Michael J. Fell's Posts (98)

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Let “progressives” Own the Fiscal Cliff

4063641211?profile=originalThe Federal Reserve plans to keep short-term interest rate near zero until unemployment drops below 6.5 percent and inflation reaches 2.5 percent.  This means given the current equations used to calculate those numbers, Fed interest rates will remain at current lows until mid-2015 or beyond.

The Fed will also continue spending $85 billion a month on bond purchases to keep long-term borrowing costs low and to stimulate the U.S. economy.  They will also spend $45 billion a month on long-term Treasury purchases and continue buying $40 billion a month in mortgage bonds.

Why are such moves deemed necessary by the Federal Reserve?

Why does the U.S. debt ceiling need to be raised every few years?

Why is America stressed about a “fiscal cliff?”

Because the United States of America spends entirely too much money.

To those who remember history, it is self-evident that politicians, elected or not, who subscribe to the “progressive” (read Marxist) philosophy have little to no interest in compromising with their political opposition.  History informs that “progressives” in America are more inclined to attempt eliminating their Conservative political opposition than reaching any compromise.  How else can it be explained why 4063641256?profile=original“progressives” continue to cling to their uncompromising position?

The so-called fiscal cliff negotiations going on in Washington DC is a clear example of their motives and tactics.

The “progressives” are intentionally holding to a position untenable to Conservatives in hopes of creating divides within the GOP and causing them to lose credibility by caving on their principle of not raising taxes. 

The best case scenario for “progressives” is for the GOP to stick to their principles and refuse to raise taxes.  Then “progressives” and their co-conspirators within the “mainstream media”, aka the “progressive” Party Pravda, can place the blame for the economic results of sequestration on Conservative Republicans while, solely for their own political aims, temporarily championing members of the GOP who appeared willing to “compromise.”

Trying to negotiate a "grand bargain" simply means Republicans are aiding and abetting “progressive” Democrats in their quest to commit the biggest swindle in American history.

4063641191?profile=originalSenator Rand Paul (R-KY) has a better idea that is good strategy for countering “progressive” actions:

"I think if we go halfway, or we split the difference with him, then both parties have their hands on it.  When we go into recession, it'll be confusing.

I have yet another thought on how we can fix this. Why don't we let the Democrats pass whatever they want?  If they are the party of higher taxes, all the Republicans vote present and let the Democrats raise taxes as high as they want to raise them, let Democrats in the Senate raise taxes, let the president sign it and then make them own the tax increase.  And when the economy stalls, when the economy sputters, when people lose their jobs, they know which party to blame, the party of high taxes.  Let's don't be the party of just almost as high taxes.

In the House, they have to because the Democrats don't have the majority.  In the Senate, I'm happy not to filibuster it, and I will announce tonight on your show that I will work with Harry Reid to let him pass his big old tax hike with a simple majority if that's what Harry Reid wants, because then they will become the party of high taxes and they can own it.”

Conservatives can keep bashing Speaker of the House John Boehner and House leadership, perhaps Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell.  But that does absolutely nothing to advance the Conservative position.  Republicans made their bed a year and a half ago by agreeing to sequestration.

Give “progressive” Democrats what they want and let them own it.  When average everyday Americans who happen to be Democrats or Independents start feeling the economic pain, let “progressives” explain a failure that is covered with their fingerprints and nobody else’s.



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Free Michigan

Michigan is now the 24thright to work state in America.

Public workers in Michigan are now free to work without being forced to pay legalized extortion to unions as a precondition of their employment.4063640877?profile=original

As union labor gathered by the thousands, Michigan’s legislature voted approval Tuesday to "right-to-work" legislation.  The House and the Senate both approved the measure, making membership and payment of union dues optional.  Governor Rick Snyder has promised to sign it into law.

More than 12,000 protestors from around the Midwest gathered for the vote.  Union thugs dissatisfied with the vote attacked the Americans for Prosperity tent, tore it down and slashed it apart with knives while members of AFP were still inside.

Union promised there will be more to come.

4063640905?profile=originalFrom the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives, Democratic State Representative State Representative Douglas Geiss threatened “There will be blood.”

Barack Obama described the legislation thusly:  “These so called right-to-work laws, they don’t have anything to do with economics, they have to do with politics.”

This is coming from someone whose entire position on the so-called fiscal cliff negotiations in Washington DC has nothing to do with economics.  It is all about politics.  It is all about destroying the Republican Party and promoting a patently un-American fringe Marxist ideology.

Michigan’s right-to-work law makes it illegal to require financial support of a union as a condition of employment.  When it comes to recruiting businesses to Michigan it will make the state more competitive.  Critics claim it will cripple the ability of unions to fund their political policy objectives.

Unions are forgetting some fundamental principles.  No one should be forced against their will to join a union or to have their paycheck skimmed by unions.  If someone disagrees with their politics, no one should be forced to fund union politics.

For “progressives”, who lay claim to sole possession of concern for working people, forcing Americans who object to their political policy objectives to fund then as a precondition of employment is hypocrisy in the most classic sense.

Hypocrisy, when it comes to speaking about “progressives”, is par for the course.

It is morally right for workers to have the power of decision where it comes to supporting labor unions financially.  People should have the right to work without being forced to pay union dues.  Americans who want to work should not be enslaved by unions.


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Green Energy Equals American Decline

4063640566?profile=originalA Chinese auto company having just won the auction for bankrupt A123 Systems, one of Barack Obama’s car battery darlings that received a $249 million grant from the Obama government further illustrates why the White House playing capital investor with taxpayer funds investor is a very bad idea.

When Obama took office in January 2009, five million “green” jobs were promised, yet nowhere near that number have been created. The companies Obama invests in keep failing because Americans do not want to purchase inefficient energy at inflated prices.

Furthermore, eighty percent of the green loans, loan guarantees, and grants given out by Department of Energy went to Obama campaign backers:

•SunPower, after receiving $1.5 billion from DOE, is reorganizing, cutting jobs.

•First Solar, after receiving $1.46 billion from DOE, is reorganizing, cutting jobs.

•Solyndra, after receiving $535 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Ener1, after receiving $118.5 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Evergreen Solar, after receiving millions of dollars from the state of Massachusetts, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•SpectraWatt, backed by Intel and Goldman Sachs, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Beacon Power, after receiving $43 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Abound Solar, after receiving $400 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Amonix, after receiving $5.9 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Babcock & Brown (an Australian company), after receiving $178 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Solar Trust for America, after receiving a $2.1-billion loan guarantee from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

•Nevada Geothermal, after receiving $98.5 million from DOE, warns of potential defaults in new SEC filings.

“progressives” continue to promote global warming, or to use the most recent and now more popular vernacular: climate change.  The narrative is that planet earth is experiencing a warming climate due 4063640549?profile=originalprimarily to the emission of man-made ”greenhouse gases”.  The most often and specifically referenced gas is carbon dioxide.

According to Matt Rosenberg at Atmosphere Composition, the earth’s atmosphere is composed primarily of Nitrogen and Oxygen. Together, the two comprise about 99% of the gas in the atmosphere. Here’s a listing of the key components of the atmosphere:

Nitrogen – 78.084%

Oxygen – 20.95%

Argon – 0.934%

Carbon Dioxide – 0.036%

Neon – 0.0018%

Helium – 0.0005%

Methane – 0.00017%

Hydrogen – 0.00005%

Nitrous Oxide – 0.00003%

Ozone – 0.000004%

In addition, water vapor is variable but typically makes up about 1-4% of the atmosphere.

