levin (275)

Geraldo's Selective Fairness

4063620057?profile=originalOn Fox & Friends, Geraldo Rivera was extremely upset regarding what he considers to be irresponsible misinformation regarding Obama's culpability during the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, Libya. Geraldo said it “broke his heart” to hear Charles Woods, the father of slain former Navy Seal, Ty Woods, call the president a murderer.

I believe Geraldo is a member of the mainstream media sleaze who will do anything to protect their socialist/progressive conveniently black president.

I do not wish to argue the validity of the mournful poppa Woods' statement. However, I must say that I find Geraldo's efforts to bend over backwards to defend and be fair to Obama a bit much to stomach.

Remember the JonBenet Ramsey murder? On his TV talk show, Geraldo relentlessly lead the charge of suspicion against the parents of the murdered six year old girl. I remember thinking how arrogant and cruel it was for Geraldo to fan the flames of suspicion against the devastated parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, in the court of public opinion without any real evidence of their guilt.

Patsy Ramsey said she walked in her house one day and heard herself accused of murder by a guest on the Geraldo Rivera Show.

Geraldo hosted a mock TV trial which convicted Patsy Ramsey of murdering her daughter.

The JonBenet Ramsey murder was a worldwide news story. Had there been sufficient evidence, the Ramseys would have been indicted. They never were.

Upon milking every drop of TV ratings out of the Ramsey case, Geraldo's talk show moved on to other topics. The JonBenet Ramsey murder case remains unsolved. Patsy Ramsey died of Cancer.

Has Geraldo ever expressed regret for enhancing his career on the unfair assumption that the Ramseys played a role in their daughters murder? No, he has not. After Patsy Ramsey's death, the Ramseys were exonerated.

Geraldo's behavior towards the Ramseys was a perfect example of what Rush Limbaugh describes as the “drive by media”; similar to a drive by shooting. The mainstream media appears on the scene, wrecks havoc and many times destroys innocent lives. Without remorse or apology, they simply move on to the next breaking story.

Geraldo and his liberal mainstream media buddies lack scruples. They will say and do whatever it takes to drag Obama across the finish line, giving him four more years to implement their socialistic/progressive agenda. Obama's minions must be defeated.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063617923?profile=originalPatriots, we are still on the road on the Rebuild America Defeat Obama bus tour. It has been over a month and Mary really misses Sammy, our greyhound and Marilyn her cat. I miss Sammy, but not the cat.

Anyway, I was interviewed on the morning drive talk radio show, Inside Detroit with Mildred Gaddis. The liberal black host and her callers were pretty PO-ed at me for being a black man chairing the Campaign To Defeat Barack Obama.

They began the interview by airing our Barack Obama's Legacy of Failure ad. The host attacked me claiming that fact checkers confirm that our ad is full of lies. Of course, I defended our ad as being dead on target and that her so-called “fact-checkers” were Obama sycophant hacks. Well, things went down hill from there. Enraged callers chimed in with “Mr Marcus, I am sooooo angry at you!”

To their credit, we battled for three segments on the radio without the host or her furious callers calling me a “stupid n-----”, which normally happens when I challenge the left’s rhetoric. Still, the interview was quite heated and compelling. The producer wanted to keep me for a fourth segment but, I had to get ready for “bus call” to our first rally of the day in Kalamazoo, MI.

While sparing with the black host and her black callers, I received a revelation; truth and facts did not matter. They were so consumed in their racial bias that Obama’s black-skin trumps everything. I was blown away that they could not see the immorality of voting for Obama solely because he was black. The host called loyalty to Obama a matter of black pride. I got it. These racist people can not be changed. They simply must be defeated.

The host asked where the money came from for our TV ads. Talking about tossing me a softball, I proudly informed Mildred that our funding comes from “the people”, not the Republican party.

Originally, we planned to tour the country. But, polling convinced us that our efforts to get Romney/Ryan elected would best be served touring Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Iowa.

New polling data reaffirms the importance of these states including a new poll commissioned by the FOX TV affiliate in Detroit, Michigan which shows Mitt Romney has surged to a tie with Barack Obama in Michigan - it was only in September that Obama had led by 14 points:

I am proud to say that the efforts of our "Rebuild America - Defeat Obama" tour team has contributed to the Romney/Ryan surge. We have made several swings through the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan, airing TV ads, radio ads, publishing newspaper ads, and doing interviews with the press.

Here's one of the dozens of successful rallies we've held across Michigan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tew860atXpw

Part of the reason our efforts are having such a profound impact on Michigan is that Barack Obama's campaign and the Democratic National Committee have taken this state for granted - so much so that they haven't aired a single TV ad in the state during the 2012 general election for president: http://www.nationaljournal.com/hotline/ad-spending-in-presidential-battleground-states-20120620

When the producer of Inside Detroit requested an interview, I knew their goal was to discredit me and portray me as a traitorous black paid-off by the Republicans.

Candidly, I prayed before the interview asking God for wisdom to deliver whatever he wanted me to give listeners. Despite the host and callers ganging up on me, I am confident that somebody in Mildred's mostly black radio audience thought, “That man is right. It is racist to vote for Obama solely because he is black like me.”

I have peace that I was where I was supposed to be doing what God wanted me to do.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063608362?profile=originalDuring the debate, Obama performed like the classless lying Chicago bully-in-chief that he is. Every answer out of Obama's mouth was a thinly-veiled personal attack calling Romney a liar, lacking in character, or pronouncing him ignorant.

Romney's responses were too classy for my taste. He let Obama get away with far too many attacks. They say the aggressor sets the rules. Since Obama started it, I wanted Romney to deliver multiple factually loaded verbal left hooks to Obama's jaw.

Smooth talking manipulators such as Obama turn my stomach. I have known characterless lowlifes like him all my life. They know all the right words to get the girl, get the money and get their way. Meanwhile, there is not one once of sincerity in their words or their intentions.

