Louis Blasiotti's Posts (220)

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George Washington's Farewell Address  (Excerpt on Religion and Morality)
George Washington September 19, 1796

Religion and morality are necessary conditions of the preservation of free government.

…Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,
Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim
the tribute of Patriotism, who should labour to subvert these great Pillars of
human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere
Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. A
volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity.
Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for
life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are
the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution
indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion.
Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of
peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National
morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

’Tis substantially true, that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of
popular government. The rule indeed extends with more or less force to every
species of free Government. Who that is a sincere friend to it, can look with
indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric.

Promote then as an object of primary importance, Institutions for the general
diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives
force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be
[From George Washington, A Collection, ed. W.B. Allen
(Indianapolis: Liberty Classics, 1989), 521-22.
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The Obama administration will begin to tap federal retiree programs to help fund operations after the government lost its ability Monday to borrow more money from the public.  The Democrats refuse to cut spending while they claim they do want to cut spending.  The BS artists are at it again trying to muddy the waters.  The tax spending public is again getting the shaft.  The Republicans refuse to tax the rich.  Its all a big smoke screen to hide what is really going on and that is that both parties want to continue to take our money for their pet projects and for giveaways to their friends and those who fund their reelections.  They all should be voted out at the next election for not doing their job but especially for trying to deceive the public.


I ask you as a tax payer aren't you tired of getting sheered like a sheep?  I am really tired of this ongoing nonsense.  What right do they have to shirk their duties and responsibilities.  They should be able to find enough spending cuts for the next 5 years and enough taxes for the same period. If they can't or won't they should simply cut 5 % right acrossthe board from the budget for the next 10 years.  Since they can't or won't stop wasting our hard earned money we have a moral and patriotic obligation to vote them out of office.

In the meantime we should ask Our Lord in heaven to give them a sense of responsibility and honor.  Pray! Pray! Pray!


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The following exercepts have been taken from "This Apocalyptic Age" by Robert Bergin.


When General Douglas MacArthur died a thought-provoking speech made by him aboard the U.S. battleship Missouri at the time of the Japanese surrender was not reported in most of the biographies.  Part of it is given hereunder:


"Men," the General said, "since the beginning of time have sought peace.  Various methods through the ages have been attempted to devise an international process to prevent or settle disputes between nations.  From the very start, workable methods were found insofar as individual citizens were concerned, but the mechanics of an instrumentality of larger international scope have never been successful.  Military alliances, balances of power, leagues of nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war.  The utter destructiveness of war now blots out this alternative.  We have had our last chance.  If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door.  The problem basically is theological and involves a spiritual recrudenscence and improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost matchless advances in science, art, literature, and all material and cultural developments of the past 2000 years.  It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh."


And on another occasion this is the manner in which he described our present crisis and prayed for our preservation: 

"There are those who seek to convert us to a form of socialistic endeavor leading directly to the path of Communist slavery.  As a counterbalance to those forces is the deep spiritual urge in the hearts of our people--a spiritual urge capable of arousing and directing a decisive and impelling public opinion.  This, indeed, is the great safeguard and resource of America.  So long as it exists we are secure, for it holds us to the path of reason.  It is an infallible reminder that our greatest hope and faith rests upon two mighty symbols---the cross and the flag;  the one based upon those immutable teachings which provide the spiritual strength to persevere along the course which is just and right---the other based upon the invincible will that human freedom shall not perish from the earth.  These are the mighty bulwarks against the advance of those atheistic predatory forces which seek to destroy the spirituality of the human mind and to enslave the human body.  Let us pray for the spiritual strength and innate wisdom to keep the Nation to the course of freedom charted by our fathers;  to preserve it as the mighty instrument on earth to bring universal order out of existing chaos; to restore liberty where liberty has perished; and to reestablish human dignity where dignity has been suppressed."

