- (40)
By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist - www.represent.us
Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.
Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties. We must seek the truth and let the people know.
2016 is the years of political revolution.
America it is not for sale. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/01/05/the-hundred-rich-people-who-run-america.html
American politicians are owned by a handful of oligarchs
The making of political puppets through bribes- http://maplight.org/content/73373
Fellow Americans, we the people are the hope of America’s future and our freedom. 2016 is the years of political revolution, Democrats and Republicans are fed up with Washington corrupt politicians, puppets of the oligarchs. We only have two candidates that will change the path of America’s self-destruction; they are Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul. We must become activist and stand for America. 2016 is mean to be the year of reclamation and the turning point to reclaim our Constitution, our country’s principles, values and social responsibility; and most important our God given rights to freedom, Liberty and the rule of law. Our country has serious issues; we have become a country with a large corrupt powerful government that is controlled by the oligarchs; the oligarchs own and control this system of crony capitalism and monopolist predator corporatism. Wall Street and the oligarchs of this country made and control the many puppets in our government that by deception and lies passed free trade legislations that have destroyed our economic and the means for the American worker to earn living wages, sufficient to meet their basic needs to support their families and to provide discretionary income and the means to finance the education of their children’s. To be more precise, Americans want their dignity back and Living Wages, free of any handouts, social service or welfare assistant, we want our dignity and freedom back.
Democrats and Republicans must become one voice and vote for America; we believe that before anything, we are Americans and the foundation of our country is our US Constitution. We will not allow the use of any political ideology to destroy our constitution, our country nor our economic and welfare.
This is the truth, it all started with Ronald Reagan and George H.W Bush and continue with Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama; since Ronald Reagan most Democrats and Republicans become puppets of the oligarchs and their multinational corporations, they supported and promote free trade, globalization and the one world order system of government control by the multinational corporations and the IMF. The puppets that are in our government are the ones responsible for the destruction of millions of Americans jobs and the demise of our economic freedom. The enslavers of the American people is our own government they are the ones that promoted globalization and slave wages, the oligarchs got richer at the expenses of the American working class and use their money to control our economic and our government. We must show the oligarchs and the puppets in our government, that all the money in the world, will not be enough to demise our God given freedom nor control the destiny of the American people. The people of these United States believe that ours is a Christian nation and soon, God almighty will give us the light to enable us to see through the dark, the path of evil control by the devil and the path of God’s law and the love for humanity and peace. The choice is ours; salvation and follow God’s law or follow the devil and a life of greed for money, power, wars and destruction of humanity. In God I trust, that we will see the right path and united as a nation reform our country ones again as a Christian nation and restore in the people of this great country our moral principles and values and stand as one protecting our nation, our U.S. Constitution and our God given rights to freedom and Liberty for all Americans. We must never forget that our nation is a nation governs by the people and for the people.
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The Democrat National committee undermines Bernie Sanders campaign.
American politicians are owned by a handful of oligarchs
Income Inequality is destroying America’s Middle Class.
Wealthy corporations will replace American workers with low-wage foreign workers.
Our freedom and economic future.
Things They Didn’t Tell You in History Class
I am not sure is I am doing this posting correctly, this is the first time I tried it. I found an article on Shoebat.com referring to Obama's brother and Hamas. What is interesting is is the IRS has been attacking the Tea Party. There is no mention of the the Barack H Foundation 501(c)(3). Below is just a paragraph in the article. Please read the full article, True to Vote should review the article.
Once again, this leads us to his relationship with Malik. How is it that Malik received 501(c)(3) status for his Barack H. Obama Foundation in less than 30 days and had it illegally backdated 38 months by Lois Lerner? If Barack had anything to do with it, history says he might be lying if he denies it. In order to come full circle here, Malik’s foundation is tied to a State Sponsor of Terrorism in Sudan.
As we’ve said before, Lois Lerner should be granted immunity and compelled to testify about why she granted tax exempt status to a man who is tied to terrorism and just so happens to be the brother of the President of the United States.
If Osama bin Laden’s driver was convicted of material support for terrorism, shouldn’t Malik be brought up on charges of supporting Omar al-Bashir, a world-renowned terrorist? After all, the Egyptian government wants Malik Obama to appear for questioning about this.
Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) raises money and likely provides material support to terrorists. PLEASE DONATE TO RESCUE CHRISTIANS TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES from terrorists who are in solidarity with Hamas.
My friends, what we see here is a real failure. I'm not talking about the FAIL videos that we see on the Internet, I'm talking about a failure that has a palpable and negative affect on people. I have served our country, but I am not a hero. The heroes are those who are suffering needlessly while waiting on a system that needs to be dramatically improved. The heroes are those who have put their lives on the line for your freedoms, it doesn't matter what conflict they were in, the fact is they were willing to sacrifice so that you can maintain your freedoms.
It is time that we stopped… We simply need to bring common sense and decency back into America. How much money are we sending to other countries or how much money are we giving to special interest groups? How much money are we literally throwing away on things like multi-million-dollar websites that are complete and utter failures of the most embarrassing kind? How much money will we allow (it is you and I, my fellow Americans, who decide what the government can and cannot do by way of those whom we elect) our government to throw away on things that DO NOT help our country in any way, fashion, shape or form?
I have heard too many times some politician, during a campaign, making promises that we will not have any more homeless veterans or that the veteran healthcare system will be fixed or, or, or,… just sickening as we see that those promises go unfulfilled.
