Please Read Part 32:











Was Texas and other states deliberately targeted? (Part 32)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 4, 2022:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  I believe that the disturbing information revealed on the following recent articles, podcasts and videos relates to and/or further supports the information contained in my above blog, along with my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:


IMPORTANT VIDEO: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Opening Statements – Grand Jury, the Court of Public Opinion!-Posted on Sarah Westall-On February 6, 2022:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich gives an opening statement summarizing the findings of the court. This is an important video that needs to be shared far and wide. Computer generated transcription of this video in full is below. A professionally transcribed version (more accurate) is being completed now and will be added to this post soon…

It is worth noting that the United Nations International Court, and any other “recognized” court, is controlled by these same tyrants Dr. Fuellmich is referring to in this video. This is why only the courts controlled by the “WE THE PEOPLE” will be able to take back control of this situation. We have international rights to form our own common law courts and to hold tyrants accountable. The International Common Law Court of Justice is one that has made significant progress and it is not controlled by the globalist tyrants. Please see the latest post on the $10,000 rewards by the ICLCJ court. It is important to know that this court has provided tools for citizens of the world to use immediately. 


Full Transcript:

Introduction: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, attorney-at-law in Germany, for an overview.

Thank you. Good afternoon. My name is Reiner Fuellmich, and it is my pleasure to serve as one member of a group of distinguished international attorneys and lawyers who have been collaborating on this very important case for many months now.

This case, involving the most heinous crimes against humanity committed under the guise of a Corona pandemic on a global scale, looks complicated only at first glance. But when you put together all those pieces, all those little pieces of the puzzle as we will do this for you, with the help of many renowned experts and other witnesses during this proceeding, you will see four sets of facts.

One. There is no Corona pandemic, but only a PCR test plandemic fueled by an elaborate psychological operation designed to create a constant state of panic among the world’s population. This agenda has been long planned. It’s ultimately unsuccessful precursor was the swine flu, some 12 years ago.

And it was cooked up by a group of super rich, psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy, and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world. They are using our governments and the mainstream media, both of which they literally own, to convey their panic propaganda 24/7.

Two. The virus itself can be treated safely and effectively with vitamin C, D, zinc, et cetera, and also with off-label use of ivermectin hydroxychloroquine, et cetera. But all these, not alternative methods of treatment but real methods of treatment, were banned by those who are using the guise of this plandemic to push their ultimate goal, which is to get everyone to receive the, as we will show in this proceeding, not only ineffective but highly dangerous, yes, lethal, experimental injections.

Three. The same people who made the swine flu, which ultimately turned out to be a mild flu, into a pandemic 12 years ago, by first changing the definition of what a pandemic is, and then creating panic, created this Corona pandemic. The swine flu was their first real attempt at creating a pandemic.

And just as one of its purposes then, was to divert our attention from the blatantly fraudulent activities of their financial industry, more aptly to be called a financial mafia, which had become visible through the Lehman crisis, this is also one of their major purposes of this Corona plandemic, now.

Another Speaker:

An enactment of a criminal grand jury against some of the perpetrators-

Had we taken a closer look then, during the Lehman crisis, instead of blindly believing our government’s promises that the perpetrators of those financial crimes will be held liable, we would’ve seen then that they had been looting and plundering our public coffers for decades. And we would’ve seen that our governments are not our governments anymore.

Rather, they have been taken over by the other side, through their main platform, the World Economic Forum, which had started to create their own global leaders through their Young Global Leaders program as early as 1992, two of the first graduates being Angela Merkel and Bill Gates. And we would’ve understood already then, what we will show you now through this proceeding, these financial crimes went unchallenged by our politicians because they’re aiding and abetting those who commit them and profiting from these crimes.

Four. Ultimately however, we will show to you, the jury, that the other side’s main purpose is to gain full and complete control over all of us. This involves the finalization of their looting and plundering by deliberately destroying our small and medium size businesses, retail businesses, hotel and restaurants, so that platforms such as Amazon can take over.

