I wanted to take the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich regarding the taking down of America from within. I will also take time to post his response to my letter, if and when I get one, but I wouldn’t hold my breath:
Letter to Senator Heinrich:
July 27, 2020
Dear Senator Heinrich:
On or about July 24, 2020, I received the following letter from you or your office via email:
“July 24, 2020
Dear Friend,
I hope you can take a moment to read and share a post I published on Medium last night about President Trump's singling out of Albuquerque this week for a federal law enforcement operation. I want to assure you that I will continue to do everything in my power to hold the White House accountable for upholding our civil liberties our American values.
Please don't hesitate to contact me about this important issue or if I can be of any assistance to you and your family.
United States Senator”
What follows is the post mentioned on your letter above:
Martin Heinrich
Jul 23 · 5 min read
We are witnessing scenes play out on the streets of Portland, Oregon that have no place in our democratic society. Unmarked federal agents - equipped like anonymous storm troopers - have been deployed against peaceful demonstrators exercising their constitutional rights of assembly and free speech under our First Amendment. We must condemn this gross abuse of federal law enforcement in the strongest possible terms and demand answers and accountability from this administration.
The violent scenes that we have seen play out in Portland - and in Downtown Washington, DC before that - have left many Americans shaken and understandably worried about the prospect of agents in President Trump's federal law enforcement agencies being unlawfully used as a shadowy paramilitary force in their communities.
Given that context, you can imagine my horror when I first saw media reports of the administration targeting Albuquerque, New Mexico as one of the next cities in which to deploy federal agents. I immediately spoke to the U.S. Attorney from the District of New Mexico to demand answers because no notification had been delivered to me or to my office. The same appears to be the case for the Mayor of Albuquerque, the Police Chief in Albuquerque, the Governor of New Mexico, and the District Attorney in Albuquerque.
Yesterday, President Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr announced that they are sending 35 federal agents to Albuquerque. I remain appalled and deeply disappointed that Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales III came to Washington to play along with President Trump's political games and demonization of our communities. But the real story of how this whole mess has played out is in the total lack of coordination and cooperation with officials in Albuquerque.
If this were truly a good faith effort to "stand shoulder-to-shoulder" with state and local partners to address violent crime, as the President claims, you would think they would have let their state and local partners know about it before the announcement.
When I spoke with the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Mexico earlier this week, I let him know in no uncertain terms that we will not accept a Portland-style federal presence in New Mexico. The only legitimate path forward for this White House operation, within the bounds of our Constitution, is a written agreement between the U.S. Department of Justice and the City of Albuquerque that clearly sets the parameters and guardrails for any federal presence.
I am also joining Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden of Oregon in introducing and calling for an immediate vote on the Preventing Authoritarian Policing Tactics on America's Streets Act to block the Trump administration from deploying federal law enforcement over the objection of state and local leaders.
While Attorney General Barr claimed during yesterday's press conference that this operation is nothing more than "classic crime fighting" and wholly different from what we saw play out in Portland over the weekend, I believe a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted.
President Reagan famously said, "Trust, but verify." However, trust is earned. The Trump White House has not given us any reason to trust them at their word.
This is the same White House, after all, that claimed they were not separating children from their parents at the border. This is the same administration that claims to look out for Americans with pre-existing conditions while actively pursuing a federal lawsuit to overturn the entire Affordable Care Act and rip away health care coverage from millions of Americans. This is the same president who threatened the security of one of our key allies, Ukraine, in order to undermine our very democracy.
As a former Albuquerque City Councilor and as an even longer time Albuquerque resident, I am well aware that our city needs to do more to address crime and gun violence. I am also fully on board with using appropriate, constitutional federal resources to help our mayor, our city council, our local law enforcement, and our community address this problem.
But that is not what Donald Trump is proposing. At best, this is a desperate campaign stunt with the presidential election mere months away. At worst, it is a dangerous abuse of the federal government's law enforcement authority meant to intimidate Americans by stirring up fear and instigating violence.
Let's be serious, the President isn't sending elite federal agents to Albuquerque, or to Portland, or to Chicago or Kansas City, to help us address violent crime or the number of guns on our streets. Even if he was, sending 35 federal agents to Albuquerque is a woefully inadequate and totally ineffective way to address those issues. This is all about President Trump's struggling campaign poll numbers and his attempt to distract us all from his failed leadership on COVID-19 and the economy.
Just yesterday, because of a shortage of testing supplies, hospitals in New Mexico had reduce their eligibility requirements for COVID-19 diagnostic tests. More than four months into a pandemic, the glaring failure of President Trump to create and implement a federally-coordinated supply chain for testing is still making the spread of this deadly virus all across our country so much worse than it needs to be. And that is to say nothing about the White House and Senate Republicans' continued refusal to take the major action we need to pass new economic relief and public health measures.
