james seigfreid's Posts (114)

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From Brazil With Love

In case you weren't listening to Tea Party Radio tonight, you missed an extremely informative show, and here's what really gave me goose-bumps and a few tears:

It's not as if we don't have enough on our plate, enough to fume about and enough to try to counter in the complete capitulation to tyranny that has become the norm in our society.

Tonight we had a caller who imigrated here from Brazil and became a United States citizen legally.  She left a totalitarian Marxist/Communist tyranny for the beacon and promise of freedom and liberty in the only nation on the face of this earth that exists as such.

She came here with her children, that they may have a better future than what she had known. 

She came here without her husband, or her parents, as the communist regime they lived in basically "eliminated" them over time.  For speaking out.  For seeking God-given liberty in their own country.

She came here seeking a better life, and then saw the election of Obama and the ones he has surrounded himself with.

She KNOWS TYRANNY when she sees it, and was absolutely livid that we have IGNORED IT while it is right in our face, and are failing to adequately address it.

Her message was very clear, and her anquish even more so.  To paraphrase slightly, she said that "I did not come here, or bring my children here, to suffer through what I have tried to escape.  How could you let this happen?  All I hear is talk, I see no actions!  These people are tyrants, and this nation will be destroyed.  I KNOW tryrants..."

So my friends and fellow patriots, this becomes less of a question than a clarion-call to action...what are we willing to do and WHEN will we start doing it?  Brow-beating senators and reps, nationally and locally, really isn't doing a lot, but it is making a difference, albeit not enough of one, as our main dysfunction, as the caller pointed out, is that they just won't listen because they have their own agenda, and that agenda is Washington DC's agenda. 

And that is where the change must come from. 

We are being destroyed from within, which has been evident for many decades, if you only care to look.  It has only now taken on a whole new life in the form of Barack (Barry Soetoro) Obama, George Soros, and the international cabal of bankers, Marxists and globalists that have been working on this since AT LEAST 1850.

I know our HEARTS are in the right place...if we don't follow up with action and integrity, it doesn't mean squat...and we will be ushered into the nether regions of totalitarian hell we have been warned quite clearly about...

As hard as we try, and as much as we THINK we may be doing, was illustrated ever-so-clearly as NOT BEING ENOUGH.

I got her message, as did everyone else participating. 

I don't want historians in some future age looking back at the history of this nation, and asking the question " How could those with so much to lose, have DONE NOTHING?", and then using us as a lesson on what NOT TO DO.


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Patriots Union tonight

Helloo all.  Tonight @ 9 est, the United States Patriots Union http://patriotsunion.ning.com is broadcasting for 2 hours on BlogTalk Radio, featuring Twana Blevins hosting, bringing on board noted authors and patriots J.B.Williams and Tim Harrington to discuss the natural-born citizen issue that eclipses the "birther" issue.  Go to the website listed above or call in @ 646-716-4024.  Should be very interesting and informative.
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Tonight on Tea Party Radio we covered a range of issues, as usual, about Obama's prevarications today, his vision to destroy this nation as it was founded, and on and on.  What came up, particularly from previous shows, was the international intent of globalists, going back well over 100 years, to wreak economic havoc on this nation from within, as well as from without our borders.  Global governance.  Global currency, NO free markets...communism writ large, one-world government...which if you listen to the man-child in chief...ARE his stated goals.  STATED goals.  You just have to listen a little, and realize you are listening to a man that is lying through his teeth, which is how he came to be where he is to begin with. 

SO--to try to fully understand the degree of, and the nature of what and who we are dealing with, I'm providing the following link that I recieved yesterday.  It's a long document and one that needs NOT to be ignored. 

It chilled me to the bone, and steels my resolve.  I would've posted it earlier, but I didn't have a chance to go through it until tonight.  Pay close attention to it, and what's been going on around us now.  This is just another front we have to deal with, as if there aren't enough. 

Special Thanks to Neal from Alabama for bringing this issue up to begin with some time ago...


"There does not exist an engine so corruptive of the government and so demoralizing of the nation as a public debt. It will bring on us more ruin at home than all the enemies from abroad..."  Thomas Jefferson, letter to Nathaniel Macon, 1821.

