One more reason to un-elect Obama

The National Labor Relations Board  (NLRB) filed suit against Boeing to stop Boeing from moving to So. Carolina. If successful this will kill new jobs. The suit is a classic example of BULLYING.  No wonder large companies have moved and are now moving overseas. What would The Gov. do if the big companies like Boeing, MSN,Apple and Facebook would say "we are sick and tired of the Government bullying us. Let's move to India." New jobs are NOT the problem. It's excessive  Government  intervention,  no leaders, Gov. waste and stupid spending

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  • I see your point in choosing Newt. I am going for Mitt Romney because he comes from a blue state and won a blue state, because he is not far out and ignorant. My personal choice is /was Cain and Perry but I know they can't win over independents. If the poll numbers show a steady positive approval among independents for those two, I could change my mind.
  • I have already made my choice for  2012. It was easy when I learned Former Speaker Newt Gingrich has 30 years of political experience and Obama has 4 years of rhetoric. He supports, Free Markets, Free interprise, Tax Cuts, AND GOVERNMENT DE-REGULATION. None of the other candidates come close. Newt also was a coordinator of polices  that lower the unemployment to 4%. I strongly recommend you watch some or all the videos on and  Mr. Gingrich has a Ph.D,  M.A western european history and BA History. I think the guy is brilliant. I watched all the videos and never saw him read a prepared speech, refer to notes, or look at any monitors. If you go to the first website you will see 67 talking point subjects from Africa to War. Plus, Mr. Gingrich has prepared a plan that can be started now to put Americans back to work.

    America is bankrupt with unemplowment of 9%, the dollar is under water and 14 $Trillion in debt. In 2012 we need to elecgt a person who has the confidence and stature of a Commander In Cheif and the intelligence of a strong President. We don't need anymore Presidents who have little or no experience and rely "on OJT" , on the job training to run the USA. Please no more "wannabes", we desperately need a  REAL PRO to pull us out of this mess. This is going to be tough. Some people vote for a candidate because he/she is pretty or makes a dynamic speech pached with rhetoric.I hope the 5 debates, to be held in Septembe, will show case his skills. The Tea Party is getting stronger everday, join it's free.#


  • Right on.  If a company wants to change headquarters or open a new factory (with jobs) I don't see anything wrong with that.  How do you prove that the action is in retaliation?  Does this mean Boeing can never move?

    I think this may be a prime example of Unions overreaching. 

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