Note: I wanted to share the following recent thought-provoking articles and videos with you because I believe that the disturbing information revealed there-in relates to and/or further supports the information contained on my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:
Biden: I Don't Have Any of the Facts on Colorado, But We Definitely Need a Gun Ban!-Posted on Townhall-By Katie Pavlich/ @KatiePavlich-On March 23, 2021:
Obama: Pandemic Cannot Be the ‘Only Thing’ That ‘Slows Mass Shootings!’-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Madison Summers-On March 23, 2021:
‘He Sows Hate’: Tucker Carlson Calls Obama A ‘Racial Arsonist’ Who Emerged To ‘Deepen The Wounds That Divide Us!’-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Virginia Kruta, Associate Editor-On March 23, 2021:
Breaking: Dems Coming For Our Guns After Trump Hating Muslim Slaughters 10!-Posted on The Beltway Report-By Staff Writer-On March 23, 2021:
Here's what we know about the Boulder, Colorado, mass shooting suspect!-Posted on Ray Sanchez and Blake Ellis, CNN-On March 23, 2021:
Identity Of The Boulder Shooter Was Known By The FBI!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Christopher Tremoglie, Contributor-On March 23, 2021:
The Colorado Shooting Suspect Just Destroyed the Left's Narrative!-Posted on Townhall-By Katie Pavlich/ @KatiePavlich-On March 23, 2021:
Boulder Shooting: Where Were the Defenders?-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-On March 23, 2021:
Video: Ep. 2434b - What We Are Witnessing Is The Destruction Of The Old Guard, Clock Activated!-Posted on X22 Report-On March 23, 2021:
The Left's Temporary Obsession With a Killer's Race: Ilhan Omar and her ilk seemed deeply concerned with the race of the Boulder killer — until they weren't!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Douglas Andrews-On March 24, 2021:
Boulder Shooter is ISIS Sympathizer, Leftists Hardest Hit: Another opportunity to shore up their sagging “white terror threat” narrative is lost!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Robert Spencer-On March 24, 2021:
A Muslim Terrorist From the Capital of ISIS Shot Up a Supermarket. Biden Blames Guns: Biden ended Trump’s Muslim ban claiming it “undermined our national security!”-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On March 24, 2021:
The Boulder Jihad and Jihad Denial: Why U.S. authorities and the establishment media are trying to obscure who Ahmad Al Issa is and what he believes!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Jamie Glazov-On March 24, 2021:
Latest Left-Wing, Anti-American Lie: ‘Anti-Asian Racism!’-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Dennis Prager / @DennisPrager-On March 23, 2021:
Ben Shapiro: For the Left, Bigotry Is a Tool!-Posted on Ben Shapiro-On March 24, 2021:
Who is really to blame for the rise in Asian hate crimes? Spoiler alert: It’s not white people…!-Posted on Brandon Smith-On March 24, 2021:
The Untold Story Behind the Atlanta Murders!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Paula Rinehart-On March 26, 2021:
Beijing Exploiting Anti-Asian Attacks to Shun US Criticism, ‘Delegitimize’ America!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Eva Fu-On March 29, 2021:
The Real Anti-Asian Hate Crime: Leftists want us to focus on a fake surge of anti-Asian hate crime in order to keep us from noticing their own anti-Asian discrimination!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Douglas Andrews-On March 30, 2021:
Video: Bill Maher Admits Democrats Are Racists, Taking Us Back To The Jim Crow Era!-Posted on Beltway Report-By Staff Writer-On March 23, 2021:
Garland-Wray Axis Exploits January 6 to Criminalize Dissent: “We are facing a far more dangerous period than we did in Oklahoma City!"-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Lloyd Billingsley-On March 24, 2021:
DOJ Watchdog Investigating Prosecutor Who Told ’60 Minutes’ Capitol Rioters Could Face Sedition Charges!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Thomas Catenacci, Reporter-On March 24, 2021:
Flashback: Sebastian Gorka: Democrats Working on Amendment for NSA, CIA to Target Americans as Terrorists!-Posted on Robert Kraychik-On February 5, 2021:
Video: Be Afraid Be Very Afraid!-Posted on The New American-By Ben Armstrong-On March 25, 2021:
