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4063707687?profile=originalHello, calling Sarah Palin! Has anyone seen her? Where is she? Has Sarah Palin left the building? Is the Palin magic gone forever? No. The Palin charisma and mass appeal is still alive and well.

Certain people are born gifted with “It”; something that compels you to watch them. Sarah Palin is one such individual. Though politically tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail by the Left and a few spineless Republicans, I pray for the day when my favorite gladiator Sarah Palin returns to the arena.

Unquestionably, the vitriolic attacks on Palin and her family, the betrayals by Republicans and associates left Palin severely wounded. Who among us could endure and survive the full weight of the MSM launched to destroy you? It is quite understandable and reasonable if Palin were to say, Forget this. Todd and I are goin' fishin'.

But, the Bible says to whom much is given, much is required. While Palin has not reported seeing a burning bush, I believe Sarah Palin has been called for such a time as this. I pray she will feel lead to return to Rome (Washington DC) to fight in the arena. At the moment, there is no one in the national arena who inspires the masses to follow and act on their convictions in mass like Palin.

Please allow me to re-share my personal testimony of the “Palin Effect”. With Sarah Palin as the keynote speaker, Tea Party Express launched one of it's tours in Searchlight, NV, a small dust bowl town. Twenty-five thousand people showed up, RVs parked everywhere because many arrived days early to stake out their spot.

From inside our Tea Party Express tour bus as we approached the site, I saw seniors parked a mile away making their way to the event using walkers. It gave me goosebumps. Obviously, this woman, Sarah Palin, represented the America they loved and feared was slipping away.

Despite all of the scandals, lies, outrageous government overreaches and abuses of our civil liberties under this administration, Obama still gets a pass in the minds of far too many ill-informed Americans. Decades of dumbing down students have produced exactly what the Left wants, sheep totally dependent on government – clueless regarding U.S. History and the cost and value of freedom.

So, Obama can ignore the Constitution and do whatever he pleases as long as the food stamps, disability checks, welfare checks and free phones keep coming. Under Obama, an unprecedented half of the country is eating, talking on their phones and driving without working for it – a Democratic party dream come true.

I asked friends at dinner, “How did Ronald Reagan win in a landslide touting Conservatism? Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority was said to have figured in the mix. Americans, for the most part, are a moral and just people. I believe Reagan touting values which spoke to the hearts and minds of decent people is what inspired Americans to be all they could be.

I was a 20 something year old black kid from the East Baltimore projects back then. I knew nothing about politics. All I knew was that every-time I heard President Reagan speak, I felt good about my country and myself. Reagan made me feel I could achieve and contribute to this wonderful country in which I was blessed to be born called America.

Where are the voices inspiring folks to love and contribute to the greatness of their country? I know, I know. Such talk sounds corny and naïve today. In Obama's America, signing up for government assistance and approving of government confiscating the earnings of high achievers for redistribution is the new definition of compassion and patriotism.

Even being proud of our country is now considered to be a bad thing under Obama. When outside of the U.S. Obama continuously apologizes for who we are – furthering the narrative that the world has too little because we have too much. Amazingly, Reagan saw this mindset coming and warned us.

We need a hero folks – someone willing to stand up for America, boldly waving our flag and touting the virtues of hard work, self-reliance, family, God and country. I believe Sarah Palin can pull it off.

Reading my own words sound a bit corny even to me. Folks, have we become so cynical, so tainted that asking Americans to strive for goodness and righteousness rather than becoming permanent government welfare recipients is an outdated impossible dream of the past?

Sarah Palin, please come back. Run for office. We long to cheer you on as our gladiator in the arena.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound? If the Obama Administration breaks the law at will, lies to the American people, uses every government agency at it's disposal to punish it's conservative/Republican enemies and no one does anything about it, does it make a sound? Yes it does resulting in devastating consequences for the American people.

Despite a trifecta of scandals, Obama and company continue to stonewall, lie or refuse to answer questions; in essence, giving Congress and the American people the finger. Pundits are shocked and taken-aback by the unprecedented arrogance of the Obama Administration.

Such pundits are a bit late coming to the dance as we in the Tea Party have been well aware of the lawlessness and arrogance of this bunch of thugs from Chicago for years. Have these surprised pundits forgotten Obama's unprecedented overreaches into the private sector – nationalizing General Motors; bullying banks; ignoring the ruling of federal judges, trashing the Constitution and more?

Still, pundits are missing the much greater horrifying picture. My fellow Americans we are in deep, deep trouble. The cold reality is that until someone steps forward in real opposition to Obama governing according to his will while ignoring all the laws, checks and balances, we are defenseless expendable supplicants of a tyrannical dictator.

Remarkably, the mainstream media is complaisant with Obama acting like our king rather than our president because he is liberal, black and his presidency is historic. Obama's agenda fits neatly with the mainstream media's socialist/progressive agenda. So they are elated to have a Teflon liberal black guy in the White House furthering their cause.

Speaking of expendable supplicants, let us not forget Ambassador Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Sean Smith who lost their lives left to die in our consulate in Benghazi.

The Obama Administration is emboldened to do whatever it pleases; bully conservative groups and individuals – secretly invade our privacy, target reporters and thumb it's nose when they get caught – all without any “real” political push-back or consequences. We the American people are in deep excrement.

Ponder that folks. As long as the mainstream media provides cover for Obama and keeps his poll numbers high by making sure no bad news is linked to Obama (Limbaugh Theorem), our president is empowered to function as a supreme ruler, free to do whatever he pleases to us. Dear God help us!

Obama is the first black president. Okay, I get it. But Obama's black skin nor protecting his legacy should award him Imperial Dictator status, trumping the best interest of the American people.

4063705681?profile=originalThe Republican party desperately needs leadership – someone not just willing to say “no” to Obama's tyranny. We need someone who will walk tall and passionately proclaim, “H - - No!”

America needs a politician with backbone and fortitude willing to endure being called racist by Obama's subservient mainstream media; someone unafraid of being targeted by the IRS; someone willing to be hated by clueless poll participants; someone willing to endure EPA persecution if they're a business owner; someone willing to endure their phone and email privacy illegally violated and someone willing to endure attempts to criminalize their opposition to Obama's agenda.

Under Obama's IRS controlled health care, any politician daring to oppose Obama's agenda will more than likely suffer delays and denial of medical care for their family and themselves. Suddenly, their conservative Republican mom finds herself at the bottom of the list for that kidney.

Yes, it is going to take a politician with incredible stones to challenge the great all-powerful beast, the Obama Administration.

I am confident that such a hero will step forward. Between you and me, I am keeping an eye on Rep. Trey Gowdy, House Oversight & Government Reform Committee. I

As the kids would say, Obama's arrogance is “off the chain” (my attempt to sound cool). Most people caught lying or with their pants down, back off. When caught red handed, Obama pokes his finger in our eye.

For example: It has been exposed that the Administration sent Susan Rice out to lie about Benghazi on five national TV shows. In response to getting caught, Obama promoted Rice. Lois Lerner was caught using the IRS to bully, intimidate and suppress the conservative vote in the 2012 presidential election. Obama promoted Lerner. The latest in his growing list of offenses and scandals, Eric Holder was caught lying about targeting reporter James Rosen.

Naïve pundits say, “Eric Holder is toast. He has to go.” My reply is, “Holder ain't goin' nowhere. You guys still do not get it. Holder is black and liberal and Obama is arrogant beyond belief with the media in his back pocket.” Obama recently stated that he is behind Holder 100 percent.

Folks, do you see the horror of what we are dealing with in America today? We have an Administration free to rule as it pleases with no one, I repeat no one, really holding it's feet to the fire. Will, someone please throw this out-of-control administration across their knee, spank it's butt and say, “No!”

Meanwhile, I heard someone say on TV in response to Holder's stonewalling and lying, “Holder risks another contempt of congress filed against him.” I am sure Holder is quaking in his boots.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063701726?profile=originalImagine yourself trapped. A vicious gang of Islamist terrorists have already breached the main gate. If captured, you know what they do to infidels – you've seen video of beheadings, sodomy and etc.

Despite the smell of petroleum becoming overwhelming due to the terrorists setting the building on fire in an effort to force you out, you force yourself to remain calm and hopeful. You tell yourself, “Everything is going to be OK. I'm an American. We never leave Americans behind”.

But the Calvary never arrives to save you – not because they were not ready. The expected help never arrived because someone high in the Obama Administration, for political reasons, ordered our military to “stand down”.

Such was the horrific nightmare, U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens suffered in our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Ambassador Stevens was killed by Islamist terrorists. Though not confirmed, it has been reported that our Ambassador Stevens was raped.

Ambassador Stevens' rescuers were ordered to “stand down”.