Couldn't have said it better myself...

God Bless

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The Boundaries of Hypocrisy

There appears to be no boundaries to hypocrisy nowadays.  The budget "cuts" were not cuts of any kind, but merely a small reduction in the amount of SPENDING.  It is a step forward, but a very small one, and in some ways a step backwards, by not addressing the real problem of spending.  With a current 1.65 TRILLION budget deficit facing us, and less than .05% reduction in spending, we're on a real down-slide.  It's not a roller-coaster anymore.  It's a tobaggan on an ice-covered slope with a really big tree at the bottom that you hit head-first.  (Been there for that one.)  Understanding Boehner's position in relation to reality, is difficult.  Needing to take some action, or any action, was probably  his thinking, but if he'd been listening at all, he'd have insisted on not just the 100 billion originally talked about, but the additional 105 billion that Michelle Bachman insisted on that dealt with ObamaCare.  Let the government shut down...let the usurper on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue veto a bill and defund our troops...MAKE THE TRAITORS OWN THEIR OWN TREASONOUS POLICIES.

This is where we've gotten to...a complete abdication by anyone with any ability, or power, to take the necessary actions needed to correct a fatal decent into tyranny and misery.

I guess it helps when you don't have to pay for your own gas, or pump it, either.

We have a saying down here in the South---"Shut 'er down, Leon...she's pumpin' mud!!!"

This administration is pumping a whole lot more than that, and it's about the same texture, only smells worse.

It's way past time to start righting the "ship of state."  First thing to do, is throw the captain overboard for running it aground on purpose. 



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The Rule of Law

I don't know how many people saw or heard Donald Trump this morning on Fox News' "Fox and Friends", but I had to clean up my coffee mess after I jumped off the couch hollerin' and clapping.

It's wayyyy past time that somebody with a national voice stood up and said what needs to be said, and the "Donald" did it again.

He was asked about his appearance on "The View", and Whoopie Goldberg's reaction to his comment that Obama should just produce his birth-certificate and be done with it.

It really was quite the thing to hear.  Mr. Trump said that all he wants to see, is Obama produce his original long-form birth certificate and end the controversy.  He then added that he didn't think it was that big of a deal at first, but now, with additional information he's been receiving, and the continuing refusal to provide confirmation of Constitutional eligibility by the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, he's really curious about the refusal to provide documentation.  Just a short time ago, Trump posted his own long-form birth certificate on Newsmax, among other places.  "It took me less than an hour", he said.

He also said that..."the COLB means nothing.  Any one can go to the state of Hawaii and get one...", which is absolutely true.  He went on to question the ads that announced the birth days later in the papers, and the claim of the governor of Hawaii, Abercrombie, as to remembering visiting the baby Obama 50 years ago in the hospital after his birth.

Well, I applaud the Donald whole-heartedly.  He wasn't that concerned until he started seeing what a lot of us have seen all along---Obama is a fraud, and an illegal one at that.  He cannot, nor ever could, pass Constitutional muster, and has been engineering the greatest downfall of a nation ever witnessed in history.

Like Donald Trump, I'm not a "birther" either.  I just want to see the birth certificate. 

And, having spent a few years and many hundreds of hours researching and writing about this usurpation, my final question to any deniers or obfuscators would be this:



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The seemingly disparate nature of the Tea Party movement is an asset to us all.  It is through our affiliation, as sovereign, collegiate entities, that we have our strength.  We cannot be taken down as an organization, as we have none codified.  We are many, all sovereign, seperate yet united in purpose.  If you've ever watched a bird build it's nest, we reside in the same atmosphere.  We take many seperate pieces, and place them in just the right place.  A piece of straw here, a leaf there, a twig here, a swatch of earth there.  When you watch the bird build the nest, you've got to wonder..."how does it know?"...

     The answer is very simple.  The laws of Nature, and Nature's God.

     Now, if you read the above, and thought that it sounded just like what the left, the communists, socialists, Marxists, Islamists, and anarchists do, you would be correct (except for the reference to the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.)  It is the same principle they use, but without God.

