evil (148)


     And God shut down the Garden of Eden and sent Adam and Eve out into the real world to work for their food. And he sent the Serpent to crawl upon the earth;  and it came to pass that the descendants of Adam and Eve all did not heed the lesson of their forebearers, and did wish that they might live in such a wonderful garden and not suffer, and the  descendants of the Serpent tried to tempt them by giving them free food and shelter. Yet these gifts were not enough: these gullible descendants of Adam and Eve cried out for more gifts and the descendents of the serpent who now had gained much experience in tempting the gullible, heard  their cry. 

       And there arose among those Serpents, one who had fooled the gullible descendants of Adam and Eve into electing him to the highest office in the land. and he said ' I will force these descendents of Adam and Eve to accept these free gifts;                  

        But among the descendants of Adam and Eve there were those who were wise and did see the Serpent's deception and did expose him: then, seeing  his power begin to slip away,  the Serpent proposed amnesty for those who had entered the land without permission:  and did say to himself, 'these fools will keep me in office and they will  bring more power to the Serpents'. And the wise also saw this deception and did provoke him;                             

    Whereupon the Serpent became desperate:  and  he proposed free education and free health care for all.  And he called upon the Serpents who sat in the highest court of the land to approve this proposal. Yet the wise were not fooled. They knew nothing was free -- as Adam and Eve had learned when they ate the forbidden fruit: that which the Serpent offers free always conceals a price.                                                                                                  

    Now those wise descendants of  Adam and Eve cried out for justice, urging their colleagues to remove the Serpent from his place. Yet, many among them were still fearful of the Serpent, because the Serpent was in them.  And the Serpent remained in place and continued his proposals to weaken the Constitution of the land, which was written by the wise descendants of Adam and Eve to limit the power of the Serpent. And the Serpent became more powerful in the land, while the descendants of Adam and Eve became more fearful.  And the Serpent rejoiced. Yet there arose among the wise descendants one who was witout fear and challenged the serpent to remove his mask. The Serpent's mission is always  to glorify himself - to become a god and  justify his evil in the name of good, but, ultimately, he fails.  Here is the serpent's dilemma:  He can never show his face as God, for God is all Good:  The Serpent can never be good, for that would undermine his evil, so he must conceal his face with the mask of good.  In God, there is no fear. God needs no mask: God is good.               

      The Serpent will always be with us, yet the power of God will always weaken him. 



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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist  -  voteforamerica@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

We seek the truth and let the people know. Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties. http://themoneygps.com/

2016- Working together to take our country back- http://teapartyorg.ning.com/



Fellow Americans, Our Republic and Democratic system of government was transformed by the elite of this country into a plutocrat system; the rich are in control of our government, through their Presidential counsel they passed legislations that demise our freedom by trashing our constitution and our God given rights to freedom and liberty. Today we are economy slaves of this plutocracy system of government,  our wealth and man power is use to control the world’s natural resources and humanity for the benefit of the Elite rich that control our country. Our country, the IMF, The World Bank, The federal Reserve Banks and the WTO; are controlled by the rich, the promoters of globalization and the one world order.

We the citizens of this country have an obligation to dissent from this system of government and fight for our freedom; to the corrupt representatives of this plutocrat system, we are the domestic terrorist, but the truth is that we are the U.S freedom fighters; we love our country, our constitution, our freedom and Liberty.  Fellow Americans, we have enough. Today, now; is the time to fight for America our freedom and Democracy.   The 2016 elections it’s our only hope to take our country back and build a government of moral principles, committed to social justice for all Americans and end this greedy predator corporate system that is destroying our social fiber, the American dream and the economic prosperity of the American people. We must seek a candidate, a statesman like Theodore Roosevelt with the courage to demise plutocracy and the predator corporate monopolist criminals; we must take on the oligarchical corporatist fascist’s predators of the American free enterprise and the killers of our Republic and democratic system.

We want you to join us to make this a reality; the choice is ours, to be free or slaves of this Plutocracy and the predator corporate system that is in control of the Washington puppets. Plutocracy is the force of slavery; Democracy is the force of freedom. We count on every American to stand for freedom and Democracy; this is the land of the free and we all love our country.  Loving American is; Working together to make our country great. Follow your moral and ethical convictions do the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you. We must build trust and integrity in our community; be true to yourself and do nothing that will demean or dishonors you and demise your integrity.

Those who want to be part of our fight for freedom must understand how the system of power works; otherwise, effective resistance is impossible. Dissent requires a disciplined and hierarchical organization and an incorruptible leadership that will prevent betrayal, anarchy and bloodshed. To maintain unity there must be a commitment to nonviolence and a refusal to allow intrusion from personal, political ideology, racial, religious and personal sexual preference animosities, including the hatred that many of us feel for politicians that betray us or those who infiltrate our organization and are informants or “snitches” working for the plutocrats and this administration. Divisions among the freedom fighters will weaken our organization, and help our oppressors. We must have a clear set of achievable demands and an active support network outside of our organization willing to mobilize on behalf of freedom. Any revolt requires transparency, including informing the authorities in advance of a protest and articulating our demands. Freedom fighters who mobilize the entire country cannot to keep anything secret we must be open and do what we said will do, our integrity should be our strength, we must be willing to sacrifice and to even lose our lives for our freedom and our country’s future and this is only possible by our faith. In God we trust; as believers that our country was founded under those unalienable principles that all men are created equal with rights and the freedom and liberty to pursuit happiness. The oppression by the plutocrats must end, it is our choice to be slaves or fight for our freedom. May God give us the courage to fight for our freedom.

