedy. As the Warren Commission’s story goes, Oswald was a crazy Communist who worked in the Texas School Book Depository building from which he shot and killed President Kennedy. It is now known that Lee Harvey Oswald actually had worked for the CIA as the image at left of the letter dated March 3, 1964 from CIA Director John McCone makes clear. The Warren Commission knew this but did not report it.

When people or commissions lie, they find they have to make up more lies to cover their first lie. In this case they had to explain the “magic bullet.” This magic bullet, according to the Warren Commission, passed through President Kennedy’s back, out his throat, broke some laws of physics and then entered Texas Governor Connally breaking a couple of his bones and then fell out of his right thigh in pristine condition at Parkland Hospital. Arlen Specter came up this magic bullet theory/cover-up. (The cover up is still going on as we see the movie aired on the National Geographic channel, Killing Kennedy, portrays the Warren Commission myth as pure fact. Nowhere in the movie is a shooter on the grassy knoll even mentioned, and they first address where the shots came from when they have a bystander telling a police officer while pointing up to the School Book Depository building saying, “The shots came from up there!” This movie is based on kosher conservative Bill O’Reilly’s book of the same name.)

Despite all the BS put out by the government and its stooges, the reality revealed in the Zapruder film speaks the truth. No matter how much the truth is covered up, it NEVER goes away, thank God.

Oliver Stone’s film, JFK, offers different possibilities as to who killed President Kennedy. One possible entity not mentioned in Stone’s film is Israel. Israeli intelligence works closely with US intelligence. If they wanted shooters who did not have their finger prints on file in the US, as the mob often does when it brings in killers from Sicily to murder someone in the US, Israeli shooters would be perfect. It’s a well known fact that John Kennedy openly and strongly opposed Israel’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb (a great book which covers this in-depth is The Samson Option by Seymour M. Hersh) and never believed the lies Israel was telling him to try to fool him into believing they were not building real nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Israel had a lot to gain by killing, or helping to kill, President Kennedy.

President John F. Kennedy was the last president to stand up to the Jewish state of Israel regarding their nuclear weapons. This speaks volumes. It seems politicians got the message loud and clear after President Kennedy was assassinated.

Not only did presidents after President Kennedy not try to stop the Jewish state of Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons or attempt to control Israel’s growing nuclear stockpile, they actually committed treason against the US and the US military. Lyndon Johnson did this when the virtually unarmed USS Liberty was in international waters and was repeatedly attacked by Israel. Israel killed 34 Americans and wounded 174 during their cowardly sneak attack on the USS Liberty. When American fighter jets were on their way to help the US sailors and Marines on-board the USS Liberty, Johnson ordered them recalled to their carrier.

Not only was Lyndon Johnson a traitor, he was a liar and a coward. Unlike President Kennedy who was a real war hero, LBJ lied about his war experience. Johnson claimed he came under enemy fire while acting as a Congressional observer of a bombing run against the Japanese during World War II. He was awarded the Silver Star based on this lie.

Hopefully technology will continue help us rid ourselves and the world from the domination of the war-mongers and cowardly liars of the world. The Internet is doing much to accomplish this and to get the truth out (although the government uses it and other technologies to track us and to keep tabs on us). Truth always needs to be made known.  As the American Founder and Deist Thomas Paine wrote, “But such is the nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants is the liberty of appearing. Paine also wrote in The Age of Reason, The Complete Edition, “It is an affront to truth to treat falsehood with complaisance.”

President Kennedy made a profound and very true statement when he said, “With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.”

Source Link:


4063854904?profile=originalJFK 50th: The Keys to Understanding His Assassination!-Posted on VT News-By Jim Fetzer-On June 13, 2013:


4063854822?profile=originalMy Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK!-Posted on VT News-By Kevin Barrett-On November 19, 2011:


4063854877?profile=originalMy Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK (Part 2)-Posted on VT News-By Kevin Barrett-On November 21, 2011:


4063854890?profile=originalMy Dad Helped the CIA Kill JFK (Part 3)-Posted on VT News-By Kevin Barrett-On November 22, 2011:


4063854927?profile=originalThe JFK War: The Case of Federal Judge John Tunheim-Posted on VT News-By James Norwood (with Jim Fetzer)-On May 15, 2013:


Video: The Men Who Killed Kennedy (Australian broadcast 1992)!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Grant Bernes-On January 24, 2018:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  I believe that the disturbing information revealed in the following recent articles and video relates to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doubts Sirhan Sirhan killed his father!-Posted on The Washington Examiner-By Daniel Chaitin-On May 27, 2018:

Video: 'JFK to 9/11 - Everything Is A Rich Mans Trick' (Full Movie Digitally Enhanced w/ Soundtrack)!-Posted on YouTube.com-By James Red Pills America-On November 2, 2019:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles revealed: 1) that a ‘major threat’ has recently been made against President-elect Trump; and 2) that approximately 5,000 National Guard Troops will be attending Trump’s Inauguration because of an alleged ‘murder plot.’ If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:
trump electoral college
BREAKING – Major Threat Issued Against Donald J. Trump, Please Pray!-Posted on Angry Patriot-On January 7, 2017:
Thousands of National Guards deployed to Trump inauguration amid assassination fears
5,000 National Guards To Attend Trump Inauguration Over Murder Plot!-Posted on Your News Wire-By Sean Adl-Tabatabai-On January 8, 2017:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent eye-opening article revealed that Hillary Clinton is now trying to cut some kind of a deal and has produced proof that 'H.W. Bush was actually arrested fleeing the Texas Book Depository on November 22, 1963 after John F. Kennedy was assassinated' and was questioned at the Dallas police department for 3 hours.  During the interrogation by the Dallas Police Department ‘Bush told them he was working for the CIA.’ Additionally, the article revealed that the patriotic U.S. Military Flag Officers lead by General Michael Flynn are now in possession of the ‘Dallas Police report that documents the arrest and interrogation of then U.S. CIA agent George Herbert Walker Bush’, on November 22, 1963, ten minutes after the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy. Could this be true?-You Decide:

H.W. Bush Arrested Over JFK Assassination in Dallas!-Posted on ProjectNsearch-By Glenn Canady-On January 8, 2017:
4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent thought-provoking articles and book revealed that former President John F. Kennedy (JFK) was allegedly ‘Murdered by Our Government'-You Decide:


Amid Latest Government Secrets Disclosure, Ron Paul Declares: JFK Was ‘Murdered by Our Government!’-Posted on The Political Insider-By Rusty Weiss-On April 14, 2023:


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., nephew of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, speaks to people gathered under the Victory Column in the city center to hear speeches during a protest against coronavirus-related restrictions and government policy, in Berlin, Germany, on Aug. 29, 2020. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Robert Kennedy Jr. Blames CIA for Assassination of JFK!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On May 8, 2023:


Robert Kennedy Jr. attends the "Anthropocene: The Human Epoch" Premiere during the 2019 Sundance Film Festival at Temple Theater in Park City, Utah, on Jan. 25, 2019. (Rich Fury/Getty Images)

‘It Was My Father’s First Instinct’ to Believe the CIA Killed JFK: Robert Kennedy Jr.!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Ryan Morgan-On May 9, 2023:



Time for the CIA to Come Clean!-Posted on tomrenz.substack.com-By Tom Renz-On May 9, 2023:


Book: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear!-Posted on The Truth Central-By admin-On March 11, 2024:



Trump Moves To Release Classified JFK, RFK, MLK Assassination Documents!-Posted on The Conservative View-On January 25, 2025:

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday mandating the release of the remaining classified records related to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The long-awaited action follows years of government secrecy and public speculation surrounding the high-profile killings.

The signing took place in the Oval Office, with Trump noting the significance of the moment. “This is something Americans have been asking for, for decades,” he said before signing the order. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whom Trump has nominated to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, was presented with the signing pen.


The National Archives has previously disclosed the majority of JFK-related documents, releasing 97% of the files. However, a portion remained classified, fueling speculation and doubts about the official accounts of the 1963 assassination in Dallas.


Trump’s order also covers documents related to Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, which under previous guidelines were not scheduled for public release until 2027. The King family has stated they would like to review the materials before they become available to the public.


During his first term, Trump had planned to release the JFK files in full but opted to delay portions of them after the FBI and CIA argued that their release could pose risks to national security. This new order overrides those concerns and directs the full disclosure of the remaining files.



Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) praised the decision, saying that Americans have a right to see the information their government has kept hidden for decades. She stated that uncovering the truth is necessary to rebuild trust in public institutions.


Continue Reading:


Code named Operation Northwoods, this top-secret US military plot proposed killing innocent people and enacting terrorism on American cities, then blaming Cuba for these crimes

Chilling Pentagon document reveals war-provoking reason 'Deep State' has always feared release of JFK assassination files!-Posted Daily Mail-By ELLYN LAPOINTE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM-On January 25, 2025:

Chilling Pentagon documents may reveal why the 'Deep State' has always feared the release of the John F. Kennedy assassination files.

A 12-page report, signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in 1962, details a secret plan to commit heinous acts against American citizens to justify war with Cuba in the 1960s.

Code-named Operation Northwoods, this top-secret plot proposed enacting terrorism on US cities in a what is known as a 'false flag operation', before blaming Cuba in order to fool the Americans into supporting war efforts to oust communist Fidel Castro.

'We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,' the document states, among dozens of other violent ideas of how to incite American hostility against the island nation. 

US officials even proposed killing their own soldiers, writing: 'We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,' and, 'casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.' 

JFK rejected Operation Northwoods when it came across his desk and was shot.

A conspiracy theory surrounding JFK's assassination claims he was killed by Israel which allegedly controls the US 'Deep State.' 

Now, President Donald Trump has promised to release all classified documents relating to JFK's assassination, which could potentially lead to more shocking revelations about the US government's activities during the 1960s.

Code named Operation Northwoods, this top-secret US military plot proposed killing innocent people and enacting terrorism on American cities, then blaming Cuba for these crimes

Code named Operation Northwoods, this top-secret US military plot proposed killing innocent people and enacting terrorism on American cities, then blaming Cuba for these crimes

Trump deems the 'Deep State' as 'an alleged shadowy group of who, according to many, wield undue influence over government policies, regardless of the elected administration.'

He has vowed to to 'drain the swamp' and is expected to target the intelligence community which he believes has worked to keep him out of the White House as part of a 'Deep State' operation.

The Operation Northwoods proposal drafted as part of a larger document titled 'Justification for US Military Intervention in Cuba.'

This top-secret collection of draft memorandum was written by the Department of Defense (DoD) and JCS and presented to then Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in 1962. But the document was declassified in the CIA library.

'A series of well coordinated incidents will be planned to take place in and around Guantanamo to give genuine appearance of behind done by hostile Cuban forces,' reads the document.

'The following portions provide 'incidents to establish a credible attack (not in chronological order).' 

The plan included everything from starting rumors to 'landing friendly Cubans in uniform to stage acts on military bases and blowing up ammunition inside facilities.

The list also featured a plant to 'burn aircraft on air base' and sink a ship near the harbor entrance of an unspecified base and then 'conduct funerals for mock-victims.'

The goal of this plan was to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war effort to oust Cuba's then leader, communist Fidel Castro

The goal of this plan was to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war effort to oust Cuba's then leader, communist Fidel Castro 

Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration developed a plan to overthrow Castro known as the Bay of Pigs Invasion, which was carried out in 1961 by Eisenhower's successor, John F. Kennedy

Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration developed a plan to overthrow Castro known as the Bay of Pigs Invasion, which was carried out in 1961 by Eisenhower's successor, John F. Kenned


'[The] United States would respond by executing offensive operations to secure water and power supplies, destroying artillery and mortar emplacements which threaten the base,' the document describes.  

Public knowledge of Operation Northwoods did not come until a nearly-complete version of the document was published online in 2001.

Fidel Castro rose to power and became Prime Minister of Cuba in 1959 and turned the nation into the first communist state in the Western Hemisphere. 

In the early days of his administration, he strengthened Cuban ties with the Soviet Union, establishing trade deals between their countries. 

The Bay of Pigs invasion failed, and in 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis began. A year later, then President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas

The Bay of Pigs invasion failed, and in 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis began. A year later, then President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas


Simultaneously, Castro strained Cuban relations with the US by directly challenging capitalism and raising taxes on US imports.

At that time, the US was led by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose administration developed a plan to overthrow Castro. 

This plan, known as the Bay of Pigs Invasion, was carried out in 1961 by Eisenhower's successor, JFK. 

He deployed a brigade of 1,400 CIA-sponsored Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro's communist government, but the invasion failed. 

In 1962, the Soviet Union began shipping ballistic missiles to Cuba in an effort to strengthen their ties and protect the island nation from the US. This became known as the Cuban Missile Crisis.  

This strengthened the Kennedy administration's resolve to overthrow the communist Cuban government. 

The US went on to conduct covert operations against Cuba through Operation Mongoose, a secret CIA initiative to remove Castro from power. 

The Operation Northwoods proposal was developed as part of this initiative. 

This shocking document was kept secret for nearly 40 years until the JFK Assassination Records Review Board released it as part of 1,521 pages of formerly-classified military records covering 1962 to 1964.

Continue Reading:


GOP Task Force to Investigate JFK Assassination – Claims Evidence of Second Shooter

FBI Discovers 2,400 Records Linked to JFK Assassination After President Trump’s Executive Order!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By Amy Furr-On February 11, 2025:


GOP Task Force to Investigate JFK Assassination – Claims Evidence of Second Shooter

MAGA head of JFK files task force claims there were TWO shooters and pledges to uncover more secrets!-Posted on Daily Mail-By JON MICHAEL RAASCH, U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM-On February 11, 2025:


GOP Task Force to Investigate JFK Assassination – Claims Evidence of Second Shooter

GOP Task Force to Investigate JFK Assassination – Claims Evidence of Second Shooter!-Posted on PJ Media Newsletter-By James Conrad-On February 13, 2025:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  I believe that my following blogs relate to this extremely disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now! (Part 25)-Posted on Patriot Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 1, 2025:


4063559463?profile=originalMy Opinion of How and Who Controls the People!


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!


4063547923?profile=originalVice President Biden Calls for a New World Order!


4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 4)


4063566197?profile=originalBrainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”!


4063855008?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063855028?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Articles of Impeachment and Impeachment Proceedings)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 12, 2014:


Where is America Today?-Posted on WordPress.com-On May 26, 2010:


4063359777?profile=originalTheme and Disclaimer of January 26, 2010:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:

4063590393?profile=originalA Republic, If You Can Keep It!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGL8CiUtXF04063360053?profile=originalThe Fightin Side of Me!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBAzLCA3DQc4063359977?profile=originalWhen Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog and/or videos, please copy website link and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


God Bless-Take care & stay healthy/safe. Please keep our troops in your thoughts & prayers!


Semper Fi!
Read more…


Could this be the economic collapse and war that were not bred out of incompetence, but by design?-You Decide:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 3 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 3)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 11, 2014:


Economic Collapse By Design:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent article and/or blog and video relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide


Yet Another Suicide in the Financial Services Industry: Is There Something?-Posted on The Blaze-By Becket Adams-On March 15, 2014:

A recent string of apparent suicides in the financial services industry this year has given birth to a flurry of conspiracy and other theories suggesting that the deaths are somehow connected.

And the passing of a Wall Street trader earlier this week seems to have given new life to these speculations.

First, consider these earlier deaths, the ones that seemed to have inspired all the scare headlines about “banker suicides”:

1. Karl Slym:  The 51-year-old Tata Motors managing director was found dead near a Shangri-La hotel in Bangkok on Jan. 25, 2014. The British businessman jumped to his death, police said. His wife told local law enforcement officials that they had recently fought “at length” about a personal family matter. She said they argued for so long “she could not talk to her husband anymore.” Thai police said they found no trace of a struggle.

2. William Broeksmit: The recently retired 58-year-old senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG was found dead of an apparent hanging suicide in his home in central London on Jan. 26, 2014. Police are not treating the death as suspicious.

3. Gabriel Magee: The 39-year-old J.P. Morgan tech executive killed himself in London on Jan. 28, 2014, by jumping off of J.P. Morgan European headquarters. Police ruled his death as “non-suspicious.”

4. Mike Dueker: The 50-year-old chief economist Russell Investments was found dead Jan. 30, 2014, near the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington. Police said it appeared he jumped a four-foot fence and fell down the 40-50 foot embankment. Law enforcement officials said it appeared to be a suicide. Friends told police that he had been having problems at work before he went missing.

5. Ryan Henry Crane: The 37-year-old J.P. Morgan executive director died Feb. 3, 2014, of an apparent suicide. Police have not yet announced the cause of death. Instead, they said they’ll know more when a toxicology report comes out. That report won’t be ready for a couple more weeks. He worked in a unit that dealt in trading blocks of stocks.

6. Richard Talley: This is easily the strangest entry on this list. The 56-year-old founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colo., was found dead Feb. 4, 2014, after he apparently shot himself seven or eight times with a nail gun. His company was under investigation by the Colorado Division of Insurance.

7. Dennis Li Junjie: The 33-year-old banker jumped to his death from the J.P. Morgan headquarters in Hong Kong on Feb. 18, 2014. The junior employee’s death is being treated as a suicide, police said. He jumped after attempts to talk him down failed.

8. James Stuart Jr: The 70-year-old former National Bank of Commerce CEO was found dead on Feb. 19, 2014, in Scottsdale, Ariz. His family has not yet commented on his cause of death. The Lincoln, Neb., native was known in his community as a “very successful” banker.

Questions about what these deaths could mean and theories about whether they’re connected have popped up all over Internet for the past three months, resurfacing this week with the death of a financial professional in Manhattan, N.Y.

Edmund Reilly, 47, a trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, threw himself in front of a speeding Long Island Rail Road commuter train at around 6:00 a.m. Tuesday morning, the New York Post reported.

He was declared dead when authorities arrived.

A LIRR spokesman confirmed the trader’s identity, adding that the investigation into the apparent suicide is ongoing. Passengers on the train told local law enforcement officials they saw a man standing by the tracks as the train arrived and saw him jump.

“Eddie was a great guy,” a managing director at Vertical told The Post in an email. “We are very upset and he will be deeply missed.”

Reilly, a recent divorcee and father of three children, recently purchased a house near his ex-wife. A family friend told the Post that they saw him as recently as Sunday and remarked that Reilly “didn’t look good.”

The New York City trader’s apparent suicide marks at least the ninth financial services sector-related death this year, supposedly “confirming” for some the idea of there being a connection between these tragedies.

4063852683?profile=originalBut given the intense nature of the financial services sector and the fact that it from time to time experiences sudden increases in suicides (i.e. the Great Depression and the Great Recession), the recent deaths may not be as alarming (or mysterious) as some have suggested.

Consider, for example, the fact that finance workers are 1.51 times more likely to commit suicide than average, according to a Business Insider report based on data from National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Further, during the period of 1999, 2003 to 2004 and 2007, there were 329 suicides among “financial specialists,” the second worst rate of any profession tracked by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the worst being “engineers and scientists” with 502 suicides).

