Juan Reynoso's Posts (334)

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By: Juan Reynoso, activist- voteforamerica@gmail.com

Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime.


Fellow American take, action! We’re asking you to help stop political corruption. Take the first crucial step and get your community involved! Our plant to stop the political corruption through bribery is the following:

1- Draft comprehensive legislation to stop bribery, end secret money & empower voters.

2- Get a million Americans to become citizen co-sponsors of the new law. That's where you come in.

3- Mobilize a massive, national movement for a government that represents the people, not the money.

4- Use the power of the “Represent.Us” campaign to pressure politicians to formally Co-Sponsor the Act as is, with no changes, delays, or loopholes.

5- Leverage the power of the national movement to vote out politicians who do not stand behind the Act.

We need you. The American Anti- Corruption Act. Will pass will your help, not one in American is for a corrupt government, only the Big money. ”THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND THE BANKING FINANCIAL CORPORATIONS”. Big money bribery, corrupt our members of Congress and the Senate to gain control of our government. Today the big corporations control our government and the politicians represent the corporations not the people. We must change this path of self-destruction and take Washington back and to represent, “the People”

Every one counts, our loyalty is to our country and the people, no to any political party, politician, especial interest organizations, or any religious organization, but our God all mighty .


Constitutional attorneys confirm that the American Anti-Corruption Act is constitutional. Check out their summary of the constitutionality here. The Act is being championed by the Represent.Us campaign. Click here to support this campaign. www.represent.us


The Act was crafted by former Federal Election Commission chairman Trevor Potter in consultation with dozens of strategists, democracy reform leaders and constitutional attorneys from across the political spectrum.

 The Act would transform how elections are financed, how lobbyists influence politics, and how political money is disclosed. It’s a sweeping proposal that would reshape the rules of American politics, and restore ordinary Americans as the most important stakeholders instead of major donors. The Act enjoys support from progressives and conservatives alike.



www.represent.us              info@represent.us

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Let’s pray for the blessing to be an American.

 All powerful God and living Lord of the universe, we thank you for all your blessings, we do well always everywhere thanks to you my Lord. All things are of your making my Lord and all times and seasons we will obey you.  

You chose to create us in your own image and to set us over the entire world and it’s wonderful.  

You made us the stewards of creation, to praise you every day for your wisdom and power.  

May we imitate your son, Jesus, in his life of service and may we be faithful stewards of all your gifts to us, the faithful People of God. Thank you Father for give us America the land of the free.


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Dear God of love and mercy, you called us to be faithful disciples of your son Jesus Christ and to be good stewards of your creation.  Forgive us father, as we fail to do your will; we have let corruption destroy our Christian values, we have let this system of government rob the heart of your people and Indoctrinate them to worth ship money and material thing and many had become slaves of this system of government and turn their back on you my Lord.

Dear Father, grant us another chance, the grace to understand, and the Courage to accept the challenges and opportunities you have been given us to advance the mission of your Church. We believe that you have given us everything we need to carry out your will. Help us be steadfast in faith, confident in hope and generous in charity. That in all things we do you may be glorified.

 IN GOD WE TRUST. AMEN - http://anticorruptionact.org/

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By: Juan Reynoso, voteforamerica@gmail.com

Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime.


Senators, you were elected to represent the people.  Our country is in a mess, no question about it; and it seem that most Senator are not seeing or listening to what is happening in our country. Senators not only you, but most Politicians have turned their backs on God. They have taken God out of our schools, out of just about everything you can imagine, and now we find ourselves in great danger. God has been effectively kicked from our courts, government, public schools and soon to be, public life. The Bible spoke of how it would be in the last days.

2nd Timothy 3: 1 this knows also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

My question is: Will God or Has God already turned His back on America for the rampant immorality of its people?

This is the truth, it may happen that this American generation will completely reject the notion that our ultimate trust is in the God who made us and gave this Nation as a gift to the world. But today there is a Christian revolution, that will re-store Christianity in America by passing a law that reaffirm that our America is God’s country, that Americans trust in God almighty;  This resolution will proclaim to the world that the demise of Christianity in America has not yet come and there is still hope that it never will.

Senators help us to reclaim our country’s values, join us we need a legislation that will re-store our Christian principles and values.. With the grace of our Lord Jesus we shall overcome. AMERICANS TRUST IN GOD ALL MIGHTY . 1 1-John5:4   www.Represent.us




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Fellow Patriots let's pray for America.

Fellow Patriots, let's pray for America.

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for all your blessings, Help us to bring hope to countless that slip into eternity, they don’t know that you died to rescue them from their sin and that without you they are lost. Lord Jesus help us to reach them with the Gospel and bring them hope of peace before is too late. We must help them to seek and find you in all that they do, as you are the only hope, o God of our salvation, bring them hope to end the pain of sin. Lord, by the power of your grace, fills our hearts with lasting joy.

We are your disciples and responsible stewards of all yours creation your gifts for the good of our congregation and the whole world. and make us one family with you now and in the world to come. AMEN 

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Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime.


Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

We are not political motivated. Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian values



Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime.

What American patriots can do to save America from its own demise?

Since Reagan, we give up the following:

1-     Under Reagan - We give up our jobs- Reagan starter the free trade – Reaganomics and promote the open border policy, signed the immigration reform of 1986 and fail to secure our borders as he promised to the American people.  Since Reagan the illegal immigration grow from 3 million to the present time that is over 14 million, in the last four year increased over 4 million most from México. Due to U.S. intervention in promoting the insecurity and drug cartels crimes and government corruption. The CIA,DEA,NSA and the US Dept. Of Justice Work on this strategy, part of the agenda to form the North American Union.

