The American people that really care about this country and are fed up with this governments, slop-a-long crap of their job performance and think it is time for us to make the change. All Obama can talk about is, " time for real change". It sure is time for change ""OH GREAT AND POWERFUL NON LEADER OBAMA"" time for you and yours to go. To the people of the United States of America, it is time to stop putting up with all the crap that all these politicians in Washington DC are doing. Getting pay checks of nearly $200,000.00 a year or more, under the table pay raises and with the crappest job performance in the countries history, $4,000,000.00 vacations to Hawai while our country is bankrupt, no jobs and falling off the cliff. Government agencies having big houndreds of thousands of dollars in parties with hookers and everything else on our hard earned tax dollar. And all they have on their minds are how they can figure to flim flam more money out of all of us so that they can party and take lavish vacations some more and throw it away. And have no idea of how to create jobs for all the unemployed and don't care if you are working or not. just squeeze more money from the ones that are working or have made good. And I do mean that is everyone of them in Washington DC, White House, Senate and Congress. If any one of us showed up on our jobs, that is those lucky enough to have a job, and performed that day how these politicians do, what would happen? I'll tell you, we would be fired and ran off before lunch break. Now I say it is time to fire each and everyone of these low down, nonperforming politicians, take away their lavish paychecks and lifestyle and let them see how poor people have to rake and scrape everyday. It's time for all of us that care about our country to form together in a show of force, hundreds of thousands strong all at the same time and date. And with pink slips in hand, march on Washington DC, the White House, Congress, and the Senate and fire them all. We would be better off with nobody there at all, than what we do have. All they do is lie to us, steal tax dollars from us, beg and try to get more from us to party on, vacation on and the best way to buy and steal votes all year long for re-election is to give the dead beats that won't work a free lifestyle. Free housing, free food, free healthcare, free education, free daycare and on and on and promise it to continue if they are re-elected. And I know some people really, and I mean really do need these benefits. The above statement does not include these people. Only the dead beats that is riding the free government hand out train to death. And people don't have sense enough to know that is why this country is in the mess it is in today. Obama Robinhood should be proud, taking from the workers and giving to the nonworkers. Distribute your wealth. And we have got the wellfare, foodstamp president of the history of our great nation, shoveling the fuel to that trains engine. Time to stop talking about it and complaining and whinning because that is not doing any good. Because they don't care in Washington. They have plenty of food, anything they want to eat, Sleeping in a big climate control mansion and in a lifestyle of luxury. Long as they can lie to you enough when it's time to get your vote for another term, then, to hell with you until the next election. Time to show in force, in body and in numbers in Washington DC and picket, march and stay there until they all are fired or resign. They have all forgotten that we, the people hired them all, we are their bosses and we are going to fire them. And that is for both parties, Democrat and Republican. PLEASE POST FEED BACK
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The tool of fear being beaten to death by the democrats....FISCAL CLIFF!.....we have heard it thousands of times to date....fear mongering at it's worst and no specific details to back up the phrase.
Fear is the primary tool of choice for the communist liars.
Concentration on every word of God removes fear from the scene rendering it harmless just as a hissing snake without venom must crawl away in defeat.
Army Course Manual Trains Soldiers to Confiscate Constitutionally-protected Firearms
In addition to revealing how the federal government and the Pentagon will respond to civil disturbances – in violation of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act – the United States Army Military Police School’s Civil Disturbance Operations document instructs the military to confiscate weapons from American citizens.
Earlier today, Paul Joseph Watson examined how the military will be used to “quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.” The military course document outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.
The document instructs soldiers to deny Americans – specifically, “rioters” and “dissidents” – the right to exercise the Second Amendment during a government declared “civil disturbance”:
A main consideration in the conduct of civil disturbance operations is to prevent liquor, drugs,weapons, and ammunition from falling into the hands of rioters. Therefore, liquor stores, drug stores, sporting good shops, pawn shops, and hardware stores are main targets for looters and must be kept under close observation by means of foot and motorized patrols. Normally, businesses of this type must be identified in advance and included in emergency plans. (Emphasis added.)
Moreover, the document instructs soldiers to protect “control force personnel and civilian dignitaries in the disturbed area” from the violent behavior of “radical or extremist elements” by denying access to “armories, arsenals, hardware, and sporting good stores, pawnshops, and gunsmith establishments, or other places where weapons or ammunition are stored. To conserve manpower, consideration may be given to evacuating sensitive items, such as weapons from stores and storing them in a central facility.”
In other words, during martial law or a government declared civil disturbance in reaction to “radical or extremist elements,” guns will be confiscated and held by the military.
In 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans Police, National Guard troops, and U.S. Marshals confiscated firearms. “Guns will be taken. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns,” New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass declared as he prepared to violate the Second Amendment. The National Guard conducted warrantless house-to-house searches in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment.
Katrina served as a beta test and was codified in course material the following year by the Pentagon and published in Civil Disturbance Operations document (released in April of 2006). The instructional document, however, does not use a natural disaster as a premise to confiscate constitutionally-protected firearms, but rather “civil disturbance planning” as did earlier documents under Operation Garden Plot, otherwise known as United States Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2.
Army Manual Outlines Plan To Kill Rioters, Demonstrators In America
A newly leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

The document (PDF), which is dated 2006 and was used for a self-learning course at the U.S. Army Military Police School at Fort McClellan, makes it clear that the operations described in the manual apply to both “CONUS and OCONUS,” meaning inside the Continental United States and outside the Continental United States.
The document outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.
The primary function of military assets will be focused around, “breaking up unauthorized gatherings and by patrolling the disturbance area to prevent the commission of lawless acts,” states the document, adding, “during operations to restore order, military forces may present a show of force, establish roadblocks, break up crowds, employ crowd control agents, patrol, serve as security forces or reserves, and perform other operations as required.”
The manual also describes how prisoners will be processed through temporary internment camps under the guidance of U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operations, which as we reported earlier this year, outlines how internees would be “re-educated” into developing an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the United States.
On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”
The manual includes lists of weapons to be used against “rioters” or “demonstrators,” including “antiriot grenades.” It also advises troops to carry their guns in the “safe port arms” stance, a psychological tactic aimed at “making a show of force before rioters.” Non-lethal weapons and water cannons are also included.
The document also explains how the military will be involved in spying on and gathering information on dissidents to identify the, “Existence of persons, groups, or organizations which have distinctively threatened or are creating disturbances.”
“Crowd control agents” will also be deployed for the purpose of “reducing resistance,” states the manual, which also implies that troops will be used to confiscate firearms.
“Restrictions on the sale, transfer, and possession of sensitive material such as gasoline, firearms, ammunition, and explosives will help control forces in minimizing certain forms of violence,” states the document on page 40.
“Consideration may be given to evacuating sensitive items, such as weapons from stores,” the manual also states on page 27
The document emphasizes how troops should make every effort, “to avoid appearing as an alien invading force and to present the image of a restrained and well-disciplined force whose sole purpose is to help to restore law and order with a minimum loss of life and property.”
This 115 page manual represents a shocking new insight into how the U.S. military will be used domestically to violently quell unrest in the aftermath of a total economic collapse or other national emergency.
Preparations for using troops to deal with mass civil unrest on U.S. soil have been in the works for years.
Back in 2008, U.S. troops returning from Iraq were earmarked for “homeland patrols” with one of their roles including helping with “civil unrest and crowd control”.
In December 2008, the Washington Post reported on plans to station 20,000 more U.S. troops inside America for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards, an expansion of Northcom’s militarization of the country in preparation for potential civil unrest following a total economic collapse or a mass terror attack.
A report produced that same year by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute warned that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock.”
“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.
Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border.