Obama touts women rights while implementing policies that hurt women. He talks about putting Americans back to work while demonizing business owners, vowing to punish them with higher taxes and strangling them with thousands of new regulations. Obama has the nerve to pat himself on the back regarding national defense while refusing to call a “terrorist-attack” a “terrorist-attack”.

Case in point. Families and surviving heroes of the Ft Hood shooting are denied combat benefits because the Obama Administration insists on classifying the shooting as “workplace-violence” rather than what is was, a terrorist-attack. Why? Because Obama has said the war on terror is over. Thus, classifying the Ft Hood shooting as a terrorist-attack would contradict and embarrass Obama. Consequently, surviving heroes of the shooting and their families, no benefits for you! Disgusting.

Obama is nothing more than a jive talking Chicago thug. Polling immediately after the debate declared Obama the winner. I see right through Obama's smooth and compassionate sounding hogwash. I do not care what the polls say. The American people are over Obama's snake-oil salesmanship skills and are donating their “Hope & Change” t-shirts to Good Will, cutting them up for rags or using them as painting shirts.

Every policy Obama has implemented over the past four years have created the complete opposite of his stated intentions. Obama says the right things while doing the opposite wrong things in plain sight. The mainstream media supports his every lie and assault on our Constitution and our freedoms.

Romney did get in a few strong jabs during the debate. As I stated, I would have loved to have seen a more aggressive Romney confronting Obama's lies and empty rhetoric.

However, watching the debate, I asked myself, “Which of these men do I believe most qualified and trustworthy to handle foreign policy and to turn our economy around?”

Unquestionably, my answer is Mitt Romney.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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Mt. Pleasant MI Protesters: A Different Tale

4063589966?profile=originalOur Rebuild America Defeat Obama Tour rally in Mount Pleasant, MI was held in a charming throwback hall. Mirrors covered the walls. Decorative small light bulbs wrapped the columns and strategic spots around the room creating a warm friendly setting. To my surprise among the sea of patriots, I noticed “Obama/Biden” signs held above the crowd in back of the room.

A day or so before, in Grand Blanc, MI we encountered obnoxious protesters, half of which were black. The black Obama zombies called me a traitor to my race and other assorted insults. I was aggressive and confronted the brain-dead racists head on.

So, when I saw the Obama protesters displaying their signs in back of the room, I wanted to verbally attack them from the stage. But, a still, small voice inside of me said, “Don't do that. Simply tell your story.”

I shared with the audience my family's history of government dependency and the devastating negative effect cradle to grave welfare had on many of my relatives. In 1956, my black dad broke the color barrier and became a Baltimore City firefighter. This afforded my family funds to move out of the projects and off of the government system.

Unfortunately, many of my cousins/relatives stayed on government welfare their entire lives and it destroyed them.

Throughout my speech and during the speeches of other speakers at our rally, to my amazement I saw the Obama protesters applauding along with our audience.

The grand finale of our rallies is a military tribute which blew away the Obama supporters. They rose to their feet applauding along with our enthusiastic patriotic audience.

Now, I am not saying the Obama supporters were converted to Romney/Ryan supporters. I am confident that they heard indisputable truths and felt inspiration and love for the greatest nation on the planet.

Donald, a member of our team said he noticed that everyone at our rally was polite and non-confrontational with the Obama supporters. Had the situation been reversed, Romney/Ryan supporters showing up waving signs at an Obama rally, unquestionably the Romney protesters would have been putting themselves at great risk of physical harm.

The mainstream media despicably continues to lie attempting to portray us as violent racist haters. With over 300 tea party rallies nationwide under my belt, I can testify that we tea party folks are extremely peaceful patriots who love God, family and country.

In short, we are the good guys. I am confident the good guys will win in November.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063602871?profile=originalIn Grand Blanc, MI, our Rebuild America Defeat Obama tour buses were met by protesters holding printed Obama signs. About half of the dozen or so protesters were black. When I, a black conservative, stepped off of the bus, a black male protester approached me yelling, “You need help! You are Crazy!” A black female protester yelled, “How much are they paying you?”

Proving herself to be a racist brain-dead Obama zombie, an elderly black woman shoved her Obama sign in my face yelling, “Sin! Sin! Sin! You should be ashamed!” This woman calls me a sinner while completely ignoring that her hero, Barack Obama, supports killing babies, most of which are black. She also ignores that Obama supports same-sex marriage and has vowed to be an advocate of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities.

Assuming that the black woman who called me a sinner considers herself to be a Christian, she has been deceived into worshiping a false god of skin-color over her commitment to Jesus Christ.

Upon our entire team existing the tour buses, the Obama protesters followed us from the parking lot inside the Grand Mall where we where having our rally. They taunted us and tried to disrupt our inspiring and uplifting event. They failed miserably.

As a matter of fact, the Obama protesters proved to be a blessing. Their presence at our rally provided a golden opportunity for me to direct specific comments in my speech towards them.

I whipped out my driver's license. “Look folks, I have a photo ID!” Then, turning to the protesters, I continued, “This confirms that the Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, Obama Administration and the mainstream media are wrong! Black people are NOT too stupid to acquire a photo ID!”

The standing room only crowd of patriots erupted with cheers, laughter and applause. One of the Obama minions yelled, “You're a clown!”

Continuing my speech, “Folks, according to the Democrats, I am a very weird sick black man. I do not

resent white people. (turning again to face the protesters) I don't believe anyone owes me anything. But worst of all, I LOVE MY COUNTRY!!!”

After our extremely successful enthusiastic rally, the protesters continued their taunting. You would think some in their group would at least ponder the truths/facts they heard from various speakers during our rally. They did not. They continued to call me names, one of which was “a shameful sellout”. Apparently, the Obama protesters heard nothing.

What struck me most about the protesters is that they were mindless, TOTALLY driven by emotion and racism. They need our prayers.

We ended the rally with everyone singing God Bless America!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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Black Christians: Shame! Shame! Shame!

4063600577?profile=originalIncreasingly, I am hearing the following mantra/narrative from Black Christians. “I'm voting for Obama because he is the lesser of the two evils.” This is an extremely weak veiled attempt to justify their racism and loyalty to The Black Code (never side with a white against a fellow black).

