Juan Reynoso's Posts (334)

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP activist  -  www.represent.us

http://anticorruptionact.org/.     STAND FOR AMERICA        http://www.teaparty.org/

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

We must seek the truth and let the people know. America will never be destroyed from the outside; it will be destroyed from within. Greed and the love for money are evil. The evil factors that will destroy our country are: Corporate greed and bribes that corrupts our government, military interventions to rob foreign countries of their natural resources and the NEOCON promotion of globalization and free trade. If we falter to take action and loss our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves by ignorance and apathy. We know our enemy; we must destroy them before they destroy us.

Fellow Americans, the following is the result of our research:

This is what the American people cares about.

1-     Americans want good paying jobs to support their families and working conditions to allow them to care for their families, pay vacation and working hours to promote family unification. http://www.lowwagework.org/facts-about-low-wage-work.html

2-     End globalization and free trade. http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/how-globalism-has-destroyed-our-jobs-businesses-and-national-wealth-in-10-easy-steps

3-     End crony capitalism. https://hensarling.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/a-time-for-choosing-the-main-street-economy-vs-the-washington-crony

4-     End political deception, lying and corruption by the news media. http://www.newsfocus.org/media_control.htm

5-     End the U.S government control of our education system. http://www.downsizinggovernment.org/education/k-12-education-subsidies

6-     End the federal government violation of States and the people’s rights. http://www.libertylawsite.org/liberty-forum/the-constitutions-structural-limitations-on-power-should-be-the-focus-of-the-bill-of-rights/

7-     End all military interventions in the states of this union and foreign countries. http://thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/US_Interventions_WBlumZ.html

8-     End the IRS and establish a new tax system to stop corporate greed. http://www.atr.org/authors/emma-boone

9-     End government corruption. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/05/the-main-problem-in-america-corruption.html

10-  End the wars in the Middle East and stop the killings in the name of Democracy. http://www.globalresearch.ca/we-re-going-to-take-out-7-countries-in-5-years-iraq-syria-lebanon-libya-somalia-sudan-iran/5166

11-  Prosecute George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and all the traitors that deceived the American people to send our soldiers and die for corporate America.  http://www.seniorforums.com/showthread.php/14693-Review-of-the-Iraq-Invasion

12-  Reparation of damage to the families that lost their husbands, sons Daughters in the Middle East wars, because it is a criminal action to send our soldiers to die under the pretense that they are defending our country from an enemy and for Democracy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CSPbzitPL8

13-  End police brutality , the killings of Americans and corruption in our country’s police force.


14-  Pass a law to reward and protect whistleblowers that expose government and corporate corruption, deception and violation of our constitution, the constitutional rights of the people and the killings of citizens that tell the truth and exposed corruption.  http://www.whistleblowing-cee.org/summing-study/#VI.%20Acts%20on%20classified%20information%20or%20secret%20acts

15-  Stop the hunting, persecution and prosecution of Americans whistleblowers that exposed government or corporate corruption. Whistleblowers tell the truth because their moral principles, conscience and their love for our country, our country’s values and for what America stand for; Freedom, liberty and justice for all. The criminals are rewarded and the truth tellers are hunt, persecute and prosecuted for telling the truth.  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/untouchables/ -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvJqA3rRRgA   -   http://otherwords.org/the-sad-fate-of-americas-whistleblowers/

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP activist  -  www.represent.us

http://anticorruptionact.org/.     STAND FOR AMERICA        http://www.teaparty.org/

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."

We must seek the truth and let the people know. America will never be destroyed from the outside; it will be destroyed from within. Greed and the love for money are evil. The evil factors that will destroy our country are: Corporate greed and bribes that corrupts our government, military interventions to rob foreign countries of their natural resources and the NEOCON promotion of globalization and free trade. If we falter to take action and loss our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves by ignorance and apathy. We know our enemy; we must destroy them before they destroy us.

Fellow Americans, the following is the result of our research:

This is what the American people cares about.

1-     Americans want good paying jobs to support their families and working conditions to allow them to care for their families, pay vacation and working hours to promote family unification. http://www.lowwagework.org/facts-about-low-wage-work.html

2-     End globalization and free trade. http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/how-globalism-has-destroyed-our-jobs-businesses-and-national-wealth-in-10-easy-steps

3-     End crony capitalism. https://hensarling.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/a-time-for-choosing-the-main-street-economy-vs-the-washington-crony

4-     End political deception, lying and corruption by the news media. http://www.newsfocus.org/media_control.htm

5-     End the U.S government control of our education system. http://www.downsizinggovernment.org/education/k-12-education-subsidies

6-     End the federal government violation of States and the people’s rights. http://www.libertylawsite.org/liberty-forum/the-constitutions-structural-limitations-on-power-should-be-the-focus-of-the-bill-of-rights/

7-     End all military interventions in the states of this union and foreign countries. http://thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/US_Interventions_WBlumZ.html

8-     End the IRS and establish a new tax system to stop corporate greed. http://www.atr.org/authors/emma-boone

9-     End government corruption. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/05/the-main-problem-in-america-corruption.html

10-  End the wars in the Middle East and stop the killings in the name of Democracy. http://www.globalresearch.ca/we-re-going-to-take-out-7-countries-in-5-years-iraq-syria-lebanon-libya-somalia-sudan-iran/5166

11-  Prosecute George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and all the traitors that deceived the American people to send our soldiers and die for corporate America.  http://www.seniorforums.com/showthread.php/14693-Review-of-the-Iraq-Invasion

12-  Reparation of damage to the families that lost their husbands, sons Daughters in the Middle East wars, because it is a criminal action to send our soldiers to die under the pretense that they are defending our country from an enemy and for Democracy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CSPbzitPL8

13-  End police brutality , the killings of Americans and corruption in our country’s police force.


