carbon (3)

Maybe it was to let Putin lead the world and slip America from the super power position? VIA,

Was it to allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapons, while wringing his hands?

Continue to print an extra 80 billion USD a month, until the dollar is no longer the number one currency?

The House passed a bill to continue to fund America, except for Obama care. The President goes around every day saying the GOP wants to shut down America. Obama could tell Reid to accept the bill and not shut down the government, but he will not. He has used the bully pulpit every day to fool Americans, because he thinks we are fools.

Continue to push Obama Care, the largest tax in the history of the world, 21 taxes, which was rammed down America's throat. Most selling points were lies and it will decimate the greatest health care system in the world.

Use every crisis and murder to get registration and ultimately ban most, if not all guns.

Sign the UN Small Arms Treaty to seek to neutralize the Second Amendment.

Use the EPA rules to execute Obama's war on coal and energy prices. Bypass Congress and declare the CO2 we breathe out as a pollutant. They have added social costs and a lower than possible CO2 limit from coal to kill any future plants. Germany's green program has driven up kilowatt costs from .06 to over .20 cents today, which is badly hurting industry in that country. Spain is broke from their  green program and Obama wants that for America too. While our energy costs are lower today, Obama's objective will be to make them skyrocket. This will break America and further kill off US jobs.

EPA rules make Coal fired plants come up to the latest standards if they upgrade, which means no upgrades and eventual shut down of the plants. Coal costs .03 to .04 per kilowatt and provides 45% of our power.


The EPA may delay the alternative fuel related tax that will sharply drive up gasoline prices until after the next election. We could be energy independent and stop buying middle east oil and the indirect funding of radical Islam and terrorists. This is never discussed in the press.

Global temps are down for the past decade and the Russians say it will continue for 250 years. This year Artic ice is up 60%.

Perhaps it was Obama's plan to cut our military and cede back superpower and world influence to the Russians?


Other than his book, The Dreams of my Father, we have few clues why he wants to see America shrink in the world. I guess it is to punish America and the west for the sins of our Fathers, as Obama and his Father perceived them.

The wealth re- distribution Ponzi scheme of carbon credit trading from the US and the West is one way to cut America down to size.


I doubt Obama will ever tell us what he intended.  





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Air Travel Carbon Credits and more

The EU has signed on and only needs the US, China and India to agree to disclose data and embrace the pay to pollute carbon scheme. What a load of BS that airlines would pay for their carbon footprint that exceeds some limit set by a committee and to pass on the cost to the customers, which essentially makes it a world wide tax.

In addition to that tax our own EPA has delayed the increase in alternative fuel requirement for the US gasoline producers, which also require them to buy carbon credits traded as a commodity. Trading carbon credits are a money making scheme for those who have pushed the carbon credit and trading Ponzi scheme on the world. It would be an amazing story if it were fiction, but it is true. The western world has agreed to pay fines for carbon pollution and the men who designed and pushed the system will make billions. What a scam and a huge waste of money in the form of penitence and a world tax.

This is but one of the pledges that Obama has made to fight pollution in the US and world wide. It also re-distributes western wealth.


Add these taxes onto the nation and company carbon credit trading Ponzi schemes and you have a complete web of money making wealth re-distribution load of BS. People like AL Gore and George Soros own the trading companies and billions will be made brokering all of these various carbon credits. 10 Trillion dollars a year could be made if the US joins the world in this program. Always follow the money! No one could make something like this up and they have sold the world on it via the Kyoto and other global warming treaties. These also require alternative energy which is not commercial so it does drive up costs and diverts more tax dollars to various groups, e.g., ethanol, wind mill and solar panels producers.

 The US should denounce these schemes use all of natural resources and let the market place develop alternative energy as it becomes economically viable. WE have hundreds of years of resources and these world wide taxes and exchanges are nothing but money, power and control for the ones who control them.


If the US will drop these and use our resources jobs will return with lower energy costs. Perhaps some of these people want to see less jobs and a weaker US?


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Al Gore Buys Second Mansion While Preparing

to Become Hundred-Billionaire off Cap and Trade

Crazed sex-poodle” Al Gore may be currently exciting the tabloid news readers with titilating stories from a long ago night in Seattle, but making fun of him is a dangerous policy akin to making fun of Adolf Hitler’s Charlie Chaplin moustache. “Do as I say, not as I do” Al Gore has for years excited the mainstream liberal media with his tales of global warming. The man’s own energy use is absolutely awe-inspiring. According to his latest escapades, not satisfied with a Tennessee mansion that uses 24 times as much energy as the average household, Gore has just closed on a California mansion that is even more imposing.

