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Respect and Be Open

Your sense of integrity could make you more open-minded in your professional interactions. Perhaps you realize that by being respectful and tolerant of differing ideas you can achieve more when working with others. Making an effort to navigate between all sides of an issue and finding mutually agreeable solutions to problems could help you be even more effective in your dealings. Should you find that you have to deal with conflicting ideas in some form, you can think about the needs and wants of everyone involved. Putting your ideas down on paper through a diagram or chart might be a way for you to see the different factors involved and maybe even a way to come up with a creative solution. You may find that being nonjudgmental and broad-minded could not only help you to act honestly but can also assist you in finding what works best for everyone.

When we are receptive to everybody’s ideas, win-win outcomes are more possible. Even though it can be challenging to meet the needs of all the people we interact with, if we truly take the time to understand their ideas and then try to integrate them with our own ideas, we will more readily gain their respect. Having this mutual regard for each other will make it easier for our team to accomplish its goals. By being open and showing respect in a professional capacity, your interactions will not only be more positive but also more productive.

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The meaning of the midterm election remains unknown by America’s left. I expected as much. I’ll herein explain it to them.

Free enterprise is a means of distribution of the nation’s wealth, as is socialism. Free enterprise has proven over and over to create prosperity. Obviously, prosperity is not the goal of socialists. Free enterprise relies on innovation and resourcefulness. So, what is the goal of America’s socialists? Government dependence is their goal, the idea that the powers that be are more intelligent than average folks, without a scintilla of evidence. It boils down to the power of the individual verses the power of the mighty. We’re dealing with the mindless.

Power is mindless. The American people’s Constitution makes for a balance of power. It is self-evident that humans are created with minds that give us the ability to cope. This is implied by the Declaration of Independence. Power is animal. An excess of power is against human nature. Humans, advanced animals with understanding, born for justice, “right” is not the arbitrary construction of opinion, but an institution of nature. What does that make the “right” to health care? The “right” to health care is a power grab. We are no more entitled to that right than a right to a haircut. Why do you think our health care is so costly? It flies in the face of free enterprise. Someone other than the breadwinner pays the bill. We pay for health care in one way or another, and most likely with the loss of all rights; we become slaves of the powerful. The intelligentsia can talk itself to death and make no sense.

Since America is moving rapidly toward the complete loss of individual “rights,” the goal of socialists: control, what we need to do now is to exchange the income tax for a tax on spending, exempting the essentials: basic needs—a standard existence. The logic of it: If one spends on goods and services, he is taxed; if he saves and invests, he is helping building a robust economy; he is not taxed. It is the diametric opposite of what we are being taught by the intelligentsia; that is, the “higher educated,” those with visions of grandeur for themselves. They take away from innovation and resourcefulness, encourage dependence—actually, a shameful way to think.

A tax on income coupled with redistribution, all the work of the nattering nabob intelligentsia, opposing free enterprise—taking away human values and replacing them with animal power. The proof is in the pudding. Observe who votes for nattering nabobs like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

What a change! The original American came here to get out from under the control of the intelligentsia. After early Americans arrived in a wilderness, because they believed in freedom and opportunity, and under the free enterprise system built the greatest nation on earth, wouldn’t you know, came the nabobs. Where there is money and power, you can depend on their presence.

The intelligentsia despises American values. They want to change it back to their way. They are in positions to teach the impressionable young. It is time for them and their following to know it isn’t going to happen. Interestingly, nabob Obama is going to India to give those people the benefit of his charm. I guess he doesn’t know Indian philosophy. They got rid of the nabobs.

Harvard educated, so typical for Harvard, Obama, going about the world telling everyone how backward we Americans are, bowing and scraping before royalty in the Mid-East, with his nose up, speaking in platitudes, giving other peoples the idea of how intelligent he is, what do you expect from a nabob educated hippie? Have you noticed the way he walks? He’s a clod hopper, totally out-classed by those in the know. The least qualified president we’ve ever had, Obama, the nabob, is an absolute disgrace to his black heritage. Three thousand people in his entourage; forty aircraft from the richest nation on earth descending on India, we’re paying $200 million a day for nattering nabob representation in India, of all places, that ought to go over like a lead balloon. I agree with the leaders we’ve just elected. The American people have spoken. Get rid of Obama!

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“If all you have is a hammer, after a while, the whole world starts looking like a nail.”

Were Democrats Victimized

by their Own Shenanigans?

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats find themselves fully flummoxed and feeling flimflammed by the voters they’ve been working so feverishly and frantically for. It seems that in the 21st Century, government throwing large amounts of money at problems A) is not that popular with the voters and B) doesn’t work. Hey, what’s that all about?

Rajjpuut used to work as a health educator for Blue Cross and Blue Shield. One of the “studies” that BC and BS did involved a series of actors going around to physicians reportedly suffering severely with fictitious but reasonable symptoms). It was discovered that surgeons wanted to surge into the body with a scalpel; radiologists thought the patients needed to be zapped; internists considered only the wisdom of potions, powders and pills; and chiropractors thought that body alignment was clearly necessary.

In a different study, psychologists found that chess masters routinely either missed or took much longer to discover unique two-move checkmate patterns when their thinking process got tangled up in five- eight- or ten-move combinations leading to far more familiar patterns . . . what’s up? In a phrase: it’s a scientific principle called the “Einstellung Effect” which is a fancy way to say that when all you have is a hammer, after a while the whole world starts to look an awful lot like a nail. Specifically, the Democrats are “one-trick ponies” who solve problems (or invent problems to solve; or cause problems and then set out to cure them) with only one specialized technique: upping taxes and throwing money at the symptoms of the problem (never the underlying cause which is all too often an initial excess of government involvement).

So our current exacerbation of our fiscal problems under Barack Obama may well be a lesson in the futility of money-throwing and an example of redistributive wealth (as a solution) coming out second-best to the Einstellung Effect, at least that’s one possibility, but other than in revisionist history (where the progressives change things to be more to their liking calling, for example, the Italian Fascists an example of the evils of right-wing ideology when anyone doing a modicum of research finds out that the Italian labor unions rose up against the corporate bosses and seized power and then after seizing power across all of Italy, they elected Benito Mussolini to lead the entire nation. Last time anyone checked, labor unions are NOT a right-wing, but rather a left-wing manifestation. The progressives who used to call themselves Liberals are guilty of revisionism at least 100 times a day in major comments found in print, on the air or online.

