sheriffs (2)

A Letter To Our “Keepers”

Dear Mr. President, members of Congress, judges, FBI agents, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, IRS, Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, law enforcement officers, and anyone acting in any capacity for the government who think their job is to keep us down, keep us in our place, keep tabs on us, keep their hand in our pockets, keep inciting racial discord, keep spending money, and the rest of you government lackeys who never actually worked for a paycheck:

Eagle and Flag Patriot

It’s time for us to have a conversation. You don’t know me, even though you have sifted through my email, listened to my phone conversations, oversaw my blog and Facebook posts, taxed the hell out of me, never once actually acted on any of those letters, phone calls or emails I sent you expressing my opinion about upcoming bills, or how you govern the country. Let me tell you a little about myself before we get to the meat of the matter.

I am Mrs. Nobody, and I am Mrs. Everybody. You have passed me on the street and never noticed. I am pretty unremarkable, except, you see, I am not. I have spent most of my years as a student, a wife, a mother, a worker, a boss, a small business owner, an artist, a cook, a blogger, a reader, a Christian, a dog lover, a really lousy singer who likes to sing along to oldies, and a patriot. Recently, I achieved possibly the highest honor in my life with the birth of a little smiling girl and a happy  laughing boy. I became a grandmother.

That essential spark we humans carry inside us was fanned again into flame, as each new generation tends to do for us. We settle down into life and we become somewhat complacent until something rocks us, something so exciting and holding such promise for the future, so that naturally, as new parents and grandparents, we are stirred to passion and concern for our world and the world we will leave for our beloved children and grandchildren.

Maybe that’s why you guys are so big on abortion, because you don’t need all those new kids upsetting the status quo you have going on, but I digress.

POLL: Does the Federal Government routinely assume powers that it is not granted by the Constitution?

Back to our conversation. Several years ago I made the comment to my friend Yatz that if I were in the Army, I’d probably be a cook. I said that for a number of reasons, and on a number of levels it has meaning to me. At the time, it was pretty self deprecating, and meant to be, but I have had some time to think it over and I have decided you government jerks (I wanted to use the term pricks, but I thought better of it. Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are in on this letter too) had better be afraid of us cooks.

This is going to be a chain of thought list here, in no particular order of occurrence or ranking of abuse. It’s Mother’s Day when I am writing this, and I have better things to do than lay out a history lesson and formal outline of your abuses. You commit them faster than I can keep up anyhow.

Hillary Shrillary You allowed my fellow Americans to die in Benghazi, and you didn’t even go to the security meetings while you schmoozed and boozed and slept and sent your minions out to lie and deceive, you stood in the way of military assistance, and then you flung your heinous, evil, “What difference does it make?” comment in the face of wives, children, mothers, fathers, friends, the world, and, oh, yeah, me. You sent the IRS to harass and persecute me when you stood in front of the Tea Party.

You are allowing veterans to die and fudging the numbers to cover your sorry, worthless, lemme say that one again, worthless butts. You are arresting parents at school board meetings who question your agenda. You are driving armored Hummers in my small town, you “peace officers.” You are harassing gun owners, you are attempting to use every tragedy, every nefarious method you can connive to take away or abridge my right to own and carry a gun, you are forcing me to pay for abortions and birth control, you are fighting my freedom of religion on every front, especially against my Christian brothers and sisters serving in the military.


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Thank God For These True Patriots!

Posted on English Pravada-By Dr. Eowyn-On February 2, 2012:

“Something extraordinary and historic took place mere days ago in Las Vegas, Nevada.

For three days, from January 29 and 31, 2012, in the Tuscany Hotel & Casino, more than 120 county sheriffs, from across the United States of America, met in a first annual, “Constitutional Sheriffs Convention”.

This is what Wikipedia says about U.S. sheriffs: “In the United States, a sheriff is a county official and is typically the top law enforcement officer of a county. Historically, the sheriff was also commander of the militia in that county. Distinctive to law enforcement in the United States, sheriffs are usually elected. The political election of a person to serve as a police leader is an almost uniquely American tradition.”

The first Constitutional Sheriffs Convention is the brainchild of the and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association at

For a video describing the CSPOA, go to and type in: Special report: County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds

The convention’s objective is two-fold:

1. To increase the understanding and awareness for all sheriffs and peace officers regarding the true power of our constitutional authority and duty to serve and protect the people for whom we work.

2. To unite in a concerted effort to uphold and defend the United States Constitution.

Given the importance of the convention, it is curious to say the least that the media have chosen to totally ignore it. Curious, too, is the fact that I scoured the Internet yesterday but could find scant news on the convention, much less a report - not even on the website of the County Sheriff Project.