From a Christian point of view, how can any Bible believer conclude that Mitt Romney is more evil than Barack Obama?

Here are a few of the numerous things on Obama's anti-Christian agenda. Obama supports same-sex marriage and has vowed to be an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. Obama supports abortion including infanticide (making it illegal to provide medical aid to a baby that has survived a failed abortion). Despite their strong will to survive, these babies must be left to die.

Massive governmental controls hidden in Obamacare include forcing Christian institutions to fund abortion services against the teachings of their faith. Think about that; the federal government demanding that Christians betray their biblical beliefs. Forty Catholic groups are fighting back by suing the Obama Administration. In typical liberal incremental fashion, our military has gone from a “Don't ask/ Don't tell” policy to being mandated to celebrate Gay Pride Month under Obama.

Indisputable facts are available everywhere exposing Obama to be the most anti-Christian president in U.S. History. I know some of you Black Christians will continue to stick your heads in the sand, refusing to accept the truth. Woe be unto you. Racism is evil, whether it comes from whites or blacks blindly worshiping Obama because of his skin-color.

So Black Christians, tell me Romney's stated ant-Christian agenda. Grasping at straws, some will say Romney is a Mormon and Mormonism does not jive with Christianity. Well, you may have a point. However, Romney has not attacked Christianity or pledged to force Christians to betray their faith. Obama is boldly and dictatorially implementing his anti-Christian agenda. Regrettably, many of you black so-called followers of Christ realize who Obama really is and what he is doing. And yet, you will vote for him anyway because of your sick addiction to racial politics.

I have also heard Christians say, “OK, I admit that Obama is destroying America, but I cannot vote for a Mormon.” Such thinking is illogical. Imagine, your home is on fire and your family is trapped inside. The Hells Angels motorcycle gang arrives at the scene offering to go inside to rescue your loved ones. How absurd would it be to reject their “God-sent” help because you disapprove of the Hells Angels' lifestyle?

Remember this old joke? A guy was trapped on his roof during a flood. He prayed for help. Various volunteers came to his aid in boats. The man rejected them all, waiting for God to save him. The foolish man drowned. In Heaven, the man asked God why he did not answer his prayer. God replied, “I did answer your prayer. You rejected everyone I sent.”

America is on fire folks. Romney/Ryan are the most available firefighters. Thus, I believe they are “God-sent.”

I asked a black minister friend to further explain this “lesser evil” thing. He said the “lesser evil” in his mind is the economy. While not disputing Obama's anti-Christian agenda, Obama still wins his vote because he believes Romney/Ryan's plan will further the decline of America’s economy. In essence, this black minister of the Gospel is saying he values the economy over God's condemnation of homosexuality, over the lives of babies and over freedom of worship.

And by the way, this minister thinking that Obama's economic plan of spending our way to prosperity is superior to Romney/Ryan's plan is idiotic, nonsensical and absurd. I can not believe my friend is that stupid. I believe sighting the economy as his reason for voting for Obama is a weak excuse to mask his racism; pure and simple.

To all you, Obama-is-the-lesser-of-two-evils black Christian voters, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You “ain't” foolin' nobody. You are racists! May God have mercy on your souls.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063599422?profile=originalThis presidential election is serious business, the most important ever! An Obama victory would mark the end of America as intended by our Founding Fathers. Still, it is necessary to take a moment to laugh a little.

Since TV reality shows such as “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” are the craze, I thought it might be entertaining to share some insider reality on the Rebuild America Defeat Obama national bus tour.

We have two tour buses. Somehow, I ended up on the bus with six women. The only males on our bus are Doug, the bus driver and myself. Speaking of the bus driver, our team spent the night at a hotel in Carlise, PA. In the morning, I noticed two couples excitedly taking pictures beside our tour buses which were parked around back. I approached them, “Are you folks for us or a-gin us?” “WE'RE FOR YOU ALL THE WAY!” they replied.

The couples were parents from Oregon visiting their son and daughter-in-law. They asked several questions including my role on the tour. I shared that I am a speaker and one of two entertainers. The senior father who was deaf in one ear interrupted, “Are you the bus driver?” “No sir, I am an entertainer and a speaker.” After chatting with the family awhile, Grandpa interrupted again, “Are you the bus driver?” “No dad, he is not. He is a speaker and singer”, responded his daughter-in-law. Then, the elderly gentleman began telling me about his vocal skills and love for music. It was a pleasant little encounter, ending with the family telling me to stay safe and that they would keep me in their prayers.

An uptight black buddy of mine would have been extremely offended if he were in my shoes and a senior white man asked him if he was the bus driver. But in reality, given that most blacks do support Obama, is not unreasonable for the kindly elderly white gentleman to assume that I was not a member of the Defeat Obama team.

Before our visit ended, the obviously forgetful senior asked a third time, “Are you the bus driver?” It was hilarious. My wife Mary and I had a real good laugh about it.

As I said, I am on a bus with six women. They have temperature issues. Married for 35 years and wise man that I am, I know to keep my mouth shut regarding them turning the air up and down. I simply peel clothes off when I am too warm and cover up when too cold.

These are strong great Conservative women: Radio talk show host Andrea Shea King, Elizabeth Letchworth who is retired from the Washington DC government scene, LuLu Frances, Field Coordinator, singer Diana Nagy, author Selena Owens and my wife Mary.

A perk of riding with the women is that they take good care of me. I have Diabetes. Selena Owens is really into nutrition and makes sure the bus is stocked with foods I can eat. Mary, my wife has me taking a ga-zillion vitamins.

On Sundays, they leave me alone in back of the bus to watch football on TV.

Today, we have a six hour ride ahead of us. All six of them are in Walmart picking up supplies. Thus, we could be here awhile.