The specific years tracked reflect the years for which funding was provided to study suicide trends. It’s also the most up-to-date data available.

Now, it’s important to note that the data “is neither comprehensive for all industries and occupations, nor a census of all suicides or all deaths,” a CDC spokeswoman told TheBlaze in an email.

Also, she explained, the “data retrieved from death certificates does not speak to whether the death suicide was work-related – it does not link occupation to suicide, only that the people who committed suicide happened to have a certain occupation.”

“Yet, it is our best source of information for initiating such inquiries,” she said, adding that the data gives us a starting point to start tracing a trend.


Additionally, it’s worth noting that the financial services and insurance sectors employed approximately 5.87 million people in 2012, according to data from the U.S. government.

And that’s just in America. In other words: It’s a massive industry.

This could mean that nine suicides are likely a statistical probability and nothing more.

Further, many of the people who have pointed to these “banker suicide” stories and suggested that they are somehow connected have conflated industry roles.

Yes, these suicides all have something in common: The financial services sector. But the dead are not all “bankers.” The suicides include members from every corner of the industry. Some are traders, some are economist, some are analysts and some bankers.

Former J.P. Morgan employees Magee and Dennis Li, for example, aren’t bankers. The former was responsible for overseeing technology for fixed-income securities while the latter worked as an associate in the billing department.

The suicides include members from very different lines of work in a very large industry.

4063852645?profile=originalSimply put, it’s more likely that these deaths, which are spread out all across the globe, are totally unconnected. Indeed, it’s more likely these deaths are the tragic product of an unforgiving and oftentimes brutal industry than the product of a conspiracy.

The financial services sector is a notoriously high-pressure, fast-paced world. It has been known to cause severe depression, which can eventually lead to suicide.

“You would expect that when people work these long hours,” Alexandra Michel, a former Goldman Sachs investment banker, told CNN Money when referring to two suicides at J.P. Morgan, a company that employs approximately 260,000 people. “You would think that it would happen much more often.”

Source Link:



Video: Another JP Morgan Banker Leaps To His Death In New York City!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Mort Amsel (Reporter)-On March 18, 2014:


War By Design:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent article and/or blog and video relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063735392?profile=originalThe Malaysian Airliner Is NOT Missing & Much More!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Dave Hodges-On March 15, 2014:

The Malaysian airplane is not missing.  It is exactly where somebody has designed it to be. Also, with regard to the 80,000 Russian troops poised to invade Ukraine and with NATO moving forces into Norway, there is a war that could break out any day.

The coming world war is totally unnecessary. It will be fought with weapons and technology that is outdated by over a hundred years. The United States government has the ability to negate ANY Russian or Chinese weapon.

These two events and many world events are part of a grand theater which is being played out in order to create maximum chaos from which the New World Order will be rolled out. And this is all preventable because we have unimaginable technologies which could solve the problems that wars cannot.

How do I know what technologies are available to our government? I don’t, but my father did and this is a brief revelation of his work and why it matters to all of us.

Family Secrets

I am going to write about and partially reveal something that I have had knowledge of for over 30 years. If I would have revealed what I knew my father was working on while he was in the navy and immediately after his retirement, he would have gone to prison for life and my mother would have lost my father’s navy pension following his death. Now that both of my parents are deceased, it is time that the truth came out because it has a direct bearing on both the missing Malaysian airliner and the potential world war that Russia and NATO are preparing to fight. This would be a much easier article to write if it were about another family instead of my own because I detest bringing attention to my family.

A Chance Encounter

My wife and I were having lunch at a restaurant yesterday  and she was asking me what I thought was behind the missing Malaysian airliner. I told her that I could not be certain, but that our NSA and CIA knows exactly what happened to that plane and where it happened. Strangely, there was a man sitting in the booth behind us who leaned over and said “I could not help overhearing what you were talking about. I used to work for DARPA before retiring and madam your husband is correct. There is nothing that we could not monitor and that includes ships, planes, automobiles and people. We have technology that the public will not know about for  at least a 100 years.” Although he did not elaborate, I knew exactly what he was talking about.

This chance encounter reminded me how much I hate the deception that comes out of our government on a daily basis. We have the technology to do incredible good. We can reverse droughts, defend against all of our enemies weapons and we can even reverse the aging process. Yes, the super elite on this planet have decided to withhold most technological advances from the people so that we can continue to play out the old worn out game of one side going to war with the other, etc. etc. It is all about control, manipulation and mass murder and I am sick of it. I understand why whistleblowers do what they do because they get so disgusted that they cannot take it anymore. I understand it because I am about to engage in it for the same reasons.

Child’s Play

I mourn for the dead 239 missing passengers of the missing plane. And yes, they are undoubtedly dead. I have long known that our intelligence agencies, and probably the FSB and Mossad as well, have the ability to track every ship, airplane, every automobile and person in the world. Be warned that every conversation that you have, not just electronic, is monitored by a computer. There are no secrets. The ability to track any person of interest has existed for a long time. This is why some of us knew that the hunt for Osama Bin Laden was a joke designed to milk the cash cow that had become the war on terror for as long as possible. Therefore, there is no way that our intelligence agencies could not know what happened to the plane that has captured the attention of the media.

Originally, I remained quiet on the subject of the missing airliner because I thought it was a possibility that our government was going to launch a rescue mission because the plane had been hijacked and we were playing dumb in order to save these people. I had to remind myself that placing any kind of faith in this banker-hijacked government is naive at best. Any window of any rescue closed a few days ago. I do not know why this plane was brought down, although I suspect it was done to prevent a technology transfer to the Russians, but I do know that our government knows what happened and who did it. Now, to the point of the article.

Unrevealed Technology

My father did two tours of duty on the carrier, Roosevelt, before retiring from the Navy. In the 1980′s, my father was dying of mesothelioma as a result of being on ships with unabated asbestos. The Roosevelt was such a ship. In the last two years of his life, I visited my father on a nightly basis. It was in these conversations that I learned what my father had been involved in as a result of his work on the Roosevelt and his subsequent work at Martin Marietta which included work with former NAZI scientists as well as one Russian missile expert who had defected at the height of the cold war.

My father was one of the people who rewired the Combat Information Center on the carrier Roosevelt in order to accept the first nuclear weapons aboard a navy ship. Much of the work was done as the ship sailed around Cape Horn located at the southern tip of South America. They did so to escape detection from the Soviets. Later, my father was called back to the ship to make more adjustments to the Combat Information Center, in his second tour on the carrier. This was a highly secure and top secret project and nothing at that time was revealed to our family until my father told me 20 years later.

The Navy early retired my father six months before his actual retirement date and sent him to work at Martin Marietta in the mountains outside of Littleton, Colorado. My family was only told that dad was working on missiles. The truth, as he revealed to me in our nightly conversations, from 1983 to 1985, was that he was working with NAZI scientists on developing technologies which had been on their drawing board, but had not yet developed. Most know of Operation Paper Clip which reverse engineered NAZI technology into our military. However, what my father worked on was the theoretical aspect of what was planned but not yet manufactured.

As my father described, the project was highly compartmentalized and was first overseen by the Office of Naval Intelligence. Later, the CIA wrestled control away and took a very hands on approach. As my father’s responsibilities increased, he developed more awareness of the totality and purpose of the project. He surmised that he was working on a secret military space program complete with an independent weapons system and single craft capable of achieving orbit without the use of a booster rocket. Although my father never received direct confirmation, has was convinced that he was working in a militarized space program which was totally separate from NASA since none of the fruits of his labor ever ended up at the “civilian space agency”. NASA is no more than a cover for what our government has been working on for over 60 years. Why, at the heart of the cold war, would our government not be militarizing space? Of course we were militarizing space and it does not make sense to believe anything else. He told me that the technology that he worked on was an estimated 100-300 years ahead of anything that we had at that time.

Interestingly, my father was a fan of the TV show, Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenberry because he knew that the technology portrayed on the show had already been developed. He told me he was baffled as to why Roddenberry would be allowed to display the technology in such an open matter.

It was revealed to me that we had deep space platforms armed with weapons which could strike anywhere on the face of the planet and beyond. After my father left Martin Marietta, now known as Lockheed Martin, he went to work at Sundstrand Electric in Westminster, Colorado.  While at Sundstrand, he met the late Bill Pawelec, a CIA contract agent.  Bill Pawelec will eventually meet and become the significant other of my present News Director of The Common Sense Show, Annie DeRiso.  Both men performed work on developing a high tech surveillance system for use on the deep space platforms.

My father had warned me I could never publicly speak about these events until after both he and my mother had passed away. My father had signed a national security oath in which he waived all due process rights for any violation of his oath. Any violation would have been met with immediate incarceration to Leavenworth, with hard labor and all financial assets would be forfeited. My father passed away in 1985, but I could not say anything because my mother was receiving his Navy pension. I moved to Arizona three months later and filed away this knowledge and pursued my career interests.

The Art Bell Connection

In 1993, I was listening to the Art Bell show for the first time and Art was interviewing Vance Davis, formerly of the NSA. Vance said some things in the interview that made me think he might have known my father. I tried contacting Vance and left a message and provided the reason why I was contacting him. The next day, both Vance and Bill Pawelec contacted me. I developed a friendship with both men. And from Bill Pawelec, I learned even more about the work my father had done at Sundstrand. Privately, I confided in Bill and Vance and told them some of what I knew. Ten years later, through a meeting set up by Bill Pawelec, I had a clandestine meeting about these matters with noted author, Jim Marrs at the airport in Phoenix, in which I told Jim some of what I knew and he said it confirmed much of what he already knew on these topics. As a result of this meeting, I developed a relationship with Jim as he has been a guest on my talk show over a dozen times.

I still maintained a very low profile  until the forces of Senator John McCain and the CAFTA/CANAMEX Corridor group wanted to force myself and my 300 rural neighbors off of our land without any compensation. As a result of my fighting against McCain’s forces in the media, the late Pete Peterson gave me a position  as a talk show host on Sunday afternoons in Wickenburg, AZ. A couple of years later, John Stadtmiller offered me a similar position with the Republic Broadcasting Network. I was one upset person and went to war with the elite on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, I still could not reveal all that I knew because my mother was still alive.

My mother passed away three years ago and I was subsequently free to reveal what I knew, but I chose not to because I was engaged in the fight against the NWO on multiple fronts and did not feel the need to do so, until now.

I can accurately state that we possess the technology to stop all attacks upon the United States or any other area that we choose. What the public was told about with Reagan’s SDI program was a deceptive lie. The MX missile system, for example, was a very expensive disinformation ruse. During the Reagan years, we already had developed technology that most would recognize as being part of HAARP which could, for example, knock down all incoming ICBM’s using HAARP based, localized EMP type of technology, combined with the technology located on the deep space platforms. This war that we are getting ready to fight, is going to be fought with sticks and stones compared to what is available. Subsequently, all of this saber rattling and subsequent mass murder which is about to take place, is totally unnecessary.

Millions are needlessly going to die and if the conflict goes nuclear, billions will die. And this is all in the name of a few elite gaining more control so they can live out some preplanned fantasy for control of the planet.

How Advanced Is the Hidden Technology?

The short answer to the question in the subtitle is that I do not know. My information is based on events which happened in the late 1950′s to the mid 1960′s. What I do know is that only a very few know what I know. Only God and a few corrupt people know how far this technology has evolved. This is why I have no trouble believing Steve Quayle’s new book, Exogenesis, about transhumanism and the complete morphing of the human race.

With the suppressed technology, all drought and famine on the planet could end. Do you remember the old 1952 classic movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still, in which a race of aliens had the ability to stop all war in the universe? We have the power to stop all war on the planet today and have had this technology for some time. Do you understand what I am saying, all war could be ended. We could be traveling to the stars and harnessing vast resources. It is highly likely that our military went to the moon long before Neil Armstrong given what I know about the technology which existed in 1960. However, the elite are not going to relinquish control and allow mankind to become what he was intended to become. Therefore, the technology is going to continue to be withheld and man’s suffering will continue as it has for some time. Given what JFK said in his Secret Societies speech, he knew what I am revealing as well and was not on board with the games being played.

What Is a Poor Christian To Do?

Now it should begin to make sense why I have advocated for not being in the banking system controlled by the whoremongers and warmongers.  I have also encouraged people to shop locally and stay out of the corporate entities. Turn off your TV and read a book, the Bible would be a great place to start. What did Jesus say about being in the world and not of the world? It still might be possible to collapse the corrupt system from the inside-out and begin anew. However, that ship has already sailed and I am sure it is too late.


Annie DeRiso and few of my close friends have been discussing if and when and how completely I should bring out what I know. Since the passing of my mother, I have often considered what I should do. Some have advised me to keep quiet because of the loss of credibility. I personally could care less about this possibility. I don’t know how much longer I am going to continue to write and broadcast. I have other things in life that I am missing out on and I grow weary of trying to arouse a public which is content to watch Dancing with the Stars instead of fighting back against the evil on this planet. As a former mental health professional, I learned that I cannot care more about clients than they care about themselves. There is a lesson to be learned from that experience regarding the multitude of sheep that inhabit our country.

I am well aware of the criticism that will follow this article and truthfully, I could care less. Since beginning broadcasting  seven years ago, I have heard allegations wondering where I came from and am I government troll and why did I just suddenly appear from nowhere? Annie DeRiso tells me that people ask her that question a lot. I have been awake for a very long time and I grow weary of the satanic evil that inhabits this planet along with the lack of intelligence and courage displayed by the masses.

What I do know is that this coming war is not needed and many of our kids are going to die. I am damn sure that the intelligence agencies knows how those 239 airline passengers died. You see, it is all a game that works because we choose to remain ignorant of the truth.

It was time to get mad about the state of the world a long time ago. A good time would have been when Jesus drove the money changers from the Temple. Now, we are going to pay the price for our disobedience to God and our absolute ignorance. I sincerely mean this when I say, may God have mercy on our souls. You would be well-advised to focus on adaptation and survival. Take the time to enjoy life while you still can, you may not get a second chance. Just remember that all of what is happening is totally unnecessary.

-   Dave Hodges is the Editor and Host of The Common Sense Show.

Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following video relates and/or supports the above article and/or blog regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063735209?profile=originalVideo: What HAARP Is.. And Everything Its Used For.. Full HAARP Documentary!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Matthew Marley-On August 20, 2011:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


RED ALERT: Malaysian Flight MH 370 Hijacked for Islamic Terrorist Invasion of America!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Truther.org-March 15, 2014:



Pilot of missing Malaysian airliner was “fanatical” supporter of Muslim Brotherhood-linked politician!-Posted on Jihad Watch-By Robert Spencer-On March 16, 2014:



Malaysia 370: Intentional Misdirection Of Search To Set Up False Flag!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On March 17, 2014:



Israel Prepares To Withstand Possible Attack By Hijacked Malaysia Flight 370!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Now The End Begins-On March 16, 2014:



Video: Project Camelot – Missing Flight 370!-Posted on Before It’s News-By N. Morgan-On March 17, 2014:



Military Hid Malaysia Plane Radar Data!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Deborah Dupre (Reporter)-On March 18, 2014:



Malaysian plane disappearance linked to 9/11!-Posted on VT News-By VT editor Kevin Barrett, for Press TV-On March 18, 2014:






MH370 Pilot’s Simulator Had Diego Garcia Landing Programmed In!-Posted on Before It’s News-By stompk (Reporter)-on March 18, 2014:



MH370 CIA Cover-Up: Military Tells Malaysia To Say Maldives Lied About Plane Sightings!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Deborah Dupre (Reporter)-On March 19, 2014:



The Tiger Awakens: China Warns of “Retaliatory Action” and “Unforeseeable Consequences” Over U.S. Monday Deadline!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Mac Slavo-On March 15, 2014:



State Issues Travel Alert To Americans In Russia; Athletes Still In Sochi for Paralympics!-Posted on Breitbart.com-By KERRY PICKET-On March 14, 2014:



George Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil!-Posted on The New American-By  William F. Jasper-On March 14, 2014:



Revolutions Backed by George Soros!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By National Director, Dee-On March 19, 2014:



Crimea votes in favor of secession, U.S. rejects!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Guy Taylor, The Washington Times-On March 16, 2014:



Mockery greets Obama’s new sanctions against Russian officials after Crimea action!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Ben Wolfgang, The Washington Times-On March 17, 2014:



U.S. Public Relations Firm Bags $55 Million Representing Putin!-Posted on Big Government-By WYNTON HALL-On March 17, 2014:



Exclusive: U.S. Sanctions Actually Target Putin’s Domestic Rivals!-Posted on Western Journalism- By B. Christopher Agee-On March 17, 2014:



Russian Inspectors to Check U.S. Nuclear Cuts Amid Ukraine Crisis: ‘New START treaty on-site inspection takes place this week’!-Posted on The Washington Free Beacon-By Bill Gertz-On March 17, 2014:



Russia could turn US to ‘radioactive ash,’ state TV anchor says!-Posted on The Hill-By Rebecca Shabad-On March 17, 2014:












PUTIN POISED TO TAKE ENTIRE UKRAINE: ‘Risky move could backfire on Russian leader’!-Posted on WND.com-By F. MICHAEL MALOOF-On March 18, 2014:



Obama Strategy Backfires… Putin Sanctions the US!-Posted on Conservative Journal-On March 18, 2014:



How Sanctions Against Russia Could Signal the Beginning of ‘World War III’!-Posted on The Blaze-By Sara Carter-On March 18, 2014:



Video: Barack Obama “the Great Oppressor” of the Second Exodus! World War 3 Is Being Ignited Right Now!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Lyn Leahz-On March 18, 2013:






IS PUTIN A NEW HITLER?-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Servando Gonzalez-On March 18, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 5 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 5)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 27, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blogs relate to these extremely disturbing issues-You Decide:

4063559463?profile=originalMy Opinion of How and Who Controls the People!


4063547843?profile=originalPowerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!


4063670658?profile=originalIt has begun: Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design!



Bank “hacks” perpetrated at “nation-state” level!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!


4063692851?profile=originalIsrael Helps Its Al-Qaeda Ally With Attack on Syria: Tel Aviv emboldens western-backed jihadists (Part 1)!


4063371464?profile=originalBlowing a whistle on Benghazi: There’s no hiding four murders!


4063692791?profile=originalObama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!



33 Minutes-Protecting America During New Missile Age!


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 21)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 8, 2014:


4063566206?profile=originalGeoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!- Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


4063829832?profile=originalHow “climate change” is supposedly impacting New Mexico and other southwestern states because of ensuing drought and devastating wildfires!


128985472?profile=RESIZE_180x180Fuku Warning! US Gov’t Orders 14 Million Doses Of Potassium Iodide!


4063761474?profile=originalCould the U.S. Weather & Atmosphere Modification Project (HAARP) be connected to swine flu pandemic & global weather assault causing climate chaos and environmental catastrophes?