The strength of General MacArthur's moral fiber was especially indicated when in 1942, while accepting an award as outstanding father of the year, he said:  "My hope is that my son, when I am gone, will remember me not from the battle but from the home repeating with him our simple daily prayer,  'Our Father who art in heaven......' "

The author, Robert Bergin, followed these words with the following:

"By their fruits you shall know them."  Our Lord said: "Do men gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles?  Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit", (Matt. 7.16)

The fruits of the doctrine of Christian love are peace.

The fruits of the doctrine of atheistic hatred are wars, and yet more wars.

The bottom line folks is that without the help of Our Lord and Savior we are going nowhere fast.  St. Paul wrote "Now the Lord is a spirit; and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."  (2 Cor. 3.17).

In the Old Testament Isaias cried out:  "Woe to the sinful nation, they have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel.  If you be willing and hearken to me, you shall eat the good things of the land.  But if you will not.....the sword shall devour you.  Because the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."  (Isaias 1.4.;19.20).



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Socialism! Solution or Disaster?



Socialism is a code word for Communist-lite.  Socialism would provide the elite and the powerful the opportunity to get rid of the middle class and to create a bottom class so that there are only two classes of people, the controllers and those they control.  They want to get rid of any chances for prosperity.  Why?  Prosperity gives people some hope for the future.  You can't control people when they are hopeful and feed them a line of bull about true equality.  I had the distinct privilege of walking the streets of East Berlin several years before the WALL between East and West Berlin was taken down.  I can tell you that in this supposed showcase of Communism (note that East Berlin was their best work) there was true equality....yes indeed.....everyone was EQUALLY POOR.  But make no mistake there were those who were in charge, roughly 3 percent of the population, who ran the show and lived well while the remainder of the population lived in utter POVERTY.  The buildings were in terrible condition, people were not happy i.e. no smiling and no cheerfulness, people lived in look alike apartments, the lines were long for those waiting to buy food and we were instructed not to buy food as we would be denying food to those who really need it.  That translates into shortages of food.  Why shortages?  Because there were no incentives to produce as there is in those 'so called' greedy capitalistic countries like the U.S.  Why produce when you can't keep the fruits of your labor!  But there certainly were no shortages for the Communist party members who were well fed, well educated and dressed.  The younger population of the U.S. who voted for Socialism in the last election do not have a reality based understanding of history and have been brainwashed by their brain dead teachers who in turn have been brainwashed to believe that socialism is an answer to the worlds problems.  Well I am here to tell you socialism equates to starvation and material and spiritual deprivation on steriods.  There is not much difference between socialism and communism.  Who are funding and encouraging the socialists?  They are the equivalent of the Communist elite.  Only today these characters are not Communist party members but the super rich and super powerful who want to rule the entire world, i.e., one world government.   Look at what they have done in Europe with their European Union.  It would appear now that it is beneficial to the people but lets see how beneficial it will be in the future once they have the European Union all nailed down and under their complete control!



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The following comments were made by New York City Mayor John Haylan in 1927:


"These international bankers and .... interests control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government....

The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over City, State, and nation... It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection...

To depart from mere generalisations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the ..... interest and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as the international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.

They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make catspaws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business...

These international bankers and ....interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country."
John Hylan, Mayor of New York 1927, 1

These warnings fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the music and excitement of the roaring 20's. People don't tend to complain much in times of prosperity, so the money changers used this boom time they had created to defuse any complaints about their growing control.

1. (Former New York City Mayor John Haylan speaking in Chicago and quoted in the March 27, 1927, New York Times)



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We can stop the onslaught of socialism but with tremendous collateral damage.  Only God Our Father can stop the onslaught of socialism WITHOUT the tremendous resulting collateral damage.  When this nation turns back humbly and obediently to God the Father He will help U.S. and protect U.S. and prosper U.S. and bless U.S.