Imagine yourself a former Navy SEAL in Libya, aware of the terrorist attack on our consulate. You and your buddy, also a former SEAL, desire to fight the attackers until the Calvary arrives. You are ordered to “stand down”. But you are a former SEAL, you can not simply sit back and allow terrorists to murder Americans. You and your buddy disobey orders and come to the rescue.


Assuming that the Calvary in the form of air support is on the way because Americans are under attack and we never leave Americans behind, you use your laser to mark the enemy's location. This will assist our guys in launching their aerial attack. But your assumption that help is on the way is wrong.

Our planes are not in the air because someone high in the Obama Administration, for political reasons, ordered our military to “stand down”. All your laser did was tip off your location to the Islamist terrorists. Former U.S. Navy SEALs Tony Smith and Glen Doherty were killed. Why? Because someone in the Obama Administration gave the order to “stand down”.

In their continuing effort to protect Obama at any and all cost – which includes national security and the lives of Americans, the mainstream media promotes the narrative that the American people do not understand or care about Benghazi. They attempt to brand everyone investigating Benghazi as partisan racists out to get the president.

4063701740?profile=originalWhile low-info Americans may not understand the politics, they can relate to the betrayal of being abandoned by ones country. Most Americans are aware of our tradition and ethical code of never leaving an American behind.

And yet, the mainstream media and the Obama Administration persist in their efforts to make it no big deal that our guys, Ambassador Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and information officer Sean Smith were left behind losing their lives for political reasons. The press and the Obama Administration would have us forget about it and move on.

If a republican were in the White House, the mainstream media would be investigative pit bulls, all over the Benghazi scandal “like white on rice”, as my late momma would say.

And yet, remarkably, several months after the attack on our consulate and the murder of four Americans, the mainstream media does not appear to have the slightest curiosity about who in the Obama Administration gave the order to our military to “stand down”. Despicable!

Stand down. Folks, I can not let it go. While Americans feared for their lives, waiting, hoping and expecting help, someone in the Obama Administration said, no, we are not going to send help.

The American press is a disgrace. Had they any self respect, they would be ashamed. Sadly, they have no shame. The American press has sold it's soul to the devil. Journalism in America is dead.

While Obama's protective mainstream media refuses to care, my fellow Americans and I care deeply and will discover, who in the Obama Administration gave the order to “stand down”?

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063701156?profile=originalDinner conversation with a group of conservative activist friends could have been pretty depressing if I were not as they jokingly refer to me as an “eternal optimist”; a badge I wear with honor. My optimism is not a refusal to face reality. My optimism is rooted in 60 something years of life experiences and faith in God. I am idiotic enough to believe God's word when it says “in everything give thanks”. Call me crazy, naïve and silly, but no matter how bad the situation, I look for the blessing.

Realizing some “smart” people will think this ridiculously optimistic, I have learned that sometimes God gives good gifts in ugly packages. In other words, opportunity often appears disguised as a problem. Maintaining an attitude of gratitude has gotten me through extremely challenging times.

As corny and cliché as they sound, song lyrics such as “The sun will come out tomorrow” and “What a difference a day makes” are true. On countless occasions, I saw no hope in site and the answer to my request was a firm “H-- NO!” The very next day a solution magically appeared and “no” changed to an enthusiastic, “Yes!”

Here is what made our dinner conservation such a downer. In an article, Arbitron data shows that the audience for news/talk radio is mostly white males that are getting older and smaller. Since peaking with a 14.1 national share in 2008, news/talk has been on a steady downward slope. Programming changes are underway.

Someone at dinner said the Left is kicking our (conservative) butts in the world of social networking. Someone else chimed in declaring that we have no conservative leaders/candidates with the right-stuff like Reagan. It was also said that many in the tea party appear to have given up the fight; voter fatigue or a sense of hopelessness.

There you have it folks. This was the gist of our bummer dinner conversation; conservative talk radio is dying, the Left rules social networking, no one on our side is good enough to challenge the Left and many on our side have given up.

While these negatives may be true, they are not the end and I refuse to allow them to bring me down. Things change! For example, who could have predicted that the Obama Administration's unprecedented bullying, arrogance and lawlessness would land it in extremely hot water juggling three scandals? Who could imagine IRS corruption being the possible source for bringing down Obamacare?

Alcoholics Anonymous preaches to deal with one day at a time and do not make choices based on negative projections of the future.

I have friends who eagerly predict the most negative outcome in every situation; as if wearing their instantaneous negativity as a badge of honor. “I knew my wife would leave me.” “I knew I would not get the job.” “Nothing ever works out for me.” In every instance, they were correct.

Several years ago, a wealthy dear friend criticized my wife and me for trusting God. Our friend believed she was the ultimate power in her life. She also had a tendency to embrace the negative. When Mary and I moved to Florida, we lost touch with our friend. A year or so ago, we were shocked and extremely saddened upon hearing that our friend committed suicide.

When things do not workout, of course it is wise to find out what went wrong and try to fix it and do better next time. I am simply saying do not linger too long in that dark hopeless place; look for the blessing; something for which to be grateful and move forward.

I firmly believe the birth of the Tea Party was divinely orchestrated. Thus, I am trusting God to reveal the next step/phase in our quest to restore individual rights, liberty and freedom in America.

So yes, I am an eternal optimist who believes that, in the end, right triumphs over wrong and good wins over evil. Will the tea party be the force that it was in 2010? I do not know. Who will emerge as our next great conservative leader? Again, I do not know?


What I do know is that no one can foresee the future well enough to be fatalistic. Thus, there is always hope. It behooves each and every one of us to stay diligent and focused on our mission to restore America.

No effort is too small. I call them “Lulu's Army”. In response to numerous middle-aged women on-line asking, “How can I help?”, Lulu is organizing them to work the social networks on behalf of the conservative movement. That's what I am talking about! Lulu is serving our cause from where she is and what she can do. Imagine millions of patriots doing the same.

With great optimism, I am keeping my powder dry and my trust in God.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063700605?profile=originalLady Palin gets it! Sarah Palin just gave $5,000 - the maximum amount allowed by law - to a candidate in a critically important race. So who is this candidate and why is this race so important? Allow me to explain in the form of a medieval tale.

Patriots, our once great land of the free has been invaded by an evil overlord, King Obama, the Socialist and Bullier. King Obama has proclaimed that the Democrats have a "great chance" to win back control of ye olde House of Representatives.

Can you imagine the horror and tyranny of the out-of-control drunk-with-power lawless Obama regime winning a majority in the House of Representatives? They would control the White House, Senate and House. Their every socialist/progressive dream would be rammed down our throats, equaling disaster for our country. King Obama and wicked queen Nancy Pelosi would impose their radical leftist agenda without anything stopping or even slowing them down. I shudder just thinking about it.

Speaking of wicked queen Pelosi, Obama has declared that she will regain the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

America must never again be subjected to the Dark Ages of a Congress run by Nancy Pelosi and her decrees that we commoners (the American people) will only find out what is contained within legislation once the bills are already passed.

To his dismay, causing great fury in King Obama, commoners dared to raise up with political pitchforks and plowshares in defiance to King Obama's socialist/progressive agenda and quest to take back control of congress. The peoples' rebellion is strong, known far and wide as the Tea Party. The mere mention of their name strikes terror in the hearts of King Obama and his sycophant supplicants (MSM, Democrats, Hollywood and RINOs).

While the Tea Party has many members and yet no leader, there is one fair maiden Tea Party leader who particularly drives King Obama and his minions crazy; Lady Palin, the Bold, Courageous and Beautiful.

Leading by example, giving $5000, Lady Palin has inspired a national grassroots coalition of We The People to support Jason Smith for Congress. The Missouri 8th District Special General Election is June 4th.

In short, Jason Smith is one of us, folks! He is a Conservative Republican who will fight Obama's job killing regulations that hurt small business.

The NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business) endorses Jason Smith because he understands that burdening small businesses with outrageous regulations and excessive taxes makes it harder to create jobs. Smith vows to fight for commonsense reform in Washington.

It has become frighteningly obvious that opposing Obama on any issue will more than likely have dire consequences at the hands of his enforcers.

When Obama boldly launched his chilling clarion call, “We will punish our enemies and reward our friends”, his enforcers clearly understood and embraced their mission – go out and get them! Never before has a U.S. President openly threatened Americans who dare disagree with his agenda. Thus, we need conservative candidates with backbone such as Jason Smith more than ever.

Every day more and more victims of Obama's enforcers in the IRS are coming forward with shocking un-American horror stories of abuse. Perhaps, the Obama Administration feels invincible and insulated from consequences due to the historical aspect of a black man in the Oval Office. Or perhaps, the Administration’s unprecedented ruthless behavior is them simply being who they are, thugs who only know the Chicago way of functioning.