And this involves population control, which in their view requires both a massive reduction of the population and manipulating the DNA of the remaining population with the help, for example, of mRNA experimental injections.

But it also requires in their view, the deliberate destruction of democracy, of the rule of law and of our constitutions through chaos, so that ultimately we will agree to losing our national and cultural identities, and instead will accept a one world government under the UN, which is now under the full control of them and their World Economic Forum. A digital passport through which each and every move is monitored and controlled, and one digital currency, which we will only be able to receive from one world bank, theirs, of course.

At the conclusion of the case and after you have heard all the evidence, we are confident that you will recommend indictments against all six putative figurehead defendants, Christian Drosten of Germany, Anthony Fauci of the United States, Tedros of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, BlackRock and Pfizer.

Ladies and gentlemen, this case is about a long planned agenda of a group of ultra-rich people and their financial mafia, based in the City of London and on Wall Street, to use a pseudo-pandemic as a guise behind which, while our attention is on the pandemic, they want to complete their decades-long efforts to gain full and complete control over all of us.

There are numerous platforms on which this group has been meeting and discussing this agenda, but the most important one is that of the World Economic Forum, which was invented in 1971 by a then 33 year old Klaus Schwab. Its members are a 1000 global corporations with at least $5 billion in annual sales, politicians, media representatives, scientists, and other so-called high profile personality. They meet once a year in Davos, but there are other such meetings, for example, in China.

And since 1992, they have created and presented to us their own group of political leaders for the world. Among the first graduates, as I mentioned before, are Angela Merkel and Bill Gates in 1992. Others are Sebastian Kurz, up until recently chancellor of Austria, Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada, Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New Zealand, Francois Macron, president of France, and many, many more.

This group, which is now called the Davos clique is openly, the publication, The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, is one of the most important sources for this information, promoting the shifting of the world’s assets to this group of super rich people, so that in 2030 ordinary people will own nothing and be happy, as it explicitly states there, under their one world government with a digital currency given to us by their one world bank.

And they’re also openly promoting in close cooperation with people like the putative defendant, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers and others, the drastic reduction of the world’s population and the manipulation of the remaining population’s DNA, all the way into transhumanism.

Their most important goal is however, the controlled, by them of course, implosion of the completely looted financial system and simultaneous introduction of a digital currency issued by one world bank controlled by them. And just as important, the introduction of a world government under the UN, which has come under their full control in 2019.

For this purpose, they have made concrete plans for this Corona plandemic, since at least the spring of 2001, Operation Dark Winter, followed by another such rehearsal, the Lockstep Exercise by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010. Finally, Event 201 in October 2019 in New York at a concert [crosstalk 00:08:38].

These experts will tell us how right from the start, members of the jury, we will call a number of different, highly renowned, expert witnesses from all walks of science, but also witnesses who will testify to the damage that they suffered as a result of getting the experimental injections in this trial.

After our opening statements, we will start off in a week from now, by calling a former member of the US military, James Bush, who participated in Operation Dark Winter in 2001, former members of the British intelligence services, Brian Garisch and Alex Thompson, and investigative journalists, Whitney Webb and Matthew Erit, former World Health Organization employees and advisors, Dr. Sylvia Barendt and Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger.

They will explain to us the historical and geopolitical background of what we are confronted with, and they will show to us how this agenda has been planned for at least 20 years, starting with Operation Dark Winter in 2001, and some 10 years later, the Lockstep scenario by the Rockefeller Foundation, ending with the dress rehearsal, Event 201, in October 2019.

And the end they will explain how, when there were no cases which they needed to declare a public health emergency of international concern, they created them by having defendant, Drosten, invent the story of asymptomatic infections which don’t exist, and how this PCR test can detect through mass screening of perfectly healthy people, those who are infected. A lie, as we will show.

We will continue with the next group of witnesses, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an experienced lung specialist and former member of the German Bundestag and the Council of Europe, who managed to expose the other side’s first attempt at a pandemic, the swine flu of 12 years ago, as a mild flu. Professor Ulrike Kammerer, a biologist from Wurzburg University. Dr. Mike Eaton, former vice president of Pfizer. Dr. Sylvia Barendt, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, professor Dolores Cahill of Dublin University. Professor Antonietta Gatti from Italy. Professor Berkholtz from Germany.