“progressives” would have the world’s population believe that fluctuations in a trace element of earth’s atmosphere (0.036%) caused by the burning of fossil fuels like petroleum and coal has resulted in such 4063640581?profile=originalcatastrophic events as the melting of earth’s polar ice caps and glaciers.  They contend this will lead to the flooding of coastal areas and the extinction of species.

A nation of over 300 million people, which currently derives less than 5 percent of its energy from “alternatives” cannot expect to put an immediate end to the use of fossil fuels.  This could quite possibly bring the nation’s ailing economy to a grinding halt, resulting in a massive loss of business, leading to a dramatic decrease in already insufficient tax revenue and an extremely painful increase in unemployment.

Is putting an end to the use of petroleum worth the accompanying reduction in the living standards and the overall prosperity of a nation?  Is it worth the resulting ballooning of America’s national debt and further devaluation of its currency?

“progressives” feel an ongoing, compulsive need to force America to accept their “green energy solution”. Proposals made by the current administration and fellow “progressives” indicate a desire to achieve this end at all costs come what may.  Stiffer regulations on auto emissions and mileage, EPA regulations on energy providers, resistance to development of domestic natural resources, deficit government spending on inefficient and uncompetitive solar, wind, tide and bio-fuel technology dominate the political landscape.

America’s public and industrial infrastructure is based on the use of petroleum, natural gas and coal.  Nearly everyone drives a vehicle that burns gasoline or diesel fuel. Public transportation relies on fossil fuels as well. Natural gas, heating oil and coal are used in furnaces to heat homes and places of business. Coal and nuclear power generate electricity, which powers countless devices; the uses of which are taken for granted every day. Coal, natural gas and petroleum products power American’s industrial complex, the base of the4063640596?profile=original American economic engine. America’s economy depends heavily on the existing sources of power. These methods of providing and consuming energy are all deeply ingrained into America’s business, manufacturing and home life.

Why does America continue spending hundreds of billions of dollars on foreign energy while America has undeveloped energy? Why not keep those billions of dollars at home, in America’s cash starved economy?

At a time when millions of Americans are looking for work, the economy is starving for liquid capital, and the IRS is in desperate need of revenue why not take advantage of America’s wealth of natural resources? Why not give Americans jobs drilling for oil and natural gas or digging for coal? Why not put people to work building refineries and power plants? Why not give energy employees jobs delivering gas, coal and natural gas to consumers? How many peripheral jobs will be created in the process? For every new oil well, power plant, refinery or mine there will be new infrastructure built, followed by grocery stores, restaurants, shopping malls, housing, schools, and everything else everyday Americans need for their lives.

All generated by the only force capable of powering America’s economic recovery: the private sector.

And none of those jobs could possibly be moved overseas.


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It’s the Spending, Stupid

Barack Obama, who seemingly has remained in campaign mode since first entering public life, continues to insist House Republicans obey his command to hike tax rates on upper income earners.  If Republicans do note cede to his demands, Obama is willing to let everyone’s taxes go up and to cut one trillion dollars from the budget, a disproportionate amount of which will come from defense.

Were Obama sincerely interested in solving America’s fiscal dilemma, this would not be his stance.4063640064?profile=original

He continues to make campaign appearances claiming that these higher tax rates are needed to lower the U.S. deficit and cut the national debt.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The amount of revenue collected by the IRS as a result of such a tax rate increase would fund U.S. federal spending for less than nine days.

According to the latest data from the Congressional Budget Office, at current spending levels the federal government is borrowing forty six cents of every dollar it spends.  Through the first two months of fiscal year 2013 the government is already almost $300 billion in debt.


Medicare, Social Security and interest on the debt are the biggest drivers of the debt.  The true costs of Obamacare have yet to be revealed, but given the U.S. federal government’s track record it is safe to predict that it will be far more expensive than projected and finish in the red every year.

Collecting eight days’ worth of spending from upper level incomes will do nothing to affect the level of spending on any of these programs.

Additionally, Obama willfully ignores that at current tax rates, revenues are up by thirty billion dollars over last year.

Obama, his “progressive” political allies and the obedient lapdogs within the “progressive” Party Pravda continue to foster the notion that raising tax rates on the highest income earners, those who already pay 4063639975?profile=originalforty percent of all income tax revenue, will be a panacea, the magical elixir needed to solve America’s fiscal woes.

They also continue to lay the blame for today’s deficits on former President George W. Bush.  Bush’s highest deficit was $438 billion during his last year in office.  Obama’s government is poised to post another $1 trillion deficit, which will mark the fifth straight year of $1 trillion or more deficits.

America’s current financial predicament is the result of wasteful “progressive” spending on big government socialist programs.

That is the reason.

America’s debt and deficit dilemmas can only be solved through reduced spending.  If and when the United States falls off a fiscal cliff or receives another credit downgrade, it will be because of “progressives”, not Conservatives.

The conversation should be about how to cut spending, not about how to increase taxes.

Political Party or media employer notwithstanding, anyone who says differently is being intellectually dishonest.


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Tea Party-Unite

4063617606?profile=originalWith the re-election of Barack Obama and the continuation of Harry Reid's reign of terror in the U.S. Senate, these are dark times for America.

For America to survive, Americans must save it.  Expressions to the contrary notwithstanding, Americans reside within the Tea Party.

Members of the Tea Party must stop their infighting turf wars if they ever hope to successfully combat those in the GOP currently working to marginalize the Tea Party.  For so long as Tea Party members struggle to peacefully co-exist, they will experience difficulty replacing "progressives" within the Republican Party.

The Tea Party must removes "progressives" from the GOP before going against the combined forces of the institutionalized "progressive" left.

The institutionalized “progressive” left is relentless, determined, well-funded, organized and extremely aggressive. Their views of America are not fondly nostalgic. Some may have even cheered the final flight of the Enterprise with the same glee that 9/11 was celebrated by Islamo-fascists in the Middle East…and for reasons that are not dissimilar. Some may have toasted the final flight of the Enterprise as an enduring, meaningful symbol of the decline of American civilization. Their goal is to bring about, by whatever means necessary, an end to what President Abraham Lincoln called “the last best hope for man on earth”.

Tea Party principles are based on the belief in the U.S. Constitution.  Across America, a huge natural 4063554401?profile=originalconstituency exists for the bread-and-butter American issues of lower taxes, reduced government, a strong national defense, secure borders and a return to the traditional American values of: E Pluribus Unum, Liberty and in God we trust.

E Pluribus Unum means from many, one. It does not mean unquestioning acquiescence to multiculturalism and diversity. Liberty means opportunity for all, not equality of results. In God we trust means reliance upon the Creator of all things. It does not mean passive acceptance of secularism, atheism or submissive surrender to “progressive” statist mandates.

The Tea Party movement began as a peaceful protest against big government, reckless government spending, high taxes and oppressive regulations. The Tea Party’s Contract from America expressed principles held by its members. The most basic being that: “Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government.”

The principles of the Tea Party were clearly expressed in the Contract:  Protect the Constitution, reject Cap & Trade, demand a balanced budget, enact fundamental tax reform, restore fiscal responsibility and Constitutionally limited government in Washington DC, end runaway government spending, defund, repeal and replace government-run health care, pass an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy policy, stop the pork, and stop the tax hikes.