Data Base of freedom fighters.


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The killing of the USA sovereignty and Constitution.


Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy


From plutocracy, to Democracy, to plutocracy.


 Controlling the World Economy.


The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization.


Tea Party member views.


the political power of the super-rich, and the decline of the middle class.


The IMF and the WORLD BANK: Puppets of the Neoliberal Onslaught


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Communist party now officially support the Democrat party like the

Muslims supported Obama do you see who our enemies are supporting? 

even the democrats should see a problem here


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ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.

 CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.

 ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney

 ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary

 ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood

 CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.

 And now you know why it is no surprise the media usually goes very easy on Obama's many errors.

 Are any of these (ABC, CBS, CNN) sources for the ’national or world news’ you hear each day?

 Ya think there might be a little bias in these news sources?

 And if you don’t believe this, Google these for yourself. It is true…

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If they would read just a little history they will find many ways that the republican party has helped the black race much more than the democrat party but they continue to be used and fooled by the progressive communist democrats.Today they are allowing Islam to use them to advance their cause.HELL the democrats have got them believing Lincoln was a democrat!4064066658?profile=original

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Of course we look like idiots - we are!

This is so sad; from a proud, strong country to a laughing stock of the world.

Canadians Version of David Letterman's Top 10. Just makes you want to shake your head in disbelief, and, just maybe choke someone in charge.

This is Canada's Top Ten List of America's Stupidity.

# 10 Only in America... could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 per plate Obama campaign fund-raising event.

# 09 Only in America... could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black, 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans - 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!
# 08 Only in America... could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

# 07 Only in America... can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

# 06 Only in America... would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens. (probably should be number one)

# 05 Only in America... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be called EXTREMISTS.

# 04 Only in America... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

# 03 Only in America... could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. Oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

# 02 Only in America... could you collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7 Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

# 01 Only in America... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

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More Facts about our Muslim enemy

Muslims make themselves despised and distrusted wherever they go. 

If you're wondering why people have that feeling of contempt and disgust and animosity towards the Muslims, the fact is that the Muslims make themselves unwelcome wherever they go by their own misbehavior and their demands much like some American blacks. 

The first thing that the Muslims do, after they infiltrate a non-Islamic Country, is to build their growing Muslim slums around their Mosques and segregate themselves from the Natives of the host Country. Thanks to the many problems that are caused by the Muslims when they enter any neighborhood, the others leave that neighborhood, land prices plummet and the Muslim slums begin to get established and grow. The largest majority of the Muslims who immigrate here are the uneducated, unskilled, unemployable ones who take on dead end low paying jobs like cab drivers, janitors, bus boys, waiters, take away attendants, butchers etc etc. And, they go and have large families where the children cannot afford the luxury of getting a decent education since they need to chip in to support the family finances and this is why a lot of the Muslim kids end up joining Muslim Gangs and there are spates of rising petty crimes and rape and the like wherever the Muslims go and the perpetrators are largely the Muslims. Inevitably, you see the LGBT being attacked and beaten up, local women being harassed and raped, petty thefts happening all over and, of late, the sale of Afghan drugs etc. 

Since the Muslims breed like pigs, the Muslim slums begin to grow exponentially to house the rising numbers and more and more of the locals are forced out of their own homes as the Muslims take over. Then, the Muslims begin to have their Muslim Patrols which are aimed , basically, at keeping their own Muslims following their religious restrictions, but, their bigotry and violence, more often than not, spills over to the neighboring areas and the locals now begin to feel total animosity towards these immigrants who have now made themselves totally unwelcome there. 

To make matters worse, the inept Politicians and their ineffectual Governments refuse to handle the Muslim Menace because they are wooing the Muslims for their narrow political gains. The multiculturalists and secularists make a bigger mess of things by supporting the Muslims in stupid things like the issue about people wishing each other a Merry Christmas which some Muslims took objection to and the like. Incidents with Partisan attitudes being displayed towards the Muslims and causing injustice towards the locals happen and these add fuel to the already blazing fire. Muslims, emboldened by the stupidity of these Liberals and their PC Brigades and Apologists etc, step up their committing of atrocities and being abrasive with the local Natives. 

And, then, the numbers of the Muslims rise to such an extent that they need more Lebensraum [Living Space] and then the massive Muslim Hate Rallies begin and the Muslims demand the Islamic Zones, and then, the secession of the entire State for their own version of Pakistan there. 

