william russell's Posts (4)

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I said it once and will say it again, the republican party is dead.  We do not have any leader that has the guts to say this is.  The speaker caved on a horrible agreement on 2011 budget and has already caved on increeasing the national debit.  He will also cave for the 2012 budget because the republicans are affraid to be called bad people, that they do not care and will hurt seniors.  THe republican party to take a stand and take it to the american public and say, obama you have only what the debit limit is now and you can spend it on whatever you want, and let the democrats decide what they spend it on.  This would set the stage for real changes.


It was today that the imf, c ame out and stated that the usa is not being serious about the debit that they are allowing to increase and it is necessary now to make serious reductions to prevent a down grade of our debit and bankruptcy.  China has told us the samething last year, and they have been getting rid of dollars because they see what is happening.  The congress is not doing their job, the senate is not doing their job and the president only knows one thing and that to spend and buy votes.  He stated to day that the millionaires and billionaires should be willing to pay more.  How about his ceo friend from general electic that paid no corpoate taxes and got a multi billion dollar tax refvund from the government after making billions in profit.

I have stated before boehner needs to go and the american people are a point of saying neither party respents us anymore and will go to a third party and the past they did not have a chance but i think today is a different story.  The usa does not have a funding problem but rather a spending problem and until spending is stopped not will happen.

Others have told me to be patient and look at the big picture and wait until 2012, but i think after the republicans we sent to congress in 2011 has do nothing really serious about spending the people will send a message by voting for people running on the independent ticket.  I have been a republican for 57 years, however, today when i re register as a independent i will not longer support republicans or democrats because i am fed up.

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i said we have been had by boehner

I just finish reading the bill that was agreeded to on friday night where we have been told that 39.5 was cut from the budget and that would educate to 80 billion over time.  Guess what that is not true we have been decieved, lied to and hood wink.  Please do not take my word for it but go and read it yourself.  The 39.5 billion cut, included the previous cuts for the budget extensions, however, worse fact is the 39.5 billion cut is made up of money not spent in appropiations and will only be a one year savings, no to years savings.  i said boehner has to go, he is the old rihno and has sold the tea party and all the people that voted for republicans in 2010.  He has been theere to long, believes he can pull the wool over our eyes, howevwer, the internet makes it possible to really know what is going on.  We need a leader that has back bone, the repoblicans caved on friday, boehner will cave on extending the national debit levrel and will cave on the 2012 budget because he is part of the problem that got us here.  We need a leader, someone who has firer in their stomach, a person who will do what the tea party wants and that is to stop spending.  The usa is running out of time, we are on life support and i do not see any republican doctors coming to make us well.
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the republicans have lost their way

thank you all for your response to my post about a thrid party and to get rid of the speaker.  I hear what you have all said, however, the republican party is not ready to change to many rhinos who are locked into the good our party, ear marks, perks, no guts, no leadership and no prinicples.  I do not care how you all see it, the republicans broke their promise to the voters who put them in power,  Just like brown in mass, has done being the vote to get obama care through.  Than there are snow and collins who are republicans however vote democratic 90% of the time.  We need a house cleaning because nothing will change.  A third party would turn everything upside down, but if we put good candidates that are truly conservatives in office than the third party will take the place of the republican party.  The republican party is dead, they rolled over on the 2011 budget on friday night, they will roll over on increasing the debit level and they will run away from ryan's 2012 budget.  The republicans in charge now, the rhinos do not have within their guts to draw a line in the sand and say this it it.  The speaker had them over a barrel and he cave, he does not understand the american people want an end to the spending, what is he waiting for the usa to owned by china.  I can here it now, the debit level needs to be increase or the usa will be in default and the speaker and the other republicans will vote to increase the debit limit to save the country. They do not understand we are bankrupted, do not have the money, we are now spend 42 cents of ever dollar just to pay the interest in the national debit and this will increase. The republicans do not understand the word no, to spending and than showing the leadership to carry through.  I will bet everyone here, that the 39.5 billion in cuts will never happen. The shameful thing is the 39.5 billion in cuts represents two days of the interest we are paying on the national debit.  What a disgrace.
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get rid of speaker boehner

hey all speaker boehner sold us all out last night.  He and the republican rhino's broke their promise to us in their pledge to american and instead of getting 100 billion dollars of cuts, or 61 billion because 6 months are gone he came away with 39.1 billion and no approval of any of the rides.  he is no leader, he talk with fork tongue and gave the democrates everything the wanted.  He speaks weel but his actions speak louder, he is no leader and has no guts and we need to get rid of him and get a true leader that will fight to get spending reduced alot to save our country.  If he could stand up now he will not stand up when the debit ceiling is going to be increase and ryans 2012 budget will get pushed aside because the democrates know he is weak and will not fight.


I have been a republican for 57 years but on monday i am going down and re register as an independent.  We need a third party made up of independents, discourage republicans and tea party and we would win.  The american people are ready because they are fed up with both parties, the promises they make and the lack of guts and leadership they show.  The rhinos need to go and all those republicans that betray us need to go also.

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