This particular issue hits home for me rather dramatically as I will very soon be reliant upon that very same Veterans Administration for my personal healthcare needs. Please understand that I think the vast majority of those who work for the VA are, themselves, patriots who are trying to do the very best they can for the heroes of this great nation. But without proper management even the best intentions will have caustic and devastating effects - those effects are something that you and I are party to. I am placing the responsibility, inasmuch as I am able to, upon you and I as we are the ones who have voted (or have chosen not to vote) for the people that currently hold the highest offices in our country.
The time for half measures and staying home because you don't think voting will do any good, or you don't like something about the people that are running, or using some other excuse for not voting, is over! It is time to step up, it is time to bring the responsibility for this country back upon ourselves. We need to take care of our citizenry. We need to give a hand – up to those who need it and we need to ensure that proper care is given to those who have fought for this country.
Fellow Brainers - Now you know that we love a good argument here! You know that we love debate, we really enjoy having other points of view posted so that we can engage in a dialogue with them. We do not espouse name-calling, aside from fun jabs at a politician or political group in general, nor do we espouse any action that would in any way hinder any of the rights we have in this great nation. We here at Conservative Brainworks do not espouse violence. What we do support is the Constitution and the civil liberties that we as Americans have. That being said I have a disturbing post that I just had to share this with you on this page. This is a sentiment from a person who, admittedly, is a dyed in the wool liberal. Now, normally, I have fun little arguments with this person and we each present our viewpoints and, at least on my side, I laugh it off and realize that this is just for fun and that taking things personally or OVER the top is… Well it’s just stupid so I turn off the computer and join the real world. Now, you all know the rules! Here at Conservative Brainworks we DO NOT; 1. Do personal attacks on anyone who is not a politician (and even then we back it up with annoying little things like facts, video, audio, transcripts, etc.) and we keep it political. 2. Espouse violence upon anyone, ever, outside of the realm of military engagements. 3. Go above and beyond the Constitution of the United States of America, nor do we go above and beyond the rule of law in America - we often disagree with the way laws are interpreted and carried out, and we can have dialogue on that all day long. 4. Think that we are better than anyone else, we are all law-abiding citizens, we are all American citizens, and we are all patriots. Now I want you to read what this person said: “Clive Bundy is a Terrorist. A home grown, bigoted & racist terrorist. He should be arrested and his property and holding seized. Any person who raises a weapon against the government should be shot & killed or arrested & prosecuted as terrorists.” My good friends, this is the mind of the low information liberal voter. What we see here is a knee-jerk and gut reaction to an admittedly biased news report using only emotion and little to nothing else. What we see here is not the rule of law as one would expect from a liberal. Rather, what we are seeing more and more of from the left are things that are conflictingly and diametrically opposed to the tenants that they tell us they hold so dear. The left tells us about tolerance, yet if you oppose their viewpoints and attempt a dialogue, tolerance is the very last thing that you will find they actually have - as is evidenced here. So let’s look at this posting, but let’s look at it with tolerance in our hearts, and logic in our minds. We are not going to simply look at this and begin bashing this person and telling this person anything aside from rule of law, common sense, liberty, freedom, and constitutionally based ideals. This person made a very unconfirmed and un-researched comment that Clive Bundy is a terrorist. Now I want you to look at the word terrorist there: Terrorist – with a capital T. Now this person made this statement as if Clive Bundy had been accused, and charged, with our rule of law, as a terrorist – he has not. So you see just stating that an American citizen is a terrorist does not a terrorist make. Let’s look at the next part of the statement, “a home-grown, bigoted & racist terrorist.” Now this time the word terrorist was not capitalized, however we are given other words in here like bigoted and racist oh, but wait, the word terrorist is at the end of that sentence also. So now this person has not only taken rule of law upon themselves and have charged Mr. Bundy with terrorism they are now, due to their apparent innate, in-depth, and all-encompassing knowledge of the situation calling him a bigot and a racist. Now I have seen what Mr. Bundy stated on the video, the raw video is very telling. If you look at the video that was already edited by our news media you will find that it does sound very bigoted and it does sound very racist and it does sound like something that it would be unacceptable to say to anyone without them thinking you were indeed a bigoted racist! However if you look at the raw tape you’ll find that this man actually holds dear family values and looks at different peoples plight in America but he stated it in ways that were very very un-tactful and quite frankly he stated in a stupid manner – but that does not make him a bigoted racist, what that makes him is not eloquent in speech and stupid. As a matter of fact there are many individuals coming to Mr. Bundy’s side, (as you notice I refuse to use any reference to any specific group as I believe all people are of the same “race” - we are all created equal) whom other people are using as a tool to promulgate their hatred of a group. In this case that group is anyone who differs with the liberal agenda and the liberals will use their militant attacks to ensure the low information voter remains livid and hateful. Okay let’s go on to the next part, “He should be arrested and his property and holding seized.” Here is another statement made with emotion and that very important rule of law again dismissed because that rule of law would interfere with this liberal agenda. Here again is a liberal who thinks that they should have control over another person’s property and assets without being held accountable, themselves, for the words that they have said. I would love to hear what this person would want to say if I asked them this question: “so after Mr. Bundy is arrested, and his properties and holdings are seized, what should happen to him then? Should he go through proper rule of law? Or would you have happened to him what you have said in the next part of your post?”