As promised, I wanted to take the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently received from our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall via email regarding the alleged take down of America from within.
Letter from Senator Tom Udall:
“From:Senator Tom Udall (
To:Jake Martinez
Date:Friday, November 6, 2020, 10:51 AM MST
November 6, 2020
Dear Mr. Martinez,
This short note is to let you know that I received your message, and that I appreciate knowing about your concerns. As always, I am grateful to you for taking the time to make me aware of matters that are of particular importance to you. I assure you that I will keep your comments in mind.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me. Please feel free to contact me with your concerns regarding any federal issue by visiting my website at For more information, you may also visit my Facebook page at and receive up to the minute updates through my Twitter page at
Very truly yours,
Tom Udall
United States Senator”
End of Letter from Senator Udall
Blog That Contains Initial Letter to Senator Udall:
Follow-up Letter to NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall (Re: Taking down of America from within!)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 30, 2020:
Note: I believe that the following recent articles and videos relate to and/or further support my above letter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall, along with my other recent letters to NM U.S. Senator Heinrich and NM Governor Lujan Grisham-You Decide:
Trump WINS election; Democrats now working overtime to STEAL it by fabricating hundreds of thousands of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin!-Posted on Natural Mike Adams-On November 4, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1385 What the Heck is Happening? - The Dan Bongino Show!-Posted on The Dan Bongino Show-On November 4, 2020:
Video: Coup d’etat, Trump Sets Trap To Expose It All, Patriots Know The Playbook – Episode 2320!-Posted on x22report-On November 4, 2020:
Massive Vote Fraud Across U.S. as Trump Decries Attempted Coup!-Posted on The New American-By Alex Newman-On November 5, 2020:
BREAKING: Intelligence expert Steve Pieczenik claims 2020 election was a “sophisticated sting operation” that has trapped the Democrats in the most massive criminal election fraud in history…!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On November 5, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1386 No More Nice Guy Nonsense - Dan Bongino Show Clips!-Posted on The Dan Bongino Show-On November 5, 2020:
Video: The Sting Operation Has Begun, Trump Knew, Be Ready, EAS On Deck – Episode 2321!-Posted on x22report-On November 5, 2020:
GOP: Dozens of Michigan Counties Used Software That Wrongfully Gave Votes to Democrats!-Posted on Townhall-By Katie Pavlich/ @KatiePavlich-On November 6, 2020:
Michigan GOP: Software that stole 6,000 votes from Trump in one county used in 47 counties!-Posted on Natural News Editors-On November 7, 2020:
BREAKING: “Operation Scorecard” CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state… “glitches” switched votes from Trump to Biden!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On November 6, 2020:
Video: Sidney Powell 11/6/20 w/ Tom Fitton On Lou Dobbs The HAMMER!-Posted on denverflynn-On November 6, 2020:
The media are running a coup against President Trump. Is the GOP in on it?-Posted on Natural News-By News Editors-On November 6, 2020:
Pollak: Seven kinds of election interference, from fraud to censorship!-Posted on Natural News-By News Editors-On November 6, 2020:
The Left Threatens GOP: 'We Have a List' and You'll Never Work Again if You Helped Trump!-Posted on PJ Media-By Victoria Taft-On November 6, 2020:
The fight is unavoidable at this time. Freedom is on the line. We owe these traitors nothing: not respect, not decency, not mercy. We owe them nothing!-Posted on Natural News-By News Editors-On November 6, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1387 No Surrender - The Dan Bongino Show!-Posted on The Dan Bongino Show-On November 6, 2020:
Video: [DS] Is A System, That System Is Our Enemy, Nobody Can Be Told What It Is, They Must See It – Episode 2322!-Posted on x22report-On November 6, 2020:
Dems Use CIA Technology To Rig The Election!-Posted on November 7, 2020:
Alleged Irregularities In Nevada And Pennsylvania Seriously Jeopardize The Entire Election Process!-Posted on November 7, 2020:
The Democrats’ efforts to hide their actions in Pennsylvania will likely lead to President Trump winning Pennsylvania!-Posted on Natural News-By News Editors-On November 7, 2020:
Pollster John McLaughlin Confirms What We’ve Known About Polling All Along!-Posted on November 7, 2020:
Fake news media tries to GASLIGHT America, claims Biden the winner… Trump fires back with ultimate truth: The media doesn’t decide elections!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On November 7, 2020:
‘Networks Don’t Get to Decide Elections, Courts Do’: Giuliani Announces Lawsuit!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Virginia Allen / @Virginia_Allen5-On November 7, 2020:
Video: U.S. Elections-Dems Committed Election Treason – Alex Newman!-Posted on Greg Hunter-On November 7, 2020:
Video: General Flynn 11/7/17 NewsMax America Step Up BIG!-Posted on denverflynn-On November 7, 2020:
Keep the faith – President Trump will win the election based on the Constitution per retired Intel Operative Tony Shaffer!-Posted on Natural News-By News Editors-On November 7, 2020:
STOP THE STEAL RALLIES Planned for Tomorrow (Sat.) EVERY STATE EVERY CAPITOL-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Admin Melony B. DeFord-On November 6, 2020:
