committee (200)

4063908705?profile=originalThis weekend, the state convention will decide if State Senator Julianne Ortman will climb the next step up the ladder to the August 14 primary to become the Republican U.S. Senate nominee to ultimately defeat toxic flaming-liberal Democrat Al Franken in the general.

Ortman released her Twelve-Point Turnaround Plan for Minnesota and America.  Upon comparing Ortman's plan to Franken's failures 2009-2014, the contras was striking. I thought, “Oh my gosh. Franken equals big government controlled slavery. Ortman equals liberty and freedom!”

The battle between Franken and Ortman really comes down to slavery vs freedom.

Here are a few examples. As a loyal enforcer for our supreme imperial dictator Barack Obama, Al Franken cast the deciding vote for Obamacare which is a huge iron-fist take-a-way of our liberty and freedom. Ortman will fight to repeal Obamacare and rely on a state model like MNCare.

Franken supports King Obama's lawless Executive Orders; his refusal to enforce immigration laws and desire to implement amnesty. Ortman says we must secure our borders and enforce existing immigration laws.

These are just a few of the issues Ortman deals with in her Turnaround Plan. When you compare Ortman's agenda with Franken's, it is quite obvious that Franken is one of King Obama's many overlords along with the IRS, DOJ, NSA and other governmental agencies, all working together in concert to keep We the People slaves in check.

Let us not forget that Franken demanded that the IRS harass conservative and Tea Party groups, lest we patriots escape from Obama's unprecedented intrusive all-powerful and all-controlling big government plantation.

In terms of their war-chest, we are talking David vs Goliath. As of March 31, Ortman has a little over $600 thousand compared to Franken's $6 million.

I am chairman of CCC (Conservative Campaign Committee). Our seemingly impossible mission which we have passionately chosen to accept is to travel the country launching independent expenditure campaigns to help conservatives get elected in key House and Senate races. On several occasions, we have faced the challenge of first defeating the GOP's anti-Tea Party establishment candidate before taking on the Democrat. Ortman for U.S. Senate is one such race.

Here is our TV ad supporting Julianne Ortman for U.S. Senate, Minnesota.

Ortman is an extremely bold, brilliant and capable fighter for conservative principles; a student of Minnesota for 14 years. She has built/earned confidence and public trust, proclaiming that she has taken 14 years of public votes.

Ortman says, “It has become all too clear that Washington is broken and that it no longer serves anyone but itself and monied special interests." She added, "We need more Minnesota in Washington and less Washington in Minnesota.”

I had the pleasure of hearing Sen Mike Lee speak in an intimate setting. Sen Lee explained how vitally important it is to send conservatives to Washington. He explained that the impact of every additional conservative extends much further and is far greater than just one more vote. It encourages, strengthens and empowers their ranks.

4063805509?profile=originalOrtman will be a tremendous asset to our “good guys” fighting Obama-ism in Washington. So folks, whatever you can do to help push Ortman across the finish line is a victory for freedom over slavery.

The choice is clear. Freedom and liberty through Ortman vs ever-increasing slavery through Franken.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063908529?profile=originalPerhaps it is due to me being a PK (preacher’s kid) with fond childhood memories of adoringly watching my dad preach well prepared sermons at the Holy Temple Church of Truth storefront in a Baltimore ghetto, the Bible remains my ultimate reference source for wisdom and leadership.

Moses who led the Israelite people out of slavery is an excellent example of what to do and what not to do as a leader. His decisions were rooted in obedience to God's instructions which proved to be most beneficial to his flock. Moses ignored vehement critics and even them threatening to stone him to death. He did the right thing even when it did not jive with popular opinion. That is leadership folks.

On one occasion, due to pressure from his people, Moses disobeyed God and took matters into his own hands. God's punishment was harsh. God told Moses he would not be permitted to bring his people into the Promised Land. Leaders do not surrender, making decisions which they know to be wrong to appease bullies, manipulators and the ignorant.

A case in point is Senator Rand Paul. Sen. Paul is out there saying that the GOP should back away from requiring a photo ID to vote. 

Common sense tells us that requiring a photo ID to vote is a reasonable logical way to prevent voter fraud. Since a photo ID is required to complete a plethora of transactions, what is the big deal? Thus, it is absurd to call the photo ID requirement to vote racist.

In essence, Sen Paul is surrendering to the mainstream media supported Democrat absurd lie that requiring a photo ID to vote is racist. During a radio interview Senator Paul said that the GOP should not push something that is “offensive” to a group of people.

Senator Paul with all due respect, and I truly do respect and like you, I find your pandering to my fellow blacks disappointing.

Since Lyndon Johnson's 1964 War on Poverty, the Democratic party has implemented programs and lowered standards which have wrecked havoc on black families; treating us as inferiors in need of special concessions and endless government handouts to survive. Sen Paul, the last thing we Americans who happen to be black need is for the GOP to embrace the Left's paradigm that we are lesser Americans. Do not expect too much of us poor black folks because we “be” special.

Okay, I get it and wholeheartedly agree that the GOP should reach-out to black America. Frankly, the GOP is a little late to the dance. For years, I have been pestering the GOP to reach-out to the black community with “Reach Your Dreams” tours.

My concept is simple. The tour would feature great music. I know awesome conservative rappers and dancers who could capture the ears of the young and hip seniors. Imagine successful minority speakers like Herman Cain, Katrina Pierson and others on stage sharing how they achieved their American Dreams via education, hard work and right choices (conservative principles). The GOP defeatist response has been, “Why bother? The Democrats will get 95% of the black vote no matter what we do.”

Apparently, that opinion has changed and the GOP is wisely pursuing black voters. But for crying out loud, offering a liberal Democrat-Lite agenda and treating blacks like inferiors too stupid to find their way to the DMV is not the way.

Sen Paul rather than surrendering to the Democrats' and MSM's spin that requiring a photo ID to vote is racist, show real “presidential candidate” leadership. Turn the table on the Dems. Tell black voters that the Democrats are insulting their intelligence. The Democrats talk down, expect less and treat them like lesser Americans.

When these supposed advocates of black empowerment (NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, Obama Administration and the MSM), say requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises blacks, it is a major “dis”. Black America should be outraged. With friends who think so little of us blacks, we do not need enemies.

I am not just picking on Senator Paul. I am simply saying voters are discouraged and frustrated with soulless politicians/candidates whose every decision is a political calculation and an attempt to win votes at any and all cost. It is not unreasonable for voters to expect political leaders with character and backbone who simply desire to serve and do the right thing for their constituents and America.

Steve Lonegan running for U.S. Congress in New Jersey and South Carolina U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy are two guys that fit the bill. I love these guys. Neither give a hoot about being politically correct. Both are fearless fighters for truth, justice and defending our liberty and freedom. That's what I'm talkin' about.

I have not selected my preferred 2016 GOP presidential nominee. I want someone trustworthy who will always do what is honorable, righteous and best for my country; no divisive pandering or special concessions to groups to win votes. Please, we have had enough of that low rent politicking in government.

Nor, will I support a GOP candidate who sticks their finger in the air to see which direction the MSM endorsed and consultant's political wind is blowing and designs their platform accordingly. Stop insulting our intelligence and morality by continuously advocating lowered intellectual and moral standards and calling it outreach and creating a “big tent”.

We are Americans, products of a remarkably successful unique experiment. GOP, deal with us accordingly with respect; not like the Democrats who treat Americans, particularly minorities, like incapable inferior entitlement junkies in need of government managing every aspect of our lives.

We need a conservative leader who will grab the steering wheel and reverse the direction of our country away from Obama's Government Controlled Welfareville. A true conservative will drive us back toward our Founding Fathers' Promised Land of liberty and freedom where Americans are encouraged to be all they can be.

Sen Paul, America needs leadership, not surrender and pandering.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063906584?profile=originalThe Story of Welcome Home Brother

I can only conclude that a miracle prevented me from going to Vietnam. It was 1969 and I was in the U.S. Army stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC. Upon returning from my home in Maryland after a two week leave, I learned that my entire battalion had orders for Nam. There were two exceptions, myself and another soldier. God had a different plan for me.

4063906655?profile=originalA few years ago, I wanted to record a musical tribute honoring Vietnam vets. I asked Navy Vietnam vet Gerry Millholen to participate. In the recording studio, Gerry began sharing the pain and suffering he and his fellow vets (brothers) endured upon returning home after serving in Vietnam. False allegations against our troopers touted by John Kerry were particularly painful.