4063669635?profile=originalNew Twist To New World Order Agenda!


4063670582?profile=originalWhy Are Ex-Feds & Wall Street Execs Going Into Hiding?


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?


4063853502?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


4063493143?profile=originalWhat we haven’t been told about the President’s background!


4063784582?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1)


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063758956?profile=originalCommunists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063853529?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello-When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


Could this be the economic collapse and war that were not bred out of incompetence, but by design?-You Decide:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 2 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 2)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 9, 2014:


Economic Collapse By Design:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent article and/or blog relates to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide


What Will Be the Value of Goods After SHTF?-Posted on Before It’s News-By Survivopedia-On March 10, 2014:

There’s no question in a lot of people’s minds that we are headed for a financial crisis. The only question really is when is it going to come? Every day we get closer to it, even though the Fed Chairman is doing everything he can to stave it off.

There are a lot of things that happen when a country’s economy crashes; some expected and some unexpected. A lot depends upon how the government reacts to it and what austerity measures they put in place to curtail spending, so that the country can work its way back out of the mess. In the mean time, while the crash is still going on, the people suffer.

We’ve seen this before in Argentina, as well as the German occupied countries of Europe; even here in our own country, during the Great Depression. People still have to live their lives, even though the country’s financial situation makes it harder for them to do that. Part of the way that they do so is to ignore the government economy and return back to the basics of bartering.

In a barter economy, goods and services are traded directly, based upon their value to the people who are doing the trading. Like any other time, that value depends upon the law of supply and demand. The one thing that is different is that demand for many things previously considered valuable drops, while the value of the basic necessities of life increases. This makes the relative value between items change drastically from what people are used to.

This was very clear in German occupied Europe during the Second World War. Germany was rationing everything, taking most of what the occupied countries produced and shipping it to Germany for their own use. This left people short of many basic needs, such as food.

The people living in the cities of these countries would take suitcases full of valuables and go out to visit “friends” in the country. Actually, they were going to visit farmers in the country for a little black market bartering. They would trade silver tea sets and jewelry for hams, sausages, cheese and butter. Many farmers became rich from that trade.

4063850030?profile=originalYou see, the demand for jewelry and silver was very low during World War II. Oh, German soldiers would buy it, but they were about the only ones who could. People who were having trouble feeding their families weren’t interested in buying silver tea sets. No, they traded those things, which they had bought at great price, for the things they needed to survive. The silver wasn’t worth much, because it couldn’t help them survive, except by trading it for food.

What About Here?

We can expect the same thing to happen here in the United States when the brown stuff hits the rotary air movement device.

The necessities for survival will become valuable, and things which are considered valuable today will be all but forgotten. People will be scrounging for food, fuel, medicines, and other basic needs; they won’t be interested in gaudy baubles and fancy electronic devices that won’t keep their families alive.

While it is impossible to determine the actual value of goods before the crisis strikes, one of the major factors that will affect it will be how necessary that item is for survival.

We’re going to see a time when items that seem simple and basic to us today become prized possessions. What will a roll of toilet paper be worth? It doesn’t seem like much to us today, but what about when there isn’t any?

At the same time, many businesses, which specialize in providing luxury goods will go bankrupt. A lot of the unemployment that will come in that time will be due to the closing of those businesses. Without a middle class to buy those products, the companies, which manufacture and sell them will run out of money and close their doors.

4063850092?profile=originalProbably the most profitable business to own when the SHTF will be a liquor store. Interestingly enough, sales of alcohol always increase after a major disaster.

People are trying to come to grips with the situation and many need something to help them. Not knowing what to do, many turn to drugs and alcohol as an escape, trying to forget their problems, if even for a moment. Of course, doing so only increasesthose problems when they wake up the next morning.

Jobs which are critical for survival will remain strong. Healthcare professionals, those who produce food and other similar professions that meet our basic needs will probably be the least hit. On the other end of the scale, salespeople will probably be the hardest hit, especially those who are selling cars, jewelry and other luxuries. Surprisingly enough sports figures and entertainers may not fare as bad, as people always look for diversions in a time of crisis.

Value will be based on need, just as it always is. The major difference is that in that time, our needs will be much closer associated with our survival, rather than being associated with our wants. We will fall back down to the lowest levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy, placing our value on those things which will help us to survive.

Find out more about bartering your skills for survival after disaster on Conquering the Coming Collapse

Source Link:


War By Design:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


The Grand Chess Board of World War III!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Dave Hodges-On March 10, 2014:

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.

William Shakespeare

Many times in the midst of a global crisis, it is easy to lose sight of what is important, take our eyes off of the ball and ignore what is truly important. In an ongoing effort to make sense out of the world we live in, there is one undeniable truth, the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking empire is the prime motivating force behind the systematic destruction of the old world and the roll out of the New World Order. Subsequently, it is important to establish what complete control the banksters have in moving the world towards total subjugation.

The primary weapon of mass manipulation is the planet’s central banking system which is headquartered in Basel. If a nation and its leaders do not follow the script, they tend to have a very short life span. Let’s take the assassination of the Polish government and military as a case in point.

It is difficult to discuss centralized banking and at the same time forget the very suspicious deaths of the entire Polish government, high ranking military establishment and members of its own national banking cartel after they refused to let their nation become the latest victim of this banking cartel’s loan sharking operation in which the IMF attempted to make Poland a debt slave. Poland was the only nation in 2009 to experience economic growth in the EU which totaled  2.75% in that year and 3.25% in 2011 at a time when the other 26 nations of the EU economy contracted by as much as  4.1%. The Polish government refused to capitulate to the IMF and enter the world of austerity, pension theft and the looting of bank accounts.

The plane crash, which led to the death of the entire Polish government and banking leaders was staged and then a Russian/Polish hit team descended on the scene to kill the survivors before the first responders could arrive. Do you want to see what a bankster regime change looks and sounds like? Take a look at this video, which keeps being taken down and then reappearing. I would suggest saving this video on your desktop.

Video: Digital Enhancement Of Amateur Plane Crash Site Footage (w / English Subtitles) In Smolensk:


The murderers seen on this tape are two Poles and two Russians. This is not about the nationality of the murderers, this is about the black-ops of both nations (the Polish secret police controlled by Basel and rogue elements of the FSB which were operating under the direction of the Mossad). The thinking of my sources is that this was ultimately a Mossad hit and the CIA provided the necessary tools to bring the plane down at the precise location where these “special forces” sprang into action and killed off all of the survivors. When this video made the light of day, it did not take long for retribution to occur. I have been told that the videographer was stabbed to death in Moscow while walking down the street. This is what criminal bankster, mafia inspired regime change looks like. Bankster inspired regime change does not begin and end with Poland.

Lincoln, JFK and McKinley are all US Presidents who have been murdered to fulfill bankster goals. Saddam Hussein, Hugo Chavez and Gaddafi were all murdered when they defied the central banking cartel. However, assassinating leaders to bring about policy change is one thing, simultaneously controlling the world is quite another. A strong move to control the entire world is underway and it will culminate in World War III and then the world will see a New World Order created out of the existing chaos (i.e. out of chaos comes order).

The Undeniable Facts

The US was made the world policeman following World War II. At the Breton Woods 1944 summit, the central bankers decided to also make the dollar the world’s reserve currency and thus the Petrodollar was born. The Petrodollar provides that all nations must first purchase Federal Reserve Notes (i.e. the dollar) prior to purchasing oil. This allows the bankers to continue to plunder the US treasury, under the auspices of the IRS, yet maintain some degree of dollar solvency by providing some measure of “backing up” the dollar in the world’s oil business.

There is no question that the Bank of International Settlement is managing a world crisis, which permitted the rise of Russia and China on the world’s economic scene. The banksters have permitted Putin to acquire huge sums of mineral resources (e.g. natural gas and petroleum) and the Russian economy has been revived. The Chinese economy is riding the wave of industrialization. Predictably, both China and Russia as well as the other BRIC nations have grown weary of the rigged economic game being perpetrated by the Petrodollar and a predictable and planned bankster inspired conflict is arising.

The BRICS Strike Back

The BRIC nations have begun to strike back at the once complete dominance of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. What product could totally undermine what would be a totally fiat currency if it were not for the Petrodollar? It would be, of course, gold!

Any gold based economy, or even partial gold based economy backed currency will hold its value much more solidly than the oil backed dollar as gold is the most sound medium of exchange on the planet.

In order to challenge American dominance in the world in an economic system which guarantees last place for the rest of the world, it was predictable that the rising economies of the BRICS would seek to challenge the economic dominance of the US Petrodollar in order to close the economic gap which lies between the BRICS and the United States. For example, China can own the debt of the US, but so long as the Petrodollar is in play as the dominant medium of economic exchange, the BRIC will always compete for second place. Meanwhile, the US military and its NATO allies, the instrument of ultimate global oppression used against leaders who deviate from the script written in Basel, will continue to dominate until all parties are brought to the battlefield by a cleverly arranged plot being fermented by the likes of the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlement.

In the world of central banking there are three groups.

1. The Bank of International Settlement and its World Bank and IMF subsidiaries.

2. The central banks of the world such as the Federal Reserve form the second tier of power in the world.

3. Then there are the half dozen, or so, countries who are resisting central banking debt enslavement as a means of control coming out of Basel. Poland, Libya and Iraq are recent examples of nations who have been dealt with and their central banking resistant leaders have been exterminated. Venezuela is in the process of being dealt with after the demise of Chavez. Brazil, Russia, India and China, along with their puppet North Korean government are going to be dealt with in the upcoming World War III.

What Does This Mean for America?

The existence of the Federal Reserve Note and ultimately the Federal Reserve itself, is being challenged by the fact that the useful idiot nations of Iran and Syria are serving as a powder keg for a global war of ultimate unification. The BRIC nations have pinned their hope on circumventing the Petrodollar through purchasing Iran’s oil in gold in a move which ties together all the elements of this conspiracy.

Subsequently, the Federal Reserve Board have been put in the untenable position to be fighting for survival over the Iranian situation. Iran is the focal point of who and what is going to dominate the world’s economic scene. Will it be gold or the Petrodollar? The bastards from Basel are literally laughing all the way to the bank. Not only have they been funding the rise of the forces in this future conflict, these banksters know that the coming war between the gold backed BRIC nations and the Petrodollar will result in a conflict in which neither the dollar, nor gold will be the world’s future medium of exchange. Out of this chaos, will come the order of a new currency created in Basel.

The ultimate script here in America has to do with getting the American people to accept a slide into World War III. For that to happen, there has to be a monumental depression. I am still calling for an economic collapse which will most likely be triggered by a Stock Market collapse. Then the following scenario will come into play, a scenario, which I have been touting for 18 months.

1. False flag event(s) to create absolute chaos and havoc.

2. The roll-out of martial law in order to martial all resources needed to help the Federal Reserve and subsequently squash all domestic resistance to the coming conflict.

3. World War III will proceed without American domestic opposition and simultaneously consist of confiscating all American guns and destroying the Constitution.

It is in this time, that the events surrounding the Petrodollar and the crisis in Ukraine will begin to make perfect sense to all who are paying attention.

Those of you who think that abolishing the Federal Reserve is the key to eliminating the oppression of the American people, are sadly mistaken. If you really want to understand what we, as Americans, are up against, you must set your sights much higher up on the food chain.

Part two of this series will identify the key chess pieces and their role in the perpetrating of the final act being played out on the world stage in which Obama, Putin, Assad et al., are merely actors in a play contained in a script which was written a long time ago… written by the ultimate masters of manipulation. The countdown to Armageddon has begun.

Part two will be published early tomorrow morning.

Dave Hodges is the Editor and Host of The Common Sense Show.

Source Link:


4063850156?profile=originalThe Grand Chessboard of WWIII (Part Two)!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Dave Hodges-On March 11, 2014:

America is busy fighting in Afghanistan and occupying Iraq. Crimea, a part of Ukraine, has been illegally seized by Russia. Obama has tried to engage Syria and Iran in a war in order to preserve the Petrodollar, but was outmaneuvered by Putin. To the average sheeple, the world is just one nasty conflict after another. To the rare American who has any knowledge of current events and can read a map, everything that is happening makes perfect sense.

The Eurasian Economic Union (EAU)

Like the mythical Phoenix, the old Soviet Union is attempting to rise out of the ashes. The EAU is a proposed economic union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. On November 18, 2011, the leaders of  Belaurus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed an agreement, setting a target of establishing the Eurasian Union by 2015. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have expressed interest in joining as well as has Belarus’ neighbor to the immediate south, Ukraine. Isn’t it interesting that Georgia’s Prime Minister, Bidzina Ivanishvili, stated in September of 2013 that they were also examining the advantages of acceding to the EAU. Also in September of 2013, Armenia has announced its intention to join the EAU. This union cannot be allowed to happen by the West because it will tip the balance of power in the world.

The Importance of the Ukraine

Out of all the aforementioned countries, Ukraine is the most important piece of the EAU. They have a population of 46 million people, they have the largest economy in the region next to Russia and they have the second largest military consisting of nearly 130,000 soldiers as well as several private armies belonging to the Ukraine oligarchs. Ukraine possesses much modern military equipment and the province of the Crimea is home to the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Without their naval bases in Crimea, the Russians would have a difficult time defending Syria from an American invasion. Eighty percent of Russian natural gas, supplied to Europe, flows through Ukraine. Of all the former Soviet Union states, Ukraine is far and away the most important. Without the EAU membership of Ukraine, there is no reconstituted Soviet Union (i.e. EAU).

Western fifth column provocateurs have wreaked havoc in the region by causing discord in Georgia and in Ukraine. Although I am an American and do not want to see a reconstituted Soviet Union even if it means the central bankers remain in control because I would like to see the dollar survive a bit longer and I would like to have a way to pay my mortgage. The rise of the EAU and the abandonment of the Petrodollar spells the end of the American way of life.

Ukraine should want nothing to do with the European Union and its ruthless bankers from the IMF. The ink is not even dry on Ukraine’s new and illegitimate government headed by Western bankers and the plundering of Ukraine has already begun. I will unequivocally state that if I were Putin, I would have already invaded Ukraine because merely surrounding the country with his military will not reverse the economic Armageddon, which is presently transpiring. With what is going on inside of Ukraine, Russia will gain an ally with few resources. However, the stakes of what is happening in Ukraine are far higher than the welfare of its people. A reformed old Soviet style empire will pose a military and an economic threat to the central bankers in the West as well as the World Bank and the IMF.

The EAU and the BRIC Nations

The fully developed EAU could militarily challenge NATO and in particular, the United States. However, Putin’s plan is to grow the EAU and its Eurasian Customs Union into a “supra-national union of sovereign states like the present version of the European Union. This means that the EAU could also challenge the economic dominance of central banking.

This new and mammoth organization would unite economies, legal systems, customs services and most importantly, military capabilities, in order to form a formidable bridge between Europe, Asia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa. China and India alone would account for well over two billion people. The military forces of NATO would be overwhelmed.

If Ukraine, and later Georgia, accede to the European Union, Putin’s plan of leading the most powerful alliance on the planet will die in Kiev.

Syria and Iran Are the Flashpoint

Let’s return, for a moment, to some universal truths. The central banking cartel emanating out of Basel have based their control of the world’s nations upon debt slavery created by forced adherence to a fiat currency. If a country’s regime becomes resistant, people like George Soros manipulate the currency, agitate the populace and a regime change takes place,which is often fatal for the present leadership.

The Federal Reserve worked for decades to remove the US from the gold standard so that they could enforce this strategy of debt enslavement. Following the 1944 conference at Bretton Woods, which established the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, fiat currency has reigned supreme. Yes, the banksters will someday want to collapse the dollar (i.e. the Petrodollar), but not until they are ready. An intact United States is still needed to militarily enforce their will upon uncooperative nations such as Iraq and Libya. Therefore, the Petrodollar must survive in the short-term.

The bastards from Basel have a relatively new problem. The BRIC nations are no longer willing to fight for second place and are challenging the Petrodollar in Iran by purchasing Iranian oil for gold. Ordinarily, this would have meant regime change in Iran and death for the leaders. However, the BRIC nations have rallied around Iran. Russia and China told the US that if they invaded Iran, the US would be nuked. Subsequently, the impotent illegal alien occupying the White House subsequently decided on an incremental approach. Obama postured to invade Syria last year. Occupation of Syria accompanied by the presence of American medium range missile batteries would effectively prevent the Russians from moving ground troops into Syria. Further, Syria could serve as a jumping off point from which to invade Iran. The US was hoping that the invasion of Syria and the subsequent invasion of Iran would occur before the Russians and Chinese would have much of a chance to respond. Thus, the Petrodollar would be preserved. This explains the civil war raging inside of Syria.

The CIA is supplying the Syrian rebels (i.e. al Qaeda) with weapons in an attempt to overthrow Syrian leader, Assad, in an attempt to take over the country. The inexperienced Obama was outmaneuvered by Putin and Syria was saved for the time being. As an aside, the association between the Obama administration and al-Qaeda, both in Libya and in Syria, had to be covered up prior to the 2012 election. This is why CIA arms broker, Ambassador Chris Stevens, had to be murdered in order to conceal the White House/al-Qaeda connection. Events rarely occur in isolation. The presstitutes of the corporate controlled media label people who connect these kinds of dots as conspiracy theorists, when in fact, they should be labeled as the truthful media.


The formation of a Putin-led EAU is threatening enough to the West. However, if a fully mature EAU forms a military and economic alliance with the rest of the BRIC nations, the US and Europe are in a lot of trouble.

What all this adds up to is the fact that Ukraine is the most important chess piece in the world. If the Western banking cartels cannot get in and stop the bleeding of the Petrodollar coming from Iran, the economy of the West will collapse because the dollar will collapse.

The year 2015 looms large as this is the target date for Putin to complete the construction of the EAU and form an alliance with the other BRIC nations. This means that a war must take place prior to the end of 2015. This war will undoubtedly be nuclear with the losing side resorting to the nuclear option.

To my fellow Americans, it is easy to fall in love with Putin and declare him a hero because he is opposing the IMF and the World Bank. However, if Putin has his way, he will become America’s worst nightmare. Putin is under the control of the banksters at the highest level. What most of us do not realize is that there is the central banking cartel and then there are the people who really run finance on this planet. The central banks, such as the Federal Reserve, are merely mid-level managers, which were created to serve a purpose. The coming conflict is about the preservation of central banking as an international element of control. The real power on this planet are above central banking and are pushing the world towards an eventual war of unification.

A subsequent World War III will wipe out all competing economies and out of chaos will come order. We are about to witness an old-fashioned cockfight while the real power brokers sit back and wait for nature to take its course.

For reasons I will share in Part three, I do not believe that World War III will begin in either Ukraine or in Syria. Any guesses?

Dave Hodges is the Editor and Host of The Common Sense Show.

