levin (275)

Yes Rush, There IS Resistance to Obama!

4063661072?profile=originalRush Limbaugh said something extremely profound at the end of his depressing monologue in which he declared that there is no resistance to Obama. Rush said sooner or later something will turn it around. It always does.

Well, the time is now and that something is us! We The People in the form of the tea party are still here. Though severely wounded, extremely discouraged, brutally battered, devastatingly betrayed and soundly rejected, we the resistance survived and are poised for battle. What's that line from the pop song? “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.”

We cried, moped and many in a moment of frustration and hopelessness, temporarily gave up. We are human. Our pain is great. But when the dust cleared, and upon stabilizing our emotions, patriots defaulted back to what motivated them to join the resistance four years ago – love – love for the greatest nation on the planet and a burning desire not to allow it to be transformed into an abomination of the vision of our Founding Fathers. No Mr President, not on our watch!

As a Christian, I believe that as long as we stay faithful to Godly principles and values (Conservatism) we can expect a miracle at any moment. The Bible tells how one day Joseph was hopeless in prison with no release in sight. The next day Joseph was summoned to the King which led to him becoming a ruler, the King's right hand man. With God any and all things are possible.

Also, history confirms that no one knows enough to be fatalistic. From the ashes of the Goldwater campaign came the beginning of the legacy of Ronald Reagan.

After Bill Clinton beat George HW Bush in 1992 there was a sense that Clinton and the New Democrat Party were unstoppable, but it was the 1994 Midterms that saw the emergence of Newt Gingrich and the Republican Revolution that resulted in one of the largest shifts in political power in Congress in our nation's history.

Someone wisely said, “Pray for help, but swim for home!” In other words, along with praying for our nation, the resistance/patriots are organizing, and preparing, everyone doing their part to restore America to the constitutional principles of individual liberty and freedom on which our country was founded.

We at Conservative Campaign Committee have launched our first national TV ad, The Imperial President, which exposes Obama's unlawful tyranny.

Tea Party.net has organized Day of Resistance rallies across America protesting Obama's agenda, Feb 23rd.

God, Guns and the Constitution national town hall meetings are happening across America.

Strategically ignored by the liberal media, a huge Pro-Life rally took place a few weeks ago.

Resistance to Obama is out there folks. Karl Rove coming out of the closet announcing that the GOP is at war with the Tea Party could be a gift from God – serving to fire up demoralized patriots. Mr Rove, if you think the Tea Party was a force to be reckoned with in the past - you “ain't” seen nothing yet.

So yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus (Barack Obama). And yes Rush Limbaugh, there is resistance to Obama/Santa Claus – The Tea Party!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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Dear David: Conservatism For The Masses

4063658949?profile=originalMy middle child brother David is a great guy and a thinker. He has worked full-time in a factory for years, but coached little league football for several years growing to become Commissioner of the County Youth Football League. David has noticed America's cultural decline reflected in the attitudes of kids in his football programs – no fear or respect for authority. David is non political – does not listen to talk radio or watch Fox News. Thus, he does not connect the cultural decline to politics.

While my brother is extremely bright, I view David as being representative of the masses, so-called low-info-voters who reelected Obama despite his horrific record and crimes against freedom/the Constitution. Ironically, despite being ignorant of the term, David is very Conservative in his personal life.

So, this is my challenge. How do I help David (the masses) to understand that Liberalism is at the root of America's decline and that Conservatism is the solution?

Admittedly, my task is Herculean given that liberals control the media and are fully on board with Obama's plan to transform America into a country ruled by a socialist dictator. When David hears Obama's plans to take care of everyone, it all sounds fair, Christian and just. How do I get David to realize Obama is a pied piper playing a seductive tune leading us to hell?

Identify the dominant philosophy of a society and you can predict its future.” Ayn Rand

Obama and company are swiftly making socialism the dominant philosophy leading to the end of America's role as the Land of the Free. Far too many Americans believe individual rights and pursuits are evil. They hate the rich and believe it is morally correct for government to confiscate and redistribute their money.

Every major gift to the world was the outgrowth of someone trying to make a buck and/or a better life for themselves and their family. There is nothing evil about that. As a matter of fact, the Bible says, A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children... ” (Proverbs 13:22) This biblical goal will be impossible if Obama and his supporters have their way. They seek to take most of your kid's inheritance while you are alive and show up at your funeral to collect even more – death tax. Inheritance? Forget about it! This is yet another example of how liberal philosophy is incompatible with the Human Spirit and God.

4063659064?profile=originalWhen I worked for Westinghouse Broadcasting years ago, a fellow employee said the company should not earn a profit. He believed the business's sole purpose for existing should be to provide jobs. I was stunned. This is the crazy way liberals think. Interestingly, while this employee hated the rich, he was intrigued and envious of the trappings of the rich -- a trait which I have observed in many liberals.

While claiming to have superior compassion for the common man, liberals display a condescending superiority when dealing with common folks.

Another truth that liberals reject is when you pursue your dreams, you inevitably enrich the lives of others via jobs and opportunities. Capitalism is a good thing and it works.

Years ago, my buddy Jean Claude purchased an old house to transform into his family's dream home. I needed a job. Jean Claude hired me to work with his contractor. Thus, Jean Claude's pursuit of his dream blessed me with income.

Most Americans who are fortunate enough to have jobs are employed by small businesses - millions of Jean Claudes pursuing their dreams; blessing people with income and opportunities. And yet, somehow Obama and company have successfully demonized dreamers/entrepreneurs, portraying them as selfish SOBs who are not paying their fair share. “If you have a business, you didn't build it.” President Barack Obama

Truth is, the top ten percent of income earners in the United States pay almost half of the country’s total taxes. Half the country does not pay Federal income taxes. And yet, Obama relentlessly campaigns to inspire hatred for the rich, convincing the masses that the rich are screwing them.

One article will not educate my brother David to the virtues of Conservatism and the evils of Liberalism. I must stay diligent in my quest for the perfect approach that will cause David/the Masses to “see the light”.

On a positive note, for the first time, while watching a Christian TV network, David recently heard about Obama's attacks on Christianity. He was shocked. I thought, “Cool, David does not listen to Rush or watch Fox News however, he does watch Christian Broadcasting. Though his recent education is only a crack into his psyche, I am grateful.”

STOP THE PRESSES! Keep in mind folks, my black family almost worships Obama and traditionally votes democrat. I just received this AMAZING text from my brother, David.

I am done. I will never vote democrat again. I get it. I am buying a book by Star Parker called Uncle Sam's Plantation. U are right. Keep it up!”

Praise God!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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4063658583?profile=originalPaul Harvey touting traditional values declared best Superbowl ad confirms we have not lost America!

It's time to rally opposition to Barack Obama's radical, leftist agenda. This new TV ad campaign seeks to do just that and to begin the erosion in Obama's poll numbers so we can DEFEAT his radical policies and put a stop to the damage he is doing to this nation.

Check out the ad here: http://bit.ly/127147U

If you like it, please share it with others and help us purchase airtime to get this on more TV stations by making a contribution to our TV ad campaign here: http://bit.ly/127147U

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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Its High Noon: We The People vs Obama

4063657358?profile=originalDear Brother and Sister patriots,

With so many folks seeming to water down their full-bodied Conservative values into Liberal-Lite - sadly seeking to get along with Obama and win over his low-info-voters, I feel a little like Gary Cooper in the movie western, "High Noon".