Gerry also lamented that unique to Vietnam vets, no one welcomed them home. He said, “So, we greet each other with, Welcome Home Brother”. My music producer and I were so blown away that we decided to record Gerry telling his compelling tale and add music. My tribute honoring Vietnam vets is titled, “Welcome Home Brother” featuring Gerry Millholen.

POLL: Do House Conservatives Have Enough Evidence to Impeach Obama?

4063906703?profile=originalShe Vowed to Bless Our Troops and Their Families.

Debbie Lee knew the black car in front of her home was not a good thing. Her worst fears were realized. Her heroic decorated son Marc Alan Lee was the first U.S. Navy SEAL killed in Iraq. Experiencing first hand the extreme price our troops and their families pay preserving our freedom, this Gold Star Mom birthed, Americas Mighty Warriors. Debbie thanks our troops in numerous ways and provides aid and comfort to military families.

4063906610?profile=originalHere is an update I received from Debbie. “God is doing amazing things with AMW. We have tripled those that we have helped this past year and are now paying for HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) for our troops with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and seeing amazing healing. I'm sure we could triple again next year as there is so much need. I'm excited to see what God will continue to do.”

I first met Debbie Lee years ago when we were both touring on Tea Party Express. I was so impressed by Debbie and her mission that I organized conservative musicians to come together to do a fundraiser for her non-profit, Americas Mighty Warriors.


Remarkably singers and musicians from across America showed up in Florida for the recording session. We recorded a song (We Are The World style) titled, “Taking Back America”. 

Each artist came to Florida on their own dime and 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the CD and video package goes to Debbie Lee. The package includes 44 songs of varying genres donated by the participating recording artists.

Please help Debbie Lee help our military by purchasing your copy of “Tea Are The World”.

Please Do Not Allow Our Vet Imprisoned in Mexico to Fall Off America's Radar.

U.S. Marine combat vet Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi made a wrong turn into Mexico with legal weapons in his trunk. Tahmooressi has been living the nightmare of trying to stay alive in a brutal Mexican prison since March 31. God bless Duncan Hunter, R-Calif, for trying to bring national attention to the case. Hunter wrote a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry on Tahmooressi's behalf. Kerry is as ineffective as Michelle Obama's “# Bring Back Our Girls”. Two hundred and fifty of the Nigerian schoolgirls remain held hostage by their Muslim kidnappers and Tahmooressi continues to fight to survive in a Mexican hell hole.

Former congressman Allen West describes the Obama Administration’s response to our jailed Marine's plight as “very embarrassing”.

This situation is outrageous! For crying out loud, we are the United States of America. Let our veteran go! NOW!

Have a Blessed Memorial Day.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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The Answer to Rush Limbaugh's Question

4063903772?profile=originalTraveling down I-95 headed home to Florida from visiting Mary and my parents in Maryland and West Virginia, I found myself yelling in frustration at my radio. Rush Limbaugh asked who gives the Left power to silence opposition, control speech, get people fired or ordered into sensitivity training? Rush rattled off numerous examples to prove his point including a mere 50 leftist student protesters at Rutgers successfully forcing Condoleezza Rice to back down from giving their commencement speech. 

Who gives the Left such power? I yelled, “We do!”

By the way, while in the West Virginia, I attended Mary's dad's 82nd birthday party. Many family members were in attendance. We had a wonderful time of laughter and love. I was the only black person. There was not the slightest vibe of racial tension in the air. I believe such is the state of race relations between a majority of Americans, except for those who despicably promote racial division for personal and political gain (Democrats).

Back to Rush's question. Who gives the Left so much power? Much of the Left's power comes from the mainstream media which is mostly liberal and totally in sync with the Democratic party's socialist/progressive agenda. The MSM functions as the Left's “hit men” ready to high tech lynch any and all challengers.

We can not do much about that. But, we can control our response. While I have written about this on countless occasions, my points bear repeating. Stop allowing the Left to set the rules of engagement and stop helping them beat up on our challengers.

When people on our side (conservatives) misspeak, misquote a stat or make a clumsy innocent comment, I will not sing in harmony with the Left's choir; calling the conservative an idiot -- nor will I submit to the Left's demands that the targeted conservative be denounced. To do so is, in essence, providing aid and comfort to our enemies.

Frustratingly, both sides of the political street expect conservatives to be as perfect as Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, Democrats are permitted to make any cruel, evil, outrageous or unsubstantiated claim necessary to further their cause. Heck, Obama repeatedly told the American people a bold face lie to pass Obamacare , for the most part, without consequence.

While we function in a state of constant fear that a conservative may utter a single word for the Left to take out of context to use against us, Democrats' rules of engagement allows them to boldly function from the position that no tactic is too low in their quest to defeat conservatives and implement the socialist/progressive agenda. Therefore, Democrats consider lying to the American people, millions losing their health care, denying medical care to kids with Cancer and slandering millions of decent patriotic Americans in the Tea Party all fair game.

For example. Remember when Congressional Black Caucus Rep Andre Carson made the irresponsible outrageous claim that the tea party would like to see blacks “hanging on a tree”?

Where was the push back from the MSM and calls for Democrats to denounce Rep Carson? Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson sent a fund-raising email claiming that the “T” in tea party stands for the burning cross of the KKK.  Why did we not see the same pressure and 24/7 coverage the MSM applies to Republicans; demanding that Grayson apologize and calls for Democrats to denounce him?

The MSM embraces the claims of Democrats, who have never attended a single tea party, that the rallies are the equivalent of KKK meetings. As a black who has attended over 400 tea parties nationwide, the MSM rejects my on the scene eyewitness report to the contrary.

Remarkably, after five years without evidence proving their accusation to be true, the Democrats and MSM have doubled down on their claim that the Tea Party, the Republican party and all opposition to Obama is motivated by racism.

Our side has been advised to surrender to the Left's branding of us and implement our own Democrat-lite versions of the Left's agenda to prove that we are not racist – illegal immigration, denounce the repeal of Obamacare and exempt minorities from showing a photo ID to vote to name a few. So this is where we are – allowing Democrats and the MSM to dictate how we are allowed to fight; what we can and can not say – which battles we are allowed to fight.

And yet, we eagerly rush to blogs and media microphones to beat up on our courageous conservative freedom fighters whenever they make a mistake.

Sarah Palin is a prime example of which I speak. Say what you will about Pailn, but from day one, she has been an unwavering bold, strong and committed voice, pushing back against the tyranny of the Obama regime. Now, do you think I would ever help the Left beat up on Sarah? Borrowing a phase I heard my patriot brothers and sisters say while in New Jersey, “Forget about it!”

Then, there is Cliven Bundy. While Bundy may or may not have had all his legal ducks in a row, or knew how to deal with a hostile media, I tip my hat to the man. Bottom line, Bundy knew government was hijacking more and more of our freedoms and said, “No!” That takes guts folks because history confirms that “freedom ain't free”. Bundy is paying a price that many are unwilling to pay. Many sheepishly go along with the program (the government incrementally taking over every aspect of our lives) rather than risking an IRS audit or a bogus reason to be thrown in jail.

Who gives the Left their power? We do, every time we surrender.

While visiting in Maryland, I was blessed with another cherished chat with my dad who just celebrated his 86th birthday. His mind is as sharp as ever. Praise God! Dad is Chaplin emeritus for the Baltimore City Fire Dept. He only speaks at special events.

Dad said he was called on the carpet by a department official after a recent event. One highly offended individual at the event complained that dad ended his prayer with, “in Jesus name”.

Dad told the official that he could no more deny Jesus than he could deny that he is black. Note, Dad did not apologize, beg for forgiveness or vow never to do it again. The official let it go.

Who gives the Left their power? We do.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063892641?profile=originalThank God Obama and the Democrats' attempt to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour stalled in the Senate. 

Raising the minimum wage destroys jobs.  Democrats pushing for a higher minimum wage has nothing to do with improving peoples' lives and everything to do with playing two cards, class envy and fairness, from their deck of hate inspiring cards to win votes.

How much can Mr Joe American grocery store owner afford to pay an unskilled worker just entering the work force? When government pulls an amount out of the air that it believes is a fair hourly wage and forces it on business owners, business owners are forced to make real world economic decisions.

So, rather than Mr Joe American grocery store owner hiring 5 kids for the summer to stack boxes and gather shopping carts in the parking lot, he only hires two kids or none and gathers the carts himself. Traditionally, as one's knowledge, skills and value to a business increases, so does their pay.

Liberals argue that a family can not survive on minimum wage. News flash, a family is not suppose to survive on minimum wage.

