Please Read Part 49:


Was Texas and other states deliberately targeted? (Part 49)!-Posted on Patriot Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2025:

4063359777?profile=originalNote:  I believe that the disturbing information revealed on the following recent  substacks, articles and videos relates to and/or further supports the information contained on my above blog, along with my following blogs from the recent past regarding this extremely disturbing issue-You Decide:


Wuhan Institute Of Virology Collaborators Call Out Dangerous Research — Five Years Late!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Emily Kopp, Contributor-On March 6, 2025:

Two American virologists with former ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) argue that the lab’s recent research poses unacceptable risks — five years after the worst pandemic in a century emerged in Wuhan.

A recent opinion piece from the New York Times criticizes experiments described in the high-quality scientific journal Cell on a novel MERS coronavirus called HKU5-CoV-2. The novel virus has never spilled over into humans but the Wuhan lab helped demonstrate its ability to infect human cells. The work was conducted at a low biosafety level (BSL) without standardized safeguards against airborne viruses, according to the New York Times piece.

The article’s appeal for greater caution by scientific journals and funders publishing and supporting this work earned plaudits from some concerned about global biosafety. But the byline raised eyebrows.

The authors are Columbia University Professor of Epidemiology W. Ian Lipkin and University of North Carolina (UNC) Professor of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Immunology Ralph Baric — both of whom were involved with the Wuhan lab and the push to dampen speculation the lab could have contributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The two worked with either the Wuhan lab or one of its closest U.S. collaborators, EcoHealth Alliance — both of which are now debarred from federal funding for not sharing documents related to their coronavirus research. EcoHealth and its subcontracted lab have been deemed ineligible from federal grants for years after a congressional investigation found they were unable to produce the relevant genomic data and lab notebooks.

Despite their critique of the Wuhan lab, critics have said the pair had behind-the-scenes roles in high-impact papers in February and March 2020 that suppressed discussion of the theory that the pandemic emerged from a lab.

Evidence from congressional investigations suggests both men served as scientific advisors to the U.S. intelligence community and may have been in discussion with intelligence agencies around the same time they worked to downplay discussion of the Wuhan lab in public.

By May 2020, Baric called for transparency surrounding the lax safety standards in Wuhan and its possible connection to the pandemic. While Baric is among the Americans with the best insight into the Wuhan lab’s pre-pandemic private research plans, UNC has blocked the release of certain documents through North Carolina public records law. Major revelations about the collaboration’s work on coronaviruses have come from a whistleblower leak and FOIA requests rather than directly from Baric. (RELATED: University Asks Judge To Block Release Of Documents Related To Dangerous Coronavirus Research)

Lipkin described the safety standards at the WIV as “screwed up” in an interview with Medium in May 2021, arguing that “people should not be looking at bat viruses” in low-level labs. Meanwhile, Lipkin is also the coauthor of a highly-cited article that describes COVID lab origin scenarios as “implausible.”

“Both Lipkin and Baric have been participants in the cover-up of the origin of COVID,” said Rutgers chemical biology professor Richard Ebright in an email to the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Baric also consistently has advocated for expansion of, opposed restriction of, and participated directly in, high-risk research projects on laboratory enhancement of bioweapons agents, including projects that genetically modify bioweapons agents in ways anticipated to enhance transmissibility and pathogenicity in humans.”

In a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation, Cell spokesperson Kristopher Benke defended the journal’s publication of the experiments despite the biosafety criticisms in the New York Times editorial. Benke said the paper did not violate any of the journal’s policies.

“As pointed out in the guest essay by Drs. Lipkin and Baric, ‘Decisions about what level of precaution is appropriate for research are typically made by a study’s lead scientist and an institutional biosafety committee that includes scientists, physicians, administrators and members of the local community.’ In this case, the authors of the Cell paper followed the approach described by Drs. Lipkin and Baric,” he said. “The authors did not break any rules or policies of the journal, and their paper was peer reviewed by experts in the field. We update our policies as science evolves and guidance around it changes.”

The New York Times editorial team did not respond to a request for comment. Guangzhou National Laboratory Senior Scientist and former Wuhan Institute of Virology Senior Scientist Zhengli Shi, the senior author of the Cell paper, did not respond.

Ralph Baric

Baric has been at the cutting edge of novel coronavirus virology, some of which was conducted in collaboration with the WIV.