During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”
With many Americans now becoming “pre-revolutionary” as a result of their fury at the Obama administration and equally unpopular lawmakers in Washington, potential civil unrest could spring not just from a poverty-stricken underclass, but also the shrinking middle class.
Perhaps that’s why the Department of Homeland Security is increasingly focusing its anti-terror apparatus on white middle class Americans, portraying them as domestic terrorists in a series of PSA videos. In addition, ‘Occupy’ protesters are also now being characterized as terrorists.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
Michael Rivero - 12160 Member Spotlight
In the first half, activist, webmaster, and talk show host Michael Rivero joined John B. Wells for a conversation about how the U.S. government manipulates information to generate support for military conflicts and the financial factors fueling these wars. "We're fed this constant diet, by government and corporate media, basically telling us what will get us to do what they want us to do," he observed. However, Rivero pointed to the barrage of media reports concerning WMDs in Iraq, which convinced many Americans to support the war, as a potential watershed moment, since it exposed this manipulation on a grand scale.
The driving force behind these "military adventures," Rivero said, is a desperate attempt by the banking cartel to maintain the dollar as the world's reserve currency. To that end, he noted that both Iraq and Libya tried to stop using the dollar which led to the subsequent US invasions of those countries. Chillingly, Rivero warned that China and Russia are "digging their heels in" and seem poised to introduce their own international currencies which would challenge the dollar. As a result, he lamented, "we face the real risk of a nuclear war to prop up this paper dollar." Even if such a conflict can be avoided, Rivero suggested that, ultimately, the US government could "collapse from within" under the weight of financial mismanagement much like the Soviet Union.

Dear Mindy,
I know you work hard. Like most Americans, you provide for your family and save as much of your hard-earned money as possible.
But unforeseen emergencies can take you by surprise at any time and force you to make necessary sacrifices to pay for those emergencies.
When emergencies like Hurricane Sandy disrupt life in America, Congress doesn't face the same sacrifices the American people do.
In fact, Congress doesn't sacrifice anything, unless you count sacrificing the fiscal solvency of America.
The Hurricane Sandy Emergency Funding package is a three year spending bill packed with millions of dollars of unrelated pork earmarked for everything but hurricane relief.
Watch my floor speech on the Hurricane Sandy Emergency Funding package here.
There is no evidence Congress is good at spending your money.
So the last thing we should do is hand over three years' worth of spending authority disguised as Hurricane Sandy relief.
Why don't we authorize one year at a time with functional oversight and make sure the relief money is not being wasted or abused?
Why don't we offset the costs of the relief package with spending cuts to prevent adding another $60 billion to our national debt?
I have proposed offsetting hurricane relief costs by ending $9 billion worth of foreign aid that ends up in the private accounts of dictators who oppress their own people and burn our flag.
My amendment to the hurricane relief package would've required Congress offset the relief costs with spending cuts one year at a time.
The problem is that so-called conservatives in the Senate refuse to stand up for what's right and voted against fiscal responsibility.
They continue to put their own wants before the needs of this great nation.
Despite the defeat of my amendment, I vow to keep fighting this battle because America's future is worth fighting for.
We will never climb out from under our crippling $16 trillion debt with abusive spending like this.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. Congress is planning to spend another $60 billion on pet projects disguised as Hurricane Sandy relief spending.
And so-called conservatives refuse to offset the hurricane relief costs with spending cuts.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A suburban New York newspaper that sparked an uproar among gun enthusiasts by publishing names and addresses of residents holding pistol permits is now planning to publish even more identities of permit-toting locals.
Further names and addresses will be added as they become available to a map originally published on December 24 in the White Plains, New York-based Journal News, the newspaper said.
The original map listed thousands of pistol permit holders in suburban Westchester and Rockland counties just north of New York City.
Along with an article entitled "The gun owner next door: What you don't know about the weapons in your neighborhood," the map was compiled in response to the December 14 shooting deaths of 26 children and adults in Newtown, Connecticut, editors of the Gannett Corp.-owned newspaper said.
The next batch of names will be permit holders in suburban Putnam County, New York, where the county clerk told the newspaper it is still compiling information.
Some 44,000 people are licensed to own pistols in the three counties, the newspaper said. Owners of rifles and shotguns do not need permits, the newspaper said.
The publication prompted outrage, particularly on social media sites, among gun owners.
"Do you fools realize that you also made a map for criminals to use to find homes to rob that have no guns in them to protect themselves?" Rob Seubert of Silver Spring, Maryland, posted on the newspaper's web site. "What a bunch of liberal boobs you all are."
Republican state Senator Greg Ball of Patterson, New York, said he planned to introduce legislation to keep permit information private except to prosecutors and police.
A similar bill that he introduced earlier as an Assemblyman failed in the state Assembly.
"The asinine editors at the Journal News have once again gone out of their way to place a virtual scarlet letter on law abiding firearm owners throughout the region," Ball wrote on his Senate web site.
The newspaper's editor and vice president of news, CynDee Royle, earlier in the week defended the decision to list the permit holders.
"We knew publication of the database would be controversial, but we felt sharing as much information as we could about gun ownership in our area was important in the aftermath of the Newtown shootings," she said.
Some critics retaliated by posting reporters' and editors' addresses and other personal information online.
Howard Good, a journalism professor at the State University of New York at New Paltz, called the critics' response childish and petulant.
"It doesn't move the issue of gun control to the level of intelligent public discussion," he said. "Instead, it transforms what should be a rational public debate on a contentious issue into ugly gutter fighting."
Good said the information about permit holders was public and, if presented in context, served a legitimate interest.
But media critic Al Tompkins of the Florida-based Poynter Institute wrote online this week that the newspaper's reporting had not gone far enough to justify the permit holders' loss of privacy.
"If journalists could show flaws in the gun permitting system, that would be newsworthy," he said. "Or, for example, if gun owners were exempted from permits because of political connections, then journalists could better justify the privacy invasion."
Tompkins said he feared the dispute might prompt lawmakers to play to privacy fears.
"The net effect of the abuse of public records from all sides may well be a public distaste for opening records, which would be the biggest mistake of all," he said.
(Editing by Ellen Wulfhorst; Editing by David Gregorio)
The Congressional Budget Office predicted 10 years ago that the U.S. national debt in 2012 would be approximately 7.4 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), a measurement of the value of a nation’s total output of goods and services.
However, two wars, a recession, economic downturns, and unchecked government spending have changed things significantly. Quite simply, U.S. debt as a percentage of GDP is much, much more than 7.4 percent.
Here’s the CBO’s 10-year budget forecast from 2002 (courtesy AEI’s James Pethokoukis):
And here’s what actually happened:
“Instead of publicly-held debt as a share of GDP being a microscopic 7.4% this year, it was closer to 74% – or 72.8% to be specific (as of the August update from the CBO),” Pethokoukis explains.
Yes, our national debt as a share of GDP is approximately 74 percent. This is absolutely unsustainable.
“In 2007 — the Great Recession is officially dated as starting in December of that year — the debt-GDP ratio was 37%,” Pethokoukis adds. “So a doubling of debt due to the Great Slump — the recession and its slow-growth aftermath.”
Speaking of a “doubling of debt,” we know we included this clip in another article this morning, but perhaps it’s worth repeating. Here’s Texas congressman Ron Paul explaining how Washington’s failure to address its spending problem has put us down the path of “no return”:
Posted on December 29, 2012 at 8:00pm by Becket Adams
It looks like Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) has been taking lessons from Vice President Joe Biden. Either that or she has become extraordinarily comfortable with hyperbole.
“The Republicans, the disdain that I have seen for poor people, for people who are struggling, like senior citizens on Medicare and Social Security, for low income people and the Women Infant Children (WIC) program,” Rep. Schakowsky said during a Friday broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Ed Show.”