Source Link:


4063850208?profile=originalWhich False Flag Event Will Be Used to Usher In Martial Law?-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Dave Hodges-On March 13, 2014:

Before World War III can be fought over Ukraine, Syria and Iran, the people must be brought to their knees because no rational person would participate in the coming world war. As I have pointed out in the three previous parts of this series, the specter of World War III is well within sight. The sides are drawn and the relative strengths of each side are established. Each side is jockeying for position as they will attempt to maneuver the other side into bringing their adversary to the battlefield of their choice. In short, the world is poised to begin a prolonged conflict which will destroy economies, devastate entire regions of the world and it will in all likelihood, kill billions of innocent people. The men behind the curtain will end the conflict at a time of their choosing in order to usher in their New World Order complete with a new global fiat currency, a supranational military force, complete authoritarian control and a justice system which deals decisively and brutally towards all dissenters. In short, all who participate in what is coming will actively contribute to their own demise. As with most societies which are being led to destruction, there is a very predictable course of events. A series of false flag events are initiated in order to usher in complete governmental control and all opposition is eliminated under martial law. And martial law normally precedes a war in which the citizens are forced to participate.

False Flag Event – Martial law – World War III.

The Endgame

Although this is a different topic for a different article, if one wonders what life will be like for those who survive the coming World War III and the preceding martial law, I would suggest reading everything you can get your hands on with regard to Agenda 21, for phase one, and transhumanism, for phase two of the New World Order. The question for this article is “Which false flag strategy will usher in martial law”?

False Flag Events Before Martial Law

Any discussion, except for the fact that false flag events are coming, is supposition to some degree. However, there is enough historical precedent in this area, to accurately determine that these coming events will follow a very narrow path of possibilities. The following represents my choices as the most likely candidates for the coming false flag attack as a prelude to martial law.

Currency Collapse By Cyber Attack

In large part, prepping is a spectator sport in that most of us enjoy watching others participate in it while we wonder which day we will begin to store food, water, guns and bullets. Last fall, DHS and FEMA participated in a series of cyber security drills in which the banks fell victim to a cyber attack and all banking records were destroyed. If you cannot prove how many computer digits you have in the bank, then you will own none of the computer digits. Americans will try to present paper records to prove their case, but the banks and the government will dismiss your paperwork as a fraud or lacking proof that you did not spend your money in between the time of your written bank statement and the cyber attack. In short, if you have your money in the bank, at the time of the collapse, you will effectively own nothing. You will have no way to pay your rent, mortgage and buy food. You will be at the complete mercy of the state. Famine will be the quick result of this kind of false flag attack. Hordes of looters will go house to house and neighborhood to neighborhood seeking life-sustaining resources. The need for martial law will be immediate. If you want to eat, you will go to a “community center” where you will be promised “three hots and a cot”. This represents how most people will be rounded up. A currency collapse set into motion by a cyber attack upon the banks is my number one choice as to the nature of the coming set of false flag attacks.

Currency Collapse Caused by a Stock Market Crash

This kind of crash would actually be quite simple to engineer as the super elite would simply have to simultaneously pull their money out of the market, as they did in 1929, and the overinflated market would sink like a lead balloon. A stock market collapse will destroy the banks thanks to the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act which prevented people from borrowing to get into the market. The related housing market would also collapse. Credit would quickly dry up and grocery chains and farmers alike will no longer be able to afford to ship food and all would go broke. Food would begin to rot on the farms. Famine would result along with the accompanying social chaos. The need to put the country under martial law for the protection of the citizens would become be welcomed . What did Kissinger say about controlling food and then controlling people? Currency collapse caused by a stock market collapse is my second choice.

Attacking the Power Grid


If the powers that be determine that an economic crisis would produce the panicked citizen reaction to a currency collapse, then a more dramatic plan of attack is needed. Taking down the power grid, according to both Congressman Trent Franks and the Naval War College would result in 90% of the country being dead within 24 months with 60% of the population dying off  within a year. An EMP attack would completely subjugate the country, but at what cost? The infrastructure would be destroyed and it would take years to rebuild. An EMP attack upon the power grid would be the act of an extreme psychopathic mind. Just when I was ready to dismiss this possibility, I began to think about the Hunger Games trilogy. A series of Capitol cities would exist in which the people would continue to struggle for survival. The basic blueprint for Agenda 21 would be in place as we witnessed in Suzanne Collins’ work. The major drawback to this event would be that if the intent was to create martial law as a prelude to World War III a destroyed infrastructure does not lend itself to a sustained war effort.

Chemical and/or Biological Attack

4063850146?profile=originalA series of chemical and/or biological attacks at select places around the country would leave the country healthy enough to fight a war, but also provide the excuse to usher in martial law. The disadvantage to this approach is that the puppet masters would have the task of controlling and maintaining secrecy among a large number of co-conspirators who would have to be eliminated. This kind of attack would open up the opportunity to get people into the new “community centers” (i.e. FEMA camps) for the purpose of obtaining life-saving vaccinations as well as food and water.T hat is when the real nightmare begins.

A Nuclear “Terrorist” Attack

At one time, this kind of event would have been high up on my list. However, the military is not in support of this and have worked to keep nuclear weapons out of the control of this administration which explains why over 260 senior military command officers have been fired by Obama including the entire leadership of the nuclear weapons program. Although this event remains a possibility, this event seems less likely as time goes on.

Source Link:


4063850191?profile=originalVideo: Proof US Staging False Flag For WW3 Kickoff With Russia!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On March 12, 2014:



Missing 777 or Flying Bomb? VT Working Group Says “Plane is on the Ground”!-Posted on VT News-By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor-On March 14, 2014:



Is Obama Covering Up The Truth About Flight 370? ‘It’s likely that the story of Flight 370 will end tragically. But why are officials rushing to rule out terrorism’!-Posted on Western Journalism-By FLOYD BROWN-On March 11, 2014:



The Incoherence of Western Foreign Policy!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Bruce Thornton-On March 11, 2014:



Ukraine impasse stirs U.S.-Russia tensions!-Posted CNN.com-By Elise Labott, CNN Foreign Affairs Reporter-On March 11, 2014:



Neocon Lies Could Trigger Nuclear War!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By John Myers –On March 12, 2014:



Obama Exploiting Ukraine to Empower IMF and Dictatorships!-Posted on The New American-By Alex Newman-On March 12, 2014:



OBAMA BRINGS UKRAINE WAR HOME TO U.S.: ‘Issues order targeting Americans who threaten ‘peace’!-Posted on WND.com-By AARON KLEIN-On March 12, 2014:



Putin wants war, says Ukrainian prime minister: ‘Says Russian leader seeks to revise World War II outcomes’!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Ben Wolfgang, The Washington Times-On March 12, 2014:



Soros tells Europe: Imposing sanctions on Russia not the best way forward!-Posted on Rt.com-On March 13, 2014:



John Kerry: Include IMF changes in Ukraine package!-Posted on Politico-By SEUNG MIN KIM-On March 13, 2014:



BREAKING: Secret Putin/Obama Link Discovered!-Posted on The National Report-By Cassidy Pen, TNReport Investigative Reporter-On March 13, 2014:



HOW TO FIGHT PUTIN’S PROPAGANDA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Cliff Kincaid-On March 14, 2014:



Video: RT Anchor Quits On Air Over Putin “Whitewashing” Events In Ukraine!-Posted on Before It’s News-By RedFlag News-On March 6, 2014:






What Ukraine Needs from the U.S. NOW!-Posted on The Foundry-By Luke Coffey-On March 14, 2014:



The End of International Law!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On March 14, 2014:



The Malaysian Airliner Is NOT Missing & Much More!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Dave Hodges-On March 15, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 4 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 4)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 16, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blogs relate to these extremely disturbing issues-You Decide:

4063559463?profile=originalMy Opinion of How and Who Controls the People!


4063547843?profile=originalPowerful men who meet secretly to plan on how to run our country!


4063670658?profile=originalIt has begun: Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design!



Bank “hacks” perpetrated at “nation-state” level!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!


4063692851?profile=originalIsrael Helps Its Al-Qaeda Ally With Attack on Syria: Tel Aviv emboldens western-backed jihadists (Part 1)!


4063371464?profile=originalBlowing a whistle on Benghazi: There’s no hiding four murders!


4063692791?profile=originalObama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!



33 Minutes-Protecting America During New Missile Age!


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 21)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 8, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!- Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?


4063850668?profile=originalThe Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


4063493143?profile=originalWhat we haven’t been told about the President’s background!


4063784582?profile=originalThe Vetting: ‘Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection’! (Part 1)


4063781196?profile=originalWhite Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Weather Underground, Barack Obama, and the Fundamental Transformation of the United States!


4063758956?profile=originalCommunists and Muslims: The Hidden Hand of the KGB!


4063521039?profile=originalAn Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063850642?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello-When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


Could this be the economic collapse and war that were not bred out of incompetence, but by design?-You Decide:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 1 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 1)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 27, 2014:


Economic Collapse By Design:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide

4063848244?profile=originalVideo: SHTFplan: This World Bank Insider Will Blow You Away: “There Is A Huge Global Conspiracy”!-Posted on Before It’s News-By silveristhenew (Reporter)-On March 8, 2014:

Former Senior Counselor at the World Bank Karen Hudes has spent the last several years of her life working closely with whistle blowers from around the world to shed light on what she calls a “global conspiracy.”

While working for the World Bank as a member of their legal team Hudes uncovered so much corruption that she could no longer keep quiet. She followed the proper channels to report her findings, going first to the organization’s Evaluation Department and country directors, and then to the U.S. Treasury Department and even the United States Congress. All of her requests were ignored, and in some cases, completely covered up. So she did what any honest person would do. She went public. Suffice it to say, she received the typical treatment you’d expect for a whistle blower.

Hudes is no longer with the World Bank, but that didn’t stop her from continuing her investigation by joining an organization of other whistle blowers.

What she found once she started connecting the dots will blow you away. The corruption, as most of us know, isn’t just at the World Bank, but is woven throughout the fabric of the entirety of the global financial and political systems.

Her interview with Future Money Trends will absolutely blow you away.

We have solved the mystery as to why humanity has had nothing but wars and terrible problems… why we’re always at each other’s throats.

This group is part of a huge conspiracy…

We suggest you buckle up for this one:


World Bank Scandal & JFK killed over Gold Backed Dollars - Karen Hudes!


Covering everything from the current economic crisis all the way back to the reasons behind the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, Hudes will leave you with a totally different view of how the upper echelons of the global power structure work and how far the elite will go to maintain total control.

Interweaving through topics that include financial collapse, high level banking machinations, Snowden, false flags, JFK, Lincoln, and even the Vatican, Karen Hudes is no holds barred.

I have gone to something called the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions and I have been collaborating with all the whistle blowers of the world… and we’re bound and determined that we’re going to get this corruption taken care of.

A very accurate… it’s called the power transition model… it uses political science and computer modelings… that model is 90% to 95% accurate… and it is predicting that the corruption that has been plaguing the world, it turns out for millennia, is coming down… a lot of people call that the Matrix, a lot of people call that the banksters… it’s actually much, much more.

Here are just some of the topics covered – listen to the entire interview for a better understanding of how it all fits together:

The fact that he [NSA Whistle Blower Edward Snowden] is getting coverage on the mainstream media should be letting people know that he is part of the Matrix, because the mainstream media is owned and controlled by the same group that are the owners of the Bank for International Settlement… that is a scam.

People are supposed to have currency that’s issued by their governments directly which doesn’t carry interest. That is what John F. Kennedy was trying to do and the reason why he was assassinated. That’s what Lincoln was doing with the Greenbacks… that’s why Lincoln was assassinated…

The banks that are Too-Big-To-Fail… that’s really one banking cartel… and that group is going around buying up politicians… there are secret societies like the Knights of Malta and they’re promoting people and making sure that those people become the gatekeepers.

Many people do not know, for example, that in Charleston, South Carolina there was supposed to be a nuclear device detonated… instead two heroes made sure that the nuclear device went off off the coast… The Russians told people about that because they intercepted the Naval communications.

If that [a loss of confidence in the US dollar] is allowed to happen we will enter something very similar to the dark ages. We won’t be able to pay for international trade… We will have pestilence… We will have mass starvation.

What we have found out, and this sounds implausible, but it is absolutely correct… the fact that is has been held in secret doesn’t mean that it’s not true… it is truethere’s a second species on this planet… they’re not extraterrestrials… remnants of their civilizations are all over the place… this group has large brains… they’re very distinct from homo sapiens… We know this because their DNA was just tested… they have skulls all over the place, because they have been on earth with us.

Just because this group likes to hide and likes to accuse people of having conspiracy theories doesn’t make these facts wrong. They’re facts.

Many of us have long suspected there are cartels that include leading financiers, politicians, business conglomerates, and secret societies working together to achieve their goals of maintaining power, control and stability over the citizens of every country in the world. They will do so by whatever means necessary.

The investigations conducted by Karen Hudes and her colleagues have shed a lot more light on the conspiracy. It turns out that it’s not just theory. It’s fact.

Source: http://silveristhenew.com/2014/03/08/this-world-bank-insider-will-blow-you-away-there-is-a-huge-global-conspiracy/

Source Link:



NSA Traitor Snowden Sits on Board of Soros-funded Group!-Posted on The Soros Files-By Cliff Kincaid-On 22 January 2014:


4063848403?profile=originalVideo: Investor Behind The Snowden Leaks, Funds Revolutions!-Posted on YouTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On March 3, 2014:



Bitcoin firm CEO found dead after ‘suicide’!-Posted on The New York Post-By Michael Gray-On March 5, 2014:

It appears bitcoin’s recent turmoil has claimed its first life.

Autumn Radtke, a 28-year-old American CEO of bitcoin exchange firm First Meta, was found dead in her Singapore apartment on Feb. 28.

Local media are calling it a suicide, but Singapore officials are waiting for toxicology test results.

Radtke formerly worked with Apple and other Silicon Valley tech firms on developing digital payment systems.

Radtke’s death brings the number of questionable financial-sector deaths this year to eight.

4063848314?profile=originalOn Feb. 18, a 33-year-old JPMorgan finance pro leaped to his death from the roof of the company’s 30-story Hong Kong office tower.

Li Junjie’s suicide marked the third mysterious death of a JPMorgan banker. So far, there is no other known link between any of the deaths.

Gabriel Magee, 39, a vice president with JPMorgan’s corporate and investment bank technology arm in the UK, also jumped to his death, from the roof of the bank’s 33-story Canary Wharf tower in London, on Jan. 28.

On Feb. 3, Ryan Henry Crane, 37, a JPM executive director who worked in New York, was found dead inside his Stamford, Conn., home.

A cause of death in Crane’s case will not be determined until a toxicology report is complete, according to a spokesperson for the Stamford detectives division.

The report is expected within two weeks.

Two other bankers have also taken their lives outside of JPMorgan.

On Jan. 31, Mike Dueker — chief economist at Russell Investments and a former Federal Reserve bank economist — was found dead at the side of a road that leads to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington state, according to the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. He was 50.

On Jan. 26, William Broeksmit, 58, a former senior risk manager at Deutsche Bank, was found hanging in a house in South Kensington, according to London police.

Source Link:


4063848387?profile=originalEconomist Warns of Collapse Risk: “Will Not Allow Life to Continue As We Know It”!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Mac Slavo-On March 8, 2014:

Earlier this week we noted that an invasion of the Ukraine by Vladimir Putin would likely lead to a complete destruction of U.S. stock markets. It’s not so much the invasion force itself, but rather, the economic maneuvers that would come with it should Russia take this course of action.

Well known economist and founder of the Shadow Stats web site John Williams seems to agree. If Russia were to begin unloading US Dollars it would almost instantly lead to a collapse of not only our financial markets, but our entire way of life. And while Russia alone may not have the economic power to single-handedly crush the U.S. economy, if their trading partners and allies like China got into the mix, coupled with front-running investors who may suspect the move is about to happen, it could well be a blood bath on a global scale.

This wouldn’t even be an issue if the U.S. economy were operating at healthy levels, but as Williams notes in the following interview with Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog, it’s anything but:

What you have to keep in mind is that back in 2008 we had one of the greatest financial crises the United States ever faced. The system was on the brink of collapse at that point in time. 

What the Fed and the federal government did was spend every penny they could, anything they could create or anything they could guarantee.  They did everything they could possibly do to keep the system from crashing.  They guaranteed all bank accounts.  So, they saved the system, but now what they did has not borne fruit.  We have not seen an economic recovery.  We have not seen a return of health to the banking system.

So, the system is very vulnerable; and if the Russians carry through with their threat, you have, indeed, the risk of it collapsing the system.

Video: Economist John Williams: Financial Collapse if Russia Sells U.S. Dollar Holdings:


It does have the effect of creating a hyperinflation, which I think it would.  It’s the type of circumstance that will not allow life to continue as we know it because the U.S. is not able to handle hyperinflation.

Read More:



Video: The American Way of Life Will Be Destroyed—Inflation to Exceed 100%...Marin Katusa Interview!-Posted on YouTube.com-By VisionVictory-On February 17, 2014:



Video: Peter Schiff: Gold Update, The Dollar Will Collapse First, Janet Yellen Wants More Inflation!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Greg Hunter-On February 16, 2014:


4063848343?profile=originalWhy The Government HAS to Indoctrinate Our Children!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Chris Carrington-On March 8, 2014:


War By Design:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following recent articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide

4063848441?profile=originalOH, RUSSIA DIDN’T INVADE UKRAINE AFTER ALL! ‘Western assertions about Crimean dispute overlook Moscow’s basing-rights agreement’!-Posted on WND.com-By F. MICHAEL MALOOF-On March 5, 2014:

WASHNGTON – Russia’s military presence in the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine has been described as an “invasion” and a “takeover” of the region by troops that now have surrounded two marine bases in an ongoing stand-off.

However, Russian troop movements on the Crimean Peninsula are permitted under a 1997 Partition Treaty signed between Russia and Ukraine, as long as there are not more than 25,000 Russian troops.

At present, the Russians have about 16,000 troops on the peninsula, which means a further increase of troops would be permitted.

The Kremlin contends the move is to protect ethnic Russians who make up a majority of the population on the peninsula and in eastern Ukraine. Moscow asserts that ethnic Russians, especially in the Crimea, are being threatened by ultra-nationalists, as WND recently reported.

Meantime, there is concern on Capitol Hill that Russian troop movements were not anticipated by the U.S. intelligence community, resulting in impending oversight hearings to find out why.

According to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, there was debate within the intelligence community about whether Russian troops were on the move in Crimea, prompting public allegations that the Obama administration was caught by surprise.

The treaty

In addition to the limit of 25,000 troops, Russia Today said the agreement allows on Crimean territory 24 artillery systems with a caliber smaller than 100mm, 132 armored vehicles and 22 military aircraft.