This is exactly what happened in Myanmar where the Bangladeshi Muslims infiltrated the border State of Rohingya and built their growing slums and then grew so big that they encroached upon the lands of the local Natives, which led to fights and rapes and murders of the local Native Buddhist Burmese and even burning of entire villages of Buddhists by the Muslims till the local Native Buddhists were forced to flee to neighboring Rakhine and the Muslims had the whole of Rohingya. After a decade, the Muslims numbers grew so much that they attacked the neighboring Rakhine and that is when the Burmese Army stepped in and slaughtered the Muslims there. Due to International pressure, the Burmese Government stupidly ordered the Army to stand down and that forced the people to take the Law into their own hands and the slaughter of the Muslims continues there. 

This is going to happen in all other places in the World and we will all be steeped in Civil Wars and will lead to the escalations which will usher in the Third World War of the rest of the World against Islam and all the Muslims will be hunt down and killed and Islam completely destroyed, albeit, at the cost of heavy casualties to the rest of us. 

The only way in which we can avoid this from happening here is that the Muslims reduce their numbers, which will never happen; or that the Governments crack down on the Muslims and stop their immigration, disenfranchise and deport all Muslims found to be indulging in anti-social activities and, as we all know, that is never going to happen either. 

Therefore, there is only one option to the locals and that is to go the way that Myanmar did and we will have Civil Wars which will escalate into the Third World War when Islam will be completely destroyed and the Muslims hunted down and killed. 

Pity, but, there is no way we can salvage the situation now. This is happening in many of the countries like France & UK the have such large populations of Muslims that the are demanding Sharia law be put in place and they have established no go zones just for Muslims in their own countries these and many other countries are now paying the price for allowing Muslims into their countries and then week politicians submitting to their demands. In the United states today we have over 8 million Muslims now and Obama is bringing in more daily and giving them housing, welfare, food stamps we are headed for many more terrorist attacks in our country as Obama sees fit to turn them loose on us.There is no good Muslim as they must follow the demands of their Mullah or die themselves in shame. So prepare yourselves you ain't seen nothing yet.

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More Facts about our Muslim enemy

Muslims make themselves despised and distrusted wherever they go. 

If you're wondering why people have that feeling of contempt and disgust and animosity towards the Muslims, the fact is that the Muslims make themselves unwelcome wherever they go by their own misbehavior and their demands much like some American blacks. 

The first thing that the Muslims do, after they infiltrate a non-Islamic Country, is to build their growing Muslim slums around their Mosques and segregate themselves from the Natives of the host Country. Thanks to the many problems that are caused by the Muslims when they enter any neighborhood, the others leave that neighborhood, land prices plummet and the Muslim slums begin to get established and grow. The largest majority of the Muslims who immigrate here are the uneducated, unskilled, unemployable ones who take on dead end low paying jobs like cab drivers, janitors, bus boys, waiters, take away attendants, butchers etc etc. And, they go and have large families where the children cannot afford the luxury of getting a decent education since they need to chip in to support the family finances and this is why a lot of the Muslim kids end up joining Muslim Gangs and there are spates of rising petty crimes and rape and the like wherever the Muslims go and the perpetrators are largely the Muslims. Inevitably, you see the LGBT being attacked and beaten up, local women being harassed and raped, petty thefts happening all over and, of late, the sale of Afghan drugs etc. 

Since the Muslims breed like pigs, the Muslim slums begin to grow exponentially to house the rising numbers and more and more of the locals are forced out of their own homes as the Muslims take over. Then, the Muslims begin to have their Muslim Patrols which are aimed , basically, at keeping their own Muslims following their religious restrictions, but, their bigotry and violence, more often than not, spills over to the neighboring areas and the locals now begin to feel total animosity towards these immigrants who have now made themselves totally unwelcome there. 

To make matters worse, the inept Politicians and their ineffectual Governments refuse to handle the Muslim Menace because they are wooing the Muslims for their narrow political gains. The multiculturalists and secularists make a bigger mess of things by supporting the Muslims in stupid things like the issue about people wishing each other a Merry Christmas which some Muslims took objection to and the like. Incidents with Partisan attitudes being displayed towards the Muslims and causing injustice towards the locals happen and these add fuel to the already blazing fire. Muslims, emboldened by the stupidity of these Liberals and their PC Brigades and Apologists etc, step up their committing of atrocities and being abrasive with the local Natives. 

And, then, the numbers of the Muslims rise to such an extent that they need more Lebensraum [Living Space] and then the massive Muslim Hate Rallies begin and the Muslims demand the Islamic Zones, and then, the secession of the entire State for their own version of Pakistan there. 