4063624558?profile=originalThe American idea, the shot heard round the world, is that We The People can govern ourselves. By the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God we are entitled, by virtue of our humanity, to the maximum amount of Individual Liberties consistent with law and order, and to the Right of private ownership, not the least of which is the Right to own and decide for ourselves. These Liberties and Rights are to be equally protected by a constitutionally limited, representative government that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed. This is a distinctly exceptional American idea.

The “progressive” idea is that an all-powerful centrally planned government, with extreme hostility towards private ownership, forces redistribution of wealth through “progressive” policies in the name of social or economic “justice”. In order to ensure “fairness”, an oligarchy of self-imagined, self-appointed “intellectual elite” must be responsible for controlling businesses, industries and “the masses”, who are incapable of governing themselves. This idea came to America from Britain’s Fabian Socialists and Germany’s Frankfurt School. This is a European idea, not an American one.

Before the country can be united, the GOP must be united behind the American message. Before the GOP can be united, the Tea Party must be united.


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Obama’s Plan: Tax Now, Cut Later

4063638083?profile=originalObama has demonstrated zero flexibility on his insistence that higher tax rates for the wealthy kick in on January 1, 2013.

To those familiar with “progressive” modus operandi, it is not surprising that the White House and their “progressive” political allies envision Medicare and other “entitlement” savings happening ten to twenty years from now.

This is what “progressives” call a “balanced approach.”

The same “balanced approach” “progressives” used when they promised Ronald Reagan three dollars in future spending cuts for every dollar of tax increases.  The same “balanced approach” “progressives” used when they hood-winked George H. W. Bush into violating his “Read my lips, no new taxes” pledge with a similar two to one offer.

Reagan, Bush 41 and the American taxpayer have yet to see those promised spending cuts.

In the current “fiscal cliff” negotiations, Republicans who are willing to accept “revenue” increases as a part of a deal with “progressive” Democrats in exchange for promised spending cuts that will happen sometime in the future are stupid, in denial or both.  How many times do Republicans need to make this same mistake before they learn?4063638131?profile=original

“Duh…as a kid I burned my finger every time I stuck it into the fire, but this time that won’t happen…duh…yup…uh huh…duh…ooooh…aaaah...look…something shiny…duh.”

By whatever means, no matter how much “new revenue” Republicans agree to provide, it will never be enough for “progressives”.  No matter how completely Republican squishes cave to “progressive” demands for more “revenue”, it will work against them in both the short and long term.

The economy will tank and Republican will be blamed by “progressives”, while being seen as unprincipled jellyfish willing to break promises made to their constituents in order to “deal” with those who have no interest in compromise.

The “progressive” motive is not to make a deal.  It is not to enact legislation that will stimulate private sector economic growth.  History instructs that lowering tax rates stimulates the private sector and increases economic growth while resulting in additional revenue to the IRS.  To “progressives” this is irrelevant.

They are far more concerned with what they call “fairness.”  To “progressives”, fairness means confiscating money through taxes from productive people who create wealth and redistributing it to the unproductive.

History shows that tax increases stifle economic growth, which leads to reduced revenue collection.  Budgetary imbalances grow worse and deficits continue to explode at an increasingly alarming rate.  By following this path, it is all but guaranteed that the American government will raise the debt ceiling again and experience another credit downgrade.   U.S. national debt will not go down and GDP growth will become virtually non-existent.

Eventually the federal government will need to find “other revenue” to fund its big spending operation.

4063638169?profile=originalWith over twenty three million people unable to find work and almost fifty million living on the dole, government will try to invent ways to fund the “progressive” Party’s dependent class.

The retirement savings, IRAs and 401Ks of every American are in “progressive’s” sights.  Americans believe their 401ks and IRAs are private property, safe from government seizure.   

These retirement savings are already heavily controlled by government regulation.  Given the track record of “progressives” it is no stretch to realize that trillions of dollars in private savings are threatened by “progressives” who see them as a way to finance the national debt their big government socialist programs have created.

When Social Security began it was a compulsory savings program administered by the federal government.  When someone retired, they would get back what they had paid in plus interest.  It only took until 1939 for a “progressive” Democratic Congress to begin using a pay-as-you-go financing method, meaning money currently being paid into the Social Security System is financing current beneficiaries.  At first it was worked.  In 1950 sixteen people were paying into the system for each person receiving benefits.  In the not so distant future there will be two people making payments for each check.

What happened to all the money millions of Americans have had stolen over the course of their lives from their paycheck by government mandate?  What will happen if the government seizes private savings?

If Republicans ever wish to be taken seriously, they must stand on principle.  For the future of the American Republic, backing down is not an option.


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Fiscal Cliff Will Happen

With events scheduled for in the White House and on the road, Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail spreading his message, with the clear and obvious intent of pressuring Congress into agreeing to his "fiscal cliff" terms.

While he will make claims to a willingness to listen to all ideas and negotiate with all parties, in fact he will endlessly argue for ending the current tax rates on Americans making $200,000 and above while accusing Congress of holding middle income families hostage.

To present the illusion he has been working hard to arrive at a successful resolution, Obama held closed 4063637862?profile=originaldoors meetings with big unions, big business and as an afterthought, small business owners.

Can you say all theatrics, no work?

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell R-KY, categorized the White House efforts as nothing but a public relations ploy: "Rather than sitting down with lawmakers of both parties and working out an agreement, he's back out on the campaign trail, presumably with the same old talking points we're all familiar with.  Look: We already know the president is a very good campaigner.  What we don't know is whether he has the leadership qualities necessary to lead his party to a bipartisan agreement on a big issue like this."

Obama is planning to use American citizens as human props in the ongoing campaign to rally his base.  He will call upon his followers to pressure Congress into submitting to “progressive” demands to raise taxes on small businesses and entrepreneurs.  Obama will preach that if a stalemate persists, taxes on middle class American will go up because Republicans held them hostage to protect tax cuts for the rich.

Can you say economic justice?

Economic justice is a Marxist concept where economic policies must result in the distribution of economic benefits equally.

Obama’s push to let tax rates expire on incomes over $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for families will hurt small businesses, the sector responsible for most new jobs growth in America.

Obama loves to characterize the tax increase as asking financially successful Americans to pay more in order to save government programs that face spending cuts.  The fact is, ending current tax rates for “the rich” would fund the United States federal government for less than nine days.

For Obama to propagate the false notion that taxing the rich will solve America’s fiscal problems is a red herring.  By consciously using middle class Americans as human props in attempts to sway public opinion in his favor, he is displaying true contempt for middle class Americans.

4063637843?profile=originalThe United States federal government is borrowing forty cents of every dollar spent to prop up a slumping economy and support the deprived underclass it created using big government socialist programs to render American citizens dependent upon government.

Foreign debt buyers are slowly ending their investment in America’s bankruptcy and the Federal Reserve is now purchasing over sixty percent of America’s Treasury Bonds.

Can you say The Weimar Republic?  Can you say Zimbabwe?  Can you say today’s Eurozone on more steroids than the Soviet body builders at the 1952 Olympics, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lance Armstrong, Sammy Sosa, Jose Canseco, Lyle Alzado, Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire combined?  Can you say the worst economic downturn ever?

America does not have a revenue shortage.  America has a spending addiction.

Giving the United States government more money to spend is like trying to sober up an alcoholic by having them drink a gallon of gin.

In the ongoing “progressive” campaign to “fundamentally transform” America, the fiscal cliff created by “progressive” big spending will happen because “progressives” want it to happen.

And “progressives” will blame successful Americans.