Further, there are five Russian naval units stationed in the port city of Sevastopol as allowed under the treaty. The units are:

  • The 30th Surface Ship Division, which is formed by the 11th anti-submarine Ship Brigade. It comprises the Black Sea Fleet’s flagship missile cruiser, Moskva, Kerchg, Ochakov, Smetlivy, Ladny and Pytivy, as well as the 197th Landing Ship Brigade, which consists of seven large amphibious vessels.
  • The 41st Missile Boat Brigade, which includes the 166th Fast Attack Craft Division consisting of Bora and Samum hovercrafts and the small missile ships Mirazh and Shtil and the 295th missile Boat Division.
  • The 247th Separate Submarine Division, consisting of two diesel submarines, the B-871 Alrosa and B-380 Svyatoy Kryaz Georgy.
  • The 68th Harbor Defense Ship Brigade, consisting of four vessels of the 400th Anti-submarine Ship Battalion and 418 Mine Hunting Ship Division.
  • The 422nd Separate Hydrographic Ship Division comprising the Cheleken, Stvor, Donuzlav andGS-402 survey vessels and hydrographic boats.
  • Two Russian air bases in Kacha and Gvardeysky.


Russia also has coastal forces that consist of the 1096th Separate Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment in Sevastopol and the 810th Marine Brigade, which includes 2,000 marines.

Sources point out that the Russian military units are restricted to their bases, although there are persistent reports that Russian troops are swarming all over the peninsula.

The sources say that Russian President Vladimir Putin moved troops into Crimea in response to a request from authorities of the Ukrainian Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

The prime minister of the Crimean autonomous region is Sergiy Aksyonov, a pro-Russian politician who was elected by Crimea’s regional parliament.

Aksyonov has given orders to Ukrainian naval forces on the peninsula to disregard any orders from the “self-proclaimed” interim government in Kiev, which took over following the ouster of the democratically elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych.


Yanukovych has sought refuge in Moscow.

On March 1, Rear Admiral Denys Berezovsky, who had been appointed chief of the Ukrainian navy only a day earlier, announced alongside Aksynov that he had defected to the Crimean autonomous region.

The Russians have long-standing ties to the Crimean Peninsula. The links go back to Catherine the Great in the 18th century when Russia took Ukraine and Crimea from the Ottoman Empire.

In 1954, then-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, who was half-Ukrainian, gave the Crimea to Ukraine as a gift.

After Ukraine became independent in 1991 when the Soviet Union broke up, Russian President Boris Yeltsin entered into an agreement with Ukraine to base Russia’s Black Sea fleet at Sevastopol under a lease until 2017. That lease recently was extended to 2042, although the Kiev interim government is attempting to abrogate that agreement.

Yeltsen also signed in 1994 the Budapest Memorandum, which was to guarantee the territorial integrity of Ukraine. As WND reported, however, it lacked any enforcement provision for military assistance should there be an attack.

The memorandum was signed in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons.

In addition to Yeltsin, U.S. President Bill Clinton, British Prime Minister John Major and Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma signed the agreement.

Source Link:


4063848465?profile=originalVideo: Kiev Violence A False Flag!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Bob Livingston-On March 5, 2014:



Russia And China Stand In Agreement On Ukraine – And That Is Very Bad News For The United States!-Posted on The Economic Collaps-By Michael Snyder-On March 3, 2014:



Brief From Putin Press Conference This MorningThat Finished Few Minutes Ago!-Posted on Before It’s News-By NESARA-On March 4, 2014:



Video: Just Released: Putin Sets Timetable For Invasion!-Posted on YopuTube.com-By TheAlexJonesChannel-On March 3, 2014:



Video: Update! Russia Threatens Gas Supply To Europe!-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On March 4, 2014:



President Not-Present: ‘From domestically disastrous to internationally dangerous’!-Posted on PJ Media-By TOM BLUMER-On March 4, 2014:



Video: Levin On Obama: ‘I Can’t Think Of Anything He Touches That Doesn’t Turn to Crap’!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On March 3, 2014:


4063848702?profile=originalVideo: Ruled By Banksters Oligarchs Kiev Appoints Billionaires To Govern East!-Posted on Before It’s News-By N. Morgan-On March 4, 2014:



Video: White House to Use Ukraine Conflict to Distract from Obama’s Crimes!-Posted on TheAlexJonesChannel-On March 3, 2014:



Putin Economic Adviser Warns Russia Will Sell U.S. Bonds And “Crash” Financial System!-Posted on Zero Hedge-By GoldCore-On March 4, 2014:


4063848680?profile=originalIranian general: Obama’s threats are ‘the joke of the year’!-Posted on The Times of Israel-By MARISSA NEWMAN-On March 4, 2014:

Iranian general: Obama's threats are 'the joke of the year' | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/iranian-general-obamas-threats-are-the-joke-of-the-year/#ixzz2v62n4IJ3


RUSSIANS: U.S. SIDING WITH NEO-NAZIS: ‘Moscow justifies aggression as battle against ultra-nationalists’!-Posted on WND.com-By F. MICHAEL MALOOF-On March 4, 2014:



Video: Crimea’s parliament votes in favor of leaving Ukraine for Russia, referendum scheduled!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On March 5, 2014:


4063848820?profile=originalPutin Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize!-Posted on The New York Post-By Reuters-On March 5, 2014:


4063848785?profile=originalObama authorizes sanctions, visa restrictions amid Ukraine turmoil!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Dave Boyer, The Washington Times-On March 6, 2014:


4063848794?profile=originalObama executive order declares national emergency; Ukraine crisis an “extraordinary threat” to U.S. national security!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By StMA-On March 7, 2014:


4063848912?profile=originalVideo: OBAMA-PUTIN: Russian Troops Storm Military Post in Crimea as U.S. Sends Warship to the Black Sea!-Posted on Clash Daily-By Clash Daily-On March 8, 2014:


4063848956?profile=originalRussia warns sanctions over Ukraine would ‘hit US like boomerang’!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On March 8, 2014:



Video: Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - Did Obama Lie His Way To WH & Is His Election Null & Void!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Mass Tea Party-On March 8, 2014:



DID U.S. ACTUALLY PROMPT PUTIN’S REVENGE? ‘Falling dominoes in Ukraine may trace back to Western intervention’!-Posted on WND.com-By F. MICHAEL MALOOF-On March 9, 2014:



Videos Spur Fears of ‘Blackwater’ Mercenaries in Ukraine!-Posted on Newsmax.com-By Greg Richter-On March 9, 2014:



FLASHBACK: Obama Pushed Ukraine to Destroy Thousands of Tons of Guns & Ammo – Leaving Them Defenseless!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Jim Hoft-On March 9, 2014:



Ukrainian prime minister to discuss crisis at White House!-Posted on MSNBC-By Michele Richinick-On March 10, 2014:



Obama’s Appeasement Leads to War!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On March 9, 2014:



Will Obama’s New Military be Willing and Able to Fight?-Posted on Godfather Politics-By Common Constitutionalist-On March 10, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 3 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 3)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 11, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: My following blogs relate to these extremely disturbing issues-You Decide:

4063559463?profile=originalMy Opinion of How and Who Controls the People!



Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?



Is the Fed’s concept of buying $600 billion of Treasuries just a smokescreen?


4063670658?profile=originalIt has begun: Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design!



Bank “hacks” perpetrated at “nation-state” level!



New Twist To New World Order Agenda!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?



Is Obama Employing the Cloward-Piven Strategy?


4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!


4063692791?profile=originalObama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!



33 Minutes-Protecting America During New Missile Age!


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 21)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 8, 2014:


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!- Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


4063584601?profile=originalIs America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?


4063849085?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello-When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


Could this be the economic collapse and war that were not bred out of incompetence, but by design?-You Decide:

Economic Collapse By Design:

Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War?-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Wayne Allyn Root –On February 27, 2014:


Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Something very big and very bad is happening. Prominent bankers are dying in droves. Have you ever heard of eight bankers committing suicide in a matter of just a few weeks?

A ninth banker was found dead only days ago. What is driving successful bankers with families to kill themselves in droves?

Here’s the tip-off that this is a very big story: The mainstream media are not covering it. There are nine dead bankers (and counting), and the story isn’t even mentioned in the national news. That itself is a major news story.

Bankers are dying so fast, you’d think they were all dentists. You get the joke, right? Dentists have the highest suicide rate of any profession. Sometimes, you need a little humor to brighten up a very dark story. But keep in mind, at no time in history have nine dentists all died under mysterious circumstances in a matter of a few weeks.

Why are so many bankers dying? Are the media asleep at the switch? Afraid to dig deeper? Ordered not to investigate? By whom? The government? Or are the media perhaps afraid for their own lives if they dig deeper? You think that sounds a bit absurd? Well not really. A Wall Street Journal reporter named David Bird, who covers the commodities market, is missing. As in gone. As in never seen again. He left his home on Jan. 11 and never returned. Was he working on this story?

Something smells rotten in Denmark, because nine dead bankers and a missing reporter should be a huge headline story.

And if anyone has been watching closely, five other major bankers died in either suicides or mysterious circumstances in 2013. That’s 14 dead bankers.

Someone is going to win a major journalist prize for investigating a high-profile story like this. But for some mysterious reason, no one in the mainstream media seems interested. Doesn’t that alone make you nervous?

This story is real. The dead are:

-   William Broeksmit, 58-year-old former senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG.

-   Karl Slym, 51-year-old Tata Motors managing director.

-   Gabriel Magee, 39-year-old JPMorgan banker.

-   Mike Dueker, 50-year-old chief economist of a U.S. investment bank.

-   Richard Talley, the 57-year-old founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colo.

-   Tim Dickenson, U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG.

-   Ryan Henry Crane, 37-year-old executive at JPMorgan.

-   Li Junjie, 33-year-old Hong Kong banker.

-   James Stewart Jr., former CEO of the National Bank of Commerce.

James Stewart? You know something very bad is going on when a bank CEO named Jimmy Stewart is found dead. I guess it’s not such “a wonderful life” after all.

How they died is strange and mysterious, too. Two of these successful bankers jumped off the roofs of their high-rise office buildings. Just like that, bankers decide to take a stroll off the top of their office buildings? One of the bankers was ruled a “suicide” after being shot eight times from head to toe with a nail gun.

Am I the only one who finds this creepy and worrisome? Do you know anyone brave or insane enough to commit suicide by nail gun?

So what’s going on? I’ll give you two theories.

My first educated guess is we are headed for an epic economic collapse. The mainstream media has fed the public lies about a non-existent “recovery” and dutifully reported the government’s manipulated economic reports (filled with fraud). But these bankers are smart guys who know the truth. What’s coming is very, very bad. As I argued in my national bestseller, The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide, we are entering the greatest depression of all time.

What caused this economic Armageddon? Spending, entitlements and debt. Who caused it? Government, led by corrupt, ignorant and reckless politicians. If I were the lead detective on this case, I’d be investigating who had the most to gain from a cover-up. My investigation would start and end with government collusion, corruption, bailouts and bribery.

Governments all over the world have taxed, spent and printed us into oblivion. America’s debt crisis will make Greece look like a walk in the park. This is too big to paper over. When America collapses, the entire rest of the world crumbles with us. Even creative and corrupt government bureaucrats making up fraudulent economic statistics can’t cover this one up. There is no way out from the coming crash. I’m guessing that knowledge might cause a banker who sees the writing on the wall to take a walk off the roof of his high-rise.

But that still doesn’t explain shooting yourself with a nail gun eight times from head to toe. No one wants to die that slowly and painfully. That sounds more like torture to me. And torture is what leads to murder. Perhaps some or all of these bankers were murdered. Perhaps they didn’t walk off their high-rise buildings. Perhaps they were pushed.

Perhaps the Colorado bank CEO was being “questioned” when the nail gun went off… eight times. I guess the interrogators didn’t like his answers.

But why would someone murder bankers? My educated guess is these are smart guys who knew too much. Perhaps they knew about government manipulation and fraud. Perhaps they knew their banks were not in the wonderful shape their manipulated balance sheets showed. Perhaps they had information about government collusion and corruption in the banking system. Perhaps they were threatening to expose government’s lies and fraud. Perhaps they knew about the trillions of dollars in derivatives held by banks and Wall Street firms about to implode and take world economy with it.

I’m just making educated guesses. But something is very wrong. Something bad is coming. Nine dead bankers is a very messy start of a very big story the mainstream media don’t want you to know about.

I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. Same time, same place. God bless America. And thank God I’m not a banker.

Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, videos and website relate to this extremely disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


DHS Agent Reveals U.S. to Collapse: Within 6 Weeks!-Posted on Constitutional Patriotism-On February 27, 2014:



WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS: ‘Famous liberal scorches Obama’s ‘dangerous’ use of executive orders’!-Posted on WND.com-By GARTH KANT-On February 26, 2014:



Witnesses Warn House Panel: US Is in a ‘Constitutional Crisis’!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Greg Richter-On February 26, 2014:



How Close Are We To An Economic Collapse?!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. Christopher Agee-On February 27, 2014:



Black Tuesday Redux? Media Predicted Economic Collapse on March 4, 2014!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Melissa Melton-On March 1, 2014:



An unthinkable financial collapse and how to be ready!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jason Howerton-On March 1, 2014:



Pentagon giving ‘free’ armored trucks to police!-Posted on TeaParty.org-On February 26, 2014:



Video: OBAMA’S DOMESTIC ARMY? ‘Video Makes A Good Case’!-Posted on Patriots for America-By Harry Riley-On February 27, 2014:



You Have Been Targeted for Internment & Resettlement!-Posted on Before It’s News-By common sense-On February 22, 2014:



Video: The REAL Target Of Obama’s Next Extrajudicial Assassination May Surprise You!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On February 24, 2014:



IMPEACHMENT CHRONICLES!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Attorney Michael Peroutka-On February 26, 2014:



Government Agents Invent False Evidence to Destroy Reputations!-Posted on The New American-By Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.-On February 27, 2014:



Video: The Obama Effect: America at a tipping point!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:



Maryland Cop To Citizen: “You Have No Rights”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By B. Christopher AgeeFebruary 28, 2014:



Frustrated States Fight Federal Overreach!-Posted on NewsMax.com-By Cheryl K. Chumley-On March 1, 2014:



SUPREMES SHOOT DOWN STATE’S FIGHT FOR GUN RIGHTS: ‘It is fruitless to expect federal government to control the lust for tyrannical power’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On March 1, 2014:



Celente On US Tyranny: ‘Better Stay In Line’!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On March 1, 2014:



Video: Please Tell Your Friends; America Has Fallen!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Guerilla Media Network-On February 28, 2014:



50,000 Americans Demand End of Obama’s Police State!-Posted on Western Journalism-By KRIS ZANE-On February 27, 2014 :



Law professor: Americans are rising up against government!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-ByDr. Eowyn-On February 26, 2014:



Levin Calls on Tea Party to Fight Tyranny in USA!-Posted on Big Government-By TONY LEE-On February 28, 2014:


4063835556?profile=originalSTEVEN SEAGAL TALKS OBAMA IMPEACHMENT: ‘I don’t think that this man would make it through his term’!-Posted on WND.com-On February 27, 2014: 



Can Obama be Impeached?-Posted on Patriots for America-By RP McKinley-On February 28, 2014:



A Constitutional Patriot Launches Operation American Spring!-Posted on The Post & Email-BySharon Rondeau-On January 5, 2014:






AMERICA, YOU ARE THE MILITIA!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Bradlee Dean-On February 26, 2014:



Wanted: ONE PERSON!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 27, 2014:



We Are in the Middle of the Biggest WAR in History – Will We Survive It?-Posted on The Poste & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 28, 2014:



Video: Ex CIA agent explains how to delete the elite!!-Posted on YouTube.com-By iwillspyonyou-On iwillspyonyou-On July 8, 2010:


4063802661?profile=originalThe World Is Being Run By Psychopaths & Sociopaths!-Posted on Before It’s News-By FSN-On February 11, 2014:


4063813252?profile=original‘Nothing Will Be Fixed Until [US] Criminals Are Arrested’: Top US Official!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Washington’s Blog (Reporter)-On February 15, 2014:



Video: Must See: 1946 Archive Film Proves Despotism Has Taken Over America!-Posted on Before It’s News-By N. Morgan-On February 27, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063670658?profile=originalIt has begun: Our current financial situation was not bred out of incompetence, but by design!


Bank “hacks” perpetrated at “nation-state” level!


4063422856?profile=originalNew World Order By Executive Order!


4063547923?profile=originalVice President Biden Calls for a New World Order!



My Opinion of How and Who Controls the People! 


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 20)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 18, 2014:


4063371920?profile=originalObamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:


4063371290?profile=originalU.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!


4063359942?profile=originalIs it time to call for Obama’s resignation!


4063359851?profile=originalWashington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


War By Design:

4063359777?profile=originalQuestion:  Could the information contained in the above articles and/or blogs and videos be the reason(s) why our government, along with the EU are preparing for war in support of the neo-Nazis coup in Ukraine? 

What follows are pertinent excerpts from an email that I received taday from a good friend, which I believe may give us a clue-You Decide:


It takes only a single congressperson...


Lyndon LaRouche is warning you again. The world has entered a count-down week, with Lyndon identifying the last week of February / first week of March as the critical period for starting a World War.

City of London and Wall Street agents in the White House, the EU, and Ukraine have just carried out a neo-Nazi coup on Russia’s borders. This action puts us on the very edge of World War III.

There is one, and only one efficient method of dealing with this danger: Impeach the S.O.B. Obama now. Our message is direct and hard: This President, a British Monarchical stooge, is supporting Nazis in Ukraine and taking other actions which will provoke a World War, a thermonuclear war, with Russia and China—all to secure loot for London and Wall Street’s collapsing financial system.