This is exactly what happened in Myanmar where the Bangladeshi Muslims infiltrated the border State of Rohingya and built their growing slums and then grew so big that they encroached upon the lands of the local Natives, which led to fights and rapes and murders of the local Native Buddhist Burmese and even burning of entire villages of Buddhists by the Muslims till the local Native Buddhists were forced to flee to neighboring Rakhine and the Muslims had the whole of Rohingya. After a decade, the Muslims numbers grew so much that they attacked the neighboring Rakhine and that is when the Burmese Army stepped in and slaughtered the Muslims there. Due to International pressure, the Burmese Government stupidly ordered the Army to stand down and that forced the people to take the Law into their own hands and the slaughter of the Muslims continues there. 

This is going to happen in all other places in the World and we will all be steeped in Civil Wars and will lead to the escalations which will usher in the Third World War of the rest of the World against Islam and all the Muslims will be hunt down and killed and Islam completely destroyed, albeit, at the cost of heavy casualties to the rest of us. 

The only way in which we can avoid this from happening here is that the Muslims reduce their numbers, which will never happen; or that the Governments crack down on the Muslims and stop their immigration, disenfranchise and deport all Muslims found to be indulging in anti-social activities and, as we all know, that is never going to happen either. 

Therefore, there is only one option to the locals and that is to go the way that Myanmar did and we will have Civil Wars which will escalate into the Third World War when Islam will be completely destroyed and the Muslims hunted down and killed. 

Pity, but, there is no way we can salvage the situation now. This is happening in many of the countries like France & UK the have such large populations of Muslims that the are demanding Sharia law be put in place and they have established no go zones just for Muslims in their own countries these and many other countries are now paying the price for allowing Muslims into their countries and then week politicians submitting to their demands. In the United states today we have over 8 million Muslims now and Obama is bringing in more daily and giving them housing, welfare, food stamps we are headed for many more terrorist attacks in our country as our Islamist administration sees fit to turn them loose on us.There is no good Muslim as they must follow the demands of their Mullah or die themselves in shame. So prepare yourselves you ain't seen nothing yet.

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There Is No Fundamental Islam

The war has started a long time ago between two civilizations - between the civilization based on the Bible and between the civilization based on the Koran. And this must be clear. A forced conversion is the religious conversion or acceptance of a philosophy against the will of the subject, often with the threatened consequence of earthly penalties or harm. These consequences range from job loss and social isolation to incarceration, torture or death.

There is no fundamental Islam.

"Fundamentalism" is a word that came from the heart of the Christian religion. It means faith that goes by the word of the Bible. Fundamental Christianity, or going with the Bible, does not mean going around and killing people. There is no fundamental Islam. There is only Islam full stop. The question is how the Koran is interpreted.

All of a sudden we see that the greatest interpreters of Islam are politicians in the western world. They know better than all the speakers in the mosques, all those who deliver terrible sermons against anything that is either Christian or Jewish. These western politicians know that there is only bad Islam. The word radical comes from the west politicians so it makes all of us feel like there is a good or even moderate Islam, except that none of them know how to read a word of Arabic.

The Language of Islam

You see, so much is covered by politically correct language that, in fact, the truth has been lost. For example, when we speak about Islam in the west, we try to use our own language and terminology. We speak about Islam in terms of democracy and fundamentalism, in terms of parliamentarism and all kinds of terms, which we take from our own dictionary. One of my professors and one of the greatest orientalists in the world says that doing this is like a cricket reporter describing a cricket game in baseball terms. We cannot use for one culture or civilization the language of another. For Islam, you've got to use the language of Islam.

Driving Principles of Islam

Let me explain the principles that are driving the religion of Islam. Of course, every Moslem has to acknowledge the fact that there is only one God. But it's not enough to say that there is only one God. A Moslem has to acknowledge the fact that there is one God and Mohammed is his prophet. These are the fundamentals of the religion that without them, one cannot be a Moslem.

But beyond that, Islam is a civilization. It is a religion that gave first and foremost a wide and unique legal system that engulfs the individual, society and nations with rules of  behavior.  If you are Moslem, you have to behave according to the rules of Islam which are set down in the Koran and which are very different than the teachings of the Bible.

The Bible

Let me explain the difference. The Bible is the creation of the spirit of a nation over a very, very long period, if we talk from the point of view of the scholar, and let me remain scholarly. But there is one thing that is important in the Bible. It leads to salvation. It leads to salvation in two ways.

In Judaism, it leads to national salvation - not just a nation that wants to have a state, but a nation that wants to serve God. That's the idea behind the Hebrew text of the Bible.

The New Testament that took the Hebrew Bible moves us toward personal salvation. So we have got these two kinds of salvation, which, from time to time, meet each other.

But the key word is salvation. Personal salvation means that each individual is looked after by God, Himself, who leads a person through His word to salvation. This is the idea in the Bible, whether we are talking about the Old or the New Testament. All of the laws in the Bible, even to the minutest ones, are, in fact directed toward this fact of salvation.

Secondly, there is another point in the Bible, which is highly important. This is the idea that man was created in the image of God. Therefore, you don't just walk around and obliterate the image of God. Many people, of course, used Biblical rules and turned them upside down. History has seen a lot of massacres in the name of God and in the name of Jesus. But as religions, both Judaism and Christianity in their fundamentals speak about honoring the image of God and the hope of salvation. These are the two basic fundamentals.