… And here is what this self-proclaimed liberal said in the next part of this post: “Any person who raises a weapon against the government should be shot & killed or arrested & prosecuted as terrorists.” And there we have it ladies and gentlemen, exactly what the liberals on the left want to do to anyone who steps outside of the box of oppression, intolerance, and hatred that the liberals would shove anyone into who disagrees with them. “Any person who raises a weapon against the government should be shot & killed…” This, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly what we are up against in this election! This is the sentiment that is held by the liberal elite, by those who are so dogmatically engrained in their hatred and intolerance of opposing viewpoints and rule of law and constitutionality. Here we see the viewpoint of a liberal. Death to those who oppose us! We are literally looking at someone who says that violence is acceptable, as a matter of fact this verse is saying that it should happen. Does that not bring up historical teachings? It does for me, and they are fearfully and horrifically documented – starting with this very same mindset. So now let us look at the constitutionality of this person’s statement. The Constitution, under article 1 states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Now just because the people that were gathered around to support Mr. Bundy had weapons they still were peaceably assembling to the best of my knowledge. I believe the only violence was initiated by the government agents – if I am wrong, then I apologize and please correct, with facts, thanks. So indeed they were following the constraints of law and the constraints under the Constitution under article 2 which states: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” So could this person who has such hatred and such animosity for those who are exercising their freedoms please tell me at what point do you cross the line between law and lawlessness? At what point do those in power simply ignore the Constitution and rule of law? Now we look at article 4, which states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” So here again unless we see that the due process of law has been followed under the Constitution, what justification do people that say these types of things have for saying that these people should be shot and killed and holding seized? Even if the rule of law and constitutionality was upheld this type of statement still holds no validity and is, itself, a statement that espouses rule by violence and despotism. So where exactly does someone of this mindset place the line between our rule of law and what they think should happen? And now, a serious question – for you, the person who stated “Any person who raises a weapon against the government should be shot & killed or arrested & prosecuted as terrorists.” - Would you have had every man and woman who was there at the Bunny Ranch shot and killed? Would you have had fathers, mothers, daughters, brothers, sons, and, uncles, friends, loved ones all gunned down in cold blood because they had weapons that are protected by the Constitution of the United States? (And as far as I know, did not insight any violence or fire one shot) If you say no to this question then let’s go to the next part of your statement: Would you have every single one of them that I have already mentioned accused of terrorism? And if so, do you know what happens when a person is accused of terrorism? Do you know what that means to the rest of America? Perhaps your statements were hasty and poorly thought out. My friends we are entering an age where those who preach tolerance and rule of law are the very first, as is apparent with this example, to promote intolerance and non-constitutional lawlessness. I’ve only use this example with the Bundy issue as it was thrust upon me with such fervent hatred and contempt for freedom, constitutionality and law. But it is a good example of the chasm that exists between constitutionality and those who would have total government control. Let us not, my fellow Americans and patriots, ever forget that we are the ones who are the government. And that is where we have opportunity to ensure politicians do not strip us of our liberties. We are the ones who give power to the government, we are the ones who elect the people who decide what happens to us on a daily basis. Perhaps there was a time when a congressman was a farmer and had gone to Congress to enact laws and regulations that would be best for those who lived in his district. After all, at some point, he would have to go back home and live under those very same laws and regulations that he helped enact. But now, my friends, we are dealing with lifetime politicians. We are dealing with people who are politicians for the sake of politics. We are dealing with people who do not care about the rule of law if that rule of law opposes their agenda. It is time my friends to clean house in Washington DC. It is time to tell Congress that they may no longer vote themselves raises, get different healthcare than the rest of America, and get ridiculous salaries and pensions. It is time for us to take America back over – as Americans. It is time for those people who are patriots to run for office – not for the sake of running for office – but for the sake of enduring American freedom. With mindsets such as posted by this person, we see that we are not dealing with a group of people who understands constitutionality and rule of law and liberty, but rather a group of people that want to resort to doing whatever it takes to remove it anyone who opposes their viewpoints, even if that includes killing or charging people with terrorism without due process of law. If ever there was a slippery slope, and I used to hate that when they used it in the media, this would be it. Let’s take a look at what other people have learned from the past about this type of thinking: (all the following were taken from http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/freedom-of-speech) “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” ― George Washington “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." [Special Message to the Congress on the Internal Security of the United States, August 8, 1950]” ― Harry S. Truman “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” ― Theodore Roosevelt “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.” ― Voltaire “I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” ― James Madison “Because if you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost.” ― Neil Gaiman “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” ― John Milton, Areopagitica “To view the opposition as dangerous is to misunderstand the basic concepts of democracy. To oppress the opposition is to assault the very foundation of democracy.” ― Aung San Suu Kyi, Letters from Burma “If you're not going to use your free speech to criticize your own government, then what the hell is the point of having it?” ― Michel Templet “If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union, or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it." [First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801]” ― Thomas Jefferson, The Inaugural Speeches and Messages of Thomas Jefferson, Esq.: Late President of the United States: Together with the Inaugural Speech of James Madison, Esq. ... “The framers of the constitution knew human nature as well as we do. They too had lived in dangerous days; they too knew the suffocating influence of orthodoxy and standardized thought. They weighed the compulsions for restrained speech and thought against the abuses of liberty. They chose liberty." [Beauharnais v.Illinois, 342 U.S. 250, 287 (1952) (dissenting)]” ― William O. Douglas
Although Hillary Clinton is out trying to recoup the women’s votes she had in 2008, it might behoove her avid followers to review this woman’s sordid past.
One can hide and run for a while but sooner or later the past does catch up with us. It’s not propaganda about the murders, suicides and accidental deaths of her business associates, bundlers and colleagues that plague her past.
For those women who believe Hillary is pro - abortion, please read the following to understand that Hillary does not feel abortion is a fundamental right that only a woman should be the decision maker.
Here’s what she said, “Abortion is a "sad, even tragic choice"--as she told an audience of New York state abortion providers in 2005--for women, not a fundamental right that only the woman should have a say in deciding. "Yes, we do have deeply held differences of opinion about the issue of abortion," she said. "I, for one, respect those who believe with all their hearts and conscience that there are no circumstances under which any abortion should ever be available."