Biden and Democrats Target Second Amendment: He calls for banning "assault weapons," while Senate Dems ponder eliminating the filibuster in order to get it done!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Douglas Andrews-On March 24, 2021:
GOP Sen. Kennedy Defies Left To Say ‘We Do Not Need More Gun Control — We Need More Idiot Control!’-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By LifeZette-On March 24, 2021:
Sen. Blumenthal Says Republicans Are ‘Complicit’ in ‘All’ of the Mass Shootings!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Madison Summers-On March 24, 2021:
Video: Glenn: The left is using LIES to destroy your 2nd Amendment rights!-Posted on Glenn Beck-On March 24, 2021:
Biden admin calls on SCOTUS to let police enter homes, confiscate guns without a warrant!-Posted on Douglas Braff-On March 24, 2021:
Biden Admin. Wants Police to be Allowed to Seize Your Guns WITHOUT a Warrant!-Posted on The New American-By Selwyn Duke-On March 28, 2021:
Biden Consulting with Obama as White House Prepares to Launch an All-Out Assault on Our Freedoms and Liberties!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Cameron Arcand-On March 24, 2021:
Video: Maria Bartiromo Leaks A Bombshell: Reveals Who Is Really Running Biden’s White House!-Posted on The Beltway Report-By Staff Writer-On March 28, 2021:
Video: Ep. 1484 The Gun Grabbing Begins!-Posted on Team Bongino-On March 24, 2021:
Video: Ep. 2435b - You Are Watching A Show, Moves & Countermoves, Establishment Panic {Mark: 14:00-25:36}!-Posted on X22 Report-On March 24, 2021:
'To Bear Arms' Is Not a Right, Says Ninth Circuit: The court contradicts the Second Amendment and itself in a bizarre anti-gun ruling!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Nate Jackson-On March 25, 2021:
Commentary: As Dems Push Gun Control, FBI Stats Reveal Knives Kill Far More People Than Rifles!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Kipp Jones, The Western Journal-On March 25, 2021:
Biden: Gun Control Will Be a ‘Matter of Timing!’-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On March 25, 2021:
Father of Slain Boulder Police Officer Says He Would Be ‘Deeply Offended’ by Gun Control Proposals!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On March 25, 2021:
Video: Ep. 1485 Biden’s Latest Move Is His Most Radical Yet!-Posted on Team Bongino-On March 25, 2021:
Video: 25th Ready For [JB], How Do You Sneak One In, Scavino Stay Strong – Ep. 2436 {Mark 25:12-26:20}!-Posted on x22report-On March 25, 2021:
Democrats Coasting on Boulder Shooting to Ban 'Assault Weapons' Hit a Snag as Police Reveal There Was No Rifle Involved!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Cowhick-On March 26, 2021:
Lindsey Graham: 'Majority of Senate would reject' Biden 'assault weapons' ban!-Posted on The Washington Examiner-By Jake Dima, Breaking, News Reporter-On March 24, 2021:
White House Confirms Biden Will Sign Executive Order on Gun Control!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On March 26, 2021:
Falsehoods, Misdirection, and Confusion Dominate Senate Gun Control Hearing!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 29, 2021:
Kamala Harris is Lying. She and Others are Coming After Your Guns!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On March 29, 2021:
Deplorable Clinton Slams ‘Gun Worshipers’: Hillary just can’t stop projecting her offenses onto her political opponents!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Nate Jackson-On March 31, 2021:
Gaslighting: How leftist totalitarians demonize and demoralize their opposition!-Posted on Brandon Smith-On March 31, 2021:
Guns, Race, and Culture: Democrats love to talk about “gun deaths,” but they hate to talk about the cultural conditions that cause them!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Douglas Andrews-On March 31, 2021:
Orange County, California, Shooting: Shooter Violated Many Gun-control Laws!-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-On April 1, 2021:
Ilhan Omar tries to make car and knife attack at the U.S. Capitol about AR-15s: 'Using tragedy as an opportunity to advance a radical agenda!'-Posted on The Blaze-By Carlos Garcia-On April 2, 2021:
Suspect in Capitol Police attack a Nation of Islam follower: Posted on Facebook: 'Allah has chosen me for other things!'-Posted on Bob Unruh-On April 2, 2021:
Arizona Governor Signs Bill to Defy Any New Federal Gun Control Laws!-Posted on Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On April 7, 2021:
Joe Biden Issues Executive Controls to Fight Gun Crime ‘Epidemic’ in USA!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On April 8, 2021:
Video: Ep. 1495 60 Minutes Gets Wrecked Again?-Posted on Team Bongino-On April 8, 2021:
Video: Ep. 1496 You’ve Been Warned, The Second Amendment Under Attack!-Posted on Team Bongino-On April 9, 2021:
In Biden’s America, We Need Guns More Than Ever Before: And have less of a chance of getting them!-Posted on Don Feder-On April 15, 2021:
76 Non-Military, Non-Law Enforcement Federal Agencies Stockpile Weaponry!-Posted on The Political Insider-By RealClearWire-On April 15, 2021:
Biden ‘Went Too Far’ Claiming Majority of Gun Owners Back an Assault Weapons Ban: WaPo!-Posted on Independent Journal Review-By Bradley Cortright-On April 19, 2021:
Montana passes law that prohibits federal gun restrictions!-Posted on Jeffrey Swindoll-On April 25, 2021:
Video: Ep. 1508 Finally. Some Big Wins We Need To Talk About!-Posted on Team Bongino-On Aril 27, 2021:
Video: Tucker: Liberals 'horrified' NYC mayor candidate wants to carry a gun!-Posted on Fox News-On May 6, 2021:
Flashback: Video: Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves!-Posted on DAFRUSA-On 2014:
Tucker Carlson counters anti-gun Democrats’ continued lies about AR-15s!-Posted on Patriot News Alerts-By Ryan Ledendecker-On May 16, 2021:
Supreme Court Unanimously Rebuffs Biden Administration on Warrantless Searches for Handguns!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Matthew Vadum-On May 17, 2021:
Justice Alito opens the door to red flag law challenges!-Posted on The American Digest-By Staff Writers-On May 19, 2021:
Supreme Corrupt’s gun ruling doesn’t stop ‘red flag’ laws — and California’s is unbelievable!-Posted on Bob Livingston-On May 22, 2021:
ATF Nominee Sidesteps Question About Confiscating 'Assault Weapons' Currently Owned by Americans!-Posted on Susan Jones-On May 28, 2021:
Take Action: Gun Prohibitionist David Chipman Provides Disqualifying Testimony at Senate Confirmation Hearing!-Posted on NRAILA-On May 27, 2021:
Judge rules California's ban on assault weapons unconstitutional!-Posted on Yahoo News-By Dennis Romero-On June 4, 2021:
Justice Department Unveils Proposed Gun Restriction Rule!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Zachary Stieber-On June 7, 2021:
Follow the Science Chipman! “Assault Weapons” Bans Don’t Work!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On June 7, 2021:
Gun Sales Surge Continues with Diverse Interest in Firearms!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On June 7, 2021:
Senate Gun Background Check Talks Break Down: Key Senators!-Posted on The Epoch Times-On June 10, 2021:
Missouri Governor Will Sign Bill Nullifying Federal Gun Laws: Spokeswoman!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On June 11, 2021:
ATF Whittles Away at Second Amendment: A proposed new regulation would ban pistol braces. Death by a thousand cuts?-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On June 14, 2021:
DOJ Releases Biden Gun Confiscation Order Legislation!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On June 9, 2021:
All 29 Utah Sheriffs Promise to ‘Steadfastly Protect’ 2nd Amendment Amid Gun-Control Push!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On June 15, 2021:
Sheriffs To Arrest Biden’s Gun Grabbers … This Is Huge!-Posted on The Beltway Report-By Steven Ahle-On June 17, 2021:
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: 'I Believe We Need a National Emergency Declaration for the Extensive Gun Use!'-Posted on Susan Jones-On June 21, 2021:
Gun Control “Redlining” -- Journalist Demands Realty Records Show Gun Owners!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On June 21, 2021:
IRS Leak Shows Government Can’t Be Trusted with Gun Owner Data!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On June 21, 2021:
DOJ Warns States About Second Amendment Sanctuaries: Meanwhile immigration sanctuary policies are lauded and emulated!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Michael Cutler-On June 22, 2021:
Repeal of California’s ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Blocked by 9th Circuit Court!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Isabel van Brugen-On June 22, 2021:
Biden’s Strategy For Combating Surge In Crime Focuses Largely On Combating ‘Gun Violence!’-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Shelby Talcott, Senior White House Correspondent-On June 23, 2021:
