Author: Brian D. Hill
Obama is supportive of a illegal takeover of America not just by globalists and elitists but also by illegal immigrants that will supportthe New World Order agenda in exchange for having American jobs andfree social security money.
I am seeing a major rise in illegal immigrants not just visiting America but also working American jobs.
- Foreign Muslim Couple walking on a Mountain trail
I am noticing a rise in foreigners gaining access to American jobs thatcan't even speak English or don't know exactly what they are doingbecause they haven't received proper training since they are foreignersthat haven't immigrated through the proper channels.
Also at a Hotel the USWGO Founder was staying at a foreign illegal maid almost cleaned out his hotel room and took all his diet soda cansto drink themselves before he even checked out because the foreignersthat run the hotel didn't even know how to keep records because theyprobably weren't US Citizens.
Many places I went to it was foreigners, foreigners, and even more foreigners working American Jobs. The only place that actually had onlylegal immigrants and American citizens was at Dollywood because sincethey are a major theme park they have to check documents of thoseapplying for a job there.
Even at a gas station I saw another foreigner there as well so while Arizona lost the first round against the Federal Government, even thoughthey made an appeal, illegal immigrants are on the rise in America,stealing American jobs, forcing their viewpoints including theUnconstitutional ShariaLaw on America, and since more Illegal mexicans have invadedAmerica at one time over 20 to 30% of Americans support the banningof the American Flag in public schools that are funded by theFederal Government.
So the foreign invasion keeps happening while Obama wants to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants so that they won't ever haveto give an Oath of Loyalty to the Constitution, won't ever have to learnEnglish, and won't ever have to go through the legal process thatmillions of past Legal immigrants went through which is unfair to allthe legal immigrants.
I know the argument is that all of our ancestors were immigrants BUT there has to be a balance, a restriction, to how many can immigrate intothis country because without limiting how many can immigrate into thiscountry it can be a real mess, bring up the jobless and homeless rates,and bankrupt America into a dead country. Also all who legally get intothis country HAS to learn to respect Liberty and Freedom all Americansknow and love, HAS to give a Oath to protect and defend the Constitutionand not be a traitor to America, and all who legally immigrate has tolearn English because not everyone in American would be unable to learnanother language so since the primary language is English the immigrantwould have to learn English or else barriers between Americans would bebuilt which would ruin the United States since it would be divided.
"I am not a racist, I am not against hispanics, I am not against any race but rules are important so all illegal Immigrants must understandthat we have to control the border to prevent a quick collapse of thiscountry. So We aren't against immigrants but we are against IllegalImmigrants", says Brian D. Hill of USWGO.
"I directly support Arizona's Illegal Immigration law because then we can now finally restore the economy slowly by having more job slots forAmericans since Obama is not doing anything to bring back our jobs likehe promised and is only making things worse." Brian D. Hill also says.
Illegal Immigration has given Americans less jobs in a severe way and actually has hurt Legal Immigration since they worked hard to legallyget into the United States while others are just crossing the border andgetting free social security money, and free Medical.
The Bilderberg Group has planned to use Illegal Immigration as a tool to bring forth the North American Union which would dissolve theConstitution and merge Canada, Mexico, and America together to becomethe North American Union.
The North American Union agenda is all apart of competing with the European Union, the forming African Union, and to help the Asian Unionbecome established which will be managed under a World Government.
Even Barack Obama said while the Mexican President was visiting that "We are defined not by our borders butby our bonds." to justify the dissolving of our borders and the start ofthe North American Union which will end our Freedoms and Liberties.
I think it's okay to be friendly with neighboring countries BUT there's a fine line between just being neighborly and persuadingneighboring countries to join together as one union and dissolve theirSovereignty. Right now Obama is using foreigners taking over thiscountry as a pretext to make it acceptable to end Sovereignty andjump-start a World Government.
There is a clear difference between just being kind to your neighbors and taking over their house and force the neighbor to join the twohouses together to create a controlled union.