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Blessings beloved children of The Living God. Paul writes: Lord, who shall believe our report?! Yes, a question, Yet an Exclamation. And why? Because, God is expecting of us what He alone has endowed us with, Our Faith. Jesus says: Your own Faith has made you whole. We OWN our Faith, Hallelujah! He tells us: Seek Ye FIRST: The Kingdom of Heaven and His Righteousness! And ALL these things shall be added unto you.
They are the Fruits, Virtues, and Gifts of His Holy Spirit. We are saved by GRACE. We live by FAITH. We do not ask Him for anything we already own. Faith is among these things which He filled us with when we became Born Again. Many there are in the Clergy who do not give this information out, let alone teach it unto understanding to the mass. And why not? They have a Paycheck to protect.
Did you ask God, Jesus, or His Holy Spirit of Truth to use your own bathroom? Or, did you ask them to Blink? Breathe? Sneeze? This list goes on infinitesimally. We do not ask Him to use things we already own. Oh, Yes and assuredly we thank Him so reverently for them and that we have them to use and utilize, but they are ours and we do own them only by His Grace. And what is His Grace?
It is reported by many in the Clergy that Gods Grace is unmerited Favor. Hmm?! Where so ever in the scripture or the Gospels does it refer or even speak of such a thing? I have been given to know, acknowledge, work in, and exercise through this word of Glory as I share it now with you as well the viewers’.
It is a long story, but one well worth the time to read, consume, and put into a reality base within each and every heart the world over.
In Matthew 18:11 and John 19:10 is written: The Son of Man is come to SEEK and to SAVE "That!" which WAS lost.
What was the "THAT" which was lost? Our INNOCENCE!
Well, beloved, it was that "WHICH WAS" that was lost. OUR INNOCENCE!
Many equate this to the meaning and the subversive conniving of the brainstorming crowd as: We, Us. ‎"NOPE" When we read His Word, and as Paul also writes: Comparing Spiritual things with Spiritual things! We find a new order of thinking. He also writes: by the renewing of the mind! So, at and by this we find that our conventional ways of thinking must take on a whole new way of processing our information about His Word. Not to dispel any or all that He is about, NO WAY!
It is by the Order (or COMMAND) unto our very Souls that we understand ALL that He has given us from the very beginning unto forever, amen.
So, what was "That which was LOST?!
Our Innocence. As individuals, nations, tribes, peoples, Souls.
In Psalms 88, (and please read it again, this time understanding it is the very spoken words of Jesus as He died on that Cross at Calvary) we read: 6) You have laid me in the Lowest Pit, in Darkness, in the depths.
While Jesus was alive on the face of Planet Earth, He Prophesied upon His very own life and the life of His eternal Soul, even upon the face of His very own Faith: I lay down my life, for I have power to take it up again.
‎:12) Shall Your wonders be known in the dark? And Your righteousness in the Land of Forgetfulness?
As we continue to read and discover all that Jesus did just walking in this life on Earth, we are more profoundly Amazed by His completed work at Calvary and that His real work came at that point of death. For His Journey at that point had just begun.
‎:18) Loved one and friend, You have put far from me, and my acquaintances into darkness. He became Literally "NOTHING!" as in Never was. As if God had never even thought of creating Him to begin with. I know this sounds odd, but Truth never fails. And please do not ask me to explain how this word has come to
In Psalms 88, (and please read it again, this time understanding it is the very spoken words of Jesus as He died on that Cross at Calvary) we read: 6) You have laid me in the Lowest Pit, in Darkness, in the depths.
While Jesus was alive on the face of Planet Earth, He Prophesied upon His very own life and the life of His eternal Soul, even upon the face of His very own Faith: I lay down my life, for I have power to take it up again.
‎:12) Shall Your wonders be known in the dark? And Your righteousness in the Land of Forgetfulness?
As we continue to read and discover all that Jesus did just walking in this life on Earth, we are more profoundly Amazed by His completed work at Calvary and that His real work came at that point of death. For His Journey at that point had just begun.