Hmmmmm, the Einstellung Effect or progressives’ own historical revisionism coming back to bite them in the butt, ooh what a “Behar” (as in calling someone “a son of a Behar”). Of course, if you believe as Rajjpuut does that the 100% accurate and real ditch story is this one:

George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) and jumped into the front seat, grabbed the wheel and slammed on the brakes, thus initiating a controlled skid that deposited the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

For more on the details of this version of the now famous car and ditch showing that progressives created a bad law under Jimmy Carter (CRA ’77 which forced mortgage lenders to make knowingly bad loans) which was first expanded by regulatory fiat under Clinton and then expanded legislatively by Slick Willy three times (twice in 1995; and the steroid-version expansion in 1998); and all the while abused by ACORN to at day’s end cause us our worst financial comeuppance since 1929 . . . . Go here for those details and be shocked to find that supposedly 'stupid' G.W. was acutely aware economically and proved himself a hero according to Treasury Sec. Timoth Geithner:

So the truth is that former ACORN lawyer and bank brow-beater and shake-down solicitor for the propagation of CRA ’77, Barack Obama, actually did 10,000 as much harm to the U.S. economy prior to October 2009 as George Bush ever did . . . and that since taking office in January, 2009, he’s done more harm to the U.S. economy than any man since the days of Herbert Hoover and FDR (two infamous progressives) . . . . it all sounds like the Democrats have been hoisted upon their own petard just as they were back in 1933 when FDR came into office and started breaking his campaign vows to, you guessed it, lower taxes and lower spending which is what Warren G. Harding had done in 1920 when he inherited a much fiercer depression from Woodrow Wilson than anything we’ve seen since: Harding cut taxes 48%; government spending 49%; and paid down the national debt by 30%.

So, is Rajjpuut saying that Democrats deliberately did the country in? As a matter of fact, he’s saying that the Progressive ultra-left-wing of the Democratic Party which has co-opted the Democratic Party did just that . . . but let’s pretend you consider such utterances to be “conspiracy theory” nonsense . . . well, given the facts as they stand you can instead call them extraordinarily INEPT instead and we’ll both be happy.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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741,000 Small Business Closures in 2009 and climbing in 2010.

67000 page tax code is corrupt, businesses not only pay excessive taxes but as well pay for protection from the IRS, and also pay for the book keeping and accounting for the taxes, and yes it all adds up and if you don't pay for protection they destroy you, and that is not an opinion it is fact.

Tax freeze or not is not the issue that is a deflection from the real problem!!!!

Wake up Tea Party, you are all about taxes aren't you, now is the time to fix this corruption.

Tax extensions// tax cuts, won't matter, we need tax reform, Current Tax Code repealed.

Health Care
Civil Unrest
Fed Reserve
Voter Fraud
Illegal Immigration
Border Security
Social Issues
Privacy Issues
What ever you want, we need to address all but the one they do not want to address is the most important Tax Codes, put in place illegally and continued, "Victory Tax" come on people all the distractions are not helping us get out of economic disaster. Go to India and across Asia 200 million a day so we know it will be more, Tax Code
Don't you see the TV commercials of all the former IRS agents feeding like sharks on the blood of Small Business, haven't you heard through the Health Care Bill Obama add 20,000 more IRS agents!!! Tea Party Where Are You!?????!!!!!!!!!
Suspend IRS action and collections Today and business and hiring will surge tomorrow!!!!

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About a year ago there was a news story about how the iguanas were dropping out of the trees in Florida, and so Jake jotted out this quick, sick and twisted humor piece. Maybe you will still get a laugh out of it ... maybe NOT!

When Global Warming Fails - Lizards Die: Those on the left say they care … but do they really? Their efforts have paid off and now the earth is cooling. As the earth cools temperatures get too cool for the iguanas and they become paralyzed and fall. But who cares for the Iguanas? End the Hate!

Cruelly, without recourse or warning ,these peaceful iguanas get cold and are falling from trees, limbs, plants, sides of houses and everywhere imaginable because of evil Americans and their efforts to end global warming. These iguanas are not native to the U.S.

They are undocumented iguanas, which means, they know the bitter sting of leaving their homeland, often in the dead of night, with nothing more than the scales on their back. And for what? So tourists will have a pet to show off at home?

But when they become too big or start doing iguana stuff ... all they hear is the cruel rushing of water as they are flushed down the toilet, or the rushing of air as they are chucked over the back fence.

It's time to stop the madness! As a nation we can do better ... we must do better. We must end the horror of these poor, forgotten and falling iguanas. It is time to ...

End the Hate!

All creatures deserve the right of decent medical care. So it's time. Today I am asking congress to provide $800 million dollars to save the iguana and increase global warming so that these poor iguanas may live.

Using undocumented workers in the south Florida area and local volunteers, I believe we can build nets to break the fall of these kidnapped and abused creatures.

Further, by utilizing thousands of local agencies, volunteers, and more undocumented workers, along with unemployed hookers (who can't find johns because of the cold), we can build thousands of little hammocks for the iguanas so when they awaken, they will know the comfort that our medical system should provide for all Americans ... even undocumented iguanas.

Don't be a hater - help us end the madness of falling iguanas - and - if you see someone actually tipping an iguana off his perch, please report that person to the nearest ASPCA office.

Iguana terror can be stopped ... but only if we end the hate.

To Donate


This message is brought to you by the ATSIB - Americans to Stop Iguana Abuse.

P.S. - This is NOT meant to be taken seriously, we checked 800-ugly-lizard and the number is a working number. Please do not call this number. These poor folks actually got calls the last time we sent out this nonsense.

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Trick me once, shame on you; trick me twice, shame on me!”

Will TEA Party-Inspired Victory

Again Go to Waste for Conservatives?

The man of the hour is House Speaker Designate John Boehner. On the face of it, it appears that the hopes of conservative America could hardly have been put in stronger hands. Mr. Boehner reportedly has never asked for nor taken an earmark in his twenty-year career. Yes, a man of principle is needed. But more than anything else, America needs John Boehner to be a man with an elephant’s fabled memory and an owl’s much lauded wisdom. Will the recent TEA Party-inspired victory at the polls go to waste for conservatives? Something even bigger along those lines happened in 1994 . . . it must NOT happen in 2010.