2-     Under Bill Clinton- We give-up a great per cent of our wealth, he is responsible for the housing bubble and the economic crisis of 2008. During the Clinton administration Americans lost jobs and their decrease on their wages, do to free trade. Poverty and under-employment were the result of more free trade agreements.

3-     Under President Bush- We give up our freedom by the implementation of the Patriot Act. Bush start the increase of our national debt by over 4 trillion Dollars, Investigation reveal that 9/11 was an inside job, invaded Afghanistan and Iraq to gain control of the Iraq oil and distribution of the oil- promote the use of private companies for the security and management of Iraq and Afghanistan. Provoking the people to hate Americans and the killing of Americans. What Bush done to these countries under the pretense of defending our country and national security is a crime that the people of these countries never will forget  to them we are the world’s bully and they will take revenge at due time.

4-     Under Obama- we become the mayor indebted country in the world, he manage to expend over 8 Trillion Dollars in six years as president, most than any president in the history of our country.  http://www.cnbc.com/id/29880401/page/16, He demised the trust of the people on the government, Obama becomes the biggest liar and master of deceive our country ever elected as president. He became a traitor for violation of the Presidential oath, He trashed our constitution and the rule of law, under his administration many government agencies commit crimes against the American people and also foreign government, they become criminals with impunity granted by the Obama US Department of justice. This administration committed murder to silence people that know to much; They used the CIA to commit the killings.

Fellow patriots our country is in great jeopardy, we must elect to office a statesman a believer of our Constitution and the rule of law, a defender of our sovereignty, we cannot continue being a pro political party. The truth is that Democrats and Republicans are the same they represent the multinational corporation and the banking system, not the people. Our loyalty is to our country and we the people, not to any political party, politician, the US corporations or any especial interest organizations. In 2014 and 2016 we must vote for America and stop the demise of our country. It is time for our government to focus on the needs of the country and stop being the world’s bully, we must end globalization and re-negotiate all trade agreements, concentrate in our national defense and sign peace treaties with all the countries in the world, we do not want any more wars. We must protect our country by doing a complete review of our immigration laws and allow to immigrate only people of good character that support our American principles and values, we as Americans should never compromise our principles and values. Any one that wants to live in our country must subscribe to our culture, language and values and be willing to be an America.

Our Lord Jesus said in his lifetime, "Many have eyes and ears but do not see nor hear".

Americans have ears to listen and eyes to see. We will see and heard the truth and respond to the call of freedom.     


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By Juan Reynoso – voteforamerica@gmail.com

Fellow Americans, this information was send to me, because it is very important that we all know what globalization is doing to us, the slavery and human trafficking is real but few care to do something about this horrible crime against humanity. May God have mercy on the criminals.


Please forward this to all your friends. We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. We are ending impunity-No man is above the law. We want you to join us to stamp out corruption. http://anticorruptionact.org/


On January 19th, 2011, the Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall in New York City hold the world premiere of Not My Life -- a feature-length documentary film about modern-day slavery and global human trafficking, about horrifying practices that affect millions of children, women and men in every part of the world -- a shameful but neglected reality in our world.

Globalization has brought us many advantages, but its related deregulation processes have also facilitated many inhuman practices. Bonded labor, debt-related slavery, commercial sexual exploitation and other forms of forced labor and related trafficking have become a global industry -- very conservatively estimated at over $32 billion by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2005 and even higher numbers in more recent reports by other organizations, the United States' State Department, etc.

All varieties of forced labor and human trafficking are treated as criminal practices, prohibited in international law and most national legislation. It is covered by international treaties and covenants, including three United Nations Protocols and three ILO Conventions, which are unique in the sense that they include elements of criminal law and its enforcement. The overwhelming majority of governments have ratified these instruments and developed and/or improved related national laws and technical cooperation programs. Yet, the illegal and hidden nature of different forms of forced labor and trafficking makes it very difficult to crack down such practices. Very few victims are rescued on a global basis.

There are indeed many committed institutions and compassionate individuals advocating an end to modern slavery, and many of them are working with governments and their law enforcement agencies. But these efforts need to be strengthened with more financial resources and also proactive media to mobilize public opinion, particularly consumer awareness, as well as private business initiatives, etc. Businesses today cannot afford to run risks of association with any form of child labor and forced labor and related human trafficking in their own business operations and their supply chains, no matter how difficult it may be for them to monitor and control these complex chains.

Particularly in countries with well-developed legislation and strong human rights advocacy groups, any company facing allegations of profiting from forced labor exploitation will not only find their reputation severely damaged, but may also face costly lawsuits and criminal prosecution. The same is generally true for at least some of the "worst forms of child labor" defined under ILO Convention 182 and related UN Protocols. These issues have become a significant risk management concern for companies. But few of them are engaged proactively in multi stakeholder efforts to crack down on forced labor, child labor and human trafficking. It would indeed help them fence off their own risks if they would become more actively engaged.


Not My Life is a film that can make a difference in informing and mobilizing public opinion and multi stakeholder initiatives. Although the topics addressed -- especially female sexual trafficking -- have been seen in television reports, there is a lack of feature length films that effectively depict the problem of modern slavery as a whole targeting a mass audience and, in addition, can provide, at little or no cost, edited versions of the film for educational and fundraising purposes and to help enhance cooperation.