Now Hillary will skirt the abortion issue as she makes a run for the Presidency again, because she realizes that if she stands for abortion she will lose those who are against abortion and vice versa.
The fact is although she’ll say that she supports women’s rights to choose, in 2006 she and minority leader Harry Reid promoted the “Prevention First Act.” This bill did make it easier for women to obtain contraceptives, but in the end the bill was not in favor of women’s abortions.
The working class and poor will be relegated to the ancient history shelf if Hillary wins the 2016 election. Just because she’s female is no excuse for even considering her for the most prestigious position in our Nation.
African Americans, Hispanics, the poor are just about to get a shellacking by one who espouses to be a champion of women. Her platform will be big on “Hope and Change” but in the end just like Obama she’ll dump these poor unsuspecting Americans just like Obama did. For those concerned with the real issues our Nation faces, it time to put Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the 2016 Presidency into an honest prospective.
The Liberals and their aggressive New Media will paint a picture of bravery, intelligence, leadership and competence but that is merely a fake do-over for a woman in politics for 20 years who hasn’t accomplished “zilch.” She talks a good game but that’s as far as it goes.
The Liberals have praised her with unearned rewards and trumped up stories bestowing them on a “has been.” There’s been no major achievements during her term as Sec of State – it’s all show and no go, but she did keep foreign seats warmed with her posterior and she did travel thousands of miles during this time.
Hillary cheerleaders brag that she logged nearly a million miles of air travel as Secretary of State. "She reminded the world that Woody Allen was right even when it comes to diplomacy: 80 percent of success really is simply showing up," Megan Garber cheered in The Atlantic
So much for showing up, she showed up after running out of excuses and testified under oath about Benghazi. She informed Americans that she was responsible and would accept full responsibility – edited that merely means she lied under oath, didn’t know or remember anything and willing walked away from the Benghazi murders without even looking back for she had a campaign to prepare for...
Like Obama, Hillary is a died in the wool Saul Alinsky worshipper and she’s an expert at keeping America distracted and divided, which is what we’ll experience in the near future if she begins her run for the White House.
Hillary will use Saul Alinsky’s Rule # 8 as she kicks her campaign into high gear.
* RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)
Obama has kept our Nation off balance for 5 years, we have three more years to face his radical onslaught - actually Obama and Hillary will join hands the next three years because Obama owes Bill and Hillary several big favors and the Clintons will collect.
As Always,
Little Tboca
Courtesy of:
Pentagon Can’t Account For 8.5 Trillion Taxpayer Dollars
November 19, 2013 by Sam Rolley

A recent investigation has revealed that the Pentagon has failed to account for $8.5 trillion dollars of taxpayer money Congress has allocated toward the U.S. Department of Defense since 1996.
According to the report, out from Reuters, the Pentagon has routinely cooked its books by failing to supply a clear monthly account of the money spent for Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS).
Via Reuters:
Linda Woodford spent the last 15 years of her career inserting phony numbers in the U.S. Department of Defense’s accounts.
Every month until she retired in 2011, she says, the day came when the Navy would start dumping numbers on the Cleveland, Ohio, office of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, the Pentagon’s main accounting agency. Using the data they received, Woodford and her fellow DFAS accountants there set about preparing monthly reports to square the Navy’s books with the U.S. Treasury’s — a balancing-the-checkbook manoeuvre required of all the military services and other Pentagon agencies.
And every month, they encountered the same problem. Numbers were missing. Numbers were clearly wrong. Numbers came with no explanation of how the money had been spent or which congressional appropriation it came from. “A lot of times there were issues of numbers being inaccurate,” Woodford says. “We didn’t have the detail … for a lot of it.”
The data flooded in just two days before deadline. As the clock ticked down, Woodford says, staff were able to resolve a lot of the false entries through hurried calls and emails to Navy personnel, but many mystery numbers remained. For those, Woodford and her colleagues were told by superiors to take “unsubstantiated change actions” — in other words, enter false numbers, commonly called “plugs,” to make the Navy’s totals match the Treasury’s.
The news agency revealed that for the fiscal year 2012, it is “impossible to determine” how much of the $565 billion Congress budgeted for the Pentagon was used for its intended purpose.
The report also reveals numerous examples of unnecessary military spending as well as about a half trillion dollars in unaudited contracts with private companies, meaning there is no way to tell whether goods and services were ever actually delivered to the Defense Department.
“The Pentagon can’t manage what it can’t measure, and Congress can’t effectively perform its constitutional oversight role if it doesn’t know how the Pentagon is spending taxpayer dollars,” Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said in an email response to Reuters. “Until the Pentagon produces a viable financial audit, it won’t be able to effectively prioritize its spending, and it will continue to violate the Constitution and put our national security at risk.”
Coburn and Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) have introduced bipartisan legislation to limit funding for new Pentagon programs and prohibit the purchase of new technology if the Defense Department is not ready for audits by 2017.
That the Pentagon is bad at tracking taxpayer money is nothing new. In fact, on the day before the terror attacks on 9/11 that lead to more than a decade of ramped up military spending, then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced, “According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 Trillion dollars in transactions.”
Rumsfeld went on to say that America’s “adversary is closer to home, it’s the Pentagon bureaucracy.”
The next day, however, the Trade Centers fell and talk about wasteful military spending was forgotten.
“We’re just here to have a look around…Uh, you don’t lawfully own a gun or anything, do you?”
Sound crazy? You obviously don’t live in Massachusetts.
Swampscott, MA Selectman Barry Greenfield introduced an enforcement discussion Wednesday that he hopes will lead to the safeguarding of guns in town — keeping them out of the hands of children.