In 1994 the conservative standard-bearers, the Republican Party swept into control of both the House and the Senate netting 55 new house seats on the way. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and the Republicans had set the victory up by creating a “Contract for America” similar in many ways to the ideas propelling the TEA Party Contract from America and the Republicans Pledge to America, both offered up in 2010. This year things are different in three important respects from 1994:

1) From a conservative’s view point, the 2010 election result was broader but less conclusive. Many more governorships were seized; more U.S. House seats were gained; many more individual state House and Senate seats were won; but the gain of six U.S. Senate seats did not give the Republicans a majority in that chamber.

2) The clear inspiration for the Republican victory was the creation of the TEA Party grass roots fiscal- and Constitutional-conservative movement begun about February, 2009, shortly after Barack Obama, the Democrats and many Republicans passed the $787 Billion Obama stimulus.

3) Republicans running on religious-conservative or socially-conservative lines were uniformly defeated as the old “litmus- test” gave way to a type of conservativism that Independents embraced eagerly.

TEA Party Has Much to Learn;

Republicans, Even More, from 1994

So, what exactly does the TEA Party-inspired conservative victory mean for America?

A. Nothing, if the beneficiary of this Conservative victory (the Republican Party) ends up less than a party of principle and also opts to return to its old “litmus test” of social and religious issues

B. Everything, if the beneficiary of this victory ends up returning to its roots as the party of small government; accountable government; fiscal-conservativism; and Constitutional Conservativism, leaves the old litmus test behind and learns from the debacle of 1994 . . . .

In 1994, the Republican Party had a historic opportunity dropped into its lap and then blew it badly by playing small politics instead of honoring the will of the voters and standing up for Constitutional- and fiscal-conservativism. Back then the voters angered by the Democrats’ failed attempt at Hillarycare and other less than conservative efforts by Bill Clinton also rejected the Democratic Party at the ballot box. The G.O.P. picked up 55 seats in the House of Representatives for a majority there and even won the senate. Like now the Republicans back then had a document working for them, the “Contract for America.” John Boehner has the opportunity to learn from Newt Gingrich’s less than sterling efforts and begin the nation’s return to sanity, principle and fiscal-integrity. You see, Gingrich compromised repeatedly with that wily devil Bill Clinton. Boehner would do well to learn the lesson that only 100% principled bills need to be presented for a vote in the House, not 99% principled bills with one ear mark or one outrider; not 99.9% principled bills . . . but only 100% principled bills. Why?

ITEM: You will remember that it was only AFTER the Republican victory in 1994 that Bill Clinton was able to go from 36% approval to 65% approval (in January, 1998, just prior to his escapades with Monica Lewinsky in the so-called “tailgate” or “little blue-dress scandal” becoming the headline story for the next few months).

ITEM: You will remember that it was only AFTER the Republican victory in 1994 that Bill Clinton was able to pass three expansions of the Community Reinvestment Act (two in 1995 and the “steroid version” in 1998) which ACORN was able to exploit to turn Jimmy Carter’s ill-conceived CRA of 1977 into a nation-wrecking sub-prime lending crisis**.

Item: You will remember that whereas in 1976 only one in 404 mortgages was offered at less than 3% down payment; that by 1986 the Arkansas Community Organization for Reform Now (later to expand to become the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) had doubled the rate in the nation to one questionable loan in every 198 mortgages; which had really jumped to one bad loan in every 14 by 1996; and 34 questionable loans in 100 by 2006 and ignited our present financial crisis.

Item: You will remember that ACORN lawyer Barack Obama in Chicago played a key role in that area brow-beating and shaking down lenders to force them to comply with the evil CRA legislation.

Item: You will remember that after 1998’s steroid expansion of the CRA ’77, ACORN, without Barack Obama, discovered that it was now just as easy to put an ultra poor renter into a $450,000 home as it earlier had been to get him into a $150,000 one.

Item: You will remember that after 1998’s steroid expansion of CRA ’77 by Clinton, ACORN was able to get many loans not at 3% but at ZERO% down payments.

Item: You will remember that people without I.D.; people without jobs; people without anywhere close to decent credit ratings; people without even a rental history; people whose only “income” listed was food stamps; other welfare recipients; and even illegal aliens were being put into $350,000-$500,000 homes courtesy of ACORN’s “street warfare” against mortgage lenders required by law to make knowingly bad home loans.

Item: You will remember liberal news coverage in big cities of protests against banks “Unfair to the poor” or “racist banks” being carried on TV as crowds chanted on the lawn outside bank presidents’ and vice presidents’ homes.

Item: You will remember G.W. Bush trying to change this complex of laws in January, 2005, but progressives from both parties (particularly the Democrats) voting him down.

Item: You will remember G.W. Bush personally or via spokesmen talking to congress some 26 times about the financial problem these CRA laws were causing.

Item: You will remember finally 30 months after his first attempt to rein in this nightmare runaway train, the Bush administration and bi-partisan patriots passed a watered-down version of his original anti-CRA bill in July, 2007. It was, of course, way too little, way too late and the debacle was on us by October, 2007.

Item: You will remember that three months ago in August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised Bush’s actions for stopping the recession from becoming truly deep and serious and from preventing a critical plummeting in home prices.

Item: You will surely remember that on at least 200 occasions, Barack Obama^^ has told us an analogy about a car in a ditch driven there by the previous administration.

Item: You will surely remember that Barack Obama claims his policies prevented another “Great Depression” caused by the prior Republican administrations and failures of the Free Market.

Item: You will surely remember Barney Frank saying, “Gee, the Free Market created another mess and now government has to come to the rescue . . . AGAIN!”

Item: You may not remember Rajjpuut telling you that the correct version of the “car in the ditch” story was that George W. Bush saw Obama, Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians deliberately pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500-foot cliff (utter financial disaster) and jumped into the front seat, grabbed the wheel and slammed on the brakes, thus initiating a controlled skid that deposited the vehicle into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.

Item: You will surely remember Tuesday’s voting and that courtesy of the awareness created by the TEA Party, the Republicans now have a chance to make amends for their faulty oversight of the nation between 1994 and 2004.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


**How exactly did this disaster happen with Republicans owning a majority in both chambers?

How did Clinton like a Tae Kwan Do black belt use the power of the powerful House Republicans against them? It happened, just as the strike out of MIGHTY CASEY did, because “pride goeth before the fall.” Because when “politics is the art of the possible,” all is well; and when politics becomes "the art of the compromise for appearance-sake," all is surely wrong.

