tea-party (27)

What the Heck is Up?

With the Responses to the "State of Disillusion Address" being given by the Rino/Rep. Catherine McMorris Rogers Smith Jones Dupree Aloysius Legbiter, the Cultist Mike Lee (Cult of Mormon) it was no wonder that Rand Paul had to chime in. At this rate even I am thinking of who I need to side with. Not the Democrats, not the Rino's, NOT the New Liberals that are infiltrating the Tea Party, or switching sides with Extreme Leftist Wackos. Guess I better look into the , the, the I'm Drawing a Blank.
At Least Vlad Putin has it right. America is Godless under Obama.

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The "progressive" "Agenda for America

Despite voluminous amounts of saccharine coated “progressive” rhetoric to the contrary, today’s "progressives" do not care about “the little guy”, women, children, or minorities of any shape, color, creed, form or substance.

4063697374?profile=originalTheir method is to surreptitiously use cultural Marxism, critical theory and political correctness in combination with gradual inevitability to create divided, hyphenated special interest victim groups. Once those groups have been created, the next step is to inflame those groups with hate-filled red herring and straw-man hyperbole in hopes that the under-educated, under-informed and/or fully indoctrinated members of those hyphenated special interest victim groups will vote against Conservative Americans who have been targeted for character assassination.

“Targeted for character assassination?” one might ask?

Witness the multiple, repeated violations committed by the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security on behalf of the “progressive” agenda driven Barack Hussein Obama administration. All aggressively committed against Tea Party Patriot groups, religious groups, assorted members of the news media, private donors to Conservative political campaigns and others perceived by members of the White House and their political/philosophical brethren as enemies of the “progressive” agenda.

Additionally, four Americans were left to die in Benghazi because the Obama administration neglected to 4063697430?profile=originalrespond appropriately to terrorist threat warnings from their own people prior to the Commander in Chief being absent without leave during a seven hour battle. Apparently it was more important for Obama to get his beauty rest before flying the next day to a fund raising event in Las Vegas where he could once again reassure his deep pocketed “progressive” allies that the treat from Islam was finished because Seal Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden.

Never mind that Islam has been a threat to Western Civilization since the seventh century AD and continues to be a threat to every country, culture or faith that refuses to conform to their doctrine.

Not only were reprehensible actions willfully taken by Obama, as well as card carrying members of the “progressive” movement within his administration; orchestrated cover ups, stonewalling of issues, denial of facts and revolving, shifting and changing stories have been employed in continued attempts to derail ongoing investigations.

The true goal "progressives" hope to attain is their long lusted after dream of unopposed, perpetual control over the American population.

"Evidence?" one may ask?

Try Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Food Stamps and Obamacare.

4063697390?profile=originalIf unopposed, perpetual control over America is not the “progressive” goal, why the rush by “progressives” to grant amnesty to predominantly under-educated and under-informed illegal aliens who are thereby ideal for recruitment into a “progressive” hyphenated special interest victim group? Why are illegal aliens freely allowed access to America’s big government “progressive” “entitlement” programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, Food Stamps and Obamacare, despite their unlawful status if the desired end result is not to incorporate them into the “progressive” political agenda?

Using a combination of the Fabian Socialist strategy of gradual inevitability and Frankfurt School tactics of cultural Marxism, critical theory and political correctness, today’s "progressives" softly whisper sweet little lies that sound oh so good into the ears of their low income, low information “progressive” hyphenated special interest victim group voter base, hoping they will continue to fall for sugar coated “progressive” rubbish.

All in the hopes of successfully imposing a European socio-economic class structure upon America…while casting themselves (of course) in the role of the superior upper-class ruling elite.

Can you say the Soviet Politburo?

The end results of adhering to “progressive” philosophy and employing “progressive” policies will be an end to America’s centuries old traditions of individual liberty and the right to own private property. American Citizens will experience dramatically increased costs of living, measurably lowered living standards and ultimately, national bankruptcy and an end to national sovereignty.

Instead of being the land of the free and the home of the brave, America will be at the mercy of a self-4063697348?profile=originalimagined, self-appointed oligarchy of supposed intellectual superiors who achieved their position of perpetual power through the most egregious display of selfishness and ruthlessness in American history. In the name of social or economic “justice” “progressives” will dismantle the Constitution and reverse the gains made by individuals and society that came about as a result of the American Revolution.

History will show that once they persuaded enough unsuspecting Americans to trust them, progressives” seized private assets and outlawed private property. It will be because when “progressives” looked into network television cameras and lied about having the best interests of America at heart, too many Americans bought it. It will be because when “progressives” took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, swearing on the Bible and imploring “So help me, God,” too many Americans believed they actually meant it.