The Essence of Islam

Now let's move to the essence of Islam. Islam was born with the idea that it should rule the world.

Let's look, then, at the difference between these three religions. Judaism speaks about national salvation - namely that at the end of the story, when the world becomes a better place, Israel will be in its own land, ruled by its own king and serving God. Christianity speaks about the idea that every single person in the world can be saved from his sins, while Islam speaks about ruling the world. I can quote here in Arabic, but there is no point in quoting Arabic, so let me quote a verse in English. "Allah sent Mohammed with the true religion so that it should rule over all the religions."

The idea, then, is not that the whole world would become a Moslem world at this time, but that the whole world would be subdued under the rule of Islam. When the Islamic empire was established in 634 AD, within seven years - 640 - the core of the empire was created. The rules that were taken from the Koran and from the tradition that was ascribed to the prophet Mohammed, were translated into a real legal system. Jews and Christians could live under Islam provided they paid poll tax and accepted Islamic superiority. Of course, they had to be humiliated. And Jews and Christians living under Islam are humiliated to this very day.

Mohammed Held That All the Biblical Prophets Were Moslems Mohammed did accept the existence of all the Biblical prophets before him. However he also said that all these prophets were Moslems. Abraham was a Moslem. In fact, Adam himself was the first Moslem. Isaac and Jacob and David and Solomon and Moses and Jesus were all Moslems, and all of them had writings similar to the Koran. Therefore, world history is Islamic history because all the heroes of history were Moslems.

Furthermore, Moslems accept the fact that each of these prophets brought with him some kind of a revelation. Moses, brought the Taurat, which is the Torah, and Jesus brought the Ingeel, which is the Evangelion or Gospel - namely the New Testament.

The Bible vs. the Koran

Why then is the Bible not similar to the Koran?

Mohammed explains that the Jews and Christians forged their books. Had they not been changed and forged, they would have been identical to the Koran. But because Christians and Jews do have some truth, Islam concedes that they cannot be completely destroyed by war [for now].

Nevertheless, the laws a very clear - Jews and Christians have no rights whatsoever to independent existence. They can live under Islamic rule provided they keep to the rules that Islam promulgates for them.

Islamic Rule and Jihad

What happens if Jews and Christians don't want to live under the rules of Islam? Then Islam has to fight them and this fighting is called Jihad. Jihad means war against those people who don't want to accept the Islamic superior rule. That's jihad. They may be Jews; they may be Christians; they may be Polytheists. But since we don't have too many Polytheists left, at least not in the Middle East - their war is against the Jews and Christians.

A few days ago, I received a pamphlet that was distributed in the world by bin Laden. He calls for jihad against America as the leader of the Christian world, not because America is the supporter of Israel, but because Americans are desecrating Arabia with their filthy feet. There are Americans in Arabia were no Christians should be. In this pamphlet there is not a single word about Israel. Only that Americans are desecrating the home of the prophet.

Two Houses

The Koran sees the world as divided into two - one part which has come under Islamic rule and one part which is supposed to come under Islamic rule in the future. There is a division of the world which is very clear. Every single person who starts studying Islam knows it. The world is described as Dar al-Islam (the house of Islam) - that's the place where Islam rules - and the other part which is called Dar al-Harb - the house of war. Not the "house of non-Muslims," but the "house of war." It is this house of war which as to be, at the end of time, conquered. The world will continue to be in the house of war until it comes under Islamic rule. This is the norm. Why? Because Allah says it's so in the Koran. God has sent Mohammed with the true religion in order that the truth will overcome all other religions.

Islamic Law

Within the Islamic vision of this world, there are rules that govern the lives of the Moslems themselves, and these rules are very strict. In fundamentals, there are no differences between schools of law.

However, there are four streams of factions within Islam with differences between them concerning the minutiae of the laws. All over the Islamic world, countries have favored one or another of these schools of laws. The strictest school of law is called Hanbali, mainly coming out of Saudi Arabia. There are no games there, no playing around with the meanings of words. If the Koran speaks about war, then it's war.

There are various perspectives in Islam with different interpretations over the centuries. There were good people that were very enlightened in Islam that tried to understand things differently. They even brought traditions from the mouth of the prophet that women and children should not be killed in war. These more liberal streams do exist, but there is one thing that is very important for us to remember. The Hanbali school of law is extremely strict, and today this is the school that is behind most of the terrorist powers. Even if we talk about the existence of other schools of Islamic law, when we're talking about fighting against the Jews, or fighting against the Christian world led by America, it is the Hanbali school of law that is being followed.

Islam and Territory

This civilization created one very important, fundamental rule about territory. Any territory that comes under Islamic rule cannot be de-Islamized. Even if at one time or another, the [non-Moslem] enemy takes over the territory that was under Islamic rule, it is considered to be perpetually Islamic. This is why whenever you hear about the Arab/Israeli conflict, you hear - territory, territory, territory. There are other aspects to the conflict, but territory is highly important.

