czars (4)

Balanced budget Act of 2013

The Internet is Great.

This might be my most brilliant idea….. ever.

But like most “why didn’t I think of that” it didn’t just “pop”.

This idea had help from an internet blog. I replied, but the idea would not leave

So, the Balanced Budget Act of 2013 bill is being sent to my politicians…FAT chance THEY will do  anything with it.

Balanced Budget Act of 2013

  1. This doesn’t have any of those whaeras, herein, ibid stuff
  2. The President WILL submit a budget to Congress no later than TBD, or he is automatically dismissed from Office with no perks, pensions, etc.
  3. Congress WILL make all adjustments to balance the budget.
  4. IF Congress fails to Balance the Budget, funds to do so come FIRST from the salaries, perks, health subsidies, pensions, etc of Congress and the White House.
  5. IF the total of funds in #4 are not adequate to achieve Balance, additional funds WILL be taken from Congressional and White House Staffers,czars and other appointees, followed by Government Employees, excluding any/all serving  or who have served in our Armed Forces.
  6. Finally, if that is not enough the remainder  needed to balance will be taken as an across the board cut of each and every line item in the budget.

This is DRAFT #1. Do you have any suggestions to improve it?



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MSNBC and Rangel Belittle Tea Party Members

Liberals like to belittle, attack and/or demean any one or group that doesn't believe like them. While Conservatives believe in live and let live and do not insist you agree with them. Conservatives  may try to persuade you to understand their side, but respect your right to be different.  I was listening to Rush and he summed it up like that and I think that is right on.

Case in point, Charlie Rangel and others on MSNBC said the Tea Party members were like terrorists , racists of crackers. We know that cracker is not a racist term per the testimony from a recent comment made during the Zimmerman procedure. It is shameful and one reason why so few people watch MSNBC and listen to Charlie.  Again, if you do not agree with these liberals you are belittled and attacked,  as the enemy. So much for the First Amendment in America under the liberal leadership. I.e., IRS and NSA targeting, complete disregard and no respect for Congress by Obama and his minions, czars and appointees. Then you have the silencing of Benghazi and Fast n Furious whistle blowers.


Now, Obama openly is hiring propaganda specialists to NUDGE Americans to his position. Congress or most of them do nothing while this frontal assault is set up to compliment the cover ups, lies and out right disrespect shown for Congress, Constitution, Bill of Rights and every American who dares to disagree with Obama.

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Zimmerman Distraction

Every media outlet, including Fox is 24 seven Zimmerman which distracts from the many issues that Obama has going on now. I bet it makes Obama happy that the media ignores world wide issues with this court coverage. They must think Zimmerman will not be convicted, as the evidence seems to indicate. In our system up to now, you are innocent until proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. That burden of proof may be too much for the State to prove. Any time a person is killed is terrible and the court will have to determine what happened and guilt. It is my understanding that Zimmerman is Hispanic and has many people of color in his family, hardly sounds like a racist type person.


All the while known issues, IRS abuse, Benghazi, Fast n Furious, EPA, Land Management abuses, 100 million dollar trips, billions of foreign aid while cutting US programs, 17 trillion in deficit, ignoring Federal court orders, Illegitimate EEOC members, Ignoring Congress on Dream Act and Cap and Trade, huge staffs, 76 Czars and 26 First Lady staffers, etc. . The media ignores these while focusing on Zimmerman who is accused of murder. What about the 10 to 15 murders every weekend in Chicago? Where is Jessie and Al on those murders and countless shootings in a strict gun control State and city? If it was just people, surely they would follow all and where most murders are happening. The fact that these race pimps do not jump on these other crimes means that there are other motivations. 

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