Not My Life is the outcome of four years of planning and hard work by its director, writer and producer, Robert Bilheimer. It was filmed in North and South America, Europe, Southeast Asia, India, and Africa. I first met Robert in Washington, DC, in early 2007 when he was seeking support from United States agencies and international organizations to help him define the focus, scope, funding and outreach of his envisaged new film. As Director of ILO for the United States, I engaged frequently with Robert in his efforts and, in this process, we became close friends as well. Robert's compassionate worldview and artistic



You own the schools you own the country- Teaching Globalization


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By: Juan Reynoso, voteforamerica@gmail.com

Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime.

Fellow Tea Party Patriots, the greatest tragedy of our times is;  government corruption and the lack of Christian principles and values that is eroding our families, our communities and the country’s economic; it is not  the elite that control our government,  but the appalling silence of the good Christian people of this country that fail to stamp-out corruption.



Please forward this to all your friends. We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. We are ending corruption and impunity-No man is above the law. We want you to join us to stamp out corruption.

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God give us the Internet, we must use it to connect and be united to reclaim our country. Nothing matters but our Constitution and the rule of law. Our loyalty, is to our country and the people, not to the president, politicians, political parties or any special groups or organizations. We the people must become well informed to fight government corruption; greed for money and power is destroying our country and making Americans economic slaves. Our duty is to fight for our freedom by working together and vote-out all the Washington traitors and replacing them with estateman believers in our constitution and the rule of law. God is in our side and we shall -overcome. http://www.raystedman.org/new-testament/1-john/we-shall-overcome
Romans 8:31

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Tea Party Brothers pray with me

Tea Party brothers, pray with me. Dear father we thank you for all your blessings, give us the wisdom and strength to be good disciples of you. Keep us free of sin and the over attachment of the material world and its pleasure which is at the root of all human suffering. Father give us the strength to fight greed, this is the sin that will destroy humanity, never being satisfied with what you give us, always wanting and expecting more to the point that we exploit and en-slaving  others to feed this insatiable hunger. We ask for strength to keep us from this evil and keep us free of this temptation, as we know that the only thing that we will take with us when you call us is what we give away in the name of you my father. Father make this day a great day to fight government corruption and greed for money and power the sin that is making Americans economic slaves. This we ask in the name of your beloved son Jesus.



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By Juan Reynoso – voteforamerica@gmail.com


Please forward this to all your friends. We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. We are ending impunity-No man is above the law. We want you to join us to stamp out corruption.

God give of knowledge will save our country.

The debt trap that will destroy our country.   http://zfacts.com/p/461.html

Fellow Americans, we know that most Americans are in complete denial about what is coming in the next two year. Obama and the Washington politicians managed to expend over 17 trillion dollars that we are not able to repay;( http://zfacts.com/p/461.html) today we are a nation of economic slaves, the average American is in debt to the banks that control our country; their agenda is control through debt and they are winning. The truth is that our country is near the worse economic crash, our great United States will soon disintegrate and reveal the truth; where predator corporatism, the bankers and billionaire power and greed have replaced our once democratic government and manipulated our political and economic systems to benefit them and a fraction of the population at the expenses of the rest of the American people. This scheme leading to policies that only benefit the rich come to realization with the "Reagan Revolution “that have looted our nation over the past 30 years, and how their actions fit into a cycle of American history that lets such forces rise to power every four generations.

Today the backlash of their greedy agenda is palpable against the economic and social predators, those oligarchs, and politicians that control Washington, hoarding power and wealth-including the bankers who have plunged our nation into economic chaos and social instability, will pay for their greed and the destruction of the life of millions of Americans.

This is a critical wake-up not only for American, but for the whole world, the lesson that we must learn is; that greed is evil and God will punish the greedy that destroy God’s creation.  For greed of power and money predator corporatism destroys God’s creation.  God has given us the roadmap to our redemption; we must start now the challenge is ours to act now; the right reforms are enacted by God, we must follow God’s law, the moral choices we make should be in agreement with God’s law to avert this economic disaster and make our country whole again one great family.

God give us the gift of knowledge, this knowledge is not limited to human knowledge, it allows us to learn through God’s creation, the profound relationship and the greatness and love that God have for us and every everything that God created including every creature in this world. We must recognize that all that we have and we are is a priceless gift from God and a sign of His infinite love for us. God sees that his Creation is good and beautiful, we too must have this attitude, we must see that God’s Creation is good and we must thank God for having given us this gift, this beauty! This is the path; the gift of knowledge places us in profound harmony with the Creator and allows us to participate in the brightness of His gaze and His judgment. And it is in this perspective that we can grasp in man and woman the summit of Creation, as the fulfillment of a plan of love that is imprinted in each of us and that makes us recognize each other as brothers and sisters.

Fellow Americans, God is with us we must love God’s creation, the gift of knowledge helps us to avoid falling prey to greed and egoism. The first lies in the risk of considering ourselves masters of Creation. Creation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or is the property of only a few: Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude. We are custodians of God’s Creation, not Masters of his Creation it is a gift that the Lord has given us, we are Custodians of Creation. But when we exploit Creation we destroy the sign of God’s love for us, when we destroy Creation, creation will destroy us. The best way to thanks God for this gift, is custody of God’s gift to us and it is also a way of saying thank you to God. I am the master of Creation but to carry it forward I will never destroy your gift.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us grow in the knowledge which enables us to perceive the love with which God guides the world, to respond with gratitude and to praise him for his infinite goodness and love.