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Exposing Benghazi Baloney

After a Tuesday morning meeting with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Senators John McCain, Lindsay Graham d54572b8913f22acfa8ef67d7c048c1b.jpg?width=300and Kelly Ayotte said concerns they had about Rice’s misleading statements regarding the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya which resulted in the deaths of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans have grown, not diminished.

McCain, R-AZ, had said he might oppose Rice’s nomination to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of State because Rice should have known the statements she made in interviews just a few days after the Sept. 11 attack were false.

In those interviews, Rice repeated the Party line about the attack having emerged from a protest over an antiblog_susan_rice_face_the_nation_0.jpg?width=250-Islamist video.  Rice apparently parroted that narrative in order to satisfy the needs of Obama’s re-election campaign.  The narrative, much of which had already been repeatedly trumpeted during the Democratic National Convention was, al Qaeda had been decimated and was losing ground, public sentiments in the Middle East toward the United States had improved, and the attack was in no way connected to Obama’s foreign policy.  It was later learned the attack was a well-organized terror assault by an al Qaeda related group timed for the anniversary of 9/11.

David Petraeus, former director of the CIA, testified under oath before a congressional investigative committee that from the beginning the CIA had advised the White House that the Benghazi attack was an organized assault by al Qaeda linked terrorists.  Petraeus also testified that the approved CIA report was later changed to diminish terrorist involvement.

After meeting with Rice, Graham, R-SC, said: "The bottom line is that I'm more disturbed than I was before ... about how four Americans died in Benghazi, Libya by Ambassador Rice does not to do justice to the reality at the time."



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Morsy-White House: Similar Designs?

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy declared he is exempt from overview by Egyptian courts, saying they cannot overturn any decision or law he has issued since taking office or until a new Egyptian constitution is finalized.  Morsy also decreed that Egypt’s courts will have no authority or oversight over a constitution-4063637258?profile=originalwriting panel dominated by Islamists.  The Islamists on the panel are striving to impose Sharia Islamic law on the country’s inhabitants.

The general assembly of the Egypt Judges Club is calling for a nationwide judicial strike.  Egypt’s Supreme Judicial Council expressed "dismay" over Morsy's decision.

Morsy's edict was "deemed necessary in order to hold accountable those responsible for the corruption as well as other crimes during the previous regime and the transitional period" by his office.

Yet such claims and assurances that Morsy’s new powers are only "temporary," have not quieted the uproar coming from those who are now describing Morsy as a dictator; Egypt’s new Pharaoh.

Mohammed ElBaradei, the head of Egypt's Constitution Party who had opposed Morsy for president said: "There is no room for compromise.  If he wants a dialogue, he has to rescind these measures."

Thousands in Egypt have taken to the streets to demonstrate against what they call an undemocratic power grab by Morsy.


Islamist expert Andrew Bostom, who wrote the book “Sharia versus Freedom: The Legacy of Islamic Totalitarianism” warns: “Morsy appears to be fulfilling the [Islamists’] and his own long shared desire to re-create a Sharia supremacist Egyptian state.”

Islamist theocracies dominated by Sharia law create a system where Western-style rights are suppressed; where Muslim men rule over Muslim women, Christians and Jews.  Under Sharia law non-believers are permitted to live provided they pay Dhimmi taxes and submit to third or fourth class status, constantly remaining subject to false accusations and acrimonious treatment.

Despite Morsy’s actions being an abrogation of the “Arab Spring” democracy movement Obama supported the White House has remained silent.

Morsy’s moves came while he was still basking in praise from both Obama and Hillary Clinton for mediating between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, helping bring about a cease-fire.

Why no outcry denouncing Morsy’s power grab from the Oval Office?

For two years, has not Obama painted himself a lover of the democratic movement?  Was it not Obama who called for former Egyptian President Mubarak to step down because he was a dictator?

Or was Mubarak only objectionable because he was pro-American?


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Line in the Sand

4063634476?profile=originalBarack Obama stopped in Burma, which he insisted as a “diplomatic courtesy” on calling Myanmar (perhaps pronouncing Pakistan Pahhhkeeeestaan no longer makes him cool enough for the UN), where he managed to repeatedly mispronounce the name of Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel winner who led the fight for a free, democratic Burma.  If that was not embarrassing enough for America, Obama also managed to botch the name of President Thein Sein, his official Burma host.

Were any corpse-men around to carry off members of the press?  Those members of the institutionalized “progressive” left who were mortified and humiliated by each faux pas?

You can bet NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN failed to report the botching…The New York Times too.

Had such a diplomatic faux pas been committed by a Conservative president the “mainstream media” would be screaming their outrage and leaping on the ridicule bandwagon.


Of course the New York Times was too busy distorting the truth with Paul Krugman’s Op-Ed fairytale “The Twinkie Manifesto” to accurately report the failings of their dear, beloved leader.4063634425?profile=original

Krugman’s mind, displaying clear symptoms of acute “progressive thinking” disorder, made a remarkable leap to the conclusion that Conservative orthodoxy believes the pathway to prosperity lies in demeaning workers and coddling the rich.

He dismissed the Simpson-Bowles Commission for accurately concluding that lower tax rates lead to lower deficits.  Overlooking historical evidence to the contrary, Krugman concluded the healthy American economy during the 1950s was a product of the 91 percent tax rate on top bracket income earners.  He fostered the preposterous notion that the high-tax rates of the decade that followed World War II were responsible for America’s economic growth.

The economic growth of the 1950s was due primarily to the fact that during World War II the rest of the industrialized world had been bombed into rubble, especially their manufacturing capacities.  While the rest of the world was recovering from that condition, America enjoyed a decade of prosperity because American industries had no serious competition.  The world bought American goods because nobody else made much of anything worth buying.  With such conditions leading to an American economic boom, the economy was able to sustain itself and grow despite the unnaturally high tax rates imposed on business; rates that had financed the titanic war effort.


Krugman’s economic insanity was matched by that of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who said on Friday that Congress should remove legal limits on government borrowing and lift America’s debt limit to infinity.

During an interview on Bloomberg TV, when asked by “Political Capital” host Al Hunt Geithner if “we ought to just eliminate the debt ceiling,” Geithner replied: “Oh, absolutely.”


So, according to Paul Krugman of The New York Times and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, America taxing businesses into oblivion and eliminating all restraints on spending will lead to economic prosperity.

The “progressive” insanity does not stop at America’s shores.

4063634388?profile=originalIn Congress the Obama administration is on the ropes for having administration appointees change the CIA talking points regarding the 9/11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

According to Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), chairman of the House intelligence committee, "There was not an intelligence failure.  The intelligence community had it right, and they had it right early. What happened was it worked its way up through the system of the so-called talking points, which everyone refers to, and then it went up to what’s called a deputy’s committee...It went to the so-called deputy’s committee, that’s populated by appointees from the administration.  That’s where the narrative changed.  And so how that thing got back to (Susan) Rice, I think, is probably another question."

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), the vice chair of the Senate intelligence committee, said that he had tried to discover who changed the talking points:

"At the hearing we had on Thursday and Friday, we had every leader of the intelligence community there, including folks from the State Department, the FBI -- everybody there was asked, 'Do you know who made these changes?' And nobody knew. The only entity that reviewed the talking points that was not there was the White House.  So, you know, I don't know whether -- what they said yesterday is exactly right or not. But, what I do know is that every member of the intelligence community says that references to al Qaeda were removed by somebody, and they don't know who. And references to attacks versus demonstrations were removed by somebody."