Audio: Impeachment AD now running on major DC radio station:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to and/or support the above email-You Decide:


Video: CIA Agent Captured In Ukraine Helping Ukranian Protesters!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On February 20, 2014:



Obama draws yet another line and dares Ukraine to cross it!-Posted on National Post-By Matt Gurney-On February 20, 2014:



U.S. warns Russia to keep its military out of Ukraine!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Guy Taylor and Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times-On February 23, 2014:



What Is Happening In Ukraine Is Far More Important Than Most People Realize!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Michael Snyder-OnFebruary 24, 2014:



It’s On: Putin Deploys Troop Battalion: Russians Raise Flag Over Ukranian Republic of Crimea!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Mac Slavo-On February 25, 2014:



Ukraine revolution: 150,000 Russian troops on alert as US warns Putin: ‘John Kerry tells Moscow to be ‘very careful’ as it flexes military muscle with war games in western Russia, near Ukraine’s border’!-Posted on The Telegraph-By Hannah Strange, and Roland Oliphant in Simferopol-On February 26, 2014:



Russia reportedly sheltering Ukraine’s president!-Posted on CNSNews-By Associated Press-On February 27, 2014:



US warns Russia on war games as tensions mount in Ukraine’s Crimea!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 27, 2014:



Russian spy ship docked in Havana!-Posted on Yahoo News-On February 26, 2014:






Video: Ukraine official: Russia has launched ‘armed invasion’ in Crimea!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:



Video: US warns Russia against military intervention in Ukraine!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:



Video: Obama warns Russia about military intervention in Ukraine!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:



Video: Is it too late to warn Russia to stay out of Ukraine?-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:



Video: What ‘costs’ can US threaten Russia with?-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:



Video: Sen. McCain on latest developments in Ukraine!-Posted on FoxNews-.com-By February 28, 2014:



Video:  Amb. Bolton on US plan in Afghanistan, Ukraine!-Posted on FoxNews-.com-By February 28, 2014:



Video: Is a modern day Cold War upon us?-Posted on FoxNews.com-On February 28, 2014:



Celente – Putin, Ukraine, World War III & Einstein’s Warning!-Posted on Before It’s News-By The Liberator-On February 27, 2014:



Entire Ukrainian Navy Resigns: Report Unconfirmed By Ukrainian Ministry Of Defense!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On February 28, 2014:



THE GAY MOVEMENT AND THE CFR’s ANTI-RUSSIA PSY-OP!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Servando Gonzalez-On March 1, 2014:



Extremists in Venezuela and Ukraine get money from same sources?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By National Director, Dee-On February 27, 2014:



China, Russia Send Aircraft Carriers To Venezuela!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Mort Amsel (Reporter)-On February 28, 2014:



Video: Egyptian Doctor Files Terrorism Complaint With U.S. Congress Against Barack Obama!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On February 27, 2014:



Video: Leuren Moret: USA, UK Monarchy behind Fukushima radiation genocide!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Alfred Lambremont Webre-On December 18, 2013:



Carl Gallups: If Kenya Claims True, An “Illegal Foreigner” Has “Finger on the Red Button”!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 26, 2014:



Video: Obama tells Putin his actions are ‘clear violation’ of Ukraine’s sovereignty!-Posted on FoxNews.com-On March 1, 2014:



What we know for sure about Ukraine; what Americans must demand!-Posted on Washington’s Blog-By Carl Herman-On March 1, 2014:



Video: Bankster Nominated As Ukraine’s New PM!-Posted on Before It’s News-By N. Morgan-On March 2, 2014:



US Sixth Fleet Races Towards Black Sea! NATO Troops Land In Ukraine!-Posted on Before It’s Nes-By John Ale (Reporter)-On March 1, 2014:



Video: Ukraine Mobilizes Troops After Putin’s ‘Declaration Of War’ Leaves Obama Dazed And Confused!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Josey Wales (Reporter)-March 2, 2014:



Obama’s Cold War Denial!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Joseph Klein-On March 3, 2014:



Obama Enters Putin’s World!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On March 3, 2014:



Does Vladimir Putin respect President Obama?-Posted on FoxNews.com-On March 3, 2014:



The Only World Leader Who Fears American Power Is Obama!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Ronn Torossian-On March 3, 2014:


4063825461?profile=originalVideo: Judge Jeanine: Obama The Paper Tiger Is Embarrassing and Endangering Americans!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord-On March 2, 2014:



Dangerous Times: Putin slaps down Euro-American Fantasyland!-Posted on American Thinker-By By James Lewis-On March 3, 2014:



Video: How To Survive A Nuclear Attack: Ukraine, Russia & The World War 3 Threat With Helga Zepp-LaRouche!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On March 2, 2014:



Audio: LPAC Intervenes on Obama On the Eve of War!-Posted on LaRouchePAC.com-On February 28, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  Please read Part 2 of these disturbing and gut-wrenching issues:

4063551677?profile=originalAre 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse and War? (Part 2)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 9, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063821895?profile=originalAmerica’s “Long War” against Humanity!


4063520987?profile=originalWas Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?


4063736235?profile=originalThe Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!- Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:



The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!


4063359908?profile=originalWho Is George Soros?


4063842205?profile=originalNearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!


4063422882?profile=originalThe Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!


4063422789?profile=originalIs History Repeating Itself?


4063359928?profile=originalWhere Is America Today?


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


What’s wrong and disturbing about this picture?-You Decide:

Juggalo Couple Arrested In Colorado After Feeding Child Marijuana!-Posted on National Report-On January 4, 2014:

Glenwood Springs, CO–A Colorado couple has been arrested and charged with child abuse after feeding their five-year old daughter large amounts of marijuana.  23-year-old James Dolby and his wife 21-year-old Debbie Dolby were arrested in their Glenwood Springs apartment Friday evening when police officers received a call from a concerned neighbor.

The couple, self-professed “Juggalos”, are being held tonight without bail and are being charged with felony child abuse.

Detective Andrew Donnelly was first on the scene and reported a strong odor of marijuana in the residence.  Upon questioning the couple, Mr. Donnelly observed the child in a comatose state and proceeded with arresting the young parents.

The child was taken to Glenwood Springs Community Hospital and tested positive for large amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psycho active chemical in marijuana.  The child will be held for further testing and will be released to family members following an evaluation by the Department of Human Services.

Juggalos have earned themselves a reputation as violent criminals, bent on undermining the laws and social values of American culture. The FBI have even officially classified them as a dangerous gang in 2011. Allegedly, fans of the rap group Insane Clown Posse are also responsible for the manufacturing of much harder narcotics such as methamphetamine. Police officials are still unsure if the couple are involved in any of the other gang related activities that Juggalos are known for.

The arrest comes just days after Colorado opened it’s doors to the legal distribution of recreational marijuana. Many in the area fear this will not be the last case of child abuse related to the legalization of the drug.

Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Feds Raid Colorado Pot Shop!-Posted on National Report-On January 4, 2013:



New York to be 21st state to allow medical marijuana!-Posted on CBS News-By Associated Press-On January 5, 2014:



World’s first legal recreational marijuana sales begin in Colorado!-Posted on The Denver Post-By John Ingold-On January 1, 2013:

In a historic swirl of commerce and cannabis, the world’s first stores licensed to sell marijuana legally to anyone 21 or older opened in Colorado on Wednesday.

From Telluride to Denver, thousands of people cheerfully stood in lines for hours to buy legal marijuana after presenting nothing more than identification.

Marijuana activists hailed the day as a watershed in their effort to overturn anti-cannabis laws. Store owners — several of whom said the turnout exceeded even their own ambitious expectations — feared running out of supply.

Police reported no problems with the crowds, and government officials marveled at the calm.

“It’s 8 a.m.,” she said. “I’m going to do it.”

The first customer was 32-year-old Sean Azzariti, an Iraq war veteran who campaigned for marijuana legalization and said he uses cannabis to alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Under a canopy of cameras, Azzariti bought an eighth of an ounce of the marijuana strain Bubba Kush and a package of marijuana-infused candy truffles.

“We did it!” a beaming Azzariti said at the end of the purchase.

The cost was $59.74, including $10.46 in tax. At the bottom of the receipt was the message “Thank you for your purchase!”

“I’m confident these businesses will perform and be a good example of how states can regulate marijuana,” activist Mason Tvert said just prior to the store’s first purchase. “Today, there will be people around the country buying marijuana. But only in Colorado will they be buying it in stores like this one.”

Concerns of foes

Opponents of legalization bemoaned the day as the beginning of what will be a disastrous venture for Colorado. Drug-treatment professionals said recreational sales will lead to increases in marijuana addiction among adults and kids. They compared the nascent recreational marijuana industry to the tobacco and liquor industries and said they expected it to spawn similar harms.

Kevin Sabet, a former White House drug-policy adviser, said that Wednesday marks the dawn of “Big Marijuana.”

“In any addictive industry, such as this one, the only way to make money is off of addiction,” he said Tuesday.

While marijuana sales remain illegal under federal law, no place in the world — not even Amsterdam — has gone as far as Colorado to legalize and regulate sales of marijuana. The law allows state residents to buy up to an ounce of marijuana and out-of-state residents a quarter-ounce.

Later this year, Washington state will launch a marijuana industry similar to Colorado’s. The U.S. Department of Justice has decided not to block legalization in either state, so long as the states implement strict regulations on the stores.

In a statement Wednesday, Colorado U.S. Attorney John Walsh said federal authorities “will be monitoring Colorado’s efforts to regulate marijuana closely.”

“Colorado’s system is still very much a work in progress,” he said.

Investigators from the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division made compliance checks at stores throughout the day. In Denver, city officials kept an eye on things, too.

Denver City Councilman Charlie Brown said he was “pleasantly surprised” by the large, mellow crowd he encountered during a visit to Medicine Man dispensary in Denver, where lines wrapped around the building and into a parking lot.

“It’s kind of a relief, frankly,” he said. “This could have gone a lot of different ways. So far, so good.”

“What I love about it,” Denver Councilman Albus Brooks said, “is the peacefulness of the crowd ... and the diversity.”

Denver police said they issued two citations for public marijuana consumption, although a spokesman couldn’t say whether those tickets were connected to marijuana sales.

A night-long drive In Telluride, Lucas DaSilva of Georgia drove through the night and slept in his car with his dog, Marley, before settling at the front door of the Telluride Green Room about dawn. A few hours later, he emerged from the store $180 lighter but holding 6 grams — about one-fifth of an ounce — of African Queen, Acapulco Gold and Bubble Gum strains of cannabis and several marijuana-infused edibles.

“I’m at a loss for words,” he said, then, with arms outstretched, yelled, “Happy New Year!” — prompting cheers from the line.

“This is history I just made,” he said. “I can’t believe it. Such a blessing.”

At 8 a.m., the lines of customers outside most stores were fairly short, but they lengthened as the day went on. By midafternoon, customers at BotanaCare in Northglenn said they waited as long as five hours to make their purchases. At LoDo Wellness, in Denver, the line stretched down the block, with a wait of about three hours.

Building owner Donald Andrews gazed at the line and called out, “It is a thing of beauty!”

A jump in pricesStores were charging $30 to $50 — and sometimes more — for an eighth of an ounce of marijuana, which is slightly to significantly higher than prices for medical marijuana. At least one store had increased its prices for opening day. For fear of running out on opening day, several stores, including 3D Cannabis, imposed added limits on how much customers could buy.

Standing in line outside 3D Cannabis, though, Brandon Harris, 24, didn’t much care about the price, the limits or the wait. He and friend Tyler Williams, also 24, said they had driven 20 hours straight from Cincinnati to be in Denver for the first day of sales. Now that they’re here, Harris said, they’re not going back home.

“We’re staying,” he said. “We’re going to become residents.”

Staff writers Sadie Gurman, Steve Raabe, Zahira Torres, Eric Gorski and Jason Blevins contributed to this report.



Source Link:



Colorado governor signs recreational marijuana regulations into law!-Posted on Reuters-By KEITH COFFMAN-On May 28, 2013:

(Reuters) - Governor John Hickenlooper on Tuesday signed into law measures to regulate the recreational use of marijuana in Colorado, including blood-level limits for motorists and setting up a voter referendum to impose a tax on the non-medical sale of cannabis.

Colorado House of Representatives Assistant Majority Leader Dan Pabon said the legislation reflected the “will of the voters” who charged lawmakers with setting up the regulatory system after approving legalization in a vote last November.

One of the bills signed by Hickenlooper calls for a referendum in November on setting a 15 percent excise tax and an additional 10 percent sales tax on marijuana sales.

Other measures included in the legislative package are setting blood limits for driving while under the influence of marijuana at 5 nanograms per milliter, and limiting purchases of marijuana to non-Colorado residents at one-quarter of an ounce.

“The laws ... signed today put the health and safety of our kids front and center,” said Pabon, a Democrat. “They drive a stake into the heart of a large black market while creating a regulated, legitimate industry.”

House Republican leader Mark Waller, who sponsored the driving-under-the-influence legislation, said Colorado is in “new and foreign territory” in implementing its marijuana laws and it was vital to add a public safety component.

“Equipping law enforcement with the tools they need to ensure people make safe decisions behind the wheel is critical to maximizing public safety,” he said.

Voters in Washington state also approved legalizing recreational marijuana use last November.

Mason Tvert, spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project, which ran the campaign for the Colorado pot legalization ballot initiative, said it is “only a matter of time” before other states follow the lead of Colorado and Washington.

He said Colorado’s retail marijuana stores were expected to open in early 2014.

Colorado and Washington are among nearly 20 states and the District of Columbia that allow the use of medical marijuana. The federal government still lists it as a dangerous narcotic and it remains illegal under federal law to take the drug for any purpose.

After the Colorado legislature passed the bills, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Denver said the Justice Department was considering what its response will be to the marijuana legalization movement.

In Washington state, the Liquor Control Board is required to establish regulations for the state’s recreational marijuana industry. Earlier this month the agency released a set of draft rules that said marijuana must be grown indoors and tested for contaminants and potency. Licenses to grow, process and sell the drug would each cost $1,000 per year on top of a $250 application fee under the proposed guidelines.

(Editing by Dan Whitcomb and Bill Trott)

Source Link:



SOROS REMAKES AMERICA INTO NARCO NATION!-Posted on News With Views-By Cliff Kincaid-On December 7, 2012:

As more states embrace legalization of marijuana—a pet cause of George Soros for decades—the British publication The Independent has published a groundbreaking series of articles by journalist Patrick Cockburn on how his son went insane smoking the drug.

Cockburn and his son Henry, who was treated for psychosis and partially recovered, have written an article in which Patrick Cockburn is quoted as saying his son played Russian roulette with cannabis “and lost.”

Henry, who smoked marijuana daily for seven years and was in mental hospitals for about eight years as a result, says, “When I reached a mental hospital, called St Martin’s, I spent three hours walking around the lunch tables trying to listen to my shoes. I thought my shoes were talking to me.”

Patrick Cockburn spent months speaking to the experts in the field and reports on the substantial evidence linking sustained marijuana use with mental illness. One expert, Sir William Paton, professor of pharmacology at Oxford University, reveals “that even limited social use of cannabis could precipitate schizophrenia in people who previously had no psychological problems,” and noted that “smoking a single joint could induce schizophrenia-like symptoms such as hallucinations, paranoia and fragmented thought processes.”

“Three-quarters of consumers may take cannabis with no ill effect but the remaining quarter, the genetically vulnerable, play Russian roulette,” Cockburn says.

The added significance of the series of articles by Patrick Cockburn is that he is a left-wing media figure—the son of Marxist author Claud Cockburn—and might be predisposed to believe that marijuana is, as the liberal media constantly tell us, a relatively harmless drug or a substance with “medical” qualities. But he knows the harm it causes firsthand through what it did to his son.

AIM noted back in 2004, in a special report on George Soros, the main financier behind the drug legalization movement, that although marijuana is depicted by the media as a “soft” drug, it has “extremely negative consequences.” The book, Marijuana and Madness, cites studies and evidence from around the world, some of it going back 40 years, linking the use of marijuana to mental illnesses, including schizophrenia and psychosis.

In a previous article for the left-wing publication Counterpunch, Patrick Cockburn took issue with a report from the Global Commission on Drug Policy which played down the dangers associated with marijuana. “They fail to make clear that for people genetically susceptible to psychosis the risks involved in taking cannabis may be lethally high,” he noted. “Cigarettes and alcohol, whatever harm they cause, do not, at a young age, send you mad.”

The Global Commission on Drug Policy is funded by the Open Society Institute of George Soros.

In this country, the case of Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell stands out as a case study of the harmful effects of the drug. Bedell, who shot and wounded two guards at the Pentagon in March of 2010, was a psychotic pothead who hated a government that he believed was standing in the way of his desire to use, grow and glorify marijuana. He virtually worshipped the drug. “I’m a cannabis enthusiast,” he proclaimed.

John Podesta, head of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress (CAP), had suggested on ABC News that the taxing and legalization of marijuana on a national basis could be a way to pay for Obama’s health care plan.

“The pro-cannabis lobby says that the so-called ‘war on drugs’ has failed and legalization or regulation should be tried, though critics argue that no government would ever license a drug that sends at least two percent of its consumers insane,” Cockburn reports.

In the first of Cockburn’s articles, “Is this the ‘tobacco moment’ for cannabis?,” the veteran foreign correspondent suggests a connection between marijuana use and psychotic episodes that is comparable to the scientific recognition that tobacco smoking causes lung cancer and other illnesses.

In addition to the dangers of mental illness, Cockburn notes that a major study finds a drop in intelligence associated with heavy marijuana use.

Cockburn’s articles on the link between marijuana and mental illness become increasingly relevant as the public in the U.S. comes to grips with the fact that voters in the states of Washington and Colorado on November 6 passed ballot measures legalizing marijuana, in violation of federal law. Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette has introduced federal legalization that would amend the Controlled Substances Act to assert that federal law does not preempt state laws.

In response, a group called Save Our Society From Drugs, has said, “Many concerned citizens, community groups, law enforcement agencies and elected officials are concerned how these laws will impact their communities, states and the nation, and are urging the Obama Administration to take action by clearly communicating and enforcing federal drug policies.”

The group added, “Keeping marijuana illegal is a treaty obligation under the 1961 International Convention on Narcotic Drugs and is supported by the two other Conventions: the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Drugs and the 1988 Anti-Trafficking Convention. Allowing state marijuana laws to supersede federal drug laws violates our treaty obligations.”

It said, “Marijuana legalization will significantly impact our environment, school scores and drop-out rates, accident and vehicle fatality rates, employee productivity, and healthcare and treatment costs.”

But the Soros-funded Drug Policy Alliance is rallying behind the DeGette bill, saying it would “end federal marijuana prohibition and allow states to set their own marijuana policy without federal interference.”

Source Link:



The Hidden Soros Agenda: Drugs, Money, the Media, and Political Power!-Posted on Accuracy In Media-By Cliff Kincaid-On October 27, 2004:

How many times have we heard or read stories about Vice President Dick Cheney’s old firm, Halliburton, and its alleged influence over the government? A public company with more than 100,000 employees, Halliburton had revenues of $13 billion in 2001. However, George Soros is a human Halliburton who will be in a position if John Kerry is elected president to pull the strings. He is reportedly worth $7.2 billion. But his role in buying the White House for John Kerry has received generally positive coverage. Soros, we’re told, is a “philanthropist” committed to “democracy.” The Republican Party, by contrast, is supposed to be run by fat cats and Big Business, such as those at Halliburton.

Soros may be the biggest political fat cat of all time. Convicted in France of insider trading, Soros specializes in weakening or collapsing the currencies of entire nations for his own selfish interests. He is known as the man who broke the Bank of England. His power is such that his statements alone can cause currencies to go up or down. Other people suffer so he can get rich. But journalists don’t want to examine the questionable means by which he achieved his wealth because they share his goal of electing Kerry and the Democrats.  Curiously, once he made his fortune he became a global socialist, endorsing global taxes on the very means he employed to get rich ? international currency speculation and manipulation.

The media consistently ignore the fact that this so-called “philanthropist” has had several brushes with the law as he has laid siege to national economies and currencies. Hard-working U.S. businessmen understand how Soros has made his money. In protesting a Soros appearance hosted by the University of Toledo, Edwin J. Nagle III, president and CEO of the Nagle Companies, highlighted “the immoral and unethical means by which he achieved his wealth.” He added, “I certainly didn’t see included in his bio the stories on how he collapsed whole country’s currencies for his own self interests so that many may suffer.”