‎:18) Loved one and friend, You have put far from me, and my acquaintances into darkness. He became Literally "NOTHING!" as in Never was. As if God had never even thought of creating Him to begin with. I know this sounds odd, but Truth never fails. And please do not ask me to explain how this word has come to me other than by faith and obedience unto Him who knows and does all things, amen.
For, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was without form (order, total chaos) and void (no presence of His Majesty, Love, and Kindness). And Darkness was upon the face of the Deep.
When Lucifer fell and 1/3 of the Angels with him, God needed a place apart from Heaven to send them to. Bamm! Creation.
The whole idea is revealed in the message: And God would that NONE should perish! And this meant even Lucifer and the angels. Hoping upon the Soul of those whom made their choice at that time, that they would miss Heaven and Repent and return back unto God for forgiveness and be rightfully restored into Heaven for the eternal home they'd once knew. But that did not happen. They were having too much fun creating the Dinosaur and Cro-Magnon man after their idealist ways. And we clearly see what happened to them.
For, yes there were planets and moons, earthquakes, volcanoes and all sorts of things going BUMP in the night. But, there were neither Stars nor Suns to give light.
Gen 1:2b-3: And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light!" and there was Light. 4) And God saw the light that it was good and God divided the Light from the Darkness.
So, when LIGHT finally hit the scene, all that (then known) Satan had created, all turned to Stone in an instant, so that God could do His Creativity upon the face of Planet Earth. Hence, why it took Him 6 days to create all that we know of today. Amen.
So, why are we here, existing upon this earth?
Because, Satan (total personality) did not repent, nor did his angels. Remember, God would that NONE should perish.
Gen 2:5c: And there was no man to till the ground
God created man in His image, so that every time Satan and the fallen ones would see them, that when they were wrong and seeking Favor from God, repenting and God forgiving, that someway they (Satan and all those) would see, realize, and repent and be redeemed. Yet, all for naught
The first fall of man, in the Garden of Eden, Eve was Beguiled, tempted, lied to, and manipulated into thinking and believing the lie.
Adam, also believing in the lie, for who was Eve, but his better half, amen, why would she lie? They both ate of the same fruit.
The fruit was the Knowledge. Hmm. Apples, Oranges, Peanut Butter? Oh grow up, you get my drift.
The fruit of the Tree of the KNOWLEGE of Good and Evil, was the Knowledge. Think about how when you burned yourself from the stove or stumped your toe in the night, you hold yourself accountable to this knowledge, a certain level of conscious thought that this will never happen again, right?
OK then. This tree was on a Need to Know basis, and Adam and Eve had no NEED to know of these things. Yet, they believed the lie that they did, and BAMM! Here we are.
It was at this very moment in time that Innocence for all mankind was lost. For God asked them: Who told you - you were naked? (3:11) Until this time, they had been 100% innocent, perfect, holy, and righteous in Gods eyes.
Satan, not remembering what all took place in Heaven before his fall, saw something Golden fall from them at that time. And he (Satan) still seeking to One-Up on God, swooped her (Innocence) up and thrust her into the Land of Forgetfulness. A very real place which does exist. Thinking that if he forgot about her, so would God.
At the time of the fall of Lucifer and the Angels, being slam-dunked into this time/space continuum, God kept their total recall of remembrance unto Himself, so they would not know any of the hidden secrets which only God knew. Hence, this is why Satan, when tempting Jesus in the desert for 40 days, did not recognize Him.
So, for all this time and space which had come and gone, Before man, quite possibly eons of millennia of time, then since man unto the time of Calvary another 4-6,000 years, wow! A long time to remember a password to a FB acct, huh?
Back to Calvary: Jesus, just like Innocence, had been thrust into the Lowest Pit of hell, into the Land of Forgetfulness. Being crushed by the stressors and such in that place is like the Black Hole that Scientists speak of now that produces this event known as total annihilation of particle matter, bodies, etc.
Key point: Revelation 8:1) When he opened the 7th Seal, there was SILENCE in Heaven "About The Space" of half an hour.
Nothing in all creation, time, and space had ever happened. Jesus, The Be-Gotten Son of The Living God, because of the exactness of the Mysteries of God, had become Absolute Nothing, as in Never was. All of Heaven stood in silence about the Space which had been created because of Jesus' Divine work to be accomplished, to REDEEM Innocence from the Lowest Pit of hell.