These experts will explain to us what is behind the legend of the Wuhan wet market outbreak. They will show that the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu. The PCR test cannot tell us anything about infections, but is the only basis for all anti-Corona measures, including the ultimate measure, the so-called vaccines and the so-called vaccines are not only ineffective, but extremely dangerous.

Regardless of the natural or manmade origin of the virus, our immune system is perfectly well capable of dealing with the virus, as evidenced by an infection fatality rate of between 0.14 and 0.15, or even less, percent. There was no excess mortality anywhere until the experimental injections started. There were not even any cases in early 2020.

However, they needed cases in order to declare a public health emergency of international concern as this was the only basis on which it would be possible, according to their own made up rules, which all governments of the member states of the World Health Organization had agreed to, to use untested new drugs, the experimental injections, on people.

After a first failed attempt at announcing this public health emergency of international concern, because there were no cases, they tried again in late January 2020 after they had created cases with the help of that now infamous Drosten PCR test, and announced this public health emergency of international concern, two weeks later. We will hear from these experts that these cases were almost all false positive test results, nothing else.

The next group of experts are Dr. Thomas Binder from Switzerland, Dr. Brian Artis from Texas, Dr. Shankara Chetty from South Africa and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg from Germany, and John O’Looney, undertaker from England. These experts will tell us how right from the start we were witnessing a deliberate, completely senseless banning of normal, effective, and safe methods of treatment of respiratory diseases, and instead, a mandate of treatments that must now be considered serious medical malpractice. Intubation, Remdesivir, Midazolam.

John O’Looney will explain how he first, believing the other side’s allegations about a pandemic, even helped the BBC in pushing their panic propaganda until he realized, how under the guise of the pandemic, people were intentionally being killed.

We will then call the next group of experts, including professor Alexandra [Oriencourt 00:13:51] from France, Dr. Mike Eaton, professor Sucharit Bhakdi from Germany, professor Luc Montagnier from France, Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Kruger from Germany, Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine technique from the US, and professor Anna Burkhardt, pathologist, from Germany.

They will show us, that while the virus did not cause any excess mortality, it has a survival rate of 99.97%, the shots are now killing people and have been causing excess mortality of up to 40% since September, as a result of a poisoning with a spike protein and of shutting off our immune system.

Dr. Mike Eaton will tell us how a group of scientists has even found concrete evidence that the makers of the vaccines are experimenting with lethal dosages to see how the lethal side effects can be manipulated in such a way that the population will not immediately understand what is happening.

The next group of experts will explain to us how it could have come to this. This group includes professor Matias Desmond from Belgium, Dr. [Aryan Billerand 00:15:03] from France, Dr. Meredith Miller from the US, professor Harald Walach from Germany and Stephan Cohen, employee of the German department of the interior.

These experts will walk us through how the other side, after having established the public health emergency of international concern, in quick succession introduced us to the lockdown, the nonsensical and dangerous mask mandates, and the very harmful, both physically and psychologically, social distancing, until they arrived at their ultimate goal, the ineffective and dangerous, even lethal, injections.

And they will explain to us in detail how our acquiescence to all this was made possible through a gigantic psychological operation whose panic message we kept receiving through the mainstream medias and our politicians, both owned by the other side, relentless propaganda.

The next group of experts includes Leslie Manukian, a former investment banker from the US, Naomi Wolfe, journalist and author from the US, Ernst Wolfe, a German economist, professor Christian Kreiss, German economist, professor Holger Reichel, a German economist, and Marcus Kroll, a German economist.

This part of the proceeding will have these experts explained to us in great detail about the intentional destruction of our economies, and how the other side is working on a controlled crash of the financial system to both get away with the crimes that they have already committed over the past decades, looting and plundering our public coffers until there’s nothing left, and to introduce a one world bank and digital currency, plus digital passport.

