transfromation (1)

While Rome Burns

The story goes that the Emperor played a musical instrument while Rome burned, which he may have set fire to in the first place. Of course, he wanted to rebuild Rome and needed a clean slate to do it.

While America crumbles, Egypt burns Obama vacations with 70 plus other people party and play golf in Martha's vineyard. Of course, Obama wants to transform America and is working hard on every aspect of our country and life to accomplish his goal. WE know it is a country where the central government controls many or most things, large sections of the population get government checks, private companies are controlled by the Government, i.e., GM and others ( Although there is no Constitutional basis for this control), the Us economy is weaker, the military is weaker, the private civilian army is larger, e.g., (AmeriCorps, Move-On, SEIU,  Homeland Security). Then you add sky high energy prices, ( While we sit on hundreds of years of resources), greatly reduced or eliminated nuclear weapons in the US only, weakened military and hostility/limits in regards to Christianity in the military, 1.8 billion rounds of ammo purchased for US agencies, ( More rounds per person than in the US military), this ammo purchased has dried up civilian supplies, full assault on the Second Amendment via laws, regulations and use of PR, decimation of NASA and redirection to Muslim outreach and Climate change research, and many more actions all geared towards a new America.

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