14-  Pass a law to reward and protect whistleblowers that expose government and corporate corruption, deception and violation of our constitution, the constitutional rights of the people and the killings of citizens that tell the truth and exposed corruption.  http://www.whistleblowing-cee.org/summing-study/#VI.%20Acts%20on%20classified%20information%20or%20secret%20acts

15-  Stop the hunting, persecution and prosecution of Americans whistleblowers that exposed government or corporate corruption. Whistleblowers tell the truth because their moral principles, conscience and their love for our country, our country’s values and for what America stand for; Freedom, liberty and justice for all. The criminals are rewarded and the truth tellers are hunt, persecute and prosecuted for telling the truth.  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/untouchables/ -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvJqA3rRRgA   -   http://otherwords.org/the-sad-fate-of-americas-whistleblowers/

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  www.represent.us

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties. We must seek the truth and let the people know.

2016 is the years of political revolution.

America it is not for sale. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/01/05/the-hundred-rich-people-who-run-america.html

American politicians are owned by a handful of oligarchs


The making of political puppets through bribes- http://maplight.org/content/73373

Fellow Americans, we the people are the hope of America’s future and our freedom. 2016 is the years of political revolution, Democrats and Republicans are fed up with Washington corrupt politicians, puppets of the oligarchs.  We only have two candidates that will change the path of America’s self-destruction; they are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul.   We must become activist and stand for America. 2016 is mean to be the year of reclamation and the turning point to reclaim our Constitution, our country’s principles, values and social responsibility;  and most important our God given rights to freedom, Liberty and the rule of law.  Our country has serious issues; we have become a country with a large corrupt powerful government that is controlled by the oligarchs; the oligarchs own and control this system of crony capitalism and monopolist predator corporatism. Wall Street and the oligarchs of this country made and control the many puppets in our government that by deception and lies passed free trade legislations that have destroyed our economic and the means for the American worker to earn living wages, sufficient to meet their basic needs to support their families and to provide discretionary income and the means to finance the education of their children’s.  To be more precise, Americans want their dignity back and Living Wages, free of any handouts, social service or welfare assistant, we want our dignity and freedom back.

Democrats and Republicans must become one voice and vote for America; we believe that before anything, we are Americans and the foundation of our country is our US Constitution. We will not allow the use of any political ideology to destroy our constitution, our country nor our economic and welfare.

This is the truth, it all started with Ronald Reagan and George H.W Bush and continue with Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama; since Ronald Reagan most Democrats and Republicans become puppets of the oligarchs and their multinational corporations, they supported and promote free trade, globalization and the one world order system of government control by the multinational corporations and the IMF. The puppets that are in our government are the ones responsible for the destruction of millions of Americans jobs and the demise of our economic freedom.  The enslavers of the American people is our own government they are the ones that promoted globalization and slave wages, the oligarchs got richer at the expenses of the American working class and use their money to control our economic and our government. We must show the oligarchs and the puppets in our government, that all the money in the world, will not be enough to demise our God given freedom nor control the destiny of the American people. The people of these United States believe that ours is a Christian nation and soon, God almighty will give us the light to enable us to see through the dark, the path of evil control by the devil and the path of God’s law and the love for humanity and peace.  The choice is ours; salvation and follow God’s law or follow the devil and a life of greed for money, power, wars and destruction of humanity. In God I trust, that we will see the right path and united as a nation reform our country ones again as a Christian nation and restore in the people of this great country our moral principles and values and stand as one protecting our nation, our U.S. Constitution and our God given rights to freedom and Liberty for all Americans. We must never forget that our nation is a nation governs by the people and for the people.

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The Democrat National committee undermines Bernie Sanders campaign.


American politicians are owned by a handful of oligarchs


Income Inequality is destroying America’s Middle Class.


Wealthy corporations will replace American workers with low-wage foreign workers.


Our freedom and economic future.


Things They Didn’t Tell You in History Class


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  www.represent.us

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Democrats and Republicans only care about their party; their party over our country. But the time has come for a political revolution; nothing matters but our U.S Constitution, our country and the economic and welfare of the American people. Obama and Hillary are liars and have done more to destroy this country than George W. Bush “the war criminal” or any other man and women in the history of our country.  Benghazi should be used to discredit Hillary Clinton as commander in chief over and over again. http://wtfrly.com/2013/08/02/cnn-reports-what-alternative-media-knew-for-months-dozens-of-cia-agents-in-benghazi-during-attack/#.VfF_cJeLV6I


Hillary Clinton should be ban from the political arena. She is sycophant self-serving person. Nothing matter but her and what she want. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/423015/hillary-clinton-emails-inner-circle-yes-men

The political history of the Clinton's is full of criminals acts committed by the Clinton's and their associates. Bill and Hillary Clinton are sycophants, sociopaths; their ideology is: the ends justified the means.  Hillary insecurity as women transformed her into a pathological liar. Hillary Clinton was fire by her supervisor Jerry Zeifman, while working for the house judiciary committee during the Watergate investigation, because she was a liar. The Clintons are criminals and must be ban from the political arena

The Clintons, cleanup their history of crimes and corruption by killing the ones that know too much.



The Clintons Legacy of crimes and corruption.


Clinton's Labor Legacy


Hillary Clinton the criminal operating with impunity protected by the Obama administration


Former Arkansas Trooper Speaks Out about the Clintons.


Why Hillary Clinton let husband Bill seduce any woman in sight, She will do anything for power.


Hillary's insecurity as woman, make her to support humiliation and she swept Bill Clinton's affairs under the carpet.


EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton’s Lesbian Affairs Named in Secret Emails


Jennifer Palmieri. Is a whore, she sold her principles to protect Hillary Clinton


Expose the Clintons.


Iraqis Uncover Sarin Gas Lab With Ties to U.S. Ally in Syria


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  www.represent.us

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties. Seek the truth and let the people know.

2016 is the years of political revolution.

America it is not for sale. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/01/05/the-hundred-rich-people-who-run-america.html

American politicians are owned by a handful of oligarchs


The making of political puppets through bribes- http://maplight.org/content/73373

Fellow Americans, we the people are the hope of America’s future and our freedom. 2016 is the years of political revolution, Democrats and Republicans are fed up with Washington corrupt politicians, puppets of the oligarchs.  We only have two candidates that will change the path of America’s self-destruction; they are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul.   We must become activist and stand for America. 2016 is mean to be the year of reclamation and the turning point to reclaim our Constitution, our country’s principles, values and social responsibility and most important our God given rights to freedom, Liberty and the rule of law.  Our country has serious issues; we have become a country with a large corrupt powerful government that is controlled by the oligarchs; the oligarchs own and control this system of crony capitalism and monopolist predator corporatism. Wall Street and the oligarchs of this country made and control the many puppets in our government that by deception and lies passed free trade legislations that have destroyed our economic and the means for the American worker to earn living wages, sufficient to meet their basic needs to support their families and to provide discretionary income and the means to finance the education of their children’s.  To be more precise, Americans want their dignity back and Living Wages; a livable wages free of any handouts, social service or welfare assistant we want our dignity and freedom back.