Here, Soros signed a consent decree in United States District Court, in a Securities and Exchange Commission case involving stock manipulation, and was fined $75,000 by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission for holding positions “in excess of speculative limits.” Stories about Soros rarely, if ever, mention any of his legal problems.

Continue Reading:



George Soros’ real crusade: Legalizing marijuana in the U.S!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Kelly Riddell, The Washington Times-On April 2, 2014:

Billionaire philanthropist George Soros hopes the U.S. goes to pot, and he is using his money to drive it there.

With a cadre of like-minded, wealthy donors, Mr. Soros is dominating the pro-legalization side of the marijuana debate by funding grass-roots initiatives that begin in New York City and end up affecting local politics elsewhere.

Through a network of nonprofit groups, Mr. Soros has spent at least $80 million on the legalization effort since 1994, when he diverted a portion of his foundation’s funds to organizations exploring alternative drug policies, according to tax filings.

His spending has been supplemented by Peter B. Lewis, the late chairman of Progressive Insurance Co. and an unabashed pot smoker who channeled more than $40 million to influence local debates, according to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. The two billionaires’ funding has been unmatched by anyone on the other side of the debate.

Mr. Soros makes his donations through the Drug Policy Alliance, a nonprofit he funds with roughly $4 million in annual contributions from his Foundation to Promote an Open Society.

Mr. Soros also donates annually to the American Civil Liberties Union, which in turn funds marijuana legalization efforts, and he has given periodically to the Marijuana Policy Project, which funds state ballot measures.

Lewis, who died in November, donated to legalization efforts in his name and through the ACLU and the Marijuana Policy Project, on which he served as the chairman of the board. Lewis‘ estate declined to comment for this article.

“The pro-legalization movement hasn’t come from a groundswell of the people. A great deal of its funding and fraud has been perpetrated by George Soros and then promoted by celebrities,” said John Walters, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy under George W. Bush. “The truth is under attack, and it’s an absolutely dangerous direction for this country to be going in.”

Mr. Soros‘ Open Society Foundations have annual assets of more than $3.5 billion, a pool from which he can dole out grants to pet projects, according to 2011 tax returns, the most recent on file for his charitable organizations.

David and Charles Koch, the billionaire brothers who often are cited for their conservative influence, had $308 million tied up in their foundation and institute in 2011.

Mr. Soros did not respond to a request to be interviewed.

‘A question of when’

In his book “Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve,” he said the U.S. policy of criminalizing drug use rather than treating it as a medical problem is so ill-conceived that “the remedy is often worse than the disease.”

Although Mr. Soros didn’t outline an alternative in his book, he wrote that he could imagine legalizing some of the less-harmful drugs and directing the money saved from the criminal justice system to treatment.

“Like many parents and grandparents, I am worried about young people getting into trouble with marijuana and other drugs. The best solution, however, is honest and effective drug education,” Mr. Soros said in a 2010 op-ed in The Wall Street Journal. “Legalizing marijuana may make it easier for adults to buy marijuana, but it can hardly make it any more accessible to young people. I’d much rather invest in effective education than ineffective arrest and incarceration.”

The Drug Policy Alliance stands firmly behind Mr. Soros‘ position.

“Drug use, the use of any substance, is a health issue and we shouldn’t be throwing people in jail for health issues,” said Bill Piper, the alliance’s director of national affairs in Washington. “The No. 1 reason why people with substance abuse disorders don’t seek help is because they’re afraid of getting arrested.

“From a constitutional and legal perspective, states can legalize marijuana if they want, and there’s nothing the federal government can do,” he said. “State after state decided to end the prohibition of alcohol and forced the federal government to change federal law.

“What we’re going to see over next decade is states repel marijuana prohibition and then the federal government following suit. It’s not a question of whether it’s going to happen; it’s a question of when.”

Drug Policy Alliance Executive Director Ethan Nadelmann said in an email that funding levels from Mr. Soros “have bounced around a bit over the years but it’s roughly $4 million per year (i.e., 1/3) of DPA’s general operating budget.”

“Other funding comes from other wealthy individuals (including quite a number who agree with Soros on little apart from drug policy), foundations and about 25,000 people making smaller contributions through the mail and Internet,” Mr. Nadelmann said in the email.

Mr. Soros and Lewis, with help from the Drug Policy Alliance and Marijuana Policy Project, helped 2012 ballot initiatives that legalized the recreational use of marijuana in Washington state and Colorado. Federal law still outlaws possession, use, sale and distribution of the drug.

Mr. Soros, Lewis and their various nonprofits provided 68 percent of the funding that went to New Approach to Washington, the group that mobilized signatures to get the initiative on the state ballot and then promoted it.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, a grass-roots group that supported pot legalization in Colorado, was established by the Marijuana Policy Project and was 67 percent funded by nonprofits associated with the two billionaires. The campaign then bankrolled Moms and Dads for Marijuana Regulation, a seemingly unassociated group of pro-legalization parents that in reality consisted of only a billboard and a press release, according to state election records.

“The other side has so much money, it’s incredible, and the bulk of it is coming from a handful of people who want to change public policy,” said Calvina Fay, executive director of Save Our Society From Drugs, whose organization was the largest donor to Smart Colorado, the initiative opposed to legalization.

“When we look at what we’ve been able to raise in other states, they raise millions. We’re lucky if we can raise $100,000. It’s been a process of basically brainwashing the public. They run ads, put up billboards, get high-profile celebrity support and glowing media coverage. If you can repeat a lie often enough, the people believe,” Ms. Fay said.

Other states line up

Mason Tvert, co-director and spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project’s Colorado campaign, disagrees.

“There simply is no grass-roots support for maintaining marijuana prohibition,” he said. “Anyone who suggests otherwise is just not paying attention. They’re railing against a public policy that most Americans support.”

Mr. Tvert said the Marijuana Policy Project collected no money from Mr. Soros or Lewis for the 2012 initiative.

“Not that we would turn away Mr. Soros‘ money in the future,” he said. “There are countless people that want to make marijuana legal, but only so many people who can afford to make it possible.”

Those people are turning out to make the 2014 election cycle look much like the 2012 cycle in Colorado and Washington, state election records show.

  • In Alaska, the grass-roots Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol has emerged with the help of funding from the Marijuana Policy Project, which gave the campaign its first big contribution of $210,000.

If history repeats itself, then a few months before the election in Alaska, the Drug Policy Action group, the political arm of Mr. SorosDrug Policy Alliance, will start contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars to help fund a media blitz and drive voters to polls to help support the measure.

  • In Oregon, New Approach Oregon has collected enough signatures to get a legalization initiative on the ballot and has cashed its first checks: $96,000 from Lewis before he died last year and $50,000 from Mr. SorosDrug Policy Alliance, according to state election records.
  • In Florida, Mr. Soros has teamed up with multimillionaire and Democratic fundraiser John Morgan to donate more than 80 percent of the money to get medical marijuana legalization on the ballot through its initiative “United for Care, People United for Medical Marijuana.”

Calls to Tim Morgan, John Morgan’s brother who is handling press inquiries, were not returned.

The Marijuana Policy Project and Mr. SorosDrug Policy Alliance aim to support full legalization measures in 2016 in Arizona and California — where they have funded and won ballot initiatives for medical marijuana use — and in Massachusetts, Maine, Montana and Nevada, Mr. Tvert said.

The Marijuana Policy Project also is “focusing a lot of time and resources passing bills” in Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont, where it considers legalized marijuana to be a realistic prospect in the next few years, he said.

‘Phony propaganda’

Mr. Soros also is putting money into studies that show economic benefits from marijuana legalization.

In Colorado, the Drug Policy Alliance helped bankroll the Colorado Center on Law and Policy’s study that found marijuana legalization could generate as much as $100 million in state revenue after five years. That research was widely considered to have influenced the election.

The ACLU also has penned studies supporting legalization, and the Marijuana Policy Project commonly cites these and Drug Policy Alliance research to argue its case for legal marijuana.

Calls and emails to ACLU headquarters in New York were not returned, but its website says that “removing criminal penalties for marijuana offenses will reduce the U.S. prison population and more effectively protect the public and promote public health.”

Last year, Mr. Soros, via donations from his Open Society Foundation and the Drug Policy Alliance, helped fund Uruguay’s effort to become the first country to legalize the commercialization of pot. He also offered to pay for a study to evaluate the ramifications of the experimental legislation, which he has said will reduce overall drug use and help fight illegal drug trade, according to news reports.

Read More:


4063799579?profile=original10 things to know about nation’s first recreational marijuana shops in Colorado!-Posted on CNN.com-By Michael Martinez, CNN-On January 1, 2014:


4063799604?profile=originalIn Denver, toke it easy on this pot-infused tour!-Posted on USA Today-By Jayne Clark, USATODAY-On March 14, 2014:


4063799658?profile=originalColorado Pot Shop Offers Free Marijuana to Those Who Register to Vote!-Posted on National Report-On March 1, 2014:


4063799702?profile=originalColorado Girl Scouts To Introduce Exclusive Line of Cannabis Infused Cookies!-Posted on Natiuonal Report-On March 8, 2014:


4063799716?profile=originalColorado kids getting into parents’ pot-laced goodies!-Posted on USA Today-By Trevor Hughes, USA TODAY-On April 2, 2014:


4063799635?profile=originalYoung man leaps to death after eating pot-laced cookie!-Posted on USA Today-By Sadie Gurman, Associated Press-On April 2, 2014:


4063799693?profile=originalColorado deaths raise concerns about pot!-Posted on Yahoo News-By SADIE GURMAN, AP-On April 19, 2014:


4063799763?profile=originalCOLORADO STONERS BIG PROBLEM FOR SURROUNDING STATES: ‘Neighbors reporting law enforcement burdened with drug-trafficking cases’!-Posted onWND.com-On April 25, 2014:


4063799811?profile=originalObama To Make Colorado Pot Shops Polling Places For 2016 Presidential Election!-Posted on National Report-On June 3, 2014:


4063799738?profile=original7 Harmful Side Effects Pot Legalization Has Caused in Colorado!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Cully Stimson-On August 20, 2014:


4063799785?profile=originalSenators Unveil Bill To Legalize Federal Medical Marijuana!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Jonah Bennett-On March 11, 2015:


Dr. Marc Siegel: Heavy pot smoking has now been linked to THIS strange syndrome

Dr. Marc Siegel: Heavy pot smoking has now been linked to THIS strange syndrome!-Posted on FoxNews.com-By Dr. Marc Siegel | Fox News-On February 26, 2019:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063799858?profile=originalLetter to our NM U.S. Representative Michelle Lujan-Grisham (re: Shadow Party’s alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 13, 2015:


4063799902?profile=originalObama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:



Brainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY”! (Part 1)-Posted On Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:



Who Is George Soros?



Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?


4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 21)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 8, 2014:



Letter To My NM U.S. Senator Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on We The People USA-ByJake Martinez-On August 9, 2011:



Letter To My NM U.S. Congressman Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On August 10, 2011:



Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



Where Is America Today?


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!



Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!



Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up?-God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

The Interpretation of Reality!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 1, 2014:


(Jan. 1, 2014) — A new treadmill now sits in front of the window where the Christmas tree used to be displayed, so this year I just hung a string of lights in an inverted “V” on the window. My next-door neighbor said to her daughter what a nice tree I had, and her daughter replied, “It’s not a real Christmas tree, all it is are lights: he’s trying to trick us.”

Funny, my waging an all-out campaign in order to make people think that beyond that window 60 feet from the road stands a tall and proud Christmas tree adorned with lights, ornaments and strands of reflective ribbons, celebrating the Birth of Our Savior. Days, perhaps weeks, of intricate planning and then the big day, Thanksgiving, when it magically appeared to those who just happened to be looking while zooming by at 35 mph.

But who really knows to what nefarious depths I had to go to come up with my campaign to “trick” the unwary? Did I solicit help; Assistance; Committees; Meetings; forced to order extra donuts; reserve large conference rooms; block off floors at local motels; hire a coordinator of events: limousine and catering services; pet sitters; accountants; photographers; PR people and a gang that I could refer to as “My people”? I mean, if my neighbor’s daughter has the imagination that I would premeditate “trickery,” where does it all end, if it does?

Okay, I belabored the point, but you get it: things you think you believe to be true may very well not be true, which is why trust is the key to, well, everything. You trust the milk not to be sour when you buy it. You trust your cat to use the litter box. You trust the mechanic when he worked on your brakes. You trust your significant other not to cheat on you. You trust the other car to stop at the red light unless, of course, you live in Charlotte, NC, where you trust the other driver to run the red light. You trust your pilot to land the plane on the correct runway at the town you paid him to take you. You don’t trust politicians but you trust them enough not to steal from the cookie jar in broad daylight, unless, of course, you live anywhere near New Orleans. And going for a carriage ride, maybe in New Orleans, you trust the driver is a kind master.

You trust your President when he says we will not accept anything other than UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER, words that should be spoken today in Western Civilization’s war against Islam just as they were against the Germans and the Japanese in 1941. Some Americans were gullible enough to trust Obama: “You can keep your doctor.” A video that got our guys murdered in Benghazi, another lie. Fort Hood was “workplace violence.” The United States has a “Muslim history.” Right. How about the Barbary Pirates and carpet-bombing Afghanistan?

This editorial is about trust. Trust is expected but, once lost, the chances of trusting again are remote at best. But as it says in the Bible, people can change for the better; after all, the prodigal son did come home. Years ago I forgave my dog for stealing my prime rib from my plate while I answered the door. I forgive the squirrels every day for eating the bird food. I forgave myself for being such an idiot by quitting drinking decades ago. And next year I just might put up a big sign that says:


Obamacare is the new reality: a trick to deceive the American people to accept Socialism (Progressiveness) and to discard the Constitution. It’s not complicated. Don’t be tricked. The key is to repeal Obamacare.


Source Link:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs, audio and movie relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:


Obama Adviser Admits That Obamacare’s Death Panels Are “Inevitable”: ‘Makes shocking admission about Obamacare, advocates rationing for elderly’-Posted on WND.com-By AARON KLEIN-On October 1, 2012:

A top Democrat strategist and donor who served as President Obama’s lead auto-industry adviser recently conceded that the rationing of heath services under Obamacare is “inevitable.”

Steven Rattner advocated that such rationing should target elderly patients, while stating, “We need death panels.”

Rattner serves on the board the New America Foundation, or NAF, a George Soros-funded think tank that was instrumental in supporting Obamacare in 2010. Soros’ son, financier Jonathan Soros, is also a member of the foundation’s board.

Rattner was the so-called “car czar,” the lead auto adviser to the Treasury Department under Obama.

Last month, Rattner penned an opinion piece in the New York Times titled “Beyond Obamacare” in which he proclaimed “We need death panels” and argued rationing must be instructed to sustain Obama’s health-care plan. His comments have been virtually ignored by traditional media as the president campaigns for a second term.

“We need death panels,” began Rattner. “Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health-care resources more prudently – rationing, by its proper name – the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”

Read all about the idea of “Medical Murder” and find out what Barack Obama would do in a second term, in “Fool Me Twice.”

Continued Rattner: “But in the pantheon of toxic issues – the famous ‘third rail’ of American politics – none stands taller than overtly acknowledging that elderly Americans are not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceutical.”

Rattner lamented how Obama’s Affordable Care Act “regrettably includes severe restrictions on any reduction in Medicare services or increase in fees to beneficiaries.”

Rattner said the numbers don’t add up unless Obamacare utilizes rationing.

“If his Independent Payment Advisory Board comes up with savings, Congress must accept either them or vote for an equivalent package,” stated Rattner. “The problem is, the advisory board can’t propose reducing benefits (a k a rationing) or raising fees (another form of rationing), without which the spending target looms impossibly large.”

Rattner singled out elderly patients for benefit cuts.

He wrote: “No one wants to lose an aging parent. And with price out of the equation, it’s natural for patients and their families to try every treatment, regardless of expense or efficacy. But that imposes an enormous societal cost that few other nations have been willing to bear. Many countries whose health care systems are regularly extolled – including Canada, Australia and New Zealand – have systems for rationing care.”

He concluded, “At the least, the Independent Payment Advisory Board should be allowed to offer changes in services and costs.”

“We may shrink from such stomach-wrenching choices, but they are inescapable.”

Rattner serves on the NAF’s 22-person board of directors alongside Jonathan Soros, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria and Google’s Eric Schmidt.

Soros’ Open Society Foundation is a primary donor to the NAF.

Other major donors include the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google Inc. and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Another donor is Free Press, a group that advocates for more government control of the airwaves and Internet.

Free Press is also funded by Soros. Free Press was founded by Robert W. McChesney, an avowed Marxist who has recommended capitalism be dismantled “brick by brick.”

The NAF, meanwhile, bills itself as bipartisan and “the radical center.”

NAF fellow Michael Lind wrote, “Our goal [is] not to repeal the New Deal [of Franklin Roosevelt] but to adapt it to the circumstances of the 21st century.”

Discover The Networks notes how the NAF approved of Obamacare because it would “offer a new image” of how Americans view dying; and it would help “patients and their families to recognize” that, “[S]ometimes ‘doing everything’ results in more burden than benefit. High-tech medicine can prolong life, but for some patients, it merely draws out the process of dying.”

With research by Brenda J. Elliott.

Source Link:



Movie: The Hope & The Change (2012)!



Now Obama Voters Will Suffer the Consequences of Their Decisions!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On November 25, 2012:


by Alan Bates, MD, ©2012, blogging at Gulf1

(Nov. 25, 2012) — One major tenet of parenting is to let children suffer the consequences of their actions as long as they are not endangering themselves (or anyone else).  Experience is by far the best teacher.   Those who voted for anti-American Marxist-Muslim Dictator Obama will also suffer the horrible consequences of their decision, none of which would have occurred had Obama not been reelected:  more expensive and less available healthcare along with invasion of personal privacy by a new huge federal bureaucracy under Obamacare which will cost about one trillion dollars per year; higher taxes (yes, for everyone);  much higher energy costs;  increasing job losses;  decreasing entitlements; limited freedom; and a lower level of national security as our military is gutted by budget cuts and perverted by political correctness.  Most Obama supporters are weak thinkers since they have sacrificed freedom for tyranny at the hands of  political operatives who are more than willing to do their thinking for them.  They will eventually realize that those of the radical Left for whom they voted do not embody virtue and honor which are the basis for sustaining a free people and a government with limited powers accountable to the People.  Maintaining freedom is difficult, as it requires critical thinking and effort—both missing from the vocabulary of  Obama supporters.  Long ago we were forewarned that when the People vote for politicians who reward themselves and their constituents with money from the national treasury, the ensuing self-perpetuating parasitic relationship results in government domination of the People and ultimate collapse.  Such is the nature of the current state of America, where about half the population reelected a corrupt president and his Administration of un-elected Czars, who with the help of Senator Harry Reid  have rendered Congress and the Courts irrelevant, and with that, the certainty that the tenets of our founding documents have been and will continue to be violated.

