RANT: What They Want Us To Do

12435056898?profile=RESIZE_400xRANT: What They Want Us To Do

Here is my 1st rant……what do you think?

They take our money, ban our religion, grab our guns, steal our taxes, give away our money, make us wear masks, force us to get an injection of an unproven substance, call us names, ridicule heterosexuals, mutilate our children’s genitalia, destroy our borders, prosecute our President Trump, burn our flag, tear down our statues, shoplift stores into bankruptcy, kill our babies, burn our books (like Huckelberry Finn) refuse to salute our flag, punish us with their pronoun police, squat in our vacation homes, give Illegal Aliens money, food, clothing shelter, leave our Vets to die homeless on the streets, give us a president too wasted he cannot be charged with a crime, corrupt our voting system, teach our children America is bad, take our children to drag shows, teach our children perversion is normal, impeach Trump for nothing, Raid Trumps home, steal his properties.............AND NOW THEY WANT MY DNA?  F*^# YOU! 

 My 2nd Rant…….

They rob our estates when we die, they change our children’s sex without permission,  they reward trespassers at the border, they outlaw our hot water heaters, they ban our stoves, they inflate our economy, they print too much money, they payoff student loans with our money, they ridicule our military, they defund our police, they burn our cities, they cancel oil refineries, the outlaw coal mining, they shutdown oil pipelines, they will turn Trump Towers into a homeless camp, they put non-citizens on city councils, they teach sex change is normal, they make our vote symbolic not actual, they want to outlaw ammunition, they demand students  hate Jews and Christians, they want to remove the Bible for all public libraries, they demand we celebrate when a baby is murdered hiding inside the mother womb, they deface the US Constitution, they preserve the memory of felon George Floyd, but want us to forget George Washington, they expect reparations for black families but not America Indians, they want us to remember Pride Month  but not the Trail Of Tears, they tell us the planet will burn because of cow farts, they want out tanks and armament to run on batteries, they mandate for hiring more IRS agents, they trick children into reporting their conservative parents, they teach protecting democracy is by eliminating all opposing parties, they force us to live like cavemen because of global warming, they expect us to believe climate change is real, they take away your passports for unpaid taxes, they label constitutional loving citizens as toxic cult members, they want to kill Trump and his family to protect democracy….AND NOW THEY WANT ME TO VOTE DEMOCRAT……. once again F*^# YOU!

Anybody ready for rant 3? Hold On!

Rant 3  they refuse to deport Illegal aliens but try to delete white people, they label citizens who believe in the constitution as deplorable, yet embrace communists as visionaries, they starve farmers of water, but fail to build desalination plants, they fed paint chips to prisoners but give food stamps to Illegal Aliens, they weaponize the judicial system, but refuse to prosecute Black Lives Matters for destroying cities, they claim white people are privileged but willingly accept their tax payments, they refuse to prosecute Joe Biden but waterboard prisoners in Guantanamo that have never been charge with a crime, they listen to Obama say: ‘We Tortured Some Folks’ after 9/11,” CBS News, August 1, 2014, but close their ears to Hillary Clinton’s Top Secret server crimes, they fed LSD to unknowing Americans, but they won’t give housing to suffering veterans….and now they want me to believe the 2020 election was not rigged?   F*^k You! 

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Over 100 Million Citizens are voting right now and because they don't agree with the Dems they are labeled garbage. Lets see on Nov. 6th who is the garbage!!

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