Memo to Joe: Crime Is a Criminal Problem: The surge in violence is the direct result of Democrat urban policies, not a “gun problem!”-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Mark Alexander-On June 23, 2021:
Video: The Biden Administration's Assault On The Second Amendment!-Posted on Brannon Howse Live-On June 23, 2021:
Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts: 61 Percent of US Counties Now ‘Second Amendment Sanctuaries!’-Posted The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On June 25, 2021:
THANKS, BIDEN! Smith & Wesson Reports First Ever Billion-Dollar Year!-Posted on Conservative Brief-By Ian Cheong-On June 29, 2021:
Texas Joins 21 Other States Asking Supreme Court to Protect Second Amendment!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On July 5, 2021:
Fact Checkers: Biden Shooting his Mouth Off on Cannons, History, Facts and All That Stuff!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On July 6, 2021:
Christianity Today Promotes ‘Gun Violence’ Fallacy: The publication ran an article suggesting Christians defending gun rights are opposed to Jesus!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Thomas Gallatin-On July 7, 2021:
Gun control has failed New Mexicans!-Posted on NRA-ILA-By Zac Fort-On July 6, 2021:
Video: Former Pfizer Employee Confirms 'Vaccine' is POISON! - Jan 6 'Commission' HOAX! Gun Grab Underway!-Posted on The Stew Peters Show-On July 28, 2021:
Gun Control and the Elastic Meaning of “Transfer”— Colorado Court Moves the Needle!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On August 9, 2021:
Gun Controllers Collaborate with Unscrupulous Foreign Regime to Undermine U.S. Constitution!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On August 9, 2021:
"Wrong Man for the Job” – ATF Nominee Chipman Facing Fresh Allegations!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On August 9, 2021:
Video: Gun Control and COVID-19!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Danielle D’Souza Gill, Counterculture-On August 15, 2021:
Two Courts Take Opposite Views of Second Amendment!-Posted on The New American-By Bob Adelmann-On August 22, 2021:
NRA Reacts to the Withdrawal of the David Chipman Nomination!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On September 9, 2021:
The Second Amendment Now Comes with Government-Issued “Harmful Language Alert!”-Posted on NRA-ILA-On September 13, 2021:
Atlantic Writer Promotes Culture War on Gun Ownership!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On September 13, 2021:
Give Up Our Guns? One writer thinks he’s stumbled upon the secret to persuading millions of Americans!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Lewis Morris-On September 16, 2021:
US Military Court Smacks Down Feds, Rules Bump Stocks Are Not Machine Guns!-Posted on The Western Journal-By By Cameron Arcand-On September 13, 2021:
Gun control liars and the criminals they serve!-Posted on Bob Livingston-On September 18, 2021:
CNN Publishes Chinese State Propaganda: U.S. Has Higher Crime Because It Lacks Gun Control!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On September 20, 2021:
National Defense Authorization Act Has Provision to Restrain U.S. Military Personnel from Owning Firearms!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On September 23, 2021:
House-Passed NDAA includes Anti-Gun Provisions!-Posted on NRA-ILA-On September 26, 2021:
John Lott: Defensive Gun Uses ‘Four or Five Times More Common than Gun Crimes!’-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On September 23, 2021:
Fourth Circuit Panel Vacates Pro-Gun Ruling!-Posted on AWR Hawkins-On September 23, 2021:
Please Read Part 2:
Biden: I Don't Have Any of the Facts on Colorado, But We Definitely Need a Gun Ban (Part 2)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 23, 2021:
My Blogs:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104D)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2020:
Letter to Our NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: Newly Proposed Gun Control Measures)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 19, 2019:
Billionaire Leftists Attack Your Gun Rights!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On May 28, 2014:
Brainwashed the DocuMovie Part One!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 17, 2021:
God Bless-Take care and stay safe.
Semper Fi!
- S.O.P. for J.O.E. -