Needed - Research Warriors

13276384664?profile=RESIZE_400xWould you like to lend a hand? We need research warriors. As our members realize, the infusion of new content has been spreading across the internet. Some websites have republished our articles complete content, while others rewrite them and published them on their sites as their ‘original content.’

Either way, we are getting the message out and making a big impact.

Ask Dee and Mellie how they post content in the morning, and by the afternoon, some of the biggest sites grab our content and make it their own!

We publish original content and articles as news aggregators, but all our posts are seen by thousands, not just visitors but also reporters, journalists, and editors.

Here is a short list of some of our articles; check them out and ask yourself how many of them you saw magically appear a few days after on some of the big websites!

Here is a short list of a few examples.

Would you like to increase the visibility of your content, your comments, and conservative thought to a wider audience? Very simple. I just need two researchers who are willing to check out a few media sites that accept original content and get details! 

Once we have a list of more media sites looking for original content, then we can alert them to the Patriot Command Center. Millions of hungry readers can access the articles, comments, and content with just a few hours of work! 

But I can’t do it alone! I need help carrying the load.

To be honest, new members are always welcome, but reaching America with our message is our mission.

Interested? Leave your comment below, and I’ll get back to you.

- Steve 

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  • Thank you Steve, I can help out in a few weeks. 

  • All I need is 2 internet research warriors to help me carry the load! 

    • Looking for 2 Patriots

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