As sheriff, Cooper unsuccessfully sought help to tackle bad guys scheduled to arrive on the noon train. While cowardly town folks peaked from behind drawn curtains, Cooper stood and confronted evil alone.

Cooper had no one. Thank God, I have you guys...We The People.

As Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee, I am proud to announce the release of our first national TV ad pushing back against Obama's socialist agenda and imperialistic modus operandi.

Please watch our ad, share it and make it go viral! You can also help us get it seen on TV sets across America by making a donation to our TV ad campaign.

God bless, Lloyd

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American
Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee

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As a teen in the 1960s, I idolized Jim, my slightly older street smart cousin who lived in a tough area of Baltimore. Murders were common at the bar on the corner from his home. I was Jim's nerdy naïve preacher's kid cousin who visited from suburbia. Sleepovers at Jim's home in the city were exciting. “Downtown, where all the lights are bright...” You know the song.

Walking from the Yakamee joint, “Casanova” Jim coached, “Just say you love them”. While I wanted my experience to go beyond the stimulation of excessively close slow dancing to Marvin Gaye songs at unchaperoned dark basement parties, lying to a girl to have my way with her did not set well. Doggone home training! I was nagged by the truth that it is wrong to use someone solely for my pleasure, not caring about how it affected her.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) In college, I tried to muzzle my conscience with drugs and alcohol. Fortunately, I did not produce any children out of wedlock.

Tom, another cousin of mine, had babies all over town which destroyed his life. He was incarcerated numerous times for non payment of child support. In those days, serial impregnaters were considered dishonorable men.

Today in 2013, the liberal Oxygen channel planned to celebrate dishonorable behavior as representative of the “hip” modern black experience with a new reality show titled, “All My Babies' Mamas”. Canceled due to public outcry, the star of the show was a rapper whose serial sperm donating produced eleven babies by ten women.

4063656573?profile=original“All My Babies' Mamas” is characteristic of liberals' typical bigotry of lowered expectations regarding minorities. Liberals accuse black conservatives who reject liberal racist stereotypes of being traitors to their race, trying to be white and “sellouts”.

Long suffering courageous black conservatives offer blacks “real” empowerment; liberation from crippling victim-hood and entitlement mindsets. Due to liberals' resentment/hatred for America and traditional values, they are repulsed when black conservatives encourage blacks to get an education, work hard, revive traditional black community morality and go for their dreams.

In the 1950s, most black kids grew up in two parent households. Today, most black kids grow up fatherless as a result of liberal policies that destroyed the black family.Only half of black males graduate high school. Clearly, something is wrong in the black community and it “ain't” the white man's fault.

For decades, liberals (Democrats, Hollywood and the media) have been and continue serving blacks excrement while calling it filet mignon. For example: In the name of compassion, liberals routinely demean and even undermine the intellect and character of blacks. Liberals insist standards must be lowered for blacks to get the job or pass the test. Americans are required to show a photo-ID to board an airplane, cash a check and countless other situations. And yet, liberals say showing a photo-ID to vote is racist and disenfranchises blacks.

Will someone please tell me what the heck is so challenging about us blacks finding our way to acquire a photo-ID? By the way, I am black and I have one – a photo-ID. I guess liberals think I am remarkable; similar to the apes in “Planet of The Apes” discovering that Charlton Heston, a human, could speak.

Any suggestion of blacks performing on an equal playing field with whites or blacks assuming personal responsibility for their lives and behavior is deemed racist by liberals.

I suspect Oxygen was shocked by the public outcry against, “All My Babies' Mamas”. Liberals think: What's up with that? Oxygen is cool showing that they “be” down with the hood and in-tune with authentic blackness in America. Oxygen probably considers “All My Babies' Mamas” to be the modern urban version of “Ozzie and Harriet”. Okay, so the show promotes lax-ed morals and husband-less households which breed crime, school dropouts, gangs and poverty. Only out-of-touch fuddy duddy Uncle Tom black Conservatives and racist white Conservatives would find the show objectionable.

Liberals (Democrats and the media) have been peddling crap and pimping government programs that cripple blacks for years. And yet, liberals are thought of as heroes to blacks while they beat up on black conservatives for spreading the truth that blacks are diverse, self-reliant, bright and capable of much more.

By the way, political consultants say to win elections, Republicans/Conservatives must get with the program. They say we must embrace the new “amoral” culture and liberal thinking that produces shows like, “All My Babies' Mamas”. I say, “Balderdash!”

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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The Lesson in the Betrayal of Sarah Palin

4063654016?profile=originalRush Limbaugh on his radio show discussed an article which stated that there is no respected voice in the national arena articulating Conservatism. Such an advocate for Conservatism is crucial to reversing the direction of America as Obama drives us toward socialism while low-info voters gleefully sing Kumbaya in the backseat.

Well excuse me for pointing out the obvious, but we had an extraordinary advocate for Conservatism and look what happened to her. Judas on our side betrayed her – sold her reputation for 30 seconds of fame and favor with the media.

Even now, folks on our side are still beating up on Sarah Palin saying – Palin has lost her appeal – Palin is unelectable – Palin wasn't smart enough – Palin wasn't prepared and etc. So, this is how we treat our heroes.

Many Democrat Party politicians/advocates are immoral, liars and cheats. And yet, they are treated like super-stars by the media. Democrats have the backs of their associates, no matter what. For example: Democrats never rebuked Clinton for receiving oral sex from an intern in the Oval Office. They simply launched a campaign claiming that any man in Clinton’s position would have reacted like him. Think about that folks, Democrats and the media lowered the standard of national leadership behavior to cover their guy.

We Conservatives act as if our representatives must be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ – perfect in every way. At a Conservative's slightest misstep, Republicans/Conservatives trip over one another backing away from the individual in an effort to get out of the media and Democrat's line of fire.

Clearly, advocates of Conservatism are expected to walk on water by both political parties.

Word on the political street is we need a respected advocate for Conservatism to reach low-info voters. While I do believe a new voice will emerge, I wonder who could be better than Sarah Palin? Will we betray our new Conservative hero?

Inevitably, Palin's humanity was revealed; she was not perfect. But still, Palin is extraordinary and will be a tough act to follow.

Allow me to recap. Immediately following her amazing VP nomination acceptance speech, the media/the left went crazy consumed with hatred and a desperate desire to destroy her. Why? Palin was a beautiful, smart, articulate and strong woman who boldly touted traditional values and a love for God, family and country – all of which are anathemas to the left.

No tactic was too low to discredit Palin. Thus, the left even attacked Trig, Palin's Down Syndrome child.

Women in my family parroted the media talking point that Palin was bad for women. I thought, “You idiots, Palin is the epitome of everything the left/Democrats claim to desire for women – successful inside and outside of the home.”

While governor of Alaska, the left tried to drown Palin in lawsuits. Palin resigned to save her state from the cost and aggravation. The left's mantra was Palin is a quit-er and republicans/conservatives joined their chorus.

Another thing the left successfully did to discredit Palin was to brand her “stupid”. Who among us could survive every word out of our mouth being judged from a point of view that you are stupid? Meanwhile, Obama ran around saying America has 57 states and the media completely ignored this faux pas, along with several others by Obama.

Despite relentless attacks by hostel interviewers, in every TV interview, Palin always stood strong, boldly touting Conservatism. Man, you got to love this remarkable woman.