     The cornerstone is the key.  The foundation...the first layer of the nest...

     The first layer of the nest, if you've ever found one on the ground after a storm and examined it, is a tightly woven layer of twigs, grasses and then leaves.  How the birds know how to do it would be a mystery, unless you were aware of the Laws of Nature.

     We are all bound by the same laws.  They are immutable, unchangeable and timeless.  Times may change, birds nests may change according to climate or location, but the basic laws remain the same.

     When we look at the changes that are imminent, we know that there were, and are a set amount of variables, and CERTAINTIES, that exist to codify the nature and extent of that "change."  When we look at the vaccuous words of a narcissitic wannabe spouting off about "Change we can believe in", we instinctively know, just by the character and nature of the one saying it, that we can truly believe there is a change coming, and it will not be good.  That nest has been in the process of building for a long time, and it's got serious bugs in it.  Eventually, those bugs will kill the host and the babies in the process.

     Anologies aside, everyone reading this, and involved with this site and any other of like-mind, please know this: We are in this together, there is a complete disaster awaiting us if we do nothing, and probably one to come anyway no matter what we do.  Which is why it is absolutely imperative that we get ourselves together in defense of this Republic, under the banner of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God, and refuse to capitulate in any way, means or manner to anything less than that which has already been sacrificed for us..."Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness..."

"Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then ask yourselves, 'What should be the reward for such sacrifice?'  Whether ye love wealth better than liberty, servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.  We seek not your counsel, nor arms.  Crouch down then, and lick the hands which feed you.  May your chains rest lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were ever our countrymen."---Samuel Adams, in the Philedelphia Statehouse, August 1776



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The Elephant In The Room

In the well-researched blog by Torm Howse concerning the legal mandate required of Obama, or any other President, to have his records exposed for the public domain, the point is made quite clear that this is a legal and Constitutional requirement.  The only thing that Mr. Howse left out, however, is the simple fact that Pelosi, Reid, and the entire Congress of the United States are guilty of "misprison of felony", essentially just as guilty as the usurper for not doing the job they are Constitutionally obligated to do.  Pelosi, in particular, as she devised and signed TWO different certifications, one for Hawaii, citing eligibility, and the other, ignoring it by not mentioning it.  This is unprecedented, criminal, and treasonous, and completely in line with all the other un-Constitutional and illegal acts this and many other Congresses have taken over the decades.  This just happens to be the MOST egregious in our history.

     It is stunning, to say the least, that this will not be brought to light in any venue where it will make a difference, as in Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, or Limbaugh (although Micheal Savage does hit it pretty hard.)

The entire rest of the Lame Stream Media are predictably out-to-lunch, doing all they can to support an illegal alien who is "fundamentally transforming" the greatest nation on earth, because he's got skin color, and an idea that has been a murderous failure for all of human history, and some folks just get all ginned up about thinking that this is a really great new idea.  Given his history, and that of his Kenyan communist father, whom he apparently patterns himself after (read his own words in "Dreams From My Father) this should come as no surprise, and is a clear blue-print as to who we're dealing with, and a glimpse into the future as to what we should do to defeat this ideology. 

It is unfortunate, but well within the realm of the "playbook", that anyone who speaks up about this will be hyterically and loudly decried as conspiracy-theorists, nutcases, and far-right lunatics.

I say to you all---the volume of their denunciation, is a direct indicator of their guilt, and the inherent truth of the matter.  So, we NEED TO BE LOUDER.  Truth can NEVER be realized, when it is only spoken of in whispers.


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In an eerie resemblance to a science fiction novel, the man that would be King today had the gall to state that we have more production of oil and energy now than we have had in years.  Taking credit for what someone else (Clinton in 1997) did before him, the Imposter-in-Chief gave another lecture to the American public on something he only knows how to destroy, and not create.  The brief spike in oil-production was the fruit of over a decades' worth of regulatory misery and insanity, finally allowing some shallow-well platforms to begin producing, which had absolutely NOTHING to do with Obama's policies.  These were leases let under Bill "IS-IS" Clinton. 