Remember the old joke? An animal asked the snake, “Why did you bite me after promising not to?” The snake replied, “What can I say, I am a snake”.

For whatever reason, this Administration is arrogant and vicious beyond belief. Despite national bipartisan outrage over the IRS admittedly targeting groups based on their ideology, the IRS continues to harass, target and intimidate conservative groups. Unbelievable.

Make no mistake about it folks, the Obama Administration has no intention of backing off. Obama enforcers stay on offense – punishing Obama's enemies and rewarding his friends. This is why Lady Palin realizes the importance of not allowing King Obama and wicked queen Pelosi to regain control of congress.

The Missouri 8th District Special General Election is this Tuesday, June 4th.

Patriots, we have a responsibility to make sure this medieval American tale has a happy ending. Please support Jason Smith for congress.

Let's add another severely needed warrior/hero to our Royal Knights fighting on our behalf in Washington.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063699546?profile=originalWe are witnessing a disturbing pattern. President Obama always puts the best interest, well-being and rights of our enemies above providing protection and justice for the American people.

My wife ranted, “It is as if Obama is desensitizing us to the suffering of our people in these terrorist attacks.”

The Benghazi scandal perfectly illustrates her point. The Obama Administration has paid lip service expressing it's regrets that four Americans died. But are you feelin' the love; a vibe of real compassion or concern coming from the Administration about the torture and deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty? Absolutely not! As a matter of fact, U.S. Assets in the area ready to come to the defense of Ambassador Stevens was ordered to stand down by someone of power in the Obama Administration.

Obama and company have lied and done everything in their power to stonewall and cover-up what happened in Benghazi.

Now get this folks, the FBI has enough evidence for our military to seize five suspects believed responsible for murdering Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. The suspects have not been arrested because the Obama Administration insists on trying them in civilian court and do not believe it has enough evidence for a conviction. Why is Obama bending over backwards for terrorists; seeking to give them a platform and taxpayer funded attorneys in civilian court? Meanwhile, in case you have not noticed Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are now only referred to in the media as “three other Americans”.

Here is another example of Obama protecting our enemy, while telling Americans to just deal with it.

Americans were enjoying a beautiful day watching family and friends running in the Boston marathon. Moments later, lives were brutality changed for ever; loved ones gone (dead), limbs blown off and hundreds severely injured. The first response of Obama was to make sure no one blamed Islamic terrorists. Upon arresting an Islamic terrorist for the bombing, Obama's Justice department immediately ran to make sure Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was read his Miranda rights and provided with high powered elite attorneys paid for by us taxpayers. Tsarnaev stopped talking. Why would Obama provide cover for Tsarnaev to not answer questions vital to the safety of the American people?

This next example should get your blood boiling.

Retired Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, shot seven times in the Ft. Hood terrorist attack is stuck with paying his own medical bills. The shooter, Nidal Hasan has been paid $278,000 while waiting trial.

Because the Obama Administration insists on classifying the shooting “workplace violence” rather than a “terrorist attack”, Sgt. Lunsford and other shooting victims are denied combat-related pay. They are not eligible for Purple Heart retirement or medical benefits.

The Ft Hood shooting was unquestionably a terrorist attack. Before shooting, Hasan yelled, “Allahu Akbar!” Once again, our enemy, Hasan, is well taken care of by the Obama Administration while Sgt. Lunsford and fellow great American good guys get the shaft.

Another example of Obama's obsession with coddling our enemies while putting Americans at risk is Obama's desire to close Guantanamo Bay. Guantanamo detainees are the worst of the worst, caught on the battle-field trying to kill Americans. They receive first-rate medical care, special diets respecting their religion, special concessions for their religious needs and cable TV. Upon their release, many former detainees return to the battle-field killing Americans. With gas and food prices continuing to soar, extremely high unemployment, millions of American homes financially under water, the first U.S. Ambassador killed in 30 years, global jihad and three major scandals on his Administration's plate, why is releasing our enemies apparently Obama's number one priority?

Despite the Ft Hood shooting, the attack on our consulate in Benghazi and the Boston bombing by Islamic terrorists, Obama persists in playing the role of defense attorney for those seeking our demise. In a recent speech, Obama ignored the facts and continues to proclaim that the war on terror is over and Al-Qaeda is on the run.

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu advises that one know their enemy.

President Obama's denial of our enemy puts America at great risk while providing cover for our enemy. Are you noticing a very disturbing pattern? God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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A Call For Prayer

4063697986?profile=originalMy fellow Americans, I wish to speak to you not as a political activist, but as a Christian. In all candor, my heart is heavy. Numerous headlines suggest that we are losing the culture war. As of January first, The Boy Scouts of America will accept gay scouts, but not gay scout masters. As expected, a move is already underway to force the Boy Scouts to accept gay scout masters as well.

Let me be clear, there has always been gay boy scouts. But when you officially accept openly gay scouts, you are in essence approving the activity.

Conservative Virginia now embraces same sex marriage.

It appears more and more people and institutions are caving to the Secular Progressive agenda.

Remember when independence, self-reliance, education and hard work were considered good honorable things? Today, such are declared selfish. Class envy, laziness and entitlement are celebrated. Compassion and morality means robbing achievers to give to non-achievers.

Youths are obsessed with becoming famous for doing nothing exceptional. A black rapper was awarded with his own TV show for having 11 babies by 10 women, none of which were his wife. The title of his reality show is “All My Babies Mamas.”

I could site numerous examples to prove the rapid deterioration of our culture, but I suspect you already know I am correct. Brothers and sisters the only thing I see that will turn us around is prayer. We must continue doing our part – getting as many conservatives elected into political office as possible. However, only God can add the increase.

It is kind of like a farmer tilling the soil and planting the seeds. God provides what is needed to make the farmer's fields grow. We must do the same; plant the political seeds and pray to God to make them grow.

Though my heart is heavy, my hope rests firmly in the Lord. May God bless and restore America.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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4063697567?profile=originalPatriots, I got this horrible feeling watching the MSM on the cable news TV shows playing down the Obama scandals. I thought, does Obama being liberal and “black” trump any and everything? Will the MSM continue to side with him no matter what? Will all of the lies, corruption, betrayals and probable criminal activity simply roll off the Obama Administration's back like water off a duck? Will Obama and company get away with it all?

Heaven forbid! Heck no! Not on our watch!

On the Fox News show, The Five, it was reported that some are calling the current Administration the most corrupt in U.S. History. Patriots, it is up to us to hold Obama and company's feet to the fire. I say “us” because the MSM have sacrificed objectivity and journalistic principles, burned them on the alter in worship of Obama; for the furtherance of their Socialist/Progressive agenda.

Obama is the Left's Platinum Credit Card, Black gold, the super trump card of their liberal dreams. A dark skinned socialist/progressive dictator – who would dare oppose him? Thus, the MSM will not allow Obama and company to fall.

The preservation and restoration of America and our God given freedom rest on our shoulders; patriots who love this country as founded. We can not allow these scandals to fade way. We must diligently continue pursuing the truth – alerting and informing the people.

The MSM continues to blow-off Benghazi. Obviously, the MSM believes Obama's black skin and liberal ideology trumps even National security. Obama and company must be held accountable for Benghazi.

Conservative Campaign Committee has exposed the Administration’s lies, deceit and cover-ups in a powerful TV ad which I guarantee the Obama Administration does not want you to see.

Please spread it, share it with your low-info voter family and friends. Make it go viral. This is one of the most important TV ads CCC has ever produced.

A brief encounter reenforced why pushing Benghazi and the other scandals is so important.

While filling my gas tank, a young man pulled his truck up to the opposite gas pump. When the young man opened his door, we realized that both of us were listening to Rush Limbaugh on our radios. We gave each other a high five. He said, “It's where I go to hear the truth!”

The young man shared that he is a small businessman struggling to survive with a wife and four kids. He said he has tax issues up the wazoo. The young man said a drywall contractor with whom he does business was exonerated in a battle with the IRS. It cost the guy $700,000 to prove his innocence. Will the vindicated drywall contractor be reimbursed? No. Unable to recover, the drywall contractor has gone out of business. Unbelievable. In light of the IRS being exposed for targeting the Tea Party, I suspect the drywall contractor is a conservative.

The young man said he tries to stay informed on the issues, but felt a bit overwhelmed with trying to keep his business afloat and family responsibilities. I encouraged him to hang in there. I told the young man that I am a member of the Tea Party fighting for him.

Brothers and sisters, we must do everything in our power to end the unprecedented tyranny of the out-of-control drunk-with-power Obama Administration. Benghazi along with the other scandals could be the key to rendering Obama impotent in the fulfillment of his oppressive agenda. Thus, the importance of pushing our Benghazi cover-up TV ad.