In school shootings around the country, guns have been taken from parents and used by kids, he said.
The selectman said state law requires Massachusetts gun owners to keep their firearms locked away or rendered inoperable.
The problem, he said, is that police do not have the authority, granted by a local ordinance, to enforce the law and inspect the safeguarding of guns at the homes of the 600 registered gun owners in town.
The selectman said he has spoken with Swampscott Police Chief Ron Madigan about this.
“We need the ability to enforce the state law,” the selectman said.
If this incredibly bad goose-stepping attack on gun ownership sounds familiar, it should. The state of Washington considered it earlier this year. Then some lawyer read this thing called the Constitution and it went away.
But we’ve never been big on that whole “Bill of Rights” thing here in Kennedy Country. And so the town of Swampscott is going to decide whether or not to send the local cops door-to-door to visit lawful gun owners and, you know, just have a look around.
What could possibly go wrong?
Am I exaggerating? A year ago if I’d warned about cops being sent to gun owners homes to “inspect” them, you’d have said that was exaggeration. Five years ago if I’d said Massachusetts towns would make it illegal to smoke outside you would have said the same.
By the way, nobody should be surprised that this attempt to intimidate gun owners is happening in Swampscott. It’s a town notorious for treating citizens like servants to be ordered around.
I’d just remind Selectman Greenfield that these things don’t always work out well for anti-gun extremists, even in Massachusetts. Just ask former Westford selectman Robert Jeffries.
If we lived in a time where we had a free unbiased government, press, and news media, it wouldn't matter, would it? Well, we are neck deep in overwhelming tyranny, and any word or sentence posted by anybody about a citizen, can and will be mined by progressives, our out of control government, government's media, or any other pervert to take it in or out of context to destroy anyone they want to destroy! Facebook tries like no other to know EVERYTHING about you and everything anybody says about you. So, if you or someone else enters t-party "anywhere" and mentions blowing up a balloon at a birthday party & you miss the "L" key, don't be surprised if the FBI, SWAT teams, & NBC surround your house & machine gun the dog if it barks!
Please fix it so members can post without inviting the Obamanation into the bedroom!
Barack Hussein Obama Financially Supporting a Worldwide Christian Genocide of Women and Children
Members of the Free Syrian Army reportedly attacked the Christian-dominated al-Duvair village in Reef on the outskirts of Homs on Monday, where they massacred its citizens, including women and children, before the Syrian Army interfered.
This reported attack comes shortly after intense fighting in the city of al-Qusseir over the weekend, in which Bashar Al-Assad’s forces inflicted heavy casualties on the rebels.
Assad’s forces launched an offensive in April in an effort to cut off supply lines to the rebels by taking the city and its surrounding areas from the rebel groups that had been entrenched there since last year. Two weeks ago, the Syrian forces reached the center of the city
While the sources describing Monday’s massacre are supportive of Assad, it’s possible that it occurred since the rebel groups fighting the Assad regime are composed mainly of members of al-Qaeda and al-Qaeda affiliated groups and have committed war crimes and atrocities in the past.
Jabhat al-Nusra, the branch of al-Qaeda that fought and killed American and allied troops in Iraq, have positioned themselves in Syria and control the rebel movement.
continue reading here...
We have 20 million PLUS jobless citizens at all income levels plus millions more working below their qualification, part timers, etc. Simultaneously, we have 11 to 30 million criminal illegal aliens working for and harbored by criminal employers who might pay $6/hr cash ($12,480/yr - same as $8 minus taxes, etc.). The US BLS avg. wage January, 2013 was $42,537 for 34.4 hours! That’s $49,927/yr @ 40 hour week and $64,905 with 30% employer paid tax & regulation costs added! Are average jobless welfare subsidies $20,000(?), individual poverty levels $23,000 (?), or the average given to illegal workers $36,545/yr? The sole cost of joblessness with subsidies is in the area of $84,905 to $99,451 each! The math is simple! Joblessness costs of at least $84,905, @ 11 million is $934 billion, @ 20mm =$1.70 trillion, and @ 30mm =$2.55 trillion.
Underground criminal employment profit potential is, @ 11 million is $577 billion, @20mm = $1.05 trillion, and $1.57 trillion @ 30mm, which isn’t factored in jobless costs herein. Criminals paying $12,480 ($6/hr) instead of $64,905 can profit $52,425/ea.! The pro amnesty $402 billion cost @ their 11 million is a $36,545/yr subsidy each- some claim it’s over $800 billion (??). Illegal alien pay plus subsidy is $49,025 take home which is $11,580 more than average citizen’s 40hr $37,445 after 25% taxes! Those unending subsidy programs have near zero accountability! Illegal alien subsidies are in addition to the joblessness costs! All of those costs are imbedded in our current very sick debt and bankruptcy ridden economy! With illegal alien subsidies $84,905 becomes $121,450 and economic numbers jump to $1.3 trillion @ 11mm, $2.4 trillion @ 20 million, and to $3.6 trillion @ 30mm. Cost illustrations to define parameters are valid and reasonable.
Average wages and joblessness data are facts. Amazingly officials admit they don’t know alien headcount, location, or activity! Average wages represent working for someone, not investment & other income! Supposedly, the Boston bomber received $100,000 in welfare subsidies! It’s a chaotic totally lawless environment designed to destroy the US!
Officials sworn to protect citizens and country are flooding the labor market with legal and illegal workers, by open invitation & taxpayer subsidy to destroy free market competitive labor wage forces of the poorest citizens! It’s an unrestrained criminal vote buying frenzy! Those imbedded costs are overthrowing our Constitutional free government! Solving issues and eliminating those trillions of “criminal costs” is as simple as enforcing current Constitution and law! It’s treason! Not prosecuting is inconceivable!