The Republicans, you see were committed by Gingrich to passing legislation in the House in accord with their Contract with America. Since they had the majority, they could and did and included among their achievements was incredible Welfare Reform, all well and good. However, Gingrich went beyond the possible into the dirty world of compromise with the Devil (Clinton) and got smacked around like a schoolboy. It happened more or less because Gingrich’s pride could NOT accept passing a bill or several versions of a bill only to see Clinton veto it repeatedly after the senate sent it to him. His pride demanded that he ENACT legislation . . . something NOT in his power. Enter the fuzzy world of COMPROMISE . . . .

Gingrich’s pride would NOT allow him to pass a bill and call it a success, he must see it enacted . . . and there Clinton had him because Clinton was NOT facing a veto-proof congress. So the Republicans would set out and eventually pass a great piece of legislation, Constitutional and smart and Clinton would veto it. They would adjust a few things tinker with it here and there and get a few more Democratic votes and pass it again and again Clinton would veto it. Presumably if Gingrich had been content to keep passing good bills and been content with the few crumbs of success Clinton allowed to become law, much good would have done; the Contract with America would have been achieved (passing all the bills; not unfortunately enacting all of them); and Clinton’s approval rating would have dropped into the teens . . . instead because of his pride and compromising with Clinton . . . the Dems got credit for passing “monumental reform” legislation; and the Dems repeatedly snuck in little pieces of poison (like three CRA ’77 expansions) and so Clinton was resurrected and re-elected. “But, but, but HOW?” You ask.

After several vetoes of several versions of a particular bill, finally, the minority Democrats in the House would create virtually a twin of the most popular version of the same bill Clinton had just vetoed (with some teensy-teeny nasty progressive surprises such as the CRA ’77 expansions earlier mentioned in them dropped into the small print) . . . rather than standing upon principle and defeating the bill in the house, Gingrich and the Republicans went along with Clinton’s charade, time after time after time after time and helped Clinton go from 36% approval to about 65% approval by 1998 before Monica Lewinsky did him in. Yes, the G.O.P. did fulfill their Contract with America, but because of the wily Clinton the nation was much the worse for it . . . . And that is the lesson John Boehner must take from history as goes about meeting the Pledge to America. NO compromise with the Devil, please, Mr. Speaker!

^^ This is an example of the two most well-known propaganda techniques: the Big Lie in conjunction with Unceasing Repetition.

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Where Now?

Well the November election cycle is over. The AMERICAN PEOPLE gave the Republicans another chance to do their thing. The question is, or should be, have they learned their lessons? Rest assured my Republican friends, you have not been handed a mandate. Rather, you have been given your marching orders. They are firm. They are specific as to intent. They are NOT open to interpretation or discussion. Basically, you will turn this nation from the gallop to socialism or else. I will leave the or else to your imagination for now.

Here in Texas, we made a clean sweep of it. The house has a super-majority. The senate is comfortably in Republican hands. Of course we returned Rick Perry to the Governor's Mansion for reasons that totally escape me. We could have supported Debbie Medina but that is old news. The problem is Rick Perry is a big government, big spending, NAFTA supporting, RINO. He is firmly in the camp of the one worlders. He was even invited as an honored guest to one of the Bilderberger bashes. To say I don't trust him is an understatement.

Texas needs to start doing whatever it can to attract businesses. Large businesses, small businesses and everything in between. We need to attract industry and manufacturing. We need to create jobs. In short, we need to build our economic base to be as strong as it can possibly be in today's world. We have a good economy, but it can be improved. By doing this, we have a much stronger hand should secession rear it's head. I no longer look at secession as a bad thing, simply as a thing best left alone until no other recourse is available. And I still proudly proclaim "American by Birth, Texan by the Grace of GOD." To those folks in other states, I make no apologies, it's a TEXAS thing. You wouldn't understand.

So history marches on as we watch. Whether it is for ill or good remains to be seen. Our Presidente still doesn't think he was slapped in the puss. Maybe he will come around but I don't hold out much hope as long as "Hell on Wheels Harry" still runs the senate. We sent Peolsi packing, but dropped the ball on Harry. Probably the best we can hope for is grid lock. Sad, but likely true.
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When the Truth is Known

At his news conference, after losing the election big, Obama lamented that people mistook his intentions. He didn’t intend to take over the auto industry. His intention was to favor the union and break the contract with the stockholders. No question about it. Note that Obama didn’t mention the printing of trillions of dollars, with nothing to back them, which is tantamount to the end of the economy; the beginning of dictatorship. Putting America in a position where there is but one answer, the printing of phony money is what put Hitler in power, spending America into hopeless debt, the plan is obviously to turn America into a socialistic dictatorship.

At the news conference, Obama was talking to those who voted for Harry Reid; those who image their personal needs are number one. The evidence tells us much of America is “after me you come first.” The American people want change without the dire consequences the right change will bring. If the House Republicans stand by their guns, the number backing Obama will grow. You can be sure of that. With the liberal press dead set against House Republicans, without our consistent help, they will likely bend. We will be right back where we were. They are counting on that.

Obama expected this mid-term result. He is not eating his humble pie. He’s taking a $200 million a day vacation to India. It has never been done before. So, what’s the deal? Don Obama knows where he is going. America is on schedule, baseball bats and all, through a South Chicago style mafia movement, to end a socialistic dictatorship. We have seen this happen before. The Tea Party’s job is just beginning. Our representatives are going to need all the help they can get.

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My Idea, To The House and Congress!

Paul Black
My Idea 9/15/10

Economic Recovery /“The American Citizens Recovery Act of 2011”
This is a War Time Act only and limited to twenty four months from date of execution:

In order to fix the economy, and put people back to work, you first must know what is the root cause, to point fingers at the secondary mortgage industry is an illusion. Sure the Democratic Big Government would rather you go there but is it really the truth? Why dose the Democratic Big Government what you to go to the evil mortgage lenders and blame them?
In this short explanation I will cover that, but the main thing is we begin to open our eye’s on this current Nation wide illusion.

So far as the mortgage industry collapse, that was just the result of a few prior events and the ultimate tool to bring down our financial system. The problem is, if we do not stop this current mortgage crisis America could be destroyed us from within and force us into a deeper socialism. It is an Economic War Stupid!!!