My dad told me years ago that a snake can swim under water a long time just like a fish. But eventually it has to come up for air because it is not a fish. It is a snake.

For years Obama has gotten away with pretending to be a unifying moderate. Behind the scenes Obama has been coming up for air acting like the Chicago thug politician he truly is. Thank God these scandals (IRS, AP and Benghazi) are finally exposing the “real” Obama.

TV ad: Hold Obama Accountable for Benghazi Scandal:

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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839293872?profile=RESIZE_480x480Enough! For many years, the American Left has and continues to shamelessly abuse the American people; slandering, beating up and bullying them into submission by using the easily proven false narrative that America is a racist nation. In other words, the Left recklessly and unfairly plays the Race Card.

Why? The Left has great disdain for traditional American values and desires to transform America into it's dreamed Socialist/Progressive utopia. Calling an opponent to the Left's agenda “racist” typically frightens and shuts them down.

On behalf of my decent and hard-working fellow Americans, I demand an apology from the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, the Democratic Party, Hollywood and the Mainstream Media. All of these self-proclaimed paragons of fairness and compassion are nothing more than liars; peddlers of hate and division. Each entity that I named is a cheering section and advocacy group, assisting the Left in the furtherance of it's socialist/progressive agenda.

Somewhere in America's recovery from the sin of slavery, the Left hijacked our well-intentioned Christian desire to achieve racial equality. The Left redefined “racial equality” to mean that minorities are never to be held responsible for their actions; minorities are entitled to endless government hand-outs via government confiscation and redistribution; opposing a minority on any issue is regarded racist and hateful.

O.J. Simpson's attorneys successfully played the Race Card, changing the subject from Simpson murdering his wife. Baby murderer, Dr. Gosnell's attorneys said his trial was about racism against a black doctor trying to help the poor. The Left is claiming that America's outrage over Obama's three scandals (IRS, Benghazi and AP) is rooted in racism against a black president. Whenever behavior by a black is indefensible, the Left plays the Race Card, expecting it to trump facts, truth, justice and logic. Innocent whites typically run to the tall grass fearful of being devoured by the all-powerful and all-consuming Race Card.

The Left plays the Race Card with impunity, intentionally attacking opponent's First Amendment right to free speech. Victims of the Left's unmerited use of the Race Card include Conservatives, Republicans and low-info voters – deceived to hate non-existent enemies; their brains infected with propaganda and misinformation.

Hollywood: Hollywood is notorious for promoting leftist agenda lies to low-info voters. For example: in a movie I was watching, actor Ice Cube delivered this line, “Tell the NRA to stop killing black people”. I stopped the DVD and threw the stupid piece of crap propaganda movie into my trash-can. The NRA does not target or kill black people. The irresponsible producers of this film spread their hateful lie to millions falsely accusing and slandering the NRA which simply defends our Second Amendment right to bear arms. Informed black leaders praise the NRA.

The NRA deserves an apology.

NAACP: Serial liars! Chairman Emeritus Julian Bond said the tea party is “admittedly racist”. Mr Bond, show us the communication that proves your claim. President Ben Jealous said he saw signs, “Lynch Barack Hussein Obama” and “Lynch Eric Holder”. A year or more later, America is still waiting for Mr. Jealous to show us the two signs. The Tea Party deserves an apology.

Congressional Black Caucus: Rep Andre Carson said the Tea Party movement would “love” to see black Americans “hanging on a tree”. How outrageously inflammatory and hate-inspiring is that? But most of all, it is a despicable lie. As a black conservative having attended over 400 tea party rallies on numerous national tours, I have only encountered being loved to death. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver said a tea party protester spit on him. A tea party group offered a $15,000 reward for proof of the spitting. No one has claimed the reward.

CBC members claimed being called the n-word 15 times outside of the U.S. Capitol by tea party participants. Breitbart offered a $100,000 reward for proof of the incident. The reward has not been claimed. These are only a few of many lies the CBC has told about the tea party. The Congressional Black Caucus owes the Tea Party an apology.

The Democratic Party: U.S. president Jimmy Carter said opposition to Obamacare is motivated by racism against a black president.

Democrats have declared that disagreeing or opposing Obama on any issue is racist. Remarkably, the Dems expect us to ignore Obama's unprecedented usurping of power over the private sector and his routine unlawful trashing of the Constitution. Think about that folks. For the first time in U.S. History, we have a president that non-submission to his will could destroy you. Constitutional patriots deserve an apology.

The Mainstream Media: ABC's former White House correspondent Sam Donaldson said many on the right oppose Obama solely because he is African-American. Donaldson named Rush Limbaugh in his allegation. MSNBC's Chris Matthews says “white supremacy” plays a big role in opposition to Obama.

Such allegations from liberal MSM hacks are absurd and bogus. Let's get real. Obama is the first Affirmative Action president; exempted from the traditional vetting process for one seeking the highest office in the land. Millions of white Americans could hardly wait to pull the level for America's first black president; 40% now attend tea parties. Poor things...they naively thought electing Obama would relieve them of ever being called racist again.

Blacks are only 12% of the U.S. Population. So it took a whole lot of white votes to put Obama in the White House – two times. White America deserves an apology.

I am only one voice crying in the wilderness. Still, I feel compelled to shine the light of truth on how the American Left continues to abuse the American people via the unfair playing of the Race Card; solely to manipulate Americans into embracing an agenda contrary to that of our Founding Fathers.

John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.” Such is who we are as Americans. Ironically, the Left uses America's morality against her by playing the Race Card; with great success. Despicable.

My fellow Americans, you are a great people; non-deserving of the abuse you have suffered from the Left. You deserve much better. Don't hold your breath, but the American Left does own you an apology.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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NAACP Chair Julian Bond is a Liar!

4063696296?profile=originalChairman emeritus, Julian Bond, of the NAACP said the tea party is “admittedly racist”. Mr Bond, I challenge you to show us the video, article, facebook post or the tweet in which the tea party admitted it is motivated by racism.

As a black tea party activist who has participated in over 400 tea party rallies, I am confident that your claim is bogus. Therefore Mr Bond, you sir are a despicable liar, severely compromising your image as a statesman. You and your ilk purposely inspire hate in low-info black voters against tea party patriots who simply said no to Obama's socialist agenda and trashing of the Constitution. Shame on you Mr Bond.

The NAACP leadership has abandoned it's commitment to traditional marriage, family, education, self-reliance and hard work. The once great well-intentioned organization has morphed into a far-left radial liberal racist hate group which exploits race, using it as a bludgeon to silence any and all opposition to Obama and the Democrats' government overreaching, ever expending entitlement programs and Obama's vowed redistribution of wealth. MLK would not approve.

Sadly, the NAACP feels embolden to lie about the tea party, confident that the mainstream media will not challenge them or demand proof of their outrageous allegations. The MSM gleefully distributes the NAACP's lies.

Remember when NAACP president, Ben Jealous said he saw tea party protesters carrying signs which read, “Lynch Barack Hussein Obama” and “Lynch Eric Holder”?

Folks, the MSM hates the tea party. If the signs that Jealous claims to have seen existed, the MSM would have made sure they were posted everywhere. And yet, no one other than Mr Jealous has seen the lynch Obama and Holder signs. So, in plain English, Ben Jealous is a liar. The MSM never challenged Jealous to show them the signs. The MSM simply reported Jealous' divisive hate-inspiring lie as fact.

Has anyone in the mainstream media asked Julian Bond to show them when and where the tea party admitted it is racist? No. Mr Bond is a black hate-filled liberal. The MSM loves blacks who say they are victims of a racist America. Thus, Bond's accusation is reported as gospel.

What happened to the once great NAACP? What happened to Julian Bond, the dignified civil rights statesman? What seduced these trusted advocates for racial equality to the dark side, stumping for the socialists/progressives' radical anti-America agenda? Money? MSM approval? A seat at the liberal Democrat massa's table?

Mr. Bond, the NAACP and associates have lost their way, abandoning their mission of black empowerment. Their betrayal of black America includes re-enslaving them; making as many blacks as possible slaves of Obama's welfare-state

If true to their mission of real black empowerment, the modern civil rights movement would embrace and celebrate extraordinarily successful blacks such as Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and entrepreneur and presidential candidate Herman Cain.

But rather than holding the blacks I have mentioned up to black youths as shining examples of what can be achieved in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet via education and hard work, these successful blacks are despised by the black liberal plantation overlords.

The NAACP and company thrives on black Americans believing themselves victimized, disenfranchised and hated. Their mantra to black voters is Conservatives, Republicans and whites want you to fail. Keep voting for us and we will keep them at bay. Folks, I am talking big-time evil.

Rush Limbaugh appropriately calls the NAACP the NAALCP. The “L” is for liberal. Blacks who are Conservative – who bypass government programs to achieve success and who love their country are on the NAACP and company's excrement list; targeted for destruction.

