jessie (3)

As a Black American, I am so ashamed of the fact that Martin Luther King, Jr.​s legacy is being tarnished by charlatans like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson.

What sickens me most, is the fact that the new civil rights movement is being led by the same people, who considered us sub-humans and denied us our God-given civil liberties.

They are leading the ignorant and uninformed right back to oppression in the form of invisible chains . Their champion of cause is a thug who robbed a convenience store and tried to murder a police officer with his own gun.

The so-called leaders (including the half black man at the top), have obliterated the work that real civil rights leaders have done and set the Black Race back for decades. At the same time the blind are being led back down into the bowels of the slave ships chanting; "Black lives matter"4064161244?profile=original

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It amazes me that everyone wants to dismiss the fact that Michael Brown, robbed a convenience store and attacked a police officer, prior to being killed. 

Once again the black community turns a blind eye to the real issues that affect the very lives of our youths. Black on black crime is an epidemic in the black communities. Thousands of black children are brutally killed every year, yet we do not see the Al Sharpton's or Jessie Jackson's, protest their deaths. We do not see the president proclaiming that their lives would reflect the life of his son, if he had one. We do not see Eric Holder demanding answers. 

The black community needs to stop with the excuses and victimization. Stop allowing antagonist to come into their community to promote their agenda. 

It is time to acknowledge the real issues that are hurting black communities; High crime rates, High unemployment, abortions being used as contraceptives, and high drop out rates. 

keeping your heads in the sand until an unfortunate event happens, is no way of living. Stop letting the streets raise your kids. Demand accountability in your neighborhoods. 

If the black community doesn't wake up and face reality, they will realize they are extinct, just like the dinosaurs

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Zimmerman Distraction

Every media outlet, including Fox is 24 seven Zimmerman which distracts from the many issues that Obama has going on now. I bet it makes Obama happy that the media ignores world wide issues with this court coverage. They must think Zimmerman will not be convicted, as the evidence seems to indicate. In our system up to now, you are innocent until proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. That burden of proof may be too much for the State to prove. Any time a person is killed is terrible and the court will have to determine what happened and guilt. It is my understanding that Zimmerman is Hispanic and has many people of color in his family, hardly sounds like a racist type person.


All the while known issues, IRS abuse, Benghazi, Fast n Furious, EPA, Land Management abuses, 100 million dollar trips, billions of foreign aid while cutting US programs, 17 trillion in deficit, ignoring Federal court orders, Illegitimate EEOC members, Ignoring Congress on Dream Act and Cap and Trade, huge staffs, 76 Czars and 26 First Lady staffers, etc. . The media ignores these while focusing on Zimmerman who is accused of murder. What about the 10 to 15 murders every weekend in Chicago? Where is Jessie and Al on those murders and countless shootings in a strict gun control State and city? If it was just people, surely they would follow all and where most murders are happening. The fact that these race pimps do not jump on these other crimes means that there are other motivations. 

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