While the Obama re-election campaign and White House operatives followed the Alinsky model that the ends justify the means and changed talking points to support the false narrative coming out of the Democratic National Convention that Al Qaeda had been smashed, the Middle East drifted into more dangerous territory.

Not only did Hamas resume launching hundreds of Iranian made missiles into Israel, they were joined in that effort by Egypt.4063634495?profile=original

In response, Israel readied forces to launch and 'significantly expand' an offensive if necessary.

On Sunday, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a stiff warning to Hamas.  He declared the Israeli army was prepared to widen its Gaza offensive significantly.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry reinforced Netanyahu’s statements by confirming that if rocket attacks persisted, a ground offensive into Gaza was likely.  Speaking to France 24, Ygal Palmor stated that “Our sole aim of this offensive is to make Hamas stop firing rockets. We have used air strikes but if that’s not enough then we may contemplate ground operations as well.”


To round out the insanity of the left, the war on Christianity continues in America. 

4063634602?profile=originalThe City of Santa Monica is being sued over freedom of speech after choosing to end the city’s holiday tradition of displaying Nativity scenes.

Said Hunter Jameson, head of the nonprofit Santa Monica Nativity Scene Committee that is behind the law suit: "It's a sad, sad commentary on the attitudes of the day that a nearly 60-year-old Christmas tradition is now having to hunt for a home, something like our savior had to hunt for a place to be born because the world was not interested.”

National atheist groups, responding to Catholic activism against women’s healthcare issues imposed by Obamacare, paid for newspaper ads and TV spots in their latest salvo in the war against Christianity in America.

Atheist tactics have shifted to an insistence that their views be given equal placement alongside holiday displays conveying the Christian message.  Previously, atheists had sought to enforce separation of church and state via the courts.


The alleged leader of the free world is so reliant on his teleprompter that in the midst of an historic diplomatic mission he does not know what he is saying.  The eager, obedient lap-dogs in the “progressive” Party Pravda have joined with so-called academics to re-write American history in favor of their radical, anti-American agenda.  As it is happening, the Obama administration is revising history to suit their political needs because they know a criminally negligent media which places taking sides before reporting the truth will not challenge them.  America is speeding towards bankruptcy while the world becomes more unsafe and “progressives” offer no viable answers.  Despite the 75 percent of America who celebrate Christmas, they are being forced by aggressive fringe minorities to confront demands for a secular, multicultural society.

If ever there was a time for Conservatives to unite and draw a line in the sand against the encroachment of the institutionalized “progressive” left’s insanity, this is it.


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Go After Obama

Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified Friday that "Al Qaeda involvement" references were removed from the CIA’s original talking points, which had indicated that the CIA knew immediately that an Al Qaeda linked group was responsible for the 9/11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which led to the brutal murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

4063632153?profile=originalMysteriously, those talking points were removed from the talking points used by UN Ambassador Susan Rice when she appeared on five Sunday morning talk shows.  Rice used the same talking points that somehow happened to have been spoken verbatim by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama himself.

They were used multiple times…for weeks leading up to the U.S. election.

Equally inconvenient for the White House’s crumbling foreign policy narrative is the revelation that Jill Kelly, the “Tampa Bay socialite” whose complaints about email harassment facilitated the demise of Petraeus, just happens to have dined at the White House three times this year.

Meanwhile, Israel is mobilizing masses of tanks and tens of thousands of reservists in response to Hamas launching missiles oh so conveniently located next to mosques and playgrounds into Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Egypt, whose rapidly fraying peace treaty with Israel is all but a thing of the past, is sending its Prime Minister to visit Gaza in support of Hamas.

Welcome to Middle East diplomacy, Obama style.

Feeling safer now?

Since objecting to the policies and/or behavior of any “progressive” is instantly trumpeted as “sexist”, “racist” or whatever pejorative is most convenient for members of the institutionalized “progressive” left, such declarations should be summarily ignored.  One can only cry “wolf” for so long before they can expect to be dismissed.  Criticizing Rice has been declared “sexist” and “racist”.  Logically, going after Obama will only be deemed “racist.”

In their ongoing efforts to uncover the ugly truth, Senate and House investigators should go after Obama.  After all, in Thursday’s press conference he asked for it.


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Penitentiary President

Why is Barack Obama about to be sworn in for a second term instead of being fingerprinted and booked into a federal penitentiary?

There are at least three people who may eventually be able to respond to that question.

4063631594?profile=originalIn a joint press conference, three Republican senators said the only way for Congress to get to the bottom of what happened during the Benghazi terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate resulting in four American deaths, including that of Chris Stevens, the American Ambassador to Libya, was to form a Select Committee.

During the press conference, Senators John McCain R-AZ, Lindsey Graham R-SC and Kelly Ayotte R-NH stated that the bloody 9/11 terrorist attack crosses the jurisdictions of the Armed Services, the Intelligence and the Foreign Relations Committees.   They concluded that a Select Committee was required in order for each investigator to hear all the testimony from administration officials scheduled to appear before those three committees.

Graham included resigned CIA Director David Petraeus among those needing to testify: “I’d like to ask General Petraeus some questions.”  McCain also stated Petraeus would be a “very important witness for a Select Committee.”  In addition to Petraeus, the senators called for Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to appear.

Graham noted there was precedent for setting up just such a committee, reminding the press of similar committees established to investigate the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals.

The three senators will officially introduce a Senate resolution calling for the formation of the committee.


Not surprisingly, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid D-NV said he would not support the formation of a Select Committee.

Reid is not the only one intent on obstructing the truth.

An obviously negligent American media has intentionally hidden a string of deliberate lies coming from the 4063631642?profile=originalObama administration.  They have willfully propagated the White House’s faux reality about what led to the ruthless slaughter of four Americans.

Why were four Americans abandoned to fate without any attempt to rescue them?  Why the misrepresentations and multiple conflicting stories coming from the State Department, the CIA and the FBI?  Why were Ambassador Stevens and three others callously left to die?  Why were terrorists allowed to hunt Americans down like dogs?

The media malpractice regarding coverage of the 9/11 Benghazi terrorist attack is not the only shameful behavior.   

Obama and his administration have repeatedly claimed the attack resulted from a spontaneous demonstration sparked by anger at an anti-Islamic video nobody had heard of, much less seen.  This bogus claim has been made repeatedly.  UN Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on five Sunday morning talk shows making the phony claim that the best intelligence available up to that point was that the attack was sparked by this unknown video.  If that was not enough, speaking before the UN General Assembly on September 25th Obama blamed the same video six times.

That the administration actively endeavored to squash any notion this could have been a deliberately planned terrorist attack timed for the anniversary of 9/11 is no surprise.  Such an admission would have conflicted with the Obama re-election campaign’s fairy tale narrative that Al Qaeda had been pulverized, terrorism was on the run and his rudderless foreign policy initiatives were making America safer and more respected throughout the world.

Where was the “mainstream media?”

4063631664?profile=originalWhere was the investigative reporting about the series of attacks carried out in April and June by militants in Benghazi against the U.N., the Red Cross, the U.S. consulate, and the British consulate?  Where were the disclosures about the requests from Ambassador Stevens and others for additional security?  Where was the story about how those requests had been denied?

How could the White House national security team watch the attack in real time, yet neglect to call in back-up support from the U.S. military?  Why did the White House hide the fact that within two hours of the start of the assault they were notified via email that a terrorist group linked to al Qaeda had claimed credit for the attack?