4063589966?profile=originalLloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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The Black Divider-in-Chief

4063582368?profile=originalWhen our Rebuild America Defeat Obama tour bus rolled into downtown Dayton Ohio, the hostile vibe from blacks on the streets filled the air. A young black man called our team, Romney and Ryan “M-F-ers” before walking away. I went to find a restroom and passed a group of young blacks on a street corner murmuring about our tour buses. A young black staffer on our team said he thought he was going to have to break out his Chuck Norris skills.

Clearly, our team was at risk. I am grateful to report that the Lord had our backs and nothing serious happened. However, I could not help thinking, “This extreme racial tension and polarization is the fault of the irresponsible Chicago thug in the White House.”

One could argue that it would be the same if any other black were president. I think not. A responsible black president would discourage his supporters from using race to further his agenda and win reelection. A president worthy of the office would understand that national racial unity is fragile and precious; not something to be exploited to win policy issues or sacrificed on the reelection alter. But only a person of character would think such high thoughts. A minister said there is nothing worse than a small person in a big position.

Obama has proven himself to be a “small” man, lacking in character. Not only is Obama incapable of taking the higher ground to discourage racial cliches, he stirs the pot of racial stereotypes and false assumptions. Heck, Obama's minions have made “race” the centerpiece of his reelection campaign. Their message is simple. Anyone not voting for Obama is a “hater” and a “racist”. Dear Lord, how did we as a nation come to expect so little in terms of the morality and character of our leaders? Obama runs America like a mob boss with young zombie blacks, his bully Justice Department and SEIU/ACORN thugs as his enforcers.

We are all familiar with the numerous occasions in which our president has despicably used race. Obama's minions launched a campaign to brand all who opposed Obamacare racist. Before knowing the facts, Obama said cops do profile blacks and Hispanics and that they acted stupidly in the Gates case. He said small town Americans cling to religion and gunsand do not like those who do not look like them. Obama also accused small-towners of being anti-immigrant.

In response to the Trayvon Martin shooting, Obama said if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon. Why is that relevant other than to interject race? Obama launched a campaign ad titled, African-Americans for Obama. When is the Caucasian-Americans for Romney ad coming? The mainstream media would have a cow.

A video resurfaced showing Obama basically telling blacks that the government does not like them. Thus, concluding that racism made aid to post-Katina New Orleans slow. This is the man in our White House folks.

Had blacks such as JC Watts or Condoleezza Rice been elected president, I do not believe that we would see a racial line dividing the heart of America. Brother and sister Americans, we deserve much, much better than Barack Hussein Obama.

4063589966?profile=originalLloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063597818?profile=originalIt was so refreshing to hear that black actress Stacey Dash is supporting Mitt Romney for president. I sent a tweet thanking Ms Dash for not allowing the brain dead racists on the Left to intimidate her.

I have about had it with the arrogant bullies on the Left. Who died and gave them authority to decide who is a racist? The Left believes they have the ultimate card to trump any and all opposition to their master plan to implement a Socialistic/Progressive anti-American agenda. We who love America have had it with the Left's, if-you-disapprove-of-the-direction-Obama-is-taking-our-country, you're a racist nonsense. The reality is anyone who votes for Barack Obama is stuck on stupid, a lazy loser or a racist.

These emotion driven idiot and loser Obama supporters can not tell me one Obama policy that has moved America “forward” in a positive way. A client of the recording studio at my arts center is a school teacher. She has an “Obama 2012” bumper sticker on her car.

Folks, I am a polite man, a gentleman. Thus, I would never say this to her face. But in my mind, I am saying, “You idiot! It is frightening that you are teaching our kids. Name one thing Obama has implemented that we need four more years of?” In typical liberal emotion driven brain dead fashion, this white woman thinks she is intellectually superior and sophisticated because she is voting for the victimized African-American. Gag me!

So when these arrogant racist idiots attempt to bully anyone who does not support keeping their black empty suit in the White House, it really gets my goat.

OK, OK, I will calm down. Think happy thoughts Lloyd. Romney and Ryan in the White House! Romney and Ryan in the White House! Hey, it worked. I feel much, much better now.

Stacey Dash, welcome to the right side, Sista. Folks, over here do not talk down to you, suggest that standards be lowered for you or treat you like an idiot who can not find her way to acquire a photo ID.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063596164?profile=originalOn the Rebuild America Defeat Obama national bus tour, we finale every rally with “God Bless the USA”. As the song is sung, vets in the audience are invited on stage. At our rally in Saint Clair Shores, MI, a very frail bent-over gentleman, overflowing with dignity, slowly and methodically began making his way to the stage, assisted by his daughter. The old soldier was 92 year old WW II vet, Mr. Roher.

Talk about an amazing moment, there was hardly a dry eye in the audience. Though unspoken, somehow Mr. Roher epitomized the pride, dignity and greatness of America.

The Left relentlessly attempts to brand the Tea Party haters. We are NOT about hate. Quite the opposite. The Tea Party is about love – love for the greatest nation on the planet and a deep desire to restore and preserve it.

A member of our team said Mr. Roher's daughter said she believes her dad is holding on to life until after the election.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063594120?profile=originalIf I were a part of the brain-dead racist herd of African-Americans who voted for Obama solely because he is black and celebrated him winning the presidency, I would feel pretty betrayed and embarrassed by Obama's debate performance. I mean, after all, we were told by the MSM and the Left that Obama was all that and a bag of chips – the smartest man on the planet, a messiah, the one!

As it were, I am an unhyphenated American who happens to be black. I did not drink the Left's racially sweetened Kool-Aid and vote for Obama. Upon studying the content of his character and comments he made to Joe the Plumber, I knew Obama was the wrong man, black or white, for America.

So all you blacks who voted for Obama should feel pretty betrayed. The Left submitted a far left racial empty-suit for your “first black president” and you fell for it. From the very beginning, the mainstream media exempted Obama from the usual vetting process of candidates seeking to be president of the United States. To this day, after fours years into his reign of terror, we still know very little about this man.

In the political movie thriller, The Manchurian Candidate was brainwashed to be an assassin. Obama has been groomed to be the Left's perfect teleprompter controlled front man for its Socialist/Progressive agenda. His black-skin suit of armor protects him from all opposition. Democrats orchestrated every appearance and his sycophant mainstream media lobbed Obama softballs at every press conference.

