In support of the upcoming 70th anniversary of the United Nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Republican Politician Barry Donadio took action by raising awareness for human rights.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drafted in 1948 with the assistance of none other than Eleanor Roosevelt. Since then it has been a foundation of what has been agreed to and is expected regarding every persons rights.
Barry Donadio is a strong supporter of the United States Constitution and also supports the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights for all the people in the world.
Donadio stated that he agrees with the United Nations in the belief that the declaration inspires us to continue working to ensure all people can gain freedom, equality and dignity.
“I am very proud to support this declaration for the good of all people” said Donadio.
Donadio participated in a total of three United Nations videos that show him reciting various articles of the declaration as an inspiration to others.

Barry Donadio United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 10

Barry Donadio United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 28

Barry Donadio United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 4
Giovanna Alexandrina Donadio who is the 13 year old daughter of Barry Donadio, was also seen in a video supporting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Donadio said that he was so proud of his daughter for taking a stance for all humans by speaking out appearing in the United Nations video.

Giovanna Alexandrina Donadio United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 20.
Barry Donadio also took the human rights pledge which reads:
- I will respect your rights regardless of who you are. I will uphold your rights even when I disagree with you
- When anyone’s human rights are denied, everyone’s rights are undermined, so I will STAND UP
- I will raise my voice. I will take action. I will use my rights to stand up for your rights.
Another 14,157 other people globally have also taken the pledge.
December 10th 2018, will mark the 70th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Donadio is asking for your help by spreading the word and supporting the declaration.
#standup4humanrights #barrydonadio #republican #MDGOP #queenannescounty #maryland #donadio #unitednations #UDHR #UN