Also, completely ignored is Palin's tremendous charisma which I witnessed first hand on numerous occasions. We launched one of our Tea Party Express national bus tours in Searchlight Nevada - a huge dust bowl. Palin was our keynote speaker. Twenty-five thousand patriots attended with many camping out the night before to reserve their spot. Through the windows of our Tea Party Express bus as we arrived, I watched seniors who parked a mile away using walkers to make their way to the event.

The admiration for Palin felt a little like the scene in the Bible in which a woman said if I can just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole. In all of my 400 tea parties and 9 tours across America, no one, I repeat, no one affected audiences like Sarah Palin.

When this new conservative voice emerges on the scene, will we stand behind our hero no matter what, barring something immoral or criminal? Or, will we expect our guy or gal to be the second coming of Jesus. Have we learned something from the Republican/Conservative betrayal of Palin and their passivity and culpability in the media's viscous vile destruction of her image?

Sarah Palin, on behalf of We The People, I wish to thank you for your profile in courage, trumpeting Conservatism (God, family and country).

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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4063396503?profile=originalObama brings kids to the White House as props for photo-op and emotional appeal to unveil his illegal gun control plans. Obama despicably using kids to undermine the Second Amendment via executive order is a perfect example of why the Tea Party can not go away.

Due to extensive media coverage of Obama's Disarmament Show, low info voters will cry hearing stories of how guns make kids fearful and give Obama carte blanche to do whatever he deems necessary regardless of the Constitution. Predicting from their pattern of spineless behavior, Republicans will probably simply go along with Obama's illegal dictates. So, who will stand and be the voice of our Founding Fathers and We The People? Answer: The Tea Party.

Despite the Tea Party being falsely branded as a bunch f racist extremists by Obama's supportive media, we are the lone voice and last hope for America as intended by our Founding Fathers. If we quit, America becomes paradise lost.

As I child, my cousins said I was stubborn. If I became annoyed or they refused to play my way, I would pick up my toys and go home. Unfortunately, some on our side have reacted the same way since the reelection of Obama. Frustrated and angry, they have taken their toys and gone home to play golf, work in their garden or take up basket weaving.

Paul, in the Bible said, “When I was a child, I spake and acted like a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” (I Corinthians 13:11)

Brother and sister patriots, America can not afford the luxury of us behaving like frustrated, angry and stubborn children. If we do not continue fighting, Obama and company will usurp every freedom we have been granted to us by God, our Founding Fathers and fought for by our military.

I have been reading Proverbs lately which speaks a lot about “diligence”. Victory and prosperity are the fruits of diligence. We must stay diligent in our efforts to stop Obama, no matter how hopeless or fruitless our opposition may appear.

No, the Tea Party is NOT done. We must stand even more closely united, stand up for our own and boldly speak truth to power.

Quite frankly patriots, there “ain't” no body else but us. Go with God!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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Government: America's New God

4063652206?profile=originalI was around nine years old when dad took me to see the movie, “The Ten Commandments” starring Charlton Heston at the Town Theater in downtown Baltimore. It was a big deal for us because the theater had just begun admitting blacks.

Etched in my brain is the scene when Moses came down from the mountain to witness the Israelites engrossed in an orgy of self-indulgence celebrating the new god they created, a golden calf. They had abandoned God to worship a man-made false god.

I chastised fellow black Christians for worshiping a false god of skin-color, monolithic voting to give Obama a second term despite their awareness of his anti-biblical agenda. However, I have come to realize that the insidious spirit of anti-Christ emanating from the Obama Administration has spread far and wide.

All historical rules for winning and losing elections do not apply to Obama. His political bullying power and irrational status as a cult hero are unprecedented.

But here is the kicker and most scariest truth about America's zombie-like loyalty to Obama. November 6, 2012, half the country, which includes millions of Christians, chose a Democrat and media man-made “golden man” idol as their “new” Lord and Savior. Amazingly, actor and Obama disciple Jamie Foxx admitted it.

While Obama appears to be the “golden” idol and focus of worship, America's real new false god is Government, hidden inside behind Obama's well-crafted shiny gold exterior.

The Israelites surrendered the gold items (their inheritance) brought with them from Egypt to build their new golden calf idol. In like fashion, Democrats and the media convinced millions of Americans to surrender their biblical principles, freedom and liberty (their birthright) to build a golden idol of government. Many Americans have abandoned God to worship Government, a new supposed all-powerful and all-giving man-made false god. Dear Lord, help us!

The Bible warns that false prophets will arise and deceive many. (Matthew 24:4-5)

Obama is a false prophet. He persuaded millions to vote their vested interest, sacrificing biblical principles, law, freedom and liberty. I am hearing of more black Christian pastors in worship of their new god Obama/Government, coming out in favor of gay marriage. While Jesus praised investors and rebuked the coward afraid to invest in the parable of the talents, Obama has demonized investors – branding them reckless and greedy.

God's word says prosperity is achieved via hard work.“You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.” – Psalms 128:2

Proverbs 10: 4 “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.”

Obama, in essence, calls God a liar by declaring that prosperity is achieved via government redistribution.

Rest assured, Democrats and the media will pull out all the stops to make Obama's second inauguration just short of the second coming – an All-Hail-to-Our-King/Messiah spectacular. I wouldn't put it pass Obama's special effects buddies in Hollywood to arrange for his entrance to feature him descending from the heavens on a cloud as Beyonce and a mass choir sings “Hosanna to Our King”.

As in the movie, “The Ten Commandments”, Obama's inauguration will be an orgy of idolatry in worship of the Left's golden man who is really fronting for their god, Government. Millions will offer up tears of admiration.

The American Left (Socialists/Progressives) are elated. Finally, there is a new god in town and it “ain't” the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob nor our Founding Fathers. Is the Left's jubilation justified? Do a majority of Americans now look to Obama/Government to supply ALL their needs, including deciding who lives and who dies (death panels buried in Obamacare), rather than the God on which our country was founded?

Unquestionably, Obama's reelection has emboldened his disciples to politically bludgeon us into submission to their Godless agenda. For example: Obama-ites are attempting to bully/punish the Pope and the Catholic Church for not embracing homosexuality.

Using typical Democrat tactics of lies and misdirection, Obama-ites claimed conservatives had a “War on Women”, while hiding their real horrific War on Babies. Planned Parenthood's annual report showed record profits and a record number of abortions, 333,964 in 2011. I wonder if the geniuses who could have cured Cancer and AIDS were among the murdered?

Taxpayers, against their will, funded PP with $542 million. Further usurping divine authority and sticking his finger in the eye of God, Obama has decreed (mandated in Obamacare) that Christians will fund abortion and contraceptive services against their faith.

My fellow Americans, we are in the midst of a cultural and spiritual war for the heart, mind and soul of America. Moses asked, “Who is on the Lord's side, let him come unto me.” I ask the same.

Join us at ConservativeCampaignCommittee.org

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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Lincoln vs Obama's Born-Again America

4063649612?profile=originalIn his Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln acknowledged that America was “conceived in Liberty.” Lincoln could never imagine voters supporting a president aborting Liberty to rebirth America conceived in Government. Obamacare is the equivalent of America born-again conceived in government.

In the classic movie, “Planet of the Apes”, Charleston Heston crash landed his spacecraft on a strange planet where apes were superior to humans. Shocked to realize that the strange planet was really earth several years into the future, Heston cried out in devastation, pain and anger at man, “Damn you! Damn you all to hell! You blew it up!”

I believe President Lincoln would have a similar reaction, returning to America today. Devastated and disbelieving, Lincoln would ask, how did this happen?

