fearmongering (1)

ALL IN .... for Whom?

I just sent this to Speaker Boehner

Note To Speaker Boehner


Speaker Boehner,

I know you fought long and hard to gain the power you have.

But what have you done for America?

The only, best, thing I can point to is your challenge to the Senate to get off their asses.


You need to better that every day!

YOU need a small ARMY to hold press conferences EVERY DAY, several per day, to squelch the fear-mongering lies being broadcast by gang nobummer.

I know.... not polite nor respectful. Well, he will get my respect when he earns it . Same for you.


I am ALL IN for America! Are you?...or is it mostly for Boehner?


I challenge you to hold 4 pressers per day to tear apart the obummer propaganda.

In case you don't know where to start, here are a few ...........












Some comments..........

     * I'm sure you have staffers who can open those links and milk them

     * ARE You up for it?... Go for it and you have a loyal supporter...shrink and you have a loyal foe.

     * IF your IT guys would put up a decent communications mode, the links would be more succinct


I'm standing by.

Please send me notices of you planned pressers


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