Facebook bans “Stop the Steal” page with 350,000 followers trying to expose election fraud!-Posted on Natural News-By Ethan Huff-On November 7, 2020:
Lies, Fraud, and Computer Glitches!-Posted on Cliff Kincaid-On November 8, 2020:
The Theft Of A Nation!-Posted on Roger Anghis-On November 8, 2020:
Game Changer! What You're Seeing Is a Fabricated Media Illusion! There Is No President Elect! Must Watch Video!-Posted on Before It’s News-By James Red Pills America-On November 8, 2020:
Video: Let Your Plans Be Dark As Night, When You Move, Fall Like A Thunderbolt, Drop The Hammer- Ep. 2323!-Posted on x22report-On November 8, 2020:
Illegal Ballots Counted: What About Those House and Senate Seats?-Posted on Devvy Kidd-On November 9, 2020:
America’s Venezuela-style Election Farce!-Posted on Cliff Kincaid-On November 9, 2020:
With election rigging via mail-in ballots, the real purpose of the COVID bioweapon now becomes clear!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On November 8, 2020:
MRC's Bozell: Big Media and Big Tech Stole the 2020 Election!-Posted on Staff-On November 9, 2020:
Video: Trump Team Set to File Lawsuits Over Systemic Voter Fraud: Giuliani outlines the evidence of massive multi-state fraud!-Posted on November 9, 2020:
Video: Sidney Powell: We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots Cast for Joe Biden ONLY – No Down-Ballot Candidates!-Posted on Elizabeth Vaughn-On November 9, 2020:
Three Reasons to Remain Hopeful About Trump’s 2020 Vote Count Challenges!-Posted on Townhall-By Matt Vespa/@mvespa1-On November 9, 2020:
HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On November 9, 2020:
An American Oligarchy: The very election process itself has been delegitimized by those who hate our country!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Arnold Ahlert-On November 9, 2020:
Trump Will Continue Rallies, Plans To Brandish Obituaries Of People Who Allegedly Voted!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Rusty Weiss-On November 9, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1388 Resist - The Dan Bongino Show!-Posted on The Dan Bongino Show-On November 9, 2020:
Video: [JB] Sends The Message, GSA Destroys The MSM Election Call, Trump Counterpunch Coming – Ep. 2324!-Posted on x22report-On November 9, 2020:
Building the Case for Fraud: Stealing an election isn't beneath Democrats, and the president and his team are making the case!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Douglas Andrews-On November 10, 2020:
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT Systems Scientist: Data Analysis Of Voting Fraud In MI Shows 69,000 Votes Were TRANSFERRED From Trump To Biden!-Posted on Before It’s News-By November 10, 2020:
Let the Recounts Begin: Why the election is not over!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Kenneth R. Timmerman-On November 10, 2020:
Rep. Doug Collins Demands Georgia Secretary of State Announce a ‘Full Hand-Count of Every Ballot Cast!’-Posted on Hannah Bleau-On November 10, 2020:
Video: GA Announces FULL Recount by Hand & Audit of Election –– Trump Down by Just 14K Votes!-Posted on BonginoReport-On November 11, 2020:
Media Determined to Ignore Vote Fraud, Dismiss Proof Offered at News Conference!-Posted on The New American-By R. Cort Kirkwood-On November 10, 2020:
McConnell Stands Firm with Trump: Democrats Spent ‘Four Years Refusing to Accept the Validity of the Last Election!’-Posted on Hannah Bleau-On November 10, 2020:
Election Uncertainty Prompts Surge in Gun Sales!-Posted on The New American-By Raven Clabough-On November 10, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1389 Still Resisting - The Dan Bongino Show!-Posted on The Dan Bongino Show-On November 10, 2020:
Video: Trump & Pompeo Confirm Our Way Forward, Propaganda Begins To Dull, Panic Sets In- Ep. 2325!-Posted on x22report-On November 10, 2020:
Pompeo Refers to ‘a Second Trump Administration,’ and Outrage Ensues!-Posted on Patrick Goodenough-On November 11, 2020:
Trump Lawyer: Biden Won't Be President-He Will Be an Inmate!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Admin Dee-On November 11, 2020:
Rev. Graham: America is 'Under Attack' From 'Within,' Socialists Who Want Anarchy in Our Streets!-Posted on Michael W. Chapman-On November 11, 2020:
Florida's DeSantis moves to allow citizens to shoot looters, rioters targeting businesses: Critics argue the law would allow for armed citizens to become vigilantes!-Posted on Fox News-By Caitlin McFall | Fox News-On November 10, 2020:
Message to Trump: We are willing to put our lives on the line to protect YOU and this constitutional republic… just say the word!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On November 9, 2020:
Lawsuit: Out-of-State Vehicles Brought Tens of Thousands of Unsealed Ballots to Michigan, All for Dems!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On November 10, 2020:
Republican Attorneys Make Supreme Court Move in Support of Trump's Election Challenge!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Jack Davis-On November 10, 2020:
CAUGHT! Election data analyzed, producing detailed list of over 500,000 votes SWITCHED from Trump to Biden via voting machine software theft, with heavy fraud focused on swing states!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On November 11, 2020:
BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Confirms “Dominion” Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward!-Posted on Gateway Pundit-By Jim Hoft-On November 11, 2020:
USPS Election Whistleblower: 'I Did Not Recant!'-Posted on PJ Media-By Megan Fox-On November 11, 2020:
Tucker Carlson: Only 'dictatorships' tell people to accept an election outcome: 'Force doesn't work in a democracy!'-Posted on WND Staff-On November 10, 2020:
Kayleigh McEnany Predicts Election Lawsuits Will Hit Supreme Court As She Fires Back At Fox News!-Posted on The Political Insider-By Rusty Weiss-On November 11, 2020:
America Is Worse Than Communist Venezuela!-Posted on Cliff Kincaid-On November 11, 2020:
Jon Voight: ‘These Leftists Are Evil, Corrupt, and They Want to Tear Down This Nation!’-Posted on Ben Kew-On November 11, 2020:
Video: Tucker Carlson Tonight 11/10/2020 Full | Tucker Carlson November 10, 2020!-Posted on Today Talkz-On November 11, 2020:
Video: Glenn SNAPS Over Dem Corruption: ‘It’s Not OVER!’ | Glenn TV!-Posted on BlazeTV-On November 11, 2020:
Video: Donald Trump gave us a gift no other Republican could!-Posted on November 11, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1390 The Swamp Doubles Down - The Dan Bongino Show!-Posted on The Dan Bongino Show-On November 11, 2020:
Video: The [DS]/MSM Start To Shift Their Narrative, Dark Winter, The World Is Watching – Ep. 2326!-Posted on x22report-On November 11, 2020:
Giuliani: Evidence of Voter Fraud “Pouring in at an Overwhelming Pace: "CROOKED DEMOCRATS!"-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On November 12, 2020:
Leftists Embrace Enemy Lists: Americans will "unify" under the Left's totalitarian banner ... or else!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Arnold Ahlert-On November 12, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1391 The Left Wants Revenge - The Dan Bongino Show!-Posted on The Dan Bongino Show-On November 12, 2020:
TRUMP BOMBSHELL: Dominion software deleted over 2.7 million votes nationwide, switched over 500,000 from Trump to Biden!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On November 12, 2020:
Video: Rig For Red, Patriots Begin Operation, Attempted To Alter Our Election & Got Caught – Ep. 2327!-Posted on x22report-On November 12, 2020:
Giuliani alleges there is enough UNLAWFUL ballots to turn election in Trump’s favor!-Posted on Sara Carter-On November 12, 2020:
The Law Is There’s No Presidential Transition Until Congress Certifies the Election: The Democrats made the rules, but they don’t want to live by them!-Posted on Front Page Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On November 13, 2020:
Video: Ep. 1392 Explosive Revelations About The Election - The Dan Bongino Show!-Posted on The Dan Bongino Show-On November 13, 2020:
Video: Durham! Sometimes You Must Walk Through The Darkness Before You See The Light – Ep. 2328!-Posted on x22report-On November 13, 2020:
No Longer the Democratic Party of JFK!-Posted on The Daily Signal-By Star Parker / @UrbanCURE-On November 13, 2020:
Pics/Vids: ‘Million MAGA March’ Trump supporters flood DC streets and plazas!-Posted on American Military News-By Ryan Morgan-On November 14, 2020:
Please Read Part 2:
Response from NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall (Re: Taking down of America from within!) (Part 2)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 15, 2020:
Note: I believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed on the following recent thought-provoking blog relates to and/or further supports my above recent letter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall-You Decide:
Path To Revolution - What you are not being told!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By USA 4ME-On July 26, 2020:
Note: I also believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed in my above recent letter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall, along the above recent articles, videos and blog relates to and/or is further supported by the disturbing information revealed on my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:
Brainwashed the DocuMovie Part One!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 17, 2021:
Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (Re: Taking down of America from within!)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 30, 2020:
Follow-up Letter to NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (Re: Taking down of America from within!)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 30, 2020:
Letter to NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (Re: Taking down of America from within!)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 27, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106VV)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 27, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106UU)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 24, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106QQ)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 18, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 106GG)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On July 3, 2020:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 104)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 16, 2019:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 105)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-August 14, 2019:
The Most Dangerous and Treacherous Times in U.S. History! (Part 91)-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2018:
CIA Assessment Concludes Putin Was Trying to Help Trump Win White House!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On December 10, 2016:
Vote Fraud – What They Aren’t Telling You!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 7, 2012:
Where is America Today?-Posted on May 26, 2010:
Theme and Disclaimer of January 26, 2010:
Note: The following videos wholeheartedly share my sentiments regarding what we are currently experiencing in America today-You Decide:
A Republic, If You Can Keep It!
When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!
“Food for Thought”
Hello: Are Americans Going To Wake Up and Take A Stand Against Treasonous Traitors That Are Doing Their Utmost To Destroy Our Country/Republic From Within?-God Bless America!