I say again, Mr Bond, you are a despicable liar. The tea party would never say it is racist because it is not. As a matter of fact, my personal experience bears witness that the tea party seeks the best for all Americans. The Left are the ones relentless in their attempts to make the tea party's opposition to Obama's agenda about race in an effort to slander and intimidate the tea party into silence. In reality, the tea party considers Obama's race irrelevant.

The tea party is motivated by love; love for the greatest nation on the planet and their refusal to see it transformed into an Obama-nation of the vision of our Founding Fathers.

By the way Mr Bond, I am the black singer/ songwriter who penned the “American Tea Party Anthem”. Check it out on Youtube. It has a great hook! God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063694799?profile=originalA wave of shock and fear overtook me as I hit my brakes on Belle Grove Rd. A lake covered the main road through the lower half of the community where I was raised – where my parents and younger siblings still lived. The only sign of the homes in the lower area of our small black suburban community called Pumphrey was a few tips of roofs. Hurricane Agnes left much of Pumphrey under water.

It was the early 70s. I was a teen living in Baltimore City attending college. Upon hearing about the hurricane hitting Pumphrey, I headed home to check on my family.

We moved to Pumphrey when Dad, along with a few other blacks, broke the color barrier to become Baltimore City firefighters. This afforded us (mom, dad and 5 kids) funds to move out of the government projects in Baltimore City.

It is funny how events in life make or break you. Pumphrey had two churches, one Baptist and the other Methodist. Dad did not pastor either of the Pumphrey churches. He was assistant pastor of a storefront church in an east Baltimore ghetto. And yet, Hurricane Agnes transformed dad into the unsolicited leader of Pumphrey, our suburban community.

Using a rowboat, Dad and my 12 year old brother David rescued neighbors stuck on their roofs. Dad helped those in need of assistance filling out forms and was the community advocate with the Red Cross. We, as a community, helped each other get our homes back together. With her floors covered in mud, I remember washing dishes and cleaning Mrs. Johnson's kitchen. We were Pumphrey. The hurricane made us family.

Obama and the Democrats have hijacked and perverted words such as “community” and “compassion” for your neighbor, redefining them to claim moral authority for their desired government redistribution; extorting the earnings of one group to give to another. Under Obama, government dependency is honorable. Obama's vision of a perfect society is destructive to the human spirit, evil and wrong.

While I do not know how folks in Pumphrey voted, we lived conservative lives. Most of the community attended church on Sunday. We celebrated education, hard work, excellence and individual achievement.

Pumphrey beamed with pride when resident wrestling champions Larry Avery and Lloyd Keaser competed in the 1976 Summer Olympics, for the United States. Lloyd “Butch” Keaser was the first black wrestler to win an Olympic medal. He won the Silver medal. Keaser's sister married my brother David. Pumphrey gave our two Olympic heroes a parade and renamed the community center the Lloyd Keaser Center.

I returned to Pumphrey a year or so ago to see the humble homes of my childhood replaced by huge beautiful homes owned by former Pumphrey kids. These successful black young adults, many entrepreneurs, still love the community and decided to stay. They embraced, pursued and achieved their American Dreams.

Upon seeing all the new mansions in Pumphrey, I said sarcastically, “How can this be? Everyone knows that blacks can not make it in racist America.” Despite a black man occupying the Oval Office, Democrats despicably speak as if America has not progressed racially beyond the 1950s. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus are still singing, “We Shall Overcome Someday”. Democrats irresponsibly and shamelessly continue to use race as a bludgeon to beat Conservatives/Republicans into submission. Opposing Obama on any issue is regarded as racist by Democrats and their sycophant white-guilt-consumed liberal mainstream media.


I pray that fellow blacks along with all Americans will awaken from their Obama-zombie trance and see the man for who he truly is; a false prophet spreading the virtues of mediocrity and cradle-to-grave reliance on government. Such a mindset and philosophy does not produce achievers/winners such as Olympians Larry Avery and Lloyd Keaser and the other successful Americans of Pumphrey.

When we first moved to Pumphrey, the grass in our backyard was over six feet high. Our entire family was cutting the grass with various hand tools. Our neighbor, a tall thin wrinkled black man with working-man-hands wearing a straw hat and bib-jeans showed up with a huge sickle to instruct and help us. Mr. Charlie and dad became good friends. Welcome to Pumphrey.

A pickup truck loaded with free tomatoes arrived in Pumphrey. Everyone came out of their homes with baskets and containers which they filled with tomatoes and took them home. Then, a rotten tomato hit my dad, Reverend Marcus. It launched our Great Community Tomato Fight, parents and kids, everyone laughing and having a wonderful time. It was silly and fun.

As I said, we were Pumphrey and we were family. In those days, community and compassion meant looking out for one another, not Obama's perversion of demonizing achievers, government confiscating and redistributing wealth; acting like an Imperial Ruler over our lives.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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America: You Can't Quit & Go Fishin'

4063694266?profile=originalYesterday Mary and I were on the road in Virginia. We drove up from Florida to visit our son and granddaughter. Virginia in Spring is absolutely beautiful.

We had Rush on the radio. Patriots, I must be honest with you, listening was very depressing. Rush was explaining how the Obama Administration will probably get away with the Benghazi scandal because the MSM does not care. With the Gosnell murder case being ignored by the MSM and all of the other signs that America is going to hell in a hand-basket, I felt depressed. I felt like what's the point of trying? I understand why so many on our side have said, “Screw it, I'm going fishing.”

But for the sake of our granddaughter and America, Mary and I can not check-out; we can not surrender our country to Obama, the MSM and their socialist/progressive minions. We can not go fishin'.

Speaking of our granddaughter, the Left has already infected her thinking. She thinks allowing gays to marry is only fair. Mary and I pray for guidance to turn our granddaughter's head in the right direction.

So do we, as a nation, simply surrender our kids to the Left? Do we cease trying to save our country and go fishing?

In the words of our Founding Fathers, “H--- no!” OK, they probably did not say those words, but their actions reflected those words. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. That shining city on a hill, that beacon of hope for the world called America is worth every drop of our blood, sweat and tears.

Patriots, I am sure many on our side become battle weary. But, giving up is not an option. We must continue to encourage each other to stay strong and keep fighting for what we know in our hearts is right.

I may go fishing for a day, but will return refreshed and committed to keep fighting for my country.

Also, I can not end this note without bringing God into the mix. I pray for God's help and guidance to lead us how to defeat the evil attacking the divinely inspired vision of our Founding Fathers.

Evil bullies such as Obama have a way of appearing invincible. They always eventually fall because their foundation is built on sand. As patriots, our foundation is build on the rock of truth, justice and the America Way.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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King David Repented. Obama Will Not.

4063582368?profile=originalKing David impregnated Uriah's wife. Then, David ordered that Uriah be killed to cover up his sin. When confronted about his evil by the prophet of God, David fessed-up, repented and begged God to forgive him. We are all capable of evil. Though King David was a flawed human being, by repenting, David displayed humility and character.

Unfortunately, King Obama has neither. Thus, making him undeserving of our forgiveness for his Administration’s deplorable behavior regarding Benghazi and the Boston bombing.

From the day Obama declared his bid for the Oval Office, who he was inside as a human being did not matter to millions. Black voters only cared that Obama was black. Guilty-white voters only cared that Obama was black. Liberal voters only cared that Obama was liberal and black.

Only a remnant of blacks and conservatives considered silly things such as Obama's agenda and character. And for that, they were persecuted, called racists.

But folks, character always matters. Ignoring this undeniable truth always eventually comes back to bite you in the derriere. Barack Hussein Obama told us who he was back when he was an Illinois senator; a man willing to put himself and lust for political power above protecting innocent life.

Remember the Born Alive Act? Illinois hospitals were legally forced to let babies die who survived failed abortions. Nurse, Jill Stanek, testified about her heartbreak of rocking a baby in her arms for 45 minutes until he died rather than attempting to save the baby's life.

The Born Alive Act would stop the cruel infanticide. Senator Obama voted against it three times to assure his support from Planned Parenthood and the N.O.W gang.

In a recent speech at a Planned Parenthood gala, Obama reaffirmed his loyalty and attacked those who criticize or oppose abortion. PP kills 4000 babies a day, a disproportionate high percentage are black. As babies die, Obama's favor with racist abortionists and radial feminists continues to rise.

There are numerous examples of Obama's “all-about-me” politics. But for the sake of time, let's fast-forward to Benghazi.

Obama has declared that the war on terror is over and he has Al-Qaeda (global militant Islamist) on the run. So as not to embarrass Obama, his administration attempts to portray the continuing terrorist attacks as crazy-individual domestic crimes.