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This past year has shown that the  SEC does not give a hoot about the victims of massive fraud and the best interest of the small investor in addition to not doing their job to protect the small investor.  For example, why did they get rid of the UPTICK RULE?  If they are so concerned about fraud what was their reasoning? Were they told to get rid of it by the Administration who in turn was told to get rid of it by the extremely rich and powerful and the international bankers?  Are they like the troops in the field ....just following orders from up the chain of command of the extremely rich and powerful and politically connected?  Is it no wonder that people do not trust Wall St and Washington.  Do they think that we are all idiot sheep waiting for these scroundrels to sheer us?  If they don't get this economy back on track they along with Wall St and the politicans in Washington will be the ones to be sheered in the coming elections and the aftermath thereof.  Note the rise of the Tea Party, which may only be the beginning of things to come.  The people have been had and they are tired of it and they are not going to put up with the lies and deceit. I have always believed that the people would never rise up to complain or vote out those who are BSing us and to get rid of the deceivers until they were hit in their collective pocket books.  The defrauders have done that and I believe that they will reap the whirlwind in the next few years of elections unless they solve the housing, the energy, the war, and unemployment problems soon.
It is evident that the SEC are not utilizing their resources properly wherein they should be targeting the Bernie Maddoff's of this investment world.  My understanding is that there are a multitude of potential Bernie Maddoff's look alikes who have as yet to be caught.
It is also evident that the extremely rich, powerfully and politically connected are getting away with every kind of fraud possible and the victims are the small investor.  They seem always to be above the fray and it also seems that they are making the rules which are having terrible ramifications on the small investor and the middle class.  The middle class is being destroyed slowly but surely.  Good paying jobs are going overseas.
The socialists are winning and the freedom lovers are losing. What the socialists don't understand or realize as yet is that the very big money boys will stab them in the back in the end and discard them after they have utilized them for their own benefit.  History shows this again and again.  The One World advocates are financing and promoting socialism so that ultimately they can gain total control over the world via the One World government.  Why do these incredibly rich people fund the socialists and revolutions?  It is self evident!  People don't want to believe it and hope that it will go away but in the end they will be fleeced if they don't wake up soon.
I am not against the rich or anyone who makes an honest buck by their labor, brains, talent or just plain dumb luck but I am resentful of those incredibly rich people and their lackeys whose ultimate goal is to create a one world government in order to enslave the masses to do their bidding.  Those who would take away our freedom are our enemies and the enemy of progress.  Freedom enables progress and socialism stiffles it.
If you want to get a good taste of socialism as it happened during WWII read "The Red Horse" by Eugenio Corti.  It is available at Amazon.  It will help you to understand how they conducted themselves during those suffering years and how they treated others.  As the old saying goes a Leopard does not change it spots.



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Where is the U.S. Energy Policy?



We have seen a generation go by without an U.S. Energy Policy.  We should have had one back in the 1970's.  Why has Congress and each succeeding Administration not implemented an energy policy?  Who benefits by the U.S. not having an energy policy?  We know who suffers, i.e., the U.S. Citizen.  Is this a conspiracy to benefit a group of people?  Is it a Congressional paralysis?  Is it possible that each and every Administration since the 1970's has suffered a paralysis of analysis?  Is Congress getting orders from the International bankers not to pass an Energy Policy?  Who or what is preventing the Congress from generating something as important as an Energy Policy without which the welfare of the U.S. is being adversely affected?  What is really going on?  It seems to me that it is not Rocket Science to generate an Energy policy.  It has been 40 years in the non-making.  Congress should have been able to generate at least 20 Energy policies during that time.  What is keeping them from doing their job?


In listening to the Democrats drill the oil executives (not drilling for oil but drilling the oil executives) on CSPAN one of them made the comment that we should spread the suffering wherein one of oil executives replied that we should increase the prosperity instead.  Bravo for him!


With no Energy policy we do not know who benefits but we surely know who is suffering with high gas prices at the pump.


Raising the taxes on oil companies will ultimately prevent them for competing on the world market with foreign oil companies who pay less taxes.  This ultimately will result in higher gas prices and increased U.S. unemployment.  But I get the distinct impression that the Democrats and possibly some of the Republicans don't really care if we pay higher prices at the pump.