The Christian civilization has not only been seen as a religious opponent, but as a dam stopping Islam from achieving its final goal for which it was created. Islam was created to be the army of God, the army of Allah. Every single Moslem is a soldier in this army. Every single Moslem that dies in fighting for the spread of Islam is a shaheed (martyr) no matter how he dies, because - and this is very important - this is an eternal word between the two civilizations. It's not a war that stops. This was is there because it was created by Allah. Islam must be the ruler. This is a war that will not end.

Islam and Peace

Peace in Islam can exist only within the Islamic world; peace can only be between Moslem and Moslem.

With the non-Moslem world or non-Moslem opponents, there can be only one solution - a cease fire until Moslems can gain more power. It is an eternal war until the end of days. Peace can only come if the Islamic side wins. The two civilizations can only have periods of cease-fires. And this idea of cease-fire is based on a very important historical precedent, which, incidentally, Yasser Arafat referred to when he spoke in Johannesburg after he signed the Oslo agreement with Israel.

Let me remind you that the document speaks of peace - you wouldn't believe that you are reading! You would think that you were reading some science fiction piece. I mean when you read it, you can't believe that this was signed by Israelis who are actually acquainted with Islamic policies and civilization.

A few weeks after the Oslo agreement was signed, Arafat went to Johannesburg, and in a mosque there he made a speech in which he apologized, saying, "Do you think I signed something with the Jews which is contrary to the rules of Islam?" (I have obtained a copy of Arafat's recorded speech so I heard it from his own mouth.) Arafat continued, "That's not so. I'm doing exactly what the prophet Mohammed did."

Whatever the prophet is supposed have done becomes a precedent. What Arafat was saying was, "Remember the story of Hodaybiya." The prophet had made an agreement there with the tribe of Kuraish for 10 years. But then he trained 10,000 soldiers and within two years marched on their city of Mecca. He, of course, found some kind of pretext.

Thus, in Islamic jurisdiction, it became a legal precedent which states that you are only allowed to make peace for a maximum of 10 years. Secondly, at the first instance that you are able, you must renew the jihad [thus breaking the "peace" agreement].

In Israel, it has taken over 50 years in this country for our people to understand that they cannot speak about [permanent] peace with Moslems. It will take another 50 years for the western world to understand that they have got a state of war with the Islamic civilization that is virile and strong. This should be understood: When we talk about war and peace, we are not talking in Belgium, French, English, or German terms. We are talking about war and peace in Islamic terms.

Cease-fire as a Tactical Choice

What makes Islam accept cease-fire? Only one thing - when the enemy is too strong. It is a tactical choice.

Sometimes, he may have to agree to a cease-fire in the most humiliating conditions. It's allowed because Mohammed accepted a cease-fire under humiliating conditions. That's what Arafat said to them in Johannesburg. When western policy makers hear these things, they answer, "What are you talking about? You are in the Middle Ages. You don't understand the mechanisms of politics."

Which mechanisms of politics? There are no mechanisms of politics where power is. And I want to tell you one thing - we haven't seen the end of it, because the minute a radical Moslem power has atomic, chemical or biological weapons, they will use it. I have no doubt about that.

Now, since we face war and we know that we cannot get more than an impermanent cease-fire, one has to ask himself what is the major component of an Israeli/Arab cease-fire. It is that the Islamic side is weak and your side is strong. The relations between Israel and the Arab world in the last 50 years since the establishment of our State has been based only on this idea, the deterrent power.

Wherever You Have Islam, You Will Have War

The reason that we have what we have in Yugoslavia and other places is because Islam succeeded into entering these countries. Wherever you have Islam, you will have war. It grows out of the attitude of Islamic civilization.

What are the poor people in the Philippines being killed for? What's happening between Pakistan and India?

Islamic Infiltration

Furthermore, there is another fact that must be remembered. The Islamic world has not only the attitude of open war, but there's also war by infiltration. One of the things which the western world is not paying enough attention to is the tremendous growth of Islamic power in the western world. What happened in America and the Twin Towers is not something that came from the outside. And if America doesn't wake up, one day the Americans will find themselves in a chemical war and most likely in an atomic war - inside the U.S.

End of Days

It is highly important to understand how a civilization sees the end of days. In Christianity and in Judaism, we know exactly what is the vision of the end of days. In Judaism, it is going to be as in Isaiah - peace between nations, not just one nation, but between all nations. People will not have any more need for weapons and nature will be changed - a beautiful end of days and the kingdom of God on earth.

Christianity goes as far as Revelation to see a day that Satan himself is obliterated. There are no more powers of evil. That's the vision.

I'm speaking now as a historian. I try to understand how Islam sees the end of days. In the end of days, Islam sees a world that is totally Moslem, completely Moslem under the rule of Islam. Complete and final victory.

Christians will not exist, because according to many Islamic traditions, the Moslems who are in hell will have to be replaced by somebody and they'll be replaced by the Christians.

