Honey Boo Boo’s charity provides gifts and toys for needy area families -
photo credit - Jason Winslow Splash News
Honey Boo Boo is an eight-year-old beauty queen that has captured the heart and soul of reality TV watchers all across the nation. Of course for the most devout fans they fully understand the meaning of being “redneckognized!” Everything about Honey Boo Boo, showcases that dynamic pint-sized personality which assures she is the true queen of “Toddlers and Tiaras.”
There is more to the star’s TV fame on “Here Comes Honey Boo” for Alana Thompson , Honey Boo Boo, real name. Underneath all of the makeup, glitter and spurts of child-like behavior is a giving heart. It is that giving heart that neighbors of her and her family in their Georgia neighborhood appreciate.
The Thompson family always seem to find ways to showcase their hallmark sensitive and compassionate side, which at Christmas is demonstrated through Honey Boo Boo’s family’s designated giving to the group Wilco Luvs Kids, reported the Daily Mail.
Honey Boo Boo Gifts – Photo Credit – Reality TV Bliss
According to the Daily Mail, their charity benefits many needy families during the Christmas holidays. The family is now celebrating its fourth year of charitable giving. Mama June who leads the holiday effort spearheaded the raising of over $15,000 for needy families by launching a Christmas toy drive.