Remarkably, protecting Obama supersedes protecting the lives of the American people, yes even more important than national security.

Whistle-blowers say four Americans died because the Obama Administration refused to deal with the assault on our embassy in Benghazi as a terrorist attack, denying those inside proper protection.

Upon the capture of the Boston bomber, the questions all Americans wanted Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to answer was is he a part of a group and are more attacks scheduled? The Obama Administration ran to mirandize and lawyer-up Dzhokhar, ending any opportunity to interrogate him.

Think about that folks, protecting Obama's claim that the war on terror is over overrides national security and the lives of Americans. Character always matters folks. Obama and company's cover-ups confirm that this man is severely character deficient; unworthy of his role as leader of the free world.

America and the world deserves better.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Silence of the Conservative Lambs


4063691816?profile=originalWow! I experienced it first hand. I wrote an article defending the biblical take on an issue. The mainstream media misquoted me – took my words out of context to portray me as someone I am not – a rabid hater. Recklessly, without reading my original article to learn what I actually said, several news sources re-printed a reporter's distortion of my article.

Folks, I have no problem standing up for what I believe or even being hated for it. But, the media had thousands hating me for something I never said. Associates became nervous about being associated with me. Public figures began denouncing me. It was a very stressful situation. My stress did not come from the Left hating me. I was stressed over how the Left's lies about me negatively affected the lives of others in my life.

Here is the scariest effect of the media's gang character assassination. For about thirty seconds, I actually thought about framing my words to be more politically-correct. I thought perhaps it would be wise to frame my words in such a way that the media could not distort and use them against me. You know, the old you can catch more flies with honey thing. Well, the problem with that strategy is that the media seeks to destroy conservatives, especially black conservatives such as myself. Therefore, they will spin any and everything I say into a negative to scare me into shutting up.

Whenever conservatives simply speak the truth, they are branded extremist by the mainstream media and advised by consultants to “moderate their tone”. Meanwhile, liberals/Democrats make the most outrageous over the top statements without a peep of criticism from the mainstream media or their party. Democrat VP Biden said, “Republicans want y'all back (blacks) in chains”. Democrat Rep. Andre Carson said the Tea Party movement would “love” to see black Americans “hang from a tree”.

Democrat Alan Grayson said, “Republicans want you to die quickly”.

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters said, “The tea party can go straight to hell.” Think about that folks. Millions of Americans who oppose Obama ignoring the Constitution and cramming his socialist/progressive agenda down their throat have been told by a Democrat to go to hell.

Has anyone in the media accused Democrats of being mean-spirited? Has any Democrat denounced a fellow Democrat's outrageous statements? No.

But Conservatives/Republicans wrestle with each other to be first at the microphone to denounce the slightest faux pas by someone on our side. They kick fellow Conservatives/Republicans to the curb saying, How could so and so have said something so stupid? They're done!

I know what many of you are saying, Lloyd grow up! Character assassination is a mainstay of politics, particularly Democrat politics. I realize that, but this was the first time the full assault wrath of the MSM slapped me in the face. My “right” cheek is still bruised. I now understand why so many people back away from their words and succumb to pressures to embrace the media's consensus on issues.

We see it all the time. A pundit makes a statement opposite of the MSM's consensus. The MSM gang assaults the pundit. Then, the pundit dials-back their original comments.

The Left uses a three step technique to silence opposition and shame you into embracing their agenda. I learned about this technique via an article by the late Fred Hutchison.

As an example, let's use the issue of gun control.

Step One: Desensitization. The Left pounds away 24/7 on the news, movies and etc that Second Amendment advocates and gun owners are irresponsible rednecks who do not care about children being murdered. This is to “desensitize” citizens to the idea of being stripped of their Constitutional right to bear arms.

Step Two: Jamming. Jamming means to “shame” gun owners into silence regarding their desire to own firearms and their opposition to being disarmed. Jamming is based on the idea that most humans feel shame when they believe they are not thinking, feeling or acting like the masses.

Step Three: Conversion. Conversion is when the public has become receptive to the idea of government ignoring the Second Amendment. The MSM portraying gun owners as cruel heartless idiots is a psychological attack in the form of propaganda designed to convert the emotions, minds and will of Americans to side with anti-gun activists. If done skillfully enough, anti-gun activists will be perceived as heroes.

Patriots, we can not allow the Left to bully us into becoming silenced Conservative lambs. On every issue, the Left/MSM sets the narrative; giving the issue a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Anyone daring to disagree with their consensus will be destroyed. Their bullying is working. More and more Americans are afraid to speak their minds.

Special thanks to courageous advocates for truth, justice and the American Way such as Pamela Geller, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck to name a few. Trust me folks when I say it ain't easy. These patriots, as I, are emboldened and driven by our love for the greatest nation on the planet.

Losing America is not an option. Therefore, we will not become silenced conservative lambs. Please join me in saying, neither will you!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063690738?profile=originalDear Patriots. We lost! Obama-supporter Gabriel Gomez beat Conservative Republican Michael Sullivan in the Massachusetts primary. Gomez will be the Republican candidate in the special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by John Kerry.

Without repeating all of Gomez's two-faced actions again, I will inform you that Gomez endorsed Obama for president, contributed to his campaign and vowed to support Obama's agenda on a host of issues. Yes, you heard me correctly; and this guy claims to be a Republican. Michael Sullivan was the real-deal character-driven constitutional Conservative in the race. But as I stated, Sullivan lost.

Our team, Conservative Campaign Committee, is heartbroken. Folks, in all candor, we worked our butts off, giving it our all. Along the way we endured and survived vicious attempts to destroy our group by Sullivan's opponents in the race, who are determined to push conservatives out of their "big tent."

Legally barred from communicating with the Sullivan campaign, CCC launched an independent expenditure campaign in support of Sullivan. We produced and aired radio ads and a TV ad supporting Sullivan.

We held an historic 8 hour internet telethon that urged voters to support and help raise money to fund our pro-Sullivan TV and radio ad campaign. We also wrote countless OpEds and sent out millions of emails urging support for Sullivan.

Folks, please do not think I am whining, I am simply sharing the facts with you. We spent numerous nights with little sleep, doing everything we could to help Sullivan win. But, in the end, it came down to money. Gomez out spent us 9 to 1. Gomez had a war-chest of over $1,000,000.

Talk about adding insult to injury, I screamed at the TV watching a Gomez TV ad in which he misrepresented himself as a Ronald Reagan style Republican. In reality, Gomez is an Obama sycophant. It is the kind of repulsive sickening deceit permeating politics today.

All we voters want are candidates who say what they mean and mean what they say. Michael Sullivan is such a man. Sadly, we could not compete with the Gomez special interest money machine funding his campaign. Special interest gave Gomez hundreds of thousands of dollars for the primary.

Conservative Campaign Committee is not a super PAC. We function via funding from you – We The People. The largest contribution we can legally accept from an individual is $5,000. We cannot accept corporate contributions.

As I stated, we did an 8-hour internet telethon for Michael Sullivan. It was truly heartwarming that we received donations from practically every state in the union. It felt like a wonderful national family affair with people sharing the broadcast with their friends, family members, Young Republican groups and more. Donations ranged from $2 to $1000 – everyone pitching-in, giving whatever they could.

I am Chairman of CCC. I told my team to be at peace. We did our part. We did everything in our power to secure a Sullivan victory, including organizing an army of volunteers to make thousands of phone calls for Sullivan in the final days of the campaign - right up until the polls closed. Everything else is in God's hands.

Brother and sister patriots, we really wanted to win this one for you. A Conservative Republican winning in Massachusetts would have been a huge desperately needed shot-in-the-arm for the Conservative Movement.

But now is not the time to give up. Rather, as Ronald Reagan taught us, it truly is always darkest before the dawn, and yesterday teaches us that what we must do is redouble our efforts, work even harder, smarter and with greater determination. For this nation needs a restoration of constitutional conservative principles now more than ever. Take a moment to hear Reagan's words - for they ring as true today as they did so many years ago when he spoke them at a time where hope and optimism were in short supply, and patriots desperately needed a shot in the arm:

Conservative Campaign Committee is already planning our next campaign in the battle to restore liberty and freedom; end Obama's tyranny and turn America back to the vision of our Founding Fathers. Thus, we remain on the front line – fighting in the trenches for you. God bless.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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4063673806?profile=originalUpon our brief return to our home in Florida, Sammy, our greyhound gave me a ho-hum look and retired to his doggie-bed; not the excited welcome home I expected after being away for over a month. I fear the house-sitter has stolen the affection of my dog.


Mary and I have been in Massachusetts feverishly working to make Conservative Michael Sullivan the Republican nominee in the Massachusetts special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by John Kerry.