Democrats and Republicans must become one voice and vote for America; we believe that before anything, we are Americans and the foundation of our country is our US Constitution. We will not allow the use of any political ideology to destroy our constitution, our country nor our economic and welfare.

This is the truth, it all started with Ronald Reagan, Bush the father and Bill Clinton; today most Democrats and Republicans are responsible for the destruction of millions of Americans jobs and the demise of our economic freedom; they are the promoters of free trade, globalization and slave wages, the oligarchs got richer at the expenses of the American working class and use their money to control our economic and our government. We must show the oligarchs and the puppets in our government,  that all the money in the world, will not be enough to control the destine of the American people, our country is a country of liberty; by the people and for the people.

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American politicians are owned by a handful of oligarchs


Income Inequality is destroying America’s Middle Class.


Our freedom and economic future.


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist – Bernie Sanders supporter.  clearglobal2016@gmail.com


Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties

Help us to restore moral responsibly in America. http://billmoyers.com/episode/bernie-sanders-breaking-big-moneys-grip-elections/. Become an activist for Bernie Sanders.


THE TPP IS THE ECONOMIC SLAVERY FOR ALL.  The oligarchs are the Pro-Free trade and globalization architects of this new system of monopolist predator corporatism. Americans are in complete denial that our country has become a plutocracy run by the oligarchs.  Capitalism in America has fail because corporate America becomes greedy and for the love of money commits their biggest sin and betrays the American working class and transformed them into an economic slave class.  The oligarch’s forces prostitute our Washington politicians.   Since Ronald Reagan, Via the mainstream news media the propaganda machinery of the oligarch and the Republican party neocons, they feed the American people their unchecked misinformation and disinformation, the Republican Party Neocon Elite has even shanghaied the emotional support of everyday ordinary Republican party members and the Americans people into taking this non-sensible political positions against their own best economic and self-interests and supported all of the free trade ill policies that destroyed the American dream.

Today the people is waking up and seeing the results of the free trade policies that were implemented by the puppets of the oligarchs, “Bill Clinton and the majority of the neocons Republicans and the Democrats whores” that sell out to the oligarchs. Americans today find themselves to an increasingly unaffordable healthcare, a true unemployment of 12% with no private sector job growth opportunities, poor quality education and few good teachers that really care to educate their children, a police force that is overpay and abuse their power and become the number one killers of the minority working class in this country. The fact is that the American worker is the one that suffer the consequences of free trade; no one can deny that most American today works long hours and no benefits and get pay slave wages.  The American worker today,  many do not earned enough to cover their living expenses and few only have very little money after they paid for gas, food, housing and insurance to paid for other things they need; we are on the path toward a third-world country, but it is not too late to change this path of self-destruction, millions of people recognize what is happening and they are join the BERNIE SANDERS political revolution to help all of us the ordinary American, in a sustained effort to get off our country from the path toward a third world country status and restore the American dream. Thanks God we have some Republicans and Democrats that believe in our country’s mission, that our country was founded by the people and for the people; under the ideology that our government was formed to protect and defend our God given freedom and liberty to self-determination in support of our economic and welfare. Our US constitution and our Bill of rights it is based on the Bible principles “The laws of nature are the laws of God, whose authority can be superseded by no power on earth.” 

 It is not too late to recognize, that what is happening in our country is the result of greed for power and money, the love for money destroy our nation moral leadership and responsibility toward the American people. God is giving us hope to take our country back and reclaim our moral principles, take responsibility for the making of our future and embrace God’s laws as our guiding light to build a country with moral responsibility toward all humanity. Support Bernie Sanders; the only independent member of the US Senate that is telling the people of this country that big money’s purchase of political power is a grave threat to our economic future and our freedom,  Bernie Sanders shares his plan to put government back in voters’ control.

Greed destroyed the moral leadership of our country-and passed many free trade legislations that destroyed the American dream. http://biblescripture.net/Bill.html

Join the revolution and re-store the American dream.


Washington lost their moral responsibility.


American corporations are the world’s exploiters of humanity.


Free Trade Is Plutocratic Propaganda




How US Policies Fueled Mexico’s Great Migration.


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  www.represent.us   -clearglobal2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

American has become a police state. The police force in most major American cities have Carte Blanche to kill people that they regard as enemy of the state with impunity and they are immune to prosecution because they are protected by their Dept. It is time for the American people to stop these criminals and prosecute them by the use of independent prosecutors that are not connected to the police force.

We the people must become activist to stop police brutality and the killings of Americans and demand the justice for the people that were killed or abuse by the police criminals. Our country is a country of laws and our constitutional rights and the rule of law must not be void by this system of corruption that trash the people’s right and allowed police officer to kill people that they think they are criminals and deserved to die.


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  www.represent.us   -clearglobal2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Open Letter to all members of the Senate.

Senators, you were elected by the people to represent us the American people. It is clear that many of you stand by your moral principles and by your oath to defend our constitution, but it is also true that many Senators betray us and violated their oath in favor of crony capitalism,

The truth is that many senators become traitors; they betray the people that place them in office and the whole country. We will like to know if this was done by willful Ignorance about the Constitution, because many of you who have solemnly promised to protect our Constitution are subverting it. Senators for us the Americans that love our country it is hard to understand how far our government has drifted from the Constitution’s vision and the stated provisions.

The very truth is that too many members of the Senate and Congress don’t understand the Constitution they’ve sworn to defend, not because they can’t understand it, but because they make little or no effort to do so. Some Supreme Court justices aren’t much better; too many of them understand our founding document but refuse to acknowledge that it’s most important function is to limit and check power. Presidents are often even worse, like Obama that has built a profile of being a pathological liar; Presidents pay lip service to our nation’s governing document, but their actions frequently betray a lack of real commitment to its restrictions.