Baric was interested in working with the WIV on viruses like SARS-CoV-2 in the years preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a 2018 grant proposal titled Project DEFUSE and other documents pertaining to the grant proposal obtained through the Freedom of Information Act by U.S. Right to Know (USRTK). According to these documents, Project DEFUSE involved working with furin cleavage sites, a feature demonstrated in prior studies to make viruses more infectious, and viruses with spike proteins approximately 20 percent different than the SARS spike protein.

When a coronavirus emerged in Wuhan with features uncommon in nature but matching the virologists’ esoteric research interests, none of the collaborators disclosed this proposal. The grant was not funded by U.S. agencies, but could shed light on the Wuhan lab’s research interests in the years immediately preceding the pandemic. The proposal only came to light after a whistleblower leaked the documents.

Early drafts of that proposal included a sentence extolling the “highly cost effective” system of conducting the work in a BSL-2, documents obtained by USRTK through FOIA show. Baric countered in the margins of that proposal that American researchers would “freak out” about the low BSL while acknowledging that the research would be permitted at a BSL-2 in China, which does not typically have adequate protections against airborne viruses.

“IN the US, these recombinant SARS CoV are studied under BSL3, not BSL2, especially important for those that are able to bind and replicate in primary human cells,” he wrote. “In China, might be growing these viruses under bsl2. US researchers will likely freak out.”

Apparently in response to Baric’s concerns about a “freak out,” the sentence about the cost savings of BSL-2 work was nixed from the final proposal. Another comment on the proposal suggested the American collaborators intended to downplay the extent of the Wuhan lab’s involvement to U.S. funders, according to USRTK.

Though he would later call for an investigation into a possible lab origin of COVID-19, Baric was privy to communications about a February 2020 letter in The Lancet that dismissed speculation about a possible lab origin as an unfair attack on Chinese scientists, according to emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know.

According to the U.S. Right to Know emails, Baric left off his name publicly because of apparent concern that his link to the Wuhan lab would make the letter appear “self-serving” and it could “lose impact.”

A Senate letter in November 2024 raised questions about Baric’s membership in the Biological Sciences Expert Group, non-government experts who advise the intelligence community on biological threats, and whether he advised the intelligence community on the question of the virus’s origins despite his conflict of interest.

In a congressional transcribed interview, Baric also made reference to a January 25, 2020, meeting with “BSEC” — a likely mis-transcription of BSEG — according to a congressional aide.

“It is quite interesting that coronavirus scientist Ralph Baric informed US intel on Jan. 25, 2020, that he was worried about a lab leak origin for COVID-19 but two months later worked on a letter to Lancet describing the lab leak theory as a conspiracy theory,” Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said on Feb. 18, 2025.


A FOIA lawsuit by USRTK has attempted to bring more of Baric’s communications with the Wuhan lab into the public domain, but that lawsuit has been relentlessly challenged by UNC.


Baric did not respond to a request for comment.

W. Ian Lipkin

Lipkin was also among the virologists who coauthored a high-impact paper in Nature Medicine in March 2020 called “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” which dismissed lab origin scenarios as “implausible.” That paper later came under scrutiny for the undisclosed involvement of major scientific funders of the Wuhan lab, including former director of the National Institute on Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci.


Even as they drafted the piece, the authors privately discussed their concerns about the Wuhan lab’s research and massive store of coronaviruses.

“Given the scale of bat [coronavirus] research pursued there and the site of emergence of the first human cases we have a nightmare of circumstantial evidence to assess,” Lipkin wrote on Feb. 11, 2020, as the authors exchanged drafts, according to Vanity Fair.

Lipkin told the DCNF that the Feb. 2020 email referred to the fact that it would be “difficult to determine with certainty whether the virus originated in a market or a laboratory.”

Lipkin confirmed his prior collaboration with EcoHealth in an email to DCNF — acknowledging having received funding via a subcontract to sequence viruses collected by the group — but refuted the idea that this collaboration constitutes a conflict of interest.

“I disagree that funding in a subcontract to sequence viruses collected by EHA worldwide invalidates an editorial calling for improvements in biosecurity,” he said.

When asked about a 2017 email in which he wrote he had “active collaborations” with scientists in Wuhan, Lipkin conceded that he had hoped to collaborate with investigators at the WIV but it never came to pass,” further adding he gave a seminar at the WIV in October 2015.

The seminar was about why emerging infectious diseases occur, according to the WIV website.