“We saw the Republicans, last week, vote [for] spending cuts that would literally take food out of the mouths of hungry babies,” she added, signaling that she has either a remarkably poor understanding of the word “literally” or that she’s interested in a permanent spot on MSNBC:
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The Chase Bockman aperiodical
December 27, 2012
Photo: Michael Saechang.
California Democrat Dianne Feinstein will introduce legislation in January calling for the fingerprinting and registering of all gun owners in the United States.
On her Senate web page, Feinstein states her proposed legislation will add fingerprinting and photo identification to the National Firearms Act.
A firearms seller must currently submit Form 4473 to the government containing the name, address, driver license information, NICS background check transaction number, serial number and model of the firearm, and a short federal affidavit stating that the purchaser is eligible to purchase firearms under federal law. Feinstein’s bill will add a substantial layer of bureaucracy to the existing regulations.
The effort to expand firearms registration will include weapons grandfathered prior to the enactment of Feinstein’s proposed legislation. In other words, all gun owners will be required to register their constitutionally guaranteed firearms with a federal government inimical to the Second Amendment.
Feinstein’s registration process will likely surpass New York City’s handgun permit process, which is a bureaucratic nightmare. In addition to non-refundable fees totaling over $500, the permit process demands two recent color photos, a birth certificate, proof of citizenship and residence, a blizzard of affidavits, and other red-tape hurdles. Applications are routinely denied for spurious reasons, including non-violent misdemeanors and depression.
As Dean Weingarten notes, gun registration is de facto gun confiscation. Following mandatory gun registration, the government “will know who has legal possession of each firearm. They will know where the firearm is stored. When physical possession of the gun is desired, they can order you to turn it in. This has happened repeatedly,” most notably in Nazi Germany, Red China and Soviet Russia.
More recently, it has occurred in Kosovo, Great Britain, Australia, New York, and California. If Feinstein has her way next month, it will happen across America.
Democrats and their Republican co-conspirators are going all out to ban firearms. Feinstein’s bill will ban the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of 120 specifically-named firearms, including semiautomatic rifles, handguns, and shotguns that can accept detachable and fixed magazines and have “one military characteristic.”
In addition, Feinstein’s bill will outlaw flash suppressors, bayonet mounts, thumbhole stocks and bullet buttons on firearms.
Make no mistake about it. Obama and his anti-Second Amendment allies in Congress are coming for your guns. If they have their way, the only legal firearms in America will be rifles with 10 round magazines and single shot and bolt-action rifles – and those firearms will be registered with the government and may be confiscated at any moment.
This article was posted: Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 1:15 pm
Dec 27, 2012
US senators, state governors and others are testing the waters to see if they can sell a national confiscation buy back program under an Obama executive order. This is a way of making all gun owners terrorists. This is the plan, the facts are indisputable. We are in deep shit.
click here to read more and see video.
This article was posted: Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 6:15 am
By: Kevin Gosztola Saturday December 29, 2012 11:22 am |
As rare as it is for the Senate to have anything resembling a debate on a civil liberties issue such as privacy and government surveillance, there was a minimal amount of coverage in the establishment press of the reauthorization of the FISA Amendments Act (FAA). The law, which allows warrantless surveillance, was reauthorized for five more years on December 28.
Minimal coverage of a topic often means that a wire service’s report becomes one of the more widely circulated accounts of what transpired. (That is how it often goes with coverage of the court martial of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the soldier the military is prosecuting for allegedly providing classified information to WikiLeaks.)
Larry Margasak did the wire story for the Associated Press. It deserves to be deconstructed because it is misleading in ways that benefit the government.
First, Margasak writes, “The Senate gave final congressional approval Friday to a bill renewing the government’s authority to monitor overseas phone calls and emails of suspected foreign spies and terrorists – but not Americans -without obtaining a court order for each intercept.” The “not Americans” is emphasized in such a way that would leave one thinking any suggestion that Americans could be swept up in surveillance is simply wrong or the talk of a conspiracy theorist. The reality is some of the more significant abuses of power in the history of surveillance in America have occurred under the guise of targeting only foreign targets.
In 1975, the Church Committee reviewed the surveillance operations of intelligence agencies and concluded there had been widespread abuse of Americans’ civil liberties. It led to the establishment of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to prevent intelligence agencies from committing abuses like the ones discovered by the Committee. According to former members, the FAA “enables the government to circumvent entirely the original FISA protections deemed essential to the protection of Americans’ basic rights.” They add, “Some of the most serious abuses discovered by the Church Committee involved the warrantless surveillance of American citizens under the pretext of targeting foreigners.”
From an amicus brief filed in support of a lawsuit challenging the warrantless surveillance law, which the Supreme Court is hearing:
The FAA abandons FISA’s requirement that an individualized order issue after meaningful judicial review of the basis for the government’s request. And it circumvents the FISC’s power to engage in continued oversight of ongoing surveillance. Instead, the FAA permits the executive branch to initiate a generalized, mass surveillance program for up to one year, encompassing any communications entering or leaving the United States in which one or more unspecified targets arebelieved to be non-United States persons located outside the United States. In place of the detailed judicial review of the claimed justifications of individual surveillance activities, the FAA limits the FISC to a review that is perfunctory…
It is not as evident as Margasak makes it seem that Americans are not being caught up in surveillance. The point of the “debate” on Thursday and Friday was that senators do not know. Intelligence agencies refuse to provide information so they can tell if privacy safeguards are working or not. And, as far as some senators are concerned, there is nothing stopping employees or agents from sifting through a pile of communications for information on a person in the US without probable cause.
Second, one must take issue with this sentence, “The Senate majority rejected arguments from an unusual combination of Democratic liberals and ideological Republican conservatives, who sought to amend the bill to require the government to reveal statistics showing whether any Americans were swept up in the foreign intercepts.” Is it unusual for these people to come together? Margasak should look at previous votes on civil liberties issues. He might find that there is often bipartisan support for protecting civil liberties and upholding the Constitution and the rule of law between factions of both parties.
Furthermore, why are the Democrats who supported amendments “liberals” and the Republican conservatives that supported the amendments “ideological”? Might the Democrats be just as “liberal” as the ones who voted for reauthorization? And might the Republican conservatives, who dutifully served the intelligence community and the Obama administration, be just as “ideological” in their devotion to so-called national security? These words seem extraneous, there to marginalize the people who chose to take a stand and engage in a day of debate on December 27.
Margasak quotes Justice Department spokesperson Dean Boyd who said ”communications collected under the program ‘have provided the intelligence community insight into terrorist networks and plans’ and have ‘directly and significantly contributed to successful operations to impede the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and related technologies.’” He also claimed, “Intercepted communications also revealed potential cyber threats against the United States, including specific potential computer network attacks.”
That is all well and good except it is mostly irrelevant to the debate that occurred in the Senate. No US senator stood on the floor suggesting the FAA needed to be done away with and allowed to expire. Each spoke about what they believed to be the very real threat of terrorism to America and was more than willing to show extreme deference to the intelligence community if only to get a modicum of oversight. So, a relevant quote to what transpired would have specifically addressed why the oversight being requested by senators like Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon was unreasonable.
Margasak writes that Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California and Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia sparred repeatedly with Wyden, “who held the bill up for months until he was allowed to argue on the Senate floor that Americans’ civil liberties were in danger under the law.” Why did he have to place a hold on the bill to get one day of debate? Why didn’t Margasak or anyone else from AP get this question answered? It would seem relevant to the fact that this debate was happening four days before the law was set to expire.
The recounting of Wyden’s statements are appropriate. However, some of them are cast as being directed at Feinstein from a “fellow liberal.”
