I don't take credit for this, but........
it is worth sharing
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From a Tea Party Blog
Comment by Don MacDermid 21 hours ago
Unbelievably dangerous person, proving we have robots in offices of high honor - in both parties.
Putting citizens to work and breaking the oil monopolies adds$1.5 trillion to the economy, enough to end Obama’s progressive “defecate” spending &&& The $85 billion sasquatch goes away!
Through all of the current deception, chaos, and hatemongering, not one legislator or the president has considered anything real!
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In a few short lines Don showed where productive leaders could add $1.5 TRILLION to our economy; not counting the Taxes our bloviated president harps on.
But, let's be FAIR!
Like Don.... let's NOT pick on the President.
....... not one legislator or the president has considered anything real!
WHAT will you do about this?
Contact your politician