How can anyone discuss immigration, especially giving amnesty to lawless unrepentant invaders who came and remain illegally to steal citizen benefits and work for criminal employers who criminally pay cash to avoid wage taxes and regulations? It’s an incredible web of public and private crimes plus flesh pedaling! The answer bellows from “majority” executive-legislative officials who mock Constitution and law with “we can’t stop it!” We have an army that can protect our borders and homeland! They’re assigned to helping enemies! They defile their oaths of office with contempt, sedition, and treason in terms of trillions
This week former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin penned an article on Facebook with the title "Obama's Shuck and Jive Ends With Benghazi Lies,” This has set off a firestorm of criticism throughout the liberal punditry world. MNBC’s Chris Matthews has railed against Palin, calling her comments of having "a particular ethnic connection" and that she aimed "to throw it at the president as an ethnic shot is pretty blatant."
What about President Obama’s own White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who used the phrase last year in September 2011? In talking to the press corps at the beginning of a White House briefing, he stated, "Sorry. I'm going to shuck and jive! Time to shuck and jive." So America gets it, only certain people can say it. Where was the liberal rap on the knuckles for insulting black people or his boss?
Should Chris Matthews and other liberals, receive a free pass when they have used the phrase on several occasions without similar howls of protest.
In fact, Chris Matthews the self appointed defender of the liberal faith used the phrase in 2010 when fellow MSNBC pundit Rachel Maddow was discussing her ratings driven trip to Afghanistan. Matthews reportedly asked Maddow, “What has it been like, as you shuck and jive, hang out with the men over there, the women over there, in uniform risking their lives every day?”
Did Matthews become suddenly affected with “Obamnesia,” the known malady which infects liberals’ with sudden outbursts of hypocrisy and a temporary loss of liberal fictional talking points? Matthews clearly had a strong case of this. Yet, where was the outcry from the defenders of the liberal faith? Was Matthews hoping that Maddow would discuss how she found proud black soldiers risking their lives, engaging in being foot shuffling’ Negros?
What about New Governor Andrew Cuomo, who while New York Attorney General, in 2008 targeted democrat presidential candidate U.S. Senator Barack Obama for his all too frequent side stepping of the facts? Out of frustration, Cuomo blasted Obama in a radio interview by stating, "You can't shuck and jive at a press conference!"
Where were the liberal siren and alarm bells in 2008? Where was Chris Matthew’s denunciation or even Rev. Jesse Jackson, or the other liberal pundits? Meanwhile, some of the liberal cleanup crew likened Cuomo’s comments to a boxer who was “bobbing and weaving” around the facts. So was it racist or was it inarticulate?
In the midst of foreign enemy pitched firefights, IED’s and rocket barrages, the Ohio military service men and women are now being targeted by an enemy at home as well. Obama presidential campaign officials, with the apparent go ahead from the commander-in-chief is suing to eliminate the legal voting rights of Ohio military soldiers. Millions in Ohio and across the nation may regard this as an unthinkable act of unbelievable disservice to soldiers who place themselves in harm’s way daily. Of course, they would be correct.
For a calculating politician who had just visited the Buckeye State, just scant days before, one would surmise that this callous act would not have occurred. Well it has occurred and it is clear from the Obama administration’s undertaking to openly deceive and divide the voting public with deceptive attention diverting advertising ploys against Mitt Romney, their end game is to win this key battleground state.
What drives this desperate move to disarm Ohio’s military voters is possibly tied to the Wednesday Gallup Poll numbers that were released, showing Obama’s approval poll numbers stalling at 46 percent in Ohio. If these underperforming approval ratings worsen as the campaign heads into the post Memorial Day election battlefield, Obama and his administration will be decommissioned by the voters of Ohio.
Enter the Obama campaign’s clumsy effort to outflank the one area of the Ohio voter base that can unseat the president: the military vote. This is important, because in the 2008 presidential election, approximately 1.7 million votes or close to 30 percent of Ohio’s vote total were cast through absentee ballots. With the military vote making up a large chunk of the votes cast and most military votes are supposedly typically cast for the republican presidential candidate, you can do the math. Eliminate the military early voting right and you eliminate a probably Obama presidential re-election loss.
What appears unfathomable to a majority of Americans in the heartland, is how can a president of the United States fight to protect the rights of millions of illegal aliens who engage in an ongoing criminal activity, i.e. residing in the United States by breaking federal and state laws of entry. Meanwhile soldiers under President Obama’s command are being undermined by this same commander-in-chief who is fighting in the courts to destroy the valuable voting rights of military servicemen and women protecting this nation.
Righteous outrage is the first phrase that comes to mind and former decorated military officer and now Florida congressman, Allen West is outraged by this dishonorable practice by Obama and his presidential campaign. Congressmen West stated, "To have the Commander in Chief make our US Servicemen and Women the target of a political attack to benefit his reelection actions is reprehensible.”
Yes, indeed and when you think about your family members who have been noble in their performance of duty and service to this nation it indeed leaves one with a deep sense of betrayal by Obama and his administration. On one hand as Obama’s campaign fights to take soldier’s early voter rights, the other Obama hand fights to increase and fast track jobs, education, housing for illegal aliens. His administration also is in court fighting to weaken state voter ID laws which will increase illegal alien illegal voting.
Soldiers who wear the uniform of the United States' military are not going to take this laying down. In fact, while the president’s men are sniping at our soldiers’ voter rights, military organizations have entered the field of battle. AMVETS, the Association of the U.S. Army, The National Guard Association of the Unites States and many others are rallying to the cause in a concerted effort to force dismissal of the Obama’s sanctioned lawsuit against soldiers.