His talk included information on the “development and evolution of techniques and tactics on pathogen discovery.”

On October 11, 2015, Lipkin gave a seminar at the Wuhan Institute of Virology on small game hunting and zoonotic spillover risk. The talk was presided over by WIV Senior Scientist Zhengli Shi, according to the lab’s website. (Photo courtesy of the WIV website)

Lipkin privately told a co-author of the Nature Medicine article in 2020 that “higher ups, including intel” were concerned about the COVID-19 furin cleavage site.

In an email on March 3, he told DCNF that he believes the furin cleavage site does not constitute evidence the virus is engineered.

“What we can rule out is a deliberate design because the furin cleavage site is only one of the features that made this virus so infectious and virulent,” he said.

Lipkin maintains a natural origin is more likely.

“We will never know the origin of the virus because samples and data were not collected appropriately,” he said to DCNF. “The market hypothesis is the most plausible given that thousands of wild animals were sold in the market before the pandemic and abundant viral sequences were detected in swabs of stalls where animals were kept.”

Lipkin has served as a scientific advisor to the intelligence community and discussed the origin question with several intelligence agencies, according to a congressional transcribed interview he gave in April 2023.

Continue Reading:

German Government Reportedly Concealed Intel That Wuhan Lab Leak Was ’80 To 95%’ Likely!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Emily Kopp, Contributor-On March 12, 2025:

The German government for years concealed an assessment by its Foreign Intelligence Service that a lab origin of COVID-19 was overwhelmingly likely, according to a Tuesday investigative report by two German newspapers.

The investigation, published jointly by Die Zeit and Sueddeutscher Zeitung, claims that German intelligence (BND) met in Berlin within weeks of the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in early 2020 for a mission dubbed “Project Saaremaa” — named after an Estonian Baltic Sea island.

Agents working on “Project Saaremaa” successfully penetrated the lockdown on information by Chinese authorities and obtained unpublished data and documents from Wuhan, according to the newspapers. The news outlets report that this information was shared with the BND’s scientists. A team of BND scientists led by a virologist combined the secret intelligence with the public scientific literature coming out of Wuhan, including out of Shi Zhengli’s lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Their final analysis, likely completed sometime in 2020, estimated the probability of a lab origin of the pandemic to be around 80 to 95% likely.

Unpublished theses concerning coronaviruses and their impact on the brain were central to the assessment, the newspapers reported. New findings may have emerged in the fall of 2021 to convince the BND further.

The investigation suggests the German intelligence may have informed the Central Intelligence Agency’s change in assessment in January. The CIA updated its public assessment from undecided to a lab origin with low confidence on January 25, 2025, after prompting by CIA Director John Ratcliffe, though the agency had privately updated its assessment earlier, according to the New York Times(RELATED: Another Government Agency Now Says COVID Likely Leaked From Lab: REPORT)

Ratcliffe has accused the CIA of being unduly swayed by politics on this question. Similarly, the newspapers report that the German government was intimidated by the possibility of seismic geopolitical reverberations if the BND assessment were made public.

The papers also allege that Chancellery Chief of Staff Wolfgang Schmidt was briefed by the president of the BND that they had assessed that COVID-19 originated in a lab. In May 2023, Schmidt approached Biden’s Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, who downplayed the findings of U.S. intelligence agencies like the Department of Energy in favor of a lab origin, the newspapers allege.

BERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 27: The headquarters of the Bundesnachrichtendienst, or BND, Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, stands on January 27, 2023 in Berlin, Germany.. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

The German government’s reluctance to make its assessment public may have been influenced by the public assurances of prominent virologists like Charité Center for Global Health Scientific Director Christian Drosten, dubbed in the press to be “Germany’s Anthony Fauci,” that the pandemic had a natural origin, according to the reports. Drosten was briefly involved in private discussions with National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, and then-Wellcome Trust Director Jeremy Farrar about how to handle the speculation swirling about the Wuhan Institute of Virology, according to Slack messages and emails subpoenaed by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Drosten, the CIA, the WHO, and the ODNI did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


The newspapers report that BND began revisiting the evidence alongside outside German scientists including Drosten in monthly sessions since December 2024. Prompted in part by the newspapers’ report, the BND is set to brief the World Health Organization.

The revelation follows news that outgoing National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan tasked the Office of the Director of National Intelligence with assembling a panel to take a renewed look at the pandemic’s origins in the 11th hour of the Biden administration.