The Left began copulating the minds of voters many years ago to impregnate voters with their seed of Socialism to birth a new America conceived in Government. Democrat President Roosevelt was a Founding Seducer in the Left's scheme to have voters seek security in Government.

Decades ago, the Left successfully banned prayer in public schools which taught children that God and traditional morality were no longer welcome. Seizing the moment, like locust, socialist/progressives swarmed into schools indoctrinating our kids with their “new morality” – anti-Christian, anti-parent, anti-American and pro-homosexuality. These Leftist's agenda included branding Christianity fanatical while teaching respect and sympathy for Islam. Patriotism was redefined as rude to foreigners – Capitalism is immoral and selfish – opposing gay marriage is prejudice, equal to the black civil rights movement.

While sipping our coffees at Starbucks (President Lincoln unbelieving the price of our Javas), I continue explaining to the stunned former U.S. president how we got to where we are in America today.

Mr President, you won't believe this, but individual liberty and achievement are attacked at every turn on TV, in movies and the media. It is a box on the wall projecting images - never mind, I'll explain later.

The Oprah Winfrey TV show along with a media dominated by liberals and the Democratic Party contributed to creating the mindset in voters that everyone is a victim of someone or something. Their usual imaginary villains are rich racist male Caucasians.

The Left has created a touchy-feely culture, in which self-esteem and hurt feelings now trump common sense and individual responsibility.

Thanks to your efforts, Mr Lincoln, America elected its first black president. The bad news is he trashes the Constitution, whenever, which is often, it interferes with implementing his Socialistic agenda. Sadly, dumb-down public-school-educated feelings-trump-law voters see no problem with government usurping un-Constitutional power.

Ben Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”.

No Sir, Mr. Lincoln, voters did not learn of Franklin's quote in school. Public schools ceased teaching true U.S. History many years ago.

Because feelings now trump law, in the name of safety and compassion, government control/regulations have been allowed to become tyrannical. Federal regulations have quadrupled under Obama, stifling business. A tsunami of new Obama regulations are on the horizon. Meanwhile, idiot Obama voters believe the lack of jobs is President Bush's fault. I guess you're right sir (President Lincoln), calling voters idiots is probably not the best thing. But, the catastrophic consequences of their stupidity is breathtaking.

Mr Lincoln, government continues to usurp more and more control over every aspect of our lives including the calories we consume. The First Lady decided that she knows better than parents what to feed their children. As a result, federal agents confiscated a preschooler’s lunch prepared by her mom and forced her to eat government approved Chicken Nuggets.

The mayor of New York banned the sale of sugary drinks over 16oz. As a nation, we laughed and thought it absurd. But, there was no real opposition which resulted in a ban on super-sized drinks in the Big Apple.

Here's a biggy Mr. Lincoln, the Second Amendment is soon to go the way of the dinosaur. Government, remarkably with voter approval, is in the progress of disarming Americans. Thus, leaving citizens at the mercy of criminals and government to do with us as they please.

Where is our country headed when you consider that Adolf Hitler also disarmed the people and used give-a-ways to seduce supporters?

Sir, I could go on and on with examples of Americans foolishly and stupidly surrendering liberties to government for the fairy-tale promise of safety, security and a free-lunch. I know what you are thinking sir, there is no such thing as a free-lunch. Somebody has to pay the bill. Unbelievably, the Left's new morality has redefined “fairness” to mean government confiscating from achievers and redistributing to entitlement junkies.

Mr President (Lincoln), it has been awesome hanging out with you. Sir, I know it looks really really bad right now. I share your tears for our country. I promise to keep fighting for the values and principles we both know are right and best for all Americans. I am chairman of a new organization called the Conservative Campaign Committee. Our ultimate goal is to convince a majority to reject Obama's born-again America and return back to your America – conceived in Liberty.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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4063563496?profile=originalMy late Mama instructed, “Never put your business in the street”. Due to the extremely serious situation in which we find our country today, I must share my personal testimony (put my business in the street) to save America.

In 1993, I quit my 15 year position at an ABC affiliate TV station in Baltimore to pursue a new career in music. At that time, callers on the Rush Limbaugh show were losing their jobs to down-sizing. Rush encouraged them to view it as an opportunity to pursue their dreams. Inspired and with Mary's blessings, I quit my position, despite being in line for department head.

In short, Mary and I lost everything – home, cars and savings. On numerous occasions, we were financially down-for-the-count with no hope in sight. Every time, God came to our rescue with just enough to keep us going. During our several years “wilderness experience”, Mary and I grew in character, wisdom and gratitude. But most of all, we learned to trust God.

So while I am in solidarity with the frustration of fellow patriots across America regarding the reelection of Obama, the surrender of the Republicans, the transformation of what it means to be an American and the deterioration of our culture, I MUST continue fighting to restore/take back America!

I can not and will not join in your hopelessness and surrender.

My firm resolve and optimism are rooted in the Word of God. Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

I can not tune out the news and allow an evil Godless liberal Administration and mainstream media to treat the Constitution like toilet paper and ravish our culture. Edmund Burke said, “The only thing needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”

Patriots, along with myself, you are good men and women whom God has prepared for such a time as this – to save America. You fought valiantly over the past four years. I totally understand and share your disappointment, anger and sadness for our country.

However, sticking your heads in the sand, is not the answer. For me to do so would feel like me telling God, “I no longer trust You. Thus, I will not continue the mission you called me to fulfill.” For me, such a decision is impossible.

I am Chairman of a new PAC, Conservative Campaign Committee, to fight back with TV ads and etc.

Brother and sister patriots, come back – get back into the battle. America is too extraordinarily precious to do otherwise. We can not simply allow them to “have it”!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman, Conservative Campaign Committee


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Conservatives Must Not Seek All Low Info Voters.

It sticks in my craw that Conservatives/Republicans are leaning toward, in essence, becoming immoral, stupid and un-American to win Low-Information-Voters. Folks, I can not do that.

4063644685?profile=originalMeet Semi. I have more respect for Semi, a stray cat which my wife befriended, than I do for the low-life parasites who voted for Obama because he promised to give them stuff via funds confiscated from others.

Semi has the good sense to value her freedom. A neighbor caught Semi and got her shots and spayed. But for some reason, Semi prefers frequenting our yard.

For years, Mary has fed Semi and tried to move her into our home as her pet. Semi will have none of it. Semi allows Mary to pick her up and even bring her inside our home from time to time. But, if Mary closes the door, Semi wants out.

Semi routinely disappears for days. Displaying more character, backbone and wisdom than many Obama voters, this cat values her independence and freedom.

Meanwhile, bottom-feeding Obama voters gleefully surrendered total control of their lives to government for the promise of free stuff. Had they tuned off TMZ for a moment and did the slightest investigation into Obamacare, they would have realized that it “ain't” free! Along with the tremendous monetary cost and government playing God by deciding who lives or dies, it cost voters their greatest birthright – freedom.

Some low info voters get their rocks off just thinking about Obama taxing the rich. News flash idiots, if Obama taxed the rich at 100%, taking every cent of their wealth, it would fuel our economy for less than a month and not affect our debt or economy. Then what?

A few of you Obama-ites realize this truth, but it does not matter. You sickeningly just want to see the rich get screwed. Obama played y'all big-time, winning your vote by appealing to your sinful class envy. In the end, Obama punishing risk-takers kills jobs, drives up the cost of food and fuel and eventually harms you. Suckers!