There are so many pressing matters that the President and those of us in the Senate urgently need to address. Millions of out-of-work Americans will see their unemployment insurance run out if Congress does not act by the end of this month. Small business owners are struggling to survive. Tribal nations and rural communities in New Mexico desperately need funding assistance to stay financially afloat. With the election mere months away, we need to pass funding to ensure Americans will be able to safely cast their ballots without fearing for their health.
Instead of focusing on that essential work, the President is wasting his valuable time and misusing the powers of his office to threaten the safety of communities like Albuquerque, New Mexico.
We must rein in this President's abuse of federal law enforcement.
I say this as someone whose father's family fled Germany in the 1930s, I say this as a United States Senator who swore an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution, and I say this as a proud New Mexican and as a patriotic American: Not on my watch.”
As I read and digested the information contained on your letter above I was reminded of the numerous letters that I have forwarded to you or your office in the last approximately ten years, while you were both our former NM U.S. Congressman and now as our U.S. Senator, regarding my concerns with what I saw as a concerted effort by Mr. George Soros and his followers, with the help of the main-stream media, to systematically destroy this great Country/Republic of ours from within, which many of our brave young men and women in uniform have fought and died for, without ever receiving an adequate response from you or your office.
I believe that what we are currently witnessing on our streets across America today is the fruition of those efforts by Mr. Soros and his followers to destroy our Country/Republic from within and now that we have a democratically elected President that is actively doing everything within his constitutional powers to combat said destruction you seem to be actively blocking his efforts as evidenced by your actions outlined on your letter above, along with your actions taken against our duly elected Bernalillo County Sheriff, which includes asking him to resign for simply visiting with our President as a means of getting federal help to fight the never-ending and uncontrollable crime that we are currently experiencing on our streets and/or neighborhoods of Albuquerque. What follows is a recent article and video that documents your actions:
BCSO Sheriff Gonzales says Albuquerque needs help fighting crime, welcomes federal agents!-Posted on KOB.com-By Patrick Hayes-On July 23, 2020:
Video: Eye on New Mexico: Operation Legend!-Posted on KOB.com-By Patrick Hayes-On July 25, 2020:
Senator Heinrich I am taking the liberty of sharing my following blogs that contain just two of my numerous letters that I have forwarded to you or your office in the last approximately ten years regarding this extremely disturbing issue:
Mr. Soros’ Anti-American Agendas:
Letter To My NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding George Soros’ Anti-American Agendas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On August 10, 2011:
What follows are Mr. Soros’ most recent agendas and ventures here at home and abroad, which I find not only anti-American, but extremely disturbing:
As of April 2020, the Open Society Foundations’ total assets amounted to $15.2 billion. Each year, OSF awards scores of millions of dollars in grants to organizations that—like the ACLU and HRW—promote worldviews and objectives accordant with those of George Soros. Following is a sampling of the major agendas advanced by groups that Soros and OSF support financially. Listed under each category heading are a few OSF donees fitting that description:
- Organizations that accuse America of violating the civil rights and liberties of many of its residents;
- Organizations that depict America as a nation whose enduring racism must be counterbalanced by racial and ethnic preferences in favor of nonwhites;
- Organizations that specifically portray the American criminal-justice system as racist and inequitable;
- Organizations that call for massive social change, and for the recruitment and training of activist leaders to help foment that change;
- Organizations that disparage capitalism while promoting a dramatic expansion of social-welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes;
- Organizations that support socialized medicine in the United State;
- Organizations that strive to move American politics to the left by promoting the election of progressive political candidates;
- Organizations that promote leftist ideals and worldviews in the media and the arts;
- Organizations that seek to inject the American judicial system with leftist values;
- Organizations that advance leftist agendas by infiltrating churches and religious congregations;
- Think tanks that promote leftist policies;
- Organizations that promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty;
- Organizations that oppose virtually all post-9/11 national-security measures enacted by the U.S. government;
- Organizations that defend suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters;
- Organizations that depict virtually all American military actions as unwarranted and immoral;
- Organizations that advocate America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending;
- Organizations that promote radical environmentalism;
- Organizations that oppose the death penalty in all circumstances;
- Organizations that promote modern-day feminism’s core tenet—that America is fundamentally a sexist society where discrimination and violence against women have reached epidemic proportions;
- Organizations that promote not only women’s right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, but also political candidates who take that same position;
- Organizations that favor global government which would bring American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations or other international bodies;
- Organizations that support drug legalization;
- Organizations that support euthanasia for the terminally ill;
- Organizations that have pressured mortgage lenders to make loans to undercapitalized borrowers, a practice that helped spark the subprime mortgage crisis and housing-market collapse of 2008;
- Organizations that exhort the U.S. and Israel to negotiate with, and to make concessions to, Arab terrorist groups and regimes that have pledged to destroy America and Israel alike.