     Following the inexorable march of historical parody and irony, The One again painted a picture that only could be viewed by those on toxic hallucinoginic drugs; i.e. Pelosi, Reid, Trumka et.al.  as being a thundering economic success story.  So let's get something straight here...

     There were very real and justified concerns about who should attain positions of power concerning the governance and protection of, and the just administration of laws and our Constitution, by our Founding Fathers.  Possessing intellects and knowledge far surpassing even the most astute professors of today, they knew the lessons of history, and were sorely familiar with the depredations afforded them by the monarchy of England. 

    "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indespensable supports.  In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of men and citizens..."  George Washington, Farewell Address

     Look at where we are today.  You don't have to look hard to find the very testimony to the truths and warnings the Founding Fathers gave us sitting in the White House, most seats of Congress, and right down to our local officials.

     The egregious treason around us now only gives me strength.  Or, in other words, I'm really pissed and I know I will make a stand, and I know there will be many others with me.  God Bless

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The Essential Elements of Liberty---YOU

Tonight we had a great presentation on Tea Party Radio.  David Toy had invited a representative of the Fair Tax movement---PLEASE visit them at http://fairtax.org ---Rich, and he provided a very comprehensive and informative, and due to time constraints, unfortunately brief synopsis of the Fair Tax.  (He will be back on Monday--be there or be square.)  Having been a vocal proponent of the Fair Tax initiative for a number of years also, as many Tea Party people are anyway, I was very pleased with the response and the message.  Being from Georgia, my wife and I have been aware of, and involved in to one point or another, the Fair Tax initiative, and have always supported Rep. John Linder, one of the original sponsors, in his efforts to bring this to the forefront.  The "powers-that-be" would do anything in their power to prevent this from happening, and have from the get-go.  In the inimitable words of Martin Profitt Martin, "they can go bite a hog."

     So, I'd like to add a little background, and a little flavor to the "debate."  Let's start with the idea that your money is your property...you've earned it, and there is no other way to describe it.  John Adams had a word or two on this, to wit:  "The moment that the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.  PROPERTY MUST BE SECURED OR LIBERTY CANNOT EXIST."  Read through the Federalist Papers, beginning with # 32 concerning taxation, you will glean a great deal about the debate our Founding Fathers engaged in concerning this most essential, and destructive, power of government, and the checks and balances they engineered to mitigate such a formidable force.

     James Madison, in Federalist # 51, mused---"It may be a reflection on human nature that such devices (as Constitutional chains) should be necessary to control the abuses of govenment.  But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections of human nature?  If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.  [But lacking these] in framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this;  YOU MUST FIRST ENABLE THE GOVERNMENT TO CONTROL THE GOVERNED, AND IN THE NEXT PLACE, OBLIGE IT TO CONTROL ITSELF."

     The issue of taxation has almost always taken center stage, most notably in the last 100 years, since 1913, a year of most ignoble mention.  The idea that your money is not your property is one of the legs that the redistribution-crowd has always stood on.  Your hard-earned money has been ill-gotten, stolen from the poor helpless hungry hordes who have populated the world from time immemorial.  You sorry, greedy MONSTERS! 

     Well, let's look at that for a second.  I've worked all my life (I'm 55) and worked hard.  I don't have much now, due to taxes and a really bad economy, which I won't get into right now.  Whole "nother story.  But as a small businessman, I can tell you that it really sucks when an employee who always stays broke, when he works, if he works at all before he gets fired, gets over $7000 in income-tax returns, when he hasn't paid in a dime!  The system is not a system...it is a scam.  It is a Ponzi scheme of incredible proportions, fueled by unbridled greed and SLOTH.

It really is that simple.  And it has caught up to us.  We can no longer afford to subsidize people who won't contribute, we have borrowed more than we can ever pay back, and the Progressive Tax Structure that we suffer under was designed and promoted by one Karl Marx and Frederick Engels of Communism-fame.  While you're looking over the Federalist Papers, you might want to try wading through the Communist Manifesto for a good hard look at where we're going, and you'll also then be able to see the intentions of the folks who are taking us, like cattle to slaughter, right to where they want us. 

