privilege (4)

An open letter to the White Privilege Conference 2014 attendees;

I’m in a state of shock right now. According to your conference, the accomplishments of my family going back generations simply do not exist. Allow me to explain. You see I am black. Your conference contends that this country was built on racism; you contend that a pernicious evil is the foundation of every institution and permeates every aspect of American life. According to you – to the degree that your conference completely negates my very existence.

My great grandfather would definitely disagree with your ideas. He grew up poor in the south, but he had both parents and was taught a work ethic that carried him into adulthood, marriage and service as an enlisted man in the US Army. His son, my Grandfather, went to high school, got married and went on to serve in the Army doing a tour in the Korean conflict. He returned home and attended Tuskegee University and became a teacher. His first child is my father, who also enlisted, fought in Vietnam and married my mother having me and then my sister. My dad went on to serve 26 years retiring honorably having traveled the world in service to this nation alongside the very white Christian men, you claim have oppressed him. He would disagree with you on that.

My great grandfather was a homeowner as was my granddad and my father. My grandfather was a deacon, and served on committees in his town, rising to a position of leadership in his community of largely white people in the Deep South.

POLL: POLL: Where do you get your news?

My mother and her family members have similar stories of hard work and success, she grew up picking cotton and now has a double masters degree and a management job placing her firmly in the upper middle class.

Their story, my history, is rooted in the years of segregation in Jim Crow south. The stories that I have pried from my father about his childhood sting me to this day. Yet even that knowledge flies in the face of your cretinous attempt to cheapen the lives of millions of black Americans, striving to succeed and doing so. Your conference insults the truth of millions of white Americans who have never been the recipients of any largess and still struggle to achieve the American Dream.

I refuse to be cheapened by your poorly formed malicious ideology. The Age of Enlightenment was about just that; the idea that as an individual, I can reach for the stars and control my own destiny. Racism has no impact on that, because excellence goes before an individual paving the way to their goals.

I have experienced the fruit of my own failures, successes and not so stellar attempts and achieved excellence. I have many goals before me that I hope to reach through hard work and sacrifice. No amount of “white privilege” will ever stop me.

Stacy Washington
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 When one looks through the rhetorical veneer of the White Privilege Conference, hypocrisies abound.

The White Privilege folks say Christianity is oppressive while the violent Muslim Brotherhood is just a “political party.” Capitalism is bad even though conference organizers hawk facilitator guides for $99. And nothing says “I’m oppressed” quite like a $50 polo shirt!

Other aspects include segregated workshops open to only some conference participants, based solely on the color of their skin. The reason? An organizer told our investigator: “It can feel, for some people of color, unsafe. Not universally – like in your group everybody was fine, but for some people it can feel like, oh, I don’t … ”

“Because I was white they would feel unsafe?” our reporter asked as he was led out of the workshop.

POLL: If the Republicans take the Senate in November, will that solve the problems in Washington DC?

“Exactly. Exactly,” the organizer said. “And it’s not because you’ve done anything. You seem like a perfectly fine person, but it’s because of experiences they’ve had with others.”

If a white person displayed that attitude with any person of color, it would be called racism. If, for example, an elderly White woman clutches her purse a little tighter in a parking lot when a black man is approaching – because she recently heard about a rash of purse snatchings – she’s a racist.

But if a person of color isn’t comfortable sitting in a room with a White person because of something another White person may have done to them, well that must be racism, too.

But perhaps the most ironic and contradictory occurrence was Victor Woods’ sweet ride.

Woods, convict-turned-best-selling author, wouldn’t tell the audience all of his secrets.

You’d be surprised how many people say, ‘How’d you do it?’ I guarantee you someone in this session will walk up to me when everyone’s gone and say (inaudible) and I will let you know, and it’s in the book for $24.95!

Woods’ red Corvette could be seen parked in the most privileged spot in the parking lot at the conference hotel.

But Woods’ main message was likely lost on attendees.

This is America! … Anything you want to do you can do. … I wrote this book: “Successfully Achieving Your Vision.” Eyesight’s what’s in front of you. Vision is what you see down the road. Work ethic. Perseverance. Do you know how long it took to write this book? Five years. .. See the world opens up for a man or woman who knows where they’re going.

