4063707687?profile=originalHello, calling Sarah Palin! Has anyone seen her? Where is she? Has Sarah Palin left the building? Is the Palin magic gone forever? No. The Palin charisma and mass appeal is still alive and well.

Certain people are born gifted with “It”; something that compels you to watch them. Sarah Palin is one such individual. Though politically tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail by the Left and a few spineless Republicans, I pray for the day when my favorite gladiator Sarah Palin returns to the arena.

Unquestionably, the vitriolic attacks on Palin and her family, the betrayals by Republicans and associates left Palin severely wounded. Who among us could endure and survive the full weight of the MSM launched to destroy you? It is quite understandable and reasonable if Palin were to say, Forget this. Todd and I are goin' fishin'.

But, the Bible says to whom much is given, much is required. While Palin has not reported seeing a burning bush, I believe Sarah Palin has been called for such a time as this. I pray she will feel lead to return to Rome (Washington DC) to fight in the arena. At the moment, there is no one in the national arena who inspires the masses to follow and act on their convictions in mass like Palin.

Please allow me to re-share my personal testimony of the “Palin Effect”. With Sarah Palin as the keynote speaker, Tea Party Express launched one of it's tours in Searchlight, NV, a small dust bowl town. Twenty-five thousand people showed up, RVs parked everywhere because many arrived days early to stake out their spot.

From inside our Tea Party Express tour bus as we approached the site, I saw seniors parked a mile away making their way to the event using walkers. It gave me goosebumps. Obviously, this woman, Sarah Palin, represented the America they loved and feared was slipping away.

Despite all of the scandals, lies, outrageous government overreaches and abuses of our civil liberties under this administration, Obama still gets a pass in the minds of far too many ill-informed Americans. Decades of dumbing down students have produced exactly what the Left wants, sheep totally dependent on government – clueless regarding U.S. History and the cost and value of freedom.

So, Obama can ignore the Constitution and do whatever he pleases as long as the food stamps, disability checks, welfare checks and free phones keep coming. Under Obama, an unprecedented half of the country is eating, talking on their phones and driving without working for it – a Democratic party dream come true.

I asked friends at dinner, “How did Ronald Reagan win in a landslide touting Conservatism? Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority was said to have figured in the mix. Americans, for the most part, are a moral and just people. I believe Reagan touting values which spoke to the hearts and minds of decent people is what inspired Americans to be all they could be.

I was a 20 something year old black kid from the East Baltimore projects back then. I knew nothing about politics. All I knew was that every-time I heard President Reagan speak, I felt good about my country and myself. Reagan made me feel I could achieve and contribute to this wonderful country in which I was blessed to be born called America.

Where are the voices inspiring folks to love and contribute to the greatness of their country? I know, I know. Such talk sounds corny and naïve today. In Obama's America, signing up for government assistance and approving of government confiscating the earnings of high achievers for redistribution is the new definition of compassion and patriotism.

Even being proud of our country is now considered to be a bad thing under Obama. When outside of the U.S. Obama continuously apologizes for who we are – furthering the narrative that the world has too little because we have too much. Amazingly, Reagan saw this mindset coming and warned us.

We need a hero folks – someone willing to stand up for America, boldly waving our flag and touting the virtues of hard work, self-reliance, family, God and country. I believe Sarah Palin can pull it off.

Reading my own words sound a bit corny even to me. Folks, have we become so cynical, so tainted that asking Americans to strive for goodness and righteousness rather than becoming permanent government welfare recipients is an outdated impossible dream of the past?

Sarah Palin, please come back. Run for office. We long to cheer you on as our gladiator in the arena.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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  • Sarah Palin has been forged by 'fire'  and she has emerged stronger than ever.  The constant hammering she took from the media - even from conservative women pundits - who hoped to destroy her once and for all,  actually did her a great favor. I too believe that her reliance on God will lead  her in the right direction. Imagine how the MSM will freak out if they perceive Sarah has her eye on 2016!  But if she does it will not be because she is led by blind ambition; it will mean God has mercy on this poor, once great country, and has chosen Sarah to help restore her.  If support for her does develop, it will have to bubble up from the grass roots and like a tidal wave, overwhelm the opposition in both parties, and judging from the dirty tricks crowd, it will be a brutal contest!  We really do need her. Let's get the word out because the Democrats never stop campaigning, and Karl Rove et al, still think they own the nominating process.

  •  I wish she would come back, she has a great love for this country and she would make an excellent first woman PRESIDENT. Governor we need you.

  • I sincerely appeal to Sarah Palin not sink back into the lowest of level and that is politics. Instead I have been Praying for her to start being an evangelist for Our Lord and son Jesus. The Lord is going to put the U. S. Of A down since it has been becoming another Sodom and Gormarh. Life on this earth is a Blink of God our Creators eye. Everyone has a choice for where they spend eternity. With the Devil in HELL or with Our Lord and his son Jesus Christ. Sarah could save a lot of souls or on the day we all answer to Our Lord he will tell her he does not know her. This is what almost all political hacks will hear along with many so-called Religious Leaders. Me Bride and I want to hear Welcome good and faithful servant. Our Lord built this Earth, anyone who thinks it just happen is an ignorant person. WE pray for all the lost souls who must speak to Jesus who is the Key to HEAVEN to survive the bottomless pit of fire called HELL.

  • I agree with you Lloyd 1000%...there are many conservatives willing to get in the fight..Sarah tho is the one with national recognition.

  • AMEN! May Sarah Palin throw her ticket in the political arena and march through the ring of corruption like a beacon light of liberty! Please run for Senate or something, Sarah! America needs you!

  • I wish she would come back. Outstanding Patriot!

  • Amen, Lloyd.  America needs Sarah Palin.  It's just that simple.

  •  Too bad that she could not get rid of RINO McCain in 2008 and have someone else run with her in 2008 .

  • Sarah Palin & Ted  Cruz would be the conservative dream team in 2016 !!!!!!! Both very tough very outspoken . & Ted Cruz was according to one of his profesors in college the most brilliant student in my class in law school .

  • I think she would make a good president, but who are we kidding she won't be able to make any meaningful changes, will she??? is the position of president the problem with this country or is Ms. Palin just a step in the right direction, when we are leaps and bounds down the wrong road. We need to demand term limits for starters. Wonder if we banned togther and had a national signature drive making some demands, what would happen??

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