In light of these as yet unanswered questions, a Select Committee is more than appropriate.

If Harry Reid and the so called mainstream media insist on obstructing the truth, they should join members of the current Administration.

Wearing stripes; breaking up rocks in the hot sun.


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No Change, No Hope

While the “progressive” Party Pravda is dutifully focused on distracting Americans with stories about the tragic resignation of former CIA Director David Petraeus,  the White House goes merrily along with its anti-growth, anti-business, anti-energy, radical fringe leftist “progressive” agenda.  The Barack Obama 4063630902?profile=originaladministration is now making plans for the next phase in fundamentally transforming America into a second rate European style slow growth high unemployment socialist state.

Nothing has changed from the last two years of Obama’s reign of terror.  In Harry Reid, Obama retains a “progressive” Democratic Senate majority leader who shares his radical fringe leftist ideology.  In the House of Representatives, Obama faces a Republican majority led by Speaker of the House John Boehner.  For the past two years, the House has refused to budge on tax hikes, one of a number of lusted for items on the “progressive” Holy Grail wish list.

Since Obama ran a class warfare, racial and gender dividing, hit man Chicago style smear re-election campaign, nothing but more of the same can be reasonably expected in his second term.

Evidence, in first meeting on Tuesday, he meets with Mary Kay Henry-SEIU, Lee Saunders-AFSCME, Dennis Van Roekel-NEA, Rich Trumka-AFL-CIO, Neera Tanden-Center for American Progress, John Podesta-Center for American Progress, Bob Greenstein-Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Laura Burton Capps-Common Purpose Project, Max Richtman-National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, Justin Ruben-MoveOn, and Deepak Bhargava-Center for Community Change.

These are Obama’s ideological soul mates.  Their priorities are to further their radical fringe leftist “progressive” agenda.

On Wednesday, Obama meets with Mark Bertolini, president, chairman and CEO of Aetna, Ursula Burns, chairman and CEO at Xerox, Kenneth I. Chenault, chairman and CEO for American Express, David Cote, chairman and CEO at Honeywell, Mike Duke, president and CEO of Walmart, Jeff Immelt, chairman and CEO for General Electric, Andrew Liveris, president, chairman and CEO of Dow Chemical, Robert McDonald, president and CEO at Procter & Gamble, Alan Mulally, president and CEO for Ford Motors, Indra Nooyi, chairman and CEO at PepsiCo, Ginni Rometty, president, chairman and CEO of IBM, andJohn Watson, chairman and CEO for Chevron.

These are the huge multinational corporations that have supported Obama while he has repeatedly accused Republicans of being in the pocket of huge multinational corporations.

They are also the companies that are big enough to survive the economic destruction brought about by Obama’s economic policies.

4063630915?profile=originalCan you say “too big to fail”?

Before he bothers to meet with Congressional leaders to discuss how to reach a “compromise” that will result in the United States avoiding the fiscal cliff, Obama has arranged his schedule so as to meet with his ideological Marxist brethren as well as his financial backers and yes men.

Together, they will calculate how to insist on their “my way or the highway” demands while appearing reasonable to low information voters who obtain their “news” from “progressive” Party Pravda sound-bites and headlines.

There will be little to no real negotiations with House Republicans.  They will be told what they have consistently been told by this administration.  “We won.  We are going to do it our way.”

When America goes over the fiscal cliff, Obama and his mob of ideological lunatics will sing a full throated chorus of “It’s all Republican’s fault” and get away with it because the “progressive” Party Pravda will march in lockstep with their Marxist overlords and tell the public what Obama wants them to believe.

Unless something changes, nothing will change.  Without changing this equation, there will be no hope in America.


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Boehner Caving?

Since the results of the 2012 election came in, Speaker of the House John Boehner has shown signs of abdicating his role as a Conservative American leader.

On taxes he has said “For purposes of forging a bipartisan agreement that begins to solve the problem, we’re willing to accept new revenue, under the right conditions.”

Where repealing Obamacare is concerned: "Well, I think the election changes that. It's pretty clear that the president was reelected, Obamacare is the law of the land."4063627096?profile=original

What were Boehner’s remarks regarding amnesty for illegal aliens? "A comprehensive approach is long overdue, and I'm confident that the president, myself, others can find the common ground to take care of this issue once and for all."

This is not the kind of leadership Conservative Americans deserve.

Boehner appears to be falling into the same trap Republicans have repeatedly fallen in to when dealing with “progressive” Democrats.  Time after time, Republicans have agreed to “compromise”; essentially capitulating to “progressive” Democratic demands in exchange for meaningless, empty promises.

Abandoning American principles by caving in to “progressive” demands has never led to success for Republicans. Republicans have tried the surrender approach before and it has never worked.  The only way Republicans ever make gains is by standing by the principles of liberty and freedom that made America great.

Passage of amnesty legislation will not help the GOP win Hispanic voters. Passing amnesty in 1986 did nothing to help Ronald Reagan and his fellow Republicans in the 1988 midterm elections. The Republicans still lost. Hispanic voters kept voting for Democrats, as they continue to do to this day.

The facts show, Republicans like Boehner who support amnesty are helping “progressive” Democrats import more Democrats.

Since becoming Speaker, Boehner has blocked voting on immigration enforcement in Congress.  This includes a bill that would have freed up seven million jobs currently held by illegal aliens.  Not only is Boehner apparently willing to help “progressives” import more Democrats he also holds the morally reprehensible position of allowing unemployed American workers to suffer.

Less than a week after losing a fairly close election it is understandable that the losing side feels under siege.  Nevertheless, feeling under siege does not justify surrender.

The only real solution for Republicans is to employ the considerable talents of young Hispanic leaders within the Republican Party to reach out to Americans of Hispanic descent and explain to them why America’s founding principles are more in line with their values and beliefs than are “progressive” ideas.

If Republicans wish to remain a vibrant Party that seriously contends in future elections, this is the path.  The sooner Republicans begin the process the better.


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What has changed?

4063624528?profile=originalThe GOP increased their majority in the House of Representatives.  The “progressive” Democrats held on to a slim Senate majority.  Barack Obama still occupies the White House.

With fifty three House members demanding that Obama answer questions about the lethal, ham handed disaster in Benghazi and the equally bungled cover-up, do not expect a sudden flowering of bipartisan harmony.

Especially since the likes of Russian President Vladimir Putin have expressed happiness at Obama's reelection.  America will now find out what “more flexibility” means.

In the wake of Obama's re-election, stocks nosedived across the board Wednesday morning, plunging over three hundred points.  Worries about the pending "fiscal cliff" and fears that America will follow Europe over the precipice chilled investments.  The Dow traded under 13,000.  For the first time since early September the S&P 500 fell below 1,400.

Fears that Obama will introduce a carbon tax as a way to cut the U.S. budget deficit also frosted Wall Street.  With the continuation of Obama’s hostile energy policies, perceptions that such a tax will have a major impact on America’s deficit are largely based on European style speculative wishful thinking.

Obama will attempt to reinstate Clinton-era tax rates on Americans who run small businesses; those described by Obama as “not paying their fair share”.  Without the development of America’s domestic energy, a move that would create millions of jobs that could not possibly be shipped overseas, there is no reason to anticipate an economic boom in the United States.  Without such a boom, Clinton-era tax rates will simply dampen investment, destroy small businesses and further damage the American economy.

