Sun-Tzu made the famous observation “lose the battle win the war” yet when translated into fiscal policy it’s not desirable, yet our GOP leadership are going to roll hoping to come back later. I recently made the move to the Tea Party as I cannot in good faith watch the GOP leadership horse trade with peoples lives. The fiscal cliff will be seen in the coming years as just one of many artificial dramas engineered by leaders on both sides as part of a process. That process is called “real politik” but it simply defends the status quo.
What we need is a dramatic change in direction as a nation; education delivers generations into welfare slavery. We spend like a lotto winner in Vegas and the “Washington Crowd” simply posture while making no radical proposals. We are going broke yet we act like the irresponsible sub-prime borrower.
I am a Venture Capitalist; I invest in innovation and entrepreneurship, the very driving forces which put this great nation at the top of the world. Yet I wonder, do any of our leaders understand it anymore? In the real world you must spend less than you receive and build strategic reserves so you can weather a harsh winter. Under the stewardship of our leaders we have become dependent on the benevolence of other nations. We are on welfare!
So what's the solution? Well as hard it will be, we need to cut benefits. We need to loosen the death grip the extremist environmental movement has on our energy pioneers. I could go on yet what we have to do as a matter of urgency is start with a joint understanding that the country cannot continue to borrow, whilst overseeing the destruction of our ability to produce wealth. If you lose your job, its not a good idea to keep spending on Visa.