The Jews will no longer exist, because before the coming of the end of days, there is going to be a war against the Jews where all Jews should be killed. I'm quoting now from the heart of Islamic tradition, from the books that are read by every child in school. They Jews will all be killed. They'll be running away and they'll be hiding behind trees and rocks, and on that day Allah will give mouths to the rocks and trees and they will say, "Oh Moslem come here, there is a Jew behind me, kill him." Without this, the end of days cannot come. This is a fundamental of Islam.

Is There a Possibility to End This Dance of War?

The question which we in Israel are asking ourselves is what will happen to our country? Is there a possibility to end this dance of war?

The answer is, "No. Not in the foreseeable future." What we can do is reach a situation where for a few years we may have relative quiet.

But for Islam, the establishment of the state of Israel was a reverse of Islamic history. First, Islamic territory was taken away from Islam by Jews. You know by now that this can never be accepted, not even one meter. So everyone who thinks Tel Aviv is safe is making a grave mistake. Territory, which at one time was dominated by Islamic rule, now has become non-Moslem. Non-Moslems are independent of Islamic rule; Jews have created their own independent state. It is anathema.

And (this is the worse) Israel, a non-Moslem state, is ruling over Moslems. It is unthinkable that non-Moslems should rule over Moslems.

I believe that Western civilization should hold together and support each other. Whether this will happen or not, I don't know. Israel finds itself on the front lines of this war. It needs the help of its sister civilization. It needs the help of America and Europe. It needs the help of the Christian world. One thing I am sure about, this help can be given by individual Christians who see this as the road to salvation.

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The Liberal is Mentally ill...

4064022505?profile=originalI truly believe Liberlism is a mental illness. It seems the slogans they use and the agenda they support and follow is to most normal and rational people ofensive and twisted. They seem to thrive on deception and hiding the real truth about issues.

Abortion is a topic that always is taken by political correct liberals and turned into a non violent and heroic act by the female. They will only use the term "A woman's right to choose." This is the only description of the act of abortion a Liberal will accept and use.

In response to this politically correct label and description of abortion I once asked a liberal "choose what?" The liberal looked at me and said, "you know." Have control of her body''. I replied, "control her body? And what act lets her control her body? Then the liberal said, "free choice." I replied, "and what is the result of the free choice?" The liberal could see what the truth was now and refused to talk more about it.

This is an example of the mentally ill liberal mind. When in reality the right to choose means the right to choose to murder your child! When I use this truth to debate liberals and call it murder they most always freak out and call me a terrorist. Or call me a right wing fucking idiot. Or sometimes they have actually gotten violent when I have spoken the truth about the reality of abortion. Murdering your child!......And Jesus Said:  “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. ... To practice harm to any, especially children."

Another issue I debated with liberals is a fact I thought of concerning Gun control. In a group of liberals I stated I was an NRA member and the second amendment guaranteed out right to keep and bare arms. The Government had no right to molest gun owners.

This statement immediately infuriated the liberal group! They went crazy and called me a fascist and a danger to the public. I let them rant on for about ten minutes. My response to them was this...Your whole argument is that gun owners are potential killers. You say a number of children are killed every year by firearms. A very small number but I did agree every child's life is precious.

I said to the liberals, "Now I will ask you a question. It seems you Liberals think the murder of over 50 million children killed in the mothers womb is ok! But we both just agreed every child's life is precious. So if you want to ban all firearms you should be more that happy to stop the murder of children by abortion."

 This was the liberals response to my reasoning... "You are a terrorist!"  "you are a sick right wing fanatic!" "Go to Hell!"

I rest my case. Liberals are twisted and mentally ill... also liars and deceivers!

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This is article about a school classroom in Denver that had the classmates dress, act and go to a mosque to experience their religion... (their parents were livid that it happened )this presentation addresses that in more detail and why our children are being brainwashed into believing that America is bad. Please take the time to watch this speaker if you haven't seen it before, it is excellent and definitely an eye opener. Then forward this to everyone in your address book, so we can educate other Americans!!

One more reason to fight Common Core! Watch ALL of this video and get involved….
A breath of fresh air in our corrupt world!


Be proud of her!!
This presentation is extremely interesting and quite frightening as to what is happening in the USA today. Much food for thought.

This lady is Brigitte Gabriel the Founder and President of Act! for America. She is well worth listening to.

This lady has her facts straight and has a passion about what she is talking about.

Something for all parents and grandparents to be aware of.


I am speechless!
This woman should be heard by every North American and people of the world!

This is a brutal Eye Opener. She is not reading from a TelePrompter either

Please watch and listen. Very frightening, infuriating, and informative.

Click here: TaboolaArticle


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From 1975, but, originally from 1919

A reader, who has kept a copy since we first published it in April 1970, has suggested that (Least we forget) the following be published again:

In May of 1919 a Dusseldorf German, the Allied Forces obtained a copy of the Communist Rules for Revolution. Fifty years later the reds are still following these rules.