The government's $16 trillion debt and the looming $600 billion tax increase scheduled, along with mandatory spending cuts, otherwise known as the “fiscal cliff” further complicate the economic outlook.

Americans can fully expect that Obama’s second-term will lead to increased federal spending.  As he did in his first term, Obama will expand government.  Because he remains in the White House and “progressives” retain control of the Senate, obamacare will be fully implemented, yet another wet blanket on the economy, as well as a death sentence for aging Americans.

Welcome to the divided States of America.

While “progressives” celebrate a continuation of the downhill fundamental transformation of America from a4063624558?profile=original Constitutional Republic into a run of the mill low growth high unemployment European style cradle to grave nanny state, half of the American population remain fully opposed to such plans.

As founded, America is the greatest nation in the history of the world.  America’s founding principles and the up to then unknown personal freedoms and liberties they unleashed are being replaced by the enticement of entitlements and empty promises of a free lunch.  Without America’s founding principles leading the free world, mankind stands at the precipice of a thousand years of darkness.

Those who believe in American principles must continue to stand up and push back against the anti-growth, anti-prosperity, anti-morality, anti-God, anti-American agenda of “progressives”.

In 1776 George Washington’s Continental Army lost the battle for New York City.  The year 1777 saw the loss of Philadelphia.  In 1779-1780, his undermanned, underfunded, and underequipped army suffered greatly and shied away from major battles.  It was not until the victory at Yorktown in 1781 that victory was achieved and Britain recognized the independence of the United States.

For Americans, this is today’s Valley Forge.  The outlook is bleak and victory seems beyond grasp.

The choices are to give up or continue the fight.

In December 1944 during the battle of the bulge Brigadier General McAuliffe and his battalion were besieged within the city of Bastogne.  German General Heinrich Freiherr von Lüttwitz gave McAuliffe two hours to surrender the town. 

What was McAuliffe’s response?

To the German Commander: NUTS!

Today, in response to the smug, holier than thou attitude of the self-imagined, self-appointed members of the institutionalized “progressive” intellectual elite, there is no better response.


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For Love of Country

Speaking in Springfield Ohio, Barack Obama mentioned Mitt Romney.  As soon as he mentioned Romney's name, the crowd began to boo. Obama told the crowd:

“No, no, no. Don't boo, vote. Voting is the best revenge.”

Speaking in New Hampshire, Romney told supporters how Obama had said that voting would be their "best revenge" against Romney:

"Vote for revenge?  Let me tell you what I'd like to tell you: Vote for love of country. It is time we lead America to a better place."

This is but one snapshot highlighting the difference between Americans and “progressives”.

The choices Americans have on Tuesday November 6, 2012 fall into two distinct categories. The difference between these two philosophies is so clearly defined that it should be easy for Americans to decide where their sentiments lie.

4063621349?profile=originalThe Declaration of Independence was a radical document because for millennia mankind had been ruled by monarchs, Caesars, Czars, or similar forms of dynastic oligarchies determined by bloodline. The universally accepted school of thought was that Kings, Queens, Emperors or Caesars were anointed by God, or were even gods themselves. Only monarchs or nobilities appointed by monarchs owned anything. They "allowed" the "common people" to work the land as serfs, indentured servants or as slaves. But "common people" were never "allowed" to own property. All they produced belonged to the monarch and was the monarch’s for the taking.

America's Founding Fathers disavowed this view of society.

They declared that all men are created equal, that in effect, all men are kings. That they are endowed by 4063621417?profile=originaltheir Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They declared that people could govern themselves without a monarch or an oligarchy ruling over them.

This was a radical departure from centuries old norms. They envisioned a system which allowed "common people" to own property without first obtaining permission from a "divine" ruler. Anyone could come to America, work hard, earn money, save it and buy property.

Those who rebelled against the Royal British Crown knew that if they failed in their endeavor, they would all hang. Yet, "with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence" they pledged to each other their Lives, their Fortunes and their sacred Honor.

The Declaration of Independence was the mission statement for the United States Constitution.

Yes, the Constitution established an imperfect government, which among other flaws still allowed slavery. Yet at that point in history, the original 13 colonies could not have formed one nation capable of maintaining a semblance of unity had they not reached the 3/5ths compromise. But the Founding Fathers were wise when they wrote the Constitution. They ensured that the Constitution could be amended, so that in time slavery and other injustices could be altered through an orderly process which provided change that enjoyed overwhelming bi-partisan support.

4063621381?profile=originalThe Marxist school of thought is in direct opposition to the uniquely American concept that everyone has the right to own private property. How would Americans react if, after years of struggle, they finally owned their own home, then government "informed" them that it did not belong to them, that it belonged to "all the people" and Americans had to let strangers live on their property whether they liked it or not?

If an all-powerful, big government oligarchy is allowed to seize private property in this manner, as in the concept of "social justice" or "economic justice", America is dead.

The real philosophical divide in the United States lies between the intent of America’s Founding Fathers and the intent of “progressives”, who favor the Marxist view.

The American idea, the shot heard round the world, is that We The People can govern ourselves. By the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God we are entitled, by virtue of our humanity, to the maximum amount of Individual Liberties consistent with law and order, and to the Right of private ownership, not the least of which is the Right to own and decide for ourselves. These Liberties and Rights are to be equally protected by a constitutionally limited, representative government that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.

This is a distinctly exceptional American idea.

The “progressive” idea is that an all-powerful centrally planned government, with extreme hostility towards private ownership, forces redistribution of wealth in the name of social or economic “justice”. In order to ensure “fairness”, an oligarchy of self-imagined, self-appointed "intellectual elites" will control businesses, industries and people who are incapable of governing themselves. This was the position of a fringe minority who called themselves “progressives” until early twentieth century Americans saw for themselves exactly how bad "progressive" ideas were.

The “progressive” idea came to America from Britain's Fabian Socialists, who advocate socialistic democracy, and from Germany's Frankfurt School, who came to America after fleeing Adolph Hitler because they knew Hitler would kill them for being Communists.4063621395?profile=original

These ideas are European, not American.

The settlers who founded America rejected European ideas in fleeing Europe searching for a better future.  America has been a success and a beacon to freedom seeking people for over two centuries because the American idea is the better idea.

Among Americans unpolluted by "progressive" ideas, there is little debate that the United States of America is the most inventive, productive, prosperous and charitable nation in the history of the planet. There has yet to be put forth one rational, logical argument to support abandoning the highly successful American idea in favor of a European idea that is currently failing in Europe itself.

Before voting on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, decide which fate America deserves.

Then vote not for revenge, but for love of country.


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Romney Rising

In Ohio, voting machines are changing a vote cast for Mitt Romney to Barack Obama.

Maybe that is what the “progressive” Democratic Party needs to combat lower voter turnout for the Democratic ticket.

4063619218?profile=originalFor “progressive” Democrats and their much heralded ground game, which in early voting has not been as effective as advertised, perhaps their real problem is that more voters trust Mitt Romney to break gridlock in Washington DC.

Polls have consistently shown that the enthusiasm, which was so strong for “progressive” Democrats in 2008, has switched sides. The Tea Party generated momentum and enthusiasm that appeared in 2010 has carried over into 2012 and is working in favor of Romney/Ryan and the Republicans.

Perhaps that two thirds of the meager number of jobs created during Obama’s four years in office having gone to both legal and illegal immigrants is the problem.

Said Steven A. Camarota, research director at The Center for Immigration Studies:

“It’s extraordinary that most of the employment growth in the last four years has gone to the foreign-born, but what’s even more extraordinary is the issue has not even come up during a presidential election that is so focused on jobs.”

