Obama has had the EPA write new and never before used regulations that start his war on coal and Americans. While he may hesitate attacking foreigners, he has no such issues declaring and waging war on American energy and our citizens. After all, how do you put America in its place? One great way is to drive up energy costs, killing jobs while you say how you want just the opposite, which is Obama's game.
AS Obama said, you will be able to open a coal fired plant, but you will go bankrupt. That is all related to the new Utility Standards and the new emissions limit related to coal use. First, Obama had the EPA rule CO2, literally the air our of your mount and what plants use to make oxygen is a pollutant. Now, limiting the amount of CO2 to lower than possible for a coal fired they will not build a new one. If they improve one it must be brought up , so that will kill them.
This is just the beginning .
I have asked each Senator and my Congressman to impeach or support it. They will not regardless of what Obama does or will do it seems. Maybe if more citizens asked them to impeach they would do it or at least one patriot in Congress would act. You know they will be called every name and racists will be the nicest one if they file articles of impeachment. Otherwise, it is up to the next election and we may have another 11 to 20 million new voters by then who might follow the democrats. I also expect Holder to seek to reinstate all convicted felons the right to vote too.
We need every American to contact Congress to ask them to stop the EPA. Yes, we need clean water, but the EPA is now run by activists and needs to be reigned in now. Obama and his czars are assaulting American in so many ways and on so many levels it over whelms everyone and nothing is done.
Here again - Obama breaks laws and oath to legislate and no legislator does anything about it. IMPEACH HIM - put some teeth in the Constitution.
So where do we go from here, complain to the Congress again>? I think I heard somewhere he is bypassing Congress again. We need our coal. The EPA is always throwing their weight around. They got way too much power. Eh, we dont need em either. Save lots of money! Here we go again, in constant turmoil. NO peace ever! All he does is stir the pot...he needs to go! Oh and I forgot to say "We are not poor enough yet" per 2016 Movie with Mr Dinish. " The Great Destroyer" that is what is running the WH.