plutocracy (1)


By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

We seek the truth and let the people know. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

2016- Working together to take our country back-


Fellow Americans, Our Republic and Democratic system of government was transformed by the elite of this country into a plutocrat system; the rich are in control of our government, through their Presidential counsel they passed legislations that demise our freedom by trashing our constitution and our God given rights to freedom and liberty. Today we are economy slaves of this plutocracy system of government,  our wealth and man power is use to control the world’s natural resources and humanity for the benefit of the Elite rich that control our country. Our country, the IMF, The World Bank, The federal Reserve Banks and the WTO; are controlled by the rich, the promoters of globalization and the one world order.

We the citizens of this country have an obligation to dissent from this system of government and fight for our freedom; to the corrupt representatives of this plutocrat system, we are the domestic terrorist, but the truth is that we are the U.S freedom fighters; we love our country, our constitution, our freedom and Liberty.  Fellow Americans, we have enough. Today, now; is the time to fight for America our freedom and Democracy.   The 2016 elections it’s our only hope to take our country back and build a government of moral principles, committed to social justice for all Americans and end this greedy predator corporate system that is destroying our social fiber, the American dream and the economic prosperity of the American people. We must seek a candidate, a statesman like Theodore Roosevelt with the courage to demise plutocracy and the predator corporate monopolist criminals; we must take on the oligarchical corporatist fascist’s predators of the American free enterprise and the killers of our Republic and democratic system.

We want you to join us to make this a reality; the choice is ours, to be free or slaves of this Plutocracy and the predator corporate system that is in control of the Washington puppets. Plutocracy is the force of slavery; Democracy is the force of freedom. We count on every American to stand for freedom and Democracy; this is the land of the free and we all love our country.  Loving American is; Working together to make our country great. Follow your moral and ethical convictions do the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you. We must build trust and integrity in our community; be true to yourself and do nothing that will demean or dishonors you and demise your integrity.

Those who want to be part of our fight for freedom must understand how the system of power works; otherwise, effective resistance is impossible. Dissent requires a disciplined and hierarchical organization and an incorruptible leadership that will prevent betrayal, anarchy and bloodshed. To maintain unity there must be a commitment to nonviolence and a refusal to allow intrusion from personal, political ideology, racial, religious and personal sexual preference animosities, including the hatred that many of us feel for politicians that betray us or those who infiltrate our organization and are informants or “snitches” working for the plutocrats and this administration. Divisions among the freedom fighters will weaken our organization, and help our oppressors. We must have a clear set of achievable demands and an active support network outside of our organization willing to mobilize on behalf of freedom. Any revolt requires transparency, including informing the authorities in advance of a protest and articulating our demands. Freedom fighters who mobilize the entire country cannot to keep anything secret we must be open and do what we said will do, our integrity should be our strength, we must be willing to sacrifice and to even lose our lives for our freedom and our country’s future and this is only possible by our faith. In God we trust; as believers that our country was founded under those unalienable principles that all men are created equal with rights and the freedom and liberty to pursuit happiness. The oppression by the plutocrats must end, it is our choice to be slaves or fight for our freedom. May God give us the courage to fight for our freedom.

Data Base of freedom fighters.

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The killing of the USA sovereignty and Constitution.

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