But I did find an audio of a 1.5 hr Revolution Radio broadcast on the convention, an hour of which consists of phoned-in interviews with several sheriffs who attended the conference, as well as other attendees, mainly Stewart Rhodes, founder of To listen to the audio, Go to google and type in: Revolution Radio: Constitutional Sheriffs Conference

Stewart Rhodes said the sheriffs “are working on a series of resolutions” at the convention, among which is a “Resolution of the Sheriff Against NDAA 2012”, drafted by Rhodes and constitutional attorney Richard Fry, for the sheriffs to sign.

NDAA is the notorious National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 which effectively nullifies the Bill of Rights by making it lawful for the U.S. President and the military to arrest and detain U.S. citizens without charge or trial. From the Oath Keepers’ website, it appears the sheriffs at the convention did not sign the Resolution as a collective body. Rhodes is asking the sheriffs to sign the Resolution as individual sheriffs.

Rhodes opined that political party labels don’t mean much anymore, referring in particular to how the NDAA is “a bipartisan assault on our civil liberties,” which was spearheaded by Republican John McCain and Democrat Carl Levin.

Rhodes emphasized that a second American Revolution has already taken place under our noses and our Constitution’s been overthrown. “We have had people who are determined to destroy our Constitutional Republic to create a tyranny.” But this revolution is not fully recognized by the American people, who must be informed and educated. He calls for Americans, especially the military and the police, to emulate the “peaceful revolution of 1800″ when Thomas Jefferson and James Madison rose up against the Anti-Sedition Act to sweep federal oath-breakers out of office.

Rhodes was followed by several sheriffs, who spoke one by one. They included: Sheriff Dean Wilson of Del Norte County in Northern California, Sheriff John Cooke of Weld County, Colorado, Sheriff John Lopey from Northern California’s Siskiyou County and Sheriff Greg Hagwood of Plumas County in Northern California. An excellent video of these men explaining there problems with Federal agents and how they defeated them can be seen by going to and typing in: Constitutional sheriffs. And for a very good explanation of a Sheriff successfully opposing the Federal Government and protecting the citizens in his county, type in: Sheriff Tony DeMeo.

120 to 140 sheriffs from all across America. Many (“a great showing”) from California and the western states, but also from Texas, Florida and the eastern seaboard. Some sheriffs also brought their second-in-charge to the convention. A list of the names of the sheriffs who were at the convention will be published.

There was a Sheriffs Panel in which 8 sheriffs spoke.

There were presentations by various speakers who “spoke powerfully” on Agenda 21 and the Bill of Rights. Even though some of the sheriffs didn’t know about some of the issues, “they are listening” and “have a humility about them.” “They really want to know and are sticking their necks out by coming here.

What the sheriffs got out of the conference:

1.  A renewed knowledge and understanding of the U.S. Constitution and “how it’s related to county sheriffs who are sworn to defend and protect the Constitution.

2. “A good idea and understanding of what’s been going on” in the sheriff’s own county and in other counties.

Sheriff Wilson’s county, as an example, is on the border between Northern California and Oregon. 74% of the county is federal and state land. The county’s agriculture and timber industry are under “attack” by the federal government’s Interior Department and BLM (Bureau of Land Management). Sheriff Cooke described how the federal government wanted to burn some grassland in his county which was adjacent to farmers’ and ranchers’ property. So he issued a warning to the feds not to burn, which was ignored. But the county stood firm - and the federal government backed down and decided not to burn. Sheriff Cooke also said that the federal government tells the sheriffs how to run their jails, although Washington D.C. has no authority over this.

3. The realization that many of the problems experienced by separate counties are common to all sheriffs across the nation, “all part of a larger picture.” Sheriff Cooke calls the conference “awesome”: “We sheriffs tend to live on an island, but the conference makes us realize we have common problems.” Those common problems are the federal government’s over-regulation; “overreach” of its authority on matters such as forest land in Northern California; and “infringement against the Constitutional rights of our citizens.” The sheriffs “heard absolute horror stories on what’s going on from one coast to the other - especially in Connecticut and Delaware.”

4. Not only are these problems common to the counties of all the states, these issues also “affect all the citizens of America.” “The problems we’re facing are universal.”

5. One of those issues that affect all the citizens is the NDAA. The sheriffs at the convention learned how the NDAA “blatantly strips authority from sheriffs into the hands of the military and the President” as well as stripping “the rights from citizens.”

6. Learning about the limits of the sheriffs’ own authority, even in “little things.” Sheriff Cooke gave an example of a Sheriff Akita who said he “did away with DUI checkpoints because they are unconstitutional” and sheriffs “shouldn’t tolerate it.” Why? Because “it is not right to stop people when they haven’t done anything wrong.”

What is needed:

The sheriffs said an organization “like this” (i.e., the convention) is needed “on a national level” to help county sheriffs across America. “The time has come for a nationally recognized organization” of America’s county sheriffs.

In the meantime, there are already plans for Northern California’s sheriffs to meet again, scheduled for 2 p.m., Saturday, February 25, 2012. There are also plans for other events in Northern California to discuss land management, land use, water issues, the declining timber industry (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently issued yet another spotted owl protection), and threats against mining, agriculture, and recreational use. California’s State Sheriffs Association has formed a policy committee to deal with common problems, especially those in Northern California.

