govs (1)

Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Related: Could the 'Eat Right' movement now become a sham with Big Pharma...

What is going on right now is the president and the US Government wants totreat all US Citizens like little kids that must be controlled and allhabits must be tamed.

Right now I found out that the president signed an executive order to get ready to start controlling our health with forced diets, foodrations, forced vaccinations, and forced medication. Also I warnedmonths ago about the fact that Obama's Healthcare plan would end therights of citizens to lounge the buffets.The whole idea sounds crazy but it is what is happening right now underthe guise of stopping obesity the government has even considered putting a rising tax on sodas and other junk foods while GMO is being put in almost to all foods considerably healthy and contaminants (and other Toxins) are being put in herbal remedies and supplements.

Also with the universal health care Obama is installing along with MichaelMoores support for preventive care did Michael Moore ever think aboutabout the fact that to have a successful preventive care you must forceall patients to get vaccinated and take drugs against their will andtake away the free will of all who are under universal health care.

So in other words pro Socialists like Michael Moore, and Obama want BigBrother to take care of all of us, make us stupid with fluoride, andthen treat us like little children for all of our lives and those thatagainst the Will of Big Father (Big Government Father) will swipe downand kill you. We aren't far from that now that Obama has the power to assassinate Americans under the guise of protecting public safety.

So under his socialist care anybody who is tired of or doesn't want to begiven any mercury poison is better off shot in the head, and that iswhat will make socialism a cold hard killer.

So why is our government under control by the globalist bankers so interested intosocialism now? Why do they want to force medicines down our throats andforce vaccinations into our arms? Why does the Federal Government wantto make all these safety mandates? To treat us not as citizens but aslittle children and that we must treat the president as our daddy andthe first lady as our mother.

govs ur daddySo right now our government thinks they always know best like they are ourmothers and daddys? Well that is the mentality our government has nowthat we are little kids that need to be watched, have hundreds ofdifferent elite controlled porn filters (To them politics is porn soblock all political speech as well), and anybody who behaves unique ina society that is of a utopia of the elite must have their head choppedoff in public as a message to the higher up gods that anybody whorebels must be sacrificed to the elite gods in order to keep theirenslaved utopia.

In the future the government will control your thermostats (Slaves don't get good heating so shape up!!!), thegovernment will watch you all over your home even the potty and shower,all the streets and stores will be set up with literally thousands ofcameras for stopping crime and protecting the safety of theproducts...err I mean people, each month you have to try a newmedication for Big Pharma Socialist care and anybody who gains morehealth problems must be killed, and society will be controlled to thegrit of the teeth to make sure everybody acts orderly that thegovernment never take any advice from the people that they are alwaysthe experts, that they are respectively gods that cannot be talkedagainst.

If we lived in a society like that we wouldn't be free, we wouldn't have free will even though God gave his creation free willto make decisions for themselves, and there will be no human rightsbecause the government believes the only people who want human rightsare criminals and terrorists.

But do you really think the government would really want to treat us like little children or little robots???

Although will we comply or will we resist it no matter what???

To The Government we ARE Robots

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