I will not sink to pandering to gutter-minded free-loaders and achievement haters. The day a majority of Americans rally around punishing the rich and criminalizing success is the day we die as a shining city on a hill. Some believe this is exactly what Obama wants.

Only ignorant fools hate the rich. Wise men seek to learn what they did to get what they got.

Obama implies that all wealth by Conservatives is ill-gotten or undeserved. He rebuked business owners saying, “You didn't build that.”

Despicably, some realize business and the rich are not the enemy, but still subscribe to Obama's “get 'em” attitude. Such people are trash. Democrats are notorious for appealing to voter's base instincts. I will not join those seeking to nurture the evil in the hearts of men to win votes.

Master liars and manipulators that they are, Democrats praise fairness and hard work out of one side of their mouth while demonizing achievers and promoting government entitlement dependency out of the other.

Some voters are aware and approve of Obama's Socialistic agenda. Others are just plain clueless. Their only source of news is sound bites from the liberal bias lying media. They voted for Obama out of ignorance.

As God continues to give me strength, I will work to educate voters to why Conservatism is best for all – offering rich rewards such as dignity, pride and honor.

In our Oprah-ised culture, everyone is a victim of circumstances. But the truth is just as some folks choose to be evil, poor choices lead to poverty. The Bible says the poor you will have with you always (Matthews 26:11). It is not the fault of America, Republicans, the rich or any one else other than the individual. Upon stating this truth, I am suppose to cower in fear of you calling me dispassionate. Not happenin', I've been homeless.

Conservatism beckons, “If you are poor and seek to become rich, join us! If you celebrate determination, hard work and excellence, join us!”

For example: A waiter gave Mary and I remarkable service. Our great appreciation was reflected in our tip. If you believe this exceptional professional waiter deserves to keep his well-earned tip, you are a Conservative. If you believe his tip should go into a tip-jar to be distributed equally amongst the other waiters which include trifling Joey who takes an abusive number of breaks, you're a Liberal – probably a Democrat. Please do not join us. Stay with your massa, Obama.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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Blackness Gestapo Attack on RGIII Typical

4063642230?profile=originalRGIII (Robert Griffin III), superstar quarterback of the Washington Redskins is the latest black under attack by the Blackness Gestapo. The Blackness Gestapo are racists, black and white, who troll the airways keeping blacks in-check, faithful to their blackness. They believe to be authentically black, one must behave and think in certain ways. Blackness Gestapo mandated authorized black behavior includes having a chip on your shoulder against whites, maintaining an eternal victim and entitlement mindset, never achieving success without Democratic Party programs and never ever voting Republican. Blacks must call themselves African-Americans and display an urban edge via their speech, attire and attitude.

Blackness Gestapo enforcer, ESPN analyst Rob Parker accused RGIII of not being black enough. Griffin comes from a great military family. His fiance is white. He is extremely articulate. He wants to be judged by his performance on the football field without regard of his skin color. Wow, what a radical concept in our new “everything-is-about-race” Obama America. Doesn't RGIII sound like he embraces the dream of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr that people be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin?

But worst of all, rumor has it that Griffin might be a Republican.

The idiotic self imposed suppression of black liberation and growth by the Blackness Gestapo goes way back.

In the 70s, I remember watching an episode of the sitcom, “Good Times”. A black politician was criticized by the black community for coming across too white. To prove his blackness and win black voters, the politician had to show he could speak an urban language called The Dozens. Clearly, the absurd restrictive message of the episode was regardless of ones education, racial loyalty requires that blacks maintain remnants of the hood.

Remember, the 90s comedy TV show, “In Living Color”? A standard joke of the program was the black guy who did not sound or behave like he came from the ghetto. The message was blacks who speak English correctly and prefer sushi over fried chicken are traitors trying to be white.

I witnessed the same brain-dead behavior from blacks here in Florida when brilliant articulate black Republican Jennifer Carroll ran for Congress against the Democrat incumbent do-nothing-for-her -constituents Corrine Brown. Brown's district was mostly black and ghetto. Brown had been in office forever without much positive change in her district. Carroll was smart and loaded with fresh new ideas. Brown won reelection hands down. Word on the street was Carroll sounded too white. Give me a break! Racist idiots!

Blackness Gestapo Generals Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton had a “tude” against Obama for running for president without hood “creds” such as theirs. Obama had to prove his blackness by spending 20 years in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s racist church. The mainstream media partnered with the Democrats in hiding Rev. Wright's racist rants from the public to protect their first black serious socialistic/progressive contender for the Oval Office.

If I sound a bit frank in my language, it is because I am tired of Blackness Gestapo thugs threatening and stifling the growth of blacks. How dare they dictate the behavior of myself and other blacks.

American blacks are blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Just as whites are not monolithic, neither are blacks. We are individuals. Our God given birthright of freedom grants us opportunity to explore limitless tastes and behaviors without being chained by Authorized Blackness.

Forty years ago, I met a black fencing master – as in sword fighting. I was elated. I carted the brother to recreation centers across Baltimore. I wanted black kids to see black excellence beyond basketball, football, baseball and entertainment. I wanted them to see that blacks need not be limited in their abilities, hopes and dreams.

So Blackness Gestapo thug Rob Parker, get a life and mind your own business. RGIII is free to be whomever and whatever he wishes without you and your homey's approval. Wimp conservatives/Republicans say we must pander to your ilk to win the urban vote. That “ain't happenin'” as far as I am concerned. I will never sacrifice principles and values that I know are right and best for all people to the false god of votes. Racist thugs like you must and will be defeated.

Heck, this RGIII kid is so good, I just might become a Redskins fan. ...Nah. Go Ravens!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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Restore America 101

What patriots find most alarming about the reelection of Obama is the feeling that we have lost America.

Recently, a pro football player committed suicide after murdering his girlfriend. The media blames guns and football for the shooting. They act as if the football player bore no responsibility, which is in keeping with Obama's new America.

This is why we who cherish morals, decency, hard work and personal responsibility are so upset that Obama has four more years to further his decline of America.

Admittedly, the decline of America began long before Barack Obama. However, under Obama, America's decline has been on steroids. He won reelection promising to punish the rich and encouraging Americans to indulge in an orgy of mediocrity featuring endless unemployment benefits, an unprecedented number of Americans on food stamps, half the country on welfare and free Obama phones.

Such is the new normal in Obama's new America.

So yes, we patriots are heartbroken.

FIREFIGHTERMARCUS.jpg?width=350After serving in the Merchant Marines, my black dad earned a humble living as a day laborer. In 1956, he broke the color barrier into the Baltimore City Fire Department. The white firefighters hated my dad and did not want him at Engine 6. And yet, despite horrific conditions, dad won Firefighter of The Year two times.

Dad did not win because of lowered standards, Affirmative Action or someone deciding it's the black guy's turn. Dad won because he was the BEST! Such was a time when America celebrated excellence.

Have we totally lost that America?

What offends me most about the Obama Administration is that he continues to lower the bar of what it means to be an American. Given his reelection, one can only assume that a large percentage of Americans are OK with Obama's ask-what-your-country-can-do-for-you-rather-than-what-you-can-do for-your-country new vision for America. Screw work! Just gimme, gimme, gimme!

Dad did not believe government owed him or his five kids the American Dream. With me at his side, dad marched with Dr Martin Luther King Jr. to assure that his kids would have an opportunity to pursue the American Dream. Today, far too many Americans believe the job of government is to confiscate wealth to divvy out the American Dream equally to every American.

When did we lose Dad's America?