My pet peeve with liberal's and Democrats' vision for America is that they always appeal to our lower nature. They gin-up hatred for people who have more than you. As a matter of fact, you have too little because others have too much. Therefore, it is only fair that we empower government to take their stuff and redistribute it to you.

Democrats and liberals say, hey, you want to kill your baby in the final month before birth, no problem. Shame on hateful Republicans and conservatives for trying to change your mind.

Poll: Does the Constitution give Congress the power to legislate morality?

Democrats say do not be a sucker like those immigrants who follow the process, assimilate and become U.S. Citizens legally. Just sneak across our borders and we will roll out the red carpet for you.

In their tradition of lowered expectations and standards of behavior, Democrats are not concerned with encouraging employees to better themselves to increase their value to the business beyond minimum wage pay. Instead, with main stream media support, Dems sell the message that employers are mean greedy SOBs. Dems vow to force them to pay employees more money simply for showing up. After all, it is only fair.

Do you see the pattern? Democrats and liberals always encourage a lower behavioral standard and gin-up class envy, division and hate.

Democrats have the audacity to frame the minimum wage as a moral issue. I submit that the Democrats' approach to minimum wage is immoral; totally based on a “gimme” mindset without giving a hoot about the employer or the business.

Remember the biblical tale of the talents (money)? Before leaving on a business trip, a master gave various amounts of money to three servants to invest. To one servant he gave 5 talents. The second he gave 2 and to the third he gave one talent. Both servants with 5 and 2 talents invested their master's money, made a profit and were rewarded. The third servant who chose to remain at “minimum wage level”, buried his master's money for safe keeping, earning nothing for his master. The master was extremely angry with him.

As a proud conservative, I wish to offer a powerful proven truth to young people entering the work force. Reject the Democrats' low-rent manipulative you're-a-victim class envy rhetoric regarding the minimum wage. You are so much better than who the Democrats think you are.

When you apply at Mr Joe American's grocery store for a job, tell him you want to help make his store the most popular in town. Yes, I realize that may sound corny today. But, it works.

When you come to the business with an attitude of how can I be a blessing to Mr. Joe, you get blessed, promoted and paid. Perform on a level that there is a noticeable void when you are not there.

Several years ago, I worked in the art department of a TV station; a crew of six artists. Whenever our boss was unavailable, young Jeff voluntarily stepped up to deal with whatever. When Jeff was first to be promoted, jealous fellow artists murmured. They accused Jeff of being a butt kisser. The reality was Jeff earned his promotion; the difference between winners and whiny entitlement minded losers.

The secret to success is bringing an attitude of “how can I be a blessing” to every situation. Successful people provide or create goods and services that people want and or need. I am not suggesting that you will never encounter an abusive unappreciative boss. I am saying that bringing an attitude of how can I assist my employer to increase his bottom line and make his day a little easier will ultimately reap an employee great rewards.

Have you ever heard liberals and Democrats speak of giving to ones employer? I think not.

As is the case in most of what they advocate, the Democrats and liberals mantra is you're-a-victim and you're entitled. Now, gimme!

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063887108?profile=originalI suspect that many of you share my frustration with wimpy Republican candidates; afraid to embrace the Tea Party, afraid to stand up for conservative principles and values, afraid to stand up for the law, afraid to push back against bogus allegations of racism for not rubber stamping Obama's fast and furious power grabs and attacks on our freedoms.

My dad taught me that a “real man” takes a stand and does the right thing, ignoring critics. He also does the right thing went nobody is watching.

Well, there is a real man conservative running for congress in New Jersey who is not afraid. His name is Steve Lonegan. Talk about a breath of fresh air, Lonegan has been fighting the good fight for conservatism in New Jersey politics for 30 years. Yes, you heard me correctly, I said New Jersey.

Though he put up a good fight, Lonegan was defeated in his run for U.S. Senate by the overwhelmingly well-funded Democrat Cory Booker. Oprah and her Hollywood posse pumped millions into that race for Booker. Still, there was a bright spot. Despite mega Hollywood outside funding, Lonegan strongly defeated Booker in the 3rd district which is where he is now running for congress.

Now get this folks. Standing on conservative principles, Lonegan won the 3rd district by the best numbers of any Republican in the last decade.  Mitt Romney lost that district. It is my firm belief that when presented unfiltered by liberals, boldly and confidently, conservatism wins the hearts and minds of a majority of voters.

Sadly, far too many Republican candidates and the GOP establishment drink the Left's Kool-Aid that we must tone down our message; in essence, become Democrat-Lite to win elections. Now, ask yourself. Why would the Left want to help Republicans/Conservatives win elections?

Conservative congressional candidate Steve Lonegan must defeat the liberal New Jersey Republican establishment's candidate MacArthur in the primary; well-funded with millions.

The New Jersey GOP establishment wants a big government liberal in office. Pure and simple.

Contrast that with Lonegan who is committed to upholding the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, low taxes and reducing the size of government. One could say that Lonegan epitomizes the liberal wing of the GOP establishment's War on Conservatism -- the GOP recruiting wealthy RINO candidates around the country to run against conservatives.

MacArthur says he supports government funded low income housing to bring diversity to neighborhoods. Sounds like Obama, right? Lonegan has no problem with diversity, but is opposed to achieving it via government social engineering programs.

MacArthur has called Lonegan “too right wing”. Here are Lonegan's goals which the GOP establishment candidate considers too right wing. Lonegan will fight to repeal Obamacare, repeal Common Core's intrusion into our kid's education, see the repeal of Dodd-Frank and dismantle the IRS. Lonegan is in great company. Ronald Reagan was also considered too right wing.

While his opponent runs with a war-chest of millions, Lonegan is the Tea Party candidate, running on ideology. Wow, what a concept and how gutsy. When other Republicans were distancing themselves from the Tea Party, Lonegan helped to organize the first major Tea Party rally in Piscataway, New Jersey, April 15, 2009.

Lonegan's strategy for victory is to keep his grassroots army energized and mobilized; the same patriots who pushed him over the top to win the 3rd district in his bid for the Senate. Lonegan has high name recognition.

As Chairman of Conservative Campaign Committee, I have jumped aboard the Lonegan Express for Congress in New Jersey. Can you imagine the impact of a real man conservative elected in New Jersey? Awesome!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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Four Dead in Benghazi Video.

4063885028?profile=originalI made this music video because I want low-info voters to get it; to understand that four Americans unnecessarily died at the hands of Al Qaeda terrorists who overtook our U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Please do not be offended by my use of the term “low-info”. I am merely referring to Americans like my brother. He works hard, coaches youth football and gets his news from the mainstream media. He does not listen to talk radio, watch Foxnews or surf the internet. Thus, he is a low-info voter.

The MSM has refused to seriously investigate the Benghazi terrorist attack. Why did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama refuse to answer the cries for help of those trapped in our consulate. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was brutally humiliated, tortured and murdered.

Before being killed, Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the consulate attackers.  Diplomat Sean Smith was also killed during the attack.

The attack was before the 2012 presidential election. Obama was on the campaign trail pounding his chest like Tarzan proclaiming that Osama Bin Laden was dead, Al Qaeda was on the run and terrorism was no longer a threat.

With the anniversary of 9/11 coming up, Ambassador Stevens requested more security at our consulate. Strengthening security at our consulate would imply that terrorism was alive and well. So, the Obama Administration (Hillary Clinton) denied Stevens' request.

In essence, Obama and Clinton decided that the lives of Americans at our consulate in Benghazi was acceptable collateral damage to protect Obama's narrative. The Obama Administration’s decision was unprecedented because we never leave Americans behind.

Special thanks to the true patriots at Kurt Howland Enterprises for donating their time producing this video.

My fellow Americans please watch this brief music video, “Four Dead in Benghazi”.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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This Black Does Not Think Bundy is Racist

4063882154?profile=originalPick a card, any card. Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. We all knew it was only a matter of time before Democrats/Liberals played one or more of their Big Three Cards to silence, intimidate and crush opposition to their latest power grab/tyrannical attack on our freedom.

With a majority of Americans taking rancher Cliven Bundy's side against Obama's BLM thugs, Democrat Harry Reid concluded that it was time to play their old faithful, tried and true race card. As Gomer Pyle use to say, “Surprise. Surprise.” We knew it was coming.

This is how the Left rolls. When America rallied around Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson after being targeted for destruction by the Left, the Left played a twofer on Robertson; accusing him of being homophobic and a racist.