The first real signs of the mortgage industry collapse became apparent to me in watching the auto industry. New car sales went to credit worthy buyers and used cars went to secondary market, focus for dealers across the nation went to secondary markets and used cars, faster, easier, and more profits. [This of course] began to drive down the sales of new cars--the beginning of a simple process that happened as well as in the mortgage business. Layoffs and factories began shouting down the tick upward on unemployment was beginning.
Now how did the fire ignite, that is the real issue. Those people that bought (even high risk) were in most cases serious about a new start to their lives and the records proved it, actually surprised the lenders, because 90% paid their loans, and that was substantially higher than they ever forecast or projected.

“ Small Business Attack”

Like this answer or not it was the IRS, and Federal Regulations that began the attacks on the economy, and lead to massive job loss, as we look back, were did all the Small Farmers go, Between 2005 and 2006, the US lost 8,900 farms (a little more than 1 farm per hour).
This is one example, when you look at the overall attack on farming, you can see the same attack on Small Business, which by the way makes up most of the employment in the US.
The following is just a few statistics I have found, Showing 721,00 business closers and business bankruptcies in 2009, that is approximately 2000 a day. Equaling 1½ per minute. Not one per hr. this alarming and not a joke!!! Small firms:
• Represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms.
• Employ half of all private sector employees.
• Pay 44 percent of total U.S. private payroll.
• Generated 65 percent of net new jobs over the past 17 years.
• Create more than half of the nonfarm private GDP.
• Hire 43 percent of high tech workers (scientists, engineers, computer programmers, and others).
• Are 52 percent home-based and 2 percent franchises.
• Made up 97.5 percent of all identified exporters and produced 31 percent of export value in FY 2008.
• Produce 13 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms.

Source: Office of Advocacy estimates based on data from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Census Bureau, and trends from the U.S. Dept. of Labor,

[At first glace and even after years of this occurring] we don't realize the effect of that one Farmer or one Small Business on the larger scale of things, but here is the middle class being wiped out, in most cases that Small Business Owner or Farmer is forced into tax debt.

This is happening on a large scale in every State in the United States. As jobs are lost, homes are foreclosed, they can not refinance, like they used to, because loss of wages at first, then credit rating plummets, and then wider scale property values drop for those that still have a job, but even [these people] are in line for the same process. As this occurs the flames are getting higher, as the better wood begins to burn.

They gave banks the relief, which wasn't the answer. Banks can't lend out money to people that have no job, that have bad credit ratings, [with] over priced properties. What are the Banks to do? They can't lend [to] companies that are in debt to the IRS, [with] books that reflect a spiral downward, and Small Business owners with no positive out look.

I have kept this simple as I can, you guys can still point wherever you want, I will just say 1 farmer an hr, is a family and for every Farmer, there is 8-10 Small Businesses, either gone, cutting back employment, and, at the same time, in debt to IRS, and millions with liens and levies, and the shame of all of this is many of these job creators are the most ambitious an optimistic people we have produced in this country, people who are willing to risk all. Un aware of the depths of the Illegal federal Tax Code 67,000 page’s.

My Idea, Open For Suggestions

“The American Citizens Recovery Act of 2011”

Here is [what I propose as] our solution, and I grant you it is in general as well. Idea's like these need to be legal and practical, and [of course] simple, they can be modified and put into specifics later. The important thing is to grasp the concept, and understand how to fight this attack.

With this Act, the people choosing this path must attend a 3 to 6 month Personnel Finance Class" sorry to say but these classes are not offered at most Universities and Collages( Wonder Why). With a price tag of $800.00 to $1200.00

Upon completion of the course, the citizen is issued a new FICO score, if FICO can not be done . Then I propose a Government backed financial comprehensive plan, A final exam, held at an authorized location, "not internet" After wards the negative credit history of all citizens that participate in this action will be erased and lending judgment prohibited from using credit history suspended for 2 years on any and all citizens.
A Part of this Act will encompass, job coaching, and physiological assistance. Paid by the participating person.

Suspend all IRS collection, forgive all IRS debt, and release all those with liens and levies, suspend all property taxation on Federal and State levels. Stop immediate collections of income tax. Implement “Fair Tax“.

The United States has The largest underground community in the world, these people are working without being noticed, they have been force there trough Government interference, even a job is out of question for these highly productive people as there checks are taken. They need to surface and save this country! 30 million or more people and climbing every minute.

Fair Tax, implementation, frees up business, from accounting and tax law, it allows the citizen to have more cash flow right now the day it is implemented, cash flow has a significant value in creation, and positive moment, this wound be like pouring water onto a fire. If every citizen, no exception paid their fair share, those that need assistance, would find their safety net.

I can not express the importance of cash flow, once in the hands of citizens instead of tied up in Washington. Yes it is immediately being sent back to Washington but that is after buying goods creating an excellent commerce. I look at it like oxygen to a society compared to what we have had. Cash flow creates movement, and when supplied daily to an economy growth is the only direction, and with Government supporting the Capitalism it is a perfect marriage. Yes the EPA will have a harder time , but hay they are persistent.

The American Citizens Recovery Act of 2011" this a simple low cost effective suggestion, encouraging those that have loans to keep them, and lending a helping hand to those that are struggling without taking from some to give to another. It is a way to offer our greatest strength, Forgiveness for those that seek it. Until we restore the Citizen we will not restore America. My suggestion creates immediate temporary jobs on a wide scale, creates spending for local government, and give lenders a viable chance to save their companies with a restored educated home owner, and a strong economy to insure the jobs right along with them

This is simple and yes open for thoughts question, suggest, and can be done and a country restored and people on person levels supported immediately.

A return to the Constitution is paramount in the over all sustainability for generations to come.
This is a war time “Act” only and must end, but if we fail to realize the attack on our free enterprise system, then we so be it.

The Democratic Big Government hopes you keep looking in the wrong direction, The US TAX CODE, 67,000 pages. Billions of dollars in theft.

Not meant to be treated as a straw man!

