Patriots, we are in an unprecedented battle for the heart and soul of America as intended by our divinely inspired Founding Fathers. Wednesday, November 7th after the election, whose vision for America will prevail, Obama's “Entitlement Nation” or the Tea Party's?
I am on the road with the Rebuild America – Defeat Obama tour.
In 1956, my black dad broke the color barrier and became a Baltimore City Firefighter. This afforded my parents funds to move out of the projects and off of government welfare. The white firefighters hated the new black rookie firefighters. Dad said white firefighters relished every rookie mistake he made to say blacks were too stupid to be firefighters.
Still, without Democrats forcing standards to be lowered or Affirmative Action, my dad won Firefighter of the Year two times. Dad won because he was the best! This was an era when America celebrated excellence. Through much pain, suffering and rejection, my dad “built” an extraordinary career.
Some think I am being too simplistic when I say this election is about good vs evil. But think about this folks. Obama minions are saying, in a nutshell, that Mitt Romney is too good and too successful to be president; a nerdy rich white boy. Attacks on Romney's success are so extreme they range from portraying him as an evil rich white boy incapable of relating to average Americans to his success causing the death of a worker's wife. Totally outrageous and absurd.
After hounding Romney to release his tax returns, Romney is being accused of paying too much taxes to make himself look good. Obama minions, which include the MSM go to extraordinary lengths to spin everything positive regarding Romney into a negative.
Clearly, in Obama's America, Romney's greatest sin is his extraordinary success.
Romney has never had an extramarital affair. He has worked hard, saved jobs and “built” an extremely successful career. Obama obviously believes America has become so morally bankrupt, so entitlement minded, and so class envious that he can paint Romney as being too wholesome and too rich to be president. If Obama is correct, it will mean our fall as a nation has been mighty since the days of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Character, hard work, excellence and success used to be celebrated in America.
The big question this election is how many Americans want to join Obama in the gutter.
In flight to begin our national tour, the pilot announced that a U.S. soldier was on board. The hundred or so passengers on the airplane responded with a hearty round of applause. I guarantee the majority of passengers were not Obama voters because they typically despise our military. Like Obama, his supporters believe America is the greatest source of evil in the world. Democrat politicians have stooped so low as to call our military rapists and murders. Democrat disdain for American exceptional-ism, principles and values is why Obama continually apologizes to the world for our extraordinary success and for being who we are as Americans.
My Dad, Mitt Romney and the passengers' appreciation of our military represent the America we patriots in the tea party are fighting the evil Obama minions to preserve. In our America, people are encouraged to strive to be the best they can be, which in-turn benefits others and in some cases, benefits millions.
Obama is seeking to destroy our America. He is well into transforming America into a barren entitlement wasteland where mediocrity is spread equally. This false prophet preaches a false gospel of division, racial hatred and class envy. Obama seduces ignorant deadbeat disciples to vote for him by giving them free “Obama Phones”. Lazy low-rent Obama voters line up expecting free money from Obama's stash. These are the voters Obama panders to, celebrates and believes have become a majority of Americans.
In Obama's America, personal individual achievement is frowned upon and perceived to be selfish.
Exodus 20:17 - “You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or his maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
Thus, class envy, which Obama disguises by calling it “fairness”, the Bible calls sin. But then, it is not unusual for Obama's vision for America to be in direct opposition with the Bible.
Obama energizes his OWS base by saying they have too little because the one percent has too much. His low-life followers salivate at the idea of Obama punishing the rich SOBs.
Folks, we simply can not allow this evil man to continue tearing down the institutions, principles and values which have made us a great nation. Obama MUST be stopped!
Its morning in America, Wednesday, November 7, 2012. With God on our side, the America loved by the Tea Party and intended by our Founding Fathers will prevail.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
A word to Lloyd, and to all of my fellow Patriots, from our Lord and Savior, "Do not fear, for am I with you always. All I can say is to continue to pray, and intercede to God for our country, and people. Do not let up!! I love our Lord, our country, and all of you, so do not give up the fight, no matter what you hear, or see. We will win!
It is so true that everything is coming down to the stance between good and evil!! God warned us with 911, but only for a little while did patriotism and the fighting spirit flare; then went away for the most part. We are over and over turning away indiferently to our freedoms, rights and faith in God....He will show us what happens when the nation He gave so many gifts to, has turned from Him!! It is not going to be nice and we all will one way or another be effected with the judgement on America. Is that what we want for our nation, our families and our future? How stupid can we be....turn back to what you really believe in...if you have never questioned faith and what you know or feel about God and faith: NOW IS THE TIME TO DO SO!!! SO MANY LAUGH, BUT THEY WILL LAUGH OUT THE OTHER SIDE OF THEIR FACES WHEN SHTF.....
In agreement with everyone I to hope we will have morning in America on 11/7
Lloyd Marcus you are my kind of American Patriot. As a second amendment supporter and concealed weapons permit holder, I say that a President like Oboma is the exact reason that our forefathers knew that they needed to protect the rights of citizens to bear arms. We may need our arms to protect the constitution from being trampled on by our President...I hope this never becomes the case but I for one will be ready should it happen.
I love Lloyd Marcus. He is a true patriot.
good afternoon lloyd marcus. . .may G-d bless you and keep you safe from harm's way. . .YOU are an AMERICAN WARRIOR in your own right. . .
GOD Bless America !
God Bless you Lloyd, we are praying for this country too.