Obama’s Plan to Destroy America


The debt trap that will destroy our country.


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Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime.


Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

We are not political motivated. Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian values



Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime.

Fellow Americans, the greatest tragedy of this period of The America government corruption and lack of principles and values that is eroding our families, our communities and the country’s economic; it is not  the elite that control our government,  but the appalling silence of the good people of this country.

Most Americans know that Obama is the worse president of today, but the demise of our country start with Ronald Reagan, American’s trust in the government contributed to the silence; for 35 years Americans put up with government corruption and deception out of ignorance, they believe in the government because the press that supposed to report the truth, sold out to the elite of this country and print what the elite want; as consequence the free press becomes the propaganda machinery that brainwashed the American people. Now thanks to the technology we have today, most Americans are better inform and are learning what our politicians are doing to us.

 Col. Harry Riley, founder of “Operation American Spring”, expectations that millions of Americans will respond to his call, and demand that Obama and other members of his administration to resign is what all Americans should do.  The removal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder is a must, they all are traitors they betray us, but their worse crime is; the demise of the peoples trust in the government.

Our country today is run by a corrupt administration that trashed our constitution and our God given rights, they are making us economic slaves. Our founders believed that when our government breaks our own laws and abuse the power granted by the people and become a government without moral authority; is a tyranny government and must be remove.  

OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING – is the Beginning of the cleanup of corruption and Tyranny in our country. Fellow American if you care about your family, the future of your children, your community and country, you must stand for our country, our constitution and our freedom; you cannot afford to be silence any more call on your Neighbors, church members, co-workers, send e-mails, use the face book, do something, be an activist and spread the word. Apathy Is Americans Worst Crime and millions of us are guilty; we cannot continue being silence anymore; we cannot be known as the generation of cowards, the do nothing generation, the ones that compromised and sold our country to the elite, the predator corporations and destroy the future of generations to come.

Fellow Americans, We are declaring our independence from this corrupt government, we are not anarchists, we are Americans hungry for a restoration of our Constitution and our God’s given principles and values, we recognized that this government it is evil without moral conscience, their ideology is in violation of God’s law. God is talking to the Christian community and the people of this country, and  what we are hearing is; Today is the time to take our principles and values back; God is in our side our Bible is teeming with civil disobedience and deliverance from tyranny. We must obey God rather than men. (Acts 5:29 - Biblia.com.) The Bible celebrates heroes of the faith who take extraordinary actions to liberate themselves from ungodly rulers.

We need 50 million patriots to send letters to our congress and senators asking for the impeachment of President Obama and Eric Holder they are criminals and must be remove from office.

Contacto con miembros del congreso en español -       http://www.contactingthecongress.org/

Contact your representativehttp://www.emailthecongress.com/

Let’s make 2014 the year we take our country back! -  https://represent.us/


 Impeach Obama and Eric Holder.










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By Juan Reynoso – voteforamerica@gmail.com


Please forward this to all your friends. We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. We are ending impunity-No man is above the law. We want you to join us to stamp out corruption.


Christians are the only hope to take our principles and values back.

Fellow Americans, this is the truth. The peoples trust on the government of this United States it is lost. Corruption, liars, deception and the rampant abuse of power and compromise that erode our Christian principles and values is the moral reality of our times. Our leaders compromised and sold their honor, soul and principles for a hand full of money and they worship their new God “money” and give us the world that we live today, the supreme God of today is money, money is the ruler of the world and is making mankind the world’s slaves of the money holders.

Fellow Christians freedom is our gift from our God and is reinforce by God’s law, we can change this ill state of our country and the world by living on the truth and God’s law; our Christian manifesto for moral renewal, sovereignty and self-reliance is based on our faith on God’s law, we cannot continue thinking that we know better than God and can do whatever we want to satisfied our need for material things at the expenses of our fellow man,  change nature and God’s creation and many others things that we know that are against God’s law. Today, now is the best time to start the change and stop the way that we are living our lives. Our only ruler and master is God and we must follow his law.

This is God’s law.  http://www.bibleinfo.com/en/topics/law-god

Psalm 19:7 - Deuteronomy 4:6 - Nehemiah 9:13 - Psalm 18:30 - Psalm 23:3 - Psalm 78:5 - Psalm 116:6 - Psalm 119:98 - Psalm 119:160

We are citizens of this country and the world; we are not under the jurisdiction of the federal law, our law is God’s law; God’s government declared us the people sovereign and independent with free will to choose; we are accountable only to God our Lord. According to our limits we will organized our communities for our moral renewal and self-reliance, we will organize and form our on financial institutions to serve our community, our economic development,  support our Christian education, we will work with the City police force to establish security in our communities, follow the cities laws and contribute to make our cities better.   Our Christian manifesto is not to overthrow the government as an institution, but we will not compromise or submit to unjust laws that are not in agreement with God’s law. We are declaring our independence from this government corruption, we are not anarchists, we are Americans hungry for a restoration of our Constitution and our God’s given principles and values, we recognized that this government it is evil without moral conscience, their ideology is in violation of God’s law. God is talking to the Christian community and what we are hearing, is time to take our principles and values back; God is in our side our Bible is teeming with civil disobedience and deliverance from tyranny. We must obey God rather than men. (Acts 5:29 - Biblia.com.) The Bible celebrates heroes of the faith who take extraordinary actions to liberate themselves from ungodly rulers.