But in an mano-a-mano live presidential debate, there was no place for Obama to hide his incompetence. The Democrats and MSM could do nothing to protect their unqualified Affirmative Action president and it was embarrassing.

This is why you should never promote people to positions in which they are not qualified in order to meet racial or gender quotas. Numerous black Americans are extremely qualified to be president of the United States. Barack Hussein Obama is not among them.

Free from the immoral slavery of feeling that I must rally around Obama no-matter-what because we share the same skin-color, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Mitt Romney kick Obama's Socialist/Progressive derriere by simply articulating rock solid Conservatism. It was truly refreshing.

I am a black Conservative because I have witnessed, in my own family, the devastatingly negative effects of the tired old Democrat rhetoric articulated by their slick black empty-suit president. A large segment of my family is prematurely dead after spending their entire lives on government welfare – AIDs, drug abuse, alcoholism, serial out-of-wedlock births and prison. They had free food, housing and heath-care. Their lives should have been wonderful. Right? Wrong. They suffered hopeless, dreamless and wasted lives. Why? Because the Good Book says, “An idle mind is the Devil's workshop.”

So Mr Obama, gag me with your we-only-want-to-compassionately-give-the-poor-their-fair-share crap. Your creators and managers on the Left only care about addicting as many Americans as possible to government hand-outs – thus, giving your controllers behind the curtain ultimate power.

During the presidential debate Mr Obama, Mitt Romney exposed you for the unqualified Affirmative Action Manchurian-ish president you truly are.

In the 70's, there was a hit song titled, “Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud”. Folks, I am black and proud that I did NOT vote for Obama. Go Romney/Ryan!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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4063592745?profile=originalTraverse City, MI will always hold a special place in my heart. Upon leaving the stage after performing at a tea party rally, a white woman in a wheelchair saw me approaching. She yelled, “Oh my gosh, it's Lloyd Marcus! May I have a picture with you?” I leaned over, gave the woman a hug and her daughter snapped a picture.

Donald, our product manager said the woman's daughter told him that her mother is terminally ill. Her mom said all she wanted to do was meet Lloyd Marcus before she died.

Folks, I can not begin to tell you how humbled and moved I was. Learning about the terminally ill white woman's comment came on the heels of the mainstream media and Obama minion's despicable campaign to portray the Tea Party as a bunch of redneck racists.

Barack Hussein Obama is the most racially divisive president in U.S. History. Without reservation, I consider Obama, his Administration and their agenda to be evil.

Traverse City has always been one of our larger rallies. Organizers lead by Candy Gilman do a great job!

4063589966?profile=originalI pray that my patriot sister in the wheelchair is alive and well. With God's grace, I look forward to giving her another hug at our rally. (Friday, Oct. 5th , 5:45 pm, Outside – Williamsburg Dinner theater, 4240 East M-72, Williamsburg, MI 49690)

The Campaign to Defeat Obama has released a new TV ad titled, “Barack Obama's Legacy of Failure”. Folks, please assist us in making it go viral!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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Don't Let Obama's Media Change The Subject!

4063589926?profile=originalIt goes without saying that the mainstream media is an enemy of the American people. To fulfill its mission to reelect Obama, the MSM is willing to sacrifice national security, the economy and the best interest of our nation.

Obama continues to lie about our ambassador’s murder in Libya. The Obama administration’s “fast and furious” gun scandal along with a plethora of Obama failures in leadership continue to go under-reported. The MSM completely ignores vital major news stories to focus on “gotcha”, lets make Romney look bad, trivia. A major network led its evening news TV broadcast asking, What must Romney do to turn his campaign around? Numerous U.S. embassies and consulates around the world have recently come under attack. Meanwhile, the MSM stays focused on destroying Romney.

Patriots, we MUST do the work the mainstream Obama media refuses to do.

The Campaign to Defeat Obama has released a new TV ad titled, “Barack Obama's Legacy of Failure”. Folks, please assist us in making it go viral!

4063589966?profile=originalOur team is boots on the ground on a 72 city Rebuild America – Defeat Obama national bus tour. In Michigan, someone attacked our bus today with a full can of beer. The coward swiftly disappeared.

Our rallies thus far on this tour confirm that passions run high on both sides of the aisle. But, unlike the Obama OWS minions, I am proud to report that no one on our side has displayed violence or vandalism. And yet, Obama's mainstream media continues to portray the Tea Party as racist and equal to OWS. They shamelessly lie folks.

This is why it is crucial and urgent that we spread the truth to as many people as possible regarding “Barack Obama's Legacy of Failure”.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063588419?profile=originalPatriots, we are in an unprecedented battle for the heart and soul of America as intended by our divinely inspired Founding Fathers. Wednesday, November 7th after the election, whose vision for America will prevail, Obama's “Entitlement Nation” or the Tea Party's?

I am on the road with the Rebuild America – Defeat Obama tour.

In 1956, my black dad broke the color barrier and became a Baltimore City Firefighter. This afforded my parents funds to move out of the projects and off of government welfare. The white firefighters hated the new black rookie firefighters. Dad said white firefighters relished every rookie mistake he made to say blacks were too stupid to be firefighters.

Still, without Democrats forcing standards to be lowered or Affirmative Action, my dad won Firefighter of the Year two times. Dad won because he was the best! This was an era when America celebrated excellence. Through much pain, suffering and rejection, my dad “built” an extraordinary career.

Some think I am being too simplistic when I say this election is about good vs evil. But think about this folks. Obama minions are saying, in a nutshell, that Mitt Romney is too good and too successful to be president; a nerdy rich white boy. Attacks on Romney's success are so extreme they range from portraying him as an evil rich white boy incapable of relating to average Americans to his success causing the death of a worker's wife. Totally outrageous and absurd.

After hounding Romney to release his tax returns, Romney is being accused of paying too much taxes to make himself look good. Obama minions, which include the MSM go to extraordinary lengths to spin everything positive regarding Romney into a negative.