Many of you may wonder why my Conservative Campaign Committee has been working so diligently on the Massachusetts Senate race. What makes flipping the Massachusetts traditionally Democrat seat to a Republican seat of such national importance? Well, it could start a ripple effect in the political landscape.



Folks, in case you have not noticed, we are losing America to the socialists/progressives. Obama is like a political Dr. Frankenstein who has created his lifelong dream, a socialist/progressive monster. With his eyes bulging with excitement, Obama yells with elation, It's alive! It's alive!



Facing little to no opposition from terrified Republicans, Obama's socialist/progressive monster is wrecking havoc making all of the Left's cultural and societal dreams come true; the redefinition of marriage, government control of your children, suppression of Christianity, disarming the American people, open borders and amnesty for illegals, a majority of the population on government assistance and most devastating of all, government having total control of our behavior – deciding who lives and who dies via Obamacare.



For those of you who think I am crazy or exaggerating, I offer a few current events.



Attorney General Eric Holder declared, “amnesty is a civil right”. Holder promises government will work to protect illegal aliens.



We have been told 11 million – but the reality is the new immigration bill will bring in 33 million new immigrants over the next 10 years. Rest assured, 25 million will vote Democrat for the freebies and have no desire to assimilate; thus, marking the end of the Republican Party.




In keeping with the Obama administration’s continuing assault on business, Harry Reid is consumed with rushing through an internet sales tax.



Did you ever believe a day would come in America when government would force your daughter to indulge in lesbianism? A government run school curriculum forces middle school girls to stand in front of the class and kiss pretending they are lesbians.



Exposed during the Dr Gosnell trial is the practice of “snipping” which is sticking scissors into the back of the baby's neck and cutting the spinal cord. Snipping is done to kill those annoying babies with such a will to live that they survive the abortion undermining the abortionist. The shocking and horrific abuses of the poor and minority women revealed in the Dr Gosnell trial has drawn not one word of criticism from Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile, Obama is the first sitting U.S. president to address/speak at a gala for Planned Parenthood which is essentially an abortion factory – especially of minority babies. Obama went as far as to demonize anyone opposing abortion. Planned Parenthood aborts 4000 babies a day folks – 4000 babies a day.



We, the Tea Party, and other patriots who love America are the perceived peasants who have risen up with pitchforks to challenge the out-of-control beast created by Obama. But what is our game plan – our strategy for victory? Simple: Install Conservatives in as many key positions as possible. This strategy along with prayer for divine help and guidance is the only way to restore our great country to the vision of our Founding Fathers. We restore America one race – installing one conservative candidate at a time.



So, this is why Mary and I have been away from our Florida home living in Massachusetts for the last month or so – abandoning my dog Sammy and her cat, Marilyn.



Filling Kerry's seat in the Senate with a Conservative Republican will give majority leader Harry Reid one less rubber-stamped vote. A Conservative in Kerry's seat would also be another thorn in Obama's side joining fellow constitutionalists Marco Rubio, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.



If the Republicans can find the courage to stand on principles and do well in the 2014 midterm elections, we could possibly, dare I say it, win the Senate. Then, we can impersonate Donald Trump and say, “Harry Reid, you're fired!”



4063686191?profile=originalThis is why the Senate race in Massachusetts is so much bigger than just Massachusetts. Patriots, please contact your Massachusetts family, friends and associates and encourage them to vote for the conservative Republican choice, Michael Sullivan for U.S. Senate, in the Tuesday, April 30th primary.



Also, can anyone advise how I can rekindle Sammy, my greyhound dog's loyalty and affection?



Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Will The Bombing Victims Take a Back Seat?


4063689978?profile=originalTalk about Yogi Berra's famous line, “It's deja vu all over again”, have you noticed the similarity in how the mainstream media is portraying suspected marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the way they portrayed Trayvon Martin? In both cases, the media blasted a much younger angelic photo of each young man, in essence, misrepresenting who they were at the times of their suspected crimes.


Dzhokhar received his Miranda warning and lawyered up with appointed federal public defenders. Liberals are all over the airways and the internet working to soften Dzhokhar's image, calling him a kid and a confused victim of his older brother and an unfriendly America. At the earliest, Dzhokhar's trial will be a year from now.



My concern is that by the time Dzhokhar goes on trial, the mainstream media/the Left will have made his trial all about America's Islamophobia, racism and policies which have caused the world to hate us – forgetting about justice for those who lost life and limb because of the bombing.



Remember what happened in the OJ trial? OJ's attorneys, praised by the Left, masterfully changed the subject of his trial from being about a man almost beheading his wife and the mother of his children to being about America's history of racism against blacks. Remarkably, sympathy and justice for Nicole Brown Simpson somehow got lost in the shuffle of left-wing political narrative.



4063689899?profile=originalI foresee a strong possibility of a similar outrageous tragic scenario happening to the victims of suspected terrorist Dzhokhar; murdered were 8 year old Martin Richards, Krystle Marie Campbell – 29, Lu Lingzi – 23 and 27 year old Officer Sean Collier who was shot in the head execution-style while sitting in his patrol car. Fourteen people lost all or part of a limb. Two hundred and fifty people were injured.



4063689993?profile=originalAs I stated, the mainstream media are well on their way instilling the narrative that we must understand and sympathize with the 19-year-old suspected terrorist. We must not allow the victims of the Boston bombing to be relegated to background players, cast as mere collateral damage of the Left's golden opportunity to sell their narrative that America is always the “bad guy”at fault – the greatest source of evil in the world.



But the American people can ultimately be the fly in the Left's ointment; demanding justice and giving voice to the victims. For if we are to ensure that tragedies like this are not repeated we as a society must make clear that we will hold perpetrators of such heinous acts accountable.



On April 30th, voters will have the opportunity to fill John Kerry's vacated U.S. Senate seat (traditionally held by Democrats who have a history of trying to appease the forces of evil) with a strong law-and-order Conservative Republican who knows how to deal with terrorists, conservative Republican Michael Sullivan.



Sullivan is a former U.S. Attorney who took a tough stance prosecuting terrorists including the infamous shoe-bomber, Richard Reid. Sullivan has been the Fox News channel's go-to-guy for how best to deal with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, because he's shown how justice can and should ultimately prevail for the people of a free society.



Serious about dealing with our enemies, Michael Sullivan wants to revoke Dzhokar Tsarnaev's September 11, 2012 citizenship.



After making false statements under oath and committing these acts of terror against our nation and its citizens, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has renounced any alleged loyalty to our country and has forfeited the gift of U.S. citizenship our great nation has bestowed upon him,” Sullivan continued. “It should be revoked as quickly as the law allows.”



That's what I am talking about folks; enough with playing games and pandering to evil enemies who seek to callously maim and kill innocent Americans.



National security and punishing enemy combatants are more reasons why Michael Sullivan must win the April 30th primary to be the Republican nominee in the June special election in Massachusetts to fill Kerry's vacated U.S. Senate seat.



A year or more from now when Dzhokhar goes on trial, emotions will have cooled, the shock, pain and outrage will have lessened – memories and tributes to the victims will have faded. By then, much of the mainstream media will have transformed Dzhokhar into the poster boy for everything that the Left believes is wrong with America.



Will the victims of the Boston bombing suffer the same lack of justice as murdered Nicole Brown Simpson; reduced to B-roll footage for the spectacle of Dzhokhar's trial in which the Left drives home their narrative that America sucks? Will there be someone unswayed by the Left's narrative who will be the victim's hero – remembering and seeking justice for murdered Americans and those whose lives were devastatingly changed forever due to the cruelty of suspected bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?



Michael Sullivan has proven himself up for the challenge – an advocate for the bombing victims as well as being strongly committed to protecting all Americans in our increasingly dangerous world. America needs U.S. Senator Micheal Sullivan.



Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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4063687338?profile=originalDear Fellow Americans,

Like you, I am saddened and angry at the evil terrorist who bombed the Boston Marathon. I am also angered by the Democrats' and their sycophant media hack's mad dash to blame Republicans.



Shamelessly, the Democrats despicably politicize any and everything.


Democrats have absurdly linked the Boston bombing to the Sequester.



The dirty little secret that the Democrats do not want you to know and the mainstream media will not report is that Obama slashed the budget for domestic bombing prevention by 45%.



The Left openly admits that they hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white right-wing American.



Rest assured, closed door dark room discussions are underway about how best to blame the Tea Party.



Remember, Obama's former Chief-of-Staff, Rahm Emanuel said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”



Americans who oppose Obama's socialist agenda and trampling of the Constitution have been a thorn in the Democrats and mainstream media's sides for years. What better way to destroy the Tea Party than to convince low-info Americans that the Tea Party is responsible for children losing life and limbs. While this strategy may sound a bit cynical, it is reasonable to reference Democrats' past behavior and Obama's former Chief-of-Staff, Rahm Emanuel's words, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”



Frustratingly, all speculation as to who is responsible for the bombing has been limited to foreign terrorists and right-wing extremists. Despite the history of domestic terrorism proving otherwise, not one time in the media coverage has it been suggested the bomber/bombers could be left-wing extremists.