Senators it is a disgrace that many of you that have raised your right hands and sworn an oath “to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Most chose to trash it if not all, have made such a vow intended at the outset to keep it. Maybe they believe they are keeping it. But far too often they are not. The truth is, many of the very people who have solemnly promised to protect our Constitution are subverting it.

Senators do not become a traitor, if you have a problem with being faithful to the oath you sworn to, please resigns to Protest your Loyalty to the oath.

Senators, if you love America you must stand for and defend our Constitution and the rights of the American people. The TPP Economic Treaty Is the Calling Card for Death of the United States as a Sovereign Nation, the TPP is a trade policy that will demise the rights of the American people in favor of the elite US corporate predators that place money over our country’s sovereignty and the American working class, more American workers will be force to low-wage competition, giving multinational corporations excessive power to exploit humanity. We the people demand that you do your duty and stop the TPP, TTIP and TiSA

The US Constitution. - http://www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm

60 Traitors in the Senate voted for TPP fast track.


Stop the TPP


Stop the TTIP.


Stop TiSA.


Obama’s betrayal of the working class. He uses the same deception of Bill Clinton NAFTA.


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The number one enemy of humanity is man’s greed

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist –  clearglobal2016@gmail.com


Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties

The number one enemy of humanity is man’s greed. https://www.facebook.com/notes/michael-swenson/treatise-on-greed-and-corruption/517410181671279?comment_id=826039267475034&offset=0&total_comments=125&comment_tracking={%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22}

2-01-6 is the numbers that reveal the future of humanity

The number 2 means – unity, partnerships and communication. Working together to exert our natural flow of judgment to do what is best for our selves. The number two urges us out of our indecision, calls us to unite with like-minds, and like-ideals for the purpose of social justice and our prosperity.

The number 01- means, the age of digital technology. The number One reflects new beginnings, truth and purity.  The number one call for action; physical and mental and a strong will to discover, this combined with our urgency for new beginnings, exert our natural forces to take action, and start a new venture. The number One encourages us to action that will be rewarded in kind.

The number 6 – means man weakness. Man was created on the sixth day by God almighty and was good; but sin transform man and made him evil. The weakness of man the evils of Satan and the manifestation of sin are real. The purpose of man and humanity is to live in harmony with each other and all that is created by God for the benefit of humanity.  Men are appointed 6 days to labor to provide for his kin. The number 6 represents the very best human system of governance that mankind can produce without God and remains under the constant influence of his chief adversary the Devil so it inherently falls far short of the standards by which God puts forth in the Bible. This is noted in Revelation 13:18 “This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.” The idea is that the beast is of human origin but might not receive his power from man but from the “dragon” which is another name for Satan.

America will be renew by the huge number of believers in social justice and the greed and evil of man will be remove not by force, but by their own acts; greed and the love for money will be their demise and men will learn that greed is destructive and all things accumulate by the love for money will remain on this world when they be call to account for their actions.



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Support Firefox; the best free speech uncensored browser. https://sendto.mozilla.org/page/contribute/givenow-seq?source=base_url#page-1

The Mozilla Foundation is the best non-profit organization that promotes openness, innovation and participation on the Internet. Mozilla Firefox promotes the values of an open Internet to the broader world.





If you care about free speech pass this on to all your friends.

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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  clearglobal2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

The true will set us free from this government deception. Seek the truth and expose the traitors.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat, used to justify the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic surveillance.

ISIS is the work of the CIA and our military interventions. http://www.globalresearch.ca/america-created-al-qaeda-and-the-isis-terror-group/5402881

Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US "Created" ISIS. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-23/secret-pentagon-report-reveals-us-created-isis-tool-overthrow-syrias-president-assad

Fellow Americans, after 14 years of cover-up, now we know that 9/11 was an inside job, done by the bush administration; it was done to get the support of the American people to invade Iraq. The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root. The US under George W. Bush government destroyed Saddam Hussein’s government and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration. The U.S. occupation caused vast unemployment in Sunni areas, by rejecting socialism and closing down factories in the naive hope that the magical hand of the free market would create jobs. Under the new U.S.-backed Shiite regime, working class Sunni’s lost hundreds of thousands of jobs and the upper class Sunni’s were systematically dispossessed of their assets and lost their political influence. Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq created sectarian divisions and the fertile breeding ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) used to be Al Qaeda. After 2010 the group rebranded and refocused its efforts on Syria.

The ramification of the U.S. Middle East wars is this huge human catastrophe 1- The destruction of the Middle East countries economic infrastructure. 2- Millions Of innocent people killed. 3- The development of terrorist forces against the west invaders that destroyed their countries. 4- The exodus of millions of people from the Middle East to the EU; the millions of refugees is the worst of the 21st century. The so-called “War on Terror” should be seen for what it really is: a pretext for maintaining a huge U.S. military force. The two most powerful groups in the U.S. foreign policy establishment are the Israel lobby, which directs U.S. Middle East policy, and the Military-Industrial-Complex, which profits from the former group’s actions. Since George W. Bush declared the “War on Terror” in October 2001, the war has cost the American taxpayer way over 7 trillion dollars and thousands of our soldiers lives; but, the ones that profit from the wars are the Washington’s military elite. In fact, more than seventy American companies and individuals have won up to $27 billion in contracts for work in postwar Iraq and Afghanistan over the last three years; according to a recent study by the Center for Public Integrity. According to the study, nearly 75 per cent of these private companies had employees or board members, who either served in, or had close ties to, the executive branch of the Republican and Democratic administrations, members of Congress, or the highest levels of the military.

We the people of these United States are tire of military interventions and undeclared wars; our real enemy is Washington and this corrupt system of governments that supports the agenda of the oligarchs and sends our soldiers to fight wars to protect the interest of the US predator corporations. The agenda of the one world order is the dream of the oligarchs, they want to control the world’s natural resources and the world’s economic at the expenses of the thousands of American soldier’s lives and the millions that are killed because America’s imperialist colonization agenda. Do not let money corrupt our system of government; this government is buying people to deceive the American people and cover up the truth as reported by experts that know the truth. The mainstream news media deceived the American people and acted as the propaganda machinery of the government to cover up this crime against humanity.