When did we become a country in which government and media celebrates immorality, laziness and covetousness? Occupy Wall Street thugs are declared heroes of a majority of Americans for demanding that government confiscate the earnings of achievers for redistribution. When did it become morally correct in America for government to confiscate and give away the harvest reaped by hard working citizens?

Were we asleep when America launched its War on Achievers?

Athletes who perform at the highest levels are inducted into the Hall of Fame. And yet, extraordinary success in the arena of finances is frowned upon and deemed evil. Remarkably, Mitt Romney's extraordinary financial success was effectively marketed as a negative against him in the presidential campaign.

When did exceptional-ism in business become demonic in America?

Well, here is a dirty little universal truth that the gimme crowd may not be aware of. The word is reciprocity. Reciprocity means we mutuality give to/help each other. But when that relationship becomes one sided, the giver stops giving. How long will Obama get away with seducing new voters by taking from achievers to redistribute to non-achievers before the givers say, “Screw it” and stop working?

How do we restore America? The answer: We continue to Tea Party.

The Tea Party began when patriots looked behind the curtain of white guilt and media hype to see Obama's overreaching, trashing of the Constitution and his socialistic/progressive agenda. Over the last four years, the Tea Party has evolved into countless organizations and a growing army of sophisticated political activists.

Obama winning reelection was the loss of a major battle. However, beware Obama and company, we have no intentions of surrendering our country or losing this war.

Future battles will include taking back our culture and educating dumbed down clueless Americans to the superior virtues/benefits of Conservatism over Liberalism.

And another thing – we MUST STOP being passive when democrats throw absurd character-assassination-grenades such as Republicans/Conservatives want blacks in slavery and women barefoot and pregnant. We must boldly get in their face and rebuke their vile, hate-inspiring, divisive lies.

I have also had it with black Americans being allowed and even encouraged to be racist. Black racists believe Authentic Blackness or “Racial Pride” means maintaining at least a minimal resentment against whites and our country. Racism is evil wherever it flexes its venomous tongue – time to call such people out!

So, I am ready. I am prayed up and my powder is dry. Let's roll!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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4063637364?profile=originalWord on the political street from GOP consultants and the Left is that Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party cost Romney the election. We Conservatives are advised to “moderate our tone” and back away from our “extremist ideas”.

So let me make sure I understand. Obama and company were allowed to go for the jugular, using false narratives (lies), to win votes. They said Romney hates dogs, blacks, women and the poor. Heck, they even threw in the absurd accusation that Romney was responsible for the death of a working man's wife. Check and mate. Game over. Obama won. Did anyone suggest Team Obama “moderate their tone”?

But, when Rush Limbaugh exposed and the Tea Party rejected Obama's socialistic agenda, Team Obama, which includes the mainstream media, called us “racists”. When we express our Biblical belief that marriage should remain defined as between one man and one woman, we were called “extremist”. And when did it become extreme to believe it immoral to deny medical assistance to babies that survive abortions?

And for the record, once and for all, Conservatives do not care what consenting adults do in their bedrooms. All we ask is that we not be forced to fund it or be mandated to say that it is, “OK and normal”.

Unfortunately, since Romney lost, GOP consultants have joined the chorus of folks on the Left calling for Conservatives to back away from our core beliefs and go-along to get-along with Obama. They claim that this is what younger non-whites and women voters want.

I say, “Hogwash!” Younger, non-white and women voters are clueless about Obama's destruction of America, the virtues of Conservatism and why Liberalism sucks!

We did not lose because America has become a nation of idiots expecting a free Obama-phone. We lost because Republicans did a horrible job getting the truth to the masses. Soylent Green is people! Conservatism is best for everyone – period!!!

Folks, the bottom line is that the Tea Party chose to oppose Obama's socialistic transformation of America from a character driven place of decency, truth, respect for the law, and patriotism. Behaving as the Chicago thug politician that he is, Obama came to D.C. committed to implementing his agenda by any characterless despicable means necessary. In essence, Obama came to the gunfight armed-to-the-teeth with guns. The Tea Party brought political knives.

In partnership with their bullies in the MSM, Team Obama successfully spread one lie after another.

Here's a prime example: A white caller on a national radio program said his black friend was petrified to attend a Tea Party rally. Team Obama had him convinced that the Tea Party is the modern version of the KKK. Remember when the Congressional Black Caucus said the Tea Party wants blacks hung from trees? A shameful outrageous hate-inspiring lie – but no rebuke from the MSM suggesting that the Dems “moderate their tone”.

Apparently, to the MSM, I am an invisible black man. Since Obama took office, I have been a high profile figure at several hundred Tea Party rallies and events. For crying out loud, I even wrote the “American Tea Party Anthem”. Still, for the most part, the MSM have done everything in their power to keep minorities in the movement non-existent.

That scared black guy did eventually attend a Tea Party with his white friend. He was surprised to be treated with respect as an equal rather than a victim in need of assistance, which was the “tone” of the Democrat rallies he attended.

And another thing: since the election, everyone is saying that more Americans than ever love Obama and agree with his agenda. Well then, how do you explain 9 million folks who voted for him in 2008 staying home this time? http://spectator.org/archives/2012/11/09/mccain-beats-romney One could conclude that the bloom is somewhat off the rare black rose.

Did you know that 3 million Republicans who voted for McCain decided to pass on this election? Could it be because Romney was not conservative enough?

Still, all the big-brain consultants say the Tea Party was too aggressive and that Limbaugh needs to shut up if we are to win over youths, non-whites and women.

Well, I am just crazy enough to believe that common sense will cause a majority, regardless of race or gender, to embrace Conservatism...when they're given the truth.

Still, Conservatives are called the aggressors. We are not. The left, Obama and company, are the true aggressors forcing their culture, agenda and lifestyles down our throats.

Despite our consultants advising conservatives adopt a new liberal Democrat-lite mind-set, I believe it is time to educate America to the virtues of true Conservatism.

In the simplest terms, Liberalism, offered by Obama equals government dependency, mediocrity, bitterness and low self esteem. Conservatism equals true compassion, striving for excellence, dignity and pride which is the true “American Way”!

For the past four years, we Conservatives brought political knives to the gunfight with Obama. While we know Team Obama will upgrade to machine guns, our consultants further advise that we drop our political knives and brings sporks.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American




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An Angry Black man

Returning home after two months on the road touring the country singing, speaking, writing and campaigning to defeat Obama, I felt similar to a heartbroken soldier after losing a war. I trust God, but in all candor, I felt emotionally drained.

4063635439?profile=originalShopping for salad stuff in Walmart, I focused on a sign “Gold Bell Peppers $1.68 each”. To my surprise, I became extremely angry. As absurd as it sounds, $1.68 for one bell pepper was the straw that broke the camel's back. It epitomized my frustration and anger over the idiocy of Obama voters. Why in the world would they allow Obama to continue destroying our country?

Food and gas costs continue to sky rocket. Obama's war on domestic fuel, business and the rich kills jobs. He has tripled our national debt. And yet, according to exit polls, 52% still believe our poor economy is Bush's fault.

An idiot relative said, “I voted for Obama because Romney will make us all Mormons.” A yahoo said, “I voted for free healthcare”. News flash knucklehead, healthcare “ain't” free.

Thank God Christmas is over a month away. I need time for God to give me the grace to forgive my black family. I am furious and extremely disappointed in them for voting skin-color over Christian principles.

I feel like saying, “Don't tell me about your commitment to Jesus Christ ever again. I don't want to hear it!”