Thank God it did not work. Coming to Robertson's defense, conservatives played their ultimate trump card which overruled all the Left's lies, distortions and evil intent. Our ultimate weapon is the Truth & Righteousness Card. I believe boldly and confidently standing up for truth and righteousness always defeats evil. And make no mistake about it, the Democrat, liberal, progressive and socialist agenda is evil.

The Left's vision for America is counter to the Will of God and the human spirit. Their anti-God agenda places man on the throne as the ultimate power, able to fix everything – the environment, income inequality, equal outcomes and everything under the sun via legislation. The Bible says, “The fool says in his heart that there is no God.”

Not to wander too far off topic, back to the Left's nonsensical allegation that Bundy is a racist.

Any decent fair-minded human being would understand that Bundy was condemning the slavery of government dependency in his comments regarding Negros. The elderly gentleman is a rancher who is not media savvy, nor is he schooled in the nuances of political correctness.

The Left are not decent human beings. Their bully minions went on high alert viciously in pursuit of a “gotcha” comment to squelch Bundy's proven leadership and ability to inspire millions to push back against the Obama regime.

Prominent conservatives running for the tall grass to get away from or running to microphones to denounce Bundy is testimony to their fear of the Left's high tech lynching machine. It truly sickens me.

I hate allowing jive turkey Leftist bullies to push us around. Rather than conservatives fighting back, far too many cower in fear and allow the Left to proclaim what is considered racist. It reminds me of the school yard when I was a kid. The only way to defeat bullies or at least gain their respect was to punch them in the face.

Before a Leftist's hack accuses me of advocating violence, I am talking about “politically” delivering a hard left hook to the Left's jaw by standing up for Bundy.

Mr. Bundy spoke the truth about cradle-to-grave government dependency wrecking havoc in the black community. We all know this. But any white person who dares to acknowledge the huge elephant in the black community's living room is vilified and branded a racist; Bill O'Reilly, Congressman Paul Ryan and now Cliven Bundy. Meanwhile, black families continue to suffer and vote monolithic for Democrats who vow to fix their problems, but never do.

Black relatives of mine (several died young) lived wasted lives because they were addicted to government dependency. They were Democrat party slaves, enslaved with chains far more powerful than steel; mental and emotional slavery. My relatives were robbed of the self-esteem, pride and joy of individual achievement and earning ones way.

Democrats and liberal media I trump your race card against Bundy with my Truth and Righteousness card. You lose! Go peddle your despicable crap elsewhere.

I am a black conservative whose admiration and respect for Cliven Bundy remains unwavering. Mr. Bundy, myself along with millions of good decent Americans have your back. Hang in there my patriot brother. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063691816?profile=originalWhat do Herman Cain, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Michele Bachmann, Condoleeza Rice, Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson and TW Shannon all have in common?

Calm down Joseph. I see your hand, but I want someone else to answer for a change. No takers? Ok Joseph.

You are correct. They are hated by liberals and Democrats. Tell us why? Correct again Joseph. They are women and minorities who honor God, family and country. They are self-reliant, extremely successful and do not view themselves as victims.

Liberals and Democrats will not tolerate such liberated independent thinking by women and minorities. It threatens the foundation of the Democratic Party which is built on insidious evil lies, class envy and victim-hood-ism.

POLL: Does Congress need to revive the House Committee on Un-American activities?

Very good Joseph, please continue.

For decades, liberals and Democrats have been indoctrinating women and minorities; filling their heads with lies such as America is eternally racist and sexist. They claim the only way for women and minorities to succeed is through Democrat led government mandated lowered standards, entitlements and special concessions.

Women and minorities who succeed via education, right choices and hard work, without Democratic Party intervention, upset the Democrats' applecart. These uppity women and minorities must be silenced at any and all cost.

But wait a minute Joseph. Are you saying that these self-proclaimed heroes of women and minorities would actually seek to punish and destroy them? Oh, I get it. You are saying their faux-compassion is nothing more than a PR campaign promoted by their buddies who dominate the mainstream media.

Liberals and Democrats do not give a hoot about women and minorities other than their usefulness in furthering the socialist/progressive agenda. Their mantra is continue your monolithic voting for us and we will continue upping the entitlements and keep rich white racist conservative Republicans at bay. Despicable.

Excellent points Joseph.

Because they thrive on perceived victimized voting blocs, that explains why liberals and Democrats will not seriously address epidemic levels of black out-of-wedlock births, school dropouts, unemployment, urban poverty, black on black crime and genocidal abortion rates.

They became hysterically outraged when Bill O'Reilly and Republican Congressman Paul Ryan compassionately dared to address issues which are devastating the black community.

National race relations and the lives of women and blacks are considered acceptable collateral damage in the liberal's and Democrats' implementation of their socialist/progressive agenda.

Joesph, please define “socialist/progressive agenda”.

Their agenda includes banning God from the public square to install a secular society, homosexual marriage, illegal immigration which means new Democrat voters, late term abortions and continuously increasing the size and overreach of government. Their goal is to have as many Americans as possible dependent on government (unprecedented 48 million on food stamps, over 90 million unemployed and Obamacare) which equals government having total power and control over every aspect of our lives.

Anyone, particularly women and minorities, who promote traditional family values and Christian faith is problematic for their PR campaign of indoctrinating the American people, particularly women and minorities.

This also explains liberal's and Democrats' high tech raping of Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Condoleeza Rice and others. Liberal celeb Cher called Sarah Palin a “dumb C-word”.

Rabid liberal Bill Maher called Michele Bachmann a “bimbo”. He also called Sarah Palin the C-word and a “dumb twat” with no rebuke from the liberal infected mainstream media. Can you imagine the media feeding frenzy had a conservative used the C-word to describe Hillary Clinton? Glaring hypocrisy.

Would anyone else like to chime in? Ok Joseph, the floor is yours.

Democrats claiming that Republicans have launched a “war on women” is a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black and a media supported PR game. Democrats are obsessed with women killing their babies via abortion which is the leading cause of death in America annually.

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is attempting to silence the movie, “Honor Diaries” which exposes violence against women.  Only conservative leaning Fox News is the lone media outlet informing the public. Due to political correctness, liberals and Democrats remain mute.

But wait Joseph. Please forgive me for interrupting. It has been my understanding over the years that liberals and Democrats are the great saviors of women.

Say what? Ok, now I understand. Political correctness and furthering their fundamental transformation of America always trumps our God given freedom, liberty, human suffering and lives. This is cruel, evil and glaring shameless hypocrisy.

Well done Joseph. Very well done.

Unlike liberal teachers, I will not give every student a gold star simply for showing up. I am giving you Joseph a gold star because you earned it. You did the work. Congratulations!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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The Beat Goes On: Opposing Obama is Racist.

4063874355?profile=originalAlas, another reporter asked me the same question I have been repeatedly asked for the past five years. “As an African American, why are you a member of the Tea Party?” It dawned on me to ask the reporter, “If you are a thinking patriotic American, why are you NOT a member of the Tea Party?”

It is stunning that reporters can not see the absurdity and racism against white voters in their assumption that Tea Party membership (push back against Obama's agenda) equals racism.

For the first time in U.S. history are Americans required to submit to their president's agenda or suffer the mainstream media and Democratic party branding an “R” on their forehead for racist? Does our president's skin color repeal our right to disagree with government?

The MSM and Democratic party declaring all opposition to Obama's agenda racist is a despicable divisive tactic. They are exploiting Obama's skin-color to further their socialist/progressive agenda (full court press hostile government takeover of our lives).

Another question repeatedly asked by reporters is, “If the Tea Party is not racist, why are its members mostly white?” I reply, “Could it be that a majority of black voters are ill-informed, clueless and/or racist? Why are you making the Tea Party responsible for blacks not showing up?”

In 2008, when I heard presidential candidate Barack Obama tell Joe-the-Plumber that he wanted to spread the wealth around, I knew Obama was a socialist and the wrong man to lead my country.

To my utter amazement, who Obama is as a human being and his plan for America was totally irrelevant to my family, friends and 96% of black voters including some black conservatives and Republicans. It was a black code thing. Support the brother no matter what.

My decision to campaign and vote against Obama due to his far left radical associations, pro infanticide voting record and socialistic vision for my country made me an outcast and a traitor to my race. Is there a monolithic “racist” black vote? You bet there is. Black racism is as evil and unacceptable as white racism.

White liberals were equally outraged that I dared to judge Obama by the content of his character rather than the color of his skin. White liberal paragons of fairness, tolerance and self-proclaimed champions of minorities called me a “stupid self loathing n*****” for not voting for Obama.

