Hi Patriots. I am on the road touring on Tea Party Express VIII: Winning for America. Before joining the tour yesterday, I was in Baltimore where a black woman told me, “They're tryin' to get him! I pray that he wins.” The “they” she was referring to, in her mind, are those evil white racist Republicans who are trying to kick-out her black president. This black woman is a Christian. So I replied, “Well, Obama coming out in favor of same-sex marriage and vowing to be an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities turned-off a lot of people, including black pastors across America.”
The woman's response was, “I believe Obama only said that for political reasons to get the gay vote.” I thought, here is another willfully brain-dead emotion-driven black Christian who worships the false god of skin-color over her commitment to Christ. No truth will penetrate her idolatry of Obama. The encounter was a bit depressing.
But then, Lee, a black man with whom I chatted with at our Tea Party Express rally in Miami gave me hope. Lee said his eyes were opened years ago about the Democrats, long before Obama. He explained that Democrat policies/programs have destroyed the black family and the black community.
Lee said the last Democrat he voted for was Jimmy Carter. Lee is telling everyone who will listen about the fraud that is Obama and the Democrats. Quite refreshing.
Lee gave me a hug and encouraged me to, “Hang in there brother. I really appreciate what you and your Tea Party Express team are doing.”
After the rally, our team ate at Havana Miami Restaurant. Amazing what they can do with plantains.
Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman: CampaignToDefeatObama.com
He's right about the worship of ovomit.A person can not be a true Christian and condon what ovomit stands for.You can't endorse homosexaulity,lesbianism, transgender,bisexaulity.Romans Chapter One tells you about all those kind of sins.The hebrews were told to take such people and stone them to death.Christianity is by some called a religion of hate.The Christian don't hate the person but they hate their sin.Christians don't stone people to death but the nuslims do.All a Christians see's is the person's sin and tell's him how to escape the penality for his sin.A Christian is a sinner saved by God's grace.You could take all the bibles in the world and burn them up but there is enough Christians put together who could write the bible again.Christianity is a Religion of Peace.
Thanks, Lloyd. And God Bless Lee. He is awake and is speaking the truth to those who will listen. Democrats policies are fraud and destruction of black families as well as white. Policies as well as abortion are very destructive of black families instead of helping them.
One thing the Black community has not realized. That all these free stuff that the democrats are giving them is nothing but a huge control of the people. Free stuff lead to bondage. Since all the free stuff comes with strings attach these strings are the modern prove of bondage.
You go dude YEAH.
As an American Black person I have not voted for a Democrat since Jimmy Carter and the only reason I voted for him is because I did not know any better. Also, many blacks will stay loyal to Obama because they feel that they have to and I believe that it is a race issue with them. They are only seeing the color of his skin not realizing what Obama really stands for. It is really sad that my black people do not vote their christian beliefs.
Lloyd Marcus , we need you in Washington , give it some serious thought .
I love Lloyd.
Great job Lloyd! Keep up the good work of informing the uninformed.
Lloyd great job and it's good to see that there are African Americans out there that recognize that HUSSEIN'S policies and the Dem agenda are harmful to the black community. I saw a pole recently that said Romney would get 0% of the African American vote.Well what do we have here.
Llyod, Thank you for being a true American. We Tea Party people need to be as the blindfolded Lady of Justice, and carry a sword in our strong hand and the scales of justice in our others. While Mitt Romney is not our ideal, his positions are closer to our beliefs than Barak Obama's.