     James Madison also had this to say:  "I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations...this danger ought to be wisely guarded against."

     As we all know, the usurpations have now snow-balled to levels before un-thought of.  We alone are the ones with the power and the ability to begin to right the many wrongs that have brought us to the brink of ruin, through debt, spending, and a complete and total break-down between We The People and those we thought we could trust to represent us to a government that has morphed into a Federal Monstrosity.

     We've been warned, we have a road-map, we have a mission and very concrete goals.  We WILL restore this nation, by upholding our Founding Principles, and remaining vocal and active and most of all, effective.  God Bless this Nation, and God Bless you all.

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With a heavy hard-hearted heart, I must announce a complete breech of civilized protocol on my part with David Davidson, seconded by Mini Mee.  Apparently great insult and insular conduct unbecoming a rational human being has been commited on my part concerning certain questions asked on a previous post pertaining to the TEA Party movement, as apparently Mr. Davidson was quite hungry for information about this movement before he considered joining.  I urgently appeal to all here to view my reply to Mr. Davidson and Mini Mee, and please review his post also.  Perhaps someone here can persuade him to not leave, as we're not as vile and hateful as we must appear to be, according to his accounts of "actual" TEA Party activities, the very ones he has questions about.

     So I appeal to the decency of this membership for mercy and forgiveness for my hard-hearted ways, and will accept any chastisement and rebuke as I may be judged to deserve.  It's entirely possible I need re-education and enlightenment.

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Perspectives From The Bunker

Anybody involved in any conservative movement these days, are radicals, if you were to believe the MSM and the liberally insane.  Okay...whatever you say.  Go take your meds, the guards will be here shortly to lock you up in your rubber room again.

     The outright violence, vitriol and assaults committed by union thugs, and encouraged by their leaders, starting with Barack Hussein Obamalinsky and trickling down through people like Richard Trumka (not to mention a large number of Congressional leaders) is unprecedented in American history.  Maybe I've got that wrong---trickling UP from the like of Trumka, et al, TO Obamalinsky might be more accurate. 

     Point being, we're in the perfect storm now, and the forecaster is Obama, the unions and Soros are the real storm.  The globalists, anarchists, communists, Islamacists, facsists and all other "ists" that have longed for the destruction of the only free-market the planet has ever known, the only true beacon and example of human liberty, are all coming together in the culmination of a long thought-out strategy.

     It's been an obsession of mine for many years as to why the contempt for liberty and dignity has always been so prevalent in the human psyche over many millenia.  Even the most seemingly honorable people, those whom you might respect and emulate, seem to have at least a seed of the dementia.  So what is it?

     First thought---They're ***holes.  Period.  Not hard to get your mind around that one.  Self-explanatory.

     Now, more to the point.  Perspectives from the bunker.  That bunker being the patriot bunker, the TEA Party bunker, the really-tea'd-off bunker.  Got an e-mail last night from a fellow who had been getting our weekly alerts, etc., from our local TEA Party organization.  Don't know how he got on there, or why, if his tone was any clue.  He basically said "Take me off your list.  I don't want any editorializing.  I quit doing that.  I want solutions. If you're going to be a leader, then lead."

     So I wrote him back, very respectfully, and informed him that if he had been paying attention to our e-mails, he would have seen that we are very active in forming new groups, have organized a number of educational summits etc., with Americans For Prosperity, and Joel Foster, among others, and have a huge seminar coming up in April festooned with nationally-prominent speakers, numerous break-out sessions and training programs.  We DO offer solutions.  But we can't lead those who don't want to do anything.  We can "editorialize", because the times, they are a'changing fast,  Conversation can be illumination, and the arena of ideas must never be silent.  If anything, we need to be louder, and at the same time, more informed.  For me, a good rant is packed full of statisticts, commentary, and various points of view, culminating in a crescendo of inspiring oratory that has blown away all the lies and vapors of deceit.

     But that's just me. 

     So we're in this time-frame, and it's being defined FOR us, not BY us, and the structure of it's definition began a very long time ago, by very evil men.  Think 1846, or thereabouts.  Communist Manifesto.  Social revolution.  Social "justice".  It began even before that.  Way before that.