Along with millions of white Obama voters shocked and outraged over his unprecedented takeover of the auto industry, banks and repeated ignoring of the Constitution, I joined the Tea Party.

The MSM and Democratic party are insisting that we surrender our will and our country. They demand that we act like brain dead obedient supplicants of King Obama, less we risk public humiliation charged with racism. Heaven forbid.

Hall of Fame baseball player Hank Aaron is the latest black celeb to call opposing Obama equal to being a member of the KKK. Hank, I love you bro. But your accusation is racist, evil and beneath you.

How are you, Mr Aaron, suddenly able to read the hearts, minds and intentions of the entire GOP and millions of Americans in the Tea Party? Can you not see how insidiously evil, intellectually vacant and tyrannical it is to brand all opposition to the president's agenda racist?

And yet, to silence the GOP and conservatives, the mainstream media and Democratic party continues to promote the ridiculous narrative that “opposing Obama is racist”. This tactic has successfully rendered most of the GOP impotent, cowering in their boots, fearful of that hot “R” brand on their foreheads. Many well-intentioned Americans have been silenced.

I submit that we conservatives and Republicans rip the racism branding iron from the hands of the MSM and Democratic party and point it in their direction. They are the true racists.

White America, when the left calls you a racist for pushing back against socialism, let it roll off your back like water off a duck. America is far too precious to allow it to be destroyed (fundamentally transformed) by the MSM and Democratic party's use of racial intimidation, race baiting and race exploitation. We can not allow ourselves to be silenced.

The MSM and Democratic party have no problem with setting back national race relations, polarizing Americans along racial lines to implement their mission of government controlling every aspect of our lives.

To defeat the MSM and Democratic party, you must support and vote for conservatives beginning with the 2014 elections.

We can and we must take back America.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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A Little Past Due Love for Cousin Glen

4063869806?profile=originalAs a 9 or 10 year old, my knowledge of the situation was limited. Therefore, I can not pass judgment on the adults. I do not know what was done or not done to rescue my cousin Glen, a little boy who was severely abused by his mom, my late aunt Bummie (a nickname). My dad threatened to report Aunt Bummie to the authorities and warned her, “Do not physically discipline my kids.”

A homosexual, Glen's adult life was cut extremely short due to AIDS. My purpose for writing is to let the world know that Glen was here, his suffering and that I loved him.

Aunt Bummie was my mom's older sister. Their childhood was horrendous. Their father was accidentally killed in a street shooting. Their alcoholic mother would abandon the two little girls for long periods of time. Mom and Bummie endured things kids should not have to endure.

In the 1950s when Dad broke the color barrier to become a Baltimore City firefighter, our family (mom and four younger siblings) moved out of the government projects into our own home in a black suburban community.

Aunt Bummie and her five sons by two absentee fathers remained in the projects on welfare. I enjoyed occasional sleepovers at my cousins' government provided townhouse in the city. Aunt Bummie's house was unkempt with holes punched in walls and broken furniture.

Aunt Bummie, when I grow up, I'm gonna buy you new furniture”. “Thanks Peanut”,(my nickname), she replied.

I got along great with Aunt Bummie and her boys. And yet, I felt my cousins' envy of me having a dad in our home. I felt sorry for them.

Aunt Bummie and her boys lived different than my family. Aunt Bummie did not have a job. Unlike my home, the refrigerator was off limits to her children. Food was very valuable; each boy was protective of his food when eating. I remember large generic labeled boxes of government cheese and powdered milk – cans of meat and peanut butter.

Fondly, I remember Aunt Bummie covering her table with newspapers and dumping a huge pile of fried chicken necks and backs on it for us boys to devour. I still like fried chicken necks and backs.

Even as a little boy, I felt the sadness, anger and dysfunction of their household. Aunt Bummie was extremely kind and gentle with me, but brutal towards her boys – Glen in particular, the baby. I vaguely recall overhearing my parents saying Bummie hated Glen because he reminded her the most of his father.

Their household humor was weird and violent – the five boys along with Aunt Bummie would laugh hysterically about the time she broke the baseball bat while beating Jimmie and how she bent the cooking pot while beating Glen.

Glen was the family servant. When everyone was watching TV, anyone could order Glen to go fetch something for them. The slightest non compliance from Glen would result in Aunt Bummie screaming at him, and/or beating him; not spanking, beating. My heart always went out to Glen as I watched him cry during his beatings. The lack of love. The unfairness. The cruelty.

Lawrence, the eldest, was very intelligent and responsible. He played substitute dad to his brothers. Glen was intelligent and responsible. Aunt Bummie's other three sons acted like Neanderthals. And yet, she catered to her two most lazy and irresponsible boys while being extremely tough on Lawrence and Glen.

Etched in my brain is the day I witnessed something emotionally die in Glen. Aunt Bummie was beating Glen, pounding away at him with her fists. Though his seven or eight year old body bent in reaction to her punches, Glen just stood there with a blank look on his face, not shedding a tear. It was chilling.

Sadly, Aunt Bummie and four of her sons died young. Her surviving son is one of her favorites who is now in his 50s. He never had a job in his life and lives in a nursing home.

The one bright spot in Aunt Bummie's depressed household was her eldest son, Lawrence. Incredibility, Lawrence worked his way through college and achieved great things. Her favorite jobless adult sons lived at home. Despite two non working adult sons living with Aunt Bummie, a phone call would bring Lawrence with financial support. Lawrence, a homosexual, died of AIDS in his late 30s.

My heart goes out to Aunt Bummie and her boys, no husband in the home for her and no father for her sons. She was prone to explosive fits of rage. Aunt Bummie and her adult sons embraced cradle-to-grave government dependency. I believe their lives could have been so much more. Aunt Bummie eventually became a born-again Christian. Praise God!

But there is a special place in my heart for Glen. That kid never got any love. When he became an adult, according to the family grapevine, Glen was a bit wild and crazy, sexually promiscuous with very little self-respect. What if Glen would have had a real dad rather than the federal government? His life would have probably been much different. Truly sad. Truly tragic.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063864728?profile=originalIt occurred to me that my 86 year old black dad is a man of “firsts” -- a born pioneer, boldly going were no other black had gone before.

In 1946, Dad and Jackson were the only black Merchant Marines on their ship and the first “coloreds” to land at the base in St Petersburg Florida. Dad came close to being hung by an angry mob simply for being there.

Dad had a tough beginning. The product of an extra-martial affair, Dad was raised by his aunt, Aunt Nee.

Aunt Nee was a pretty remarkable woman. Though she never graduated high school, Aunt Nee (Rev. Anita Bethea) was extremely articulate, well read, a great singer (reminiscent of Mahalia Jackson), a gifted speaker, student of the Bible and pastor of her own storefront church in Baltimore, Maryland.

I asked Dad what kept him, growing up as a fatherless black child, on the straight and narrow, not getting into crime or drugs. Without hesitation, Dad replied, “Aunt Nee!”

I knew what Dad was talking about. Aunt Nee had this way about her. Her approval felt important. Aunt Nee babysat me. “Lloyd Marcus, you should be ashamed of yourself.” A spanking for my naughty behavior would have felt less painful.

She was a born teacher; no lazy or sloppy speaking was tolerated. Aunt Nee sent me to the corner store. “Ask the grocer for U-nee-da Biscuits”. She distinctly pronounced each syllable.

When Dad was a teen, he was really excited about the latest fashion craze, the zoot suit. Despite his pleas, Aunt Nee refused to allow Dad to purchase a zoot suit because she thought only hoodlums wore zoot suits. That is called parenting, folks.

An entrepreneur since age ten, Dad shined shoes at the bus station on weekends; proudly hauling in a bountiful $1.25 from shoe shines and tips. Dad paid rent to Aunt Nee, treated himself to a day at the movies with popcorn and purchased his first article of clothing; a t-shirt. Dad bragged to his buddies, “I'm buying my own clothes now.” You can not get such a feeling of self esteem, confidence and pride from cradle-to-grave welfare.

Dad said he and a buddy were misbehaving once on a public bus; nothing serious, but a bit annoying to passengers. A woman said, “It's how they were raised.” Dad said her comment cut like a knife and stopped him in his tracks. He knew Aunt Nee had raised him better.

Aunt Nee and Dad had a tradition of beginning the new year on their knees in prayer. As a young adult partying in bars on New Year's Eve, Dad would run home just before midnight to begin the new year on his knees in prayer.

Dad recalled, as a young Merchant Marine, flirting with a much older woman. The beautiful 31-year-old was sitting on his lap, and everything was going great until he accidentally replied to something she said with, “Yes Ma'am”. Overhearing, a fellow sailor chuckled and said, “It's hard to break way from that home training.”