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Sources for this article include:

10 companies profiting the most from war


9/11 VERDICT: Mainstream Media Guilty Of the Biggest Cover-up in US History

http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2015/09/911-verdict-mainstream-media-guilty-of-the-biggest- coverup-in-us-history-3-3212688.html

U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes for Using 9/11 As a False Justification for the Iraq War


9/11 was a conspiracy


9/11 was an inside job. Report on Build # 7


9/11 cover up the work of the CIA


9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The REAL 9-11 atrocity: 9-11 Million Dead in Bush Wars


The American Genocide Against Iraq: 4% of Population Dead as result of US sanctions, wars


9/11: Beyond the Seal of Approval by israelshamir.net is undated


Bush Administration Convicted of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.


Who’s to Blame for Syria Mess?


A Timeline of CIA Atrocities


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Is our country a nation without a shame?

Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule the World


It is a shame that America the land of the free has become a police estate runs by corrupt politicians that at will commit crimes against the American people and humanity; with impunity and immunity from prosecution granted by the US judicial system that practice politics and fail to stand for the US constitution, the rule of law, human rights violation, our US laws and the world’s law against war crimes and genocide.

The fact is that we as Americans fail to hold this corrupt army of sycophants, sociopath politicians accountable to” We the People”.  With the exception of many patriots that really care about the future of our country, our US constitution, the rule of law and our freedom; most Americans spend an average of 4 hours every day of our lives in nonproductive activities, but never take the time to learn what our government is doing to us or the world community, apathy is American’s crime.

This is America Today;  a gutless, cowardly population that accepts and defends this corrupt enterprise and sits and watches the murder of our American diplomats, soldiers, true tellers, innocent women and children and the destruction of countries without any remorse or empathy, nor protest or intervene to stop this tyranny and crimes against humanity.

On the Benghazi case; is the private computer server own and operated by Hillary Clinton for the express control of her communication with others and used to conduct government business in violation of our laws; and when she was demanded to turn in the server, she cleanup the computer server before she turn it in; so in fact she was the one that determine what e-mail were to be remove so she can be clear of any wrong doing and the US Dept. of justice do nothing to stop it, in violation of the rule of law.

Fellow Americans if we don’t punish our war criminals, who is going to punish them? by sending the message to the world that we can commit crimes against humanity and do whatever we want, to anyone we want to with impunity, Our foreign policies on national security and our integrity will have negative consequences and we will never be in the position to talk about the rule of law and human rights.  We have lost the moral authority and any right to influence other countries in the Middle East, Russia, China or any other country in the world. We have created international chaos, barbarity and savagery and less international stability in the Middle East. It is time to correct the wrong and stop the killings and the exodus in the Middle East.

The only way to stem this tide is to stop our Middle East meddling.


US demands total impunity on war crimes


Advising Clients to Commit War Crimes with Impunity


The U.S. Still Tortures with Impunity


USA: Crimes and Impunity


Impunity for US War Criminals


Obama Administration Secretly Worked To Prevent Prosecution of War Crimes By The Bush Administration


How Obama's Administration Shielded Wall Street From Prosecutions


The United States overseas interventions.


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

It is a crime to tell the truth in America, but not to cover-up crime and protect war criminals.



Fellow Americans, the 2016 elections is about changing the path of government corruption and the betrayal of the American people by the sycophants, sociopaths and pathological liars that are destroying our country; it is not about political parties or what is best for the party of our choice or what is best for us as individuals; it is about our nation, our freedom, our US constitution and the rule of law.

We cannot continue being silent and allow Washington and the news media the cover-up our government crimes and corruption.  It is an irony of history that a government and a population that believes that the truth must be covered up at all cost parades around the world acting as if Washington is the history’s agent for 
“bringing freedom and democracy to the world.”

The truth is that America is the world’s bully and our country has become a police state and it is not a free country anymore, the mainstream news media has done a good job brainwashing the American people and made them believe that our government is defending our country from our enemies while the real enemy of the American people is our own government.

This evil government will be expose and destroy by people with courage that believe that to tell the truth is more important that their own security, jobs, families and their own life; to me they are real patriots, heroes because they risk everything to inform the people about the truth and what our government is doing to us and humanity. It is not a crime to tell the truth no in American or any state of this union, we must defend and stand for the truth at any cost.

This is America Today, a gutless, cowardly population that accepts mass murder of women and children and destruction of countries without protest and sits and watches, without intervening, as criminal cops murder unarmed citizens and black thugs inflict brain trauma on women.

George W. Bush is a convicted war criminal, but the Republicans defend him and allowed this war criminal to be the promoter of his brother Jeb Bush to become president. But today, to tell the truth in America is a crime.

John Kiriakou is an American patriot who informed us of the criminal behavior of illegal and immoral US “cloak and dagger” operations that were bringing dishonor to our country. His reward was to be called a “traitor” by the idiot conservative Republicans and sentenced to prison by the corrupt US government.

Manning revealed US war crimes and after years of illegal pre-trial prison abuse was sentenced to 35 years in prison for keeping the vow to the US Constitution. Some of the idiot conservative Republicans thought the sentence was too light.

Tom Drake was ruined, and he kept his complaints about NSA illegality within the chain of command.

Julian Assange is confined by the US and UK governments in violation of international law to the Ecuadoran Embassy in London for doing his job and publishing leaked documents revealing the mendacity, immorality, and illegality of Washington’s policies.

Edward Snowden is protected by Russia against Washington’s retribution for revealing that Washington’s illegal and unconstitutional spying is universal and includes the personal communications of all of the leaders of Washington’s own vassal states.

The American people accept the persecution of truth-tellers, because they have been brainwashed into believing that patriotism means defense of the government no matter what. As truth is so unfavorable to Washington, Americans believe that it must not be revealed and cover-up, and if revealed those who reveal must be punish because they are traitors.

Washington Persecutes America’s Greatest Patriots

https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2015/10/18/washington-persecutes-americas-greatest-patriots/   -   http://thedailycoin.org/?p=48269

George W. Bush is now hosting campaign events for a desperate Jeb Bush.


War Criminals among Us: Bush, Cheney, and the Eyes of the World




George W. Bush is a war criminal.