Our founders believed that when King George broke his own laws, he was acting without authority. The same principle applies today to our own leaders when they break trust with the Constitution and God’s laws. They are leaders without moral authority.

We should resist tyranny.


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The US Dept. of Justice is corrupt



Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian principles


By Juan Reynoso – voteforamerica@gmail.com.     Please forward this to all your friends.

We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. No man is above the law.



The US Dept. of Justice is corrupt, used their power for political punishment. In the case of General Motors fine and Toyota’s fine; we think that Toyota’s fine 1.2 Billion Dollars was the punishment for moving their operation from California to Texas. California is a Democrat State and Texas is a Republican State. What Eric Holder is doing, is plain and simple. He is making a Democrat political precedent “If you do anything against a Democrat state we have the power to punish you” But you be the judge.

General motor and Toyota they both were in violation of the law and they were responsible for accidents that cost lives and injury many people, in nature the crimes committed by both companies were similar but not the punishment.

Toyota was fine $1.200,000,000.00 1.2 Billion Dollars

GM was fine            $35,000,000.00  35 Millions Dollars

Toyotas was fine    2’916,667 times more than GM     2’916,667 X  35’000,000.00  = 1,2000,000,000.00

Well, if the US Dept. Of justice integrity is to be question; this is the time to do it. They are corrupt to the core; this Dept. is involved in the cover-up of Drug and arms trafficking, money laundering, the killing of innocent people foreign and Americans including women and children. My question as Americans Christian, believers in principles, values, honesty and integrity is; when are we going to take action and let our voices be heard and say enough is enough and force this corrupt government to stop their abuse of power and corruption?.

We Texans should stand for fairness if General Motors was fine 35’000.000.00 (Millions) Toyota should be fine the same and this money should be to make restitution to the people not to the government, the ones that was affected is the people not this corrupt government. All monies recovered in the form of fines should be used to pay the injury the ones that suffer the lost not the government. The government is the representatives of the people not the beneficiaries of injuries done to the people.     


The Obama’s G.M. bail out benefited more foreign workers than Americans. There are many different levels of employment at the General Motors Corporation. Salaries vary depending on positions held. Before the bailouts, assembly line workers were making nearly $40 an hour. Post bailout money, GM was hiring new employees on the line at $22 an hour. There are also many higher up managerial and

Supervisor, positions that pay very well. Just like any other company, what you make depends on what your job responsibilities are. The US government fines General Motors maximum $35 million; Faulty ignition switches linked to 13 deaths.

Toyota’s American operations benefit Americans. Toyota’s operations support more than 177,000 jobs in the U.S. economy, with an associated compensation of nearly $11.7 billion.

There are three companies who employ people solely for the production and distribution of

Toyota’s vehicles. These three companies employ a total of 5,700 people and support, another

14,000 jobs; for a total of nearly 19,700 additional jobs in the economy.

When factoring in the people selling and servicing new Toyota vehicles, an additional 168,000

Jobs and $8.6 billion in annual compensation brings the total jobs supported annually by Toyota

in the U.S. to 365,000 and annual compensation to $21.4 billion.

Additionally, Toyota’s newest assembly plant in Tupelo, Mississippi.

Toyota will Unify North American Operations in Texas by 2016.










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Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian principles


By Juan Reynoso – voteforamerica@gmail.com     Please forward this to all your friends.

We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. No man is above the law.


Fellow Texans, Car accidents kill thousands every year, but the biggest killer it is not speeding or drinking and driving but texting while driving.

Fellow Texans this is an issue that needs to stop, Texans are great believers on their freedom and the Governor and most of the politicians know this is a fact, this is why no law has being passed to force the people to stop texting while driving. We Texans must acknowledge that freedom comes with responsibility, it is our responsibility to drive safe to protect ourselves and others, we must learn to take responsibility and do what is right; the best way to protect our freedom is by respecting the rights of all the people. Please promote safety driving be part of the solution, spread the word working together we can promote self-responsibility and stop texting while driving. Text and drive it will destroy your future if you become a killer.

May God give us the wisdom to do what is right, testing and driving kill people that is a fact.

Texting while driving: A killer of teen drivers
Read more at- http://www.commdiginews.com/business-2/texting-while-driving-a-leading-cause-of-auto-accidents-death-among-teen-drivers-12781/#LkgJywpkPb2kDXAu.99


Texas Attorney general respects the constitution. He is against more government mandates.  Read more at- http://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/state-politics/20140419-texas-texting-and-driving-ban-may-still-fail-after-perry-leaves-office.ece

Sign this petition if you think that the government must force you to do what is right.

Sign the “Texans Against Texting While Driving” Petition TODAY.


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Impeach Obama and Eric Holder.




Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian principles


By Juan Reynoso – voteforamerica@gmail.com.     Please forward this to all your friends.

We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. No man is above the law.


Impeach Obama and Eric Holder. For high Crimes and Misdemeanors.



The Presidential oath is specified in Article II, §1 of the Constitution:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


Fellow Americans, It is worth remembering that the authors of the Bill Of Rights were heavily influenced by Anglo-Saxon legal theorists such as Sir William Blackstone, who declared that there were "three absolute rights ... the right of personal security, the right of personal liberty and the right of personal property. [1] Blackstone believed the principal aim of society is to protect individuals in the enjoyment of these absolute rights which were vested in them by the immutable laws of nature.