Obama’s record on the economy is dismal, which is why he and his campaign team have focused so much energy and invested so much money in attempts to distract voters away from the economy and the tens of millions of Americans who cannot find a decent job to much more important matters like big bird, binders and bayonets.

According to Obama, David Axelrod and other “progressive” Democrats, women far less concerned with a lack of jobs, the price of groceries, escalating energy prices and economic uncertainty than they are with receiving $120 a year worth of birth control pills from the government.

There is more news for “progressive” Democrats.

The latest surge in financial support and months of spending restraint means the Republican National Committee is flush with cash- $68 million as of Oct. 17th.

That is nearly seven times what the Democratic National Committee has left.

The cash on hand difference allows Romney to ramp up the scale of his campaign in the final days, spending far more heavily on ads, mailers and telemarketers. This reinforces the momentum Romney has enjoyed since the first presidential debate on October 3rd.

Republicans started making a play for Pennsylvania this week, forcing “progressive” Democrats to spend their dwindling resources in response.

The new Pennsylvania push is a sign that Obama’s candidacy is waning and Romney is on the rise.


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Another Obama Energy Dud

4063617987?profile=originalA123 Systems, a Massachusetts-based battery manufacturer, received $249 million from Barack Obama’s failed stimulus program.  At the time they received the money, A123 pledged that the nearly quarter-billion-dollar stimulus money would lead to the creation of thousands of new jobs.

Said company President David Vieau when the company opened a factory in Livonia, Mich., in 2010:

“Over the next several years, we expect to create thousands of jobs in Greater Detroit and plan to continue our expansion in the area as we do our part in helping the U.S. emerge as a global leader in the production of advanced lithium ion batteries.”

Like all stimulus recipients, reporting job creation statistics to Recovery.gov was required of A123 Systems.

Recent disclosures reveal only a few hundred positions were actually created before A123 Systems joined with $500 billion failure Solyndra to become part of the growing list of green energy companies which ended in bankruptcy after receiving federal stimulus funds.

The stimulus tracking database’ latest jobs report shows a mere seven positions were created by grant money from April 2012 to June 2012.  When all the reports are combined, since 2009, a grand total of 408 new positions have been created with the stimulus dollars.

 That works out to more than $300,000 per job.

How many families suffering the effects of the $50 billion dollar blow delivered by “super storm” Sandy could use some of that money?

Solyndra alone wasted ten times the amount of the estimated repair costs.

Four million people are still without power.

Speaking of power, all the people who have been living without heat or lighting for the past few days have been given a preview of how everyone in the United States will live if Obama is reelected and continues his disastrous energy policies.

The choice could not be simpler.

Sentence America to a new dark age (literally) or elect a new President Romney, who will develop domestic energy.  Not only will the U.S. be freed from the hostile grip of OPEC, the jobs created by development of domestic American energy cannot possibly be shipped overseas.


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Never Forget

4063617539?profile=originalWhen compared to 2008, Barack Obama's early vote advantage has dropped by 22 points.  That is according to Gallup, one of if not the most respected American poll.

In this year’s early voting Mitt Romney leads Obama by seven points, 52-45 percent.  Four years ago, Obama led John McCain among early voters by fifteen-points, 55-40 percent.

The latest National Public Radio poll registered an 8 point swing in favor of Romney that puts him in front.  The NPR poll, which showed Obama ahead of Romney 51- 44 percent a month ago, now has Romney leading 48-47 percent.  Romney is doing particularly well with independent voters.

According to NPR:

"Most of the gains for Romney have come from independents, who went from favoring Romney by a few points before the debates to favoring him 51% to 39% after the debates."

Obama’s left base, in the form of Michael Moore and MoveOn.Org, has responded with an ad which 4063617606?profile=originalallegedly speaks for the Greatest Generation:

“If your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama, we will burn this mother f*cker down.  I’m going to track down Mitt Romney and give him the world’s biggest c*ck punch.”


Americans raised in the homes of the Greatest Generation know the Greatest Generation…they are their mothers and fathers.  This ad does not come from the Greatest Generation.  This ad definitely is not the Greatest Generation.

What this ad reflects is the depths to which the institutionalized “progressive” left is willing to sink in its desperate bid to hang on to absolute power.

They were so close.

They won the Congress and Senate in 2006, and thought they had put the final piece of the puzzle in place in 2008 with Obama’s election.  They could do whatever they wanted and America could not stop them.  Their all-powerful centrally planned “progressive” big government would rule America in perpetuity.

In 2010 Americans thought otherwise.

Now, America needs to send “progressives” home licking their wounds from an obvious shellacking.

Furthermore, America needs to remember how sneaky, nasty, dishonest, irresponsible, selfish and contemptible “progressives” were between 2006 and 2012 and never, ever, ever vote them back into power.


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Romney Gains, Obama Faithful Throw Fits

The Battleground Poll, a bipartisan poll taken last week, in addition to showing that Mitt Romney has a 52 percent to 45 percent advantage among middle class voters, is projecting Romney will defeat Barack Obama by a 52 percent to 47 percent margin.

Pollster Ed Goeas said that while a strong voter turnout effort might help Obama close the gap “reports from4063615644?profile=original the field would indicate that not to be the case and Mitt Romney may well be heading to a decisive victory.”

Romney now has a majority favorable rating of 52 percent to 51 percent.  Romney is viewed favorably by 59 percent of independents, 57 percent of seniors, 61 percent of married voters, 56 percent of mothers, 54 percent of college graduates, 56 percent of middle class voters, and 61 percent of middle class families.

If Romney wins by 5 percent or more, it increases Republican chances of winning control of the Senate by helping elect GOP Senate candidates in Virginia, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.  “Republicans are now certain to hold the House, regardless of how the presidential race turns out” Goeas added.

The poll revealed that only 37 percent of voters believe the country is headed in the right direction.  Traditionally, to win reelection, an incumbent president needs that number to exceed 40 percent.

Said Goeas: “Everyone but the core Democratic constituencies holds the strongly held feeling that the country is off on the wrong track.”

The Gallup poll shows Romney up 50 percent to 46 percent.

Rasmussen has Romney holding a 49 percent to 47 percent advantage.

The latest polling shows Romney leading in Ohio 50 percent to 48 percent.

In an attempt to motivate his base, while on MSNBC Obama announced that a second term would be 'mandate' for tax increases:

"If we won, then I believe that's a mandate for doing it in a balanced way.  We can do some more cuts, we could look at how we deal with the health care costs in particular under Medicaid and Medicare in a serious way, but we are also going to need some revenue."

4063615807?profile=originalMeanwhile, a new ad featuring children “of the future” shows them singing about the aftermath of a Romney presidency.  A world where sick people are left to “just die,” the atmosphere is “frying,” gays can be “fixed” and “oil fills the sea.”  The children blame “mom and dad” for all the horrors.


In Alta Loma California, vandals keyed the word “Obama” into two cars and slashed seats in another outside a residence displaying Mitt Romney campaign signs.

A neighbor, who also has a Romney/Ryan sign in their front yard, had “Obama” keyed into of their SUV.

At a Tea Party gathering on Saturday, a loud and enthusiastic crowd hoping to put Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in the White House saw a truck with "Obama" stickers drive through the parking lot and dump large quantities of nails.

While Mitt Romney gains in the polls, Obama’s faithful are resorting to abusive, childish, hateful antics.


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