Americans all over this nation, who have loved ones in the military, have been in the military or who simply love and support the military should let the Obama administration know your feelings.
Write to this page… and let your feelings as well as your support be known!
Write to your congressional representative. Write the White House. Stand with the soldiers and with Congressmen Allen West who says with a noble heart, “As a Combat Veteran, for this President to unleash his campaign cronies against our Military is unconscionable… Barack Obama is undeserving of the title Commander-in-Chief."
Ohio’s military knows it; Now America must know it…Forward to November when American military soldiers can give President Obama his separation from service papers for dishonorable conduct. This is a change that America can believe in.
Let me know what you think: http://shar.es/v6iuL
This is a copy of an e-mail I received tonight from American'sElect.org :
I voted for myself to be President! Nyuh! Nyuh! Nyuh!Nyuh! Woop! Woop! Woop! Woop!
Dear Mark, May 18, 2012
There is a desire among Delegates and millions of Americans who have supported Americans Elect to see a credible candidate emerge from this process.
However, the rules, as developed in consultation with the Americans Elect Delegates, are clear. As of this week, no candidate achieved the national support threshold required to enter the Americans Elect Online Convention in June. The primary process for the Americans Elect nomination has come to an end.
Americans Elect, from the outset, has been a rules-based process, with the rules publicly available and open to debate by the Delegates. Our key priorities have been to: 1) honor the trust Americans Elect has built with the Delegates and American public; 2) require candidates to earn the nomination by building support among the Americans Elect Delegate community and American voters; and 3) create a basis for a solid future for the Americans Elect movement.
This decision honors these priorities.
Through the efforts of thousands of staffers, volunteers, and leadership, Americans Elect has achieved its operational goals, including:
Creating a pathway for nationwide ballot access for a balanced presidential ticket unaffiliated with the nominating process of either major party to compete in the 2012 race;
Building the technological platform for the first nonpartisan secure national online primary at AmericansElect.org;
Attracting a significant base of more than 4 million supporters, including Delegates, petition signers and volunteers;
Educating the national and local media on the Americans Elect mission; and
Finishing an extensive candidate briefing program involving more than 100 potential candidates.
As always, we thank everyone who has helped build this organization and are grateful for the work, efforts, and trust so many people have placed in Americans Elect. We are continuing the Americans Elect mission of creating more choice in our political system, giving candidates unaffiliated with the nominating process of either major party an authentic way to run for office and giving the American people a greater voice in our political process.
G.S. Spent $27 Million Anti-Bush 2004
$1.8 Million with NPR Last Year
Wants Progressive World without Borders
When you’re a megalomaniacal multi-billionaire, what’s $45 million more or less anyway? Well one thing that George Soros’s $45 million definitely is . . . is confirmation that inflation is rampant in this country. Last year’s bribes, er’ donations, to over thirty major American news organizations only cost “Spooky Dude” Soros $27 million . . . so the cost of attempting to control America’s opinions by controlling our media outlets has risen 67%. Of course the purse strings are always open when it comes to defeating Conservative candidates; Soros donated almost $20 million for President Obama’s 2008 campaign. Mr. Soros who funds more than 50 progressive (We must ‘progress’ beyond the ‘out-dated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution’ if we’re ever to make ‘progress’ toward our earthly utopia) foundation aligned with his “Open Society Initiative,” is looking for a world without borders headed up by the United Nations.
On occasions too numerous to count, Mr. Soros has said “the biggest obstacle” -- to progressive desiderata like radical environmentalism; to his version of peace around the planet; a borderless enlightened society; etc., etc. -- “is the United States.” Known as “the Man who Broke the Bank of England,” Soros won his multi-billions by deliberately undermining and then wrecking currencies in Thailand, Malaysia, England, Russia, the Balkans and Japan. He has recently taken an ultra-aggressive stance (including making speeches to progressive American groups in New York) toward getting the Chinese Yuan to replace the American Dollar as the world’s reserve currency and will profit mightily if and when the Buck takes a serious hit such as that one.
When it was revealed, in the middle of the recent National Public Radio (NPR) controversies over progressive-biased reporting, that Soros had contributed 1.8 million to NPR, the already strident calls for cutting off NPR’s $455 million in federal funding were multiplied greatly. One of the most embarrassing revelations came from citizen-journalists playing the role of wealthy Arab sheiks interested in funding NPR, but only if Jews were not involved. Not surprisingly, NPR-funder Soros was born into a family of semi-practicing Jews and at age 16 under the guise of being a Gentile in his native Hungary, young George assisted the Nazis by playing the role of messenger and Judas goat to the Budapest area Jewish population. In several interviews since becoming rich, he’s denied any regrets and called those times “some of the most exciting days of my life.” You’ve undoubtedly heard him comparing G.W. Bush to Hitler and FOXNews to the Nazis. Here’s a partial interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes program where Steve Kroft asks Soros about working for the Nazis as a boy and wrecking currencies:
Soros not only has no guilt about deliberately working toward destroying the currencies of millions of people; he also has no regrets about helping the Nazis (“if I didn’t do it someone else would have”). Soros, who spent $27 million trying to defeat President Bush in 2004, has ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets – including The New York Times, Washington Post, the Associated Press, NBC and ABC. Prominent journalists like ABC’s Christiane Amanpour and former Washington Post editor and now Vice President Len Downie serve on boards of operations that take Soros cash. This despite the Society of Professional Journalists' ethical code stating: “avoid all conflicts real or perceived.”
