It gets tougher and tougher to keep up with the ever-shifting sand underneath America's freedoms and the fight to keep shifty congressional hands away from our pocketbooks, not to mention staying current with the “shifting nature” of Obamatruth itself. It's a monstrous quagmire -- here are a few items you might be interested in . . . .


Obamacare, should it stand against legal challenges, requires over $3.9 billion in taxes from the middle class according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the official Congressional scorekeeper for legislation's tax effects. The new law begins somewhat gently and overall raises $15.2 Billion over a ten-year period but reaches the $3.9 Billion threshold in 2019 by limiting medical expense deductions on income tax. Present law allows a tax deduction of 10% of adjusted gross income (AGI) for medical expenses, but Obama care would cut that deduction to 7.5% of AGI which makes it not only a new tax on those earning less than $200,000 but surprisingly a new tax on sick middle-class Americans.


U.S. Congress members and their staffs are furious about Obamacare taking away their present “Cadillac” congressional health insurance (which did NOT happen to Reid, Pelosi and some of the top Democratic committee heads and their staffs). Rajjpuut is shocked. But, of course, these things will happen if you don’t actually read the bill you’re passing, eh?


The number of legal challenges mounted against the constitutionality of Obamacare by individual states threatened by the new law (Obamacare would eventually bankrupt each and every state of the union) has reached twenty-one while another 18-20 states are considering action. Florida actually has filed two separate suits against the federal government based upon Obamacare’s illegal status. Of course, it would be a lot easier to impose big government on the mass of American voters if all those nasty state governments weren’t in the middle shielding people.


Today is Tax Day, April 15th. 67 million American families, and most earning under $50,000, will pay little or no taxes and 73 million families will pay 98% of all taxes. In accepted tax theory “the rabble” gets real dangerous as they approach becoming the majority in any democracy because then they theoretically can feel free to demand all sorts of services from government and vote all the taxes upon the minority who will pay for all that government. Nevertheless, over the years 67%-70% of Americans consistently (69% in a recent study) say that the maximum responsible tax load anyone should bear, regardless of income is 20%. Currently 35% is the maximum tax level on any Americans due to the Bush policies. When those laws expire on January 1, 2011, the Obama tax requirements will immediately jump to 40% maximum taxes and aim at conversion to 77% taxes by 2013. Since many who pay no taxes also get “refundable tax credits” which thus amounts to a tiny, but guaranteed income . . . . we already have socialism in America.


Seven of the top eight state income taxers are suffering the seven highest rates of emigration out of their states. High tax states like New York, New Jersey, Massachussets and California are actually losing taxpayers to states like Florida, Texas, Nevada, Colorado or New Hampshire. New Hampshire with no state income tax benefits immeasurably when talented high earners from New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts get frustrated and decide to pull up stakes. The high tax states are the ones with the largest number or percentages of state employees; where the states involved offer them the highest pay and highest benefits; and those employees are members of the most vocal and strongest unions.

Item: Most people don't know that Liberty Central is actually a bigger "support the U.S. Constitution" movement than the TEA Parties. According to its president, Virginia "Ginny" Thomas, White wife of Black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, her organization and the TEA Party movement are disparaged by the mainstream media and MIS-characterized as racist and unintelligent hate-groups, but these two organizations truly reflect "the heartfelt concerns of patriotic Americans everywhere demanding a return to fiscal responsibility, eliminating deficits, and honoring the Constitution itself." Rajjpuut says, only 7% of the Obama administration and cabinet at all levels have ever held real jobs outside of education and politics and their unceasing "racism" charge against the TEA Party is an attack by the true racists and haters in hopes of using the confusion that arises in continuing their control over our country.

A recent USA Today newspaper poll showed that those who view the TEA (“taxed enough already”) Party favorably are somewhat wealthier and more educated than the voters at large . . . this despite the lamestream media’s efforts to label all TEA Partiers as uneducated rightwing racist buffoons. In the study, over 50% of those viewing the TEA Party movement favorably were either Independents or Democrats (despite the efforts of Nancy Pelosi to call the movement a “astro-turf” or “fake grassroots” movement created strictly by ultra-right wing Republicans) and Republicans while still the largest single sector in the survey constituted a minority of TEA Party membership and TEA Party advocates.


Kudos to President Obama for the words spoken about his new space agenda as he revealed in his Florida speech today, Far from dismantling the space program, he talked about revitalizing NASA and revealed some very ambitious forward-thinking dreams. Remember this for pennies on the dollar, NASA has been the best investment American Government has ever made. Flat screen TVS; Tang (hee-hee); GPS navigation systems; cell phones; etc. are just 0.1% Too many jobs were at stake. Too much technical advancement was at stake. Too much national pride was at stake. Rajjpuut would, however, advise the president, to replace his own totally-inept NASA supervisory staff or perhaps better yet, eliminate them altogether. Right now his speech amounts to a lot of pretty words only . . . unless competent people are put in charge of things, that’s all they’ll remain pretty words.


Rajjpuut denies that any provable global warming caused by human actions is occurring. Certainly, the recent Climate Gate revelations of global warming fraud by scientists would back up his point of view. However, the huge recent Icelandic volcanic ash clouds that are cancelling flights all over northern Europe may make us wish we REALLY HAD been creating global warming. In past history, volcanic eruptions have severely affected weather and even climate (long-range weather patterns) and caused frigid conditions such as the 1816 “Year without a Summer” also known as “1800 and Froze to Death.”
This nation's oil dependency on the Middle East costs American soldiers dearly. Every time the cost of a gallon of gas increases a dollar the Iranians gain $1.6 Billion from us. Iran is the top exporter of terrorism in the world and designer of some of the worst improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that have endangered, maimed and killed our boys.
Comedian Mark Klein told a crowd that the difference between Obama and terrorist Osama bin Laden is that "one is an anti-capitalist trying to destroy America. The other is hiding in Afghanistan."

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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