Who gets the lions share of the oil revenue?  Would you believe the Federal and State governments get 50% of the revenue. 


In this drilling of the oil executives there was no reference made to cutting spending.  Just give us more money so we can spend more seemed to be the underlying theme of the Democrats. 


The oil executives have indicated that the numbers show that if they were allowed to drill more here in the U.S (lifting the current restrictions on retreving oil) the revenue that Congress is seeking would be forthcoming, in fact, upwards to One Trillion dollars.  So the question is why are they tying the hands of the oil companies from retreving oil here in the USA?  Again, who benefits by not allowing drilling?  So the democrats are basicly of the opinion that it is ok for the people to pay higher prices at the pump as long as the government gets the lion share of the revenue and the oil companies can survive on a limited profit basis.  It is my understanding that the oil companies make approximately 6 cents on a gallon of gas and the combined Federal and States revenue intake is approximately 50 percent of a gallon of gas.  Correct me if I am wrong!  That would be current approximately $2.00 per gallon at the current $4.00 per gallon of gas.  They don't want the oil companies to go out of business...no ...no....they just want more for their spending sprees. 





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Did you catch this terrific article under the video entitled "Social Justice in Schools...........".  If you did not it is repeated here for your perusal!  One of the ladies in one of the other videos asked a very important question: she asked if we were becoming a nation of sheep?  My question is are we on our way to being sheered?  They certainly sheered us financially in the past several years!  What other sheering do they have in mind?





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The U.S. was a Republic with a limited government, but for the past 60 years we have been moving leftward across the spectrum towards total government with each new piece of socialist legislation.  What was considered conservative 60 years ago is now considered far right crazy radical.  The public has been brainwashed thoroughly by the media and the socialists and the big money boys who are behind the socialist movement.  You would think they would be against the socialist movement but not so.  The socialist movement provides them an opportunity to ultimately grab control of the government and to implement their one world government wherein they are sitting in the cat bird seat dictating to the population who at that point in time have become no better than slaves.  The bottom line is that both the democrats and the republicans are pushing the socialist agenda on purpose or unknowingly.  The politicans know what is going on and as FDR once said "In politics, nothing happens by accident.  If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."  Why did they push our factories out of the country?  They want us to think that it was a coincident and that no one really understood the terrible unemployment ramifications.  If anyone believes that I have a bridge for sale for a bargain basement price.   Why did they establish the Federal Reserve?  So we can pay interest on the money and run up the debt?  Who gets this interest money that we pay on the debt?  Why are we continually pushed into more and more debt?  Who benefits from this increasing debt?  We need to seriously think about these things and to discuss them with our associates. 

When someone like Sarah Palin stands up for God, Pro Life and Country it blows them away.  They can't handle it.  But the reverse was true 60 years ago.  If you were anti-God or anti-baby you were considered a screwball and would be shunned.  The socialists are winning!  They are achieving one victory after another!  The end result will be tragedy for allHistorically, socialism leads to tragedy, death and destruction.  Remember WWII!  We all need to wake up and make each other aware that we are all being cooked slowly in the socialist crock pot even though it is warm and comfy in there for the time being.  But eventually we will be thoroughly cooked and served up to the One Worlders to be devoured and enslaved.

WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!  Wake up and pray with all your might to the Lord God to save us from these misguided socialists.  God can do anything!  He can stop them in their tracks and even reverse their thinking and ideas but the price to be paid is our intense and never ending adoration, praise and worship of our beloved and merciful Creator.  Eventually He will hear our prays and pleas and he will deliver but not until we humble ourselves and become obedient to His Commandments.  These revolutionaries have the money but God is more powerful than any amount of money they can bring to bear in their socialistic efforts.  They have brainwashed two generations of college graduates who are now confused.  It takes years to unravel the socialist propaganda that was fed to them piecemeal over the past 60 years.  It is hard for them to think for themselves and to reject the wonderful opportunities that are presented to them by those who have the money.  No revolution was ever successful without a huge amount of financing from those who want to achieve control.  But no amount of money can defeat God the Almighty and All Powerful.  His love and support are free.  His mercy and assistance know no end.  We need to wake up and turn our lives over to Him in order to save ourselves and our loved one from future destruction that is closing in on us daily.  Why are the socialist against the Churches?  They know that they cannot ultimately control those who have a deep and abiding faith in the Almighty.  That is why historically in their past revolutions they have destroyed Churches, killed Priests, Ministers and Rabbis without hesitation.  That is why they are always on the outlook for any little mistake that the Churches may make and they are not adverse to making up charges or expanding and blowing up existing human errors made by Church going folks.  Pray...Pray...Pray...