For, if this would not have happened, Innocence would not have been found, redeemed, and the struggle over the Souls of men would have been put to naught, and the end of all existence as we know it would have happened right then.
This is why all of Heaven was Silent about the space; they all waited to hear the sound of that still small voice from the Abyss, of Innocence herself crying out to Jesus: MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At this point, Jesus (taking up His most Holy Faith) comes back unto Himself, and seeing Innocence with His own eyes, thrusts her into His bosom and makes His trek with her back to the surface of the Earth.
Yet, on His way out of there, Stops and gives the greatest grave-side call of redemption ever known, to all who had lived before Him, to understand the fulfillment of the promise: Though you be dead, Yet shall you live!
Then, as His Imperical Right of Authority over all of Heaven and Earth, Death, Hell, and The Grave, Stands upon the Face of the earth. This is when in that Garden, Mary Magdalene sees Him. And He tells her: WOMAN! Touch ME not, for I have not yet ascended unto the Father. Go! Tell the Disciples of seeing Me and meet Me in the Upper Room. And off to Heaven He goes with Innocence, Placing Her upon the Mercy Seat of God, Adorning Her and hearing the words of the Father, Well done my good and Faithful Son.
Aw, Yes, one little point needs to be placed between the 2 previous posts, And there was a War in Heaven. Revelation 12:7-8) And WAR broke out in Heaven: Michael and his Angels fought with the Dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought. But they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
All of Heaven had to be completely cleared from the Accuser of the brethren, Satan, the dragon, that old serpent and anything like him. For as described in Job 1:6-7) Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. And the Lord said to Satan:"From where do you come?" So Satan answered the Lord and said "From going to and fro on the earth and from walking back and forth on it"
For as Jesus speaks with Peter: Simon Bar-Jonah, this day I call you Peter, See this day, I give you the Keys to the Kingdom, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (like in Eden). Upon this Rock of INNOCENCE Build MY Church!
Yet, the scripture says: we are born into sin.
Hold it right there!
The words here, as Paul writes: Study to show yourself APPROVED unto God! A workman, not ashamed, Rightly dividing the word of Truth. Here is where we discern the comparison of Spiritual things.
We are born! Stop right there, shut the book and call it good.
We are born, in this life as new born innocent babies. Pure as the driven snow. For, until the individual point of Age of Accountability (and it is different with everyone) we are innocent. Until we are able to form our own individual thought by ourselves and realizing the difference between right and wrong, even about the thought itself, we are innocent. The rule of Ignorance (Leviticus, you'll find it) applies. For, once enlightened (understanding the exactness of right and wrong) you have no excuse Romans 2:1.
We are born. (Stop) Into Sin! Hmm. OK, we are innocent unto a certain point in our lives. But, after that (between that time {rebellion or whatever} we are catapulted into believing lies from all angles of this life. Known as Learned Behaviors/ Character Defects.
But, at the point of Born Again, we are to be given this information about receiving back our Innocence, where in lies the formidable Wisdom and discernment of the Living God within us, come alive and dwell within us for His Right Righteousness and purpose.
If anyone has never heard of such a thing until now (and I'm sure there are many) then please follow these few instructions to achieve and enter into the place He Father God and Jesus the Son has created for you to do:
Hold out both hands. For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
With your left index finger Point to the thumb on your Right hand and proclaim with a Loud Voice: My Father
Next finger, My Jesus. Next, My Holy Spirit Next, My Kingdom of Heaven Next (Pinky) ME
NOW, Reach towards Heaven and proclaim: I Receive back my Innocence, in Jesus' name.
Place your hand upon your heart. This is the Kingdom of God within you.
Guard your Heart and your Innocence with all you know how to do. Hold it closely and dearly.
For our Innocence is Gods Grace, The Holy Grail, our most Holy Faith, and our First Love.
We are Born Again children of Peace. We have no right to accept anyone else's blame, shame, nor guilt.
We command our gifts, fruits, and virtues of His Holy Spirit of Truth to Come Forth, GO! Before us, and make Straight the Path of The Lord of Glory, Hallelujah!
Blessings to one and all.


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