  1. Corrupt the young, get them away from religion, get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, destroy their ruggedness.
  2. Get control of all means of publicity thereby:
    1. Get the people’s minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays and other trivialities.
    2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.
    3. Destroy the people’s faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule and obloquy.
    4. Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
    5. By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
    6. Foment unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward such disorders.
    7. By Specious argument, cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues, honesty, and sobriety. Confidence, faith in pledged word ruggedness.
    8. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with a view toward confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.


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Illinois & Oklahoma:

Illinois & Oklahoma:

I thought these two states, made for an interesting contrast. The first part about Illinois and the second part is about Oklahoma! PART 1 — Illinois "A State with No Republicans"! Some interesting data on the 'state' of, the State of Illinois... There are more people on welfare in Illinois than there are people working. Chicago pays the highest wages to teachers than anywhere else in the U.S. Their average pay is $110,000/year. Their pensions average 80-90% of their income. Wow, are Illinois and Chicago great or what? Be sure to read till the end. I've never heard it explained better. Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago ? Body count: In the last six months, 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago. 221 killed in Iraq; AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US. Here's the Chicago chain of command: President: Barack Hussein Obama • Senator: Dick Durbin • House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr. • Governor: Pat Quinn • House leader: Mike Madigan • Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike) • Mayor: Rahm Emanuel • The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats. • Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago. Of course, they're all blaming each other. • Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any! • Let us get ALL the facts out while we are at it: Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any! State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country, Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any! Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any! This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois. And he is going to 'fix' Washington politics for us? George Ryan is no longer Governor, he is in prison. He was replaced by Rob Blagojevich who is, by the way, also in prison. And Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned and, that's right, he and his wife are both in prison. The Land of Lincoln, where our Governors and Representatives make our license plates. What? As long as they keep providing entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except the state will go bankrupt before the country does. "Anybody who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian." Don’t forget Detroit , another great example of a Democratic empire… With all the bad news, there is hope, so let’s go to: PART 2— Oklahoma OKLAHOMA- may soon have plenty of new residents! THIS IS REALLY INTERESTING, AND TRUE... PLEASE READ IT! Oklahoma is the only state that Obama did not win even one county in the last election... While everyone is focusing on Arizona ’s new law, look what Oklahoma has been doing!!! An update from Oklahoma: Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian values... HB 1330 Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway. Oklahoma recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered. HB1804. This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a mistake. Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway. Recently we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegal's to the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional SB1102. Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway. Several weeks ago, Oklahoma passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives. Joining, Texas, Montana and Utah as the only states to do so. More states are likely to follow: Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Carolinas, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi and Florida. Save your confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once again. HJR 1003 The federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a setback for the criminals. The Liberals didn't like it- - But...Guess what...Oklahoma did it anyway. Just this month, the state has voted and passed a law that ALL drivers’ license exams will be printed in English and only English and no other language. They have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of the road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma , you must read and write English. Really simple. By the way, the Liberals don't like any of this either. Guess what... who cares... Oklahoma is doing it anyway.


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4064046086?profile=originalHere are ten interesting facts you may not know about New York City’s Communist Democrat

Bill de Blasio Old Youngd

Bill de Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm, Jr., on May 8, 1961.

He first changed his name to the hyphenated Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm, adding his mother’s maiden name.
In 2002, he dropped the “Warren” and the “Wilhelm,” and changed his name for a second time to what it is currently, Bill de Blasio.

Bill de Blasio was the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign in 2000.

Bill de Blasio was a fervent supporter of the Marxist Sandinista government in Nicaragua in the 1980′s, a government that was backed by the Communist Soviet Union and Cuba.

At the height of Cold War tension, while still a student at New York University, de Blasio toured the Communist Soviet Union in 1983.

His first job was in 1984 with the NYC Department of Juvenile Justice.

Bill de Blasio received a master’s degree in International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, the same school attended by Barack Obama.

Bill de Blasio ran Democrat New York Congressman Charlie Rangel’s re-election campaign in 1994.

In 1994, Bill de Blasio married a lesbian activist, Chirlane McCray(google Chirlane McCray confirms this). She is a black. The newlyweds honeymooned in Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba.

In 2009, de Blasio’s election campaign to be NYC’s third “Public Advocate” was supported by the pro-Communism, Working Families Party.

Both of de Blasio’s parents were communists, leading historian Ron Radosh to describe him as a “bona fide red diaper baby.” , who was elected in 2013 with a whopping 72% of the vote.

The leftist mayor is accused of fostering an environment that led to the tragic execution-style racial assassinations of two NYPD officers on Saturday.

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Putin’s Speech on August 04, 2013. This is one time our elected leaders should pay attention to the advice of Vladimir Putin.... How scary is that?
On August 04, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia:
"In Russia live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslim's, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law.
Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud the yell 'discrimination'.
We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia.
The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim Minorities Are Not Russians."
The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a FIVE minute standing ovation.
If you keep this to yourself, you are part of the problem!
It is a sad day when a Communist makes more sense than our own leaders........ but here it is!!!!

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