     See Genesis chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6.  Then read the entire story.  That should explain just about everything, if you have an eye to see and an ear to hear. 

     Then read the Federalist Papers.  Our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and all the correspondence of our Founding Fathers that you can lay your hands on.  That, fellow patriots, is our true BUNKER, where we can hunker down, re-group, and come out shooting.

     If that analogy offends you, try not to choke on your spit-balls.

God Bless the United States of America!  God Bless all of you Patriots!



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Moving On From O'Reilly

After watching O'Reilly "interview" The One, Obamalinsky, many should be questioning the continued viability of Fox News.  With a majority stakeholder of that network being a Muslim, and with AOL having purchased the Huffington Post for $315 million bucks and cedeing editorial content oversight to that nut-job, the pattern is pretty clear, if you have an eye to see, and an ear to hear.  While Fox News still remains the premier cable news outlet with the most objective, non-biased (ahemmm) content, the plan should be clear.  Take-over.  Control of the flow of information.  Internet "kill-switch".  A man that has been put into place to engineer the complete destruction of the Republic we've known for 235+  years, must have a clear path without the petty voices of the great unwashed to impede the process.  It's all very simple.

     The international handlers have figured this out  years ago.  Soros has engineered the near-destruction of at least FOUR national economies.  This, the United States, is THE PRIZE HE SEEKS.  He failed to destroy Bush43 in 2004, as he vowed to do.  He's getting even now.  But, as with all Cinderella stories, there's always a wicked witch, or an evil mother-figure, or another wrench that gets thrown in the gears.

     That would be Obamalinsky.  The man is not an idiot.  He is not an American, by any stretch of the imagination.  He was not, nor ever will be, eligible to hold the office he has been given by the internationalists, and the global unionist cabal.  He has been put into place because he resembles, in great measure, his mentor, George Soros, who funded Obamalinsky's "coming-out" political debut in the house of Bill Ayers, terrorist, and spent millions trying to influence the election of 2008.

     To get to the point, as stated, that Obamalinsky is not an idiot, he is also not a man that a majority of Americans will gravitate towards.  He is artificial, superficial, thin-skinned, and has absolutely no concept of the ideals and principles that made this nation great.  It would've been more effective if "Evil Dude" Soros could have found a true American Traitor that actually had an American narrative behind him, a tapestry of an American family to give him credence, authenticity.  Actually gone to school in this country, had a history of child-hood friends, just very basic things that most of us take for granted as a part of growing up in America.  Obamalinsky has NONE of that. 

     So "Evil Dude" Soros may have screwed up, in his egalitarian rage and pathological egotism.  This is where our hope really exists.  More and more people are seeing behind the curtain.  A tin-eared narcissist standing before the Chamber of Commerce and lecturing them on creating jobs he is solely responsible for destroying?  As if he's just discovered the elixer of prosperity and needs to tell us how it's to be done? 

     So I wasn't truthful at the beginning of this, I'll admit, after re-reading it.  I DIDN'T watch the interview.  I tried.  I turned it over, and had to turn the channel.  Again, and again and again.  I just couldn't stomach it.  That doesn't mean I can't stomach the fight to come.  It's just more ammunition.  I've seen enough excerpts of it to know all I need to know about that obfuscation of reality.  We knew what he was going to say before he even opened his mouth.

     That, my friends, is EXACTLY where we've got them.  WE KNOW where they are going to go.