Soros’ Open Society Foundations is funded by www.soros.org. It is a network of more than 30 international foundations, mostly funded by Soros, who has contributed more than $8 billion to those efforts. He funds and more or less runs another 24 or 25 (who’s counting?) progressive foundations just in America. Even though almost all the newspapers associated with Soros are going broke because readers don’t like to have yellow journalists telling them what to think, the left-wing so-called mainstream press considers Mr. Soros’ millions and billions a well-deserved windfall year after year. How far does Soros’ influence go? According to an investigation by FOXNews which Rajjpuut will quote in detail:
“Among the supposedly “neutral press” Soros OWNS a 14-person Journalism Advisory Board, stacked with CNN’s David Gergen and representatives from top newspapers, a former publisher of The Wall Street Journal and the editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster. Several are working journalists, including:
“Jill Abramson, a managing editor of The New York Times; Kerry Smith, the senior vice president for editorial quality of ABC News; Cynthia A. Tucker, the editor of the editorial page of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.”
Soros’ “Center for Public Integrity” is another great example. Its board of directors is filled with working journalists like Amanpour from ABC, right alongside blatant liberal media types like Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post and now AOL. The CPI board is a veritable Who’s Who of journalism and top media organizations, including:
“Christiane Amanpour – Anchor of ABC’s Sunday morning political affairs program, “This Week with Christiane Amanpour.” A reliable lefty, she has called tax cuts “giveaways,” the Tea Party “extreme,” and Obama “very Reaganesque. And . . . Paula Madison – Executive vice president and chief diversity officer for NBC Universal, who leads NBC Universal’s corporate diversity initiatives, spanning all broadcast television, cable, digital, and film properties. AND Matt Thompson – Editorial product manager at National Public Radio and an adjunct faculty member at the prominent Poynter Institute. The group's advisory board features: Ben Sherwood, ABC News president and former "Good Morning America" executive producer.”
So what? Journalists, we are constantly told, are neutral in their reporting. According to FOXNews’ investigation: “In almost the same breath, many bemoan the influence of money in politics. It is a maxim of both the left and many in the media that conservatives are bought and paid for by business interests. Yet where are the journalists raising concerns about where their own money comes from?”
And also according to FOXNews, that “$48 Million number is an understatement. It is gleaned from tax forms, news stories and reporting. But Soros funds foundations that fund other foundations in turn, like the Tides Foundation, which then make their own donations. A complete accounting is almost impossible because one media component or another is part of so many Soros-funded operations.”
According to the Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute which has been looking into George Soros and his influence on the media.
“ Soros’ influence doesn’t just include connections to top mainstream news organizations such as NBC, ABC, The New York Times and Washington Post. It’s bought him connections to the underpinnings of the news business. The Columbia Journalism Review, which bills itself as ‘a watchdog and a friend of the press in all its forms,’ lists several investigative reporting projects funded by one of Soros foundations.”
Additionally, the “News Frontier Database” includes seven different investigative reporting projects funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute. Along with ProPublica, there are the Center for Public Integrity, the Center for Investigative Reporting and New Orleans’ The Lens. The Columbia School of Journalism, which operates CJR, has received at least $600,000 from Soros, as well. None of this is new news, however.
The book “Soros: The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire,” he has been fascinated by media from when he was a boy where early career interests included “history or journalism or some form of writing.” As one of the world’s richest men (No. 46 on Forbes’ list), he gets to indulge his dreams. Since those dreams seem to involve controlling media from the ground up, Soros naturally started with Columbia University’s School of Journalism. Columbia is headed by President Lee Bollinger, who also sits on the Pulitzer Prize board and the board of directors of The Washington Post. Not strangely, Bollinger, like many of Soros’ other funding recipients, is pushing for journalism to find a new sugar daddy or at least an uncle – Uncle Sam. Bollinger wrote in his book “Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open: A Free Press for a New Century” that government should fund media. A 2009 study by Columbia’s journalism program came to the same conclusion, calling for “a national fund for local news.” Conveniently, Len Downie, the lead author of that piece, is on both the Post’s board and the board of the Center for Investigative Reporting, also funded by Soros.
Soros funds more than just the most famous journalism school in the nation. There are journalism industry associations like: The National Federation of Community Broadcasters; The National Association of Hispanic Journalists; Committee to Protect Journalists; Investigative News Network (INN), a collaboration of 32 non-profit news organizations producing what they claim is “non-partisan investigative news; the James L. Knight Foundation also backs the network and is possibly the most-well-known journalism foundation. Knight President and CEO Alberto Ibargüen is on the board of directors for ProPublica a Soros-funded entity.
Also according to According to the Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute, INN includes the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University, the liberal web start-up MinnPost, National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting, National Public Radio, and the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism. The network had included the liberal Huffington Post investigative operation among its grants, but HuffPo investigations merged with the possibly even more left-wing Center for Public Integrity, on whose board Arianna Huffington sits. The Soros corruption seemingly never stops, liberal academic programs, left-wing investigative journalism and even supposedly neutral news organizations all paid for by a man who spends tens of millions of dollars openly attacking the conservatives, the Constitution, and fiscally-concerned citizens in this country. Is it any wonder that only one news organization in the country is trusted more than distrusted? (FOXNews +12% with 49% trust; 37% distrust; while the next closest, CNN, is distrusted by 3% more than trusted; NBC -9%; CBS -12%; and ABC is distrusted by 15% more than those who trust it) . . . Our Founding Fathers counted on an unbiased journalist corps to serve as watchdogs. It looks like the watchdogs are working with the bad guys and the public knows it!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Obama Earns Kudus for