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Dad was a typical young person, but never strayed too far from the foundation Aunt Nee instilled in him.

I asked Dad, “With no role model, what made you pursue things not typically pursued by blacks?” Dad replied, “I don't know. Whenever a door opened, I walked through it.”

In the 1950s, Dad was one of a few blacks who broke the color barrier to become a Baltimore City Firefighter.

Dad was Baltimore City's first black Firefighter of the Year, two times.

Dad was Baltimore City's first black paramedic.

Dad was the Baltimore City Fire Department's first black Chaplain.

4063775651?profile=originalAn exclusive country club offered a special reduced membership rate to “all” firefighters. Dad noted the word “all”. He joined the club. Dad took my younger brothers Jerry and David for a swim in the pool. A stunned black staffer approached Dad in the locker room, “How on earth did you get in here?” When Dad and my brothers got into the swimming pool, the white members exited the pool. Dad kept coming back and eventually the behavior of the white members changed.

After the passing of the Civil Rights bill, Dad took our family to a whites only drive-in-movie. Dad said the ushers directed our car, “That's it, that's it, keep going”. Upon realizing that the ushers had guided our car through, out of the drive-in-movie, and back to the main road, Dad and my mom erupted into laughter. As Dad was telling me the story he had difficulty containing his laughter. He still thinks the incident was quite funny.

That is who my dad is, an easy going, good-hearted and upbeat remarkable man.

Years ago, I wrote a tribute song to Dad tilted, “Real Man”.

At 86, Dad's mind is as sharp as ever. He still pastors four churches. Praise God! I am extremely grateful for every day, I have him in my life.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063862683?profile=originalJust when Mary was mastering not over-cooking (burning) steaks on our grill at home in Florida, duty called us back on the road, with our Conservative Campaign Committee team traveling to freezing Minnesota to defeat Al Franken.

My charcoal-grill-master-in-training awesome wife hates cold weather. Nevertheless, she is willing to brave bone-chilling temperatures and snow to fire Franken!

Not only is Franken responsible for causing pain and suffering to millions of Americans by providing the 60th vote which enacted Obamacare, but Franken also threw Minnesotans under the Obama bus in the process.

Unique to Minnesota, they already had a program (MinnesotaCare) which provided affordable and accessible healthcare -- on a sliding-scale-premium basis, without mandates for anyone else. As a result of Min-Care, Minnesota had the third-highest insurance coverages in the nation, accomplishing a great thing on a state level. Thus, no federal intervention/program was needed.

Franken sold-out Minnesotans to implement Obama's unprecedented tyrannical power-grab, further proving himself to be a loyal servant of Obama rather than a representative of his constituents. Franken repeated and promoted Obama's lie: “If you like your health care plan you can keep it.”

Rather than repeating liberal Democrat incumbent Franken's long list of offenses, I wish to focus on our solution. I am extremely excited and proud to announce that Conservative Campaign Committee endorses Conservative Republican State Senator Julianne Ortman for U.S. Senate in Minnesota.

Candidly, our endorsement did not come easy. Our CCC team thoroughly and critically examined the field of candidates, and Ortman rose to the top. We could not stomach another RINO (Republican In Name Only).

With the GOP openly warring against the Tea Party, Ortman is the only candidate in the race who has reached out, meeting with over 50 Tea Party groups. How refreshing and encouraging.

Ortman wants to repeal Obamacare, folks, fighting it since 2010.

In her facebook ad, Ortman proclaims, “Keep your doctor. Change your senator. Repeal Obamacare! I love it!

A shocking article which exposed that hospitals are using aborted babies in their furnaces for heat documents a growing callous disrespect for human life. Thus, I am elated to announce that Ortman is pro-life, endorsed by the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life State PAC.

During my research of Ortman, it was obvious that Ortman is a strategist. Excellent! We need more conservatives who know how to get things done, fighting alongside Sen.Ted Cruz and Sen. Mike Lee.

Here are just a few other reasons why Ortman deserves your prayers and support.

Ortman has an impressive track record of fighting for lower taxes, less government spending, and less government regulations over our businesses and families. How scary and outrageous is that, folks -- government regulating our families?

As Chair of the Minnesota Senate Tax Committee, Ortman lead the charge to eliminate Minnesota's $6-billion deficit without raising taxes.

Ortman served as a spokesperson for the Senate Republican Caucus, confidently articulating and championing conservative principles. Yes, that's what I am talking about!

Here is another bit of good news, folks. Ortman has won the endorsement of ShePAC, the fantastic organization that backs conservative women for office.

Ortman is a proven winner -- the kind of formidable opponent needed to take down Franken. She won her last 8 elections, including re-election to the Minnesota State Senate in 2012 with 65% of the vote. Wow!

Breaking news, just in: Sarah Palin endorses Julianne Ortman.

Yes, I am pretty stoked about this candidate -- a bold, bright and strong conservative woman. I salute Ortman with my tribute song to conservative women I recorded a few years ago titled, “Our Girls”. It will bring a smile to your face. Go Ortman!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063857796?profile=originalMichael Brendan Dougherty wrote an article stating that the only way for conservatives to reach black voters is to drop their colorblind idealism.

Dougherty wrote... “Conservatives in the GOP like to assail identity politics and tout their own ideology as one of color blindness. Sometimes this is stupidly marketed to black voters as a selling point for Republicans. "We don't categorize you by race," brags a Republican. The black audience hears: "We don't take the most salient part of your American political identity seriously."

I am a real-live black person. When I hear Republicans say "We don't categorize you by race", I think, “Thank you for respecting my intelligence enough not to pander to me.” Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, a Republican, dreamed of a day when Americans would focus on principles such as character rather than skin-color (race).

Civil rights leaders and Democrats have abandoned Dr King's vision of a colorblind America. Especially since Obama, the exploitation of race is the Democrats' super weapon to win every political battle. Anyone daring to oppose the black president's socialist/progressive agenda is bombarded with accusations of racism. Checkmate!

Dougherty appears to suggest that we conservatives can not simply stand up for what is right and true. We must adjust our message to fit the Democrats' false accusations and false assumptions.

For example. Dougherty thinks the GOP should back-off from their push for voter I-D laws because it looks like they are attempting to suppress the black vote. Mr. Dougherty, as a black conservative, I find the concept that blacks are too incompetent to find their way to acquire a photo I-D extremely insulting, demeaning and offensive. Democrats are fighting voter I-D because they seek to steal elections via voter fraud. Will Republicans waving the white flag on this issue win them black votes? I think not.

Dougherty thinks America's history of racial injustice causes blacks to deal with the issue of race every day. I beg to differ. Neither myself nor my black family, friends and associates deal with racial issues every day.

Despicably, liberals and Democrats strive to make race an issue, polarizing Americans; keeping the fires of racial tensions burning bright for political gain.

I reject Mr Dougherty's call for conservatives to abandon colorblind politicking. Why must we always allow Democrats and their media buddies to determine the rules of engagement?

We are all Americans and should be dealt with accordingly, rather than doing what the Democrats do; divide Americans into supposed victimized voting blocs and pandering to each group for political exploitation.

In the 1980s, as a young black kid clueless about politics, Ronald Reagan's one-size-fits-all conservative message of American exceptional-ism spoke to me. Reagan inspired me to be all I could be. His speeches made me feel good about myself and my country.

Admittedly, Conservatism will not resonate with everyone. Some people are born leeches and lazy; always looking for a free ride. These types feel entitled to the fruits of other folk's labors. Democrats love to pander to them.

But I believe in the character and goodness of a majority of the American people. When presented unfiltered by liberals, conservatism will find a lot of Americans eager to embrace it. Why? Because Conservatism is in-sync with the human spirit.

Please understand. Packaging the conservative message to appeal to various audiences is an excellent idea. However, watering down our principles or choosing not to challenge the Democrats' false narratives is foolish and wrong.

Certain principles have a universal appeal. Such principles bridge racial divides.

In the 1970s, I was a student at the Maryland Institute College of Art. My fellow black students at the mostly white college were extremely militant and anti-whitey. A group of them demanded that the Black Panthers be allowed to rally on campus.

I was stunned when these same black students approached me extremely excited about this awesome movie, “Rocky”, the Italian stallion. It was remarkable to witness these particular black students so passionately embracing a white boy. The magic ingredient was the “colorblind” principles espoused in that movie which spoke to the humanity in us all.