What most impressed the sheriffs:

1. Sheriff Hagwood: It’s an “eye opener” that the same issues are being dealt with across the country. That’s “disturbing”. At the same time, it’s “good to know that distinguished sheriffs are taking steps to safeguard our Constitution.” They are willing “to stand up, stand tall, to serve the People and stand for the Constitution.

2. They now feel emboldened: Sheriff Wilson: “Just having an organization like this and meeting sheriffs from across America who are like-minded, emboldens you to take steps that are necessary to stand up for the rights promised in the Constitution, because now you know other sheriffs have his back” and will “stand beside me.”

3. Sheriff Cooke: “There’s strength in numbers, not fighting it alone.”

What the sheriffs promise:

“The U.S. Constitution was founded by devout Christian men and they got it right. Now it’s up to us - sheriffs and peace officers - to keep it.” “The problems we’re facing are universal. But sheriffs bound together have real strength to push back.” “Sheriffs all over are going to fight back.”

The number of sheriffs who will attend next year’s convention will probably be double the number as this year. Sheriffs are learning “how to fight back with an organization like this.” “The only thing I’ve ever sworn to is my oath of office and my marriage vows. When sheriffs take a leadership role, the people will also be inspired. We realize that our freedoms are being threatened” on “county, state, and national” levels. We must energize and educate citizens and officials.” “Sheriffs are beginning to recognize the responsibility they have to citizens is much larger than upholding the law. We now appreciate the gravity of the situation. We recognize our larger responsibility is to protect the liberties [that are] absolutely essential to our way of life. The 2012 election is make or break. We must realize that the enemy is within, not without. We must demand that the federal government behave.”

“It won’t be easy but we’ll do it!”

That’s when my vision got blurred by the tears streaming down my face....God bless the county sheriffs who attended this convention. May their numbers multiply. Pray for our sheriffs! Pray for America!”


Video: Special Report: County Sheriffs Push Back Against Feds!-Posted on onelantern-On November 19, 2011:

Note: On or about December 22, 2011, Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers, called an emergency conference to be held for all active Oath Keeper Members on Friday, December 23, 2011. This conference was called to discuss the Oath Keeper’s response to the provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 that authorizes military detention and trial by tribunals of American citizens, right along with foreigners, which is a clear violation of #3 of Oath Keeper’s Declaration of Orders They Will Not Obey. What follows is a resolution that resulted from this conference-You Decide:

RESOLUTION OF THE SHERIFF Against NDAA 2012!-Posted on Oath Keepers-By Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes & Patriot Coalition National Director Jeff Lewis-On January 29, 2012:

Note: The following articles and/or blog posts and video relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

I. Supreme Court Rules Americans are Protected from “Surveillance State!”- Posted on The National Center For Public Policy Research-On January 23, 2012:

II. Agenda 21: The End Of Western Civilization (PART 1)-Posted on News With Views-By Kathleen Marquardt-On January 21, 2012:

III. Agenda 21: The End Of Western Civilization (Part 2)-Posted on News With Views-By Kathleen Marquardt-On 
February 4, 2012:

IV. Obama Usurps Our Freedoms with the Stroke of a Pen!-Posted on Floyd Reports-By Michael Oberndorf-On January 20, 2012:

V. James Madison And The ‘Gathering Storm’ Prophecy!-Posted on News With Views-By Timothy N. Baldwin, JD.-On January 27, 2012:

VI. All Who Signed The NDAA Bill Should Be Impeached!-Posted on News With Views-By Dr. Laurie Roth, January 20, 2012:

VII. The Real 2012 Doomsday: U.S. Falls To Tyranny!-Posted on Personal Liberty Digest-By Sam Rolley –On January 18, 2012:

VIII. 10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free!-Posted on The Washington Post-By Jonathan Turley-On January 13, 2012:

IX. Video: NDAA: Rhode Island Rebelling? More States To Follow?-Posted on Western Jorunalism-On January 16, 2012:

X. Video: YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE!-Posted on in5d-On May 6, 2010:

XI. Resistance or Apathy – Victory or Defeat in 2012!-Posted on News With Views-By Greg Evensen, January 14, 2011:

Note:  My following blog posts contain numerous articles and/or blog posts and videos that relate to this disturbing issue-You Decide:

New World Order By Executive Order!

It’s Getting Very Serious Now!’s-getting-very-serious-now/

Is it important to understand the Marxist assault on the foundations of our system?

Note If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts please copy web site and paste it on your browser. Be aware that some of the articles and/or blog posts or videos listed within the contents of the above blog post(s) may have been removed by this administration because they may have considered them to be too controversial.  Sure seems like any subject matter that may shed some negative light on this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide.

“Food For Thought”

God Bless These Sheriffs & Oath Keepers-God Bless the U.S.A.!

Semper Fi!


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