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Unity is the Answer

You and I are members of a very select group and we joined to make a difference.There are literally hundreds of groups across America wanting to make a statement. Some of the groups are small with just a few members and some with a few hundred members and all, like us, are dissatisfied with the current politicians and the wretchedly bad job they are doing.Almost all groups are trying to figure out who is the best of the bad and when chosen they will encourage members of their group to vote for that career politician because there is no better choice.The two parties have a lock on the candidate selection process and they always select the person that supports the issues that most concern them. Issues that when they become law will benefit their pocket book or the pocket books of their supporters of their past and future election. This is distinctly the problem that you and I can overcome.In 1780 Samuel Adams wrote “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”I can say with out doubt, the most egotistical and aspiring men in this United States are the politicians that hold office, and we the citizens and members of the many groups are the experienced patriots and that is why we banded together. We have the power collectively to prevent the ruin of America.We all disapprove of the job Congress is doing, yet 87% of incumbents are re-elected.This did not change on November 3, 2010 because our groups have not joined in focus on the precise problem, the selection of our Congressional representatives.Why do they get reelected over and over again? Incumbents take advantage of the perquisites of office to enhance their electoral position over their challengers. Thus, the franking (free mailing) privilege incumbents get helps them maintain increased name recognition. Travel to the district helps incumbents as well. In addition, by performing casework for their constituents (such as by finding lost Social Security checks), incumbents can develop good will, which then translates into votes. Finally, incumbents can skillfully take positions that are in agreement with constituency opinion. They also advertise based on these positions and build a legislative record that the opinion leaders in the district can support. In short, incumbents are doing just enough to help them get reelected. Getting reelected is their number one priority from the day they take the oath of office. Representing the constituents of their district takes a back seat to getting reelected.Do campaign contributions to congressmen buy votes? Of course they do. If they didn't, there wouldn't be any campaign contributions in the first place especially from the heavy interests in business, defense industry and others who regularly buy Congressional votes. Not all politicians in office are on the take, but too frequently the news exposes a glaring example. I would be hard pressed to name just one that is not on the take.The most recent features suspected bribery taker Congressman William Jefferson (D., LA.) trying to explain the $90,000 found in his freezer. This may be shameful, but certainly not surprising. Throughout history, there have been an old-boys' network operating among Washington lobbyists and legislators. Members of the House of Representatives must run for re-election every two years; Senators every six years.Today a Presidential candidate must raise millions for a campaign, and it takes at least $250,000 to several million to finance a Congressional campaign. Does anyone really believe that all campaign gift money comes from selfless patriots whose only altruistic motive is to bring competent, honest government to Washington?Today’s politician could not fix the problems we have even if they wanted to. They are trapped by what we call "political Catch-22s": Once elected they must serve their party or they will be gerrymandered out of office (ask Lieberman). Politicians must serve the special interest groups that finance their campaign or they will not have enough money to seek re-election. Being politically correct at all times, ensuring they do not offend any person and thus lose their votes and dollars, is necessary for their absolute existence. Politicians can only create "pork”, they can never remove wasteful spending. They are so determined to get re-elected that they spend ridiculous amounts of time fund-raising instead of representing their constituents.You and I want a candidate that will have no ties to special interest money and is not beholden to any political party telling them how to vote and is not worried about being reelected because the most they will ever serve is two terms. Is there a solution to all of this? A solution to special interest money used to buy votes, a solution for a candidate saying one thing to get elected and then doing just the opposite. Yes there is and the solution is to change the way candidates are chosen.I have researched over fifty groups all with special agendas, Tea Party,Operation PitchFork, 9-12 Project, Break the Bonds of Tyranny just to name a few and none of them have a definite solution with one exception and that unique exception is anorganization named Go - GOOOH is an acronym for Get Out Of Our House. GOOOH is not a party, nor is it a platform. It is a process for electing citizen representatives to serve the people in the U.S. House of Representatives.Why the House (something we all learned in school and most have forgotten)?The President can suggest laws, but only Congress can make them. A member of either the House or Senate may introduce a bill but it must be approved by both. If similar but different bills are passed by the House and Senate, a conference committee attempts to reconcile the differences and then both will vote on the same bill. Before it can be a law it must also be approved by the President or, if he does not sign, the House and Senate can vote on it again and if they both pass it by a 2/3 majority it becomes law. If the law is challenged, the courts can rule that it is unconstitutional.GOOOH has the solution: get rid of the politicians and elect true citizens. Go will(a) Sever the ties with special interest groups(b) Replace career politicians with true representatives(c) Hold our elected officials accountable(d) Allow you and your peers to actively participate in the selection of your representative.(e) Allow you and your peers to determine, among yourselves, who can best represent your DistrictGOOOH does not define (or have) a platform. It allows selected candidates to represent their district's interests unencumbered by partisan politics. Candidates will define their own platform by filling out the Candidate Questionnaire.Candidates are required to sign a legal contract agreeing to run for no more than two, 2-year terms. They will therefore spend their time representing their district and developing legislation - not fund-raising (or pandering) for the next election.As a member of your select group you should also consider becoming a member of GOOOH. It will cost you nothing to join and your benefit will be in helping pick the next candidate to run for Congress in 2012. If we all band together for this worthy goal we will create the starting point of true representation for the people.Visit and learn more.P.S. Having read this, please reply with your thoughts on the subject.SincerelyDon AlexanderHouston, TX832-443-5108The whole or any part of the above may be used by a member of GOOOH as .
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Look at what we've done! A hearty congratulations goes out to all conservatives and tea partiers for a job well done. It was historic, and a devastating blow against communism, socialism, marxism and all the other unsuccessful big government ism's out there. Through all the tears, aches and pains suffered over the last two years -- we have been triumphant.


...and congratulations to the "Country Class"

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Obama's Press Conference

Obama’s press conference tells us that he doesn’t think the America people know what they need; that he knows best. What this tells me is that I voted for the wrong man. I should have voted for Obama. He was America’s wake-up call. With McCain President, we’d have remained asleep while America slowly sank into oblivion.

Now that we know Obama is a Sol Alinski community organizer from South Chicago, a Marxist champion of the anti-American left; that clearly we’ve been conned, we can watch his power diminish for the next two years, while we pick someone capable of leading American back to constitutional government.

One anchor of the lame-stream press thinks we the people must be hypnotized. It is inconceivable that we should want a Constitution that has long-since been replaced. Rest assured they will be on the attack. The me-to Republicans, who haven’t gotten the message yet, seem to be catching on to the idea that the Tea Party is going to be watching every move they make. It is no longer going to be business as usual. My prediction: They are going to participate in taking America back to constitutional government or be removed at the next election.

If we want free enterprise back, the idea that private industry creates jobs, goods, and services, not progressive government, in earth as it is in heaven (from the Lord’s Prayer), in The Scofield Reference Bible’s Introduction, we read: “The saying that ‘anything may be proved by the Bible’ is both true and false—true if isolated passages are used; utterly false if the whole divine revelation is in view,” anything may be proved in the law, in religion, in science by taking isolated passages to make your point.