Soros’s Previous Political Interventions Around the World
New Target for Regime Change: America
Soros’s “Shadow Party” Takes Shape
“PLAN” and the Secretary Of State Project: Radicalizing America, One State at a Time
Soros Pursues a New “Economic Paradigm”
Soros and The Arab Spring
Soros and Occupy Wall Street
Soros Gives Money to Help NAACP Fight Voter ID Laws
Supporting Hillary Clinton
Supporting Bill de Blasio
Supporting Groups That Helped Lead Anti-Police Protests in 2014
Soros’s Support for Anti-Israel, Pro-Islamist Groups
Soros’s Support for Open Borders & His Desire to Influence Foreign Politics
Soros’s Desire to Regulate the Internet in a Manner That Favored His Political Agendas
Soros Plays Key Role in Supporting “Women’s March on Washington”
Working Closely with Iran & the BDS Movement
Soros Creates the Open Society University Network
Committing $220 Million to “Racial Justice” Causes:
On July 13, 2020, OSF, in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and its allies, pledged to donate $220 million into initiatives designed to help “build power in Black communities, promote bold new anti-racist policies in U.S. cities, and help first-time activists stay engaged.” The pledge earmarked $150 million in five-year grants for black-led “racial justice” organizations, and $70 million for a range of initiatives such as helping city governments reform policing and criminal justice by implementing a new approach to public safety that includes “moving beyond the culture of criminalization and incarceration.” “This is the time for urgent and bold action to address racial injustice in America,” said OSF deputy chair Alex Soros, George Soros’s son. “These investments will empower proven leaders in the Black community to reimagine policing, end mass incarceration, and eliminate the barriers to opportunity that have been the source of inequity for too long.” Tom Perriello, executive director of Open Society-U.S., said: “The success of this movement, the largest in U.S. history, will be measured over years, not weeks, and we cannot say that Black lives matter and not make a multi-year commitment to a strategy set by and centering Black leaders and organizations who changed America’s sense of what is possible.”
George Soros-Posted on DiscoverTheNetWorks.org:
Shadow Party’s Alleged Agenda to Take Down America:
Letter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (re: Shadow Party’s alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 8, 2015:
On or about July 17, 2020, the following recent thought-provoking article revealed that Democrats are allegedly using the same intelligence tools that were previously used to destabilize other countries around the world to destabilize America from the inside, according to Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer who is a retired Army Senior Intelligence Operations Officer and president of the London Center for Policy Research:
Dems Are Using Intelligence Tools To Destabilize America from the Inside!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Tony Shaffer-On July 17, 2020:
Note: I believe that the disturbing information revealed on the following articles and videos relates to and/or further supports the disturbing information revealed on the above recent thought-provoking article by Lt. Col. Shaffer:
Video: Glenn Beck Presents: Ukraine, The Democrats' Russia! (Part 1)-Posted on YouTube.com-By BlazeTV-On October 2019:
Video: Glenn Beck Presents: The Democrats’ Hydra! (Part 2)-Posted on YouTube.com-By BlazeTV-On November 14, 2019:
Ukrainian Judge Orders Biden To Be Named As Perpetrator Of Crime Against Prosecutor!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Jack Hadfield-On May 20, 2020:
Video: Joe Biden phone calls PROVE corruption in Ukraine NOT a conspiracy... So WHERE is the investigation?-Posted on YouTube.com-By Glenn Beck-On May 22, 2020:
Video: Obama/Biden Block Investigations Into $5.3 Billion Missing | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 52!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Rudy W. Giuliani-On July 10, 2020:
Guide To The George Soros Network: A Guide to The Political Left!-Posted on DiscoverTheNetWorks.org:
The Obama-Soros Connection: How leftist billionaire George Soros gave birth to the Obama presidential candidacy!-Posted on Human Events-By bpatterson-On September 9, 2010:
Soros, Obama & ‘Responsibility to Protect’-Posted on Center for Center for Security Policy-On March 31, 2011:
SAMANTHA POWER!-Posted on Discoverthenetworks.org:
Samantha Power and Obama’s Foreign Policy Team!-Posted on American Thinker-By Richard Baehr and Ed Lasky-On February 19, 2008:
The Rise of Samantha Power and the risks for the American- Israel relationship!-Posted on American Thinker-By Ed Lasky-On March 20, 2011:
WikiLeaks: US Secretly Backed Plans for Rebellion in Egypt!-Posted on Israel National News-By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu-On January 30, 2011:
Obama proposes $800 million in aid for “Arab Spring!”–Posted on Reuters-By Susan Cornwell, WASHINGTON-On February 13, 2012:
What Is Happening In Ukraine Is Far More Important Than Most People Realize!-Posted on Freedom Outpost-By Michael Snyder-OnFebruary 24, 2014:
You wouldn’t expect George Soros’ tentacles here, or would you? ‘Group promoting ‘peace’ in Middle East tied to Occupy, MoveOn, ACORN, more!’-Posted on WND.com-By Aaron Klein-On December 25, 2011:
Occupy’s ‘nerve center’ staffed by Soros activists: ‘Professional radicals caught red-handed running so-called ‘leaderless’ movement!’-Posted on WND.com-By Aaron Klein-On December 9, 2011:
The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 1 of 3)!-Posted on Townhall-By Chuck Norris-On November 15, 2011:
The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 2 of 3)!-Posted on Townhall-By Chuck Norris-On November 22, 2011:
The Secrets of Soros, Obama, Occupiers and the MSM (Part 3 of 3)!-Posted on Townhall-By Chuck Norris-On November 29, 2011:
Obama ‘Sowing Social Unrest’ Across The Country!–Posted on Politico-By SEUNG MIN KIM-On October 26, 2011:
What follows are a recent eye-opening and thought-provoking article and a video that I believe relate to this extremely disturbing issue:
George Soros’s Multi-Front War Against Israel: How the globalist financier's desire to escape his Jewish identity fuels his Jew-hate!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Kenneth Levin-On July 17, 2020:
Video: George Soros' Clandestine Takeover Of DA Offices | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 53!-Posted on YouTube.com-By Rudy W. Giuliani-On July 15, 2020:
On or about July 26, 2020, the following eye-opening and thought-provoking video was posted on Natural News by Mike Adams:
What follows are pertinent excerpts from said video:
“…a Yugoslavian woman issued a powerful warning to all Americans, eloquently describing how all the events you see unfolding in America right now are scripted, emotionally-charged events designed to turn citizens against each other to invoke a deadly civil war that will bring down the nation.
Out of the chaos, the communists will stage a revolt and attempt to seize power, turning America into a communist regime run by genocidal lunatics who are willing to see tens of millions of people killed as long as they can rise to power.
This Yugoslavian woman saw the exact same script played out in her own country of Yugoslavia: The hatred pushed by the media, the division of the people, the turning of citizens against each other, followed by shootings, violence, media hysteria and revolution.
It’s all part of the same George Soros script for fomenting revolution to take down a nation, and it’s being carried out with the full complicity of the treasonous mainstream media, which is the enemy of America. This is why George Soros and corporate America are funding Black Lives Matter… because they need BLM to invoke a violent response from Trump or patriots so that CNN can claim “peaceful protesters are being SHOT by Trump supporters!”
Video: Yugoslavian woman issues warning to all Americans – unfolding events are following a scripted pattern of invoking hatred and violence to bring down America!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On July 26, 2020:
On or about July 27, 2020, the following eye-opening and thought-provoking article was published on News With Views by Devvy Kidd, which I believe relates to and/or further supports the extremely disturbing information revealed on the above video that was recently posted on Natural News:
The Shadow Government Going for the Kill Shot!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Devvy Kidd-On July 27, 2020:
I again hereby respectfully request that, after having some time to read and digest the extremely disturbing information revealed above, you provide me with your very much appreciated feedback regarding same since the alleged disturbing actions by Mr. Soros and his followers, with the help of the main-stream media, to systematically take down our Country/Republic from within occurred on your watch and would expect nothing less from you because as you stated in part on your above post of July 23: “….a United States Senator who swore an oath to uphold and defend our Constitution...”
Please feel free to respond to my urgent and time sensitive request via email.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
God Bless you and your family during these trying times.
Jake L. Martinez
Automatic Electronic Response to My Letter Above From Senator Heinrich:
“Thank You
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Please follow me on Twitter and visit my Facebook page for updates on my daily activities in the Senate and travels across New Mexico.”
End of Letter to Senator Heinrich
Note: I believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed on the following recent thought-provoking blog relates to and/or further supports my above recent letter to our NM U.S. Senator Heinrich-You Decide:
Path To Revolution - What you are not being told!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By USA 4ME-On July 26, 2020:
Note: I also believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed on my above recent letter to our NM U.S. Senator Heinrich, along the recent blog relates to and/or further supports my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:
Follow-up Letter to NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (Re: Taking down of America from within!)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 30, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106VV)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 27, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106UU)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 24, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106QQ)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 18, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106GG)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 3, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 16, 2019:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 105)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-August 14, 2019:
Letter to NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (Re: Mueller Report)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 27, 2019:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 91)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2018:
CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 10, 2016:
Where is America Today?-Posted on WordPress.com-On May 26, 2010:
Theme and Disclaimer of January 26, 2010:
Note: The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:
A Republic, If You Can Keep It!
When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!
“Food for Thought”
Hello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take A Stand Against Treasonous Traitors That Are Doing Their Utmost To Destroy Our Country/Republic From Within?-God Bless America!