Finally, there is no problem with quoting Feinstein or Chambliss and repeating regulations in the law like, for example, the fact that the “surveillance court approves annual certifications submitted by the attorney general and the director of national Intelligence that identify certain categories of foreign intelligence targets,” however, at no point in the story does he highlight the fact that the rulings by the FISC are secret. Though Margasak does describe the FAA program as “classified,” there is no attention paid to how the court is making secret interpretations of surveillance law that are kept secret from Americans and the American people are not being allowed to see how a secret court is interpreting the law in relation to the Constitution.
Also, the notation on Feinstein speaking about the number of terrorists arrested between 2009 and 2012 says “some of them” were arrested because of the “surveillance program.” Feinstein never said whether these people were caught because the government has surveillance capabilities or because the government has expanded warrantless surveillance powers under the law. She simply spoke about the law and arrests in the same breath creating the illusion that this was the case.
It is classified so no person in the public can really know if the program’s warrantless surveillance is benefiting national security specifically. No senator is likely to talk about methods used to catch specific individuals under the purview of the program, but Margasak should be more careful in his characterization of the benefits of this program to protecting so-called national security. And, again, this talk about how it had helped intelligence agencies uncover terrorists was a distraction because no senator was calling for the abolition of the program built under the law.
Techdirt posted leaked Obama administration talking points on amendments to the FISA reauthorization bill yesterday. Many of them were parroted by Feinstein on the Senate floor during debate.
Julian Sanchez of the Cato Institute appeared on “The Rachel Maddow Show” to talk with Ezra Klein, who was filling in for Maddow. It is worth viewing since it was virtually the only news segment on broadcast television on the law’s reauthorization.
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WE MUST BE TRANSFORMED Posted by Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole Many books and bible versions can inform, but only the true Holy Bible can transform. Yes folks the preserved and inherent word the Holy Bible is without doubt, controversy or question whatsoever the most important informational and educational manual/document a truly saved by grace born again Bible believing and practicing individual can ever posses!!! Our right to carry, study, practice, and follow the true word of the Most High Holy and Righteous Almighty God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost is the highest achievement a person can posses in this life. This wonderful nation founded as Christian Constitutional Republic was established to protect Almighty God given rights. While all our founding fathers were not all born again: you know? Those that had believed with their whole heart, being, mind, and soul, confessed and repented turning from their sins, and calling on the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, trusting in His shed blood for their eternal salvation; all were educated by the preserved and inherent word the Holy Bible. Our founding documents both state and national comprising of the Constitutions, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Rights were based on the Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments. As Christian Americans we have two basic responsibilities: One of course is to take the Saving Gospel into all the world, and today without argument this includes our own beloved country our neighbors. And two is to oppose evil in the church, government, and society (We the People). It is a very sad commentary that the churches of the Living God have for the most part been extremely remiss in opposing evil!!! This preacher believes without the shadow of any doubt whatsoever that the demise of Virtue, Liberty, and Independence has been brought about by the changing of our Christian Constitutional Republic, which is government by Almighty God's established law- into a Democracy, which is government based on the ever changing whims of the majority: "THOU SHALT NOT FOLLOW A MULTITUDE TO DO EVIL;” Exodus 23: 2(a). Our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ commanded us to: "IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS"!!!!! When the Apostles of the Lord and Saviour were commanded by the government authorities after jailing (yes Jesus Christ and his apostles were jailbirds, most suffered capitol punishment-murdered-for righteousness sake). After being flogged they were commanded not to "speak in the name of Jesus Christ"!!! What did they do? "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, WE OUGHT TO OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN." Acts 5 : 29. They most certainly refused to obey those governmental authorities; and of course they did not shake with fear and hide themselves. They were not ashamed of the Saving Gospel and opposition to evil. "And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." Acts 5 : 42. We must protect our God given Rights. The very first Article of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of these United States of America outlines the responsibility of government which is to protect the rights of ALL citizens assures and guarantees that: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion(no State Church), or prohibiting the free exercise(the public pronouncement of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, and opposition to evil) thereof, or the abridging the freedom of speech(public proclamation), or the press....." Just before our Revolutionary war for Virtue (moral excellence), Liberty (only Christ Jesus can set us free), and Independence (separation from the world, and the commission to take our form of government into all the world). Preachers like John Witherspoon, Samuel Davies along with numerous others were persecuted for preaching the Saving Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ without a license from the English Crown, the Monarch is the head of the Anglican Church. Today we are aware of course and without the slightest controversy whatsoever that Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the only head of His churches. All churches in these United States of America are separate from ALL government control and interference of any kind whatsoever!!!! Our Christian Constitutional Republic (please understand this has absolutely nothing to do with political parties) are totally tax immune, not taxable (who would dare to tax Almighty God's church, or His Holy Bible???). This was true until January 1, 1984 when un-Constitutional and therefore illegal unlawful legislation that cannot be enforced except by criminal action of out of control government. This is "law" which is a throw back to King George and taxation without representation. Come on now preacher? We have representatives in congress. Yes, you are very right we do have representatives in our government, but neither Almighty God nor His churches are represented. But this anti-Church law is a provision that illegally, unlawfully, and un-Constitutionally forces churches to withhold a certain percentage in Federal Insurance Contributions Act. Twenty years latter we witness government intruding into the affairs of the true church of the Most High, Holy, and Righteous Almighty God forcing churches to submit to "Public Policy", which is aborticide, homosexual "rights" unbelievably promoting same sex marriage. The churches are being forced to be "Politically Correct" which of course is most assuredly anti-God, Anti-Christ, Anti-Church, and Anti Holy Bible (Ten Commandments). Folks, our nation and our churches must be transformed. We must each and every one of us REPENT and return to the Almighty God of the Holy Bible, and reclaim the individual rights of our Constitutions, and Declaration of Independence. We must be transformed into real Americans. Many wrongly (fatally) think that they are Christians because they were born in America. Our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said we must be Born Again or we cannot enter His Kingdom. So Repentance and Transformation is the order of the day. Or we will continue to slide into the darkness; the presence of evil is evident in every aspect of our society; and so very sadly in most churches. Government, with the Churches silence- no opposition- is approval! We are now and have witnessed "Rogue" government agencies unlawfully performing domestic violence, padlocking, stealing, and burning churches, confiscating parsonages and property of the Lord's House. Way back in the year of 1933 the President of these United States of America tried his very best to tax churches! So very fortunate for the churches of the Living God, the Congress of these United States of America were almost without exception opposed to "Taxing God". This sadly is not true today where we tax Holy Bibles without even a blink of the eye!!!!!! We witness the so called church opposing the true believer that is standing for the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We even see the church of the Most High, Holy, and Righteous God under the headship a government agency. Since the time of Ancient Israel, it has never been lawful to impose toll (taxes), tribute (social security), custom (tax exemption in place of tax free) on the ministers of the untaxable House of God: "ALSO WE CERTIFY YOU, THAT TOUCHING ANY OF THE PRIESTS AND LEVITES, SINGERS, PORTERS, NETHINIMS OR MINISTERS OF THIS HOUSE OF GOD, IT SHALL NOT BE LAWFUL TO IMPOSE TOLL, TRIBUTE, OR CUSTOM, UPON THEM." Ezra 7: 24. Hands completely off of the House of Almighty God Jehovah and His ministers!!! Well folks, so very sad is the fact that by the year of our Lord 1951 the Congress of these United States of America unlawfully- anything that usurps any right is un-Constitutional and therefore un-enforceable-decided to impose a "voluntary" tax on the Most High God, His churches, and His ministers!!!! Fifty years after the failed attempt to Tax Almighty God and His House it has become mandatory. Mandatory Compliance is the byword of Despotism and Tyranny. "Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants." William Penn the founder of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. LAW OF THE LAND: "The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The Constitution of these United States of America is the law of the land, and any statute to be valid must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as follows. ALL LAWS WHICH ARE REPUGANT TO THE CONSTITUTION ARE NULL AND VOID." Maybury vs. Madison 5 US(eCranc) 137, 174, 176, (1803). The chairman of the Finance Committee way back in 1983 invited church leaders to attend hearings to determine their thoughts and feelings concerning the Lord's church paying tribute and custom to the government. Dr. Greg Dixon whose church, school, college, and parsonage were illegally seized -yes were stolen- by "Rogue" agencies of government federal, state, and yes local. Dr. Dixon remembers quite clearly a coordinator