In the Scofield Reference Bible’s, Introduction, we read: “The Dispensations are distinguished, exhibiting the majestic, progressive order of the divine dealing of God with humanity,” as distinguished from progressive government. The one is naturally made, the other manmade. Nature’s progressive order brings us “increasing purpose, “which runs through and links together the ages, from the beginning of the life of man to the end in eternity.”

We live in an atomic age. We’ve advanced externally at a pace far in advance of our internal advancement. We have the capability of leaving ourselves history written in the rocks. Rather than progressive government, if we expect to live on, we should be cognizant of the progressive order of God with humanity.

Real change must take place. In all changes, displacements and hardships occur. If we are smart about the change, the hardships can be minimized. Federal income tax has been manipulated over the years to favor the very rich at everyone’s great expense. It should be replaced with a tax on spending, with exemptions on items of basic necessity. Naturally, politicians would say it would be worse than what we have now. They are working on the problem. They’ve been working on the income tax for generations and the problems are multiplying, while America sinks.

We can’t continue on the path we’ve taken. Politicians have had far more than the time it should take to correct the tax and spend problem. We know who is being served and who is not served. It’s time to start telling politicians what we want. If they don’t give us what we want. Put someone in their place who will.

Somthing is very wrong!

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** Is Rajjpuut actually suggesting that intelligent Americans start calling female dogs “Behars?” Or someone you disagree with a "son of a Behar?" Well, it does sound quite a bit more pleasant for polite conversation (or even on the "View") and, of course, it would just be a term of endearment reserved for only his very closest friends . . . .

Angle, Buck, Miller, O’Donnell Show

TEA Party Express Ineptness

Was that a thrilling and educational Election Eve, or what? Most importantly and totally uncovered by the news media was that the fiscal- and Constitutional-conservative cause picked up a net of ten governorships for an overall control of 34 statehouses . . . absolutely huge. And, naturally picking up six senate seats is no small deal, nor is picking up sixty house seats.

So close and yet so very far . . . the greatest disappointment next to Obama’s obstinate refusal to “GET IT” (Mr. President, understand this: your policies were REJECTED and efforts to pretend that the nightmare we lived through under you for almost two years wasn’t actually your agenda but just an “emergency response” to tough times is BOGUS! Stop messing with America and its people, grow up!), of course, is that today Harry Reid is still the top dog in the United States Senate. Harry Reid survived in both roles (Senator and Majority Leader) for three closely-related reasons:

1) He came back to win his own election in Nevada with a true fighting spirit.

2) Sharon Angle, whom he defeated; Ken Buck in Colorado; and Delaware’s bewitched sweetie Christine O’Donnell all decided that the TEA Party’s Contract from America wasn’t worth the paper it and the U.S. Constitution are written on . . . and campaigned ridiculously.

3) The Reid-inspired (he pretty much hand-picked Sharon Angle to be his opposition and still nearly lost) TEA Party Express (TPE) purportedly based in California deliberately fouled up every campaign involvement they could, for example, the only corruption of any appreciable level involving the TEA Party movements across the country came from the TPE’s former shock-jock leader guilty of at least three shocking racist gaffs.

The main reason, of course, that Harry Reid prevailed was four very weak candidates running weak campaigns. Ignoring the TEA Party Contract from America, instead three of them decided that social issues had to be campaigned on repeatedly. Buck, to take a hideous example, actually without even being asked brazenly volunteered himself as a surrogate for almighty God saying that abortion in the case of rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother was a sin; and attacked “the pill” and other contraceptive methods; and fertility treatments as well -- offering that he thought they all should be made illegal. Where, within the wonderful and superbly conceived Contract from America does one find that particular set of abominable political-career-killing precepts? In case no one has read Rajjpuut before, get this: Ultimately Independents choose the winners in politics.

Independents, by and large, are greatly impressed by fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism as any thinking person should be . . . .That’s what it means when people say our nation is “center-right” or say 42% of people self-label as conservatives . . . certainly not that a 100% literal interpretation of Genesis will put you on common ground with anyone who calls himself a conservative; or that denying that dinosaurs lived 70 million years ago (as some fundamentalist sects try to) will make people think your branch of conservativism is intelligent.

Social and religious conservativism is a guaranteed loser in all but the most provincial elections. On a personal level, you believe whatever you want when you “go into the closet” (Matthew 6:6) and talk to your God; but discretion is the better part of valor anytime you shoot off your mouth in public or try to influence lawmaking.To emphasize that point, take Christine O’Donnell, why in hell would anyone tell strangers and a TV audience that they’d practiced witchcraft however briefly. Learn from your youthful indiscretions and then for heaven’s sakes don’t broadcast them unless you can turn a lucrative book offer. As for Joe Miller in Alaska, he seems to have completely unraveled under the campaign pressure (like we mentioned, a weak candidate) and he likewise ignored the Contract from America using it more as a paper towel than as a Liberation Manifesto for the American people. Republicans, in Rajjpuut’s view, are better off with Lisa M. Besides, there’s that TEA Party Express contribution behind all four of those candidates to consider . . . it’s as if the hand of Harry Reid was pulling the strings to get the weakest possible opposition for Democrats . . . ah, me . . . and as for that slippery ol' son of a Behar, Harry Reid, hate him as you might, gotta like his ground game!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Amendment 1 Questions