Obama DOJ Asks Court to Grant Immunity to George W. Bush for Iraq War


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.

Fellow patriots, we must expose any sociopaths that are connected to our government they are a threat to our freedom, our Democracy and the future of our country; we must stop them before they finish destroying our country; it is not about us and be silent because fear of retaliation; it is about our future as a country and the future of our families. All this mess we are in is because our country is run by a bunch of psychopaths, sociopaths and pathological liars; their ideology is the ends justified the means and we are all expendables, because their objective is bigger than any life. They already show us what they are capable of doing. They architect and executed the genocide in the Middle East; millions died for nothing, today the Middle East is worse than when George W. Bush under fall pretense get us to support this ill war, that now his brother Jeb Bush defend and blame Obama for this genocide. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/jeb-bush-sees-disaster-iraq-blames

The Disastrous History of Henry Kissinger’s Policies in the Middle East.


10 Symptoms of a Sociopath

Friday, April 18, 2014 9:21

(Before It's News)

Ever met a charming person with a golden tongue and visions of grandeur? Or with captivating stories and an easy charisma? Than you ask them a question and unwittingly set off a near violent cascade of drama and lies? Do you know someone who lies and deceives by nature, manipulates and conspires with passion, and never apologizes or is responsible for any their actions?  These symptoms of a sociopath will allow all to identify and avoid this dangerous personality that strives to control and enslave.

1) Sociopaths can charm the skin off a snake: Sociopaths are typically very charming, able to put others at ease with engaging charisma and an easy grin. Under the surface is a domineering and controlling nature, a parasitical agenda, one that views people as instruments and tools to be utilized and exploited. They may be covertly hostile, passive aggressive and domineering, the charm simply superficial.

2) Pathological liars: A sociopath can look you in the eye and lie without a seconds hesitation. They’re compulsive and pathological liars to the core. They will fabricate the most outrageous stories, yet make them sound believable. Their talent for lying so convincingly allows them to impress and influence unsuspecting victims. They even believe in their lies themselves which makes it much harder to identify. Sociopaths may recount lies word for word again and again to various victims.

3) Incapable of feeling Guilt, Remorse or Shame: Such emotions as these are far above a sociopath. They feel nothing but will use such emotions to manipulate, influence and dominate others when it suits their purposes. The end always justifies the means and guilt, shame or remorse are tools to be used to dominate others. A sociopath will almost never apologize unless it suits their agenda.

4) Sociopaths must ‘win’ at all costs: All knowing, never to be bested and never wrong are just some symptoms for their need to win. If you got 98% on a test, a sociopath will say they got 99%. If you visited 10 countries a sociopath has been to 15. Their inclination to be at the top, no matter what, is a sure symptom of a sociopath.

5) Irritability and Hostility when questioned: Ask the wrong question, insinuate their lack of credibility or confront a sociopath about one of their lies and you’re sure to witness an epic scene. They think nothing of lashing out with aggressive, hostile and irritable behavior if questioned. They will turn the attack onto the questioner, and unleash a temper tantrum that is sure to shock and awe any unwitting victim of their lies.

6) Callousness and a lack of Empathy: They care nothing for their victims well being or emotional state, they are incapable of empathizing with anyone and will callously use any expression or grievance of their victim to further dominate and control the person.

7) Shallow or none existent Emotions: Sociopaths do not feel emotion like you or me. They may present or feign emotions to an audience, yet typically they are very shallow and callous, unconcerned and use emotion to further their influence on others.

8) Incapacity to Maintain Enduring Relationships: Sociopaths have no problem meeting new people, yet keeping them as friends and partners over long periods doesn’t happen often. They may have a cult following by a few victims however most relationships will crumble due to their deceitful personality, lies and impulsive behavior.

9) Blame others, Never themselves: You will never hear a sociopath take responsibility for their actions or lack of them. The blame is batted around and thrown onto others, rationalizations and absurd excuses typically follow. If blamed or discredited they will become hostile and possibly violent.

10) Consistent Irresponsibility: When they say they will do something, they likely won’t, unless it suits their purposes of course. Sociopaths have poor work behavior and may never honour financial obligations, verbal contracts or laws.

Sociopaths seek to control. They strive for the willing enslavement of their victims, for greater social and emotional influence and the domination of normal, empathic people.It is estimated approximately 4% or 1 in 25 of the global population are sociopaths without empathy or a conscious. They are typically of an above average intelligence and have suitable traits to allow them to prosper in Business and politics. Perhaps, sociopathic traits are behind global events and could even be the reason rationality in politics, compassion in policy and decency in business and ethics are none existent


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights and our God given freedom and liberties.

Poverty and Crime.



Fellow Americans, it is time to seek justice for Americans, after a true investigation of the main causes of criminal acts, it was found that poverty in many cases is the root of criminal behavior; the desire to have what others have and the conclusion that their situation is due to oppression, discrimination and exploitation that result in the Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and the community, is the provocation of many people to do anything to get what they need.   

This system of government that preach equal opportunity, but that in reality promote economic inequality, economic slavery and poverty, are in complete denial of the true impact of their policies because in reality they believe that they are doing what is right and the best for the country.

The truth is that they are blind by greed and just like a true sycophant and sociopath they fail to see what they are doing to the majority of the people of this country, so the solution to crime is punishment and incarceration. Every city council because they are concern about crimes in their city, have given their police force the mandate and the equipment to fight crimes; now we have a militarized police force that see people as potential criminals and to meet the city mandate they have become the people’s enemy. Americans see police officers as enemies because they are well inform about the crimes the police force in this country commit against the people. The killings of Americans by police officers in our country have become an alarming concern to all Americans. Americans lost their constitutional rights and their protection under the law, because police officer become judge and executioners and killed Americans with impunity in violation of their constitutional rights and due process and the rule of law; cities has given the police officers a carte blanche to kill Americans with impunity; in most cases to appease the people they have an internal investigation that in fact is to protect the police officer that commit the crime.

We must see crime in the United States as a moral test for our nation and a challenge for the community and the police force. Fear of police crimes against the people is real; putting more people in prison and killing more people has not given Americans the security we seek. It is time for a new national dialogue on crime and corrections to this injustice system that is the result of poverty and unemployment ; justice for humanity is what all is about. We must eradicate poverty and create jobs for Americans, restore our families and the respect for law and life.