In the United Kingdom, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Health and Social Care Baroness Merron said in February in response to the CIA’s updated assessment that the government “will continually review our own assessment of the origins of the virus, considering any new intelligence.”

“We will update the House of Commons and the House of Lords as and when there is anything new to say,” she said.

Source Link:

Check Out The Family Ties Of House Dem Championing Status Quo At NIH!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Emily Kopp, Contributor-On March 13, 2025:

A Democratic member of Congress has emerged as a vocal defender of the status quo at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is the son of scientists connected to the embattled government agency.

Rep. Jake Auchincloss of Massachusetts expressed opposition to the Trump administration’s cuts at the NIH at a House Energy and Commerce Committee markup on Feb. 25, arguing “curiosity-driven peer reviewed basic research is not meant to pass the politicians’ test.”

But Auchincloss may have a conflict of interest: his parents. Auchincloss’s father, Hugh Auchincloss, was an aide to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci for 16 years. No run-of-the-mill bureaucrat, the senior Auchincloss steered intramural research at NIAID from 2014 to 2015 and stepped in as the acting director of NIAID from 2022 to 2023.

Despite typically operating behind-the-scenes, Auchincloss’s name came under public scrutiny in emails revealed under the Freedom of Information Act by BuzzFeed News in 2021. Officials in Fauci’s inner circle, including the elder Auchincloss, had privately discussed research supported by NIAID with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in February 2020 — months before the research became known to much of the public. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Over A Dozen States Look For Potential Fauci Charges Despite Blanket Biden Pardon)

Specifically, the emails showed Hugh Auchincloss had aided Fauci as he privately sought information about why its coronavirus research with the Wuhan lab hadn’t been checked through more rigorous protocols, even while Fauci publicly downplayed the possibility of a lab-generated virus.

It was not until April 2020, approximately 2.5 months later, that discussion about a possible connection between the coronavirus research in Wuhan and the emerging pandemic entered into mainstream discourse.


Meanwhile, the congressman’s mother, Laurie H. Glimcher, the former president and CEO of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, cowrote five papers with irregularities and errors, including evidence of image manipulation, as reported by The New York Times and attributed to a scientific sleuth who made headlines with his discoveries last year. All of these papers had been supported by NIH funding.

A paper in the prestigious journal Science coauthored by Glimcher was retracted in April 2024, 18 years after publication. The retraction notice acknowledges “discrepancies” in several of the journal’s figures. “The authors are no longer confident that these figures support the conclusions,” it reads.

Glimcher did not respond to a request for comment.

The House Energy And Commerce Committee markup involved its authorization and oversight plan for the 119th Congress. But Auchincloss was among the Democratic members who used the markup to chastise actions by entrepreneur Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) that have rankled some in the scientific community.

NIH announced a 15 percent cap on administrative overhead on its grants on Feb. 7, a move that has been challenged in three lawsuits. An estimated 1,165 probationary NIH employees (4.6 percent of its 25,000-person workforce) were laid off the weekend of Feb. 14. The study sections that evaluate new extramural grants were paused but have been partially restored.

Lab Leak Panic

In February 2020, Fauci contacted the elder Auchincloss within hours of discovering the connection between his institute and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 

“IMPORTANT,” Fauci wrote in the subject line of an email to the elder Auchincloss at 12:29 a.m. on February 1, 2020 — just hours after hearing from a virologist that the genome of the emerging novel coronavirus bore signatures of engineering. The email was released in the tranche obtained by BuzzFeed News.

“Hugh: It is essential that we speak this AM. Keep your cell phone on,” Fauci said in the email.  “You will have tasks today that must be done.”

Fauci also instructed Hugh Auchincloss to read the file he attached to the email, which he internally named “Baric, Shi et al – Nature medicine – SARS gain of function.pdf.”

Given its abbreviated name, the attached file was likely a 2015 Nature Medicine paper coauthored by Wuhan Institute of Virology Senior Scientist Zhengli Shi and University of North Carolina virologist Ralph Baric describing an NIH-underwritten collaboration on experiments generating novel SARS-related coronaviruses.

Asked in a congressional transcribed interview about what “tasks” he was expected to do, Hugh Auchincloss said that he could not recall every detail. He said that he was asked to determine whether the research described in the paper had gone through the committee that is supposed to scrutinize the riskiest research, the Potential Pandemic Pathogens Committee (P3CO). 