I will not apologize for my anger because mine is a righteous anger. Evil appearing to triumph should make one angry. Jesus was angry when He turned over the tables of the money changers in the temple.

The Bible says, “Be angry, but sin not”. Thus, I will not tell-off my family and I forgive them. But, I think it best that I not be in their presence or take their phone calls for awhile.

Like millions of Americans, my heart is broken for my country. Years of liberals indoctrinating our kids K thru college and liberal bias in the media have created a wasteland of dumb-down idiot voters. Far too many Americans are clueless to the greatness of our republic and the extraordinary cost and value of freedom which is our God given birth-right.

I am angry over the willful ignorance and racism of black America. During an interview on the “Inside Detroit” radio program, I informed black liberal host Mildred Gaddis that gas was $1.84 when Obama took office. Mildred rejected this fact. I begged her to research it. Mildred said you can not believe everything on the internet. Mildred also rejected the truth that Obama supports abortion and that half of black babies are aborted. Mildred rejected various easily confirmed truths about Obama's destructive leadership – I am talking willful ignorance. As far as Mildred and her listeners were concerned, Obama's skin-color automatically made him worthy of their vote.

I am outraged regarding the blatant voter fraud in states where a photo ID was not required to vote.

More disappointed than angry, I was shocked to learn that Romney got 3 million less Republican votes than John McCain. After four years of Obama's tyranny, I assumed Republicans would crawl across broken glass to vote against Obama regardless of our candidate.

Since the election, I have avoided much of the media. I could not stomach the left spiking the football or weak-kneed conviction-less pandering from our side. Decisions made in panic or fear are always unwise. Better to wait until the dust clears rather than making new fear-based policy statements.

I still believe pedal to the metal Conservatism works every-time it is tried. Why? Because unlike Liberalism, Conservatism speaks to the higher nature of the human spirit and is best for all. Pure and simple.

Yes, there will always be those who want a free-ride. Jesus said the poor you will have with you always. No one is against a safety-net for those truly in need.

When the virtues of Conservatism are boldly articulated, they win in a landslide as per Ronald Reagan.

Beyond the catastrophic economic issues, Americans cried when Obama won reelection because of the death of an ideal. This evil dictator appears to have transformed America from being a shining example of the virtues of a free society into a nation of deadbeats in which class envy and government dependency rules. So yes, I am very angry.

Here is the good news. I am witnessing a new heightened resolve in patriots to fight harder than ever to turn our country around. We are in a culture war and more and more are beginning to realize it.

So I will suck up my anger, trust God, rest in His peace and continue doing my part in the battle to restore America.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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Lame Black Christian Cop-Out

obamagaymarriage.jpeg?width=350A black Christian Obama voter called me after the election. For years, I have informed him of Obama's attacks on Christianity and anti-Christian agenda. He praised Romney for saying in his concession speech that we need to pray for our president. Then he added, “I prayed that God will bind everything in Obama that is not like Him.”

Folks I politely, but quickly, ended our conversation. I was sickened by my friend's weak attempt to cover his sell-out to skin-color under a shroud of Christian principles.

This guy had the audacity to quote Bible scripture about how Christians are commanded to pray for their political leaders. Maybe he's praying that God will cause Obama to have a change of heart as more black babies are exterminated. What a religious crock of you-know-what.

Passing on an opportunity to end Obama's anti-Christian agenda solely because he is black like you is a Judas betrayal.

Before the election I told a black Christian minister friend that Obama was pro-abortion and pro-infanticide. I told him that 40 Catholic groups were suing the Administration for forcing them to fund abortion services in Obamacare. I told him that not only does Obama support gay marriage, but Obama vowed to be an advocate of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities.

My friend did not dispute one of my facts. He simply said Romney's plan would bankrupt our economy and that he was voting for Obama, the lesser of two evils. Keep in mind, folks, that this guy claims to be a man of God. And yet he is in essence saying the murder of innocent babies and the furthering of the homosexual agenda are acceptable collateral damage. His shameful logic is BS to hide his racism and idolatry of skin color.

This same black minister friend called me after the election. I did not take his call.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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Has America Become a Huge Duck Pond?

4063629885?profile=originalDr Wayne Dyer describes people as eagles and ducks.

With a majority of Americans voting to give the undeserving Obama a second term, I felt like the odd-man-out voting against him. It occurred to me that I have a history of being odd-man-out, not in sync with the thinking of my family and friends.

When I was in junior high school, my dad acknowledged my artistic talent and encouraged me to pursue a career in that field. Dad said, “You could be a great black artist someday.” While I appreciated Dad's support, I thought, “ Why can't I simply be a great artist? Why must my success be limited to the black world?”

Admittedly, I probably misinterpreted the meaning of Dad's statement. The reason is because my family and friends appeared to view the world through a narrow black lens, limiting blacks to certain tastes and behaviors. I was criticized and looked at suspect for enjoying music beyond R&B, black Gospel and Jazz. I have always dealt with people as individuals. Thus, I was criticized for having “too many white friends”. Early on, I viewed the world as my oyster, eager to explore life beyond the American “black experience”.

Though they love me, family and friends have been furious with me on numerous occasions over the years for not participating in their group think or indulging in unauthorized black behavior.

Rejecting Barack Obama is my latest offense. Not only did I reject the first black president, family and friends found it incomprehensible that I chaired a PAC against him.

So, why have I never quite fit in with my family and friends? Why have I suffered their rebuke all these years? Finally, I understand. They are ducks. I am an eagle.

Obama's reelection has concerned eagles concluding that America has become a huge duck pond. In Obama's duck pond, high flying independent self-reliant eagles are mandated to have their wings clipped, limiting their ability to fly to hovering slightly above the pond. This will not enhance the life of one duck other than appeasing their envy of the eagle's “unfair” ability to fly high.

When Obama touts hard work, he is really only talking to eagles. Ducks are encouraged to chill-out and rely on government. Eagles are ordered to deliver most of what they gather to government Lilly pads to be redistributed. Ducks simply waddle or float to the nearest Lilly pad to receive freebies delivered via the hard work, sweat and risks of eagles. Free duck-phones are a huge hit.

In Obama's new duck pond America, high minded eagle ideas such as personal responsibility and ambition to build a better life for ones self and their family are criminalized. Obama's vision is no duck having more than another sharing equally for the good of the pond.

To the horror of us eagles, a majority of Americans are ignorant naïve ducks who believe Obama's vision will ensure prosperity for all floating around the pond. Dear Lord help us, please!

There is a reason why the Bald Eagle was chosen to symbolize America. It is a bird of great vision and resilience which refuses to be controlled or contained. Its rights and desire to be free are gifted by God.

Eagles simply can not and will not allow Obama's duck pond to become the permanent new standard of what it means to be an American. Despite the decree of the Imperial Ruler of the pond, eagles will stealthily conceive new ways to regrow their wings to fly high, soaring higher than ever before. Such is the spirit and nature of the American eagle.

Unquestionably, Obama's reelection is a monumental devastating defeat of us eagles. Currently in America, ducks rule!

Eagles across America have already begun to regroup, plan new strategies and ways to educate a nation now dominated by clueless ducks.

For ever long as it takes, American eagles will not give up or surrender until a majority of Obama ducks are defeated or miraculously transformed into eagles. Eagles will not rest until Obama's duck pond America is restored back to its divinely ordained role as the largest greatest eagle's nest on the planet.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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The Pony in Obama Winning a Second Term.

