When President Obama decided to announce in May his embrace of gay marriage he opened the gate for his political sideline gay supporters and liberal like-minded non-profit funders to weed out organizations that support traditional family values. They zeroed their targets on the Boy Scouts, because of its refusal to cave in to the demands of liberals and gay activists to change their traditional values and biblically-based beliefs.
This was not unique for the organization to stand firm on its 100 plus year-old legacy. In fact it took a June 28th, 2000 "Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale" decision from the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the Boy Scouts of America’s right of freedom of association . The decision sanctioned the group’s right to set its own standards for both membership as well as leadership.
But with a wink and a nod from President Obama’s embrace of gay marriage in May of this year, the liberal gay activists were emboldened to decimate the Boy Scouts’ legal Supreme Court constitutionally supported rights. They moved with all deliberate speed to defund organizations, and set their eyes on Cleveland, Ohio’s 100 year old plus organization.
On Tuesday, September 25th, the United Way of Greater Cleveland notified the Greater Cleveland Council of the Boy Scouts of America (GCC) that their $97,251 funding was going to be stripped. This vindictive action would affect 16,000 youth that are served in Cuyahoga and Summit Counties in the Cleveland area, according to the GCC.
Not only that, but, this defunding would critically and adversely, affect the lives of 1,500 at risk low income children in the City of Cleveland, admitted Boy Scout program aide Wardell Cooper, to WKYC-TV News, on Tuesday, September 25th. Cooper, himself, has increased Boy Scout participation in his area of Cleveland from 9 scouts to dozens. That translates into dozens of kids with new hope, who are off of the street and involved in constructive community activities.
The overriding mandated objective of the gay rights agenda is crystal clear to parents of boy scouts and to their supporters. To receive funding, the organization must both abandon their moral principles and adopt the new liberal order or the funder will decimate the children’s future… constitution or no constitution. So there you have it, As of June 30th, 2013, the United Way of Greater Cleveland will eliminate and potentially decimate the opportunity of children, and especially those in many Cleveland urban neighborhoods.
Where are the civil rights advocates from the churches and from the neighborhoods and from the state or the nation who will fight for the children who were engaged in decent law abiding activities? Certainly no support will be forthcoming from the NAACP.
The NAACP has already been bought and sold and peddled their credibility down the river. This summer the organization’s 64-member board adopted a resolution to support gay marriage and tie it to rights guaranteed blacks by the 14th Amendment. So as one can see, the children do not have an advocate in an organization that has sold the children’s future out for 30 pieces of silver from Obama and his gay rights supporters.
But this is the time for parents and advocates of constitutionally protected freedom of association to stand firm! They have to support not only these young boy scouts, but all children who are being forced
Don't bother writing the national UW office. Each local board makes their own funding decisions
I stopped giving to the United Way 25 years ago even though Verizon pushed it on people. I like to KNOW what MY money is going to support!
Cleveland United Way
1331 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(216) 436-2100
Here you go...
Boy Scouts of America
2241 Woodland Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(216) 861-6060
Are you me kidding me? I stopped giving to the united way because of someting like this in the 70s
If they dont like it maybe they should stop being like the a a r p, radical liberal agenda
Maybe besides providing the Boy Scout address, it might be a good idea if anyone knows the the address of United Way Headquarters we could drop them a line also.
Mark that is the best idea yet. I stopped giving to the United Way years ago when I was still working because I could not support them any longer in good conscience.
When United Way organization stop funding the Boys Scouts is when I stop giving to them. We all should stop funding the United Way groups because they do not believe in civil rights, but give in to the Bullies of the Gay movement. I rather not have the United Way funding the Boy Scouts. Those us who believe in the same values and beliefs of the Boys Scouts should give what we have given to United Way in the past directly to the Boy Scouts now. I earned my Eagle Scout in 1969. When I say what happened beginning in 2000 and 2001 with the United Way groups throughout the country eliminating funding for the Boy Scouts is when I stop giving to the United Way locally. By the way Girl Scouts do accept Gays.
Gayism is a perversion of nature just think what would happen to mankind if everyone were gay ?
Stop forcing your gay views, to the point of destroying an organization, on people who don't agree with you. If the gays are so intent on having gays in the boy scouts they should have a gay boy or girl scout organization.
I had supported United Way until they started this nonsense. A simple fact check of the CEO's hefty annual salary (last reported to be $717,076 annually including a base salary of $415,613 as verified on Snopes) should give anyone pause as to where their money is going.