Future generations reading the story of American history will be left to ponder: How could Americans have been so wrong, so mistaken and made such poor choices? Why would America abandon a highly successful blueprint for society, economy and governance after centuries of their own history demonstrated the success of that structure? How could Americans have been so stupid as to believe that the model and methods responsible for their success had suddenly become what was wrong with America?

It has taken a century for the “progressive” use of Fabian strategy and Frankfurt tactics to bring America to this point; a tipping point.

The damage will not be repaired overnight. It will take longer than one, two or three election cycles to return America to its original, correct course. Americans demanding immediate gratification will long suffer unbearable periods of dissatisfaction.

Is that insidious "progressive" smile one of approval for the acts of God fearing, freedom loving Americans? Do not be deceived, it is a trap. Do not be betrayed by their words. Instead, ask how their glorious words agree with acts committed by the Internal Revenue Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security. Are such actions necessary in a land where government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed? Do not be fooled. These are acts which will lead to subjugation and slavery. These are the acts to which tyrants resort. Why were these actions taken, if not to force Americans into submission? Can intellectually honest people assign any other possible motives to them?

If Americans hope to save themselves from the chains of “progressivism,” they must be willing to fight. Will they live in liberty, or will America die?

Revolution is coming.

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Tea Party-Unite

4063617606?profile=originalWith the re-election of Barack Obama and the continuation of Harry Reid's reign of terror in the U.S. Senate, these are dark times for America.

For America to survive, Americans must save it.  Expressions to the contrary notwithstanding, Americans reside within the Tea Party.

Members of the Tea Party must stop their infighting turf wars if they ever hope to successfully combat those in the GOP currently working to marginalize the Tea Party.  For so long as Tea Party members struggle to peacefully co-exist, they will experience difficulty replacing "progressives" within the Republican Party.

The Tea Party must removes "progressives" from the GOP before going against the combined forces of the institutionalized "progressive" left.

The institutionalized “progressive” left is relentless, determined, well-funded, organized and extremely aggressive. Their views of America are not fondly nostalgic. Some may have even cheered the final flight of the Enterprise with the same glee that 9/11 was celebrated by Islamo-fascists in the Middle East…and for reasons that are not dissimilar. Some may have toasted the final flight of the Enterprise as an enduring, meaningful symbol of the decline of American civilization. Their goal is to bring about, by whatever means necessary, an end to what President Abraham Lincoln called “the last best hope for man on earth”.

Tea Party principles are based on the belief in the U.S. Constitution.  Across America, a huge natural 4063554401?profile=originalconstituency exists for the bread-and-butter American issues of lower taxes, reduced government, a strong national defense, secure borders and a return to the traditional American values of: E Pluribus Unum, Liberty and in God we trust.

E Pluribus Unum means from many, one. It does not mean unquestioning acquiescence to multiculturalism and diversity. Liberty means opportunity for all, not equality of results. In God we trust means reliance upon the Creator of all things. It does not mean passive acceptance of secularism, atheism or submissive surrender to “progressive” statist mandates.

The Tea Party movement began as a peaceful protest against big government, reckless government spending, high taxes and oppressive regulations. The Tea Party’s Contract from America expressed principles held by its members. The most basic being that: “Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government.”

The principles of the Tea Party were clearly expressed in the Contract:  Protect the Constitution, reject Cap & Trade, demand a balanced budget, enact fundamental tax reform, restore fiscal responsibility and Constitutionally limited government in Washington DC, end runaway government spending, defund, repeal and replace government-run health care, pass an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy policy, stop the pork, and stop the tax hikes.

4063624558?profile=originalThe American idea, the shot heard round the world, is that We The People can govern ourselves. By the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God we are entitled, by virtue of our humanity, to the maximum amount of Individual Liberties consistent with law and order, and to the Right of private ownership, not the least of which is the Right to own and decide for ourselves. These Liberties and Rights are to be equally protected by a constitutionally limited, representative government that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed. This is a distinctly exceptional American idea.

The “progressive” idea is that an all-powerful centrally planned government, with extreme hostility towards private ownership, forces redistribution of wealth through “progressive” policies in the name of social or economic “justice”. In order to ensure “fairness”, an oligarchy of self-imagined, self-appointed “intellectual elite” must be responsible for controlling businesses, industries and “the masses”, who are incapable of governing themselves. This idea came to America from Britain’s Fabian Socialists and Germany’s Frankfurt School. This is a European idea, not an American one.