of the staff initially addressing the group of preachers present with the question: "What compromises concerning church taxation have you brought?" The stunned clergy that were present remained so very silent. But, praise the Lord, Dr. Dixon rose and courageously said: "WE HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER IN COMPROMISE." Dr. Dixon knew way back then that the power to tax is the power to destroy. Government control in any manner is to deny the sovereignty of the Lord's churches. The church must not nor can it finance the government through taxation, nor is the government to finance the churches through "Tax Exemption", which is a privilege not a right. A privilege can be taken away, a right is inalienable. Churches that are under the supreme and only authority of Almighty God are not, nor can they be represented in government, so therefore by right are un-taxable-tax free. This preacher along with others is on social security. But the church of the Living God as already stated is not to finance government, neither is the government to finance the church. So the church must have nothing to do with state or federal Tax Identification Numbers, and must never produce revenue for the government by paying taxes to help assure the solvency of the Social Security Trust Funds (which have been misappropriated-stolen by government for other purposes). The church of the Living God is an organism, and not an organization, nor does the church have employers and employees) are not open and answerable to the government, to inspection or dictates of the state!!!! Churches therefore cannot be required to be agents of the state by collecting, confiscating, and remitting to the state money that has already been taxed and freely given to the Most High, Holy, and Righteous Almighty God through tithes and offerings of God's children. Ministers of Almighty God are not employees, and churches cannot be servants of the state by keeping records for the state. We are just witnessing the coming persecution of the true believer, because the State church is established when the door is open to any control by government. The churches of the Most High, Holy, and Righteous Almighty God cannot be incorporated!!! The churches of the Living God cannot have EIN (employee identification number)!!! Endless impositions: "GOD IS SOVEREIGN; HE CANNOT BE TAXED. Well folks, the day has arrived, it is way after midnight, and so very sad is the undeniable fact that the churches of the Living God have led the way to perdition, proudly displaying the National Banner over and above the Cross of the Banner of Jesus Christ: this includes every true member of the church that goes along to get along with evil government. All government without Almighty God is absolutely and totally evil. Way back in the early 1970's a well known Evangelist predicted: "I predict that the final oppression of Christianity will start with taxation of independent churches, and missionary associations, thereby casting a shadow upon their integrity and raising doubts in the minds of their contributors. THE GOVERNMENT WILL HAUL MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL INTO COURT ON ALLEGED TAX IRREGULARITIES AND CHALLENGE MINISTERIAL AUTHORITY OF INDEPENDENT MINISTERS- EVENTUALLY THE MINISTERS OF ALL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. The government will get rid of independent ministers, churches and associations and a State church will be set up." Folks, it cannot be denied that we are facing this very situation in our former God Blessed Christian Constitutional Republic that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His apostles faced: Jesus and His apostles were declared to be against the government, and we are well aware of the results. History is repeating itself!!! The true Holy Bible believing, living, and practicing Christian who is living a Holy and Consecrated life is declared to be practicing hate, is indeed a terrorist and enemy of the state, subject to confiscation(stealing by government), imprisonment, and quiet ultimately death itself at the hands of the Satanically controlled government and "Church"! Our blessed nation was founded on the pure and undefiled religion of the Holy Bible. Biblical Christianity was the core of our Christian Constitutional Republic. We must once again transform these United States of America as founder John Adams stated: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people." Founding Father our first President and General of the Armies said that "Government was a fearful master, and a dangerous servant" and that national morality cannot prevail IN EXCLUSION OF RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLE." James Madison the founding father of our Constitution wrote: "We have staked the whole future of American civilization...upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments." Our pledge to the flag "The Republic for which it stands"; and according to my grandson it is not the Battle Hymn of the Democracy, but the Battle Hymn of the Republic. We must transform ourselves by returning to the tried and true old paths. This transformation must start in the church of the Living God. "...Be strong and of good courage, and do it; fear not, nor be dismayed; for the Lord God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord." I Chronicles 28: 20. If we the believers fail to repent and transform ourselves to righteousness through Jesus Christ our prayers cannot even be heard. (IF) -the true believe must understand this word-my people(the children of the Most High God), which are called by my name(Christian), shall humble themselves(each and everyone in sack cloth and ashes), and pray(with a repented heart), and seek my face(forsaking our will, and seek only God's will), and turn from their wicked ways(the whole church must transform to repentance-if we fail to do so-Almighty God will not hear our prayers-and will send a strong delusion to believe a lie); then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin(the churches), and will HEAL THEIR LAND(These United States of America)." II Chronicles 7: 14. America must without fail transform: Because we have for the most part forgotten the Most, High, Holy, and Righteous Almighty God (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost) Which Art In Heaven, we are experiencing “WICKED WEATHER” AND ENDLESS WAR heightened by TERRORISM. ONLY THE PRINCE OF PEACE CAN BRING ABOUT PEACE!!!!!!! “THE WICKED SHALL BE TURNED INTO HELL AND {ALL} NATIONS THAT FORGET GOD” Psalm 9: 17. National {REPENTENCE} must be the order of the day. No other way: our Precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is absolutely the only way!!!!!! Which Banner is the highest Flying Banner. Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole
WE MUST BE TRANSFORMED Posted by Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole Many books and bible versions can inform, but only the true Holy Bible can transform. Yes folks the preserved and inherent word the Holy Bible is without doubt, controversy or question whatsoever the most important informational and educational manual/document a truly saved by grace born again Bible believing and practicing individual can ever posses!!! Our right to carry, study, practice, and follow the true word of the Most High Holy and Righteous Almighty God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost is the highest achievement a person can posses in this life. This wonderful nation founded as Christian Constitutional Republic was established to protect Almighty God given rights. While all our founding fathers were not all born again: you know? Those that had believed with their whole heart, being, mind, and soul, confessed and repented turning from their sins, and calling on the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, trusting in His shed blood for their eternal salvation; all were educated by the preserved and inherent word the Holy Bible. Our founding documents both state and national comprising of the Constitutions, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Rights were based on the Holy Bible and the Ten Commandments. As Christian Americans we have two basic responsibilities: One of course is to take the Saving Gospel into all the world, and today without argument this includes our own beloved country our neighbors. And two is to oppose evil in the church, government, and society (We the People). It is a very sad commentary that the churches of the Living God have for the most part been extremely remiss in opposing evil!!! This preacher believes without the shadow of any doubt whatsoever that the demise of Virtue, Liberty, and Independence has been brought about by the changing of our Christian Constitutional Republic, which is government by Almighty God's established law- into a Democracy, which is government based on the ever changing whims of the majority: "THOU SHALT NOT FOLLOW A MULTITUDE TO DO EVIL;” Exodus 23: 2(a). Our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ commanded us to: "IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS"!!!!! When the Apostles of the Lord and Saviour were commanded by the government authorities after jailing (yes Jesus Christ and his apostles were jailbirds, most suffered capitol punishment-murdered-for righteousness sake). After being flogged they were commanded not to "speak in the name of Jesus Christ"!!! What did they do? "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, WE OUGHT TO OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN." Acts 5 : 29. They most certainly refused to obey those governmental authorities; and of course they did not shake with fear and hide themselves. They were not ashamed of the Saving Gospel and opposition to evil. "And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." Acts 5 : 42. We must protect our God given Rights. The very first Article of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of these United States of America outlines the responsibility of government which is to protect the rights of ALL citizens assures and guarantees that: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion(no State Church), or prohibiting the free exercise(the public pronouncement of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, and opposition to evil) thereof, or the abridging the freedom of speech(public proclamation), or the press....." Just before our Revolutionary war for Virtue (moral excellence), Liberty (only Christ Jesus can set us free), and Independence (separation from the world, and the commission to take our form of government into all the world). Preachers like John Witherspoon, Samuel Davies along with numerous others were persecuted for preaching the Saving Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ without a license from the English Crown, the Monarch is the head of the Anglican Church. Today we are aware of course and without the slightest controversy whatsoever that Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the only head of His churches. All churches in these United States of America are separate from ALL government control and interference of any kind whatsoever!!!! Our Christian Constitutional Republic (please understand this has absolutely nothing to do with political parties) are totally tax immune, not taxable (who would dare to tax Almighty God's church, or His Holy Bible???). This