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We need SOLUTIONS not BS!

Eliminate unemployment by bringing back the 4000+ factories that the powers behind the throne encouraged to depart the shores of the U.S. for their own selfish economic reasons.  Want to get rid of the debt that is strangling the U.S....... get rid of the Federal Reserve.  Revoke their authorization to exist.  The U.S. Government should be in charge of the money supply so we won't have to pay interest on printed money.  Solving the housing problem will also generate a multitude of jobs.  The tremendous loss of wealth in the housing market has forced everyone to overly tighten their spending belts.  Cut all Federal spending right across the board regardless of merit, i.e., a good 5 to 10 % cut would go a long way to support Financial confidence in the U.S.  Stop the continuous sucession of wars since WW1.  We are commiting financial suicide, which is exactly what our enemies want us to do.  They can't control or defeat us militarily but they can secretly influence our national suicide by ensuring we waste our monetary resouces.  Wake up America before it is too late!  We are being taken to the cleaners and don't even realize it.  Stop the creeping SOCIALISM that has crippled the U.S. for decades....it gets worse every year.  The Socialist are winning the game and the rest of us are losing.  Eventually they will really clean our clock and then we wonder how it happened and why were we asleep at the wheel.   And finally DRILL...DRILL....DRILL!!!!.



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A Salute to the U.S. Navy Seals

A Salute to the U.S. Navy Seals is in order for ridden the world of an evil man.  


The last two lines of the third verse of our National Anthem are pertinent:     

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


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The Stock Market UPTICK RULE needs to be reinstated again in order to prevent stock manipulators from doing what they did a in 2008-2009, that is, driving the stock market into the ground and consequently transfering wealth to those "powers behind the throne" who wish to transfer the wealth of this nation to their own pockets. Why did they conveniently get rid of the UPTICK RULE several years ago prior to the market crash?  The answer is self-evident in that they made hundreds of billions driving the market into the ground and hundreds of billions more riding it back up.  These manipulators did the same thing with the housing market and are the reason why we have a high unemployment rate.  Why did they send our 4000+ factories overseas to the detriment of the working people?  Do they have the politicians in their back pocket?  You bet!  But that is not all they want.  They also eventually want to transfer political power to themselves more fully than the power which they now control. 


We need to vote and we need to demand that honest, moral, God-fearing, law-abiding citizens run for all government offices and that we support their efforts to elected office.  Finally, we need to hope and pray for God to show His divine mercy by allowing these people to be elected to office to replace those who would and are harming us now.



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It is extremely easy to modify a computer program to add an extra vote by adding 1 to a counter  every so often or change a vote from one candidate to another.  The Solution:  All computer programs that are utilized in elections should be audited by an anonymous team of honest and bonded personnel whose integrity has been very well established.  The computer program code would have to be tested and the code would have to be reviewed line by line.  An experienced and competent programmer can easily discover any rigged code given a couple of weeks work.



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Unresolvable budget problems?



There is an easy way to resolve this Congress's budget problems.  Cut each and every program 5% (five percent) across the board with no exceptions.  Cut every program regardless of its merits.  That should appease all of the complainers who no doubt would immediately object that their pet program was cut but the other guy's wasn't.  What can they complain about if all programs are treated equally. 


If the Congress and the Administration cannot get our fiscal house in order come next election VOTE ALL OF THEM OUT OF OFFICE.  That too would be fair and square.


