alezander (2)

Home of the Brave, not so much in the Senate

While we do have war hero's and I thank them for their service, it seems like the brave my have tired. No one will directly challenge Obama, Holder or other officials who ignore the citizens will, laws and Congress. They let agencies like the EPA run over them and citizens without recourse.

Where have the brave gone, aside from our current military people. Obama will be cutting their ranks and continues to make their job harder.

We need rescue from this administration. Obama will speak with Iranian terrorist and not the GOP, really?




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Home of the Brave, not so much in the Senate

While we do have war hero's and I thank them for their service, it seems like the brave my have tired. No one will directly challenge Obama, Holder or other officials who ignore the citizens will, laws and Congress. They let agencies like the EPA run over them and citizens without recourse.

Where have the brave gone, aside from our current military people. Obama will be cutting their ranks and continues to make their job harder.

We need rescue from this administration. Obama will speak with Iranian terrorist and not the GOP, really?




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