Fellow Americans, The president and his administration lost their moral conscience and without any concern or reservation for the people’s trust in their government officials, this administration that shall be subjected to the principles and values, such as integrity, honesty, decency and the rule of law that made this United States a government of laws; engaged in numerous crimes and corruption that disgrace our nation and demise the trust of the American people in our government. We know that the existence of our government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government should be the potent, omnipresent teacher for good no for corruption and evil, it teaches the whole people, the society by its example of moral leadership. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law and invites every man to come a law unto him-self. It invites rampant corruption crimes and anarchy.

Fellow Americans, we must stop the demise of our country and reclaim our character, principles and values. President Obama and Eric Holder must be impeached; they are responsible for the demise of the peoples trust in our government that is the biggest crime that any politician can commit against the people of these Unite States.

The purpose of addressing the crimes committed by Obama and Eric Holder is to re-store our country’s integrity and the people and the world trust in the government of these United States.

The following are crimes committed by agent of this government and cover-up by this administration:


1-     FAST & FURIOUS - http://www.newsmax.com/Limbaugh/Obama-Fast-Furious-Cover-Up/2012/06/22/id/443191/

2-     DRUG MONEY LAUNDERING - http://www.aim.org/aim-column/obama-encourages-drug-money-laundering/

3-     INSIDER TRADING - http://news.firedoglake.com/2013/04/17/insider-trading-by-congress-now-obamas-legacy/

4-     CONSTITUTION & LAW VIOLATIONS http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/02/16/republicans-obama-is-violating-constitution-but-little-can-do/

5-     NAVY SEAL & BIN LADEN DEATHS COVER-UPS - http://osnetdaily.com/2013/08/death-of-seal-team-6-set-up-and-cover-up/

6-     WAR CRIMES - https://decryptedmatrix.com/live/the-massacre-of-the-afghan-17-and-the-obama-cover-up/

7-     PATRIOT ACT - https://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/06/20-10

8-     OBAMA’S BAIL-OUTS - http://money.cnn.com/2009/01/06/news/economy/where_stimulus_fits_in/

9-     BLACK PANTHER VOTER INTIMIDATION - http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052970203550604574361071968458430

10-  WITHHOLDING EVIDENCE - http://www.infowars.com/judicial-watch-obama-administration-still-withholding-documents-about-benghazi-attack/

11-  IRS CRIMES - http://www.commdiginews.com/politics-2/tea-party/the-crimes-of-obamas-irs-contempt-for-america-congress-laws-video-14124/

12-  GSA CRIMES - http://www.examiner.com/article/obama-s-gsa-chief-resigns-amid-corruption-allegations

13-  FINANCIAL CRIMES - http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/05/09/hold-m09.html?view=article_mobile

14-  ENVIROMENTAL FRAUD - http://www.globalclimatescam.com/

15-  OBAMACARE FRAUD - http://www.nationalreview.com/article/363538/obamas-massive-fraud-andrew-c-mccarthy/page/0/1

16-  NSA SPYING ON US CITIZENS -  https://www.eff.org/nsa-spying

17-  THE KILLINGS OF NAVY SEALS - http://maxemfingerrecruiting.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/elite-navy-seal-team-6-murders-and-obama-coverup-by-max-emfinger/

18-  THE KILLING OF OUR VETERANS - http://www.peoplespunditdaily.com/2014/05/23/news-events/politics/choosing-corruption-vets-democrat-senators-kill-house-accountability-bill/

19-  OBAMA AND ERIC HOLDER ARE CRIMINALS -  http://commieblaster.com/obamacrimes/



Fellow Americans, for the purpose of redressing the Crimes and Misdemeanors, by the president and Eric Holder, the trust place by the people on those politicians entrusted to uphold and protect the Constitution and the rule of law. We the people must ask congress to impeach them as soon as possible.

CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMAN:  http://www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml

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Freedom of Religion



Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian principles


By Juan Reynoso – voteforamerica@gmail.com.     Please forward this to all your friends.

We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. No man is above the law.

We stand for the universal values of individual freedom, political democracy and equal rights for all. Any form of slavery, it is evil that we must fight, Give me Liberty or death, as per the grace of God I was born free. It’s universal the values of individual freedom and God’s given natural rights. Individual freedom and equal rights are Constitutional mandates for all American citizens.

Freedom of Religion.

The First Amendment protects religious freedom in two ways: It forbids Congress from establishing a National religion and prohibits Congress from passing any law that impedes the freedom of Americans to practice their faith at any place they wish.

The first Amendment is clear on the issue of freedom of religion, Congress nor any agency of the federal government have the right or power to pass any laws or infringe upon the rights of the citizen of this country from their freedom of religion.

This matter is about our constitutional rights and our God’s given natural rights. Perhaps there is no better time than now to revisit this issue, as we approach America’s Independence Day and our nation moves ever closer to tyranny, this time directed not from London but from our own President Obama “constitutional dictator.” And our nation’s capital culture of corruption.

The main concern of our Christian community is the social consequences of this ill mandate that void the rights of Christians to pray and practice their faith on any government run agency or public places, this in fact is a violations of the first amendment and our constitutional rights of freedom of religion, the government cannot void the rights of a class of citizens under the pretense of protecting the rights of minorities, this federal mandate lacks common sense and logic and is purely enforce under men ideology that the ones in power know what is best for the whole country while in fact what they are doing is destroying the freedom and will of the people to determent what they want and choose according to their moral conscience; controlling the peoples right and dictating what people can or not do regarding their religion believes and faith is wrong; we all have a free choice to practice any religion and not one should force or limit any one by any means to worship, pray or practice their religion that is freedom.