was true until January 1, 1984 when un-Constitutional and therefore illegal unlawful legislation that cannot be enforced except by criminal action of out of control government. This is "law" which is a throw back to King George and taxation without representation. Come on now preacher? We have representatives in congress. Yes, you are very right we do have representatives in our government, but neither Almighty God nor His churches are represented. But this anti-Church law is a provision that illegally, unlawfully, and un-Constitutionally forces churches to withhold a certain percentage in Federal Insurance Contributions Act. Twenty years latter we witness government intruding into the affairs of the true church of the Most High, Holy, and Righteous Almighty God forcing churches to submit to "Public Policy", which is aborticide, homosexual "rights" unbelievably promoting same sex marriage. The churches are being forced to be "Politically Correct" which of course is most assuredly anti-God, Anti-Christ, Anti-Church, and Anti Holy Bible (Ten Commandments). Folks, our nation and our churches must be transformed. We must each and every one of us REPENT and return to the Almighty God of the Holy Bible, and reclaim the individual rights of our Constitutions, and Declaration of Independence. We must be transformed into real Americans. Many wrongly (fatally) think that they are Christians because they were born in America. Our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ said we must be Born Again or we cannot enter His Kingdom. So Repentance and Transformation is the order of the day. Or we will continue to slide into the darkness; the presence of evil is evident in every aspect of our society; and so very sadly in most churches. Government, with the Churches silence- no opposition- is approval! We are now and have witnessed "Rogue" government agencies unlawfully performing domestic violence, padlocking, stealing, and burning churches, confiscating parsonages and property of the Lord's House. Way back in the year of 1933 the President of these United States of America tried his very best to tax churches! So very fortunate for the churches of the Living God, the Congress of these United States of America were almost without exception opposed to "Taxing God". This sadly is not true today where we tax Holy Bibles without even a blink of the eye!!!!!! We witness the so called church opposing the true believer that is standing for the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We even see the church of the Most High, Holy, and Righteous God under the headship a government agency. Since the time of Ancient Israel, it has never been lawful to impose toll (taxes), tribute (social security), custom (tax exemption in place of tax free) on the ministers of the untaxable House of God: "ALSO WE CERTIFY YOU, THAT TOUCHING ANY OF THE PRIESTS AND LEVITES, SINGERS, PORTERS, NETHINIMS OR MINISTERS OF THIS HOUSE OF GOD, IT SHALL NOT BE LAWFUL TO IMPOSE TOLL, TRIBUTE, OR CUSTOM, UPON THEM." Ezra 7: 24. Hands completely off of the House of Almighty God Jehovah and His ministers!!! Well folks, so very sad is the fact that by the year of our Lord 1951 the Congress of these United States of America unlawfully- anything that usurps any right is un-Constitutional and therefore un-enforceable-decided to impose a "voluntary" tax on the Most High God, His churches, and His ministers!!!! Fifty years after the failed attempt to Tax Almighty God and His House it has become mandatory. Mandatory Compliance is the byword of Despotism and Tyranny. "Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants." William Penn the founder of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. LAW OF THE LAND: "The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The Constitution of these United States of America is the law of the land, and any statute to be valid must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as follows. ALL LAWS WHICH ARE REPUGANT TO THE CONSTITUTION ARE NULL AND VOID." Maybury vs. Madison 5 US(eCranc) 137, 174, 176, (1803). The chairman of the Finance Committee way back in 1983 invited church leaders to attend hearings to determine their thoughts and feelings concerning the Lord's church paying tribute and custom to the government. Dr. Greg Dixon whose church, school, college, and parsonage were illegally seized -yes were stolen- by "Rogue" agencies of government federal, state, and yes local. Dr. Dixon remembers quite clearly a coordinator of the staff initially addressing the group of preachers present with the question: "What compromises concerning church taxation have you brought?" The stunned clergy that were present remained so very silent. But, praise the Lord, Dr. Dixon rose and courageously said: "WE HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER IN COMPROMISE." Dr. Dixon knew way back then that the power to tax is the power to destroy. Government control in any manner is to deny the sovereignty of the Lord's churches. The church must not nor can it finance the government through taxation, nor is the government to finance the churches through "Tax Exemption", which is a privilege not a right. A privilege can be taken away, a right is inalienable. Churches that are under the supreme and only authority of Almighty God are not, nor can they be represented in government, so therefore by right are un-taxable-tax free. This preacher along with others is on social security. But the church of the Living God as already stated is not to finance government, neither is the government to finance the church. So the church must have nothing to do with state or federal Tax Identification Numbers, and must never produce revenue for the government by paying taxes to help assure the solvency of the Social Security Trust Funds (which have been misappropriated-stolen by government for other purposes). The church of the Living God is an organism, and not an organization, nor does the church have employers and employees) are not open and answerable to the government, to inspection or dictates of the state!!!! Churches therefore cannot be required to be agents of the state by collecting, confiscating, and remitting to the state money that has already been taxed and freely given to the Most High, Holy, and Righteous Almighty God through tithes and offerings of God's children. Ministers of Almighty God are not employees, and churches cannot be servants of the state by keeping records for the state. We are just witnessing the coming persecution of the true believer, because the State church is established when the door is open to any control by government. The churches of the Most High, Holy, and Righteous Almighty God cannot be incorporated!!! The churches of the Living God cannot have EIN (employee identification number)!!! Endless impositions: "GOD IS SOVEREIGN; HE CANNOT BE TAXED. Well folks, the day has arrived, it is way after midnight, and so very sad is the undeniable fact that the churches of the Living God have led the way to perdition, proudly displaying the National Banner over and above the Cross of the Banner of Jesus Christ: this includes every true member of the church that goes along to get along with evil government. All government without Almighty God is absolutely and totally evil. Way back in the early 1970's a well known Evangelist predicted: "I predict that the final oppression of Christianity will start with taxation of independent churches, and missionary associations, thereby casting a shadow upon their integrity and raising doubts in the minds of their contributors. THE GOVERNMENT WILL HAUL MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL INTO COURT ON ALLEGED TAX IRREGULARITIES AND CHALLENGE MINISTERIAL AUTHORITY OF INDEPENDENT MINISTERS- EVENTUALLY THE MINISTERS OF ALL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. The government will get rid of independent ministers, churches and associations and a State church will be set up." Folks, it cannot be denied that we are facing this very situation in our former God Blessed Christian Constitutional Republic that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His apostles faced: Jesus and His apostles were declared to be against the government, and we are well aware of the results. History is repeating itself!!! The true Holy Bible believing, living, and practicing Christian who is living a Holy and Consecrated life is declared to be practicing hate, is indeed a terrorist and enemy of the state, subject to confiscation(stealing by government), imprisonment, and quiet ultimately death itself at the hands of the Satanically controlled government and "Church"! Our blessed nation was founded on the pure and undefiled religion of the Holy Bible. Biblical Christianity was the core of our Christian Constitutional Republic. We must once again transform these United States of America as founder John Adams stated: "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people." Founding Father our first President and General of the Armies said that "Government was a fearful master, and a dangerous servant" and that national morality cannot prevail IN EXCLUSION OF RELIGIOUS PRINCIPLE." James Madison the founding father of our Constitution wrote: "We have staked the whole future of American civilization...upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments." Our pledge to the flag "The Republic for which it stands"; and according to my grandson it is not the Battle Hymn of the Democracy, but the Battle Hymn of the Republic. We must transform ourselves by returning to the tried and true old paths. This transformation must start in the church of the Living God. "...Be strong and of good courage, and do it; fear not, nor be dismayed; for the Lord God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord." I Chronicles 28: 20. If we the believers fail to repent and transform ourselves to righteousness through Jesus Christ our prayers cannot even be heard. (IF) -the true believe must understand this word-my people(the children of the Most High God), which are called by my name(Christian), shall humble themselves(each and everyone in sack cloth and ashes), and pray(with a repented heart), and seek my face(forsaking our will, and seek only God's will), and turn from their wicked ways(the whole church must transform to repentance-if we fail to do so-Almighty God will not hear our prayers-and will send a strong delusion to believe a lie); then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin(the churches), and will HEAL THEIR LAND(These United States of America)." II Chronicles 7: 14. America must without fail transform: Because we have for the most part forgotten the Most, High, Holy, and Righteous Almighty God (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost) Which Art In Heaven, we are experiencing “WICKED WEATHER” AND ENDLESS WAR heightened by TERRORISM. ONLY THE PRINCE OF PEACE CAN BRING ABOUT PEACE!!!!!!! “THE WICKED SHALL BE TURNED INTO HELL AND {ALL} NATIONS THAT FORGET GOD” Psalm 9: 17. National {REPENTENCE} must be the order of the day. No other way: our Precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is absolutely the only way!!!!!! Which Banner is the highest Flying Banner. Chaplain Thomas Gilbert Cole
Though this was posted four years ago, it is equally if not more relevant today. This whole gun control business is not about public safety; it's about public disarmament...