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What We MUST do

Every day, the news gets scarier, if you follow it closely, and less scary if you don't. That's why ignorance can be bliss...until life, and tyranny, hits you up- side the head. Well guess what---we're being hit up-side the head. Between the legs, behind our backs, just everywhere, from all sides.
It's a never-ending barrage, seems like, every freaking day. Non-stop. It would seem they've got us on the ropes...they've had over 100 years to do it and are now fine-tuning it! If I didn't stay pissed-off, I don't know what attitude I could adopt after this! It's become the order of the day, the waking-up, and going-to-bed-attitude that defines me, and you also.
It seems as if some of the local TEA Party groups are losing steam, either through frustration, the perception of inaction or ineffectiveness, or some other angst.
This could be percieved as true, to an UNBELIEVER.
Where is your heart? Where is your soul? Where is your committment to not only yourself, but your country, and to God that gave us our liberties, and our natural rights? If you can answer any of the first 2 questions honestly, the third is already spoken for. Then ask yourself...what will I leave my children, and their children?
These questions have been asked before, and have been forthrightly answered, by our FOUNDING FATHERS AND OUR FOUNDING DOCUMENTS.
I say to any, and to all, IGNORE THEM, AND US, AT YOUR PERIL. Tyranny has always failed. Hegemonic usurpers have been the order of the day throughout human history, but we have been blazing a new trail in the history of human endeavor for 235 years, and more. The seeds of this awakening were sown well before the signing of our founding documents. The pilgrims who left the shores of England in search of religious freedom were one of the first seeds of the foundations of this nation.
The men who established our Republic knew very well, the history of the world. Read their words, in the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, their own correspondences between themselves, and our Founding Principles. There is not one single luminary, heralded, or pre-eminent scholar alive today, that could even approach the brilliance of our Founding Fathers. Not a one...and I believe Ronald Reagan already acquiesced to that standard.
So James, you may be asking, what is your point?
My point is this---we have only begun the fight, and we have truth on our side. The dark night of denial and deprivation is NOT at hand, YET. But it is fast approaching, and there appears to be more of them than there are of us.
Don't let appearances decieve you. THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN THERE ARE OF THEM. And that's the history of the world, in a nutshell. Good WILL triumph over evil, it always has, but always at a price.
Is that price too much for you to bear? What price are you willing to bear? "Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, then ask 'What should be the reward for such sacrifice?' Whether ye love wealth better than liberty, servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us now. We seek not your counsel, nor arms. Crouch down, then, and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains rest lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were ever our countrymen."----Samuel Adams, at the Philedelphia Statehouse, on the ratification of the Constitution, August 1787
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Our lives begin again today

Martin Luther King Jr said--"Our lives begin to end the day we stop speaking out."

John Adams said--"Fear is the foundation of most governments."

What keeps people from speaking out? Fear, intimidation, uncertainty, lack of character, inability to discern right from wrong, true from false?

I've gotta tell ya, I'm so proud and enthused by the TEA Party movement nation-wide some days I could just bust. As vice-chairman of the TEA Party of Gilmer County, Ga, I see a lot of folks doing what they never thought they would do, or imagined they would ever HAVE to do. Many, if not most of them have already spent their lives working, building families, futures, and look forward to a dreamed-of retirement. Many are veterans.

And what still brings tears to my eyes is to look every one of these great Americans straight in the eye at our meetings, in our correspondences, and KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that WE HAVE EACH OTHERS BACK. We have a common course we've embarked upon, a cause with roots as deep as any man's soul, and the same cause that animated our Founding Fathers those many years ago.

To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson slightly--"Indeed I tremble for my nation, when I know that God is just, and his justice will not sleep forever."

America is awakening from a lethargy that was brought on by the very things we were warned about in the writings of our Founding Fathers...that good men will not always be in government, beware the follies of faction and party, and due diligence is required of all men at all times, because liberty is the gift of God, not government, and we are but one generation away from tyranny at any given moment in time.

Renewing the vigor of education to all regarding our liberties, as the Founders knew them, is key to our success as we go forward. The student of the Federalist Papers, the anti-Federalist Papers, and the letters of Jefferson, Madison, Washington, Jay, etc. will discover the lengths and depths of history our Founders went to as they sought to craft a system of government that was by the people and for the people, not government. They examined the Republics of ages gone by, the differing circumstances of various ancient nations, and how they might apply to a Republic of much larger extent, and how best to modify a system of government that was small enough that it would not encroach upon individual liberty, but would be strong enough to provide the basic essence of all good government---that of national defence and basic structural essentials. Period.

Glad to be here. Can't wait to get to know y'all better. Let's get busy and get this usurper and his henchmen the HELL OUT OF OUR HOUSE!!!------Jim Seigfreid

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