What should patriots do now?   Surrender is not an option.  We owe a great debt to our ancestors who fought and died to protect our freedom from those who would have taken it away.  Unfortunately, about half of voters reelected a Democrat Administration whose agenda is just that—to remove our freedoms one by one in accordance with the UN’s  Agenda 21.  Over the past several decades, liberals have infiltrated our culture, particularly our public education system and the media, so that many of the electorate no longer understand the history which under-girds our liberties or the skills which placed America ahead of other nations.  Meanwhile, the Obama Administration has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood regular access to the White House.  He has empowered them without permission (or even resistance)  from Congress with taxpayer money to take over North African and Middle Eastern nations under the false pretense of establishing democracies.  As we see with his good friend Morsi,  their intentions are anything but democracy, but rather the establishment of  dictatorships in which the Muslim Brotherhood takes charge in pursuit of a global caliphate.  Obama is an accessory to this crime against humanity, but dumbed-down American voters buy into the word games of the Left and are blind as to their ideology.  Another option for patriots is to simply leave for another part of the world, but there is no unsettled geography which would accommodate half our population.  There are no other countries which can substitute for America’s culture of freedom.

The solution for patriots is at least two-fold.  First, we must come together and choose the right message and the right messengers who do not look in the rearview mirror but rather sell the strength and promises of virtue and honor to the people, for it is only through honor and virtue that freedom can survive and bring prosperity to the People.  The messengers must believe in their message and not react to the tactics of the Left who demean self-sufficiency, virtue and honor, and who divert the conversation away from real issues of importance while wrapping their tyrannical ideology with false promises to their gullible followers.   Charismatic men and women who embody the qualities of integrity, honor and statesmanship—not political tomfoolery—must confront the Left head-on.  Secondly, the Left’s strategy for maintaining power has been to falsely discredit Republicans as ‘obstructionists’ when quite the opposite is true.  Perhaps Republicans should temporarily step aside to avoid that blame and just let the Left’s  destruction of the middle class prevail, while the utterly corrupt lamestreet media chronicle our nation’s continued decline.  The sooner the ‘progressives’ and their lapdog  media darlings bring America to its knees,  the sooner the rest of us will have an opportunity to resurrect America as the free nation it once was.  For patriots to compromise our values to ‘meet the Democrats halfway’ is foolish,  for there is no compromise between freedom and tyranny, between the rule of law and anarchy, or between solvency and bankruptcy.  The eventual outcome of  Obama’s perverted ideology is collapse of the economy, national insolvency and ultimately Fedzilla itself as it is abandoned by those who once supported America’s debt.  Obama voters voted for this.

Source Link:



Audio: Obamacare: Don’t’s Get Mad, Get Rich:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 16)!



Health Care Reform: “The Perils of Inaction and the Promise of Effective Action”!



Behind Closed Doors, Unions Win, You Lose!



The Truth About the Health Care Bills!



Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare!



Obama’s Weakened America Equals…World in Chaos!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:



Dishonest Media Avoids Truth about Obama Through Diversions!



Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



Where Is America Today?



Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!



Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”

May you and your loving family have a “Happy & Prosperous New Year.”


God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 15 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 15)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 19, 2013:

4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following articles and/or blogs and videos relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:


What's disgusting and deplorable about this picture?-You Decide:

An Angry Warning To Obama’s IRS‏!-Posted on The Posts & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On December 8, 2013:

From "In Defense of Rural America"

by Ron Ewart, ©2013

(Dec. 8, 2013) “Let them hate, as long as they fear me.” — Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 37 AD to 41 AD

Many of our readers are aware of our battle with the IRS as a conservative author, not unlike the Conservative organizations that were targeted by the IRS for political purposes and from all appearances that targeting came at the direction of the Obama White House in an illegal and corrupt move to control the outcome of the 2012 presidential election.

For the last three years we have fought with the IRS, one battle after another. We have won two of those battles and are reaching a climax with the third. They haven’t let up and they have literally barraged us with letters and demands from seven (7) different IRS offices: Holtsville, NY; Atlanta, GA; Memphis, TN; Ogden, UT, Kansas City, KS; Fresno, CA; and the last one from Cincinnati, OH, the very same office that targeted Conservatives before the 2012 election.

Finally, they sent us a letter dated November 15th, giving us 30 days to pay up an illegal $10,000 penalty assessment, plus interest, or they will start seizing assets. In our response to the IRS we said this: “The IRS engages in collusion between multiple IRS offices and agents, in a pattern and premeditated strategy to confuse, abuse, harass and intimidate a taxpayer, with malice.” (see our letter below)

Ladies and gentlemen, we will not be bullied by an out-of-control government agency, including the IRS, and have issued them our own ultimatum with a “Notice of Intent To Sue the IRS.” In the hope that we will inspire others to take on the IRS, we have published our most recent letter to them that includes the “Notice to Sue.” It is published on our IRS information website on the following web page:


If you are having difficulties with the IRS, there is a wealth of information on the “Attack Watch Spies” website. You owe it to yourself to visit this site. As more information comes in about the IRS and is vetted, we add it to the website.

Continue Reading:



IRS Using Google Maps to Spy on Taxpayers!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Josh Peterson, Tech Editor-On December 7, 2013:

Agents from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are using Google Maps as part of their tool kit to audit taxpayers and organizations, The Daily Caller has learned.

A redacted IRS letter dated Sept. 8, 2011 reveals that at least in one case the IRS’s examiners used photos of a property, obtained through Google Maps, as evidence to revoke the 501©(4) status of a homeowner’s association.

“The road consists of a two-mile loop around the inside of the property. It goes not have any sidewalks or bicycle lanes. The examining agent printed and copied a map from Google Maps (www.google.com) into this report,” states the letter.

501©4 is a tax-exempt status that includes certain “social welfare organizations,” “local associations of employees,” “homeowners associations,” “volunteer fire companies,” and certain lobbying organizations.

The IRS became mired in scandal in May 2013 after a report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration found that IRS staffers had singled out tea party groups seeking 501©(4) tax-exempt status for extra scrutiny.

The agency did not return The Daily Caller’s request for comment for this report.

Continue Reading:



US Govt Destroyed By Microsoft: US Government Now Classified As ‘Cyber Criminals’!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Live Free or Die (Reporter)-On December 8, 2013:



Video: WATCH Mother Give Powerful Speech Against Obama’s Tyranny!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On December 3, 2013:



Could this disgusting technique supposedly being used by the MSM be true?-You Decide:

Total Breakdown of Mainstream Media’s Use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Josey Wales (Reporter)-On December 5, 2013:

Jonathan Adampants gives a full in-depth analysis of the mind manipulation and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) techniques utilised by Mainstream Media. This example is from Fox News anchors Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes during an interview with Kevin Barrett about 9/11.


Video: Total Breakdown of The Media’s Use of NLP & Mind Control!


Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, USA in the 1970s. Its creators claim a connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (“programming”) and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.

Jonathan Adampants’s blog on Subliminal Manipulation: http://subliminalmanipulation.blogspo…


Video: Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums!


Source Link:



Video: RFID Implant Mind Control Technology!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Wake up America (Reporter)-On December 8, 2013:



Holographic Mind Programming!-Posted on VT News-By Yukon Jack-On October 14, 2013:



The FBI Can Activate Your Webcam Without Your Knowing About It!-Posted on Last Resistance-By Philip Hodges-On December 10, 2013:



Video: WATCH NSA Suspend 1st Amendment, Confiscate Reporters Cameras!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Bob Livingston-On November 11, 2013:



Writers Around The World Call For Global Populist Revolt Against Government Surveillance!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Sam Rolley –On December 11, 2013:



Sensenbrenner Argues For Increased Oversight, Transparency To Protect Privacy As Well As Legitimate Anti-Terror Tools!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Sam Rolley –On December 11, 2013:



‘Power Mourners’: Obama, Congressmen, Global Pals Milk Mandela Memorial For Photos, Networking, Sanctimony!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Ben Bullard –On December 10, 2013:



Obama And Mandela: A Lot More Than Little White Lies!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By John Myers-On December 11, 2013: 



Video: Progressive Democrats Demand Obama Rule As A Dictator!-Posted on YouTube.com-By 68Truthseeker-On December 10, 2013:



Video:  State Lawmakers Assemble At Mount Vernon To Discuss A Constitutional Convention!-Posted on YouTube.com-By 68Truthseeker-On December 9, 2013:


4063788693?profile=originalDemocrats plead with Obama to abandon Social Security cut!-Posted on The Hill-By Alexander Bolton-On January 11, 2014:


4063788726?profile=originalTaming the Regulatory Tax Monster!-Posted on The Foundry-By Ed Feulner-On January 11, 2014:



LOOK OUT! OBAMA WEAPONIZING IRS: ‘Attorney warns taxman opening ‘2nd front’ in war on conservatives’!-Posted on WND.com-By JEROME R. CORSI-On January 12, 2014:



WARNING: GUN CONFISCATION COMING SOON: ‘Up to law-abiding owners to beat back next assault driven by emotion and fear’!-Posted on WND.com-By BOB UNRUH-On January 12, 2014:



Obama administration waging ‘a war on guns’ with ‘rogue’ ATF sting operations!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Brendan Bordelon-On January 12, 2014:



THE IMPERIAL OBAMA ADMINISTRATION!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Attorney Jonathan Emord
Author of “The Rise of Tyranny” and
 ”Global Censorship of Health Information” and
 ”Restore The Republic”-On January 13, 2014:



Justice Scalia Rips Into Obama’s ‘Self-Interested’ Use Of His Power!-Posted on Business Insider-By SAHIL KAPUR, TPM –On January 13, 2014:



WHAT DIFFERENCE DO YOU MAKE?-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By J.B. Williams-On January 14, 2014:



Obama Promises More Dictatorial Action in 2014: ‘I’ve Got a Pen and a Phone’!-Posted on Examiner-On January 14, 2014:



America Just Got Bumped From This Top 10 List, and That’s Really Depressing!-Posted on International Business Times-By Meagan Clark-On January 14, 2014:



Have You Signed the Impeach Obama Petition?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By National Director, Dee-On January 14, 2014:



Backdoor Gun Control: Ammunition Background Checks and Permits Being Pushed by Lawmakers!-Posted on Freedon Outpost-By Joshua Cook-On January 15, 2014:



Major Hollywood Producer Vows to Make the NRA ‘Wish They Weren’t Alive’ With Upcoming ‘Big Movie’!-Posted on The Blaze-By Jason Howerton-On January 15, 2014:



USA Now Under Full Dictatorship…Congress Continues 3 Monkey Policy‏!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 15, 2014:



Obama Crowns Himself King!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Fellowship of the Minds (Reporter)-On January 16, 2014:






Video: Limbaugh And Levin Blast Dictator Obama’s Executive Order Threats!-Posted on Western Journalism-By NEWSEDITOR-On January 17, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following video reveals "The Lessons of Reagan's Farewell-25 Year Later":


Video: THE LESSONS OF REAGAN’S FAREWELL, 25 YEARS LATER!-Posted on Big Government-By DAVID BOSSIE-On January 11, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote: The following article and/or blog and video relate to Obama's COLB forgery:


Details of the Obama forgery exposed!-Posted on Canada Free Press-By Doug Hagmann-On December 6, 2013:

Every American is the victim of one of the most insidious crimes ever perpetrated on the collective - the capturing of our nation from within. The set-up process occurred over decades, but culminated with the selection and installation of Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, as the front man in this silent coup.
One important piece of evidence to support this crime exists in the controversial Certificate of Live Birth, but not in the way you have heard, and not in the manner that you might suspect. The revelation of the manner and methods now exist in a document that the criminal elements of our government and the complicit media do not want you to see. And the evidence is as compelling as it is damning.
Based on the popularity of television shows like Criminal Minds, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, and Profiler from the late 1990s, a large number of people are fascinated by the investigative science of criminal profiling. One aspect of such behavioral profiling includes understanding the difference between a perpetrator’s modus operandi or “M.O.,”  and their “signature.”
While all criminals have a modus operandi, analyzing a perpetrator’s “signature” is a bit more involved. Signature behaviors serve to satisfy some need of the criminal, and might be viewed as a “calling card” of sorts that link them to the crime. This is particularly true in cases of forgery, where the forger leaves a usually well hidden “signature” to identify them as the creator of the forgery. The preceding is provided as a formal introduction to the most important forgery of our time: Barack Hussein Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth.
So far, the managed mainstream media has ignored the October 18, 2013 filing of two affidavits, one public and the other sealed, that identify twenty-(20) points of forgery on the most controversial document concerning the most controversial figure of our time: Barack Hussein Obama. In my view, this is undoubtedly the most detailed and compellingly damning document ever created pertaining to the controversy surrounding the long form birth certificate.  It provides critical insight into the people behind the forgery, their methods, and more importantly, their mistakes.
Douglas Vogt, an author and the owner and operator of a scanning business who also has an accounting background, invested over two years conducting an investigation into the authenticity of Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth. Mr. Vogt, along with veteran typesetter Paul Ivey, conducted exhaustive research of the document provided to the White House Press Corps on April 27, 2011 - not the online PDF, a critical distinction that must be understood.
Using their combined experience of 80 years in this realm, they conducted extensive examinations of the “copy” that was used as the basis for the PDF document. They acquired the same type of equipment that was used back in the late 1950s and early 1960s in an attempt to recreate the document presented as an “authenticated copy” proving the legitimacy of Barack Obama. Instead, they found 20 points of forgery on that document and detail each point of forgery in the affidavit.

Even more interesting, Mr. Vogt claims to have identified the “signature” of the perpetrator, or the woman who created the forged document, hidden within the document itself. Her identity, in addition to the identity of other conspirators and their precise methods are contained in a sealed document supplementing the public affidavit.

In my extensive research of the open source evidence revealed by Mr. Vogt in the affidavit publicly released, I have been able to connect the dots myself. Mr. Vogt released additional and even more specific details in a nearly 3-hour long radio interview last evening on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report.

The elements of the alleged criminality behind the creation of this forged document, along with the forgery of the short form birth certificate are indeed staggering. The phrase that was born out of the exposure to the crimes related to Watergate, “plausible deniability,” has now been thrust forward to the present day.

The release of the long form birth certificate at a press gaggle three days before the reported killing of Osama bin Laden seemed to be ripped from the playbook used by the men behind Nixon’s Watergate. Some who were involved knew exactly what was taking place, while others served as useful dupes to quiet the growing number intent on seeing evidence of Obama’s eligibility. Early on, the perpetrators made a few key mistakes that they could not undo. Instead, they attempted to cover their mistakes through additional forgery.

In addition to the errors they attempted to cover, the alleged forger of the COLB covertly “signed” the forged document, leaving her signature on one of the most important forgeries of our time. Whether it was done out of personal hubris or to provide her own level of “plausible deniability” in a most convoluted sense, it is apparent once you know where to look. Then, it all begins to make sense.

The affidavit filed by Mr. Vogt asserts that violations of federal law, from misprision of felony to misprision of treason occurred by the hands of Obama himself, his White House counsel, the Hawaii Department of Health, Savannah Guthrie and her employer at the time, certain other media companies, and those listed as “John and Jane Does” in the unsealed affidavit. The John and Jane Does are identified in the sealed affidavit.

Using a brilliant legal tactic unlike anyone else who has attempted redress against this treasonous activity, Mr. Vogt tapped into a section of federal law that necessitates action on the part of the federal judiciary via a federal judge - currently in the hands of the U.S. District Court in the Western District of Washington in Seattle.

It is this method or loophole in the federal statutes that separates this filing with all others. Additionally, it makes this filing by orders of magnitude much more dangerous to those involved in the alleged conspiracy to insert a foreign agent in the highest office in America.

This is a very big deal. This is a very viable threat to those who believe they are impervious to legal action for their seditious and treasonous activities, and the very people who have and continue to facilitate them. This is the best evidence yet that America is a captured operation.

To listen to the most compelling presentation of the affidavit filed detailing the forgeries, click here.

The affidavits filed with the U.S. Federal Court can be accessed here and here.

Source Link:



Video: Obama’s Real Birth Certificate Surfaces!-Posted on Before It’s News-By John Ale (Reporter)-On December 7, 2013:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:


The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!



Could the President’s newly released COLB be a forgery?



Letter to Congressman Allen West Regarding Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse Allegations!


4063359777?profile=originalNote: Please read Part 17 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:

4063517950?profile=originalAmericans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 17)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 25, 2014:


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  My following blogs relate to these disturbing and gut-wrenching issues-You Decide:


Was Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 24, 2014:


4063692934?profile=originalGENERAL CEMENTS PLAN TO END OBAMA’S REIGN: ‘Working in Washington now to implement radical solution’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 6, 2014:



U.S. GENERALS NOW TAKE ACTION TO WATCH OBAMA: Retired Army, Air Force leaders say ‘government continues down path of destroying America’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 26, 2013:



Will Obama’s name live in infamy?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 29, 2013:



WAS AMERICA “TRICKED” INTO SOCIALISM WITH OBAMACARE?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:



Is America being turned into a NARCO Nation by design?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2014:



Vote Fraud – What They Aren’t Telling You!


4063734602?profile=originalAre We Witnessing Conversational Hypnosis At Work?



An Open Letter To Communist Valerie Jarrett!



What is the true intent of the UN Small Arms Treaty?



Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?



Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!



Where Is America Today?



The Russian View of What Has Been Happening In America!



Is History Repeating Itself?



Is it time to call for Obama’s resignation!



Washington Times Calls for Obama’s Impeachment!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:


A Republic, If You Can Keep It!



The Fightin Side of Me!



When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!


4063359777?profile=originalNote:  If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide: 


“Food For Thought”


God Bless America!



Semper Fi!


Read more…

This is nothing less than an outrage!!  We need to abolish DHS and DO IT NOW!!!!!!!  I feel really bad for this lady.  If I had the six grand I would give it to her myself and help her arrange a trip bypassing the USA.  Please let me know what you think.  Blessings Andrew

Ellen Richardson went to Pearson airport on Monday full of joy about flying to New York City and from there going on a 10-day Caribbean cruise for which she’d paid about $6,000.

But a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent with the Department of Homeland Security killed that dream when he denied her entry.

“I was turned away, I was told, because I had a hospitalization in the summer of 2012 for clinical depression,’’ said Richardson, who is a paraplegic and set up her cruise in collaboration with a March of Dimes group of about 12 others.

The Weston woman was told by the U.S. agent she would have to get “medical clearance’’ and be examined by one of only three doctors in Toronto whose assessments are accepted by Homeland Security. She was given their names and told a call to her psychiatrist “would not suffice.’’

Read more at http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/11/28/disabled_woman_denied_entry_to_us_after_agent_cites_supposedly_private_medical_details.html

Read more…