Then there are not one but two private jets . . . no wonder Mr. Gore, while testifying on cap and trade on Capitol Hill, took much umbrage and refused to answer directly when Marsha Blackburn Republican Representative from Tennessee (Gore’s state of origin) asked him, “Is this item you’re testifying on today, something from which you’ll personally profit?” Gore became snitty and insinuated she did NOT know his history. Well, the thing is . . . ALL that those of us who DO know Al Gore’s history (he did NOT invent the internet) can think of is the word “huckster.”

But the bigger surprise is that Gore (who’s already almost become a billionaire plying his “Global Warming” presentations to confirmed greenieholics) would presumably become a hundred-billionaire if Cap and Trade becomes law in America. This would occur because Gore’s London, England based company Generation Investment Management (GIM) is one of the biggest owners of Chicago Climate eXchange (CCX) an Obama originated entity set to profit in cap and trade monitoring. This might mightily surprise the liberal London Times which for a long, long time was a big believer in global warming and cap and trade schemes:

The Times link is an article on what’s called Climate Gate in Europe. Mainstream media in America do not publish stories contrary to the policies of people like Gore and Obama . . . speaking of Obama . . . .

Remembering that CCX aspires to become the “New York Stock Exchange of Carbon Trading.” One of the founders of Chicago Climate Exchange was indeed Barack Obama. Al Gore; Barack Obama; and such mutual friends of Obama and Gore as the company Goldman Sachs and about ten of its bigwigs individually; more than a dozen progressive (“We must progress beyond the outdated Constitution”) foundations such as the Tides Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the World Resources Institute, Center for American Policy, Alliance for Climate Protection; Green Mountain Energy, The Shores Bank (which liberals recently bailed out with private funds rather than undergo the public scrutiny of its records), the World Bank, etc., etc. (looking them over and the incestuous relations among them one is immediately struck by the thought “money laundering”); and such notables as Bill Ayers (brother to the bombplanter), Richard Sandor, Joel Rogers, Maurice Strong, the Clintons, George Soros, ad nauseum.

And what exactly is their scheme? Once cap and trade passes, their little CCX, now owned at least partially by ICE, Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (ICE is 7.59% owned by British Petroleum, go figure) runs the world of carbon trading. They sell carbon credits (literally blue sky – nothing is produced and no real measurable service is given or granted) to the tune of $10 TRillion per year and take a commission off every sale forever. In the process the $15 TRillion U.S. economy becomes a $25 TRillion U.S. economy which means that the average price of all real things increases 67% (25 divided by 15 = 167%). In his usual half-truth mode, Obama has said as much.

Speaking to the San Francisco Chronicle he proudly claimed his policies will “bankrupt the coal industry;” and he’s often said and at the link below tells the selfsame San Francisco Chronicle, “my energy policies would necessarily mean that the cost of electricity would skyrocket.”
Let's let your imagination roam a bit, imagine if John McCain** had said he was going to bankrupt a major U.S. industry or make the price of electricity skyrocket . . . . forgetting about the thousands of jobs lost . . . how would the media have treated him? The San Francisco Chronicle (effectively 'protecting' Obama) would not run the coal story and barely talked about the electricity comment . . . sort of like the entire American media overlooking the Climate Gate story linked above, eh?

Imagine now, if you will, President Grant in 1868 promising to harness the energy of electricity for every American household by 1876 (the end of his second term). Well, as with green technology today, 2010, in 1868 there was no Thomas Edison and virtually all American households didn’t get electricity and running water even and indoor plumbing until roughly 1928, sixty years later. Obama’s saying it’s so (and Gore’s saying it’s so) does not mean that green technology is viable today or will be viable even in thirty years, now does it? Where is our Edison? But, not to worry the complete collapse of the American Economy will mightily profit Gore, Obama, Soros, Sandor, and their ilk and they will rule us in perpetuity.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** Rajjpuut is NO lover of John McCain who is far more a progressive Republican than Herbert Hoover was; and more progressive than FDR, the progressive Democrat whose policies^^ gave us a "Great Depression" while the rest of the world suffered a little 'd' depression. The point of the story is that Obama is a media darling and the more progressive of the two individuals and the left-leaning press will not tarnish his image. Because they won't attack his corruption, we are all at risk . . . . hence Gore is the way to expose the soft-underbelly of corruption as the progressives move us surely to universal poverty and communism.
^^ Remember this, progressive FDR gave us 40 new federal government agencies in twelve plus years, Barack Obama via his Obamacare gave us about 390 new federal agencies in just one new law during his first fourteen months in office!
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