uncle (2)

Merry Christmas! The Constitution Still Stands


Have you seen the panic? There have been a lot of erroneous stories of late that exaggerate, not the danger that an over-sized government and its manic bureaucratic wing present to us, but the actual situation we are in as Americans at this very moment. No need to panic! Merry Christmas, we are still a free people. 

Like Ronald Reagan I am an optimist. I believe in Americans, and I believe that there will always be a free people in this country. Those people comprise the thread by which our Constitution now hangs. It is a strong thread, and though it seems tenuous at times, our Constitution gleams with a bright spark of Divine inspiration. Our founding documents, being inspired by the Mind of God, are more clever than the enemies of the republic. Despite the pounding and shredding of many of the basic tenets of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they continue to protect us. We still own our most basic possessions; our lives, our property, our voices, our choices, and the overriding right to defend them all. 

The signers of the Declaration of Independence all pledged their lives to the cause of liberty. When they signed the Declaration they may have thought they were signing their death warrants. They pledged their blood, and likely expected to shed it. But not one of those men lost their lives as a direct result of battle with the British. Some were captured and tortured for their roles as signatories to the Declaration of Independence. Nine of them lost sons to the Revolutionary War. Some had their homes and treasures ransacked. But they were not outright murdered by their adversaries. Their honor has only been magnified through time. And their treasures, if lost, were replaced with that sufficient for their needs. We too are protected as the the necessity for a Revolution of the 21st Century grows ever greater.

Some 20,000 Americans gave their lives to fight the British tyranny. Those lives sacrificed literally changed the world forever. I do not minimize the threats from despots and tyrants who now threaten our country from abroad, and from Communists and Progressives within our own social institutions and government, but we will not give up our freedom. It is impossible to quench the flame of human liberty once it is lit. We will battle with our might to defend it, but it will never be snuffed out.

As Christmas Day nears, I ponder my faith in God, and in His holy Son, Jesus Christ. My heart brims with gratitude to God that He gave me the privilege of being born an American. I am also thankful, though sometimes burdened, by the responsibility He gave me to fight to keep this country free and prosperous. As Christ freed His people from the chains of death and damnation, so too will He give us the strength to defy the chains of slavery to Big Government, and evil ideologies who hate us, and covet, and want to destroy, the blessings we enjoy as Americans. Living in Western Colorado, near the Colorado river, nestled between the mountain's majesty and the splendor of the high desert, I know that this is God's country. I also know that America is God's nation.

Let us reflect upon these things. The moments of panic steal our personal peace, but they also damage our credibility. As the Star of Bethlehem was a guiding light to the wise men who sought the Son of God, so let us be a ray of hope and optimism to those who are looking for a happier future in America. Hope burns bright, man will not easily become enslaved. We are still free to worship. We are still free to love our neighbors. Merry Christmas, we are still a free people.   

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Black Panthers and NAACP are Pots
Pointing Fingers at Black Kettles
In psychiatry and psychology, the term “projection” refers to someone who sees their own weaknesses, failings and sins in everybody else. People who “project” are not a new phenomenon; the Bible suggests something like “First rid yourself of the stick in your own eye before complaining about the speck in your brother’s eye.” We’re all guilty of projection at one time or another . . . some of us, however, are much more deeply guilty of much more serious projection . . . there is a saying now in popular use that first arose in the Black community in the Reconstruction South about 1870 about “the pot calling the kettle black.”
Certainly New Black Panther members who intimidated White voters; the Black Panther baton carrier from that incident who called for “killing crackers and killing their cracker babies”; the old National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) that praised the Black minister and other Black thugs arrested for beating up a Black entrepreneur selling “The Audacity of Dope” buttons (he made a killing in 2008 selling pro-Obama buttons) and who called that Black victim an “Uncle Tom” at a widely viewed NAACP meeting; that same NAACP who called the TEA Party “racists”; and a good deal of the 96% of Black voters who supported Barack Obama’s presidency with their vote . . . all these are great examples of truly racist Blacks calling everybody else racists when it is they with the stick in their eyes calling everybody else Uncle Toms and Oreos (Black on the outside, white on the inside) . . . an obvious case of pots and kettles.
Calling himself “an unshackled Black man,” a TEA Party member named Rujon Williams, said it better than Ol’ Rajjpuut could ever have expressed it in an open letter to Black citizens:
“A few confused Black groups tell you ‘the white man is our enemy’ when it is a small befuddled part of the Black community. These confused Black organizations have no power, if they were really honest, they would tell you they get their money from the same table they so hate, the table the white man dines at as well.
“For years these small groups of loud mouth and confused Blacks have labeled anyone that did not believe the way they did, and spoke out against them calling their victims ‘Uncle Toms’, when in fact, they are the real ‘Uncle Toms’! Instead of leading their community to a better and richer life they are driving Black people onto the slave master’s high-rise plantations.
“The ‘Sell Outs’, quietly take and cannot stand on their own without the support of the white man’s money. They are the Oreo’s desiring to have the power of the white man. They hate achievement; it goes against their agenda.
“In the world of these ‘Sell Outs’ everyone is on welfare, lives in the project and eats government cheese. There is no need for education because the government will tell everyone what they need to know. There will be no need to work because the government will take care of everything . . . .
“The truth be told, the modern NAACP is nothing but a sock-puppet for those who drive the agenda of new slavery. This new slavery is without chains, but the Black community will be shackled never the less.
“Those who fall victim will be shackled to the hopeless society the progressives** seek to create.
“Truth comes in every color and unfortunately the New Black Panther Party does not hide their truth, and it is hatred for white people and Jews. They openly speak against what the freedoms the United States offers, using these same freedoms to advance their hideous agenda.
“It is time to expose the true agenda of these confused and bewildered Black groups. Some preach their confusion in boots and black military uniforms, while other preach in Brooks Brother’s suits, but their message is the same.
“These confused ‘Uncle Toms’ have sold the Black community out for less than 30 pieces of silver. They are nothing more than prostitutes and cheap ones at that.
“If these confused souls will sell themselves to the lowest bidder, they will surely sell you out as well.
Rujon Williams
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
Progressives stopped calling themselves “progressives” starting about 1925. For over 80 years they preferred the label “liberals” but when people started tying “tax and spend” to the now pejorative term “liberal” they began referring to themselves as “progressives.” That term “progressive” is now increasingly being aligned with another buzzword “socialism,” among the Republican leadership but “progressive” is still largely a positive term in the lexicon of most voters even though a recent Pew Research Center survey showed that “socialism” was the second most “negatively regarded” political buzzword behind only the term “militia” in the link immediately above. Socialism was regarded as positive by only 29% of voters while 59% of them regarded “Socialism” as a negative. And today James Carville released a survey
with information showing that 55% of Americans believe Obama is a socialist. Rajjpuut begs to differ, here are the facts: Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool Communist. He wrote his first autobiography “Dreams from My Father” based upon this dream from his Kenyan birth-father which includes “100% taxation,” seizing private land and foreign businesses in Kenya, redistribution of wealth from Kenya’s Asian and White citizens to its Black ones, communal ownership of land, and central government planning of the economy and possible ownership of the means of production :
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