oppressors (1)


This is a first for me on this site.  It will be a good place to vent the frustration I share with other patriots.  I am retirement age, and I am appalled at the direction I see our country headed in.  Being a veteran, I felt that others saw socialism and communism as threats to our way of life as I do.  After all, we have fought wars over this question.  Now I see our so-called leaders espousing this damnable heresy.  

Our representatives are largely ignoring any calls for sane policy on finance, amnesty, and privacy rights. This means they are not our representatives. They represent their own self-interests.  We thought we could depend on Boehner, Cantor, McConnell, and McCain because they were Republicans.  Some of us thought the Republicans were conservatives.  We have had a rude awakening! 

We must look for conservatives wherever we can find them.  They are our only hope for restoring our republic.  What we have now is just a facade for wholesale corruption and lawlessness.

POLL: Does Congress need to revive the House Committee on Un-American activities?

After a recent review of the Declaration of Independence and some background reading on the French Revolution, it appears we are in the same predicament as our predecessors.  We have the elitist who look down on the citizens and place odious burdens on them.  Though citizens tried to use reason and diplomacy; most of the time their efforts were unheeded.  

My opinion is that we are governed by those who favor tyranny and are only looking to enrich themselves in whatever way they can.  As citizens we are only a source of money and power for them.  The French had their way of dealing with these types.  They carted them off to the guillotine.  The early settlers of this country declared independence from their tyrannical oppressors and took up arms to defend themselves.

I hope our similar problems can be settled in a less dramatic way, but the oppressors don't seem to care about diplomacy.  The only thing they understand is the force they are dealing out to others. 

For the sake of our children and grandchildren, I hope we can find a way to be free from the present tyranny.

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