It hadn’t. Evidence would later emerge that other officials at NIAID’s Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases had allowed for grantees to determine their own gain-of-function research rules.

“The only tasks I recall were reading the paper and trying to understand it and what kind of review we had done of it,” he said. “What I think I meant was that Ralph Baric in the paper talked about gain-of-function research, and so I assumed it was gain-of-function research of concern. As it turns out, it had been through a review in the [NIAID] Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and they determined that it was not research that was of concern.”

Though the internal file name at the NIAID describing the experiment included the phrase “gain of function” — a term NIAID used to describe experiments that enhance the deadliness or infectivity of a virus — Fauci subsequently insisted that the experiments were not gain-of-function, including in sworn testimony. Fauci was later given a full and unconditional pardon by then-President Biden. 

The concerns circulating within NIAID leadership about the institute’s connection to coronavirus research in Wuhan remained internal. Fauci was involved behind-the-scenes with a new paper in Nature Medicine, published in March 2020, that helped dampen speculation about a possible link between NIAID-underwritten research projects and the emerging pandemic. 

Hugh Auchincloss could not be reached for comment. He retired from NIH in September 2024 and the email on his biographical webpage at the NIH no longer works.

Dana Farber Retractions

Glimcher, though a one-time rumored candidate to replace Francis Collins as the director of the NIH, stepped away from her position at the top of Dana Farber in September 2024. 

Some press reports pointed to Glimcher’s controversial decision to split Dana Farber from a longtime partnership with Brigham and Women’s Hospital as a possible impetus for the change in leadership. 

But the step-down also coincided with scientific sleuth Sholto David uncovering evidence of improperly manipulated images in at least 75 papers authored by Glimcher and other scientists at Dana Farber — leading to at least 6 retractions and 31 corrections.

The papers Glimcher coauthored stretched from 2003 to 2012 and had been published in prestigious journals like Science and Neuron. 

Two of these papers were slapped with corrections and one was retracted. Glimcher was the senior author on one of these papers, in Nature Immunology

The paper “includes some impressive contributions to art, but perhaps not to science,” David wrote in a blog post.

David, who lives in Wales and has a PhD in cellular and molecular biology, told the Daily Caller News Foundation that he comments prolifically on PubPeer, a website that scientists use as a makeshift comments section for papers published in scientific journals, which typically provide no formal forum for feedback. 

David said that the scientific community has made little effort to improve research integrity following the Dana Farber controversy and other high-profile retractions. 

“Scientists often lay claim to their colleagues’ successes but never take responsibility for their fraud and failures,” said David. “There’s been little introspection to understand what’s gone wrong.”

Continue Reading:

China Loses Multi-Billion Dollar COVID Court Case It Didn’t Even Bother Showing Up To!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Philip Lenczycki, Senior Investigative Reporter-On March 7, 2025:


St. Louis Schools Ordered to Pay $90,000 Each to Two Employees in COVID Vaccine Mandate Suit!-Posted on The Defender-By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.-On March 7, 2025:

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Families and advocates claim social media censorship of COVID vaccine injury discussions led to suicidesCOVID Booster Vaccine Reawakens World’s Deadliest Virus Inside Man’s Body!-Posted on Daily Mail-By CASSIDY MORRISON SENIOR HEALTH REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM-On March 7, 2025:

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Exclusive: Biosafety Expert Blasts New York Times for Claiming USAID Cuts Are ‘Setting the Stage for Disease Outbreaks!’-Posted on The Defender-By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.-On March 10, 2025:

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White House Pulls CDC Director Nomination Hours Before Hearing!-Posted on Townhall-By Leah Barkoukis-On March 13, 2025:


Be the Resistance of the Kill Shot!-Posted on Sarah Westall, October 14, 2021:


Zelenko Protocols Against Covid-19:


 NoteI believe that the extremely disturbing information revealed in the above thought-provoking articles, podcasts, substacks and videos relates to and/or further supports my following blogs from the recent past-You Decide:

Peace is possible if Trump is elected.

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 21, 2016:

Brainwashed the DocuMovie Part One (Part 89)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-March 31, 2022:

Brainwashed the DocuMovie Part One!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 17, 2021:


The Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 15, 2014:


Geoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 25, 2013:

Food for Thought.4063359991?profile=originalGod Bless-Take care & stay healthy/safe. Please keep our troops in your thoughts & prayers!

Semper Fi!
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