Clearly, in Obama's America, Romney's greatest sin is his extraordinary success.

Romney has never had an extramarital affair. He has worked hard, saved jobs and “built” an extremely successful career. Obama obviously believes America has become so morally bankrupt, so entitlement minded, and so class envious that he can paint Romney as being too wholesome and too rich to be president. If Obama is correct, it will mean our fall as a nation has been mighty since the days of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Character, hard work, excellence and success used to be celebrated in America.

The big question this election is how many Americans want to join Obama in the gutter.

In flight to begin our national tour, the pilot announced that a U.S. soldier was on board. The hundred or so passengers on the airplane responded with a hearty round of applause. I guarantee the majority of passengers were not Obama voters because they typically despise our military. Like Obama, his supporters believe America is the greatest source of evil in the world. Democrat politicians have stooped so low as to call our military rapists and murders. Democrat disdain for American exceptional-ism, principles and values is why Obama continually apologizes to the world for our extraordinary success and for being who we are as Americans.

My Dad, Mitt Romney and the passengers' appreciation of our military represent the America we patriots in the tea party are fighting the evil Obama minions to preserve. In our America, people are encouraged to strive to be the best they can be, which in-turn benefits others and in some cases, benefits millions.

Obama is seeking to destroy our America. He is well into transforming America into a barren entitlement wasteland where mediocrity is spread equally. This false prophet preaches a false gospel of division, racial hatred and class envy. Obama seduces ignorant deadbeat disciples to vote for him by giving them free “Obama Phones”. Lazy low-rent Obama voters line up expecting free money from Obama's stash. These are the voters Obama panders to, celebrates and believes have become a majority of Americans.

In Obama's America, personal individual achievement is frowned upon and perceived to be selfish.

Exodus 20:17 - “You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or his maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

Thus, class envy, which Obama disguises by calling it “fairness”, the Bible calls sin. But then, it is not unusual for Obama's vision for America to be in direct opposition with the Bible.

Obama energizes his OWS base by saying they have too little because the one percent has too much. His low-life followers salivate at the idea of Obama punishing the rich SOBs.

Folks, we simply can not allow this evil man to continue tearing down the institutions, principles and values which have made us a great nation. Obama MUST be stopped!

Its morning in America, Wednesday, November 7, 2012. With God on our side, the America loved by the Tea Party and intended by our Founding Fathers will prevail.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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Obama's Legacy on Black America

4063582368?profile=originalI am on the road touring with Tea Party Express. In my hotel room, I caught an interview with first lady Michelle Obama on “Lift Every Voice”, a faith-based program on BET (Black Entertainment Television). I was amazed at how the black host and program producers portrayed Mrs. Obama and her husband as the couple they want to believe them to be – that is, strongly committed Christians.

In reality, Obama is the most anti-Christian president in U.S. History. Obama's behavior is irrelevant to the TV program producers. I felt like I was watching an episode of the Twilight Zone in which everything was the opposite of reality.

What on earth is going on in the hearts and minds of most black Americans in regard to Obama? Why are a majority of blacks apparently incapable of honestly accessing President Obama's job performance?

In past articles, I blamed The Black Code (never side with whites against a fellow black) and plain old basic black racism for black America's blind loyalty to Obama. However, I must confess that I find myself wondering if something more sinister figures into the mix; a spiritual thing.

The Bible says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Is black America bewitched by Obama? Frankly, I do not know. All I know is something really strange is going on in the psyche of many of my fellow blacks regarding Obama, making it impossible for them to honestly critique his job performance or who he is as a person.

For example: A black Christian minister friend is a hard-core liberal Democrat. And yet, he voted for George W. Bush in protest of the Democrats embracing the homosexual agenda. I informed my friend that along with supporting same-sex marriage, Obama has pledged to be an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. Knowing that my Christian friend is pro-life, I informed him that not only does Obama support abortion, he supports infanticide. And finally, I shared how 40 Catholic organizations are suing the Obama administration for mandating in Obamacare that Christian institutions fund abortion services.

One would assume that since my friend voted against his party in favor of Christian principles in the past, he would most assuredly vote against them again, given their extreme anti-Christian agenda. Wrong. My black Christian friend is voting for Obama, again.

Here are excerpts from his reply: “I will point out that Bush was supposed to advocate and make laws to stop these things. I voted for him to do so; he didn't. The issues now are more crucial than the issues identified by you; and while I have not deviated from my stance against these things you name I am force to choose between the lesser of evils. I will assure you that voting for Romney/Ryan will not change these situations any more than voting for Bush did (plus Ryan lied so much even Fox News had to dis him). What will happen however will be that Republican economic principles will hurl us into a worldwide depression so deep it will destroy the world economy as we know it and I add before its time.

He is a president controlled - as every president has been - by powers beyond his power to control from a figurehead position (money rules our political system). This nation will be judged for what its leaders have allowed and I recognized that there are no clean hands here even the ones screaming Christ Our Lord from every campaign perch and every so-called Christian pulpit.”

While dressing his racism up in a nice intellectual well-reasoned-sounding package, clearly, my friend has sold his soul to the devil of skin-color.

So, according to this black minister of God, sacrificing the lives of innocent babies and ignoring the Bible's opposition to homosexual marriage are lesser evils than allowing Romney/Ryan to win the White House. Dear Lord!

Mitt Romney will defeat Barack Obama in November. America will begin to heal, and we will have another black president someday.

But, what about Obama's legacy in regards to how his presidency impacted black America? Will Obama leave blacks striving for the highest ideals as did MLK? Unfortunately not. Obama will leave office with blacks behaving at their monolithic worse; voting skin-color over innocent life, national security, the economy and even their once sacred relationship with Christ.

Black America stooped this low once before with their monolithic celebration of OJ Simpson getting away with practically beheading his wife, the mother of his children. But then, she was white.

I am confident that black America will eventually recover from the stains on its character resulting from its shameful, monolithic racist behavior, rallying around the unworthy likes of OJ and Barack Obama.