Mr Dougherty, I respectfully disagree with your article. As an American who happens to be black, I do not desire a “black version” of Conservatism which is rooted in true compassion and common sense.

We are Americans.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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I had an extraordinary telephone conservation with my 86 year old black dad, a lifelong Democrat and huge Obama fan. He called to ask me, “Is Obama anti-Christian?” Dad has been a Christian pastor for over 50 years. I said, “Dad, I have been telling you about Obama's anti-Christian policies for the past five years.” Dad replied, “And I have not been listening.”

Dad confessed that he simply could not bring himself to go against a black man in the White House. I felt dad was expressing the sentiments of many blacks of his era. I asked Dad to explain why he could not honestly assess our black president.

Dad became passionate. He said it was because of deep, deep scars he suffered at the hands of white people. Dad said, “I don't hate white people, but my scars run very deep; calling me a n***** and rubbing my head for luck.”

4063854125?profile=originalHe shared about the awful things he experienced while in the Merchant Marines around 1946. Dad and Jackson were the only blacks on the ship. Dad was a Quartermaster.

He said the crew was sea-weary, exhausted and emotionally spent after almost losing their ship in a storm. The crew was extremely excited and really looking forward to their much needed shore leave when they landed in St Petersburg Florida.

Upon their arrival, word came down that every crew member had shore leave except Marcus and Jackson. St Petersburg had a curfew for “coloreds”. Blacks could not be on the streets after dark.

Dad said he broke down in tears. Jackson was enraged and began cussing. He yelled at Dad for crying. “Marcus, knock it off!”

Word spread among the sailors that there were two coloreds on the base. The sailors were outraged by Dad and Jackson's presence on their base. On several occasions the two young black men had to be encircled by guards for protection.

Dad and Jackson took their chip which granted them a hair cut to the base barber shop. The barber said, “I ain't never cut a darky's hair and I ain't gonna start now! My razor just might slip and cut a darky's ear off.”

Jackson and Dad had to eat their meals in the mess hall alone after everyone else had eaten.

Another ship arrived at the base. When the crew of that ship heard about the two n****** on base, a mob of them stormed the building where Jackson and Dad were. The angry mob planned to lynch the two n******.

Chased by the mob, Dad and Jackson, assisted by shipmates, fled down back stairs to the office of the officer-in-charge who confronted the mob. “Now look here boys. I know you don't want these coloreds here. I don't want them here either. We told them people in New York not to send them down here, but they did it anyway. And by golly, we are gonna do right by them.” The mob dispersed.

Then, the officer had the nerve to instruct Dad and Jackson, “Now you boys leave them alone.”

On another occasion, Dad and his white buddy, Armstrong, had to catch a train to meet their ship in California. While waiting at the train station, an official approached Dad, “What are you doin' boy? Don't you know your place?” The official escorted Dad to the rundown horrible colored waiting room.

Enraged, Dad said he turned to Armstrong and said, “You white son of a b****!” Dad said he was not a curser and he knew it was not Armstrong's fault. He was just so humiliated and frustrated.

In the 1950s when Dad broke the color barrier to become a Baltimore City fire fighter, his humiliation continued. In the firehouse, Dad could not drink from the same coffee pot as the white firemen; separate eating utensils, sleeping area and bath room.

Dad said he could go on and on about racial injustices which have left him with deep scars.

Dad is not on the internet. He said, “My computer and I are not on speaking terms.”

I told Dad I was going to send him information in the mail confirming that Barrack Obama is anti-Christian.

For the first time, I felt emboldened to challenge Dad regarding this sensitive issue. I said, “Dad, once you know the truth about Obama, which loyalty will reign supreme? Will it be your loyalty to a fellow black man or your commitment to Jesus Christ.”

Dad chuckled and replied without hesitation, “It will be to Jesus Christ.”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063830625?profile=originalI watched a great old movie in the time period of the 1700s starring Anthony Quinn. A small village was brutally abused by an evil bandit and his army of thugs. Quinn organized and inspired the fearful villagers to fight back. When villagers were killed, many blamed, criticized and rejected Quinn. Displaying true leadership, Quinn remained willing to fight. He informed his critics that cowardice begets more tyranny. Freedom ain't free.

Folks, true leaders pay a heavy price which is why they, as do eagles, fly alone. Sarah Palin has led by example, displaying tremendous courage, backbone and grit by standing up for conservative principles, traditional values, freedom and liberty; even when some conservatives and establishment Republicans joined the chorus of liberals, Democrats and MSM calling her a fool.

Someone said if you promote a lie long enough, for some, it becomes reality. Such is the case regarding Palin's smarts. Meanwhile, Obama's list of faux pas including his recent inability to correctly spell “respect” are ignored or laughed-off.

Threatened by her enormous presence and the extreme impact of her inspiring 2008 VP nomination acceptance speech, Democrats and the MSM immediately launched a campaign to destroy Palin. In their joint effort to discredit her, every word out of Palin's mouth has been viewed through an unjust false lens which assumes that she is an idiot. I challenge anyone on the planet to survive such extreme critical scrutiny.

Sarah Palin is not perfect. She is a human being like the rest of us. But, Sarah Palin is an unmistakably gifted charismatic born leader who inspires millions to fight back against the horrible evil attempting to overtake our great nation. Palin's passion is fueled by her love for God, family and country and her knowledge that freedom ain't free. Thank God Palin is conservative.

For those on our side who wish to nit-pic everything Palin says and does, I ask, what the heck are you thinking? Stop it! Obama and his vile minions (Lois Lerner and others) are launching daily unprecedented outrageous assaults on our freedoms. Why waste time, energy and resources beating up on one of our few generals leading the charge to restore America?

As a proud conservative, I hold our leaders to a higher standard than the Democrats. I expect conservative leaders to make character driven decisions rooted in the best interest of the American people. However, I think it is unfair and foolish to demand that our leaders be perfect in every way. We should not join our enemies in berating them every time a conservative has a less than home run hitting media appearance. Our laser focus should be on exposing and stopping Obama's non-stop crimes against our Constitution. Attacking our own is counter productive.

Despite the left's best efforts to silence her, Palin has been relentless, sounding the alarm of all the bad things that would accompany an Obama presidency. Palin was right. America's chickens have come home to roost for electing Obama.

Here are Palin's predictions which have come true.

Obama pacifying world aggressors would have negative consequences.

Russia (which had just invaded the sovereign nation of Georgia, a U.S. ally) would feel emboldened to send troops in Ukraine as well.

Under Obamacare there would be government “death panels” that would determine whether or not a patient should be eligible to receive life-saving treatments, or whether it would be cheaper to just let that patient die. Could you ever imagine such a thing in America?

A few liberals have admitted that Palin was right when she said Obama does not have a whole lot of substance.

Sarah Palin was right on all these issues.

But the most important thing that Palin has been right about, winning her my utmost respect, is her unapologetic advocacy of true Conservatism; confidently touting Conservatism as the miracle cure for all of America's woes.

The 2014 midterm election must be a vote for Conservatism. Conservatives in office is the only way we defeat our outlaw president and his army of thugs. We must take the House and the Senate.

Palin's CPAC speech confirms that she continues to lead the charge. Her battle cry is loud, strong and clear. If the GOP wishes to repeat the victory it enjoyed in 2010, it had better embrace the Tea Party (Conservatism).

I stand with Sarah Palin 100%. I pray you will do the same.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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A Little Help for Sister Darla

4063842976?profile=originalMy patriot sister, Tea Party leader and Conservative Darla Dawald is running for Arizona State Representative LD 8. I met Darla a few years ago when we traveled together on Tea Party Express national bus tours.

A featured speaker at the rallies, Darla always inspired the crowds; preserve freedom, Constitutional principles, God, family and country. Darla is a fearless, courageous and true patriot folks. Thus, the reason I call her sister.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, America's Toughest Sheriff, has given Darla a thumbs up with his endorsement.

Please allow me to get real with y'all. I have been feeling frustrated. Not hopeless, but frustrated. It seems like every day brings another new unprecedented incident of the Obama Administration ignoring a law it dislikes and creating a new law at will.

Charles Krauthammer said Obama has gotten away with breaking the law for so long that it has become no big deal.

Rush Limbaugh characterized the Obama regime as a Banana Republic.

The mainstream media is in total solidarity with Obama's socialist/progressive agenda. Their mission is to portray anyone opposing the first black president, on any issue, as a rabid racist.

Despite five years of unprecedented power grabs, scandals and lawless behavior by the Obama Administration, Republicans are still petrified of challenging Obama.