Before the country can be united, the GOP must be united behind the American message. Before the GOP can be united, the Tea Party must be united.


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Why The Tea Party Matters

Tea Party principles are based on a belief in the U.S. Constitution.  Across America, a huge natural constituency exists for the bread-and-butter American issues of lower taxes, reduced government, a strong national defense, secure borders and a return to the traditional American values of: E Pluribus Unum, Liberty and in God we trust.

E Pluribus Unum means from many, one. It does not mean unquestioning acquiescence to multiculturalism 4063588497?profile=originaland diversity.  Liberty means opportunity for all, not equality of results.  In God we trust means reliance upon the Creator of all things.  It does not mean passive acceptance of secularism, atheism or submissive surrender to “progressive” statist mandates.

The Tea Party movement began as a peaceful protest against big government, reckless government spending, high taxes and oppressive regulations. The Tea Party’s Contract From America expressed principles held by its members. The most basic being that “Our moral, political, and economic liberties are inherent, not granted by our government.”

The principles of the Tea Party were clearly expressed in the Contract:  Protect the Constitution, reject Cap & Trade, demand a balanced budget, enact fundamental tax reform, restore fiscal responsibility and Constitutionally limited government in Washington DC, end runaway government spending, defund, repeal and replace government-run health care, pass an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy policy, stop the pork, and stop the tax hikes.

4063588576?profile=originalThe American idea, the shot heard round the world, is that We The People can govern ourselves.  By the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God we are entitled, by virtue of our humanity, to the maximum amount of Individual Liberties consistent with law and order, and to the Right of private ownership, not the least of which is the Right to own and decide for ourselves.  These Liberties and Rights are to be equally protected by a Constitutionally limited, representative government that derives its just powers from the consent of the governed.  This is a distinctly exceptional American idea.

These are the Tea Party's principles, which today are largely viewed as being Conservative or "right wing".  Adherence to these principles are shared by members of many political Parties, but rejected wholesale by the institutionalized "progressive" left movement, which has co-opted today's Democratic Party.

If you are in the Tea Party, you believe in America.

If you believe in America, you belong in the Tea Party.

In an election where a decision will made between the American way of life and a nanny state "entitlement" society based on a European idea, the Tea Party Matters.


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For those of us who fought against the Boehner Bill, and who stood ridicule in the face, it has been a bitter-sweet "told-ya-so". We can't claim victory, because the battle will continue as long as there are greedy, power-hungry people looking to fundamentally transform the United States of America.


They just don't have the backbone to take the steps we need to take to get to where we want to be. http://bit.ly/r5yV8G

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and across the country, ramping up for 2012 http://bit.ly/h2Fm7c

As the 2012 elections draw closer, and over 2 years of the intrusive Obama administration in our lives, the 2nd annual Tax Day Tea Parties were celebrated across the country.  The main stream media continues to minimize the Tea Party movement, but it has become more and more prevelant on the lips of politicians, including the fearless leader.

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by: Trent Derr - Morning in America


Are you better off than you were two years ago? For most people, the answer is no. Compared to two years ago, more people are unemployed, the credit markets are still a mess, businesses are still being stymied by further federal regulation, and the global community has no idea what we stand for with our foreign policy.


What if we could roll the clock back? Roll it back a little more than two years to September 2008. At that time, the United States was at one of our more critical inflection points. We had military actions in both Iraq and Afghanistan, our southern border states were seeing a serious uptick in crime being committed by illegal aliens, the economy was starting to stagnate, and we had a looming credit crisis. Over a series of postings, we’ll address how Reagan would have addressed each of these issues. What Would Reagan Do?


The Credit Crisis


Reagan was a true believer in the free market. He believed in capitalism, American businesses, and most importantly the American people. Reagan knew that one of the key mechanisms of the free market is to correct imbalances that occur in the exchange of goods and currency. If you ever had any doubt about Reagan’s belief in free markets, look at how he handled the stock crash on “Black Monday”, stock market collapse of October 19, 1987.  Continue...
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by: Trent Derr - Morning in America


I swore I heard that right.  Did the President say this is our “Sputter and Nicked Up” moment?  Was this the first time that he decided to finally come clean with the American people?   I thought to myself, well at least he was being honest in his State of the Union speech.  He’s finally breaking it to everyone that after his first two years in office he’s set the economy up for another dip… and a bad one.  Yes I know that the stock market has been going up for the last couple months and other economic indicators have had minor upticks.  This temporary uptick has been due to the FED pumping liquidity into the financial markets at a level nearly matching 90% of our current GDP.