America desperately longs for a “true leader” to bring us together as a nation. This person's gender and race are irrelevant. What matters most is his or her character.

Lloyd Marcus, Unhyphenated American



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Dear patriot members of the Tea Party, it has been an amazing four years. Allow me to reflect a bit. Our odyssey began with the Socialists'/Progressives' occupation of America via their perfect Trojan Horse, a handsome, articulate shiny new black man. Barack Obama was the vehicle to usher in their liberal utopia in which government controls EVERYTHING and man replaces God.

In my article published in 2010, “A Black Man: The Progressive's Perfect Trojan Horse”, I explained how the left exploited white America's goodness, decency and guilt to sell us their Trojan Horse. My article also points out that no “white” president could get away with the blatant lawlessness and governmental power grabs enjoyed by America's first black president.

Obama was marketed as a moderate post-racial Messiah, shepherding in Nirvana. According to the narrative of the mainstream media and the Democrats, the world hated America because of Bush. Under Obama, the world would love us.

Naïve white American voters thought, Finally, we can no longer be called racists. Sadly, they were wrong.

Over the past four years, Obama has been revealed to be the most far-left-radical, socialist/progressive, racially-polarizing and anti-Christian president in U.S. History. More and more Americans are beginning to accept the devastating truth that our president is intentionally undermining our country.

So here we are patriots, with a little over a month left in the final battle to save America. I am on the road touring on Tea Party Express.

4063580105?profile=originalBeginning September 29 thru November 5th, I will be on the Rebuild America Defeat Obama Tour. Bay area singer Diana Nagy who you may remember singing the National Anthem at the Republican candidates debate on CNN will be joining us along with numerous prominent speakers. Our goal is to encourage, inspire and energize patriots for these final days of battle before the election.

At lunch, an old friend said, “Lloyd, I am so excited about your upcoming "Rebuild America Defeat Obama Tour". God has prepared you for this.” My friend's words gave me goosebumps. After 8 national bus tours, this is my first tour as emcee.

I long to see, hug and fellowship with my brother and sister patriots at our rallies.

As I stated, these past four years have been extraordinary. Highlights and low lights include 1.7 million patriots in DC protesting Obamacare, our 2010 midterm election landslide victory, Justice Robert's betrayal deeming Obamacare Constitutional and most shocking and sad, the passing of our courageous patriot brother, Andrew Breitbart.

Tea Party patriots, I have witnessed your remarkable growth, morphing from rallies of concerned citizens into a well-organized and Constitutionally educated army. Patriots across America are contributing in their own unique and creative ways, exploiting their diverse skills, talents and passions to Take Back America. No effort is too small.

One man, Rick Santelli, made the first clarion call for a tea party. God inspired millions to hear in their hearts and respond. Despite countess attempts to brand the tea party racist, the movement is divinely inspired.

Patriots, this is it. The final battle...ALL HANDS ON DECK!

See the D'Souza film, “2016: Obama's America” and encourage others to see it.

Special thanks to our battalion of conservative bloggers countering the Democrats and MSM lies with the truth.

Kudos to all of our everyday Joes and Janes who entered the political arena for the first-time as Tea Party candidates. God bless you.

Team Obama is gearing up to steal this election via voter fraud. I give a HUGE shout out to patriots who are confronting this crucial issue such as Chalice Jackson at Patriots Heart Network. Her team is politically locked and loaded to deal with this tactic.

Let us not forget our conservative authors who have released a ton of books since Obama's occupation. How about a hearty round of applause for our true “American Thinkers”.

4063580153?profile=original“Tea Are The World” was historic. Conservative musical artists across America came together to record the song, “Taking Back America.” Bands and solo artists of numerous genres also contributed one of their recorded songs to be included in the 44 song package. All proceeds from “Tea Are The World” benefit, AmericasMightyWarriors.org.

Starting September 29th, in Paul Ryan's hometown, Janesville, WI, I will be emceeing the “Rebuild America Defeat Obama” national bus tour which ends November 5th across from Obama Campaign Headquarters in Chicago, IL.

Patriots, it is going to take each of us doing “our thing” to win this final battle.

I say to you what Oliver Cromwell said to his troops before entering battle, “Put your trust in God...and keep your powder dry.”

Finally, as Todd Beamer said just before sacrificing his life for his country on 9-11, “Let's Roll!”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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The patriots in Englewood Florida were excited and fired up when our Tea Party Express tour bus rolled into their town. Our rally was enthusiastic, upbeat and hopeful that real leadership needed to move America forward will be restored in November.

Unlike the Democrats who have accused our troops of being rapists and murders, Tea Party Express celebrates and honors our military. Each of our rallies ends with a military tribute in which we feature Gold Star Mom, Debbie Lee.

4063314721?profile=originalDebbie's decorated son, Marc Alan Lee, was the first U.S. Navy seal killed in Iraq.

At our rally in Englewood Florida, while Debbie was sharing the heart-wrenching compelling story about how her son sacrificed his life to save his fellow troops, an anti-war protester came forward and stood along side the stage with anti-war signs. Debbie said she watched the audience's eyes leave her and focus on the protester.

Thank God testosterone is not totally dead in America. Ray, our bus driver was infuriated by the timing of this jerk's decision to come to the front of the crowd. Ray stormed over to the guy and got in his face. Ray DID NOT touch the protester. Then, Ray turned around facing the audience blocking their view of the protester. The guy kept trying to push pass Ray. But, at 6'3, 250lbs, pushing pass Ray is a Herculean task.

Ray's leadership sparks other patriots, men and women, to come forward, forming a fence which blocked the frustrated protester from the crowd. Debbie continued her extremely moving story.

If only our Commander-in-Wimp had the cojones of Ray, the bus driver.

4063579660?profile=originalDebbie Lee has been dealing with attacks on her from the anti-war crowd for years. Years ago, when Debbie organized a troop support rally in her hometown, Cindy Sheehan tried to have Debbie arrested for in-sighting a riot. Did Debbie Lee bash the fellow Gold Star Mom, Ms Sheehan, for leading numerous campaigns to trash our military? No. Showing remarkable class, compassion and restraint, Debbie's response was, “Grief is a strange thing. I will not judge her.”