That’s a wise and lasting message for true victims of racism and oppression. But purveyors of the White Privilege Conference would instead have them wallow in pity, anger and ultimately, failure.

Do the White Privilege people really believe they are doing black children any favors by teaching them that America hates them, and there’s no hope for them in this racist society?
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A great kerfuffle, ballyhoo, and brouhaha recently erupted after a phenotypically white male attending Princeton University wrote an essay objecting to the fact that several others on campus were constantly instructing him to check his privilege.

Either he is obviously evil, or no one properly instructed him on how to check his privilege. I’m here to help.

For white males, checking your privilege has nothing to do with confronting uncomfortable facts. It’s not what you have to confront—it’s about what you’re being forced to ignore. Checking one’s privilege is almost exclusively a process of evading the most plausible reasons for why white males began dominating the world until others were able to start guilt-tripping them and telling them to check their privilege. It involves living in complete denial. Instead of realistically confronting unearned privilege, it involves swallowing unearned guilt.

POLL: Is Global Warming junk science with a political agenda or is it real?

Pretend it makes sense that it’s currently considered the pinnacle of virtue to eagerly hand over what you have instead of fighting to keep it. Pretend that all other groups aren’t actually fighting loudly and brazenly and openly in their own self-interest. Pretend that it’s only wrong when white males do it.

Pretend it’s moral—rather than cowardly and spineless—to bend over, grab your ankles, and placidly acquiesce to social shaming and belligerent guilt-tripping.

Pretend that people who whine about white privilege are typically white and far more privileged than most whites. Pretend that they are motivated by a sense of fairness rather than a deep-rooted guilt that they’re projecting onto less privileged whites. Pretend that if their families have been in America since colonial times, they aren’t more likely to have descended from slave owners rather than from white indentured servants. Pretend that the peddlers of the “white privilege” meme are motivated by facts and logic rather than emotion and superstition.

Pretend that only Western civilization—rather than every civilization that has ever existed until, ironically, latter-day Western civilization—is chauvinistic, considers itself the center of the universe, and acts the best it can to advance its own interests whether or not it’s at others’ expense. Forget all about Hannibal, the Moors, Genghis Khan, and Islamic conquerors. Deny or suppress any evidence that suggests white males merely won a game in which everyone was a willing participant. Go one step further and accuse whatever team wins the World Series this year of cheating.

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4063787526?profile=original   Black Professor uses Racist Rants against White Students – Photo Credit You Tube screen shot

Sometimes wading through the new America according to Obama where everything is about race and nothing is about uniting as Americans is as difficult as it is tiring. So one can only imagine the utter frustration and even anger that White students had to feel sitting through class after class where a Black Professor made them the convenient targets of her inner demons.

This seemed to be the common practice of English Professor Shannon Gibney who turned her class at Minneapolis Community and Technical College into a frequent diatribe about alleged White privilege, according to the Daily Caller. Is it racism in reverse or is it the actions of an out of control teacher who is searching for fake racial victimization?

Imagine the reality of having a target painted on your back in an English class which has precious little to do with racism or racial issues. The class was turned on its head and used as a personal crusade against non-minorities: i.e. White people. Even if oppression occurred in the nation’s past, the reality that this professor and many of the civil rights pimps of today who continue to cling to divisive racist instigation is disturbing yet acceptable by leaders like Barack Obama. Remember who he inserted himself into the criminal trial of George Zimmerman by asserting that if he had a son, “He would look like Trayvon Martin”?

Professor Gibney is clearly caught in a time warp where her comfort zone is not complete unless she can raise the shadows of past racial injustices and create a whole new imagined racism stew today in modern Minneapolis, Minnesota.

One truly has to wonder did the English Department or the college even scrutinize her teaching credentials to see if she is really certified, because something is surely amiss here. She claims according to the Daily Caller that she was not, “talking about all white people, or you white people in general.” Professor Gibney instead suggested that, “We are talking about whiteness as a system of oppression.”

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