Steve Eichler's Discussions (243)

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Breaking News - Must Read


Breaking News - Controversy Erupts within the NSA: Questions Arise about Possible False Flag Attack.

An unnamed source just leaked very concerning information about a possible  clandestine and illegal operation by the Biden administration!  


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You Are About To Be Shocked!

Patriot Command Center Member has made a disturbing discovery! Read this article and tell the rest of us if this member is right or just another one of those tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists!

(Member’s name withheld for security purposes)

Alarm bell

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Dems To Poison Democracy?

12364136098?profile=RESIZE_584xIn the name of protecting democracy the Dems may use the same poisonous recipe in the 2024 election. Will the demonic chiefs cook from the same menu and prepare a vile dish of tainted election results and serve poison democracy? Are the ‘left-overs’

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What Are We Going To Eat?

sddefault.jpg?profile=RESIZE_584xFirst they came for our police, and they were defunded. Then they came for our vote, and the other guy won. Now, they are coming for our guns and food, and who will say no?

There is a troubling development in several cities controlled by Progressives

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Biden To Step Down Or Step Aside

MC_BidenHarris-011224-800x0.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400xSo, the Dems wanted ‘anybody but Trump’ and they got him! A decrepit old failing man and a goofball Vice President has run America into the ground. Now, they are stuck with a worst dilemma, who can replace Sleepy Joe and Kamela Harris?

Trump and the

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Is It Time To Block Biden? You Decide!

10210524280?profile=RESIZE_710xAs much as America loves to make fun of sleepy Joe clandestine shadow figures are silently struggling to manipulate the election game, and it’s not looking pretty!

If it is determined the State has the authority to regulate their ballot and determine

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