A Little Gun History Lesson
Submitted by BlueEagle on Wed, 12/10/2008 - 03:47
Daily Paul Liberty Forum
From an email going around that I wanted to share...
'Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups'
A Little Gun History Lesson
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to
1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5
million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up
and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 194 5,
a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend
themselves were rounded up and exterminated
China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million
political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up
and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981,
100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded
up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979,
300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up
and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977,
one million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were
rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century
because of gun control: 56 million.
It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!
In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns!
It will never happen here? I bet the Aussies said that too! While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.
There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australia n society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it.
You won't see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information. All news in this country is "coached" by government thru influence-peddling to AVOID telling you things you SHOULD know.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.
The purpose for guns other than food, is: (1) to protect your property (2) to protect you and others from injury and (3) to protect your common law unalienable rights. [These go FAR beyond Constitutional Rights and are a gift from the creator.] The history of government is one of usurpation of people into slavery. For anyone who doesn't believe this then go back and examine the Declaration of Independence and understand that "the People" declared themselves INDEPENDENT of government. [Never to be told again by government that they are NOT to have the means to insure their freedom.] When you have no weapon, your slavery is guaranteed by government it's just a matter of time.
Take note my fellow Americans, before it's too late! When only government has guns, they will force "law for government" [aka statutory law"] upon you --when ironically it's really meant to control them. With guns, the People declare the independence of their separate lawfulness only common with people.
The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind him of this history lesson.
With Guns....... .. ....We Are 'Citizens'.
Without Them........ We Are 'Subjects'.
When there was NO INCOME tax was when EVERYONE understood EVERYONE had a right to a weapon ..coincidence?
Gun Owners and Tax Deniers defined the freest and most prosperous time in the history of the world. Never forget this heritage.
During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
During WWII the Nazi's decided not to invade Switzerland for each Swiss common man was a trained sharp-shooter with a gun. Hitler
used the German word for "porcupine" to describe how his troops would suffer.
Note: Admiral Yamamoto who crafted the attack on Pearl Harbor had attended Harvard U 1919-1921 & was Naval Attach to the
U. S. 1925-28. Most of our Navy was destroyed at Pearl Harbor & our Army had been deprived of funding & was ill prepared to defend the country.
It was reported that when asked why Japan did not follow up the Pearl Harbor attack with an invasion of the U. S. Mainland, his
reply was that he had lived in the U. S. & knew that almost all households had guns.
If you value your freedom, Please spread this anti-gun control message to all your friends!
First, I wish to thank everyone for all that you have done to aid our country in its time of greatest need since the Revolution itself.
Following is a conservative action plan that I first developed in 2009. It was rejected by all of the tea party leaders that I could find at that time as too drastic. Perhaps it is, but it could be incredibly effective. The bottom line is that since the beginning of time, power = control of resources.
This nasty nation, the USA, created a new paradigm enshrining private property where individuals control their own resources, producing untold prosperity to the point where our poorest people now have a standard of living that would be the envy of kings of yore. In fact, it has a built-in method of wealth redistribution that until recently prevented a handful of people getting control of most of the resources.
At present, the single largest pool of money is the private retirement accounts of the baby boomers, totaling around $17 trillion. I am sure this is the next target of the government. Prior to the Obama administration, the pool of wealthiest people in the nation was very fluid, with most people only staying there briefly. We saw that our greatest financial successes, from the infamous robber barons to today’s wealthiest, eventually tire of making money, and promote themselves to positions of philanthropy.
From the Carnegies and Mellons to today’s Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, they reach the pinnacle of power and CHOOSE to redistribute their wealth. That is the end result of unleashing the liberty of self interest, people get tired of “themselves” and seek deliberately to aid others. There has never been a more benevolent system of economics in history. It is only opposed by those who cannot create and crave control over others' resources. This conflict dates to the dawn of history. Our free market system defeats that conflict, and therefore, must be destroyed by those who thrive on conflict.
Since 1776, the Royalists and their descendants have been trying to put the genie of liberty back in the bottle. The only reason that “social” issues have any relevance at all is that they are used to cajole us out of our resources. That’s it, power mongers don’t care about health care, the environment, children, gay people, religion, God or gun crime; they only care about getting their grubby hands on our accumulated wealth. They use all of the social issues and often create social issues to use as emotional levers to expand their control, not to improve our lives.
The only hammer we have to control our out-of-control government is our cumulative wealth. It is the only tool we have refused to use to date. For the past 3 years, conservatives have spent untold dollars and hours in a futile effort to get our government to respond to our demands. We tried the election method, only to be subverted by a combination of a deceitful media and election fraud. I am presenting this very simple and very doable action plan because I hope you will take it seriously and help to promote it.
Another aspect of conservative activism that we have been ignoring is that we don’t have the manpower to reach all of our possible voters. We have fewer foot soldiers because most of us have jobs, families and commitments to churches and civic groups. Liberals don’t have most of that, or don’t invest much time and energy in them. Additionally, approximately 40% of the population self-identifies as conservative – we have twice as many people to contact door-to-door. It’s a logistical nightmare, and as we saw in 2012, it didn’t work. The reason my proposed plan can work is because it is a 2-stage spending freeze program for individuals. They don’t have to do anything, they just have to not do something. It is a very passive protest not requiring any particular time or energy. But it directly targets government revenues to the degree that we can disseminate this program.
We want the government to stop spending. They won’t. The obvious solution is to give them an object lesson in “not spending”. The following action plan focuses on a short term plan to bring this government to its knees and submit to our demands, then a long term plan to restore our Constitution to actual use, not just rhetoric. If it shocks you too much after first reading, please save it, mull it over and read it again in a week or so. It’s really incredibly simple and would be 100% effective if we can get it promoted broadly. If we can get it to enough people through back-channels, it can work:
One of the major premises of a representative republic is that collectively, we are wiser than competent statesmen. I believe that is correct and look forward to hearing from all of you as I believe this plan can be improved.