In low moments, upon hearing on Fox News about Obama's latest crime against the Constitution, I yell, “So what!” So what if Obama continues to act like America's first king. If no one politically pushes back, so what!

I have been racking my brain and praying, “Dear Lord, How do we defeat this evil which is fundamentally transforming your great country?”

Then, I came upon this quote by Founding Father, Samuel Adams.

It does not take a majority to prevail...but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

I thought, Praise God! That is the answer. We simply MUST keep fighting. Each of us must do our part, using our talents, gifts and intellect -- doing whatever we can to set brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. Doesn't that just stir your soul?

As Chairman of Conservative Campaign Committee, my incredible team and I continue to do our part, tirelessly working to get conservatives elected in key races around the country; setting brushfires folks.

Tea Party Express, Tea Party Nation, Patriots Action Network, Tea, Tea, Tea Party Patriots and numerous other groups and patriot individuals are all fire starters; setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

I am pleased to announce that a couple of black Tea Party leaders have started huge brushfires of freedom. Katrina Pierson is running for congress in Texas.

Niger Innis is running for congress in Nevada.

I am extremely proud of my patriot sister Darla Dawald for setting her brushfire in Arizona; running for State Representative.

Help these patriots folks. The cold reality is funding is a crucial component in winning elections.

This is how we win folks – keep setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. We must remain irate (but controlled) and tireless; everyone doing their part, keeping our eyes on the prize -- a restored America. Samuel Adams would be proud.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063838226?profile=originalIn the tradition of Sarah Palin, black tea party leader Katrina Pierson is a beautiful God, family, country and Constitution loving conservative Republican. Fearless and outspoken, Pierson's inspiring life story nukes the Democrats' mythical Republican War on Women.

Sad that I even have to go there, Pierson's skin-color derails the Democrats' deplorable narrative that Republican equals racist.

Pierson is running for office, Texas 32nd Congressional District. After hurdling over establishment Republican Pete Sessions in the primary and defeating her Democrat opponent, Pierson will be the Democrats' worst nightmare.

The last thing Democrats want on the national stage is a black conservative Republican, anti-abortion, successful single mom who worked her way through college to achieve her American dream (without seeking government for answers). They do not want another non victim-minded black elected official out there touting traditional values; preaching that the rewards of hard work and self-reliance are self-respect and dignity. It would drive Democrats to drink.

Oh my gosh, what if women across America became inspired to emulate Pierson rather than the totally government dependent pathetic character in the Democrats' Julia ad.

Pierson boldly stated, “Democrat policies keep women in poverty”.

Black politicians like Katrina Pierson, Sen. Tim Scott, Niger Innis, Allen West and others who view themselves as Americans rather than members of a victimized voting bloc, offering common sense solutions, will not be tolerated.

Prime examples are the Democrats' relentless attacks on former Congressman Allen West and the NAACP's campaign to destroy Sen. Tim Scott.

Pierson is sure to suffer a similar fate with every rise in her poll numbers and successes.

This is why it is vitally important that we bolster Pierson with our utmost support and encouragement.

Yes, Obama and the Democrats appear to be holding all the cards; a complicit mainstream media and a spineless GOP petrified of being called racist. Our ace in the hole is a diligent army of patriots armed with right, truth and a relentless resolve to restore liberty and freedom to America.

Staying focused on confidently espousing the virtues of Conservatism, getting conservatives elected and holding positive role models high and proud for all the world to see will produce results. When presented correctly, Conservatism speaks to the human spirit. Liberalism is counter to the higher nature of man. This is how we make a difference folks. This is how we defeat this evil Administration which encourages sloth and is attempting to transform our great nation. This is how we win!

GOP establishment pundits seek to disqualify Pierson saying she lacks experience.

I say Pierson has “the right stuff” and epitomizes the intentions of our Founding Fathers; sending concerned citizens committed to service to Washington rather than career politicians skilled in making deals solely for personal gain.

Five years ago, Pierson's speech at a Texas tea party endeared her to patriots across America. She has been a rising star in the movement ever since.

Pierson is ready, willing and able to take the next step toward making a significant difference serving “the people” -- Texas 32nd Congressional District.

The tidal wave effect of a Pierson victory will reap national rewards; adding to the ranks of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and others; conservative warriors fighting for the rights, freedom and liberty of We The People.

Let Katrina Pierson know that we have her back. Be there for her folks.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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Happy 50th Birthday Sarah Palin

4063830625?profile=originalGov Palin, 50 is beautiful. Happy Birthday!

Your friends and supporters produced a great birthday tribute to you.


Still, I wanted to personally celebrate your birthday and thank you in my own way.


On the road working with Conservative Campaign Committee, I penned and Mary used her phone to video me singing the following tribute to you; a parody to the tune of “How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria”(from The Sound of Music). My lyrics are from the Democrats' point of view. The song sheds a little light on why we love you.

How Do We Solve A Problem Like Sarah (from the Democrats' point of view)


How do we solve a problem like Sarah?
How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
How do we get rid of pesky Sarah?
Her feisty-ness and confidence makes us frown!


Many a thing we'd really like to tell her
Despite our attacks she still stands
Please tell us what to say
To make her go away
How do we enforce a Palin ban?


Oh, how do we solve a problem like Sarah?
How do you hold a born leader in your hand?


View me singing it LIVE from my hotel room:


Happy Birthday Sarah! It would be WONDERFUL if you would consider running for the Senate. No pressure! I'm just sayin'.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee


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Black on Black History Month and Race

4063828954?profile=originalAh, another Black History Month, or should I say Annual Bash America Month. Every year the usual suspects (Democrats and liberal media) use the month to promote hate via false narratives such as young black men are routinely hunted by whites; Conservatives and Republicans hate a commercial that features a biracial couple, and so on. You know the drill. America sucks, is eternally racist and victimizes blacks.

The left’s solution: More government freebies and special concessions for blacks, higher taxes and a stronger determination to eradicate income inequality. In other words, like MLK Day, Black History Month is simply another opportunity to exploit race to further the left's socialist/progressive agenda.

I offer a bizarre concept. Why not celebrate BHM by featuring extraordinary blacks and their contributions? For example: In 1872 Henry Brown amazingly escaped slavery by mailing himself to freedom in a box.

In the 1980s, Pillsbury Company appointed successful black business executive Herman Cain to be chairman and CEO of Godfather Pizza. Cain become the CEO of the National Restaurant Association.

Herman Cain is a black conservative which by definition means he disagrees with Obama's agenda. This disqualifies Cain, a great role model for black youths, from being featured in a Black History Month PSA.

A black entrepreneurial magazine featured Obama on its cover as a champion of black empowerment. I thought, “Are these people delusional?” Obama's presidency has devastated entrepreneurs, especially blacks. And yet, the black publishers chose to make race trump the truth.

Race. Race. Race. Folks, my head is flooded with thoughts on this highly emotional issue which causes rational people to behave irrationally. Emotionally enslaved to racial loyalty, Christian family and friends either ignored or twisted the Bible to support Obama, despite his anti-Christian agenda; same sex marriage, abortion, banning God from the public square and forcing Christians to betray their faith.

Void of reality, BET featured a show touting the Obama's strong Christian faith.

Race is such an emotional issue. In a restaurant, a white waitress gave a chilly reply to my cheerful, “Good morning”. I know intelligent blacks, burdened with a black chip on their shoulders. They would have automatically assumed the waitress's coldness was racially motivated. Later, white friends commented about the same waitress. “She waited on us yesterday. Man, was she cold.” Apparently, the waitress spread her unfriendly vibe indiscriminately.

For all intensive purposes, the GOP has surrendered its principles, values and the country to Obama due to racial intimidation. Remarkably, despite Obama's unprecedented lies and scandals, race still prevents honest media coverage of his Administration.

Race is the Democrats and media's most potent weapon to silence opposition to Obama's war on the Constitution. I am a Tea Party activist. The left promotes the evil, divisive and irresponsible lie that my white Tea Party brothers and sisters call me a n***** behind my back.

Strong arguments exist on both sides about whether or not we should have Black History Month.

Racism will remain among the sins of humanity. But for the most part, you get what you give. Kindness and respect usually mirrors itself. Decent well-intentioned people find ways of working out their differences. I realize that this truth is too simplistic and individual-empowering for government social engineers, multicultural professors and race exploiters.

I pray for a day without PC police and race-exploiters; a day when Americans are allowed to interact like the crew of the star-ship Enterprise in the 60's Star Trek TV show; various races living together without race being an issue.

Captain's log 2014: Lloyd out.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Conservative Campaign Committee

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