In honor of her fallen hero son, Debbie Lee founded, AmericasMightyWarriors.org, a non-profit which provides aid and comfort to the families of our fallen heroes. Please check it out.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063579290?profile=originalRegarding the Libya attack, Romney said, “It's never too early for the United States government to condemn attacks on Americans and to defend our values.” In our Oprah-rized, touchy-feely metro-sexual society, the mainstream media and Democrats are trying to portray Romney as an out-of-control reckless cowboy.

This mindset that the slightest forcefulness and decisiveness is deemed to be extreme reflects the mainstream media's and the Democrat's decades long War on Testosterone. The left takes everything to its extreme. For example: If you believe the definition of marriage should remain between one man and one woman, the MSM and Democrats accuse you of hating gays and seeking violence against them.

Little boys acting like boys is cause for the left to recommend that they be drugged.

Obama's response to the murder of a U.S. ambassador and three staffers is metro-sexual at best. During Obama's press conference in response to the attack, a reporter asked if the Obama administration considered the attack in Libya an act of war. Obama would not respond to the question.

Is real manhood a no-no in America today? In typical fashion, I am sure the left will attempt to distort my celebration of manhood. They will accuse me of attacking womanhood and requesting that Obama act like an idiotic macho Neanderthal. I am not.

Rather than the mainstream media addressing Obama's wimpy response to “our houses” abroad being violated and Americans being murdered, the media is ganging up on Romney for his swift and strong response.

I watched a John Wayne movie the other day in which his character thought his son was dead. When his adult son reappeared, the Duke punched him. “That's for scaring me half to death!” Yes, the movie character’s response was over the top. And, I am not condoning a father punching his son.

But folks, I have to tell you that it was extremely refreshing to witness male toughness in the father and his son. The father and son were not crying on the Oprah show or discussing their dysfunction with Dr Phil.

Manhood is being wimped down folks, from pro football to committed heterosexuality being branded closed-minded. Elementary school kids are taught to be open-minded enough to give homosexuality a try before deciding their sexual preference.

Unlike their liberal counterparts, conservative women do not despise testosterone. Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann would display stronger leadership in response to these attacks on America than our liberal apologetic metro-sexual president.

As our enemies feel more and more embolden by tepid responses, America needs a real Commander-in-Chief.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063578633?profile=originalHi Patriots. I am on the road touring on Tea Party Express VIII: Winning for America. Before joining the tour yesterday, I was in Baltimore where a black woman told me, “They're tryin' to get him! I pray that he wins.” The “they” she was referring to, in her mind, are those evil white racist Republicans who are trying to kick-out her black president. This black woman is a Christian. So I replied, “Well, Obama coming out in favor of same-sex marriage and vowing to be an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities turned-off a lot of people, including black pastors across America.”

The woman's response was, “I believe Obama only said that for political reasons to get the gay vote.” I thought, here is another willfully brain-dead emotion-driven black Christian who worships the false god of skin-color over her commitment to Christ. No truth will penetrate her idolatry of Obama. The encounter was a bit depressing.

But then, Lee, a black man with whom I chatted with at our Tea Party Express rally in Miami gave me hope. Lee said his eyes were opened years ago about the Democrats, long before Obama. He explained that Democrat policies/programs have destroyed the black family and the black community.

Lee said the last Democrat he voted for was Jimmy Carter. Lee is telling everyone who will listen about the fraud that is Obama and the Democrats. Quite refreshing.

Lee gave me a hug and encouraged me to, “Hang in there brother. I really appreciate what you and your Tea Party Express team are doing.”

After the rally, our team ate at Havana Miami Restaurant. Amazing what they can do with plantains.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman: CampaignToDefeatObama.com


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9/11: Remember The Jumpers

4063577067?profile=originalMary and I flew from Florida to Alexandria, Minnesota where I was the keynote speaker and entertainer (singer) at their “Rally for America”. As we approach another anniversary of the 9/11attacks, I caught segments of various 9/11 documentaries on TV in the hotel room.

I was struck by numerous stories of bravery and self-less acts of courage by our fellow Americans. A twenty-four year old man led a group of fellow employees to safety. He went back into one of the twin towers to rescue more, never to be seen again.

A survivor spoke of the look in the eyes of a fireman going up the stairwell as he passed him going down. The survivor said he felt the fireman knew he was possibly going to his death. And yet, he was speedily taking two steps at a time up the stairs.

I heard about a white man in one of the towers who upon hearing cries for help, pulled a brown man through a wall to safety. They both survived and have become life long friends. The incidents of Americans rising to the challenge on 9/11 are many. Some we will never know.

But there was a group of Americans on 9/11 who for the most part were ignored. I am talking about “the jumpers”. These people, like responsible adults, simply showed up for work on 9/11. Suddenly, they found themselves in an unimaginably horrific situation, having to decide whether to be consumed in an inferno or leap to their deaths. Dear Lord!

Early after the 9/11 attacks, our liberal politically correct media put an “unofficial” ban on showing “the jumpers” in their coverage. Careful not to fuel American outrage, our media is always sympathetic to America's enemies.

Like most Americans, I remember where I was and what I was doing on 9/11. I came out of the bathroom draped in a towel after a failed attempt to take a shower, “Honey, there's no water!” “Sorry”, Mary replied. “I forgot to pay the bill.” So, there I was annoyed because I had to drive two miles to drop a check off to the water company. That was my biggest “issue” of the day.

Meanwhile, my fellow Americans were forced to decide whether to burn or jump.

Witnesses saw a young woman high up in one of the towers at a window as flames raged behind her. She made the sign of the cross and did a swan dive out of the window.

Ponder that image when you hear liberal Democrats, Progressives and Obama's pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright, say we got what we deserved on 9/11.

Innocent Americans simply showed up for work. Remember, the jumpers.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman: CampaignToDefeatObama.com


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