The president and the congress were elected to follow our constitution not to make laws to void the rights of a class of citizens under the pretense of protecting the rights of minorities. On the matter of freedom is just one law; God’s law,  http://www.bibleinfo.com/en/topics/law-god


The Presidential oath is specified in Article II, §1 of the Constitution:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


The Bill Of Rights.          http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/billofrights


We the people may not realize that these rights each contain within them an intrinsic enabling authority for the purpose of redressing violations of these rights by those federal employees entrusted to uphold and protect them.

Federal employees may become personally liable for constitutional deprivation by direct participation, failure to remedy wrongs after learning about it, creation of a policy or custom under which constitutional practices occur or gross negligence in managing subordinates who cause violations.

Although certain federal officials have absolute immunity from private suit, most executive officials enjoy only qualified immunity. The rationale for the distinction is that higher officials require greater liability than officials with less complex and discretionary responsibilities. "Decency, security and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law; it invites every man to come a law unto him-self. It invites anarchy.

We must stop the demise of our country and reclaim our character, principles and values. Be our brother’s keeper. Love is the seed of Peace freedom and Liberty.

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San Antonio, Texas Corruption


Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian principles

San Antonio, corruption and fiscal responsibility.

I don’t believe we the people of San Antonio are getting our money’s worth. The San Antonio City manager, the fire Dept. Chief and the Chief of police are over pay. Our city council needs to get inform about these jobs responsibilities and seek ways to save the city Taxpayers money. I can see that the council approved these pay package agreements base on what other cities are paying for their city managers, not about the city most important objective “financial stability” Our city’s debt obligation is $1,406,185,000. That is secured by property taxes. Today we are paying more property taxes by assessment value of your property not by increasing the tax rate on your property. This is a clever way to do it, that way you cannot complain about this tax increase. The truth on this matter is that the replacement cost of your property has not increase because construction labor have decrease and material cost have increase but not to a point that justified the change of your home value, most people will not complain because they are glad that their property worth more. We need to remember the housing bubble and the crash of 2008. See labor cost.  http://www.workersdefense.org/Build%20a%20Better%20Texas_FINAL.pdf

Our municipal debt is a Debt Trap, $1,406,185,000. Is not where we want to be financially. San Antonio has responsibilities for public safety, infrastructure, cultural institutions - schools, Economy development and public transport. To finance these essential services, San Antonio dependents on Property tax revenue, municipally owned energy utility and the Convention Center Hotel Finance Corp. Now we are doing fine do to the increase on our cost of utilities and taxes, but we must remember the decline of revenue in 2009 and we must be prepare for the future. Due to the increase of population our infrastructure expenses will grow and to maintain our quality of life we must think forward and implement a new strategy on city planning to deal with this population grow.

The economic impact invisibility must end. Policymakers and city administrators must recognize the economic value of a good city planning to deal with transportation, clean environment, mobility and the cost of living of the people of San Antonio and take that into account in their decision-making. Otherwise, we can forget about improving our “quality of life.”

Our future depends on fiscal responsibility and our ability to maintain our city operating cost low to enable to pay our debt as soon as possible and be able to pay for future essential city projects that will be of benefit to the people. Mayor Julian Castro and the city council, must review city employees wage and benefit and re-negotiate severance package.

Since 2005 when city manager Sheryl Sculley was hire, our long term liability went from 1,613,274 to 2,593,223.   14.3% of our city budget goes to pay for this deb payment and our cost of public safety (Police and Fire Dept.) is 66.5% (657,190,952) of the city budget; those two items eats most of our budget, while on education we contribute less that the half of the cost.

We should focus on education and our quality of life; “Quality of life” can be understood in three main ways. First, there is the wealth or purchasing power of citizens, and the quality and accessibility of goods provided in the community; including education, healthcare, parks, public roads, air, and water. A supplement to this first category is social and political goods, such as democracy, integrity and clarity in city hall, the rule of law, political and religious freedom, zero discrimination policy, and a sense of community social justice.

Our future depends on our ability to seek the truth and demand efficiency in our government.










Where the money goes (Service Delivery Expenditures):  


Public Safety- Police and Fire Dept.               45.2%

Debt Service (2,593,223.000)-                        14.3%

Health and Human Services                            12.6%

Streets and Infrastructure                                 6.3%

Environmental                                                     5.7%

Economic Development                                    5.6%

Convention, Tourism  and Culture                  4.4%

Administrative city manager and stuff          3.7%

Parks & Recreation                                            3.9%

Neighborhood service                                        1.9

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Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian principles


By Juan Reynoso – voteforamerica@gmail.com.     Please forward this to all your friends.

We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. No man is above the law.


Romans 13:4 - Submission to Authorities.

Fellow Americans, God loving Christians should question the timidity of today’s church in our country; there should be no question to the facts that this U.S. Federal Government is corrupt and had turned their back to Our Lord Jesus and Christianity; this blanket condemnation of Christian’s resistance to tyranny and accusing them of violating a biblical principle is wrong.

Romans 13:4 - "For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil."

According to this verse, the only legitimate function of the government is to protect society by executing God's wrath on evildoers. This is clearly a reference to the punishment of criminals, who are an internal threat to our society, and the repelling of attack and invasion by foreign aggressors, which are external threats to our society. Beyond these duties, the government has no authority granted to him by God. The Christian's duty in response to the faithful exercise of the government duties is to submit to the rule of law that is enforce by the government in protection of the people and to pay the taxes that are collected to finance this legitimate function of government. Beyond this, we Christians are under no biblical obligation to render further obedience. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection to the government, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience' sake; for our government should not be a cause of fear or threat to good law obedient citizens of our country, but for evil.