Question 1, How do they get Separation of church and state from that. In your answer use the debate of the day not ruling from courts.AMENDMENT 1: Congress may not make any law that sets up any religion, or interferes with any religious. Congress may not make any law that diminishes the freedom of speech, or the freedom of the press, or the right of the people to assemble peacefully, or the right to people to petition the Government to make things right if it has cause them harm.In the USMC, we have request mast which the lowest rank can talk to the highest rank. with out telling anyone in between if he decides not to. That's in a perfect world. if he has a beef usually you can get him to tell you before it goes to the man and fix it if justified, or tell convince him he will look stupid if he continues. up to him It is against the law to punish him in any way if he bypass you. Usually works.Question2 My question what is the process to heard if you have been harmed by Government . The courts. I hope not. SURLY A MORE DIRECT ROUT IS AVAILABLE.
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“Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course and America be damned.” Rajjpuut
His Obstinacy’ Barack Obama
Refuses to Budge
All men are the same in victory; it is defeat that etches character on a person’s face. “We took a shellacking,” Obama told the Whitehouse press corps at the first conference after an overwhelming defeat for Democrats saw 50 House seats; six Senate seats; and nine governorships slip from his party’s hands to the Republicans in the 2010 midterm elections. But this reporter saw only a “false humility and a lot of “personal expressions of feelings” revealed by the conference and not a single clear commitment to positive and needed change. It was quite clear that Obama is not interested in learning anything from the voters whose eloquence was far more powerful yesterday than any feigned contrition by their chief executive this afternoon . . . in a phrase: the president STILL DOESN’T GET IT.
Rajjpuut would like to congratulate the White House press corps which for the first time in the Obama presidency refused to serve up batting practice but instead sent a string of “hard ball” questions at the Commander-in-Chief. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama constantly insisted upon putting his own ball on a special tee and allowing himself several practice swings before dealing with the peripherary of the strong and honest questions he faced. Finally, the mainstream media showed some willingness to put Obama the man and Obama the president and Obamanomics (his policies) under a microscope. The headline writers have not been nearly so incisive as the reporters were in their questioning. Already 90% of them report that Obama has shown a “willingness to compromise.” Wanna bet?
Item: Obama still insisted upon lecturing America, his party and Republicans on the fine points of Das Kapital instead of taking to heart these far more terse, powerful and accurate lessons from the free market:
Item: Obama still danced around issues even when they were put squarely to him. Asked about business and jobs and spending and possible new directions, he unleashed a storm of platitudes and invoked the magic word “emergency” at least ten times during the talk. He had his excuse (emergency) and he never let Americans forget it.
Item: When reminded that he had told Republicans “Elections have consequences” after taking office and had NOT worked openly or transparently with the “other side of the aisle” so far during his presidency, Obama refused to admit that his policies or his direction so far could be anything close to misguided or GASP “wrong.”

Item: He talked in platitudes about business and the economy while consistently talking about green-energy and clean environment. He spoke of “natural gas” and “alternatives repeatedly but never once mentioned the words “coal” or “oil” or talked about electrical prices which is key . . . because Mr. Obama has said before his energy policies will “bankrupt the coal industry” and “electricity rates would necessarily sky-rocket." Yet here he was talking about energy in one form or another for perhaps 25% of the speech without once mentioning coal, oil or energy prices? If you, the reader, take nothing else from this blog: remember that simple straightforward honesty means simple straightforward talk not "beautiful words" and phrases spoken in appropriately reverent tones. Mr. Obama cannot be blunt because Mr. Obama cannot be honest about his goals for this country which are dramatically different from mainstream America's goals and the truth about this discrepancy would make mainstream America despise him . . . .

Obama never once seriously talked about businesses’ need for predictability or GASP profits. As a result he never connected needed jobs to needed profits and needed actions by government to cut taxes, cut spending and get out of the free market's way so those business profits could emerge naturally. He mentioned directly and obliquely the disproven idea of global warming as justification never once letting out that Europe as a whole has refuted the idea since the revelations of Climategate came to light. For example, much of the American press and intelligent American people are aware that even the ultra-liberal London Times admits that global warming is a hoax:

Mr. Obama, in Europe the climate-change “deniers” (like Rajjpuut) used to call global warming alarmists “mean-greenies,” but now much of the establishment in business and government in Europe calls them “watermelons” meaning “green on the outside and pink to Deep RED on the inside” because now only socialists and communists still push this 100% disproven effort at science while seeking the necessary 100% government control of business and industry that Cap and Trade requires . . . and yet you mentioned Cap and Trade positively twice in your “contrition speech” before opening up to questions.
Item: Just as he insisted six months ago that the main emphasis of NASA going forward was to “outreach to the Muslim world community” he still apparently believes that the main goal of business is to oppress people and dirty the environment and exploit the rest of the planet . . . absolutely nothing he said today would make any careful listener believe differently.
Item: When a direct question was put to him about his “car in the ditch analogy” where putting the car in R (for Republican or Reverse) was the wrong move and it needed to be put in D (for Democrat or Drive) . . . “Do you admit that your policies might have been taking the country in the wrong direction?” Obama grimaced and said “We’ve at least been pushing in the opposite directions,” a good-sounding answer but one which refuses to face up to the excellent question** he was asked.
Mr. Obama refuses to ever consider that anything he’s done could be fundamentally wrong, therefore HE CANNOT LEARN FROM HIS MISTAKES AND CANNOT GROW FROM HIS EXPERIENCE. Hopefully he is doomed to be a one-term president, because the answers to our problems and the decisions for our future cannot come from such a man. Some men are genuine in their effort to communicate and to be communicated with, while some are always pointing the conversation toward ulterior motives and superficial results (being unwilling to actually change) and though he tried to appear humbled and changed, Barack Obama is set on his course (because he knows best) and America be damned!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The BIG TRUTH of the ditch analogy (what in propaganda science is called a “BIG LIE” is this:
George Bush saw Obama, ACORN and Clinton pushing the car (the economy) toward a 500 foot cliff (utter disaster), jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes to coast it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.
This shocking counter-analogy would be best proven with a full expose of the problems that caused the financial debacle running from the creation of the Cloward-Piven Strategy in 1966; through the deliberate bankrupting of New York City in 1975 by Cloward, Piven and NWRO leader George Wiley; the creation of the CRA ’77 by Washington and of ACORN in Arkansas both in 1977 with CRA laws forcing lenders to make knowingly bad loans; Bill Clinton’s executive expansion and his three legislative expansions <twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ‘98> of CRA laws . . . an explanation which six or seven pages could barely do justice to. Let it suffice to say . . . .
In January, 2005, (14 months after Rajjpuut had become aware of the serious nature of our housing industry bubble -- subprime lending crisis --- and derivatives bubble and been writing about it) George Bush noticed and acted immediately. His attempts to undo the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977’s most poisonous features were rebuffed by the Democrats. Mr. Bush personally or through other administration representatives talked to Congress at least another 18 times about the seriousness of this matter. Finally, in July, 2007 (30 months later) a bi-partisan very weak bill was passed. It, of course proved to be way too little, way too late and within three months the financial storm clouds were on us. However, Bush’s efforts had gotten us through the worst of the storm. In August, 2010, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner credited Bush’s actions from preventing a truly disastrous financial meltdown and ugly run on housing prices.
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