Our mission as Americans must be; protect and rebuild communities, confront crime without killings, and defend life without taking life, let’s place responsibility, rehabilitation, and restoration as our number one priority to deal with crime in America. We must recognize that the dignity of the human person applies to both victim and the offender; the killings by police officers do not truly reflect Christian values and will not really leave our communities safer. We are convinced that our tradition and our laws offer better alternatives that can hold offenders accountable and challenge them to change their lives; we must reach out and seek a better solution to crimes and stop the killings by police officers in our country.

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Sources for this article include:

US poverty the issue that our government fails to address


Poverty and Crime


List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States


Fatal police shootings in 2015 approaching 400 nationwide


Black Americans killed by police


Poverty drives crime but police can’t fight poverty


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.

Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights and our God given freedom and liberties.

The Current Economic Crisis


The Republican Perversion of Faith

Read more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/greed-and-jesus-the-republican-perversion-of-faith/


Fellow Americans, 2016 is the year of political revolution to take our country back. It is God’s purpose to restore our moral duty and responsibly and our love for humanity. The US political revolution will cleanse Washington of the corrupt politicians and replace them with a moral leadership establishment that will be focus on the people of our United States. God give us hope and the wisdom to stand united to reclaim our country and make us to be the guiding light for the world to follow, not by force but by our example. Our present political and economic forces are driving by  greed and the love of money and power, the greedy that control our government are destroying our country, our freedom and our economic welfare; this path of self-destruction will end by We the people; every one count and each of us will make the difference, this country is ours and we will take the responsibility to make sure that every American have an equal opportunity to be the best they can be and make a real contribution to our society and our country.

Enough is enough, we must end this sycophant, narcissism system of government, most Democrats and Republicans are controlled by the oligarchs; Democracy in our country is dead, we have a Plutocracy system of government that few in Washington want to change and re-store our Democracy and give back to the people their voice and power to take our country back.

We the people must understand that it is not about us as individuals, is about our country and the future of every American, united we will overcome this misguided government policies of self-destruction. Our respect, love for each other and humanity are the corner stone of our Democracy. We Americas main interest is enjoying life to the fullest and experience new things through our faith and our labor. As Christians we must believe that true discipleship is more than intellectual assent; those who are “really followers of Christ will hold to His Word”. That means they will not only accept his teachings as truth, but they will also obey his teachings.  Real love for humanity is what all is about, is trust, peace and real freedom. Action is proof of faith. Jesus explains, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” Being a slave to sin is the ultimate bondage. (cf. James 2:17).  Our biggest sin is; no to love one another.  I think that now is the time to learn from our ill government policies of deception, lies and betrayal and start a new path that will lead us to real freedom, Democracy and social justice in our country. It will be nice to really live and do the things that Jesus did “Jesus Show his love for everyone” We must learn to love each other and be our brother keeper; this will promote peace in the world.  https://www.facebook.com/TexasRightToLife/posts/525992044183117

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Sources for this article include:

Democracy, is Now an Oligarchy


The Republican Perversion of Faith


Why Screwing Unions Screws the Entire Middle Class


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By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-examination is not disloyalty.

Seek the truth and expose the criminals; Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.




We claim to be a Christian Nation, but we are in complete denial of the war crimes committed by the elite warmongers of our country.  We must examine this deeply disturbing question: Is the United States guilty of war crimes in the Middle East?

Until recently, the possibility that the United States was responsible for war crimes seemed unthinkable to most Americans. But as previously suppressed information has started to emerge; photographs from Abu Ghraib, accounts of U.S. attacks on Iraqi hospitals and the aerial bombardments early Saturday that blew apart the medical facility of Doctors without borders, killing at least 22 innocent people of Doctors without border and also the destruction of mosques, and residential neighborhoods that resulted in the killings of millions during the 14 years of this ill war. But the worst crime is the secret government reports defending unilateral aggression and the lies and deception to cover-up their crimes—The American people have begun an agonizing reappraisal of the Iraq war and the way in which our government has conducted this ill wars. We must end this wars and stop this genocide; violence breeds more violence; 14 years of wars have created millions of enemy’s and set our country on a path of self-destruction.

Drawing on a wide range of documents—from the protocols of the Geneva Convention to FBI e-mails about prisoners held in Guantánamo Bay,  to executive-branch papers justifying the circumvention of international law—In the Name of Democracy; examines the legality of the Iraq war and the occupation that followed. Included in this powerful investigation are eyewitness accounts, victim testimonials, statements by soldiers turned resisters and whistle-blowers, interviews with intelligence insiders, and contributions by Mark Danner and Seymour Hersh. The result is a controversial, chilling anthology that explores the culpability of officials as well as the responsibilities of the ordinary American citizens, and for the first time squarely confronts the matter of American impunity on crimes against humanity.

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Sources for this article include:

U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes for Using 9/11 As a False Justification for the Iraq War.


The Top 20 Ways President George W. Bush Destroyed America


Unspoken Crimes against Humanity Committed against the People of Iraq


Christian Massacres: A Result of U.S. Foreign Policy


US Genocide in Iraq


Affirmative Measures to Stop U.S. War Crimes




Halting War Crimes: A Shared Responsibility


United States war crimes


USA War Crimes.


Top Ten American War Criminals Living Freely Today.


Read more…


By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-examination is not disloyalty.

Seek the truth and expose the criminals; Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties

Afghanistan: Nine Doctors without Borders staff killed in US airstrike


Our Republic.


Poverty, homeless people, the economic demise, the huge debt and the future destruction of America, is God’s punishment for all the crimes that our sycophant, sociopath narcissism, government leaders commit against humanly.  

14 years has passed and our Government fail to tell the American people the truth about the 9/11 demise of the WTC 1 and 2, and the 47-story WTC 7. The truth is that this was the work of our own government; the Bush administration was the architect and executioners of this control demolition of the towers to get the support for the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. The Middle East wars is the worse genocide committed by the United States against humanity.