Fellow Americans, we must never forget that our country and this Government Was a Result of "Revolt" Against the British Crown. Our country was established by "rebelling" against the "governing authority" of the British crown. This fact is virtually ignored by the modern opponents of civil disobedience. As Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.  That to secure these rights, governments is instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever, any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

It is clear that we the people under a tyrannical government have the blessing of God to resort to civil disobedience to secure our God given rights to freedom and liberty. Our founders believed that when King George broke his own laws, he was acting without authority. The same principle applies today to our own leaders they demise our trust in the government, corruption is rampant they are criminals that oppress the people and voided their God given rights to liberty and trash the rule of law, our Constitution and God’s laws.

Fellow Americans it is time to address tyranny and re-store God’s law in our country, our freedom, Liberty, our US Constitution and the rule of law. No more corruption and disregard God’s law. Evil should be punishing by a new government for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil against us God’s people.

I as Christian, call on all Christian to connect to each other and form one body and in the name of our Lord Jesus, reclaim God’s law and our God’s given rights and freedom to proclaim God’s teaching in our country and our freedom of religion without any interference from the government as the government has not power from God or the citizens of our country to forbid any one, the practice of our Christian faith  or force any one to participate or be in compliance  in any acts of laws that are in conflict with our religion or Christian faith. Our God is a God of love and freedom, he is the creator and the God of all humanity, he is eternal, the present, the future and the pass, he is knowledge and knows everything, while God knows everything, he does not tell us everything, he is not a controller that want to control our life and he does not force us to make choices, he give us free will; we are free to choose what we wish. I will make my choices and when I stand before the judgment bar I will know that I am responsible for my outcome in the life to come. This world is a place for us to learn and God is our Father who guides us to our new life, we must ask for guidance, but we can still make mistakes and unwise choices, because we are human but we have our Savior Jesus and in my Lord Jesus I trust.

I also would say, while I KNOW there is a God, I would never presume to know all about him. What I know is that he is love and God’s law is to love each other, humanity is God’s creation and our purpose in life is to be our brother’s keeper.


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The US Dept. of Justice is corrupt,



Seek the truth – stand by the truth – live the truth.

Our agenda is to establish a government base on the truth and our Christian principles


By Juan Reynoso – voteforamerica@gmail.com.     Please forward this to all your friends.

We got the power to constraint the powers of this corrupt government. No man is above the law.



The US Dept. of Justice is corrupt, used their power for political punishment. In the case of General Motors fine and Toyota’s fine; we think that Toyota’s fine 1.2 Billion Dollars was the punishment for moving their operation from California to Texas. California is a Democrat State and Texas is a Republican State. What Eric Holder is doing, is plain and simple. He is making a Democrat political precedent “If you do anything against a Democrat state we have the power to punish you” But you be the judge.

General motor and Toyota they both were in violation of the law and they were responsible for accidents that cost lives and injury many people, in nature the crimes committed by both companies were similar but not the punishment.

Toyota was fine $1.200,000,000.00 1.2 Billion Dollars

GM was fine          $35,000,000.00  35 Millions Dollars

Toyotas was fine    2’916,667 times more than GM     2’916,667 X  35’000,000.00  = 1,2000,000,000.00

Well, if the US Dept. Of justice integrity is to be question; this is the time to do it. They are corrupt to the core; this Dept. is involved in the cover-up of Drug and arms trafficking, money laundering, the killing of innocent people foreign and Americans including women and children. My question as Americans Christian, believers in principles, values, honesty and integrity is; when are we going to take action and let our voices be hear and say enough is enough and force this corrupt government to stop their abuse of power and corruption?.

We Texans should stand for fairness if General Motors was fine 35’000.000.00 (Millions) Toyota should be fine the same and this money should be to make restitution to the people not to the government, the ones that was affected is the people not this corrupt government. All monies recovered in the form of fines should be used to pay the injury the ones that suffer the lost not the government. The government is the representatives of the people not the beneficiaries of injuries done to the people.     


The Obama’s G.M. bail out benefited more foreign workers than Americans. There are many different levels of employment at the General Motors Corporation. Salaries vary depending on positions held. Before the bailouts, assembly line workers were making nearly $40 an hour. Post bailout money, GM was hiring new employees on the line at $22 an hour. There are also many higher up managerial and

Supervisor positions, that pay very well. Just like any other company, what you make depends on what your job responsibilities are. The US government fines General Motors maximum $35 million; Faulty ignition switches linked to 13 deaths.

Toyota’s American operations benefit Americans; Toyota’s operations support more than 177,000 jobs in the U.S. economy, with an associated compensation of nearly $11.7 billion.

There are three companies who employ people solely for the production and distribution of

Toyota’s vehicles. These three companies employ a total of 5,700 people and support another

14,000 jobs for a total of nearly 19,700 additional jobs in the economy.

When factoring in the people selling and servicing new Toyota vehicles, an additional 168,000

Jobs and $8.6 billion in annual compensation brings the total jobs supported annually by Toyota

in the U.S. to 365,000 and annual compensation to $21.4 billion.

Additionally, Toyota’s newest assembly plant in Tupelo, Mississippi.

Toyota will Unify North American Operations in Texas by 2016.










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