839290470?profile=RESIZE_480x480Two boys were assigned to shovel a stable full of horse manure. One of the boys was depressed. The other enthusiastically shoveled with glee. “Why are you happy?” asked the depressed lad. His happy associate responded, “With all of this excrement, there must be a pony in here.”

As a Christian, I must trust and believe that God has a pony in allowing Obama to be reelected. Therefore, I will not join those who think we have lost the battle for America. Nor, do I subscribe to the nonsense that our Tea Party values are extreme. Our values are aligned with the human spirit. They are right and just.

In a recent article, I said Obama appeals to three groups: the clueless, entitlement addicts and racists. While entitlement addiction and racism played a role, I believe the vast majority of Obama voters are clueless because the mainstream media protected him.

Obama winning a second term is insane. Based on his horrible lapse in leadership regarding Libya, attacks on Christianity, attacks on business, assaults on freedom hidden in Obamacare and crimes against our Constitution, an informed America would not have given Obama four more years.

Like you, my fellow patriots who love America, Mary and I are hurt, disappointed and a bit mopy. But my resolve to fight to restore Godly principles and freedom back into my country is stronger than ever.

God is still in control and things can turn on a dime. In the Bible, Joseph went from being eternally doomed to prison to standing before the King in one day. That meeting led to Joseph becoming a ruler, second only to the King. God always has a plan.

Patriots, we have much work to do. Along with informing a clueless public, we must drag a weak-kneed Republican Party back to supporting the Tea Party principles and values that won them the House in 2010.

At risk of infuriating those who are so depressed by Obama's victory that they require suicide-watch, I believe God has a blessing/pony hidden in Obama winning a second term. My faith requires that I trust God.

Some say this election confirms that we have become a nation of entitlement junkies. I think not. Despite the left's best efforts to spin the election to mean the American people support Obama being the Robin Hood president, most Americans instinctively know that Redistribution Road does not lead to a prosperous nation. I believe many Americans are simply clueless of the truth and what is truly going on under the iron fist of the Obama Administration.

As I stated, we have much work ahead and must defeat three mighty foes; the Obama Administration, the mainstream media and a Washington establishment-minded Republican Party. Admittedly, our task is Herculean.

However, God and us are a majority.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American


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4063527597?profile=originalDuring dinner on the Rebuild America Defeat Obama bus tour, a fascinating discussion evolved amongst our team. Someone said he fears who we have become as a people; a nation in which a majority believes it normal to receive government-handouts. He witnessed people using food stamps to purchase extravagant foods. Someone else chimed in about the huge kiosk in the lobby of his daughter's elementary school encouraging parents to sign up their child for free lunches. Parents who can well afford to feed their child are on the free lunch program.

While their examples are anecdotal, my team members conclude that we are rapidly losing the self-reliant individual spirit which has made us great and are trending towards becoming a nation of takers; making government dependency the new normal.

Their negative prediction regarding the new America was pretty depressing. But as they spoke, my mind wandered to a story my 84 year old black dad told me about his first job.

When dad was around eleven, he and his buddy were shoe-shine boys at the Greyhound Bus station in Baltimore – Saturday night through Sunday morning.

Folks, Dad has had an amazing life with numerous achievements, some historical – first black Baltimore City Firefighter of the Year, first black paramedic, a pastor of numerous churches and an author.

And yet, when Dad told me, over the phone, about the salesmanship and creativity he and his buddy employed as young entrepreneurs shining shoes, I could hear in his voice the pride and joy he still felt about it.

Their deal with management was a dime base pay plus tips. Dad excitedly said, “The money was in the tips.” So he and his buddy made their customer's shoe-shine experience an entertaining show. They twirled their shoe shine brushes high into the air and caught them. They made rhythmic popping sounds with their shoe-shine rag.

After the shine, they used a whisk broom to brush down the gentleman's suit. Amazingly, there was always a little something on back of the gentleman's suit requiring a little extra effort to remove. They were always successful and gentlemen were appreciative.

On a good weekend, Dad made $1.25. He gave Aunt Nee, who raised him, 50 cents. He purchased a t-shirt. Dad said he bragged to his friends, “I am paying rent and buying my own clothes now.” In Dad's mind, he had become a man. What was the magic ingredient that made Dad feel so good about himself?

The answer is individual personal achievement.

Despite Obama's four year shock and awe assault demonizing entrepreneurs and individual personal achievement, I still believe a majority of Americans are cut from the same cloth as my dad. They do not hate the rich nor subscribe to Obama's plan to punish them. They garner pride and self-esteem from earning and paying their own way.

Obama's hate-the-rich rhetoric does resonate with a minority – the losers, the ungrateful, lazy and entitlement-junkies who showed up at the Occupy Wall Street protests. Think about that folks, these arrogant idiots have the audacity to demand that government confiscate the profits from entrepreneurs (risk-takers) to redistribute to them. And they call that 'fairness”. The day a majority of Americans side with such low-life scum is the day we cease being a great nation.

Obama's reelection campaign is geared to three groups, the clueless, entitlement addicts and racists. A black woman at a gas station was interviewed on Fox News. She said the high fuel prices are having a disastrous effect on her family's well-being, but she is voting for Obama because she agrees with everything he is doing.

Folks, I do not mean to be rude, but either this black woman is clueless and/or a racist. I suspect her support of Obama is a combo of both. She is voting for Obama because she is uninformed and he is black like her.

This election will define who we are as a people. Are we a nation of entitlement addicts and racists or do we still find great pleasure in using our creativity, ingenuity and will power to pursue our dreams?

I believe a majority of Americans are go-getters and dreamers like my dad. Barack Obama your reign of lowering-the-bar of what it means to be an American is over.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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4063620365?profile=originalI received a “Happy Birthday” email from a cousin. She signed it, “Love, The Obama kids.” My beloved cousin's closing line means despite all the info and articles I have sent educating them to why black Christians should not vote for Obama, she and her four siblings are still voting for Obama.

Unfortunately, my black cousins are voting skin-color over principles. So that is a done deal. No amount of logic, information or truth will change their minds. My cousins are racists.

Ironically, while I can not seem to get through to fellow black Americans, I have been on the road for 6 weeks touring battleground states inspiring mostly white voters; firing them up to inspire others to vote for Romney/Ryan. The tour is Rebuild America – Defeat Obama.

Candidly, I have had a shocking revelation while on this most recent of my 10 national bus tours. The Apostle Paul was a Jew called by God to minister to Gentiles. I am a black American called to minister to whites.

Back in 2009 when I signed on to tour as a singer/songwriter performing my “American Tea Party Anthem”, I was stunned by the admiration I received from patriots and the outrage of the left by my now signature opening line on stage before singing. “Hello, my fellow patriots! I am not an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus AMERICAN!!!”

On recent tours, I am a speaker and entertainer. The response has been amazing. Countless patriots have said, “Your singing is great, but your speech truly moved me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Here is an excerpt from my speech which is winning emotional rave reviews from white patriots.

Folks, according to the democrats, I am a very weird sick black man. I don't resent white people. I don't think anyone owes me anything. But worst of all; what annoys them most, I LOVE MY COUNTRY!!”

There are only four rallies left of our Rebuild America – Defeat Obama tour, two this Sunday and two on Monday. The rallies are in four cities in Michigan.





Come out and share in the great music, love, patriotism and fellowship with patriot Americans led by me whom the Democrats consider to be a very weird sick black man. God bless! Go Romney/Ryan!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American



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