Enough is enough, we Christians must cry out for justice and stop this illegal war and the killing of millions innocent people.  The aerial bombardments early Saturday blew apart the medical facility of Doctors without borders, killing at least 22 innocent people, but the US government as always cover-up their crime with lies and deception; the fact is that this is a war crime and cannot be justified by any fabricated excuses produce by this sycophant, narcissism government. Our duty and moral responsibility as Christians, is to renounce and expose this evil tyrannical system of government; I love my country, but we cannot continue being in complete denial of all the atrocities, war crimes, murders, rapes and all the killings done in our name under the pretense of defending our security and interest of the American people. Let’s face it, we are being deceive and betray by the people we elected to represent us; they are traitors that they must pay for their betrayal and all the crimes against humanity; we must not let the US Department of justice give a carte blanche to the sycophants, narcissism warmongers that rule our government to commit crimes in the name of democracy and in our name. May God have mercy on the innocent people of our country that trusted our government and were betray by the very people that they elected to represent them.

May God have mercy in our country, because knowing and being in denial of the true, is partaking in the crimes committed by our country in the name of Democracy and the American people.  Seek the truth and renounce and expose the criminals, the truth will set you free.

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Sources for this article include:

In the Name of Democracy: American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond.


9/11 VERDICT: Mainstream Media Guilty Of the Biggest Cover-up in US History

http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2015/09/911-verdict-mainstream-media-guilty-of-the-biggest- coverup-in-us-history-3-3212688.html

U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes for Using 9/11 As a False Justification for the Iraq War


9/11 was a conspiracy


9/11 was an inside job. Report on Build # 7


9/11 cover up the work of the CIA


9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The REAL 9-11 atrocity: 9-11 Million Dead in Bush Wars


The American Genocide Against Iraq: 4% of Population Dead as result of US sanctions, wars


9/11: Beyond the Seal of Approval by israelshamir.net is undated


Bush Administration Convicted of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.


Who’s to Blame for Syria Mess?


A Timeline of CIA Atrocities


Read more…


By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com

Americas must realize that self-examination is not disloyalty.

Seek the truth and expose the criminals; Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties

Afghanistan: Nine Doctors without Borders staff killed in suspected US airstrike


Our Republic.


Poverty, homeless people, the economic demise, the huge debt and the future destruction of America, is God’s punishment for all the crimes that our sycophant, sociopath government leaders commit against humanly.  

14 years has passed and our Government fail to tell the American people the truth about the 9/11 demise of the WTC 1 and 2, and the 47-story WTC 7. The truth is that this was the work of our own government; the Bush administration was the architect and executioners of this control demolition of the towers to get the support for the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. The Middle East wars is the worse genocide committed by the United States against humanity.

Enough is enough, we Christians must cry out for justice and stop this illegal war and the killing of millions innocent people.  The aerial bombardments early Saturday blew apart the medical facility of Doctors without borders, killing at least 22 innocent people, but the US government as always cover-up their crime with lies and deception; the fact is that this is a war crime and cannot be justified by any fabricated excuses produce by this sycophant, narcissism government. Our duty and moral responsibility as Christians, is to renounce and expose this evil tyrannical system of government; I love my country, but we cannot continue being in complete denial of all the atrocities, war crimes, murders, rapes and all the killings done in our name under the pretense of defending our security and interest of the American people. Let’s face it we are being deceive and betray by the people we elected to represent us; they are traitors that they must pay for their betrayal and all the crimes against humanity; we must not let the US Department of justice give a carte blanche to the sycophants to commit crimes in the name of democracy and in our name. May God have mercy on the innocent people of our country that trusted our government and were betray by the very people that they elected to represent them.

May God have mercy in our country, because knowing and being in denial of the true, is partaking in the crimes.  Seek the truth and renounce and expose the criminals, the truth will set you free.

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Sources for this article include:

9/11 VERDICT: Mainstream Media Guilty Of the Biggest Cover-up in US History

http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2015/09/911-verdict-mainstream-media-guilty-of-the-biggest- coverup-in-us-history-3-3212688.html

U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes for Using 9/11 As a False Justification for the Iraq War


9/11 was a conspiracy


9/11 was an inside job. Report on Build # 7


9/11 cover up the work of the CIA


9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The REAL 9-11 atrocity: 9-11 Million Dead in Bush Wars


The American Genocide Against Iraq: 4% of Population Dead as result of US sanctions, wars


9/11: Beyond the Seal of Approval by israelshamir.net is undated


Bush Administration Convicted of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.


Who’s to Blame for Syria Mess?


A Timeline of CIA Atrocities


Read more…


By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -  texusa2016@gmail.com
Seek the truth, truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties
Reducing poverty and creating jobs through cooperatives. We the people have the power to stop our economic slavery and reclaim the American dream.
What is a Worker Cooperative?  
Today, Washington is full of fake politicians controlled by the oligarchs; our economy is horribly, our justice system is corrupt, our jail system has become an industry that pray on the Black and the Hispanic poor, in fact our jails are the cash cow for big business, the mega-corporations that run our jail system. Our education system is expensive, unequal and bad.  We could literally go on forever about how screwed up our government is and the damage that is done to the people. But despite all of that, I still have faith on us the people of these Unite States. We must work together and get our country on the right path. Our founding fathers hate tyranny and love liberty this is why they work together and they forged the greatest document ever created in this country, the Constitution of the United States of America. This document guarantees the Rights and Freedoms of every American and our duty as Americans is to defend it at all cost.
Now our number one priority is to create jobs to stop the demise of our communities in our country, but our government main interest is to protect the interest of the corporate establishment by the promotion of free trades and the out sourcing of American’s jobs , and will never have the will to promote cooperatives as the solution to this mega unemployment problem; it is up to the people to get united and start forming cooperatives to create jobs for Americans and to service the community better than any corporation will ever do. Cooperatives are the solution to this mega problem.  By aligning community and philanthropic resources with initiatives and activities for economic development and jobs creating cooperatives, we can alleviate the issue of poverty,  unemployment and low income in our communities.
Why We Need More Employee-Owned Businesses
Frequently Asked Questions about Worker Cooperatives
How to Build an Employee-Owned Business
How Worker Cooperatives Work
Worker Cooperatives and Revolution: History and Possibilities in the United States
America's Largest Majority Employee-Owned Companies

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