Maybe it was to let Putin lead the world and slip America from the super power position? VIA,

Was it to allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapons, while wringing his hands?

Continue to print an extra 80 billion USD a month, until the dollar is no longer the number one currency?

The House passed a bill to continue to fund America, except for Obama care. The President goes around every day saying the GOP wants to shut down America. Obama could tell Reid to accept the bill and not shut down the government, but he will not. He has used the bully pulpit every day to fool Americans, because he thinks we are fools.

Continue to push Obama Care, the largest tax in the history of the world, 21 taxes, which was rammed down America's throat. Most selling points were lies and it will decimate the greatest health care system in the world.

Use every crisis and murder to get registration and ultimately ban most, if not all guns.

Sign the UN Small Arms Treaty to seek to neutralize the Second Amendment.

Use the EPA rules to execute Obama's war on coal and energy prices. Bypass Congress and declare the CO2 we breathe out as a pollutant. They have added social costs and a lower than possible CO2 limit from coal to kill any future plants. Germany's green program has driven up kilowatt costs from .06 to over .20 cents today, which is badly hurting industry in that country. Spain is broke from their  green program and Obama wants that for America too. While our energy costs are lower today, Obama's objective will be to make them skyrocket. This will break America and further kill off US jobs.

EPA rules make Coal fired plants come up to the latest standards if they upgrade, which means no upgrades and eventual shut down of the plants. Coal costs .03 to .04 per kilowatt and provides 45% of our power.


The EPA may delay the alternative fuel related tax that will sharply drive up gasoline prices until after the next election. We could be energy independent and stop buying middle east oil and the indirect funding of radical Islam and terrorists. This is never discussed in the press.

Global temps are down for the past decade and the Russians say it will continue for 250 years. This year Artic ice is up 60%.

Perhaps it was Obama's plan to cut our military and cede back superpower and world influence to the Russians?


Other than his book, The Dreams of my Father, we have few clues why he wants to see America shrink in the world. I guess it is to punish America and the west for the sins of our Fathers, as Obama and his Father perceived them.

The wealth re- distribution Ponzi scheme of carbon credit trading from the US and the West is one way to cut America down to size.


I doubt Obama will ever tell us what he intended.  





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  • thank you for you excellent input. I too remembered that, but I feel it was meant in a more draconian way. this is my feeling only, but I feel we have already Russian troops on our soil. I dont trust either one. From the different websites, this is being stated for many months.  These two are both not to be trusted.... 

  • I believe that he knew that his "reelection" also known as, "Recoronation" was already "won." Look at how he is ruling like the tinpot dictator that he truly is, unabashed.  Now there is some opposition showing with efforts to "defund Oblameacare."  The Sorros regime may be in trouble, and this house of cards is beginning to fall?  I hope and Pray, God speed this Salvation to us!

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