Restore the Republic
Since I first drafted this Conservative Action Plan in 2009, we have seen our nation deteriorate on many levels. It appears that our government is on the verge of yet another destabilizing spending binge. In the past 3 years I have yet to see a bold plan that will enable us to rein in our government to constitutional limits. In the absence of a successful plan of action, I am proposing this Conservative Action Plan again.
We the People of the United States of America hereby demand our nation and our government back. We demand all egregious spending, including the Stimulus Package, Omnibus Spending bill and the Budget be rescinded immediately. All socialist legislation, including Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade and any other wealth redistribution legislation must be rescinded immediately. All restrictions to energy exploration and development must be revoked.
As an object lesson for our government, We the People, are about to embark on an object lesson in how to "not spend money".
We have concluded that our government no longer represents us. After calls and letters to the government were between 100 to 1 against the TARP program and all subsequent spending, Congress passed all of that legislation in open defiance of the American people. Indeed, our government has demonstrated such contempt for us, for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that we have difficulty recognizing it as a government of the United States of America.
These actions constitute gross betrayal and abuse of our trust and shall not stand.
Emergency Demands
1. Repeal the Stimulus Package.
2. Repeal the Omnibus Spending Bill
3. Recall the Budget, eliminate all unnecessary spending and pork and resubmit for a vote
4. Rescind health care reform
5. Reject Cap and Trade legislation
6. Revoke all restrictions to domestic energy exploration, development and production
7. Engage in immediate and serious reform of all entitlement spending to relegate most safety net
activities to private charities where they belong.
Phase 1 Protest
1. Weekly 24-hour spending freezes on Mondays beginning immediately
2. When the media can no longer ignore the spending freezes and begins to report on it, Phase 1 is
During Phase 1, no one will reduce spending, and may increase it while stocking up on non-perishable consumables. Businesses can participate in and support this freeze by not transacting business on Mondays. Retailers can close on Mondays, or stay open with a skeleton crew for emergencies. They can also prepare for the long-term spending freeze by saving cash to sustain their businesses during that period or supplement their services and products to include consumable necessities.
Phase 2 Protest
Halt the 24-hour spending freezes and engage in a long-term discretionary spending freeze. During this long-term freeze we will refrain from making any purchases or investments which are not absolutely necessary to hold our jobs and feed our children.
This spending freeze will continue until all of the above terms are met.
While engaging in the spending freeze, we will further research and debate the following initial recommendation for a long term strategy to fully restore our republic and self government:
1. Restructure the House of Representatives to equal either the 1 Representative per 30,000 citizens as
stated in the Constitution, or at a level at which citizens can successfully run for House seats.
1. Split all Congressional districts during each succeeding census, increasing the number of
Representatives until the target ratio is met. (Recommend 1 representative for every 100,000
citizens as I believe modern technology can support such a ratio.)
2. As the House becomes better populated, more and more Representatives can reside in their
districts most of the year and participate in debates and votes electronically from their home
3. Offices in Washington, D. C. can be shared and rotate to allow all Representatives some time in
Washington, and most of their time in their home offices where they are available to their
2. Repeal the 17th Amendment allowing general elections to select State Senators. Restore to the State
Legislatures the right of selecting the Senators to hold office in the Federal Senate as this
amendment has diminished the sovereignty of the States.
3. Repeal the 16th Amendment allowing the Federal government to tax income. This will reduce federal
revenues by about 50%.
4. Dismantle all Federal agencies, bureaus and departments not specifically authorized by the
Constitution, delegating those deemed necessary to the States.
Where desired by the States, they can assume authority over those federal bureaus, departments and
agencies as are hosted within state borders and continue their operation at the individual state
Recipe for Tyranny
In 1911 the number of Representatives in the House was limited to 435. Two years later, the 16th Amendment granted the Federal Government the right to tax “income” (though the exact definition of “income” remains in some dispute).
These two events created two corresponding statistics, one going up and one going down, that have reached critical mass in their relationship.
The two statistics are:
1. Per capita representation in Congress which is going down. At present, with a population of over
306,000,000 and approximately 435 members of the House of Representatives, we have
Representative for every 703,000 people. When the Constitution was written, it stated “The Number
of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least
one Representative;”
2. Federal revenues from income tax are going steadily up. The liberal desire to “spread the wealth” may
have some merit. We currently have, by one revenue chart, as much as 40% of the GDP of our entire
nation under the incontestable and un-monitored control of 535 people who are more answerable to
campaign contributors and lobbyists than to their constituents.
This is a recipe for tyranny. Whether it results in an oligarchy that engages in socialism, communism or any other ism is immaterial. Losing our right to control our individual and national destiny is a problem that warrants some attention, even some action.
The Citizen Statesman and Self-Government
The purpose of the lower house, the House of Representatives, is to ensure self government by the Citizens of the United States of America. The House was to be composed of citizen statesmen, not professional or career politicians. The term is only for 2 years for multiple reasons, to prevent too long of an interruption in the citizen statesman’s career, and also to prevent complacency and self indulgence to take root.
This body of citizen statesmen is the only arm of the government empowered to introduce new legislation to raise revenues. Yet, our President repeatedly demanded such of them, and they have complied against the will of the people they represent.
The upper house, the Senate was to be composed of longer term, career statesmen who can provide balance and guidance to the members of the House. Neither the executive branch nor the judicial branch is empowered to introduce new legislation, only Congress. And that lower house was to be composed, not of politicians, but of citizens.
With each Representative representing a constituency of over 700,000, it is no longer possible for a common citizen to communicate effectively with enough of these people to acquire a majority of votes. Only the independently wealthy are able to run for office. People who need to work fulltime jobs are prohibited by logistics from office. This is the greatest tragedy and the single greatest reason for the deterioration of our republic to an oligarchy. We must, reduce the ratio of citizens to representatives to a level which will enable an average working citizen to campaign and fund-raise on a part-time basis and be able to win. If it means enlarging the House of Representatives to a full 10,000 members, to the level of 30,000 citizens per representative, then so be it.
The Constitution of the United States of America was so designed that all laws are to originate with the people, via Congress, not the government. It was designed to prevent the tyranny of an elite minority over the majority, to prevent a cabal from seizing the reins of government. Yet, over the past century, this is exactly what has transpired. Per our Declaration of Independence, it is not only our prerogative to take action, but our duty.
This proposal is submitted to the people of the United States of America for consideration, debate, and comment. It is a starting point; please feel free to add comments and refinements to help us Restore the Republic.
“ Wanted; Biblical-Godly, Gritty, And Salty Men “
Pastor Paul Waldmiller~Black Robe Regiment Pastor

" Be your OWN Superhero!"
President Barack Obama issued an executive order to end the pay freeze on federal employees, in effect giving some federal workers a raise. One federal worker now to receive a pay increase is Vice President Joe Biden.
According to disclosure forms, Biden made a cool $225,521 last year. After the pay increase, he'll now make $231,900 per year.
Members of Congress, from the House and Senate, also will receive a little bump, as their annual salary will go from $174,000 to 174,900. Leadership in Congress, including the speaker of the House, will likewise get an increase.
Here's the list of new wages, as attached to President Obama's executive order:
"A new executive order has been issued providing for a new pay schedule beginning 'on the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning after March 27, 2013,'" reports "The pay raise will generally be about 1/2 of 1%."
Jeryl Bier points to an example of the pay increase for average government executives:
"Not much of an increase, but an increase all the same," Bier notes.
And the timing isn't great either: Just as President Obama and Congress try to avert going over the "fiscal cliff," he doles out pay increases to federal workers.