But folks, having exposed the Left's desire to make the Tea Party and Republicans responsible, I wish to focus on the heroes – awesome Americans who stepped up to assist the wounded and save lives.



Mary and I have been on the road away from our home in Florida for several weeks, working to put Conservative Republican Michael Sullivan in the U.S. Senate seat vacated by John Kerry in Massachusetts. We are still in a hotel room living out of suitcases. The stories of heroism and the pain and suffering of innocent children and families have touched us deeply.



I wrote, sang and recorded a song shortly after 9/11 titled, “United We Stand”. My inspiration came from the way our nation came together, though briefly, in unity, patriotism and prayer for our country.



We want to salute the heroes who displayed remarkable bravery and compassion after the bombing. Using my song, Mary got on her computer and put this humble tribute together honoring our heroes. We pray that it blesses your heart.



Please click this link to view our tribute: United We Stand – Boston Bombing



Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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4063686191?profile=originalBrother and sister patriots, I speak to you as family because I believe if we are to effectively push back in opposition to Obama and company's all-out-assault on our freedoms, liberty and culture, we (who love America as founded) must stand together as family.

In a nut shell, Obama and Democrats/Progressives are out of control. On every issue from the environment to gun control they use the same tactic. Obama hits the airways and makes a totally mindless emotional pleas to low info voters. Arrogantly, Obama then expects to be given carte blanche to trample the Constitution at will.

Always having Obama, Democrats and progressives backs, the mainstream media faithfully provides cover for their blatant side stepping of the Constitution. The MSM brands Republicans and anyone who dares to stand up for common sense and the law as being racist, stupid and haters. It works every time. Republicans cave.

Sadly, only a few Republicans have the stones to stand up for common sense and the Constitution. Even the ever optimistic Rush Limbaugh said he is depressed over what is happening in our country.

While my hope for America is rooted in my faith and trust in God, I realize it is up to each of us to do our part. To restore our great nation, we must get rock solid conservatives in office– one candidate – one race at a time. This is why my Conservative Campaign Committee has produced TV and radio ads in support of “proven” and “tested” Conservative Michael Sullivan for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts.

Sullivan's opponents in the primary, Gomez and Winslow, are prime examples of Obama/Democrat sycophant Republicans who are willing to sell their souls for a seat at the table. Electing either of them would further the decline of America as we know it.

Candidate Gabriel Gomez wrote a letter to Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick asking for a job – interim appointment as U.S. Senator. In Gomez's letter, he said he supports Obama's agenda.

Candidate Dan Winslow said, “Pro-life candidates deserve to lose”. Folks, 4000 babies a day are aborted in America. Michael Sullivan is pro-life.

Winslow routinely financially supports Democrats: $500 to Democrat Robert Travaglini's State Senate campaign – $300 to Democrats Steven Baddour and Joseph Wagner – $250 to Democrats Gerard Leone and John Rogers – $200 to Democrat Sonia Chang-Diaz – $500 to Democrat Martha Coakley.

With behavior uncharacteristic of Republicans and more in keeping with the No-Tactic-Is-Too-Low Democrat Play Book, Gomez and Winslow conjured up a weak tag-team attempt to smear Conservative Campaign Committee as a hate group. Think about that folks. CCC is committed to getting Conservatives/Republicans elected around the country. And yet, “Republicans”, Gomez and Winslow are selfishly trying to destroy us – both willing to bend the truth and undermine future conservative/Republican candidates to win at ANY cost. Character matters folks, it always does.

Patriots, we at CCC did not pull Michael Sullivan's name out of a hat. We researched the man and spoke with Massachusetts voters. Amazingly, the same words kept coming up in almost every conversation about Mike – “proven”, “tested” and “trustworthy”.

Beginning at Gillette as a stock clerk, Mike Sullivan worked his way up to U.S. Attorney prosecuting the infamous shoe-bomber.

A Massachusetts voter who has followed Mike Sullivan over the years said to me, “Mike has a way of always showing up and setting things right.”

Michael Sullivan is a great man – the kind of strong, no nonsense, character and principle driven conservative we need to send to Washington to assist in the process of restoring our nation back to the vision of our Founding Fathers.

Folks, the political tidal wave caused by replacing liberal Senator John Kerry with conservative Michael Sullivan in Massachusetts could cause a tsunami of change in the national political landscape. It will reveal to timid Republicans that a true conservative can win. Thus, this race is national!

4063686307?profile=originalPlease tune in online to and support our campaign to fill John Kerry's vacated Senate seat with conservative Republican Michael Sullivan in the upcoming Special Election.

Tune in for this 8-hour Telethon this Sunday, April 14th from 4:00 PM - 12:00 Midnight (Eastern) - 1:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Pacific)

You can contribute toward our goal now at

Michael Sullivan for U.S. Senate Massachusetts. We like and America needs Mike!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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The Tea Party: Who Are They, Really?

4063683015?profile=originalBarbara is white, sixty-something and writes Christian musicals. She told a mutual friend, “Lloyd is a good guy, but I disagree with his association with the Tea Party.” Shocked, our friend shared Barbara's concern with me. I thought, “Barbara, you ARE the Tea Party.”

My friend Barbara is representative of the mainstream media's despicable evil slander of millions of well informed, decent hardworking Americans who love their country and reject it being transformed into a socialist kingdom in which government controls every aspect of their lives.

Who are these Tea Party people, their profile? When I first began touring the country on Tea Party Express, the attendees were mostly middle-aged whites. Many, trying to be “good people”, voted for America's first black presidential candidate. But, as Obama began implementing his big government socialist agenda, they realized their error.

I was one of probably five blacks in America who did not vote for Obama. When Obama told Joe the Plumber he wanted to “spread the wealth around”, a little voice in my brain said, “Danger! Danger Will Robinson! This guy (Obama) is a socialist!”

At those first tea party rallies when the movement was new, many whites in attendance still felt extremely uncomfortable opposing Obama. Countless times I was told by patriots, fighting back their tears, that their opposition to Obama had nothing to do with his race and everything to do with his agenda. I knew they were sincere.

This is why the mainstream media's relentless slander of these good people, attempting to portray them as mobs of racist violent haters, so infuriated me.

Tea Party attendees are the salt of the earth Americans. They have jobs. They have businesses and families which they bring to the rallies. They love their country. They have kids in the U.S. Military. Many attend church. They do not hate minorities. They do not suppress women. As a matter of fact, many Tea Party group leaders and organizers are women. Tea Party folks want every American who is willing to work for it to achieve their American Dream. Pure and simple...end of subject.

My friend Barbara who fell for the MSM lie that the Tea Party is nothing more than a massive hate group would fit right in if she ever attended a Tea Party event.

When the Occupy Wall Street Movement emerged, once again the MSM slapped the Tea Party in the face by praising OWS as the morally superior Left's answer to the Tea Party. Well excuse me, but no one has been raped, robbed, beaten or arrested at a tea party; all of which are regular occurrences at OWS gatherings.

OWS dumped a bucket of feces in a bank lobby along with numerous incidents of destruction of property.

One point seven million tea party folks gathered in DC to protest Obamacare leaving the park cleaner than when they arrived.

The profile of blacks who attend Tea Party rallies. As I said, when the Tea Party movement first began, I was a rare black face in the crowds. Over the years, more blacks began showing up. Excited and curious, I would interview them,“What made you show up today?”

Interestingly, the blacks in attendance were either entrepreneurs/business people or they served in the U.S. Military and had witnessed the negative effects of socialism abroad.

Foolishly sacrificing principles to court misinformed voters, the GOP has joined the MSM's gang assault on the Tea Party. Their mantra is, “The Tea Party is extreme!”

I struggle to maintain my composure upon hearing low-info idiots parroting the MSM's claim that the Tea Party is extreme. Will someone please tell me what is “extreme” about expecting our government to function according to the U.S. Constitution? What is extreme about not sheepishly going along with government dismantling our God given freedoms and liberty?

Despite being badly bruised and abused from all sides, the Tea Party is the only hope for restoring America back to the vision of our Founding Fathers.

Who are these tea party guys, really?

I suspect millions of Americans who have never attended a Tea Party event love their country – still believe success is achieved via hard work rather than government redistribution – still believe marriage should remain between one man and one woman – believe government does not have authority to override the 2nd Amendment to disarm us or force us to fund behaviors which go against our religious convictions.

If you are one such American, the Tea Party is you.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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