What part of the phrase "we are totally and completely fed up with the lack of control with regard to spending" do they not understand!





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Fifty million (50,000,000) plus babies have been murdered in America since the horrible moral crime of abortion has been legalized.  This holocast beats the terrible and unforgetable Jewish holocast during WWII of Six million (6,000,000).  These babies are helpless and cannot defend themselves or go to the poll to protect themselves from being murdered. 


Have we no shame, no conscience that tells us it is wrong to kill innocent babies, no moral outrage, no mercy, no understanding of the Ten Commandments one of which states clearly "Thou shalt not kill," no moral fiber, no obedience to God's Holy Will?


On a strictly secular level for those who are unbelievers: how many geniuses have been murdered who could have made tremendous contributions to our nation.


What part of the word MURDER do we not understand as a nation?


My hope and my prayer is that God will have mercy on us as a nation and individually even though we have not had mercy on His Holy Innocents!



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The following comments/snippets (1924) regarding the effect of the Press have been taken from the late British author Nesta H. Webster (24 August 1876 – 16 May 1960) writer, historian and theorist.


1. "More than eighty years ago a Frenchman endowed with extraordinary prophetic instinct foretold not only the danger that one day would come from Russia, but that the press would facilitate the destruction of civilization: 

'When our cosmopolitan democracy bearing its last fruits, shall have made of war a thing odious to whole populations, when the nations calling themselves the most civilized on earth shall have finished enervating themselves in their political debaucheries, .....the floodgates of the North will open on us once again, then we shall undergo a last invasion not of ignorant barbarians but of cunning and enlightened masters, more enlightened than ourselves, for they will have learnt from our own excesses how we can and must be governed.  It is not for nothing that Providence piles up so many inactive forces in the East of Europe.  One day the sleeping giant will arise and force will put an end to the reign of words.  In vain, then, distracted equality will call the old aristocracy to the help of liberty;  the weapon grasped again too late and wielded by hands too long inactive will have become powerless.  Society will perish for having trusted to words void of sense or contradictory; then the deceitful echoes of public opinion, the newspapers, wishing at all costs to keep their readers, will push (the world) to ruin if only to have something to relate for a month longer.  They will kill society to live upon its corpse'."


2. "To-day the newspapers, no longer the echoes of public opinion but its supreme directors, throw open their columns to every form of disintegrating doctrine and close them to arguments that could effectually arrest the forces of destruction.  What is the hidden influence behind the press, behind all the subversive movements going on around us?  Are there several Powers at work?  Or is there one Power, one invisible group directing all the rest.....?"

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The following comments/snippets regarding Socialism have been taken from the late English author Nesta H. Webster (24 August 1876 – 16 May 1960) a writer, historian and theorist.  It seems to me, what with all the talk of Socialism during the past two years, obtaining a perspective from the past would shed some light on it.


1.  "While Bolshevism sets out to destroy Capitalism at a blow, Socialism prefers a more gradual process.  It is the difference between clubbing a man on the head and bleeding him to death - that is all."


2.  "The fact is that all Socialism leads to Communism in the long run and therefore to disaster.  The Bolshevist regime brought ruin and misery to Russia not because of the brutality of its methods, but because it was founded on the gigantic economic fallacy that industry can be carried on without private enterprise and personal initiative."


3.  "As a life-long Socialist has frequently observed to me, 'Socialism has never been a working-class movement; it was always of the middle or upper classes who sought to instill the principles of Socialism into the minds of working men'."


4.  "Socialism has only been able to make headway by borrowing the language of Anarchy in order to blast its way to power.  Socialism is thus essentially a system of deception devised by middle-class theorists and in no sense a popular creed."


5.  "The world-revolution is not a popular movement but a conspiracy to impose on the people a system directly opposed to their real demands and aspirations, a system which, moreover, has proved disastrous every time an attempt has been made to put it into practice."


6.  "For not only has Socialism never been known to succeed, but all its past failures are carefully kept dark by its exponents."

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