But Obama has decided to come clean.  He’s telling us when the FED’s stimulus runs out again, the economy is going to sputter, fall back into recession, and we’re all going to get nicked up.  The latest stimulus by the FED is known as QE2 (Quantitative Easing 2).  Why is it called QE2?  Because QE1 didn’t work.   Yes Obama was able to leverage QE1 to trigger a rebound in the stock market but that happens when the FED pours cash into the financial market.    The impact of Quantitative Easing 1 stopped working in late April 2010, and the stock market swooned. continued...

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Look at what we've done! A hearty congratulations goes out to all conservatives and tea partiers for a job well done. It was historic, and a devastating blow against communism, socialism, marxism and all the other unsuccessful big government ism's out there. Through all the tears, aches and pains suffered over the last two years -- we have been triumphant.


...and congratulations to the "Country Class" http://bit.ly/cHz9Z6

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What if Republicans take back the House? Have they really heard the American people? It's not just winning a seat in Congress that matters, but appointments to decision making positions that matter. If the newly elected members of congress are not given positions that effect government spending, the change America is looking for may not happen.


Republicans have one chance, this chance, and it's a short one http://bit.ly/dBzcmt

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In elementary school, our teacher screened a little known Cary Grant film "The Howards of Virginia". Now you might ask, why would a teacher be showing a Cary Grant film during school hours? Well, we were studying American Colonialism (you know, Obama's favorite 'hate America' topic), back in the day when American History was still taught in schools with great detail. It was a film [and subject] I never forgot, and still hold near to my heart today.


But there is still hope for our country: the Tea Party http://bit.ly/aFsWXd

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The Conservative Revolution vs America's Ruling Class. We are unique! Speaking humbly, to be a small part of this historic ground-swell is exciting, and a bit frightening at the same time. The Tea Party movement has grown to monumental proportions because America has had enough of 'Dirty Politics', and it's not going to take it anymore. There was a culmination of this movement in last year's 9-11 March on DC, and again in the 8-28 Beck rally at the Lincoln Memorial.


But never forget that the real hero here is, well, you. http://bit.ly/d7WiOG

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Same old, same old. Where is that fresh face, with the conviction to stand their ground against tyranny, corruption, and a complicit press? We are living in a new age, where politicians openly disregard protocol, tradition, the rule of law, and the all important Constitution of the United States of America.


...folded like a cheap suit in the wake of a brazen political attack on the tea party movement http://bit.ly/9tDn0Z

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This has been one unbelievable week, with everything being thrown at tea partiers just to see what would stick. In this administration, when you think the past week has been unbelievable -- along comes another one just as earth shaking. But, this past week has been one of the most vile.


...they focus more on principles than policies

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An obvious reason why the Left resorts to accusations is because they cannot debate on facts. They lose every time. So many of the Tea Partiers have lived through a few recessions, and have learned that entitlements are the main cause, in one way or another. The Left does not want to hear this, so they attack the truth tellers with name calling. The media has gone so far left, they are complicit in perpetuating the lies.

The Real Reason Liberals Accuse Tea Partiers of Racism


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Now that the Democratic Party is back in power, it's beginning to feel like the 1960's all over again. Depending on which side of the fence you resided at the time, free love or responsibility, there is one outcome worth noting -- it turned the tide on respect.


We will see what the Left most fears: blacks and Hispanics at tea parties


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In another attempt to portray the Tea Party Movement as racist, the Sunday news programs were peppered with racism all day, using identical talking points. Wonder where they all get them. Hmmmm. There never has been and there is no room in this movement for racism, or violence, or anti-americanism. In fact, it's just the opposite. We love our country, and want it to succeed. We want all people to succeed. We want everyone to be happy and have the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their labor, be free to speak their mind, to pray or not to pray.

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The second annual Tax Day Tea Party of 2010 was held in rallys across America yesterday without incident, racial slurs, spitting, or violence -- trash, alcohol, and drug free. I was privileged to attend the Monterey Tea Party Patriots Rally across from Dennis the Menace Playground, which was broadcast live by Mark Carbonero on KION 1460 FM radio who estimated was attended by 400-600 patriots, and also a local news station. Contrary to the biased New York Times recent poll, there were tea partiers of all ages and race. It was a gathering of Americans concerned with too much government, ignoring the will of the people, taking too much control, and spending out of control money they do not have and will not have for generations to come.


Monterey has another great one http://bit.ly/aW3ad4

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