The final group of experts include Matthew Erit, an investigative journalist from Canada, Vera Scheraff, a Holocaust survivor, Ilana Rachel Daniel from Israel, rabbi Smith from New York, Patrick Wood, an expert on technocracy, from the US, Avita Livney from Israel.

This final part of the investigation will have these experts tell us how an important part of the other side’s agenda has to do with population control, or rather, eugenics. After World War II, eugenics had a bad name. Julian Huxley, who founded the UNESCO said, but he, and the very large group of people who supported the idea of eugenics, would soon be able to continue with their efforts in this direction, he openly explained.

The parallels between what happened then, 80 years ago, and what is happening now shall not be ignored. Vera Scheraff will remind us of this. After you have heard all the evidence, we have no doubt that you will recommend indictments against all our putative defendants for crimes against humanity. Thank you.

Continue Reading: 

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  What follows are videos of the ongoing International Grand Jury (The Court of Public Opinion) sessions that were revealed on the above recent thought-provoking article and video contained therein by Sarah Westall-You Decide: 


Video: Grand Jury | Day 1 (English)!-Posted on Odysee-By Grand Jury/@GrandJury-On February 5, 2022:


Video: Grand Jury Court of Public Opinion – Day 2: Historical Background!- Posted on Alexandra Bruce | February 15, 2022:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  I believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed on the above recent thought-provoking article and video contained therein by Sarah Westall, along with videos of the ongoing International Grand Jury sessions that follow said article relates to and/or is further supported by the information revealed on the following recent thought-provoking articles and videos-You Decide:

Dr. Zelenko - We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It

Flashback: Video: Dr. Zelenko – We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It!-Posted on x22report-On October 30, 2021:

Dr. Zelenko - We Are Living Through A Global Bio Weapon Attack, People Have The Cure To Fight It

Flashback: Video: Dr. Zelenko – [DS]/Big Pharma Hid The Cures From We The People, Choice Has Been Made, Collapse!-Posted on x22report-On January 8, 2022:

Flashback: The Pandemic: What Really Happened?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Mike Latham, ©2022-On January 21, 2022:


Flashback: Video: Dr. David Martin: Exposing The Coup D'Etat & The Plot to Steal America! - Must Video!-Posted on Before It’s News-By John Rolls (Reporter)-On January 24, 2022:

Archbishop Viganò Calls Out Catholic Leaders Who Use COVID Vaccines to Work Toward Great Reset, New World Order

Archbishop Viganò Calls Out Catholic Leaders Who Use COVID Vaccines to Work Toward Great Reset, New World Order!-Posted on The New American-By C. Mitchell Shaw-On February 4, 2022:


Video: The Great Reset | “Humans are hackable animals, free will is over?” - Professor Yuval Noah Harari!-Posted on Thrivetime Show-On February 7, 2022:


Video: Attorney Tom Renz has More Incredible DoD Whistleblower Data and Bombshell Fraud Info!-Posted on Sarah Westall-On February 2, 2022:

400,000 Vaxx Abortions: Military Data Confirms 300% Increase In Miscarriages

Video: 400,000 Vaxx Abortions: Military Data Confirms 300% Increase In Miscarriages!-Posted on The Stew Peters Show-By Stew Peters Show-On February 2, 2022:

A member of the U.S. Air Force receives the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea, on Dec. 29, 2020. (U.S. Air Force/Jordan Garner)

EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon Responds to DoD Whistleblowers’ Claim of Spiking Disease Rates in the Military After COVID Vaccine Mandate!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Enrico Trigoso-On February 4, 2022:

Case Filed In Court Challenging Authorization And Misbranding Of Vax

Video: Case Filed In Court Challenging Authorization And Misbranding Of Vax!-Posted on Bannons War Room-On February 5, 2022:

2021 Military Medical Stats Released: HAS DATA BEEN MANIPULATED TO HIDE COVID-19 VACCINE INJURIES?-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On February 5, 2022:

Regarding the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database Data Dump: Database artifact, smoking gun, or something in between?-Posted on Robert W Malone MD, MS-On February 5, 2022:


DMED DATA Reveals Incredibly Disturbing Spikes in Vaccine Injuries Across the Board!-Posted on Sarah Westall-On February 6, 2022:

Image: DoD, NIH caught changing data after whistleblowers expose covid “vaccine” fraud

DoD, NIH caught changing data after whistleblowers expose covid “vaccine” fraud!-Posted on Natural News-By Ethan Huff-On February 7, 2022:

Navy SEALs perform Advanced Cold Weather training to experience the physical stress of the environment and how their equipment will operate, or even sound, in adverse conditions in Kodiak, Alaska on December 14, 2003. (Photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Eric S. Logsdon/U.S. Navy via Getty Images)

Navy SEAL Candidate Dies, 2nd Hospitalized After ‘Hell Week!’-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On February 6, 2022:


Video: Military Lawyer | Genetic changes from COVID vaccines are creating a new human 'species!'-Posted on Brand New Tube-By Kristall-On February 5, 2022:

Video: The Transhumanism Agenda of Klaus Schwab & Dr. Yuval Noah Harari. When free will died!-Posted on February 7, 2022:

Nuremberg Code and the COVID-19 “Vaccines!”-Posted on Paul Engel-On February 7, 2022:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  I believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed on the above recent thought-provoking article and video contained therein by Sarah Westall and the videos of the ongoing International Grand Jury sessions, along with the thought-provoking articles and videos that followed said article and videos relates to and/or is further supported by the extremely disturbing information revealed on the following recent thought-provoking articles and videos-You Decide:

A general view of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention headquarters in Atlanta on Sept. 30, 2014. (Tami Chappell/Reuters)

CDC Signals Changes to COVID-19 Vaccine Schedule, in Part to Address Heart Inflammation!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Zachary Stieber-On February 6, 2022:

More Important Ivermectin Study Results: Plus- prescribing drugs "off label' is important, and the "emergency" is over!-Posted on Robert W Malone MD, MS-On February 6, 2022: 

Health Secretary Xavier Becerra testifies to Congress in Washington on June 10, 2021. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

16 States File New Challenge to Biden Administration’s Health Care Worker COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Zachary Stieber-On February 5, 2022: 

No internet, bad food and dirty rooms: Olympic athletes struggle in COVID quarantine!-Posted on NPR-By Jaclyn Diaz-On February 6, 2022:

World leaders will soon join Olympic athletes already hospitalised in Beijing

Video: World leaders will soon join Olympic athletes already hospitalised in Beijing!-Posted on Bannons War Room-On February 5, 2022:

China Olympics Disaster: Ratings Crater as Reporter Dragged Off Camera by Authorities On-Air!-Posted on The Western Journal-By C. Douglas Golden-On February 5, 2022:


Video: Criminal Charles Lieber, Harvards Chief Transhumanist: Paid by China w/ Maryam Henein (1of2)!-Posted on Sarah Westall-On February 5, 2022:


Video: Criminal Charles Lieber, Harvards Chief Transhumanist: Paid by China w/ Maryam Henein (2of2)!-Posted on Sarah Westall-On February 8, 2022:

Thousands Converge in Ottawa as Trucker Convoy Protest Enters Week 2

Thousands Converge in Ottawa as Trucker Convoy Protest Enters Week 2!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Limin Zhou-On February 5, 2022:

Getting Out of ‘Scare-City!’-Posted on Rob Pue-On February 6, 2022:

Trump Just Set The Stage For Election Fraud, An Informed Public Threatens Those In Power

Video: Trump Just Set The Stage For Election Fraud, An Informed Public Threatens Those In Power – Ep. 2695 (Mark: 14:34-32:34)!-Posted on x22report-On February 6, 2022:







NIH Spent Billions Supporting Research in China Including Its Biowarfare Program!-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By Townhall-On February 6, 2022:

If GOP Takes Senate, Fauci Will Be in a World of Trouble, Rand Paul Says!-Posted on The Western Journal-By C. Douglas Golden-On February 4, 2022:


Video: COVID-19: The Final Nail in the Vaccine Coffin!-Posted on Information Warfare-On February 6, 2022:


Poison center doctor warns parents about chemical in some at-home COVID-19 tests!-Posted on KOB News-By Colton Shone-On February 7, 2022:

Maskless Obama Inspects His Multimillion-Dollar Oceanfront Property as Blue-Collar Workers Have to Mask!-Posted on The Western Journal-By Samantha Chang-On February 7, 2022:


Finland’s Hockey Coach Accuses China of Violating Player’s Human Rights with 18-Day COVID Isolation!-Posted on Warner Todd Huston-On February 6, 2022:

Americans are Pulling the Plug on China's Genocide Games!-Posted on FrontPage Magazine-By Daniel Greenfield-On February 7, 2022:


Truckers to Big Tech: Go Fund Yourself: Despite the Left’s concerted efforts to shut them down, the Canadian truckers dug in their 18 wheels!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Douglas Andrews-On February 7, 2022:

GiveSendGo CEO Sends Gateway Pundit Exclusive Statement: Fundraising Platform Sees MASSIVE Surge in Traffic and One Million in Donations to Canadian Truckers in 12 Hours! – Relentless DDOS Bot Attacks!-Posted on The Gateway Pundit-By Jim Hoft-On February 5, 2022:

Episode 1,254 – The Eve of 9/11

Video: The Canadian Trucker Is Backed By Solid Science!-Posted on Bannons War Room-On February 7, 2022:

Image: Biden regime to FABRICATE war with Russia in order to TERRORIZE the American people

Biden regime to FABRICATE war with Russia in order to TERRORIZE the American people!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On February 7, 2022:

When Does Big Pharma Make Money, Curing Or Containing, Justice Is Coming

Video: When Does Big Pharma Make Money, Curing Or Containing, Justice Is Coming – Ep. 2696 (Mark: 18:53-46:45)!-Posted on x22report-On February 7, 2022:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security logo

Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland!-Posted on Homeland Security ( February 7, 2022:

U.S. Department of Homeland Security emblem is pictured at the National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) located just outside Washington in Arlington, Va., on Sept. 24, 2010. (Hyungwon Kang/Reuters)

Biden DHS Declares Heightened Terrorism Threat!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Jack Phillips-On February 8, 2022:

Episode 1,254 – The Eve of 9/11

Video: Dr. Naomi Wolf Responds to Claims of Domestic Terrorism!-Posted on Bannons War Room-On February 8, 2022:

Mike Lindell on DHS Bulletin: “It’s Disgusting”

Video: Mike Lindell on DHS Bulletin: “It’s Disgusting!”-Posted on Bannons War Room-On February 8, 2022:

Episode 1,254 – The Eve of 9/11

Video: No Scare Tactic Will Stop The MAGA Movement!-Posted on Bannons War Room-On February 8, 2022:

Image: Murdered government whistleblower warned in 1995 about global depopulation using engineered bioweapons, followed by planetary-scale extermination of the human race

Murdered government whistleblower warned in 1995 about global depopulation using engineered bioweapons, followed by planetary-scale extermination of the human race!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On February 8, 2022:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  I believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed on the above recent thought-provoking article by Mike Adams relates to and/or is further supported by the disturbing information revealed on my following blog from the recent past-You Decide:


New Twist To New World Order Agenda!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On March 2, 2013:


ESPN, NBC Straddle the Fence on Genocide: The utter folly of trying to appease the CCP in presenting the Olympics is treacherous!-Posted on The Patriot Post-By Emmy Griffin-On February 8, 2022:

Canada 'Freedom Convoy': Ottawa police arrest 7, threaten charges for others caught bringing fuel to truckers: Ottawa police say more than 100 have been issued tickets in connection to the protest!-Posted on Fox News-By Danielle Wallace | Fox News-On February 7, 2022:


Trudeau Government Vows to Criminally Target American Donors Supporting Freedom Protest for “Undermining National Security”!-Posted on The Conservative Treehouse-By Sundance-On February 7, 2022:


SOS Freedom Convoy Under Attack – Urgent Late Night Conference Held on 2-7-22!-Posted on Sarah Westall-On February 8, 2022:

Episode 1,254 – The Eve of 9/11

Video: Dr Alexander: they want to blindly trust the science!-Posted on Bannons War Room-On February 8, 2022:


Is Justin Trudeau Fidel Castro's Son?-Posted on The Daily Night-By David Martin | The Daily Knight-On February 1, 2022:

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe speaks at a press conference in Regina on Dec. 9, 2020. (The Canadian Press/Michael Bell)

Saskatchewan to End Vaccine Mandates on Feb. 13: Masking will no longer be required starting March 1!-Posted on The Epoch Times-By Andrew Chen-On February 8, 2022:

Video: BREAKING: CANADA VS TYRANTS / AMERICA VS TERRORISTS!-Posted on Jeffrey Prather, MAJ, USA (Ret)-On February 8, 2022:

Trump Just Sent A Message, We Got What We Needed, There Is No Step [5], Thanks For Playing

Video: Trump Just Sent A Message, We Got What We Needed, There Is No Step [5], Thanks For Playing – Ep. 2697 (Mark: 19:29-36:27)!-Posted on x22report-On February 8, 2022:


Be the Resistance of the Kill Shot!-Posted on Sarah Westall, October 14, 2021:


Keep from getting sick –very important if you have received the mRNA shot or are around anyone who has received the shot (PDF)!-Posted on Sarah Westall, September 17, 2021:


Zelenko Protocols Against Covid-19:


Zelenko Protocol (PDF): 

Austere Enviroment Medical/Antibiotics Resource:

In The Age Of Medical Tyranny, Here’s What You Need To Know To Protect Your Loved Ones (Patient Advocacy)

In The Age Of Medical Tyranny, Here’s What You Need To Know To Protect Your Loved Ones (Patient Advocacy): Don't leave the hospitals in charge of the tough decisions for your family members!-Posted on Red Voice Media-By Leah Anaya-On January 15, 2022:

Do NOT Quit Your Job If Forced To Take The Vaxx! Here’s What You Should Do Instead!

Do NOT Quit Your Job If Forced To Take The Vaxx! Here’s What You Should Do Instead!-Posted on Three Percenter Nation-By Danielle Marie-On September 19, 2021:


Ready to Fight Back? List of Attorneys willing to Provide Legal Guidance Against Mandates!-Posted on Sarah Westall, September 12, 2021:



What They Just Leaked About Vaccine Attorneys Will Be A True Game Changer!

What They Just Leaked About Vaccine Attorneys Will Be A True Game Changer!-Posted on Three Percenter Nation-By Danielle Marie-On September 10, 2021: 

Advocacy Guide!-Posted on National Vaccine Information Center:

Vaccine resources:

Truth for Health Foundation: A 501(c)(3) public charity incorporated in Arizona, USA:


Covid-19 Resources: Medical, Legal, Forms, Jobs & Other Critical Information!-Posted on September 15, 2021:

Azure Customer Support:

Military Freedom Keepers: Military Jab Resources!-Posted on Camp Site Bio:

Clay Clark

Video: Don't Want to Take the RNA-Modifying COVID-19 Vaccines? Is Hiring!-Posted on Clay Clark-On October 15, 2021:

Clay Clark

Video: Are You Looking for a Job That Does Not Require the COVID-19 Vaccines? WE'RE NOW HIRING!!!-Posted on Clay Clark-On October 15, 2021:

Please Read Part 34:











Was Texas and other states deliberately targeted? (Part 34)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 9, 2022:

4063359777?profile=originalMy Blogs:









Brainwashed the DocuMovie Part One (Part 66)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-February 7, 2022:


Brainwashed the DocuMovie Part One!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 17, 2021:


The Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


Geoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 25, 2013:

Food For Thought.

God Bless-Take care and stay safe.


Semper Fi!


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